To QA the label printer you need a windows computer, the label printer itself, and lots of patience.
Turn on the label printer (!!)
Turn on the windows computer
The admin user's password is in 1Password
It will take forever to boot up. Just be patient.
If the changes have been made to the label printer itself, you will need to download a new version. You can do this as follows:
- open the desktop folder and delete any instance of the label printer in there because we want to download the newest version & it just gets confusing if there's a bunch of them in there.
- go to (ask a fellow dev what version you should be testing) E.g.:
- click the download button
- find the downloaded file in the downloads folder and double click it
- copy the folder to the desktops folder (it will unpack it)
- open the folder
- double click the label printer app to open it (it's the one with the Liefery logo)
- the app should now open and you can print a test label by clicking the button to do so
If the changes have been made to the liefery backend, you don't need to do the above steps, but you still need to navigate into the label printer folder & open the app
- print a test label to make sure everything is working
go to and test your labels! Josi's user should already be saved, so you shouldn't have to log in as anyone strange.
- If things aren't working, check the javascript console for errors. Maybe you found a bug!
- Print a test label to make sure things are hooked up correctly