From ab4d38feddb68623a9123739787aa550d597af51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]"
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 00:05:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update news.json
api/news/news.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/api/news/news.json b/api/news/news.json
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-{"status":"ok","totalResults":3496,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Why I'm skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in \"faster\" languages","description":"I’ve written a lot of JavaScript. I like JavaScript. And more importantly, I’ve built up a set of skills in understanding, optimizing, and debugging JavaScript that I’m reluctant …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T21:25:02Z","content":"I’ve written a lot of JavaScript. I like JavaScript. And more importantly, I’ve built up a set of skills in understanding, optimizing, and debugging JavaScript that I’m reluctant to give up on.\r\nSo m… [+8620 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Chris MMO","title":"Generating Lever-Door Puzzles with JavaScript","description":"Create lever-door puzzles with JavaScript for games, exploring graph structures and optimization to provide rewarding player challenges","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T20:27:21Z","content":"A lever-door puzzle is a challenge where players navigate through a series of rooms by using levers connected to various doors. When a lever is activated, it toggles the state of one or more doors. T… [+7293 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jonathan Creamer","title":"Shrunked JavaScript monorepo Git size by 94%","description":"We really did this! We work in a very large Javascript monorepo at Microsoft we colloquially call 1JS. Using some new changes to the git client it went from 178GB to 5GB.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T02:35:22Z","content":"This isn't click bait. We really did this! We work in a very large Javascript monorepo at Microsoft we colloquially call 1JS. It's large not only in terms of GB, but also in terms of sheer volume of … [+6805 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"react-gjs","title":"A React Renderer for Gnome JavaScript","description":"A React renderer for the Gnome JS. It provides components and methods allowing to use React to build native Gnome GTK applications. - react-gjs/renderer","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T11:57:25Z","content":"A React renderer for the Gnome JS. It provides components and methods allowing to use React to build native Gnome GTK applications.\r\nThis is the renderer used by the React Gnome, which is the recomme… [+2374 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Notes on the new Claude analysis JavaScript code execution tool","description":"Anthropic released a new feature for their consumer-facing chat bot interface today which they’re calling “the analysis tool”. It’s their answer to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Code Interpreter mode: Claude can …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T09:40:59Z","content":"24th October 2024\r\nAnthropic released a new feature for their consumer-facing chat bot interface today which theyre calling the analysis tool.\r\nIts their answer to OpenAIs ChatGPT Code Inte… [+4021 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Compiling Bigloo Scheme to WebAssembly","description":"An exploration of compiling Scheme and potentially JavaScript to WebAssembly.","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-16T04:14:59Z","content":"Compiling Bigloo Scheme to WebAssembly\r\nIn the JavaScript world, browser implementations have focused on JIT compilation as a high-performance implementation technique. Recently, new applications of … [+13499 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Madeleine Domogalla","title":"JavaScript-Runtime Node.js 23 überarbeitet die Modul- und Testunterstützung","description":"Die aktuelle Major-Version der JavaScript-Runtime schraubt an der Performance und hat native ES-Modulunterstützung im Gepäck.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T13:15:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nDie quelloffene JavaScript-Runtime Node.js hat Version 23 erreicht. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen gehören die standardmäßige Aktivierung von require(esm) für Node.js-Anwendungen, … [+2671 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Wolf Hosbach","title":"GitHub-Report: Python überholt JavaScript, während TypeScript Java schlägt","description":"Ein Report von GitHub zeigt, dass die Aktivität der Entwickler im Bereich KI und Data Science stark zunimmt. Eine zentrale Rolle nimmt Python ein.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T07:04:00Z","content":"Immer mehr GitHub-Mitglieder nutzen Python. Octoverse die große jährliche statistische Analyse von GitHub zeigt, dass Python 2024 erstmals JavaScript als meistgenutzte Sprache überholt hat. Gleich da… [+4279 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"262588213843476","title":"How React, Vue, and Angular Work – Core Principles in One File","description":"Front-end libraries (React, Vue, Angular) and the basic principles of how they work, all in a single file using pure JavaScript (VanillaJS). - myAngular.html","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T04:12:27Z","content":"Instantly share code, notes, and snippets."},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Hacking cars in JavaScript (Replay attacks in the browser with the HackRF)","description":"Collection of side projects, conference talks and blog posts experimenting with frontend technologies and human-computer interaction","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-02T20:05:17Z","content":"A couple of years ago, I built a project using the RTL-SDR to get live raw data from passing airplanes, in the browser.\r\nAs I wanted to explore more using Software-Defined Radios, I bought a HackRF O… [+13001 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Maika Möbus","title":"heise-Angebot: Jetzt noch Vortragsideen einreichen – für die JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS","description":"Ideen für die enterJS 2025 in Mannheim? Der Call for Proposals läuft bis 15. November, gesucht sind Vorschläge für Vorträge und Workshops rund um JavaScript.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T07:00:00Z","content":"Die nächste Ausgabe der Enterprise-JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS findet am 7. und 8. Mai 2025 statt. Wer dort einen Vortrag halten oder sein Wissen in einem Workshop weitergeben möchte, kann sich weit… [+2261 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"BeauHD","title":"Cheap AI 'Video Scraping' Can Now Extract Data From Any Screen Recording","description":"An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Recently, AI researcher Simon Willison wanted to add up his charges from using a cloud service, but the payment values and dates he needed were scattered among a dozen separate emails. Inputting them manu…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T20:55:00Z","content":"Recently, AI researcher Simon Willison wanted to add up his charges from using a cloud service, but the payment values and dates he needed were scattered among a dozen separate emails. Inputting them… [+1710 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Busy Status Bar from Flipper Devices","description":"Displays a personal busy message. Built-in Pomodoro timer and Apps. Fully customizable, open-source, and hacker-friendly","url":"","urlToImage":"img/tild3838-3031-4938-b366-363637326532__preview_demain_0129.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-10-14T15:19:12Z","content":"Busy Status Baris a productivity multi-tool device with an LED pixel screen. Displays a personal busy message. Built-in Pomodoro timer and Apps. Fully customizable, open-source, and hacker-friendly.\r… [+2921 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Defender Sound Studio","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-22T05:58:17Z","content":"Defender Sound StudioHelp\r\nThis website requires Javascript to be enabled."},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Martina Kraus","title":"Web-Security: Mit Content Security Policy gegen Cross-Site Scripting, Teil 1","description":"XSS-Schwachstellen sind nach wie vor ein Einfallstor für zahlreiche Angriffe im Web. Eine Content Security Policy hilft bei der Abwehr.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T13:14:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nCross-Site Scripting (XSS) bleibt eine ernstzunehmende Bedrohung, obwohl die am häufigsten genutzten Frontend-Frameworks viele Sicherheitsfunktionen von Haus aus mitbringen. Frame… [+8294 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Panic at the SPA","description":"Single Page Applications have taken the web by storm, but are they really all they're made up to be?","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-30T22:07:36Z","content":"I began programming in 2015, now thats not that long of a time, but coming on my 10 year anniversary I feel that its long enough that I can sit on my high pony and talk about the what the good old da… [+6557 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Canvas Fingerprinting – BrowserLeaks","description":"Canvas fingerprinting is a tracking method that uses HTML5 Canvas code to generate a unique identifier for each individual user. The method is based on the fact that the unique pixels generated through Canvas code can vary depending on the system and browser …","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-26T22:41:29Z","content":"The Canvas API, which is designed for drawing graphics via JavaScript and HTML, can also be used for online tracking via browser fingerprinting. This technique relies on variations in how canvas imag… [+1824 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Techdirt"},"author":"Daily Deal","title":"Daily Deal: The JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle","description":"Learn how to create a variety of games with the JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle. It has 8 courses that teach you how to use HTML5 and JS to develop word search, math, a Pac-Man style game, and more. It’s on sale for $30. Note: The Techdirt Deals Store is…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-04T18:58:25Z","content":"from the good-deals-on-cool-stuff dept\r\nLearn how to create a variety of games with the JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle. It has 8 courses that teach you how to use HTML5 and JS to develop word s… [+303 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Quentin Hocdé","title":"Getting Started with Piecesjs: Building Native Web Components with a Lightweight Framework","description":"Piecesjs is a lightweight JavaScript framework built upon native web components, offering a suite of tools and utilities tailored for creative websites.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T09:47:28Z","content":"From our sponsor:Meco is a distraction-free space for reading and discovering newsletters, separate from the inbox. \r\nWhen building modern, creative websites, managing complex interactions and mainta… [+16171 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Timo Zander","title":"TypeScript erobert die Kommandozeile: Das Ende von Bash?","description":"Eine CLI-Anwendung mit TypeScript erstellen – was zunächst nach einer Schnapsidee klingt, bietet in der Praxis Vorteile gegenüber klassischen Bash-Skripten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T06:02:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nJavaScript und die typsichere Schwestersprache TypeScript scheinen in ihrer Beliebtheit unaufhaltsam zu sein. Ganz gleich, ob in der Frontend- oder Backend-Entwicklung, die Sprach… [+3599 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"Mastering theme.json: You might not need CSS","description":"I totally get the goal here: make CSS more modular and scalable in WordPress. Put all your global WordPress theme styles in a single file, including variations. JSON offers a nicely structured syntax that’s easily consumable by JavaScript, thereby allowing …\n…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T11:36:04Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!I totally get the goal here: make CSS more modular and scalable in WordPress. Put all your g… [+1695 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Lee Meyer","title":"Web-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations","description":"Can we recreate a JavaScript library for scrolling animations with a modern CSS approach using CSS Scroll-Driven Animations? Yes. Yes, we can.\n\nWeb-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T14:00:36Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!We had fun in my previous article exploring the goodness of scrolly animations supported in … [+8717 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"Conseguí un puesto a tiempo completo como desarrollador autodidacta. Y estos fueron los 9 recursos formativos que usé","description":"La historia de 'Oodtoon', un usuario que pasó de ser profesional de ventas a desarrollador de software (y, además, en la misma empresa) tras haberse formado en programación de manera totalmente autodidacta durante dos años, es una inspiración para quienes bus…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T16:00:17Z","content":"La historia de 'Oodtoon', un usuario que pasó de ser profesional de ventas a desarrollador de software (y, además, en la misma empresa) tras haberse formado en programación de manera totalmente autod… [+5603 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Thoriq Firdaus","title":"What’s New in JavaScript (2024)","description":"JavaScript continues to grow and evolve. While new libraries are important, there’s much more happening. The language itself is improving, there’s a lot going on in the community, and the tools are rapidly advancing. Let’s take a look at what’s new in JavaScr…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T13:00:17Z","content":"JavaScript continues to grow and evolve. While new libraries are important, theres much more happening. The language itself is improving, theres a lot going on in the community, and the tools are rap… [+4371 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dirk Knop","title":"Roundcube Webmail: Angriffe mit gefälschten Anhängen","description":"IT-Sicherheitsforscher haben Angriffe auf eine Stored-Cross-Site-Scripting-Lücke in Roundcube Webmail beobachtet. Ein Update ist verfügbar.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T12:43:00Z","content":"Im Webmailer Roundcube, der etwa im universitären Umfeld und auch bei Regierungsorganisationen häufig zum Einsatz kommt, versuchen Angreifer, eine Sicherheitslücke zu missbrauchen. Die Angreifer vers… [+2309 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Evan Hahn","title":"setBigTimeout","description":"setTimeout breaks after 25 days. setBigTimeout doesn't.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T18:01:01Z","content":"In short: JavaScript’s setTimeout breaks after ~25 days. I made setBigTimeout, a silly module to get around this problem. See the package on npm or the source code.\r\nsetTimeout is JavaScript’s way of… [+1707 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Anthropic launches an analysis tool to help Claude write and run JavaScript code, perform calculations, and analyze data from files, in preview (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)","description":"Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:\nAnthropic launches an analysis tool to help Claude write and run JavaScript code, perform calculations, and analyze data from files, in preview — Anthropic's Claude chatbot can now write and run JavaScript code. — Today, Anthrop…","url":"","urlToImage":",675","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T15:40:02Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 11:50 AM ET, October 24, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo … [+71 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Daniel Schwarz","title":"The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content","description":"Let’s spend some time looking at disclosures, the Dialog API, the Popover API, and more. We’ll look at the right time to use each one depending on your needs. Modal or non-modal? JavaScript or pure HTML/CSS? Not sure? Don’t worry, we’ll go into all that.\n\nThe…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T13:57:09Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.\r\nAbraham Maslow\r\nIts easy to defa… [+20799 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"David Guillot","title":"Following up \"Mother of all Htmx demos\"","description":"Almost 2 years since my talk at DjangoCon Europe about migrating from React to htmx. A lot has been said and asked, here is my follow-up.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-09T01:39:07Z","content":"Initially I wanted to publish such a blog post a year ago. It had been a crazy year since DjangoCon Europe 2022, and I thought that writing some follow-up a year after that talk would be relevant. We… [+11447 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"msmash","title":"Anthropic's AI Can Now Run And Write Code","description":"Anthropic's Claude chatbot can now write and run JavaScript code. TechCrunch: Today, Anthropic launched a new analysis tool that helps Claude respond with what the company describes as \"mathematically precise and reproducible answers.\" With the tool enabled -…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T20:01:00Z","content":"Today, Anthropic launched a new analysis tool that helps Claude respond with what the company describes as \"mathematically precise and reproducible answers.\" With the tool enabled -- it's currently i… [+817 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"Un desarrollador ha analizado 12 millones de ofertas de trabajo durante 21 meses. Estos son los lenguajes más demandados","description":"En la industria tecnológica actual, estar al tanto de los lenguajes de programación más demandados se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona que quiera abrirse paso en el competitivo mercado laboral de desarrollo de software. A pesar…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T19:06:09Z","content":"En la industria tecnológica actual, estar al tanto de los lenguajes de programación más demandados se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona que quiera abrirse paso en el co… [+5651 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Hackaday"},"author":"Bryan Cockfield","title":"Access the Information Superhighway With a Mac Plus","description":"For some time now, Apple has developed a reputation for manufacturing computers and phones that are not particularly repairable or upgradable. While this reputation is somewhat deserved, especially in recent …read more","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T18:30:02Z","content":"For some time now, Apple has developed a reputation for manufacturing computers and phones that are not particularly repairable or upgradable. While this reputation is somewhat deserved, especially i… [+1884 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"shengnan","title":"Дуалистичная типовая система JavaScript VS Единая объектная система Python. Краткий обзор","description":"Сегодня поговорим о объектах, объектной архитектуре и способах взаимодействия с ними на примере языков программирования Python и JavaScript. Получилось небольшое исследование, противопоставляющее прототипирование и ООП.Давайте разбираться! Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T07:10:11Z","content":", !\r\n Python JavaScript. , . , , .\r\n . - ( , ), / - , . \r\n ! \r\n, , « » : \r\n
- JS \r\n
- - (Python)\r\n
- , (, Go, Rust)\r\n
, Python JavaScript.\r\n JavaScript\r\n JavaScript : ( ) … [+1970 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Svelte 5 Released","description":"Cybernetically enhanced web apps. Latest version: 5.0.0, last published: 2 hours ago. Start using svelte in your project by running `npm i svelte`. There are 1639 other projects in the npm registry using svelte.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T18:38:06Z","content":"Svelte is a new way to build web applications. It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM.\r\nLearn more at the S… [+663 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Sqlite3 WebAssembly","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-15T17:45:27Z","content":"This site is home to the documentation for the SQLite project's\r\nWebAssembly- and JavaScript-related APIs, which enable the use of\r\nsqlite3 in modern WASM-capable browsers. These components\r\nwere ini… [+2539 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: An Overloaded Developer","description":"\"Oh, I see what you mean, I'll just write an overloaded function which takes the different set of parameters,\" said the senior dev.\nThat got SB's attention. You see, they were writing JavaScript, which doesn't have function overloading. \"Um,\" SB said, \"you're…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T06:30:00Z","content":"\"Oh, I see what you mean, I'll just write an overloaded function which takes the different set of parameters,\" said the senior dev.\r\nThat got SB's attention. You see, they were writing JavaScript, wh… [+1196 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"All the data can be yours: reverse engineering APIs","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-06T07:43:55Z","content":"Ive built a lot of unofficial software for my schools, Brown University and previously Macalester College. To name a few: an everything app called 75grand with dining hall menus, Moodle assignments, … [+5237 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jessica Lyons","title":"Ongoing typosquatting campaign impersonates hundreds of popular npm packages","description":"Puppeteer or Pupeter? One of them will snoop around on your machine and steal your credentials\nAn ongoing typosquatting campaign is targeting developers via hundreds of popular JavaScript libraries, whose weekly downloads number in the tens of millions, to in…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T16:28:06Z","content":"An ongoing typosquatting campaign is targeting developers via hundreds of popular JavaScript libraries, whose weekly downloads number in the tens of millions, to infect systems with info-stealing and… [+5178 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dr. Fabian Deitelhoff","title":"heise+ | Syncfusion: UI-Komponenten für die App-Entwicklung im Test","description":"Softwareentwicklung braucht viel Zeit. Bibliotheken wie Syncfusion sollen diesen Aufwand reduzieren und bieten eine große Auswahl an fertigen Komponenten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T11:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nIn der Softwareentwicklung spielt die Effizienz bei der Entwicklung komplexer Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Die zunehmende Herausforderung ist, leistungsstarke und benutzerfreu… [+2446 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Juan Diego Polo","title":"Claude AI estrena una herramienta de análisis que escribe y ejecuta código en JavaScript","description":"Anthropic, la firma detrás de Claude AI, acaba de sorprender con una actualización que promete revolucionar las capacidades de análisis de datos para múltiples tipos de usuarios. La nueva herramienta, llamada simplemente «herramienta de análisis», es un entor…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-26T14:00:54Z","content":"Anthropic, la firma detrás de Claude AI, acaba de sorprender con una actualización que promete revolucionar las capacidades de análisis de datos para múltiples tipos de usuarios. La nueva herramienta… [+7034 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Программирование для детей 14 лет: направления, видеоуроки, книги","description":"14 лет – возраст, в котором можно изучать программирование на примере использования текстовых языков и вспомогательных сред. Lua и Roblox, C# и Unity – примеры удачных связок. Основа в виде понимания алгоритмов и базовых принципов кодинга – плюс, но даже без …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T20:59:08Z","content":"14 , . Lua Roblox, C# Unity . , . \r\nPixel\r\n - 14 , , , . , , , .\r\n : , 14 . , , : , .\r\n 14 \r\n 4 , , , , .\r\n1. Roblox Lua\r\n: , , .\r\n, .\r\nRoblox -, . , , . Roblox Studio. .\r\n Lua , . , JavaScript, . «… [+698 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"maoserr","title":"Show HN: Epublifier – scrape pages (books, manuals) for offline reading","description":"Converts some webnovels to epub format. Contribute to maoserr/epublifier development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T13:18:08Z","content":"Converts websites into epub.\r\nA tool that allows you to extract a list of html pages from a website and compile them into an ePub book to be imported into your eReader of choice.\r\nFor advanced users … [+731 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"青小蛙","title":"JetBrains 宣布 WebStorm 和 Rider 针对非商业用途免费|RustRover 和 Aqua 也免费","description":"JetBrains 是一家著名的 IDE 软件开发商,旗下产品包括 IntelliJ IDEA(Java)、PyCharm(Python)、WebStorm(JavaScript)、Rider(.NET)等,深受开发者喜","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T08:58:19Z","content":"JetBrains IDE IntelliJ IDEAJavaPyCharmPythonWebStormJavaScriptRider.NET JetBrainsWebStorm Rider @Appinn\r\nRustRoverRust Aqua \r\nJetBrains Toolbox \r\n (EAP) \r\nIDE Rust RustRover\r\n Code With Me\r\nJetBrains… [+49 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"DRoman0v (Selectel)","title":"Умные часы для DIY-энтузиастов: от Pocuter Spectra до Bangle.js","description":"Мало кому из нас известная компания Pocuter разработала недорогие умные часы Spectra. Отличие от большинства прочих девайсов — открытые ПО и железо. Их просто ремонтировать, а при необходимости можно кастомизировать. Например, добавить больше памяти. Подробно…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T10:04:26Z","content":"Pocuter Spectra. . , . , . .Pocuter Spectra \r\nSpectra . , . , . \r\n, API. , , . .\r\n, microSD 512 , 240 , 8 32 -. Apple Watch -, Spectra .\r\n Spectra\r\n- . Spectra , .
- . 316L, .
- .… [+1267 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T09:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1442 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Javier Marquez","title":"Anthropic es una de las pocas firmas que puede seguirle el ritmo a OpenAI: Claude ahora puede escribir y ejecutar código","description":"El mundo tecnológico ha evolucionado de forma notable durante los últimos dos años. A estas alturas no caben dudas que la aparición de ChatGPT en noviembre de 2022 cambió las reglas de juego. Tras el lanzamiento del chatbot, muchas compañías incrementaron su …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T22:31:52Z","content":"El mundo tecnológico ha evolucionado de forma notable durante los últimos dos años. A estas alturas no caben dudas que la aparición de ChatGPT en noviembre de 2022 cambió las reglas de juego. Tras el… [+2554 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ph_piter (Издательский дом «Питер»)","title":"Издательство Питер. Колонка редактора, октябрь 24 г","description":"Привет, Хаброжители! Предлагаем ознакомиться с краткими обзорами новинок, отправленных в типографию. Causal Inference на Python. Причинно-следственные связи...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T09:21:33Z","content":", !, .\r\nCausal Inference Python. - IT-(): .\r\n? , ? ? , -, , causal inference.\r\n, Nubank, causal inference . , - , (A/B-), , , . .\r\n» » \r\n TypeScript(): .\r\nTypeScript JavaScript-. TypeScript, . « Type… [+648 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"RodionGork","title":"Turbo-Pascal 5.5 (и другие) в браузере — с загрузкой программ по ссылке","description":"\"Эх вот в школе я такую программулину написал, на Паскале\" - бывают такие мысли, особенно у тех кто учился, скажем, в 90е. И даже находятся порой эти старые программы на старом диске. Но если запустить их ещё в DosBox у себя на машине можно - то как показать-…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-12T04:53:31Z","content":"\" , \" - , , , 90. . DosBox - - , ?\r\n js-dos ( ) - , - .\r\n ! - :) - - - .\r\n ?\r\n , , Quick Basic 1.1Turbo Pascal 5.5 ( Matlab 3.05) - , - .\r\n \"\"? - ( ) - ( cross-origin ).\r\n , :\r\n \"Escape\" .\r\n- - Ctrl-… [+2530 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"VadimKogay","title":"Родительский helm chart для проектов + werf Sequel","description":"Мы значительно сократили время деплоя: раньше деплой готового или даже частично готового приложения мог занимать от одного дня до недели в зависимости от загрузки команды DevOps. Сейчас этот процесс занимает у разработчика около 30 минут. Конечно, у разработч…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T18:05:45Z","content":"Prequel werf , ( , ), time to market, , .\r\n
- PHP, Go JavaScript Helm-. . , (, VPA) PHP, . .\r\n
- , ( ), , , , .\r\n
- GitLab CI\r\n GitLab\r\n , , . .\r\n
- CI/CD \r\nCI/CD . , . Dev… [+550 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Pavel Panchekha & Chris Harrelson","title":"Web Browser Engineering","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-15T09:42:29Z","content":"Web Browser Engineering\r\nPavel Panchekha & Chris Harrelson\r\nTwitter ·\r\nBlog ·\r\nPatreon ·\r\nDiscussions\r\nWeb browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book\r\nexplains, building a basic but… [+1888 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ASHUTOSH SINGLA","title":"Interview Gone Wrong","description":"I have a very basic question which I usually ask in a interview which is to implement a tic tac toe game. I like this because the logic is straightforward and it helps to judge things like code quality / speed / conciseness etc.\n\nThe candidate this time was p…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T18:32:28Z","content":"I have a very basic question which I usually ask in a interview which is to implement a tic tac toe game. I like this because the logic is straightforward and it helps to judge things like code quali… [+1318 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Infinite Git Repos on Cloudflare Workers","description":"A lightweight computing platform","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-25T17:34:54Z","content":"How we built a scalable Git server on Cloudflare Workers using WebAssembly and Durable Objects.Were buildingGitlip- the collaborative devtool for the AI era. An all-in-one combination of Git-powered … [+19449 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Dominux","title":"Ускоряем браузерные вычисления на коленке с помощью WebAssembly на примере генерации шума","description":"Так ли производителен WebAssembly в сравнении с JavaScript как о нем говорят? Какие подводные камни могут ожидать при попытке ускорить CPU-bound задачи и в каких ситуациях он must have? Автор предлагает рассмотреть один кейс и разобраться в этих вопросах на п…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T22:40:08Z","content":"3D- pet- BabylonJS. - , , , . , , / - . , !\r\n , , , , . BabylonJS, JavaScript. , CPU-bound , WebAssembly , , ?\r\n WebAssembly\r\n :\r\nWebAssembly ( Wasm) . Wasm , .\r\n, , , JIT-, JS-, V8SpiderMonkey ( , ,… [+2364 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"a-v-gor","title":"[Перевод] Звездный рейтинг на HTML-CSS","description":"Мы знакомы с поведением поля ввода пятизвездочного рейтинга. Отображены пустые звезды. Пользователь решает, сколько баллов из пяти будет содержать его оценка. Он выбирает (тап/клик) звезду, которая соответствует оценке (в зависимости от позиции с начала). Выб…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T13:42:26Z","content":". . , . (/) , ( ). , , , . , , , . , «». , , . , , .\r\n, JavaScript, CSS.\r\n ? . . , , , .\r\n 1: select. (option) . .\r\n 2: ! \r\n CSS !\r\n
- HTMLCSS,… [+3444 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"A look at some use cases of Anthropic's Claude Artifacts, which lets users create interactive single-page apps via prompts (Simon Willison/Simon Willison's Weblog)","description":"Simon Willison / Simon Willison's Weblog:\nA look at some use cases of Anthropic's Claude Artifacts, which lets users create interactive single-page apps via prompts — I'm a huge fan of Claude's Artifacts feature, which lets you prompt Claude to create an in…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T06:00:02Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 2:00 AM ET, October 22, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo v… [+70 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Jo Bager","title":"heise-Angebot: c’t webdev: Happy Birthday, CSS!","description":"CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie will attend c’t frontend developers conference as a keynote speaker and celebrate 30 years of his web standard.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T11:00:00Z","content":"On October 10, 1994, Håkon Wium Lie published the first proposal for Cascading HTML style sheets. Since then, CSS has been one of the technical foundations for the web. A good occasion to celebrate C… [+1597 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Madeleine Domogalla","title":"heise-Angebot: enterJS: Beim Accessibility Day lernen, barrierefreie Websites zu entwickeln","description":"Das Online-Event am 7. November 2024 zeigt, worauf es bei der Entwicklung barrierefreier Websites ankommt und wie diese mit dem BFSG konform werden.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T11:00:00Z","content":"Am 7. November 2024 findet der Accessibility Day statt, eine Online-Konferenz im Rahmen der Enterprise-JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS. Der Thementag, veranstaltet von iX und dpunkt.verlag in Zusammenar… [+2346 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Компьютерные курсы для подростков: 50+ бесплатных видеоуроков","description":"Хотите обучиться разработке игр, трехмерному моделированию, дизайну в веб-среде или программированию? Может, интересует создание сайтов? Готовы помочь! Если одно из данных IT-направлений интересует, рекомендуем сегодняшнюю подборку: собрали 50+ видеоуроков, к…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T16:45:49Z","content":", , - ? , ? ! IT- , : 50+ , .\r\n - . IT . Pixel\r\n 50+ . , , , . .\r\n :\r\n
- «» (13 );\r\n
- Unity (15);\r\n
- «» (11);\r\n
- - Figma (10);\r\n
- - HTML, CSS JavaScript (7).\r\n
- .\r\n
- .\r\n
- React Redux.\r\n
- . \r\n
, . . , kjs-box\r\n: .\r\n, . - React-, , kjs-box,… [+15812 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Forbes"},"author":"Rachel Wells, Contributor, \n Rachel Wells, Contributor\n","title":"7 Free JavaScript Courses To Learn In 2024","description":"JavaScript is one of five most essential programming languages to learn in 2024. Here are seven free courses and resources to learn JavaScript this year.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T17:00:56Z","content":"JavaScript is the number one most essential high-income technical skill you can have in your toolkit ... [+] as a developer\r\ngetty\r\nYou wouldn't be a developer without knowing JavaScript. JavaScript … [+4761 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"","title":"Edge Scripting: Build and run applications at the edge","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-07T18:17:20Z","content":"Imagine a world where deploying and running powerful applications is as simple as writing JavaScript, a world where infrastructure fades into the background, and your code just runs exactly where it … [+17164 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: Ancestry Dot Dumb","description":"Damiano's company had more work than staff, and opted to hire a subcontractor. When hiring on a subcontractor, you could look for all sorts of things. Does their portfolio contain work similar to what you're asking them to do? What's the average experience of…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T06:30:00Z","content":"Damiano's company had more work than staff, and opted to hire a subcontractor. When hiring on a subcontractor, you could look for all sorts of things. Does their portfolio contain work similar to wha… [+3688 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Contributions to generative AI projects on GitHub grew 59% YoY between October 2023 and September 2024 and Python topped JavaScript as the most popular language (The GitHub Blog)","description":"The GitHub Blog:\nContributions to generative AI projects on GitHub grew 59% YoY between October 2023 and September 2024 and Python topped JavaScript as the most popular language — In this year's Octoverse report, we study how public and open source activity…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T06:30:01Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 2:30 AM ET, October 30, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo v… [+70 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Craig Hale","title":"Anthropic updates Claude AI to write and run Javascript code","description":" can now write and execute Javascript in its quest to generate “mathematically precise and reproducible” answers.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T10:03:00Z","content":"Anthropic has announced a significant update to its Claude AI chatbot allowing it to both write and execute Javascript code.\r\nThrough a new analysis tool, Claude users can process data, conduct analy… [+1867 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"RodionGork","title":"По следам Жака Арсака — о программировании игр","description":"Старая книжечка \"Программирование Игр и Головоломок\" - наверное попадалась многим из нас. Изданная в 1985 в наши дни она смотрится архаично и сподвигнуть кого-то программировать приведённые в ней игры (и подобные им) - затруднительно. А жаль :)Попробуем немно…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T14:23:53Z","content":"\" \" - . 1985 - - . :)\r\n ! - - , HTML- - HTTP- - \" \" ( ). \r\n- , - :) - - , . casse-tete () - .\r\n . : - !\r\n - 40 , ? - , ( ) 3- ( ) . :)\r\n - . . , -. . . - ( - \"\" - ).\r\n ( \" \" - - 3d - ) . , , .. - .\r\n… [+2817 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Gressus","title":"Как я написал книгу для детей: «Мама, не отвлекай. Я Python учу!»","description":"Привет! Возможно, вы родитель или учитель, который хочет помочь детям освоить программирование.Расскажу о том, как и зачем я написал книгу для детей по изучению Python. Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T10:15:55Z","content":"Python, ?\r\n! , , .\r\n , Python.\r\n.\r\n .« pdf» , .\r\n, , Processing:\r\nProcessing Java.\r\n..\r\n , :\r\nvoid setup() {\r\n size(400, 700);\r\n}\r\nvoid draw() {\r\n fill(random(255), random(255), random(255), random… [+2257 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Judy Sanhz","title":"Google blocks popular ad blocker for ‘security and privacy concerns’","description":"Google is beefing up security with Chrome extensions and warns that support for uBlock Origin will end soon. What other app might be affected?","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T19:17:40Z","content":"Millions of Chrome users might soon lose access to their favorite extensions. As mentioned in Google’s support bulletin, Google plans to end support for popular ad blockers such as uBlock Origin and … [+2161 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Boost JavaScript Performance with Debouncing and Throttling","description":"Handling events efficiently is essential in JavaScript, especially for high-frequency actions like scrolling, resizing, or keypress events. Without optimization, these events can slow down the user experience by triggering numerous function calls in rapid suc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T17:07:00Z","content":"Handling events efficiently is essential in JavaScript, especially for high-frequency actions like scrolling, resizing, or keypress events. Without optimization, these events can slow down the user e… [+7225 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Handling Floating Point Precision in JavaScript","description":"JavaScript, like many programming languages, uses floating-point arithmetic for numbers. This often leads to precision issues when dealing with decimals, causing unexpected results. For example, calculations like 0.1 + 0.2 yield 0.30000000000000004 instead of…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T06:46:00Z","content":"JavaScript, like many programming languages, uses floating-point arithmetic for numbers. This often leads to precision issues when dealing with decimals, causing unexpected results. For example, calc… [+2795 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"JavaScript Hoisting Pitfalls: Common Scoping Issues","description":"Hoisting in JavaScript is a unique mechanism that moves declarations to the top of the current scope (either function or global scope) during the compilation phase. This can lead to unexpected behaviors, especially if you’re not fully familiar with how hoisti…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T06:47:00Z","content":"Hoisting in JavaScript is a unique mechanism that moves declarations to the top of the current scope (either function or global scope) during the compilation phase. This can lead to unexpected behavi… [+3919 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Aycan Gulez","title":"Self-Documenting Code","description":"Think back to the last time you looked at an unfamiliar block of code. Did you immediately understand what it was doing? If not, you’re not alone – many software developers, including myself, find it challenging to grasp unfamiliar code quickly…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-23T13:33:49Z","content":"Think back to the last time you looked at an unfamiliar block of code. Did you immediately understand what it was doing? If not, you’re not alone – many software developers, including myself, find it… [+5651 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Typeset: An HTML pre-processor for web typography","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-27T05:12:18Z","content":"An HTML pre-processor for web typography. Typeset provides typographic features used traditionally in ne printing which remain unavailable to browser layout engines. Typesets proces… [+2104 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Vladimir Prelovac","title":"Kagi Translate","description":"Your browser does not support the video tag.","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-07T19:32:04Z","content":"Your browser does not support the video tag.\r\nToday, we’re introducing Kagi Translate. It’s not revolutionary - it’s simply a better translation service.\r\nOur combination of advanced language models … [+2712 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Piotr Storożenko","title":"Shiny for Python and JavaScript: How to Add JS Scripts to Your Dashboards","description":"Web developers love JavaScript. And who can blame them, it’s a fantastic do-it-all language for making stunning websites. But what about Shiny and Shiny for Python? As it turns out, you can add JavaScript scripts to your Shiny for Python dashboards without to…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-04T14:00:36Z","content":"Web developers love JavaScript. And who can blame them, its a fantastic do-it-all language for making stunning websites. But what about Shiny and Shiny for Python? As it turns out, you can add JavaSc… [+5759 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Waterplea (Т-Банк)","title":"Maskito: то, что вы давно искали","description":"Во фронтенде часто попадаются сложные формы. Создавая их, мы хотим, чтобы пользователю было удобно все заполнять. Числа нужно правильно форматировать, чтобы с первого взгляда было видно, что нет лишнего нолика. Когда вводишь номер кредитной карты, сверять его…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T10:43:19Z","content":". , , . , , . , 4 , . , , , . .\r\n . , . , , , , API.\r\n , - . , .\r\nMaskito \r\nMaskito , . \r\n API. « » .\r\n, Maskito , . , , . . , Maskito. \r\n , , open source. , , . , \r\n Maskito , .\r\n, , Maskito , - . ,… [+646 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Ошибки в обучении детей программированию: ТОП-5","description":"Обучение детей программированию, как бы ни строился процесс, нередко сопровождается рядом ошибок. Отсутствие интерактивности, мер мотивации, недостаток практики и скучная, слишком сухо преподнесенная теория – типичные примеры. Может показаться, что это справе…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-06T13:54:53Z","content":", , . , , , . , , - , . : , .\r\nPixel\r\n , , , , , . : , . . \r\n IT- , , . 5 , , , .\r\n, .\r\n5 \r\n 5 .\r\n1. \r\n , , . , , .\r\n , :\r\n- . . : Python . , . IT- , . , , - ;\r\n
- . . : , , . , ( , ) .… [+694 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"kanasero","title":"Тварь ли я дрожащая или право имею. Берем чужие сайты под свой контроль. Часть 2 — Пользовательские скрипты в Chrome","description":"Сегодня продолжаем тему написания расширения для Chrome, позволяющего внедрять свой код на чужие сайты, тем самым меняя или дополняя их функционал и внешний вид по своему желанию. Для чего это нужно и чем может быть полезно, рассмотрено в предыдущей части. Та…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-13T05:28:42Z","content":"Chrome, , . , . , Angular 18. , GitHub.\r\n Chrome\r\n , Chrome. Manifest V3. , 2- Manifest, API, , , , . , API userScripts.\r\n . manifest.jsonpermissionsuserScripts, host_permissions , . , : \"host_permis… [+2376 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Markus Will","title":"#TGIQF: Das große Quiz rund um den Mozilla Firefox","description":"Mozilla Firefox wird 20: Der Browser lehrte einst Microsofts Internet Explorer das Fürchten und steht bis heute für das freie Netz. Wir gratulieren via Quiz.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T11:43:00Z","content":"Am 9. November 2004 kam der Mozilla Firefox 1.0 auf den Markt. Er war Mozillas Open-Source-Antwort auf den Microsoft Internet Explorer und lehrte der Konkurrenz das Fürchten: Schnell, schlank und oft… [+2356 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Sead Fadilpašić","title":"Opera browser had a major security flaw that could have exposed all your details, so patch now","description":"An add-on could inject malicious JavaScript to overly permissive APIs","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T15:29:00Z","content":"Opera has fixed a worrying security vulnerability, which could have allowed threat actors to access permissive APIs in the browser, and thus take over accounts, tweak browser settings, and even take … [+2245 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Android Police"},"author":"Chris Thomas","title":"Proton Mail: 6 common problems with easy solutions","description":"Proton Mail can bug out like any service can, but there are quick ways to solve most problems","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-10T00:45:10Z","content":"Proton Mail makes it easy to transition from other email providers, and offers extensive protection with features like streamlined USB security key support. Like with any major service, people run in… [+5712 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"\"He terminado la carrera de informática y no sé nada de programar\". Quejas en redes por la falta de preparación para el mundo laboral","description":"En los últimos tiempos, parece que cada vez son más los recién graduados en ingeniería informática / ciencias de la computación que, tras obtener sus títulos universitarios, afirman sentirse incapaces de programar de manera profesional. Aunque el mundo acadé…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T15:01:26Z","content":"En los últimos tiempos, parece que cada vez son más los recién graduados en ingeniería informática / ciencias de la computación que, tras obtener sus títulos universitarios, afirman sentirse incapace… [+4591 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Nicholas Ray","title":"Building a more robust Wikipedia interface by spotting the differences (2023)","description":"A look at how we leveraged visual testing to catch UI bugs when developing Wikipedia's new desktop experience.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-26T23:38:18Z","content":"Have you ever played the\r\n\"Spot the Difference\" game,\r\nwhere you try to find slight differences between two similar images? I play it\r\nwhenever I review code in a nontrivial pull request that changes… [+8217 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Как сделать игру Doors на Scratch","description":"Давайте сделаем игру «Двери» в Скретче и создадим собственную виртуальную комнату, нарисуем страшного персонажа и запрограммируем его. Поможет простая и наглядная инструкция со скриншотами: в ней разобраны основные шаги и показано, что и как нужно делать.Scra…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T20:59:25Z","content":"«» , . : , .\r\nPixel\r\n Scratch , . , : , , . : , .\r\n Doors Scratch , . , .\r\n? . , : . \r\n : \r\n , : .\r\n .\r\n 1: \r\n : . , . , 3- : , . : .\r\n . :\r\n
- «».\r\n
- . . : .\r\n
\r\n- . , … [+679 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"","title":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHub","description":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHub\nYearly report finds explosion of GenAI projects, new users from outside the coding community responsible for boost\nThere's been an upset in the Octoverse, as Python has unseated JavaScript as the…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T02:50:21Z","content":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHubYearly report finds explosion of GenAI projects, new users from outside the coding community responsible for boostThere's been an upset … [+144 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Stephanie","title":"Make an Internet Voicemail Machine with ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather","description":"Instructables user mars91 used our ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather and I2S 3W Class D Amplifier Breakout to make an internet voicemail system: This project will host two sites that create a audio message. One thru a computer mic or one that you can type the voic…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T15:00:31Z","content":"Adafruit publishes a wide range of writing and video content, including interviews and reporting on the maker market and the wider technology world. Our standards page is intended as a guide to best … [+2585 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Thomas Claburn","title":"Socket plugs in $40M to strengthen software supply chain","description":"Biz aims to scrub unnecessary dependencies from npm packages in the name of security\nSecurity-focused developer Socket announced on Tuesday it has connected with another $40 million in funding to further its efforts to safeguard the software supply chain.…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T12:28:10Z","content":"Security-focused developer Socket announced on Tuesday it has connected with another $40 million in funding to further its efforts to safeguard the software supply chain.\r\nThat brings the total raise… [+5041 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Escaping the Chrome Sandbox Through DevTools","description":"This blog post details how I found CVE-2024-6778 and CVE-2024-5836, which are vulnerabilities within the Chromium web browser which allowed for a sandbox escape from a browser extension.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T05:55:04Z","content":"By ading2210 on 10/16/24\r\nIntroduction\r\nThis blog post details how I found CVE-2024-6778 and CVE-2024-5836, which are vulnerabilities within the Chromium web browser which allowed for a sandbox escap… [+32195 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.0.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-16T14:07:50Z","content":"Rafael Gonzaga\r\nWere excited to announce the release of Node.js 23! Key highlights include:\r\n
- Enabling require(esm) by default for Node.js applications
- Removing support for Windows 32-… [+41662 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.1.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T21:32:29Z","content":"Antoine du Hamel\r\nWhen a Buffer is created using a resizable ArrayBuffer, the Buffer length\r\nwill now correctly change as the underlying ArrayBuffer size is changed.\r\nconst ab = new ArrayBuffer(10, {… [+14983 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Handling CORS Problems in JavaScript: Practical Solutions Explained","description":"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a critical security mechanism implemented in web browsers to control how resources are requested and shared between different origins. It prevents unauthorized access to resources on another domain, improving security f…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-23T04:41:00Z","content":"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a critical security mechanism implemented in web browsers to control how resources are requested and shared between different origins. It prevents unauthorized… [+6163 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.2.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T21:24:21Z","content":"Antoine du Hamel\r\nThis is the version of NSS that shipped in Firefox 131.0 on 2024-10-01.\r\nCertificates added:\r\n
- SecureSign Ro… [+14241 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Anne Barela","title":"QRSVG – render a QR code to SVG","description":"QRSVG is a small JavaScript project to render a two-dimensional bitmask (mostly assumed to be a QR code) with a fixed width and height to an SVG element as a collection of SVG paths with defined purposes. The code analyzes the bitmask geometrically and trace…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T14:47:32Z","content":"Halloween season is here! Check out all the posts, gift guides, and more!\r\nAdafruit publishes a wide range of writing and video content, including interviews and reporting on the maker market and the… [+2645 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Ancient Monkey: Pwning a 17-Year-Old Version of SpiderMonkey","description":"Last year, @swapgs and I found a fun bug in the popular enterprise VPN solution Zscaler. The VPN client used the pacparser library to decide which HTTP requests to proxied based on a PAC file.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T14:56:00Z","content":"Last year, @swapgs and I found a fun bug in the popular enterprise VPN solution Zscaler. The VPN client was using the pacparser library to decide which HTTP requests should be proxied. The decision w… [+23001 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"PatientZero","title":"[Перевод] Разбор регулярного выражения, проверяющего простоту чисел","description":"Как-то я исследовал способы наиболее эффективного определения простоты числа и наткнулся на показанный выше код.Он меня заинтриговал. Хоть это, возможно, и не самый эффективный способ, но определённо один из наименее очевидных, поэтому мне стало любопытно. Ка…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-13T07:38:48Z","content":"- :\r\npublic static boolean isPrime(int n) {\r\n return !new String(new char[n]).matches(\".?|(..+?)\\\\1+\");\r\n}\r\n . , , , , . .?|(..+?)\\1+ , ( )?\r\n , , , . , Java- Python, JavaScript Perl , .\r\n , ^.?… [+5019 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"aartaka","title":"Pretty.c","description":"Making C Look ✨Pretty✨and Lua/Lisp/Python-esque. Contribute to aartaka/pretty.c development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T03:01:58Z","content":"Pretty C is a new scripting language compatible with C. Pretty C\r\n boosts your programs with dynamic typing, generic iteration, resource\r\n tracking and other niceties. And its backwards-compatible wi… [+7576 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Онлайн-курсы дизайна для детей: ТОП-10 бесплатных и платных вариантов","description":"Курсы дизайна для детей развивают творческое мышление, учат работать с компьютерной графикой, прокачивают восприятие эстетики и понимание композиции, а также дают другие полезные эффекты. Это, скажем, владение Photoshop и Illustrator от Adobe, Figma и не толь…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T09:47:54Z","content":", , , . , , Photoshop Illustrator Adobe, Figma . , , , . \r\nPixel\r\n 89 Illustrator, Photoshop Figma. , : , .\r\n , , , , . 4 6 , . , , 89 . \r\n4 , \r\n , , . , , , , . Photoshop, Illustrator Figma .\r\n 4 , … [+1322 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ASDF102030","title":"Выбираем BI платформу для начинающего специалиста","description":"Привет! Я работаю аналитиком данных в IT компании и только начинаю писать статьи на habr. Как и все когда-то я только начинала входить в IT и не понимала, что мне необходимо знать. Эта статья поможет тем кто находится в поисках подходящей BI платформы для изу…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-09T05:18:35Z","content":"! IT habr. - IT , . BI .\r\n, it-. , , , , , . Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Yandex DataLens ( ). , . BI- .\r\n it-, : BI- , ?. . BI , :\r\n
Power BI\r\n BI . P… [+916 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"JerryI","title":"Очередная реализация fluid sim методом Эйлера, но в блокноте WL. Часть 1","description":"Здесь мы рассмотрим простой метод симуляции несжимаемой жидкости в 2D для визуальных эффектов в интерактивном блокноте (впервые). Основная идея основана на работе Йоса Стама Stable Fluids, представленной на SIGGRAPH 1999, а также на учебном пособии Карла С…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T09:04:53Z","content":"2D (). Stable Fluids, SIGGRAPH 1999, .\r\nWLJS Notebook Wolfram Language, Javascript, .. Jupyter Notebook Jupyter Lab, , . , .\r\n, \r\n -, , , . .\r\ngrid = Table[Cross[{i,j,0}, {0,0,1}][[;;2]], {i, 5}, {j,… [+10282 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"MrPizzly (Beget)","title":"[Перевод] Использование Rust в серверах, написанных на других языках, для повышения производительности","description":"В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько стратегий по постепенному добавлению Rust в сервер, написанный на другом языке, например JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, PHP, Ruby и т. д. Один из возможных кейсов для подобного добавления — вы профилировали сервер, нашли «…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T16:01:52Z","content":"Rust , , JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, PHP, Ruby . . , «» , CPU, . , , Rust. , .\r\n , «» « Rust». Rust . Rust.\r\n , , , JavaScript, Node.js. , … [+14639 chars]"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"status":"ok","totalResults":3510,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Why I'm skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in \"faster\" languages","description":"I’ve written a lot of JavaScript. I like JavaScript. And more importantly, I’ve built up a set of skills in understanding, optimizing, and debugging JavaScript that I’m reluctant …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T21:25:02Z","content":"I’ve written a lot of JavaScript. I like JavaScript. And more importantly, I’ve built up a set of skills in understanding, optimizing, and debugging JavaScript that I’m reluctant to give up on.\r\nSo m… [+8620 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Chris MMO","title":"Generating Lever-Door Puzzles with JavaScript","description":"Create lever-door puzzles with JavaScript for games, exploring graph structures and optimization to provide rewarding player challenges","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T20:27:21Z","content":"A lever-door puzzle is a challenge where players navigate through a series of rooms by using levers connected to various doors. When a lever is activated, it toggles the state of one or more doors. T… [+7293 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jonathan Creamer","title":"Shrunked JavaScript monorepo Git size by 94%","description":"We really did this! We work in a very large Javascript monorepo at Microsoft we colloquially call 1JS. Using some new changes to the git client it went from 178GB to 5GB.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T02:35:22Z","content":"This isn't click bait. We really did this! We work in a very large Javascript monorepo at Microsoft we colloquially call 1JS. It's large not only in terms of GB, but also in terms of sheer volume of … [+6805 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"react-gjs","title":"A React Renderer for Gnome JavaScript","description":"A React renderer for the Gnome JS. It provides components and methods allowing to use React to build native Gnome GTK applications. - react-gjs/renderer","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T11:57:25Z","content":"A React renderer for the Gnome JS. It provides components and methods allowing to use React to build native Gnome GTK applications.\r\nThis is the renderer used by the React Gnome, which is the recomme… [+2374 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Notes on the new Claude analysis JavaScript code execution tool","description":"Anthropic released a new feature for their consumer-facing chat bot interface today which they’re calling “the analysis tool”. It’s their answer to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Code Interpreter mode: Claude can …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T09:40:59Z","content":"24th October 2024\r\nAnthropic released a new feature for their consumer-facing chat bot interface today which theyre calling the analysis tool.\r\nIts their answer to OpenAIs ChatGPT Code Inte… [+4021 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Compiling Bigloo Scheme to WebAssembly","description":"An exploration of compiling Scheme and potentially JavaScript to WebAssembly.","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-16T04:14:59Z","content":"Compiling Bigloo Scheme to WebAssembly\r\nIn the JavaScript world, browser implementations have focused on JIT compilation as a high-performance implementation technique. Recently, new applications of … [+13499 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Madeleine Domogalla","title":"JavaScript-Runtime Node.js 23 überarbeitet die Modul- und Testunterstützung","description":"Die aktuelle Major-Version der JavaScript-Runtime schraubt an der Performance und hat native ES-Modulunterstützung im Gepäck.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T13:15:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nDie quelloffene JavaScript-Runtime Node.js hat Version 23 erreicht. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen gehören die standardmäßige Aktivierung von require(esm) für Node.js-Anwendungen, … [+2671 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Wolf Hosbach","title":"GitHub-Report: Python überholt JavaScript, während TypeScript Java schlägt","description":"Ein Report von GitHub zeigt, dass die Aktivität der Entwickler im Bereich KI und Data Science stark zunimmt. Eine zentrale Rolle nimmt Python ein.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T07:04:00Z","content":"Immer mehr GitHub-Mitglieder nutzen Python. Octoverse die große jährliche statistische Analyse von GitHub zeigt, dass Python 2024 erstmals JavaScript als meistgenutzte Sprache überholt hat. Gleich da… [+4279 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"262588213843476","title":"How React, Vue, and Angular Work – Core Principles in One File","description":"Front-end libraries (React, Vue, Angular) and the basic principles of how they work, all in a single file using pure JavaScript (VanillaJS). - myAngular.html","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T04:12:27Z","content":"Instantly share code, notes, and snippets."},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Hacking cars in JavaScript (Replay attacks in the browser with the HackRF)","description":"Collection of side projects, conference talks and blog posts experimenting with frontend technologies and human-computer interaction","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-02T20:05:17Z","content":"A couple of years ago, I built a project using the RTL-SDR to get live raw data from passing airplanes, in the browser.\r\nAs I wanted to explore more using Software-Defined Radios, I bought a HackRF O… [+13001 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Maika Möbus","title":"heise-Angebot: Jetzt noch Vortragsideen einreichen – für die JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS","description":"Ideen für die enterJS 2025 in Mannheim? Der Call for Proposals läuft bis 15. November, gesucht sind Vorschläge für Vorträge und Workshops rund um JavaScript.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T07:00:00Z","content":"Die nächste Ausgabe der Enterprise-JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS findet am 7. und 8. Mai 2025 statt. Wer dort einen Vortrag halten oder sein Wissen in einem Workshop weitergeben möchte, kann sich weit… [+2261 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"BeauHD","title":"Cheap AI 'Video Scraping' Can Now Extract Data From Any Screen Recording","description":"An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Recently, AI researcher Simon Willison wanted to add up his charges from using a cloud service, but the payment values and dates he needed were scattered among a dozen separate emails. Inputting them manu…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T20:55:00Z","content":"Recently, AI researcher Simon Willison wanted to add up his charges from using a cloud service, but the payment values and dates he needed were scattered among a dozen separate emails. Inputting them… [+1710 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Defender Sound Studio","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-22T05:58:17Z","content":"Defender Sound StudioHelp\r\nThis website requires Javascript to be enabled."},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Martina Kraus","title":"Web-Security: Mit Content Security Policy gegen Cross-Site Scripting, Teil 1","description":"XSS-Schwachstellen sind nach wie vor ein Einfallstor für zahlreiche Angriffe im Web. Eine Content Security Policy hilft bei der Abwehr.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T13:14:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nCross-Site Scripting (XSS) bleibt eine ernstzunehmende Bedrohung, obwohl die am häufigsten genutzten Frontend-Frameworks viele Sicherheitsfunktionen von Haus aus mitbringen. Frame… [+8294 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Panic at the SPA","description":"Single Page Applications have taken the web by storm, but are they really all they're made up to be?","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-30T22:07:36Z","content":"I began programming in 2015, now thats not that long of a time, but coming on my 10 year anniversary I feel that its long enough that I can sit on my high pony and talk about the what the good old da… [+6557 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Canvas Fingerprinting – BrowserLeaks","description":"Canvas fingerprinting is a tracking method that uses HTML5 Canvas code to generate a unique identifier for each individual user. The method is based on the fact that the unique pixels generated through Canvas code can vary depending on the system and browser …","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-26T22:41:29Z","content":"The Canvas API, which is designed for drawing graphics via JavaScript and HTML, can also be used for online tracking via browser fingerprinting. This technique relies on variations in how canvas imag… [+1824 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Techdirt"},"author":"Daily Deal","title":"Daily Deal: The JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle","description":"Learn how to create a variety of games with the JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle. It has 8 courses that teach you how to use HTML5 and JS to develop word search, math, a Pac-Man style game, and more. It’s on sale for $30. Note: The Techdirt Deals Store is…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-04T18:58:25Z","content":"from the good-deals-on-cool-stuff dept\r\nLearn how to create a variety of games with the JavaScript DOM Game Developer Bundle. It has 8 courses that teach you how to use HTML5 and JS to develop word s… [+303 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Quentin Hocdé","title":"Getting Started with Piecesjs: Building Native Web Components with a Lightweight Framework","description":"Piecesjs is a lightweight JavaScript framework built upon native web components, offering a suite of tools and utilities tailored for creative websites.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T09:47:28Z","content":"From our sponsor:Meco is a distraction-free space for reading and discovering newsletters, separate from the inbox. \r\nWhen building modern, creative websites, managing complex interactions and mainta… [+16171 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Timo Zander","title":"TypeScript erobert die Kommandozeile: Das Ende von Bash?","description":"Eine CLI-Anwendung mit TypeScript erstellen – was zunächst nach einer Schnapsidee klingt, bietet in der Praxis Vorteile gegenüber klassischen Bash-Skripten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T06:02:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nJavaScript und die typsichere Schwestersprache TypeScript scheinen in ihrer Beliebtheit unaufhaltsam zu sein. Ganz gleich, ob in der Frontend- oder Backend-Entwicklung, die Sprach… [+3599 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"Mastering theme.json: You might not need CSS","description":"I totally get the goal here: make CSS more modular and scalable in WordPress. Put all your global WordPress theme styles in a single file, including variations. JSON offers a nicely structured syntax that’s easily consumable by JavaScript, thereby allowing …\n…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T11:36:04Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!I totally get the goal here: make CSS more modular and scalable in WordPress. Put all your g… [+1695 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Lee Meyer","title":"Web-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations","description":"Can we recreate a JavaScript library for scrolling animations with a modern CSS approach using CSS Scroll-Driven Animations? Yes. Yes, we can.\n\nWeb-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T14:00:36Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!We had fun in my previous article exploring the goodness of scrolly animations supported in … [+8717 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"Conseguí un puesto a tiempo completo como desarrollador autodidacta. Y estos fueron los 9 recursos formativos que usé","description":"La historia de 'Oodtoon', un usuario que pasó de ser profesional de ventas a desarrollador de software (y, además, en la misma empresa) tras haberse formado en programación de manera totalmente autodidacta durante dos años, es una inspiración para quienes bus…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T16:00:17Z","content":"La historia de 'Oodtoon', un usuario que pasó de ser profesional de ventas a desarrollador de software (y, además, en la misma empresa) tras haberse formado en programación de manera totalmente autod… [+5603 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Thoriq Firdaus","title":"What’s New in JavaScript (2024)","description":"JavaScript continues to grow and evolve. While new libraries are important, there’s much more happening. The language itself is improving, there’s a lot going on in the community, and the tools are rapidly advancing. Let’s take a look at what’s new in JavaScr…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T13:00:17Z","content":"JavaScript continues to grow and evolve. While new libraries are important, theres much more happening. The language itself is improving, theres a lot going on in the community, and the tools are rap… [+4371 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dirk Knop","title":"Roundcube Webmail: Angriffe mit gefälschten Anhängen","description":"IT-Sicherheitsforscher haben Angriffe auf eine Stored-Cross-Site-Scripting-Lücke in Roundcube Webmail beobachtet. Ein Update ist verfügbar.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T12:43:00Z","content":"Im Webmailer Roundcube, der etwa im universitären Umfeld und auch bei Regierungsorganisationen häufig zum Einsatz kommt, versuchen Angreifer, eine Sicherheitslücke zu missbrauchen. Die Angreifer vers… [+2309 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Evan Hahn","title":"setBigTimeout","description":"setTimeout breaks after 25 days. setBigTimeout doesn't.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T18:01:01Z","content":"In short: JavaScript’s setTimeout breaks after ~25 days. I made setBigTimeout, a silly module to get around this problem. See the package on npm or the source code.\r\nsetTimeout is JavaScript’s way of… [+1707 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Anthropic launches an analysis tool to help Claude write and run JavaScript code, perform calculations, and analyze data from files, in preview (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)","description":"Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:\nAnthropic launches an analysis tool to help Claude write and run JavaScript code, perform calculations, and analyze data from files, in preview — Anthropic's Claude chatbot can now write and run JavaScript code. — Today, Anthrop…","url":"","urlToImage":",675","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T15:40:02Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 11:50 AM ET, October 24, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo … [+71 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Daniel Schwarz","title":"The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content","description":"Let’s spend some time looking at disclosures, the Dialog API, the Popover API, and more. We’ll look at the right time to use each one depending on your needs. Modal or non-modal? JavaScript or pure HTML/CSS? Not sure? Don’t worry, we’ll go into all that.\n\nThe…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T13:57:09Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.\r\nAbraham Maslow\r\nIts easy to defa… [+20799 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"David Guillot","title":"Following up \"Mother of all Htmx demos\"","description":"Almost 2 years since my talk at DjangoCon Europe about migrating from React to htmx. A lot has been said and asked, here is my follow-up.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-09T01:39:07Z","content":"Initially I wanted to publish such a blog post a year ago. It had been a crazy year since DjangoCon Europe 2022, and I thought that writing some follow-up a year after that talk would be relevant. We… [+11447 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"msmash","title":"Anthropic's AI Can Now Run And Write Code","description":"Anthropic's Claude chatbot can now write and run JavaScript code. TechCrunch: Today, Anthropic launched a new analysis tool that helps Claude respond with what the company describes as \"mathematically precise and reproducible answers.\" With the tool enabled -…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T20:01:00Z","content":"Today, Anthropic launched a new analysis tool that helps Claude respond with what the company describes as \"mathematically precise and reproducible answers.\" With the tool enabled -- it's currently i… [+817 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"Un desarrollador ha analizado 12 millones de ofertas de trabajo durante 21 meses. Estos son los lenguajes más demandados","description":"En la industria tecnológica actual, estar al tanto de los lenguajes de programación más demandados se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona que quiera abrirse paso en el competitivo mercado laboral de desarrollo de software. A pesar…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T19:06:09Z","content":"En la industria tecnológica actual, estar al tanto de los lenguajes de programación más demandados se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona que quiera abrirse paso en el co… [+5651 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Hackaday"},"author":"Bryan Cockfield","title":"Access the Information Superhighway With a Mac Plus","description":"For some time now, Apple has developed a reputation for manufacturing computers and phones that are not particularly repairable or upgradable. While this reputation is somewhat deserved, especially in recent …read more","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T18:30:02Z","content":"For some time now, Apple has developed a reputation for manufacturing computers and phones that are not particularly repairable or upgradable. While this reputation is somewhat deserved, especially i… [+1884 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"shengnan","title":"Дуалистичная типовая система JavaScript VS Единая объектная система Python. Краткий обзор","description":"Сегодня поговорим о объектах, объектной архитектуре и способах взаимодействия с ними на примере языков программирования Python и JavaScript. Получилось небольшое исследование, противопоставляющее прототипирование и ООП.Давайте разбираться! Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-27T07:10:11Z","content":", !\r\n Python JavaScript. , . , , .\r\n . - ( , ), / - , . \r\n ! \r\n, , « » : \r\n- JS \r\n
- - (Python)\r\n
- , (, Go, Rust)\r\n
, Python JavaScript.\r\n JavaScript\r\n JavaScript : ( ) … [+1970 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Svelte 5 Released","description":"Cybernetically enhanced web apps. Latest version: 5.0.0, last published: 2 hours ago. Start using svelte in your project by running `npm i svelte`. There are 1639 other projects in the npm registry using svelte.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T18:38:06Z","content":"Svelte is a new way to build web applications. It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM.\r\nLearn more at the S… [+663 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Sqlite3 WebAssembly","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-15T17:45:27Z","content":"This site is home to the documentation for the SQLite project's\r\nWebAssembly- and JavaScript-related APIs, which enable the use of\r\nsqlite3 in modern WASM-capable browsers. These components\r\nwere ini… [+2539 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: An Overloaded Developer","description":"\"Oh, I see what you mean, I'll just write an overloaded function which takes the different set of parameters,\" said the senior dev.\nThat got SB's attention. You see, they were writing JavaScript, which doesn't have function overloading. \"Um,\" SB said, \"you're…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T06:30:00Z","content":"\"Oh, I see what you mean, I'll just write an overloaded function which takes the different set of parameters,\" said the senior dev.\r\nThat got SB's attention. You see, they were writing JavaScript, wh… [+1196 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"All the data can be yours: reverse engineering APIs","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-06T07:43:55Z","content":"Ive built a lot of unofficial software for my schools, Brown University and previously Macalester College. To name a few: an everything app called 75grand with dining hall menus, Moodle assignments, … [+5237 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jessica Lyons","title":"Ongoing typosquatting campaign impersonates hundreds of popular npm packages","description":"Puppeteer or Pupeter? One of them will snoop around on your machine and steal your credentials\nAn ongoing typosquatting campaign is targeting developers via hundreds of popular JavaScript libraries, whose weekly downloads number in the tens of millions, to in…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T16:28:06Z","content":"An ongoing typosquatting campaign is targeting developers via hundreds of popular JavaScript libraries, whose weekly downloads number in the tens of millions, to infect systems with info-stealing and… [+5178 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dr. Fabian Deitelhoff","title":"heise+ | Syncfusion: UI-Komponenten für die App-Entwicklung im Test","description":"Softwareentwicklung braucht viel Zeit. Bibliotheken wie Syncfusion sollen diesen Aufwand reduzieren und bieten eine große Auswahl an fertigen Komponenten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T11:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nIn der Softwareentwicklung spielt die Effizienz bei der Entwicklung komplexer Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Die zunehmende Herausforderung ist, leistungsstarke und benutzerfreu… [+2446 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Juan Diego Polo","title":"Claude AI estrena una herramienta de análisis que escribe y ejecuta código en JavaScript","description":"Anthropic, la firma detrás de Claude AI, acaba de sorprender con una actualización que promete revolucionar las capacidades de análisis de datos para múltiples tipos de usuarios. La nueva herramienta, llamada simplemente «herramienta de análisis», es un entor…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-26T14:00:54Z","content":"Anthropic, la firma detrás de Claude AI, acaba de sorprender con una actualización que promete revolucionar las capacidades de análisis de datos para múltiples tipos de usuarios. La nueva herramienta… [+7034 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Программирование для детей 14 лет: направления, видеоуроки, книги","description":"14 лет – возраст, в котором можно изучать программирование на примере использования текстовых языков и вспомогательных сред. Lua и Roblox, C# и Unity – примеры удачных связок. Основа в виде понимания алгоритмов и базовых принципов кодинга – плюс, но даже без …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T20:59:08Z","content":"14 , . Lua Roblox, C# Unity . , . \r\nPixel\r\n - 14 , , , . , , , .\r\n : , 14 . , , : , .\r\n 14 \r\n 4 , , , , .\r\n1. Roblox Lua\r\n: , , .\r\n, .\r\nRoblox -, . , , . Roblox Studio. .\r\n Lua , . , JavaScript, . «… [+698 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"maoserr","title":"Show HN: Epublifier – scrape pages (books, manuals) for offline reading","description":"Converts some webnovels to epub format. Contribute to maoserr/epublifier development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-21T13:18:08Z","content":"Converts websites into epub.\r\nA tool that allows you to extract a list of html pages from a website and compile them into an ePub book to be imported into your eReader of choice.\r\nFor advanced users … [+731 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"青小蛙","title":"JetBrains 宣布 WebStorm 和 Rider 针对非商业用途免费|RustRover 和 Aqua 也免费","description":"JetBrains 是一家著名的 IDE 软件开发商,旗下产品包括 IntelliJ IDEA(Java)、PyCharm(Python)、WebStorm(JavaScript)、Rider(.NET)等,深受开发者喜","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T08:58:19Z","content":"JetBrains IDE IntelliJ IDEAJavaPyCharmPythonWebStormJavaScriptRider.NET JetBrainsWebStorm Rider @Appinn\r\nRustRoverRust Aqua \r\nJetBrains Toolbox \r\n (EAP) \r\nIDE Rust RustRover\r\n Code With Me\r\nJetBrains… [+49 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"DRoman0v (Selectel)","title":"Умные часы для DIY-энтузиастов: от Pocuter Spectra до Bangle.js","description":"Мало кому из нас известная компания Pocuter разработала недорогие умные часы Spectra. Отличие от большинства прочих девайсов — открытые ПО и железо. Их просто ремонтировать, а при необходимости можно кастомизировать. Например, добавить больше памяти. Подробно…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T10:04:26Z","content":"Pocuter Spectra. . , . , . .Pocuter Spectra \r\nSpectra . , . , . \r\n, API. , , . .\r\n, microSD 512 , 240 , 8 32 -. Apple Watch -, Spectra .\r\n Spectra\r\n- . Spectra , .
- . 316L, .
- .… [+1267 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T09:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1442 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Javier Marquez","title":"Anthropic es una de las pocas firmas que puede seguirle el ritmo a OpenAI: Claude ahora puede escribir y ejecutar código","description":"El mundo tecnológico ha evolucionado de forma notable durante los últimos dos años. A estas alturas no caben dudas que la aparición de ChatGPT en noviembre de 2022 cambió las reglas de juego. Tras el lanzamiento del chatbot, muchas compañías incrementaron su …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T22:31:52Z","content":"El mundo tecnológico ha evolucionado de forma notable durante los últimos dos años. A estas alturas no caben dudas que la aparición de ChatGPT en noviembre de 2022 cambió las reglas de juego. Tras el… [+2554 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ph_piter (Издательский дом «Питер»)","title":"Издательство Питер. Колонка редактора, октябрь 24 г","description":"Привет, Хаброжители! Предлагаем ознакомиться с краткими обзорами новинок, отправленных в типографию. Causal Inference на Python. Причинно-следственные связи...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-18T09:21:33Z","content":", !, .\r\nCausal Inference Python. - IT-(): .\r\n? , ? ? , -, , causal inference.\r\n, Nubank, causal inference . , - , (A/B-), , , . .\r\n» » \r\n TypeScript(): .\r\nTypeScript JavaScript-. TypeScript, . « Type… [+648 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"RodionGork","title":"Turbo-Pascal 5.5 (и другие) в браузере — с загрузкой программ по ссылке","description":"\"Эх вот в школе я такую программулину написал, на Паскале\" - бывают такие мысли, особенно у тех кто учился, скажем, в 90е. И даже находятся порой эти старые программы на старом диске. Но если запустить их ещё в DosBox у себя на машине можно - то как показать-…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-12T04:53:31Z","content":"\" , \" - , , , 90. . DosBox - - , ?\r\n js-dos ( ) - , - .\r\n ! - :) - - - .\r\n ?\r\n , , Quick Basic 1.1Turbo Pascal 5.5 ( Matlab 3.05) - , - .\r\n \"\"? - ( ) - ( cross-origin ).\r\n , :\r\n \"Escape\" .\r\n- - Ctrl-… [+2530 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"VadimKogay","title":"Родительский helm chart для проектов + werf Sequel","description":"Мы значительно сократили время деплоя: раньше деплой готового или даже частично готового приложения мог занимать от одного дня до недели в зависимости от загрузки команды DevOps. Сейчас этот процесс занимает у разработчика около 30 минут. Конечно, у разработч…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T18:05:45Z","content":"Prequel werf , ( , ), time to market, , .\r\n
- PHP, Go JavaScript Helm-. . , (, VPA) PHP, . .\r\n
- , ( ), , , , .\r\n
- GitLab CI\r\n GitLab\r\n , , . .\r\n
- CI/CD \r\nCI/CD . , . Dev… [+550 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Pavel Panchekha & Chris Harrelson","title":"Web Browser Engineering","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-15T09:42:29Z","content":"Web Browser Engineering\r\nPavel Panchekha & Chris Harrelson\r\nTwitter ·\r\nBlog ·\r\nPatreon ·\r\nDiscussions\r\nWeb browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book\r\nexplains, building a basic but… [+1888 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ASHUTOSH SINGLA","title":"Interview Gone Wrong","description":"I have a very basic question which I usually ask in a interview which is to implement a tic tac toe game. I like this because the logic is straightforward and it helps to judge things like code quality / speed / conciseness etc.\n\nThe candidate this time was p…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-01T18:32:28Z","content":"I have a very basic question which I usually ask in a interview which is to implement a tic tac toe game. I like this because the logic is straightforward and it helps to judge things like code quali… [+1318 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Infinite Git Repos on Cloudflare Workers","description":"A lightweight computing platform","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-25T17:34:54Z","content":"How we built a scalable Git server on Cloudflare Workers using WebAssembly and Durable Objects.Were buildingGitlip- the collaborative devtool for the AI era. An all-in-one combination of Git-powered … [+19449 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Dominux","title":"Ускоряем браузерные вычисления на коленке с помощью WebAssembly на примере генерации шума","description":"Так ли производителен WebAssembly в сравнении с JavaScript как о нем говорят? Какие подводные камни могут ожидать при попытке ускорить CPU-bound задачи и в каких ситуациях он must have? Автор предлагает рассмотреть один кейс и разобраться в этих вопросах на п…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T22:40:08Z","content":"3D- pet- BabylonJS. - , , , . , , / - . , !\r\n , , , , . BabylonJS, JavaScript. , CPU-bound , WebAssembly , , ?\r\n WebAssembly\r\n :\r\nWebAssembly ( Wasm) . Wasm , .\r\n, , , JIT-, JS-, V8SpiderMonkey ( , ,… [+2364 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"a-v-gor","title":"[Перевод] Звездный рейтинг на HTML-CSS","description":"Мы знакомы с поведением поля ввода пятизвездочного рейтинга. Отображены пустые звезды. Пользователь решает, сколько баллов из пяти будет содержать его оценка. Он выбирает (тап/клик) звезду, которая соответствует оценке (в зависимости от позиции с начала). Выб…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T13:42:26Z","content":". . , . (/) , ( ). , , , . , , , . , «». , , . , , .\r\n, JavaScript, CSS.\r\n ? . . , , , .\r\n 1: select. (option) . .\r\n 2: ! \r\n CSS !\r\n
- HTMLCSS,… [+3444 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"A look at some use cases of Anthropic's Claude Artifacts, which lets users create interactive single-page apps via prompts (Simon Willison/Simon Willison's Weblog)","description":"Simon Willison / Simon Willison's Weblog:\nA look at some use cases of Anthropic's Claude Artifacts, which lets users create interactive single-page apps via prompts — I'm a huge fan of Claude's Artifacts feature, which lets you prompt Claude to create an in…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T06:00:02Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 2:00 AM ET, October 22, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo v… [+70 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Jo Bager","title":"heise-Angebot: c’t webdev: Happy Birthday, CSS!","description":"CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie will attend c’t frontend developers conference as a keynote speaker and celebrate 30 years of his web standard.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T11:00:00Z","content":"On October 10, 1994, Håkon Wium Lie published the first proposal for Cascading HTML style sheets. Since then, CSS has been one of the technical foundations for the web. A good occasion to celebrate C… [+1597 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Madeleine Domogalla","title":"heise-Angebot: enterJS: Beim Accessibility Day lernen, barrierefreie Websites zu entwickeln","description":"Das Online-Event am 7. November 2024 zeigt, worauf es bei der Entwicklung barrierefreier Websites ankommt und wie diese mit dem BFSG konform werden.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T11:00:00Z","content":"Am 7. November 2024 findet der Accessibility Day statt, eine Online-Konferenz im Rahmen der Enterprise-JavaScript-Konferenz enterJS. Der Thementag, veranstaltet von iX und dpunkt.verlag in Zusammenar… [+2346 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Компьютерные курсы для подростков: 50+ бесплатных видеоуроков","description":"Хотите обучиться разработке игр, трехмерному моделированию, дизайну в веб-среде или программированию? Может, интересует создание сайтов? Готовы помочь! Если одно из данных IT-направлений интересует, рекомендуем сегодняшнюю подборку: собрали 50+ видеоуроков, к…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T16:45:49Z","content":", , - ? , ? ! IT- , : 50+ , .\r\n - . IT . Pixel\r\n 50+ . , , , . .\r\n :\r\n
- «» (13 );\r\n
- Unity (15);\r\n
- «» (11);\r\n
- - Figma (10);\r\n
- - HTML, CSS JavaScript (7).\r\n
- .\r\n
- .\r\n
- React Redux.\r\n
- . \r\n
, . . , kjs-box\r\n: .\r\n, . - React-, , kjs-box,… [+15812 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Forbes"},"author":"Rachel Wells, Contributor, \n Rachel Wells, Contributor\n","title":"7 Free JavaScript Courses To Learn In 2024","description":"JavaScript is one of five most essential programming languages to learn in 2024. Here are seven free courses and resources to learn JavaScript this year.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T17:00:56Z","content":"JavaScript is the number one most essential high-income technical skill you can have in your toolkit ... [+] as a developer\r\ngetty\r\nYou wouldn't be a developer without knowing JavaScript. JavaScript … [+4761 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"","title":"Edge Scripting: Build and run applications at the edge","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-07T18:17:20Z","content":"Imagine a world where deploying and running powerful applications is as simple as writing JavaScript, a world where infrastructure fades into the background, and your code just runs exactly where it … [+17164 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: Ancestry Dot Dumb","description":"Damiano's company had more work than staff, and opted to hire a subcontractor. When hiring on a subcontractor, you could look for all sorts of things. Does their portfolio contain work similar to what you're asking them to do? What's the average experience of…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T06:30:00Z","content":"Damiano's company had more work than staff, and opted to hire a subcontractor. When hiring on a subcontractor, you could look for all sorts of things. Does their portfolio contain work similar to wha… [+3688 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Contributions to generative AI projects on GitHub grew 59% YoY between October 2023 and September 2024 and Python topped JavaScript as the most popular language (The GitHub Blog)","description":"The GitHub Blog:\nContributions to generative AI projects on GitHub grew 59% YoY between October 2023 and September 2024 and Python topped JavaScript as the most popular language — In this year's Octoverse report, we study how public and open source activity…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-30T06:30:01Z","content":"About This Page\r\nThis is a Techmeme archive page.\r\nIt shows how the site appeared at 2:30 AM ET, October 30, 2024.\r\nThe most current version of the site as always is available at our home page.\r\nTo v… [+70 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Craig Hale","title":"Anthropic updates Claude AI to write and run Javascript code","description":" can now write and execute Javascript in its quest to generate “mathematically precise and reproducible” answers.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-25T10:03:00Z","content":"Anthropic has announced a significant update to its Claude AI chatbot allowing it to both write and execute Javascript code.\r\nThrough a new analysis tool, Claude users can process data, conduct analy… [+1867 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"RodionGork","title":"По следам Жака Арсака — о программировании игр","description":"Старая книжечка \"Программирование Игр и Головоломок\" - наверное попадалась многим из нас. Изданная в 1985 в наши дни она смотрится архаично и сподвигнуть кого-то программировать приведённые в ней игры (и подобные им) - затруднительно. А жаль :)Попробуем немно…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T14:23:53Z","content":"\" \" - . 1985 - - . :)\r\n ! - - , HTML- - HTTP- - \" \" ( ). \r\n- , - :) - - , . casse-tete () - .\r\n . : - !\r\n - 40 , ? - , ( ) 3- ( ) . :)\r\n - . . , -. . . - ( - \"\" - ).\r\n ( \" \" - - 3d - ) . , , .. - .\r\n… [+2817 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Gressus","title":"Как я написал книгу для детей: «Мама, не отвлекай. Я Python учу!»","description":"Привет! Возможно, вы родитель или учитель, который хочет помочь детям освоить программирование.Расскажу о том, как и зачем я написал книгу для детей по изучению Python. Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-19T10:15:55Z","content":"Python, ?\r\n! , , .\r\n , Python.\r\n.\r\n .« pdf» , .\r\n, , Processing:\r\nProcessing Java.\r\n..\r\n , :\r\nvoid setup() {\r\n size(400, 700);\r\n}\r\nvoid draw() {\r\n fill(random(255), random(255), random(255), random… [+2257 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Judy Sanhz","title":"Google blocks popular ad blocker for ‘security and privacy concerns’","description":"Google is beefing up security with Chrome extensions and warns that support for uBlock Origin will end soon. What other app might be affected?","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T19:17:40Z","content":"Millions of Chrome users might soon lose access to their favorite extensions. As mentioned in Google’s support bulletin, Google plans to end support for popular ad blockers such as uBlock Origin and … [+2161 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Boost JavaScript Performance with Debouncing and Throttling","description":"Handling events efficiently is essential in JavaScript, especially for high-frequency actions like scrolling, resizing, or keypress events. Without optimization, these events can slow down the user experience by triggering numerous function calls in rapid suc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T17:07:00Z","content":"Handling events efficiently is essential in JavaScript, especially for high-frequency actions like scrolling, resizing, or keypress events. Without optimization, these events can slow down the user e… [+7225 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Handling Floating Point Precision in JavaScript","description":"JavaScript, like many programming languages, uses floating-point arithmetic for numbers. This often leads to precision issues when dealing with decimals, causing unexpected results. For example, calculations like 0.1 + 0.2 yield 0.30000000000000004 instead of…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T06:46:00Z","content":"JavaScript, like many programming languages, uses floating-point arithmetic for numbers. This often leads to precision issues when dealing with decimals, causing unexpected results. For example, calc… [+2795 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"JavaScript Hoisting Pitfalls: Common Scoping Issues","description":"Hoisting in JavaScript is a unique mechanism that moves declarations to the top of the current scope (either function or global scope) during the compilation phase. This can lead to unexpected behaviors, especially if you’re not fully familiar with how hoisti…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T06:47:00Z","content":"Hoisting in JavaScript is a unique mechanism that moves declarations to the top of the current scope (either function or global scope) during the compilation phase. This can lead to unexpected behavi… [+3919 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Aycan Gulez","title":"Self-Documenting Code","description":"Think back to the last time you looked at an unfamiliar block of code. Did you immediately understand what it was doing? If not, you’re not alone – many software developers, including myself, find it challenging to grasp unfamiliar code quickly…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-23T13:33:49Z","content":"Think back to the last time you looked at an unfamiliar block of code. Did you immediately understand what it was doing? If not, you’re not alone – many software developers, including myself, find it… [+5651 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Typeset: An HTML pre-processor for web typography","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-10-27T05:12:18Z","content":"An HTML pre-processor for web typography. Typeset provides typographic features used traditionally in ne printing which remain unavailable to browser layout engines. Typesets proces… [+2104 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Vladimir Prelovac","title":"Kagi Translate","description":"Your browser does not support the video tag.","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-07T19:32:04Z","content":"Your browser does not support the video tag.\r\nToday, we’re introducing Kagi Translate. It’s not revolutionary - it’s simply a better translation service.\r\nOur combination of advanced language models … [+2712 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Piotr Storożenko","title":"Shiny for Python and JavaScript: How to Add JS Scripts to Your Dashboards","description":"Web developers love JavaScript. And who can blame them, it’s a fantastic do-it-all language for making stunning websites. But what about Shiny and Shiny for Python? As it turns out, you can add JavaScript scripts to your Shiny for Python dashboards without to…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-04T14:00:36Z","content":"Web developers love JavaScript. And who can blame them, its a fantastic do-it-all language for making stunning websites. But what about Shiny and Shiny for Python? As it turns out, you can add JavaSc… [+5759 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Waterplea (Т-Банк)","title":"Maskito: то, что вы давно искали","description":"Во фронтенде часто попадаются сложные формы. Создавая их, мы хотим, чтобы пользователю было удобно все заполнять. Числа нужно правильно форматировать, чтобы с первого взгляда было видно, что нет лишнего нолика. Когда вводишь номер кредитной карты, сверять его…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-15T10:43:19Z","content":". , , . , , . , 4 , . , , , . .\r\n . , . , , , , API.\r\n , - . , .\r\nMaskito \r\nMaskito , . \r\n API. « » .\r\n, Maskito , . , , . . , Maskito. \r\n , , open source. , , . , \r\n Maskito , .\r\n, , Maskito , - . ,… [+646 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Ошибки в обучении детей программированию: ТОП-5","description":"Обучение детей программированию, как бы ни строился процесс, нередко сопровождается рядом ошибок. Отсутствие интерактивности, мер мотивации, недостаток практики и скучная, слишком сухо преподнесенная теория – типичные примеры. Может показаться, что это справе…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-06T13:54:53Z","content":", , . , , , . , , - , . : , .\r\nPixel\r\n , , , , , . : , . . \r\n IT- , , . 5 , , , .\r\n, .\r\n5 \r\n 5 .\r\n1. \r\n , , . , , .\r\n , :\r\n- . . : Python . , . IT- , . , , - ;\r\n
- . . : , , . , ( , ) .… [+694 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"kanasero","title":"Тварь ли я дрожащая или право имею. Берем чужие сайты под свой контроль. Часть 2 — Пользовательские скрипты в Chrome","description":"Сегодня продолжаем тему написания расширения для Chrome, позволяющего внедрять свой код на чужие сайты, тем самым меняя или дополняя их функционал и внешний вид по своему желанию. Для чего это нужно и чем может быть полезно, рассмотрено в предыдущей части. Та…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-13T05:28:42Z","content":"Chrome, , . , . , Angular 18. , GitHub.\r\n Chrome\r\n , Chrome. Manifest V3. , 2- Manifest, API, , , , . , API userScripts.\r\n . manifest.jsonpermissionsuserScripts, host_permissions , . , : \"host_permis… [+2376 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Markus Will","title":"#TGIQF: Das große Quiz rund um den Mozilla Firefox","description":"Mozilla Firefox wird 20: Der Browser lehrte einst Microsofts Internet Explorer das Fürchten und steht bis heute für das freie Netz. Wir gratulieren via Quiz.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T11:43:00Z","content":"Am 9. November 2004 kam der Mozilla Firefox 1.0 auf den Markt. Er war Mozillas Open-Source-Antwort auf den Microsoft Internet Explorer und lehrte der Konkurrenz das Fürchten: Schnell, schlank und oft… [+2356 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Sead Fadilpašić","title":"Opera browser had a major security flaw that could have exposed all your details, so patch now","description":"An add-on could inject malicious JavaScript to overly permissive APIs","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T15:29:00Z","content":"Opera has fixed a worrying security vulnerability, which could have allowed threat actors to access permissive APIs in the browser, and thus take over accounts, tweak browser settings, and even take … [+2245 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Android Police"},"author":"Chris Thomas","title":"Proton Mail: 6 common problems with easy solutions","description":"Proton Mail can bug out like any service can, but there are quick ways to solve most problems","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-10T00:45:10Z","content":"Proton Mail makes it easy to transition from other email providers, and offers extensive protection with features like streamlined USB security key support. Like with any major service, people run in… [+5712 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Marcos Merino","title":"\"He terminado la carrera de informática y no sé nada de programar\". Quejas en redes por la falta de preparación para el mundo laboral","description":"En los últimos tiempos, parece que cada vez son más los recién graduados en ingeniería informática / ciencias de la computación que, tras obtener sus títulos universitarios, afirman sentirse incapaces de programar de manera profesional. Aunque el mundo acadé…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-20T15:01:26Z","content":"En los últimos tiempos, parece que cada vez son más los recién graduados en ingeniería informática / ciencias de la computación que, tras obtener sus títulos universitarios, afirman sentirse incapace… [+4591 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Nicholas Ray","title":"Building a more robust Wikipedia interface by spotting the differences (2023)","description":"A look at how we leveraged visual testing to catch UI bugs when developing Wikipedia's new desktop experience.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-26T23:38:18Z","content":"Have you ever played the\r\n\"Spot the Difference\" game,\r\nwhere you try to find slight differences between two similar images? I play it\r\nwhenever I review code in a nontrivial pull request that changes… [+8217 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Как сделать игру Doors на Scratch","description":"Давайте сделаем игру «Двери» в Скретче и создадим собственную виртуальную комнату, нарисуем страшного персонажа и запрограммируем его. Поможет простая и наглядная инструкция со скриншотами: в ней разобраны основные шаги и показано, что и как нужно делать.Scra…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T20:59:25Z","content":"«» , . : , .\r\nPixel\r\n Scratch , . , : , , . : , .\r\n Doors Scratch , . , .\r\n? . , : . \r\n : \r\n , : .\r\n .\r\n 1: \r\n : . , . , 3- : , . : .\r\n . :\r\n
- «».\r\n
- . . : .\r\n
\r\n- . , … [+679 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"","title":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHub","description":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHub\nYearly report finds explosion of GenAI projects, new users from outside the coding community responsible for boost\nThere's been an upset in the Octoverse, as Python has unseated JavaScript as the…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T02:50:21Z","content":"Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHubYearly report finds explosion of GenAI projects, new users from outside the coding community responsible for boostThere's been an upset … [+144 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Stephanie","title":"Make an Internet Voicemail Machine with ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather","description":"Instructables user mars91 used our ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather and I2S 3W Class D Amplifier Breakout to make an internet voicemail system: This project will host two sites that create a audio message. One thru a computer mic or one that you can type the voic…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T15:00:31Z","content":"Adafruit publishes a wide range of writing and video content, including interviews and reporting on the maker market and the wider technology world. Our standards page is intended as a guide to best … [+2585 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Thomas Claburn","title":"Socket plugs in $40M to strengthen software supply chain","description":"Biz aims to scrub unnecessary dependencies from npm packages in the name of security\nSecurity-focused developer Socket announced on Tuesday it has connected with another $40 million in funding to further its efforts to safeguard the software supply chain.…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-22T12:28:10Z","content":"Security-focused developer Socket announced on Tuesday it has connected with another $40 million in funding to further its efforts to safeguard the software supply chain.\r\nThat brings the total raise… [+5041 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Escaping the Chrome Sandbox Through DevTools","description":"This blog post details how I found CVE-2024-6778 and CVE-2024-5836, which are vulnerabilities within the Chromium web browser which allowed for a sandbox escape from a browser extension.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-17T05:55:04Z","content":"By ading2210 on 10/16/24\r\nIntroduction\r\nThis blog post details how I found CVE-2024-6778 and CVE-2024-5836, which are vulnerabilities within the Chromium web browser which allowed for a sandbox escap… [+32195 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.0.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-16T14:07:50Z","content":"Rafael Gonzaga\r\nWere excited to announce the release of Node.js 23! Key highlights include:\r\n
- Enabling require(esm) by default for Node.js applications
- Removing support for Windows 32-… [+41662 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.1.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T21:32:29Z","content":"Antoine du Hamel\r\nWhen a Buffer is created using a resizable ArrayBuffer, the Buffer length\r\nwill now correctly change as the underlying ArrayBuffer size is changed.\r\nconst ab = new ArrayBuffer(10, {… [+14983 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Handling CORS Problems in JavaScript: Practical Solutions Explained","description":"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a critical security mechanism implemented in web browsers to control how resources are requested and shared between different origins. It prevents unauthorized access to resources on another domain, improving security f…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-23T04:41:00Z","content":"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a critical security mechanism implemented in web browsers to control how resources are requested and shared between different origins. It prevents unauthorized… [+6163 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Anne Barela","title":"QRSVG – render a QR code to SVG","description":"QRSVG is a small JavaScript project to render a two-dimensional bitmask (mostly assumed to be a QR code) with a fixed width and height to an SVG element as a collection of SVG paths with defined purposes. The code analyzes the bitmask geometrically and trace…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-31T14:47:32Z","content":"Halloween season is here! Check out all the posts, gift guides, and more!\r\nAdafruit publishes a wide range of writing and video content, including interviews and reporting on the maker market and the… [+2645 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Ancient Monkey: Pwning a 17-Year-Old Version of SpiderMonkey","description":"Last year, @swapgs and I found a fun bug in the popular enterprise VPN solution Zscaler. The VPN client used the pacparser library to decide which HTTP requests to proxied based on a PAC file.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T14:56:00Z","content":"Last year, @swapgs and I found a fun bug in the popular enterprise VPN solution Zscaler. The VPN client was using the pacparser library to decide which HTTP requests should be proxied. The decision w… [+23001 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v23.2.0 (Current)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T21:24:21Z","content":"Antoine du Hamel\r\nThis is the version of NSS that shipped in Firefox 131.0 on 2024-10-01.\r\nCertificates added:\r\n
- SecureSign Ro… [+14241 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"PatientZero","title":"[Перевод] Разбор регулярного выражения, проверяющего простоту чисел","description":"Как-то я исследовал способы наиболее эффективного определения простоты числа и наткнулся на показанный выше код.Он меня заинтриговал. Хоть это, возможно, и не самый эффективный способ, но определённо один из наименее очевидных, поэтому мне стало любопытно. Ка…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-13T07:38:48Z","content":"- :\r\npublic static boolean isPrime(int n) {\r\n return !new String(new char[n]).matches(\".?|(..+?)\\\\1+\");\r\n}\r\n . , , , , . .?|(..+?)\\1+ , ( )?\r\n , , , . , Java- Python, JavaScript Perl , .\r\n , ^.?… [+5019 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"aartaka","title":"Pretty.c","description":"Making C Look ✨Pretty✨and Lua/Lisp/Python-esque. Contribute to aartaka/pretty.c development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T03:01:58Z","content":"Pretty C is a new scripting language compatible with C. Pretty C\r\n boosts your programs with dynamic typing, generic iteration, resource\r\n tracking and other niceties. And its backwards-compatible wi… [+7576 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"zubkovase (Пиксель)","title":"Онлайн-курсы дизайна для детей: ТОП-10 бесплатных и платных вариантов","description":"Курсы дизайна для детей развивают творческое мышление, учат работать с компьютерной графикой, прокачивают восприятие эстетики и понимание композиции, а также дают другие полезные эффекты. Это, скажем, владение Photoshop и Illustrator от Adobe, Figma и не толь…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T09:47:54Z","content":", , , . , , Photoshop Illustrator Adobe, Figma . , , , . \r\nPixel\r\n 89 Illustrator, Photoshop Figma. , : , .\r\n , , , , . 4 6 , . , , 89 . \r\n4 , \r\n , , . , , , , . Photoshop, Illustrator Figma .\r\n 4 , … [+1322 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ASDF102030","title":"Выбираем BI платформу для начинающего специалиста","description":"Привет! Я работаю аналитиком данных в IT компании и только начинаю писать статьи на habr. Как и все когда-то я только начинала входить в IT и не понимала, что мне необходимо знать. Эта статья поможет тем кто находится в поисках подходящей BI платформы для изу…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-09T05:18:35Z","content":"! IT habr. - IT , . BI .\r\n, it-. , , , , , . Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Yandex DataLens ( ). , . BI- .\r\n it-, : BI- , ?. . BI , :\r\n
Power BI\r\n BI . P… [+916 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"JerryI","title":"Очередная реализация fluid sim методом Эйлера, но в блокноте WL. Часть 1","description":"Здесь мы рассмотрим простой метод симуляции несжимаемой жидкости в 2D для визуальных эффектов в интерактивном блокноте (впервые). Основная идея основана на работе Йоса Стама Stable Fluids, представленной на SIGGRAPH 1999, а также на учебном пособии Карла С…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-05T09:04:53Z","content":"2D (). Stable Fluids, SIGGRAPH 1999, .\r\nWLJS Notebook Wolfram Language, Javascript, .. Jupyter Notebook Jupyter Lab, , . , .\r\n, \r\n -, , , . .\r\ngrid = Table[Cross[{i,j,0}, {0,0,1}][[;;2]], {i, 5}, {j,… [+10282 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"MrPizzly (Beget)","title":"[Перевод] Использование Rust в серверах, написанных на других языках, для повышения производительности","description":"В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько стратегий по постепенному добавлению Rust в сервер, написанный на другом языке, например JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, PHP, Ruby и т. д. Один из возможных кейсов для подобного добавления — вы профилировали сервер, нашли «…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-10-29T16:01:52Z","content":"Rust , , JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, PHP, Ruby . . , «» , CPU, . , , Rust. , .\r\n , «» « Rust». Rust . Rust.\r\n , , , JavaScript, Node.js. , … [+14639 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Zen-Mode","title":"Путь одного IOS-приложения","description":"Решил устроить день отдыха от кода и структурировать полученный опыт. Обычно, в процессе перепросмотра возникают неожиданные мысли, которые будут полезны мне. А сам материал будет полезен тем, кто только задумывается на тему своего индивидуального проекта, уж…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-11T16:15:37Z","content":". \r\n, , . \r\n , , , .\r\n, - , , - , , , .\r\n :\r\n- . , , , .\r\n
- AppStore . , , , , . , apple .\r\n
- , AppStore - , , .\r\n
- , .\r\n
- : , , .\r\n
\r\n 3 , . , - . , . … [+1679 chars]"}]}
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