From d30dd0a179acf21e1061f543952500cb141a6d35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:04:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update news.json --- api/news/news.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/api/news/news.json b/api/news/news.json index a83064ff..5b1ca3d6 100644 --- a/api/news/news.json +++ b/api/news/news.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"status":"ok","totalResults":3179,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":" (Steven Levithan)","title":"Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript","description":"Although JavaScript regexes used to be underpowered compared to other modern flavors, numerous improvements in recent years mean that’s no longer true. Steven Levithan evaluates the history and present state of regular expressions in JavaScript with tips to m…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-20T15:00:00Z","content":"Modern JavaScript regular expressions have come a long way compared to what you might be familiar with. Regexes can be an amazing tool for searching and replacing text, but they have a longstanding r… [+19513 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Erick Merchant","title":"All About JavaScript Loops","description":"Every programming language has loops. Loops perform an operation (i.e., a chunk of work) a number of times, usually once for every item in an array or list, or to simply repeat an operation until a certain condition is met.…\n\nAll About JavaScript Loops origin…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-19T14:21:07Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!Every programming language has loops. Loops perform an operation (i.e., a chunk of work) a n… [+6783 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Golo Roden","title":"Node.js + TypeScript = Nie wieder JavaScript","description":"Wer mit Node.js entwickelt, schreibt JavaScript – oder muss umständlich TypeScript konfigurieren. Doch beides hat nun bald ein Ende.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-19T11:27:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\n\"Nie wieder JavaScript!\"\r\nthe next big thing Golo Roden\r\nGolo Roden ist Gründer und CTO von the native web GmbH. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Konzeption und Entwicklung von Web- un… [+9429 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"hacker-news","name":"Hacker News"},"author":null,"title":"Ask HN: Changing my mind about JavaScript","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-05T06:52:41Z","content":"I think the best way to understand/appreciate javascript as a language is to A) separate it from the DOM, and B) take a functional programming focusToo many times, when people complain about javascri… [+986 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Iago Lastra","title":"JavaScript Dates Are About to Be Fixed","description":"Why I’m excited about the new Temporal API in JavaScript: finally, easy and accurate date handling with time zones using ZonedDateTime. Say goodbye to the headaches of traditional Date objects.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-24T16:47:12Z","content":"Of all the recent changes coming to ECMAScript, my favorite by far is the Temporal proposal. This proposal is very advanced, and we can already use this API through the polyfill provided by the FullC… [+11192 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"wired","name":"Wired"},"author":"David Nield","title":"How to Create Your Own Browser Extension","description":"This DIY coding project can add useful utility to Chrome, Firefox, or your daily web browser.","url":"","urlToImage":",c_limit/Browser-Extension-Builder-Gear-1344986410.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-07-31T11:00:00Z","content":"Most of us spend a lot of time inside a web browser. If you're a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge user, then you'll know these browsers come with a huge number of third-party extensions to augment the featur… [+2515 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Porting My JavaScript Game Engine to C for No Reason","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-04T15:26:34Z","content":"high_impact\r\ntl;dr: high_impact is small game engine for 2D action games. It's written in C, compiles to Windows, Mac and Linux as well as to WASM for the Web. It's inspired by my original Impact Jav… [+19528 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"How Google handles JavaScript throughout the indexing process","description":"Over the years, Google's treatment of JavaScript has changed, leaving us with misconceptions of how it's indexed. Here, we debunk the myths.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-01T07:55:57Z","content":"Understanding how search engines crawl, render, and index web pages is crucial for optimizing sites for search engines. Over the years, as search engines like Google change their processes, its tough… [+21987 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Martin Gerhard Loschwitz","title":"heise+ | Datenbank MySQL 9.0: Stored Procedures in JavaScript verfassen","description":"MySQL 9.0 unterstützt erstmals Stored Procedures in JavaScript. Wir erklären die Vorteile und Nutzung der Funktion.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T10:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nMySQL ist üblicherweise kein Thema, das einen Admin aus der Reserve lockt: Milliardenfach ist die Datenbank weltweit im freien Einsatz. Von Datensätzen popeliger Websites bis hin … [+2614 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Font with Built-In Syntax Highlighting","description":"An experiment in javascript-free syntax highlighting, made possible by opentype contextual alternates and COLR table","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-14T12:12:23Z","content":"Syntax Highlighting in Hand-Coded Websites\r\nThe problem\r\nI have been trying to identify practical reasons why hand-coding websites with HTML and CSS is so hard (by hand-coding, I mean not relying on … [+15309 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"gnh1201","title":"WelsonJS: Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine","description":"WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine - gnh1201/welsonjs","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-22T04:20:34Z","content":"WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine.\r\nNow, You can build an Windows desktop app with JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ReScript, and HTML/CSS on Windows built… [+3328 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Alex Sinelnikov","title":"Alpine.js for Ruby on Rails Developers: Simplifying Front End Development","description":"Simplify frontend development in Ruby on Rails with Alpine.js, a lightweight JavaScript framework that enhances interactivity without complexity","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-15T09:45:29Z","content":"As a Ruby on Rails developer, you're used to the \"convention over configuration\" philosophy and the power of a full-stack framework. But when it comes to adding interactive elements to your frontend,… [+3710 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"How I won $2,750 using JavaScript, AI, and a can of WD-40","description":"I’ve won many marketing video contest promotions over the past decade using my proven techniques and tactics. This particular haul, however, was the first where I can give at least partial credit to the application of code and AI tools.","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-14T16:35:52Z","content":"Ive won many marketing video contest promotions over the past decade using my proven techniques and tactics. This particular haul, however, was the first where I can give at least partial credit to t… [+25404 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Gerhard Völkl","title":"heise+ | Webentwicklung: Web-Apps mit Rust und WebAssembly erstellen","description":"Rust-Code lässt sich in WebAssembly übersetzen und im Browser ausführen. Das GUI kann man in JavaScript schreiben oder als HTML-Elemente im Rust-Code einbetten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-07T07:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nEin Pluspunkt der Programmiersprache Rust ist die sichere Ausführung zur Laufzeit. Übersetzt der Rust-Compiler ein Programm ohne Fehlermeldung, sind Abstürze sehr unwahrscheinlich… [+1433 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"MacRumors"},"author":"Juli Clover","title":"Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 200 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements","description":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to allow users to test features that are planned for future release versions of the S…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-31T21:43:02Z","content":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to allow users to test fe… [+1157 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Kev Bonett","title":"HTML Web Components Make Progressive Enhancement and CSS Encapsulation Easier!","description":"I have to thank Jeremy Keith and his wonderfully insightful article from late last year that introduced me to the concept of HTML Web Components. This was the “a-ha!” moment for me:\n\nWhen you wrap some existing markup in a \r\n\n\n…\n\nHTML Web Components Make Prog…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-01T13:21:37Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!I have to thank Jeremy Keith and his wonderfully insightful article from late last year that… [+15698 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"markuman","title":"Show HN: OpenStreetMaps – Self host the entire planet","description":"simple mbtiles server. Contribute to markuman/sms development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-07T13:07:37Z","content":"Hosting your own vector map tiles to show them in a browser requires quite a few components:
  • JavaScript and CSS\r\nA Javascript and CSS library, such as MapLibre GL, and your own code to run this li… [+2014 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Hackaday"},"author":"Donald Papp","title":"Lunar Lander Game Asks You to Write a Simple Autopilot","description":"Everyone likes a good lunar landing simulator, and [Dominic Doty] wrote a fun take on the idea: your goal is to write an autopilot controller to manage the landing. Try it out! [Dominic] was inspir…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T15:00:00Z","content":"Everyone likes a good lunar landing simulator, and [Dominic Doty] wrote a fun take on the idea: your goal is to write an autopilot controller to manage the landing. Try it out!\r\nVirtual landers are f… [+756 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"Callbacks on Web Components?","description":"A gem from Chris Ferdinandi that details how to use custom events to hook into Web Components. More importantly, Chris dutifully explains why custom events are a better fit than, say, callback functions.\n\nWith a typical JavaScript library, you pass \r\n\n\n…\n\nCal…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-22T14:01:35Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!A gem from Chris Ferdinandi that details how to use custom events to hook into Web Component… [+798 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"SVG Triangle of Compromise","description":"All rituals restricted. All rites reserved.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-25T16:45:59Z","content":"Feed warning\r\nIf you're reading this via the\r\n web feed (RSS),\r\n I recommend viewing it on the web instead,\r\n as I'm using <svg> elements\r\n as well as some feed-reader-unfriendly CSS and JavaSc… [+4921 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"hacker-news","name":"Hacker News"},"author":null,"title":"Ask HN: Struggle with project ideas? Heres some novel ideas you can build now","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-24T01:35:15Z","content":"Hey HN I love thinking of ideas, I do it almost all day everyday - and I'd love to share some with the community rather than hold them close to my chest. I'm trying to be more open-minded, and giving… [+2425 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Check Maybe Div by Zero for Gleam","description":"Checks gleam source code for potential division by zero in a hacky way :D","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-07-30T21:49:04Z","content":"Gleam does not crash on division by zero.\r\nIn effect any literal division by zero in gleam returns a zero. You may opt to\r\nuse the stdlibs int.divide, int.modulo, int.remainder, float.divide and\r\nflo… [+1577 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Anke Brandt","title":"heise-Angebot: c't-Webinar: Mutation-Testing mit Stryker","description":"Seine Code-Basis – ob neu oder etabliert – sollte man regelmäßig testen. Das Webinar zeigt, wie man die Tests selbst effizient auf Fehler prüfen kann.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-25T12:45:00Z","content":"Gängige Softwaretests haben grundlegende Probleme: Oft bleiben Lücken in der Testabdeckung, da beispielsweise Unit- und Integrationstests nicht alle Codepfade prüfen und Randfälle oder seltene Fehler… [+1644 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Anke Brandt","title":"heise-Angebot: c't-Workshop: 3D im Web","description":"Moderne Browser können mehr darstellen als Text und Bild. Im Workshop lernen Sie Grundlagen und Best Practices für die Umsetzung interaktiver 3D-Szenen im Web.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-22T10:00:00Z","content":"3D-Szenen im Web bieten hervorragende Gelegenheiten, komplexe Inhalte und Produkte auf eine Weise zu präsentieren, die weit über die Möglichkeiten herkömmlicher 2D-Darstellungen hinausgehen. Nutzer k… [+2294 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Wasmer (YC S19) Is Hiring Senior Front End Engineers","description":"**Role:** Senior Frontend Developer\r\n\r\n**Type:** Full-time\r\n\r\n**Location:** Madrid, Spain\r\n\r\nHybrid (20-40% Remote)\r\n\r\n**About The Role**\r\n\r\nWe are seeking a skilled frontend developer with industrial-strength software engineering skills to help us build our …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-25T07:00:15Z","content":"At Wasmer we are working on the software that will power the next generation of Cloud Computing platforms using WebAssembly.\r\nSimilarly to Node.js, we are moving WebAssembly to the server-side but co… [+2929 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"hmpl-lang","title":"HMPL – template language for displaying UI from server to client","description":"Template language for displaying UI from server to client - hmpl-lang/hmpl","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-09T19:13:16Z","content":"hmpl is a small template language for displaying UI from server to client. It is based on requests sent to the server via fetch and processed into ready-made HTML. Reduce the size of your javascript … [+4336 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Quote-unquote \"macros\"","description":"You’ve probably seen this Python 101 thing before:\n@memoized\ndef fib(n):\n if n <= 1:\n return n\n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)\nLeaving aside the absurdity of computing Fibonacci numbers recursively, it’s a common first introduction to Python deco…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-12T17:40:09Z","content":"You’ve probably seen this Python 101 thing before:\r\n@memoizeddeffib(n):ifn<=1:returnnreturnfib(n-1)+fib(n-2)\r\nLeaving aside the absurdity of computing Fibonacci numbers recursively, it’s a common … [+12975 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-08-14)","description":"I was just going over the latest CSSWG minutes (you can subscribe to them at and came across a few interesting nuggets I wanted to jot down for another time. The group discussed the CSS Values, CSS Easing, and …\n\nCSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-08-14) or…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T16:12:51Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!I was just going over the latest CSSWG minutes (you can subscribe to them at and ca… [+2521 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Search Engine Journal"},"author":"Abby Hamilton","title":"How To Identify & Reduce Render-Blocking Resources via @sejournal, @abbynhamilton","description":"The longer users have to wait, the more likely they are to abandon your site. Identify and reduce render-blocking resources to display visual content ASAP.\nThe post How To Identify & Reduce Render-Blocking Resources appeared first on Search Engine Journal.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-21T11:00:22Z","content":"Despite significant changes to the organic search landscape throughout the year, the speed and efficiency of web pages have remained paramount.\r\nUsers continue to demand quick and seamless online int… [+17339 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Contributors to Wikimedia projects","title":"DRAKON","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-19T17:10:13Z","content":"Dijkstra search algorithm in DRAKON\r\nOuter part of quicksort algorithm in DRAKON-C\r\nA DRAKON diagram describing a transportation of a cryonics patient\r\nDRAKON (Russian: , , lit. 'Friendly Russian Alg… [+13038 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links","description":"Eric gifting us with his research on all the various things that anchors (not links) do when they are in :focus.\n\nTurns out, there’s a lot!\r\n\n\nThat’s an understatement! This is an incredible amount of work, even …\n\nBasic keyboard shortcut support for focused …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-23T13:16:20Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!Eric gifting us with his research on all the various things that anchors (not links) do when… [+1842 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"ars-technica","name":"Ars Technica"},"author":"Kyle Orland","title":"Mysterious “Black Mesa” website says it’s “not secretly working on Half Life 3”","description":"It's \"actually a real company in the Boston area\"—or is that just a cover?!","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-15T20:55:08Z","content":"Enlarge/ Kind of a weird image to post if you're trying to convince people you're not involved in a Half-Life ARG...\r\n1\r\nHere at Ars, we're always on the lookout for hints and actions that suggest th… [+4204 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Дмитрий Сажко","title":"15 неожиданных применений ChatGPT, которые вы захотите попробовать сами","description":"Вы удивитесь, как много всего уже можно доверить нейросетям, и в частности ChatGPT: выбор подарка, создание фрагментов JavaScript-кода и не только.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T06:00:00Z","content":", . ChatGPT . : « ?» « Excel, 1, 4 5 ?». , .\r\nChatGPT «». . : « », « , » « ?».\r\n , . : « » « ».\r\nYouTube, , . Google Chrome . , :\r\n . \r\n ChatGPT. : « , ». , . \r\n, , , . ChatGPT.\r\n , : « , ?», « , ?» … [+970 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ambianic","title":"Peerfetch – Peer-to-Peer HTTP over WebRTC","description":"Peer-to-peer HTTP over WebRTC. Contribute to ambianic/peerfetch development by creating an account on GitHub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-02T02:44:44Z","content":"Peer-to-peer HTTP over WebRTC. Implements an http client wrapper (similar to HTML fetch) and a corresponding server side HTTP proxy over WebRTC DataChannel. Allows direct secure access from a web bro… [+1113 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Hackaday"},"author":"Jonathan Bennett","title":"This Week in Security: Three Billion SS Numbers, IPv6 RCE, and Ring -2","description":"You may have heard about a very large data breach, exposing the Social Security numbers of three billion individuals. Now hang on. Social Security numbers are a particularly American data …read more","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T17:00:49Z","content":"You may have heard about a very large data breach, exposing the Social Security numbers of three billion individuals. Now hang on. Social Security numbers are a particularly American data point, and … [+6462 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"DioxusLabs","title":"Blitz: A lightweight, modular, extensible web renderer","description":"High performance HTML and CSS renderer powered by WGPU - DioxusLabs/blitz","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-12T04:52:21Z","content":"Blitz is a \"native\" HTML/CSS renderer built to support the \"Dioxus Native\" project. It is effectively a lightweight webview except that the JavaScript engine is replaced with a native Rust API which … [+3153 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"filamentphp","title":"Filament: Full-Stack Laravel Components with Livewire and Tailwind","description":"A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-17T10:17:35Z","content":"Filament is a collection of full-stack components for accelerated Laravel development. They are beautifully designed, intuitive to use, and fully extensible - the perfect starting point for your next… [+3204 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eric Karkovack","title":"8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Animated Progress Bars","description":"User interfaces (UIs) that measure progress are helpful. They offer visual confirmation when completing various tasks, so users don’t have to guess how far they are into a process. We...\nThe post 8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Animated Progress Bars…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-30T10:50:20Z","content":"User interfaces (UIs) that measure progress are helpful. They offer visual confirmation when completing various tasks, so users dont have to guess how far they are into a process.\r\nWe see these UIs o… [+3622 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Effizienter programmieren mit Github Copilot und KI","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung, (10% Rabatt bis 19.08.)","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-02T12:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1287 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Oliver Lau","title":"heise+ | Wie Compiler und Interpreter Formeln parsen und auswerten","description":"Ein Computer überführt einzelne Operationen in eine spezielle Struktur und rechnet damit auch komplexeste Formeln schnell aus. Wir erklären die Funktionsweise.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-31T11:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nDer 2019 von c't vorgestellte Arbitrary Precision Calculator (APC) ist ein Rechner für den Browser, der mit beliebig großen Ganzzahlen umgehen kann, und das nicht nur im Dezimalsy… [+1999 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"David Chisnall","title":"How to talk to your parents about hardware memory safety (CHERI)","description":"Some conversations are difficult to have with members of older generations who grew up with different social norms. In particular, when you’re talking to people who grew up with PDP-11s with their completely flat memory, or Lisp machines or Burroughs Large Sy…","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-07T23:05:46Z","content":"Some conversations are difficult to have with members of older generations who grew up with different social norms.\r\nIn particular, when youre talking to people who grew up with PDP-11s with their co… [+19608 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"HTML Attribute to Allow/Disallow Handwriting Input","description":"A new explainer for a new HTML attribute to handle handwritten inputs. Like this:","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-12T14:00:47Z","content":"DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!A new explainer for a new HTML attribute to handle handwritten inputs. Like this:\r\n<input… [+1483 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"kaangiray26","title":"Reddit banned me for developing Geddit","description":"Reddit did me dirty. I did them too. This is the story of how I got a permanent ban from Reddit for developing a non-commercial open-source client called Geddit.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-24T07:57:40Z","content":"That time Reddit banned me for developing an app\r\nPublished on\r\n August 24, 2024#reddit#app#geddit\r\nReddit did me dirty. I did them too. This is the story of how I got a permanent ban from Reddit for… [+3558 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Eleftheria Drosopoulou","title":"Unmasking the Mystery: ?? vs || in JavaScript","description":"JavaScript offers two powerful tools for providing default values: the logical OR (||) and the nullish coalescing (??) operators. While they might seem similar at first glance, understanding their distinct behaviors is crucial for writing clean, efficient, an…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-19T05:30:00Z","content":"JavaScript offers two powerful tools for providing default values: the logical OR (||) and the nullish coalescing (??) operators. While they might seem similar at first glance, understanding their di… [+5616 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"This Month in Ladybird: July 2024","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-07-31T21:04:43Z","content":"Welcome to the first of many monthly newsletters from the Ladybird browser project! \r\nLaunching a nonprofit \r\nOn July 1st, we launched the Ladybird Browser Initiative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporati… [+4965 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"2023-05-15","title":"Unix file access rwx permissions are simple but tricky","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-08-15T20:16:41Z","content":"Well, I have revised some related manual, for instance, man 9 vaccess and I’ve found out a funny thing about myself. It’s turned out that decades ago the manual, perhaps, did not make it clear in my … [+1952 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Supabase (YC S20) Is Hiring a Technical Product Manager","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-13T07:00:54Z","content":"Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative that provides all the backend services you need to build a scalable and robust application. Our mission is to empower developers to create extraordinar… [+2192 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"","title":"Republicans Must Fix, Not Repeal, Inflation Reduction Act","description":"Your browser appears to have Javascript disabled.\nFor instructions on how to enable Javascript please\nclick here\n.\nIf you have any issues, please contact us at\","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-19T18:47:41Z","content":"Your browser appears to have Javascript disabled.For instructions on how to enable Javascript pleaseclick here.If you have any issues, please contact us\r\nThis story … [+35 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"VentureBeat"},"author":"Sean Michael Kerner","title":"AI21 debuts Jamba 1.5, boosting hybrid SSM transformer model to enable agentic AI","description":"Jamba 1.5 mini and Jamba 1.5 large advance AI21 hybrid SSM transformer model with an eye toward agentic AI.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-22T13:00:00Z","content":"Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More\r\nTransformers are the cornerstone of the modern generative AI era, but i… [+4575 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Maika Möbus","title":"Fleet 1.39 zeigt Diff-Ansichten und erleichtert die Dateinavigation","description":"Weiterhin als Preview kostenfrei verfügbar, hat der JetBrains-Konkurrent zu Visual Studio Code neue Features erhalten.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-21T11:47:00Z","content":"JetBrains hat Fleet 1.39 veröffentlicht. Die neue Preview-Version der verteilten Entwicklungsumgebung kann nun unter anderem Dateien vergleichen und den Smart Mode für einzelne Dateien ermöglichen. E… [+2219 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Agazi Mekonnen","title":"JavaScript Set Methods","description":"The release of Firefox 127 introduces new JavaScript Set methods, now supported across major browser engines. Polyfills are no longer needed to make them work everywhere. These additions provide convenient, built-in ways to manipulate and compare collections …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-26T10:00:00Z","content":"The release of Firefox 127 introduces new JavaScript Set methods, including intersection(), union(), difference(), symmetricDifference(), isSubsetOf(), isSupersetOf(), and isDisjointFrom() now suppor… [+4030 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Antonio Vallejo","title":"Esta web es una mina para aprender a programar gratis: hasta 67 lenguajes y con la ayuda de miles de mentores","description":"Aprender a programar es algo a lo que cada vez más usuarios se apuntan, ya sea a través de distintos niveles académicos, cursos, o de forma autodidacta. Y si bien en Genbeta hemos hablado de infinidad de recursos para aprender a escribir código en múltiples l…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-30T12:02:01Z","content":"Aprender a programar es algo a lo que cada vez más usuarios se apuntan, ya sea a través de distintos niveles académicos, cursos, o de forma autodidacta. Y si bien en Genbeta hemos hablado de infinida… [+2242 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Supercharged Labels – Gleam v1.4.0","description":"The Gleam programming language","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-02T16:51:39Z","content":"Published 02 Aug, 2024 by Louis Pilfold\r\nGleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and\r\nJavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v1.4.0 has been published, so lets\r\ngo over al… [+8468 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Лиля Леднёва","title":"Не только Pinterest: 9 бесплатных ресурсов для тех, кто ищет вдохновение","description":"Behance, ArtStation, «Яндекс Шедеврум» и не только. Делимся подборкой сайтов с огромным архивом красивых картинок и видео.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-01T11:00:00Z","content":"Behance , . . , , . , -. .\r\n - . , . 12 , , , , , . 30 000 , 35% . \r\n 1x , - -, . , PRO. .\r\n«» , , , . 2023 .  12 . , . «» . 430 « ». \r\n . 200 , 164 . 90 000 , . , , . : , , .\r\n . 2023 75 550 . , , .… [+284 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Anne Barela","title":"Play Diablo in a web browser","description":"Yoy can play Diablo 1in a web browser with a JavaScript port by d07RiV. It runs the shareware version and if you own the game, copying the DIABDAT.MPQ file you can play the entire game. It even looks good on large monitors/TVs. This project is based on https:…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-13T17:38:00Z","content":"Yoy can play Diablo 1in a web browser with a JavaScript port by d07RiV. It runs the shareware version and if you own the game, copying the DIABDAT.MPQ file you can play the entire game. It even looks… [+3711 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Crafting a 13KB Game: The Story of Space Huggers","description":"One of my favorite game jams is the legendary Js13kGames competition, where participants have one month to make a web browser game that fits in a 13 kilobyte zip file. To put that into perspective,…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T08:10:48Z","content":"One of my favorite game jams is the legendary Js13kGames competition, where participants have one month to make a web browser game that fits in a 13 kilobyte zip file. To put that into perspective, a… [+21916 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Lyle Seaman","title":"Error'd: The State of the Arts","description":"Daniel D.\n humblebrags that he can spell.\n\"Ordering is easy, but alphabet is hard. Anyway for this developer\nit was. Can anyone spot which sorting algo they used?\"\nNext he'll probably\nrub it in that he can actually read unlike the TDWTF staff.\nI guess we'll n…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-09T06:30:00Z","content":"Daniel D.\r\n humblebrags that he can spell.\r\n\"Ordering is easy, but alphabet is hard. Anyway for this developer\r\nit was. Can anyone spot which sorting algo they used?\"\r\nNext he'll probably\r\nrub it in … [+1138 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Node v20.17.0 (LTS)","description":"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-21T17:40:21Z","content":"Marco Ippolito\r\nThis release adds require() support for synchronous ESM graphs under\r\nthe flag --experimental-require-module.\r\nIf --experimental-require-module is enabled, and the ECMAScript\r\nmodule … [+23458 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Clubic"},"author":"Chloé Claessens","title":"Edge 128 : le navigateur de Microsoft se met à jour, pas grand-chose de nouveau à se mettre sous la dent... ou presque","description":"La dernière version stable du navigateur talonne celle de Google Chrome dont elle partage les moteurs de rendu et JavaScript, essentiellement justifiée par la correction d’une faille de sécurité critique.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-23T13:18:00Z","content":"On notera cependant quEdge 128 intègre lensemble des corrections et changements testés dans le canal Dev (versions 128.0.2661.0, 128.0.2677.1, 128.0.2690.1, 128.0.2708.0, 128.0.2730.0 et 128.0.2739),… [+423 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Synthesizing Abstract Transformers for Reduced-Product Domains","description":"Recently, we showed how to apply program-synthesis techniques to create abstract transformers in a user-provided domain-specific language (DSL) L (i.e., ''L-transformers\"). However, we found that the algorithm of Kalita et al. does not succeed when applied to…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-16T21:38:27Z","content":"arXivLabs is a framework that allows collaborators to develop and share new arXiv features directly on our website.\r\nBoth individuals and organizations that work with arXivLabs have embraced and acce… [+257 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Arvid L","title":"How to Install NodeBB with Nginx Proxy on Ubuntu 24.04 Server","description":"NodeBB is open-source forum software written in JavaScript and Node.js. It uses MongoDB as the default database and offers multiple features, such as real-time notifications via web socket, social media integration, and full REST APIs.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-07-29T12:51:21Z","content":"NodeBB is an open-source, Node.js-based forum software that provides a modern and responsive solution for online communities. Running on Ubuntu Linux, NodeBB leverages the robustness and flexibility … [+11503 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Show HN: Free e-book about WebGPU Programming","description":"WebGPU Unleashed, your ticket to the dynamic world of graphics programming. Dive in and discover the magic of creating stunning visuals from scratch, mastering the art of real-time graphics, and unlocking the power of WebGPU - all in one captivating tutorial.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-08-04T22:56:22Z","content":"Welcome to \"WebGPU Unleashed\" - your gateway to the dynamic world of graphics programming. This free book will teach you graphics programming in JavaScript using WebGPU, drawing from my own learning … [+3740 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"A new approach to error handling","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-07-30T16:20:24Z","content":"A new approach to error handling\r\nThere are two philosophies to error handling:\r\n
    1. Implicit error handling
    2. Explicit error handling
    \r\nImplicit error handling\r\n