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853 lines (590 loc) · 21.7 KB

File metadata and controls

853 lines (590 loc) · 21.7 KB API reference

POST /riak/login/

This endpoint authenticates user and returns bearer token with other details.



Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{ \"login\": \"[email protected]\", \"password\": \"secret\" }"

Response Example

   "name":"Iван Франко",
   "login":"[email protected]",

token : This value should be specified in all further requests. For example:

curl -H "authorization : Token $TOKEN" \

The default expiration time for token is 24 hours.

GET /riak/logout/

Removes bearer token or session id, if the last one is submitted in headers by browser.

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Code : 302 Redirect to login, if session id was provided

Request Example

curl -v -X GET $URL/riak/logout/ \
    -H "authorization: **Token** $TOKEN"

GET /riak/list/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

Use this API endpoint to get the list of objects. It returns contents of cached index, containing list of objects and pseudo-directories.


prefix : Hex-encoded UTF8 string. For example "blah" becomes "626c6168", -- name of pseudo-directory.

show-deleted : Flag indicating the output should include deleted objects. Value should be "1" or "true".

signature : Signature, generated using API Key

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Request Example

curl -vv -X GET "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN"

Response Example

         "object_key":" img_20180225_130754.jpg",
         "orig_name": "IMG_20180225_130754.jpg",
         "bytes": 2690467,
         "content_type": "image/jpeg",
         "version": "W1tbIjA0MWU1MDMzNzYxYWY5NjYxMjIxMzEwNmJhNTE1OWYyIiwxLFsiMTYwOTkyOTA3NyJdXV0sW11d",
         "guid": "c699175a-9f58-44b0-83f8-18e166b12b0d",
         "author_id": "706f77d2b233c2a1935b5473edb764d2",
         "author_name": "Іван Франко",
         "author_tel": "0951234567 (фейк)",
         "is_locked": true,
         "lock_user_id": "706f77d2b233c2a1935b5473edb764d2",
         "lock_user_name": "Іван Франко",
         "lock_user_tel": "0951234567 (фейк)",
         "lock_modified_utc": 1580838703,
         "is_deleted": false,
         "md5": "9ae51374bb6623ec3b6d17a5c2415391-2",
         "width": 1024,
         "height": 768
   "uncommitted": false

POST /riak/list/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

This API endpoint creates pseudo-directory, that is stored as Hex-encoded value of UTF8 string.


signature : Signature, generated using API Key



Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 204 No Content

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

Code : 429 Too Many Requests When server is unable to process request, as Riak CS is overloaded.

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"prefix\": \"64656d6f/\", \"directory_name\": \"blah\" }"

prefix : Hex-encoded UTF8 string. For example "blah" becomes "626c6168", -- name of pseudo-directory.

directory_name : UTF8 name of new pseudo-dorectory, that should be created.

PATCH /riak/list/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

This API andpoint allows to lock, unlock, undelete objects. Undelete operation marks objects as visible again. Lock marks them immutable and unlock reverses that operation.


signature : Signature, generated using API Key


   "op": "undelete",
   "prefix": "string",
   "object_keys": ["string", "string", .. "string"]

   "op": "lock",
   "prefix": "string",
   "object_keys": ["string", "string", .. "string"]

   "op": "unlock",
   "prefix": "string",
   "object_keys": ["string", "string", .. "string"]

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

Code : 429 Too Many Requests When server is unable to process request, as Riak CS is overloaded.

Request Example

curl -X PATCH "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"prefix\": \"64656d6f/\", \"object_key\": \"something.random\" }"

Response Example

[ { "object_key":"20180111_165127.jpg", "is_locked":"true", "lock_user_id":"03a3a647d7e65013f515b16b1d9225b6", "lock_user_name":"Oleksii", "lock_user_tel":"", "lock_modified_utc":"1615039004" } ]

DELETE /riak/list/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

Marks objects as deleted. In case of pseudo-directoies, it renames them and makrs them as deleted.


signature : Signature, generated using API Key


   "object_keys": ["string", "string", ..],
   "prefix": "string"

In order to delete pseudo-directory, its name should be encoded as hex value and passed as "object_key" with "/" at the end. For example

   "object_keys": ["64656d6f/", "something.jpg"] ,
   "prefix": "74657374/"

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

Code : 429 Too Many Requests When server is unable to process request, as Riak CS is overloaded.

Request Example

curl -X DELETE "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"object_key\": \"something.jpg\" }"

Response Example

["74657374/64656d6f/", "74657374/something.jpg"]

GET /riak/thumbnail/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

Generate image thumbnail. Scales image, stored in Riak CS to width or heigt, specified in request Returns binary image data.


prefix : Hex-encoded UTF8 string. For example "blah" becomes "626c6168", -- name of pseudo-directory.

object_key : ASCII "object_key" value returned by GET /riak/list/[:bucket_id] API endpoint.

w : Requested width (optional)

h* : Requested height (optional)

dummy : If dummy=1 and image not found, returns image with text "image unavailable".

crop : Boolean flag, telling server to crop image during scaling. Default: 1 (true)

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

Request Example

curl -X GET "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"object_key\": \"something.jpg\" }"

It returns binary image data.

POST /riak/upload/[:bucket_id]

Uploads files to Riak CS. It also do the following.

  • Creates bucket if it do not exist
  • Transliterates provided filename for use in URL
  • Attaches metadata to uploaded file
  • Updates cached index ( list of files ) and full-text-search index

If file is bigger than FILE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE, it returns upload ID, that should be used to upload next parts of file.

Upload operation splits file to parts, that are stored under special prefix, RIAK_REAL_OBJECT_PREFIX. You can change that prefix, if necessary in riak.hrl. Upload API endpoint puts link to the real object in requested pseudo-directory. Such approach allows us to perform all file operations faster ( copy, move, rename, delete, undelete ).

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 100 Continue

Code : 200 OK when binary data has been saved on server

Code : 206 Partial Content when part with specified md5 exists on server already.

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers.

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket.

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found.

Code : 400 Bad Request In case of incorrect headers or multipart field values.

Code : 429 Too Many Requests When server is unable to process request, as Riak CS is overloaded.

Request Example

from light_client import LightClient

username = "[email protected]"
password = "secret"
bucket_id = "the-mybrand2-engineers-res"
filename = '20180111_165127.jpg'

client = LightClient("", username, password)
client.upload(bucket_id, filename)

content-range : Format of this header is the following.

start byte-end byte/total bytes. 

version : Casual history version, generated by pydvv in json(base64(version)). This parameter is stored in metadata and used to check if next upload with the same filename should replace existing file or not.

etags[] : Md5 sum of binary part of data

prefix : Pseudo-directory hex-encoded name.

files[] : File to upload. At the moment a single file is supported.

guid : Unique identifier on server. It is used for history

md5 : MD5 hex digest string of entire file

Response Example

         "object_key": "something.random",
         "orig_name": "Something.random",
         "bytes": 2690467,
         "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
         "version": "W1tbIjA0MWU1MDMzNzYxYWY5NjYxMjIxMzEwNmJhNTE1OWYyIiwxLFsiMTYwOTkyOTA3NyJdXV0sW11d",
         "guid": "c699175a-9f58-44b0-83f8-18e166b12b0d",
         "upload_id": "09ebb63d-6c51-4905-84a6-327dbb4c3c85",
         "author_id": "706f77d2b233c2a1935b5473edb764d2",
         "author_name": "Іван Франко",
         "author_tel": "0951234567 (фейк)",
         "is_locked": true,
         "lock_user_id": "706f77d2b233c2a1935b5473edb764d2",
         "lock_user_name": "Іван Франко",
         "lock_user_tel": "0951234567 (фейк)",
         "lock_modified_utc": 1580838703,
         "is_deleted": false,
         "md5": "9ae51374bb6623ec3b6d17a5c2415391-2",
         "width": null,
         "height": null

POST /riak/upload/[:bucket_id]/[:upload_id]/[:part_num]/

This API endpint should be used to continue upload of big file.

Response HTTP codes and contents are the same as for the previous API endpoint.

POST /riak/copy/[:src_bucket_id]/

Copy object or directory.

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request In case of incorrect headers or multipart field values

Code : 202 Accepted Application returns 202 when it failed to copy some of objects, or it failed to update index. In that case response should contain the list of copied objects. List might be empty or it can be incomplete. So client application should retry copy of those object that are missing in the list.


   "src_prefix": "string",
   "dst_prefix": "string",
   "dst_bucket_id": "string",
   "src_object_keys": {"key1": "Destination Name 1", "key2": "Destination Name 2"},

Response Example: { "src_prefix":null, "dst_prefix":"7465737431/", "old_key":"1350098.jpg", "new_key":"1350098.jpg", "src_orig_name":"1350098.jpg", "dst_orig_name":"1350098.jpg", "bytes":488475, "renamed":false, "src_locked":false, "src_lock_user_id":"undefined", "guid":"7e49f291-6bda-42c1-8651-b57e9855b7eb" }

#### Request Example
# The following request copies file "something.random" from pseudo-directory "demo" to "demo/test/".
curl -s -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"src_prefix\": \"64656d6f/\", \"dst_prefix\": \"64656d6f/74657374/\", \"dst_bucket_id\": \"the-poetry-naukovtsi-res\", \"src_object_keys\": {"1350098.jpg": \"1350098.jpg\"} }"

POST /riak/move/[:src_bucket_id]/

Move object or directory.

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 204 No Content

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request In case of incorrect headers or multipart field values

Code : 202 Accepted Application returns 202 when it failed to copy some of objects, or it failed to update index. In that case response should contain the list of copied objects. List might be empty or it can be incomplete. So client application should retry copy of those object that are missing in the list.


   "src_object_keys":["string 1", "string 2"],

Request Example

# The following request moves file "something.random" from pseudo-directory "demo" to "demo/test/".
curl -s -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"src_prefix\": \"64656d6f/\", \"dst_prefix\": \"64656d6f/74657374/\", \"dst_bucket_id\": \"the-poetry-naukovtsi-res\", \"src_object_keys\": [\"something.random\"] }"

POST /riak/rename/[:src_bucket_id]/[:src_prefix]

Renames object or directory. Changes "orig_name" meta tag when called on object. Moves nested objects to new prefix when used on pseudo-directories.

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code : 204 No Content

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request In case of incorrect headers or multipart field values

Code : 202 Accepted Application returns 202 when it failed to rename some of objects, or it failed to update index. In that case response should contain the list of renamed objects. List might be empty or it can be incomplete. So client application should retry finish rename manually in that case Example of response body in that case: {"dir_errors": ["64656d6f/], "object_errors": []}



src_object_key is an object's key, but dst_object_name is UTF8 name.

Request Example

# The following request adds record to the .riak_index.etf (default)
# that the object "something-random.jpg" was renamed to "Something Something.jpg".
# Object key remains the same, but its orig_name meta tag changes.
curl -s -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"prefix\": \"64656d6f/\", \"src_object_key\": \"something-random.jpg\", \"dst_object_name\": \"Something Something.jpg\" }"

GET /riak/download/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]/[:object_key]

Allows to download file, in case user belongs to group where file is stored.

Auth required : YES

Request Example

curl "" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" --output something.random

Resuming download

curl "" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -H "range: bytes=2000000-3999999" \
    --output something.random

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Other Response Codes

Code : 401 Unauthorized When token is not provided in headers

Code : 403 Forbidden When user has no access to bucket

Code : 404 Not Found When prefix not found

Code : 400 Bad Request When incorrect JSON values provided

GET /riak/action-log/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

Fetch the history of specified pseudo-directory.


prefix : Hex-encoded UTF8 string. For example "blah" becomes "626c6168", -- name of pseudo-directory.

object_key : The key that upload/list returns for referencing object in URL. If provided, the object history of changes will be returned.

Auth required : YES

Response Example

    "action": "copy",
    "details": "Copied from /.",
    "tenant_name": "Poets",
    "timestamp": "1575107875",
    "user_name": "Іван Франко"

POST /riak/action-log/[:bucket_id]/[:prefix]

Allow to restore previous version of file.


prefix : Hex-encoded UTF8 string. For example "blah" becomes "626c6168", -- name of pseudo-directory.

Auth required : YES

Request Example

curl -s -X POST "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
    -d "{ \"object_key\": \"something-random.jpg\", \"timestamp\": \"1576148851\" }"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Subscribe to events in bucket

You can receive events on changes in bucket by the following URL


Auth required : YES

Request Example

import _thread as thread
import argparse
import json
import time

import websocket


BUCKET_LIST = ["the-poetry-naukovtsi-res"]

def on_message(ws, message):
    data = json.loads(json.loads(message))
    the_id = data.get("id")
    message = data.get("message")

    print("Message: {}".format(message))

    # Send confirmation that message has been received
    # Otherwise server will repeat the same message.
    ws.send("CONFIRM {}".format(the_id))

def on_error(ws, error):

def on_close(*args, **kwargs):
    print("### closed ###")

def on_open(ws):
    def run(*args):
        while True:
        print("thread terminating...")

    # First message should be Authorization
    ws.send("Authorization {}".format(TOKEN))

    # Next message subscribes us to changes in bucket
    ws.send("SUBSCRIBE {}".format(" ".join(BUCKET_LIST)))
    thread.start_new_thread(run, ())

def create_parser():
    The command line arguments parser
    :return: the parameters pass on the command line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Utility to connect to websocket server"
        "-i", type=str, help="IP/Hostname. For example: -i", required=True
        "-p", type=int, help="Port. For example: -p 8082", required=True
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def main():
    parser = create_parser()
    host = parser.i
    port = parser.p
    protocol = "ws"

    if port == 443:
        protocol = "wss"

    ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(
        "{}://{}:{}/riak/websocket".format(protocol, host, port),
    ws.on_open = on_open

if __name__ == "__main__":