This project provides CMake functions to simplify using Gluecodium in CMake-based projects.
The modules consist of a platform independent part in modules/gluecodium/gluecodium
and platform specific helpers. To generate code for a target the functions
, apigen_target_sources
and apigen_target_include_directories
should be called for that target.
Depending on the target platform, there are helpers for creating .aar
archives for
Android and Swift .framework
for iOS or macOS.
Gluecodium distinguishes between two different source sets, "main" and "common". "Main" code depends on the input Lime IDL files while "common" code only depends on the Gluecodium options like internal namespace etc. In most use cases where there is only one target with generated code, not setting a common code directory works just fine, it will then be combined with the main code and can be used like this.
If code is generated for more than one target and should be used together, then the
common code needs to be separated as it would otherwise be duplicated and cause
compilation issues. For this a separate common output directory must be set for
and the generated common source only added to one target which all
others link against. add_target_sources
and add_target_link_directories
"MAIN" and "COMMON" options for this use case.
If a target A's Lime IDL files depend on those from target B, then these need to
be passed to Gluecodium during generation of A. To do this without generating B's
code twice and having duplicate symbols, Gluecodium supports auxiliary Lime IDL
input which will not result in generated files. To simplify usage of this feature,
will pass all target SOURCES
auxiliary sources to Gluecodium. Since INTERFACE_SOURCES
is resolved
transitively by CMake this means these can be passed automatically when:
* target B adds its Lime IDL files as `INTERFACE_SOURCES`: `target_sources(B INTERFACE b1.lime b2.lime...)`
* target A links to B public: `target_link_libraries(A PUBLIC B)`
In this case also transitive Lime IDL dependencies are resolved by CMake.