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File metadata and controls

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Nominatim is a tool (an API) to search OSM data by name and address and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding).


helm repo add robjuz
helm install nominatim robjuz/nominatim


This chart bootstraps a Nominatim deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It also packages a customized Bitnami PostgreSQL chart with build nominatim module which is required for bootstrapping a PostgreSQL deployment for the database requirements of the Nominatim application.

This chart has been tested to work with NGINX Ingress and cert-manager on top of the MicroK8s.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+ (ingress requires 1.19+)
  • Helm 3.1.0
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
  • ReadWriteMany volumes for deployment scaling and flatnode support

Installing the Chart

The installation consist of 2 steps

  1. Initialisation
  2. App deployment


SetnominatimInitialize.enabled: true

During the initialization, all required data are downloaded and the database is build. To improve the import speed you can set additional PostgreSQL params

    enabled: true

        extendedConfiguration: |
          shared_buffers = 2GB
          maintenance_work_mem = 10GB
          autovacuum_work_mem = 2GB
          work_mem = 50MB
          effective_cache_size = 24GB
          synchronous_commit = off
          max_wal_size = 1GB
          checkpoint_timeout = 10min
          checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
          fsync = off
          full_page_writes = off

To install the chart with the release name nominatim:

helm upgrade --install nominatim robjuz/nominatim -f values.yaml

App deployment

You need to set nominatimInitialize.enabled: false

You also should remove the postgresql.primary.extendedConfiguration

    enabled: false

To install the chart with the release name nominatim:

helm upgrade --install nominatim robjuz/nominatim -f values.yaml

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the nominatim deployment:

helm delete nominatim

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Common parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname nil
fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname nil

Nominatim Image parameters

Name Description Value
image.repository Nominatim image repository mediagis/nominatim
image.tag Nominatim image tag (immutable tags are recommended) 3.7
image.pullPolicy Nominatim image pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Nominatim image pull secrets []

Nominatim Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
NominatimAdminEmail Email for the superadmin account [email protected]
NominatimAdminPassword Password for the superadmin account changemeplease
NominatimEnvironment Nominatim environment name prod

Nominatim Initialisation Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
nominatimInitialize.enabled enable/disable init job false
nominatimInitialize.pbfUrl URL of the pbf file to import
nominatimInitialize.importWikipedia If additional Wikipedia/Wikidata rankings should be imported false
nominatimInitialize.wikipediaUrl Wikipedia/Wikidata rankings file URL
nominatimInitialize.importGB_Postcode If external GB postcodes should be imported false
nominatimInitialize.importUS_Postcode If external US postcodes should be imported false
nominatimInitialize.importStyle Nominatim import style full
nominatimInitialize.customStyleUrl Custom import style file URL nil
nominatimInitialize.threads The number of thread used by the import 16
nominatimInitialize.resources Define resources requests and limits for the init container {}

Nominatim Replication Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
nominatimReplications.enabled enable/disable replication false
nominatimReplications.replicationUrl URL with update information

Nominatim deployment parameters

Name Description Value
replicaCount Number of Nominatim replicas to deploy 1
updateStrategy.type Nominatim deployment strategy type RollingUpdate
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate Nominatim deployment rolling update configuration parameters {}
schedulerName Alternate scheduler nil
serviceAccountName ServiceAccount name default
podAnnotations Annotations for Nominatim pods {}

Traffic Exposure Parameters

Name Description Value
service.type Nominatim service type ClusterIP
service.port Nominatim service HTTP port 80
ingress.enabled Enable ingress record generation for Nominatim false
ingress.certManager Add the corresponding annotations for cert-manager integration false
ingress.hostname Default host for the ingress record Nominatim.local
ingress.annotations Additional custom annotations for the ingress record {}
ingress.tls Enable TLS configuration for the host defined at ingress.hostname parameter false
ingress.secrets Custom TLS certificates as secrets []

Flatnode Parameters

Name Description Value
flatnode.enabled Enable flatnode using Persistent Volume Claims false
flatnode.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class nil
flatnode.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes [ReadWriteMany]
flatnode.size Persistent Volume size 100Gi
flatnode.existingClaim The name of an existing PVC to use for flatnode nil

Data PVC Parameters

Name Description Value
datapvc.enabled Enable Data persistence using Persistent Volume Claims false
datapvc.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class nil
datapvc.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes [ReadWriteMany]
datapvc.size Persistent Volume size 100Gi
datapvc.existingClaim The name of an existing PVC nil

Database Parameters

Name Description Value
postgresql.enabled Deploy a PostgreSQL server to satisfy the applications database requirements true
postgresql.image.repository PostgreSQL image repository robjuz/postgresql-nominatim
postgresql.image.tag PostgreSQL image tag 14.4.0-4.0.1
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword PostgreSQL root password nominatim
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled Enable persistence on PostgreSQL using PVC(s) true
postgresql.primary.persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class nil
postgresql.primary.persistence.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
postgresql.primary.persistence.size Persistent Volume size 500Gi External PostgreSQL host (ignored if postgresql.enabled = true) localhost
externalDatabase.port External PostgreSQL post (ignored if postgresql.enabled = true) 5432
externalDatabase.user External PostgreSQL user (ignored if postgresql.enabled = true) nominatim
externalDatabase.password External PostgreSQL password (ignored if postgresql.enabled = true) ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretDsn Name of existing secret to use to set full PostgreSQL DataSourceName (overrides externalDatabase.*) nil
externalDatabase.existingSecretDsnKey Name of key in existing secret to use to set full PostgreSQL DataSourceName. Only used when externalDatabase.existingSecretDsn is set. POSTGRESQL_DSN

Nominatim Appserver Parameters

Name Description Value
nominatim.extraEnv Additional environment variables to set. []

Nominatim UI Parameters

Name Description Value
nominatimUi.enabled Installs and serves an instance of the Nominatim Demo UI. (Same as the one hosted by OSM) true
nominatimUi.version Version of Nominatim UI to install. (See their GitHub project for reference) 3.2.1
nominatimUi.apacheConfiguration Apache Webserver configuration. You have to restart the appserver when you make changes while nominatim is running. see values.yaml
nominatimUi.configuration Additional Nominatim configuration. see values.yaml

Configuration and installation details

Flatnode support

When importing large extracts (Europe/Planet) the usage of flatnode is recommended. Using flatnode with replication enabled requires the usage of a ReadWriteMany volume, because the flatnode file needs to be shared within the pods. This also applies when scaling the nominatim deployment.

PVC For data

When importing large extracts (Europe/Planet) there data needed to be downloaded are quite big. If you server has not enought disk space to store the data, you can use a dedicated PV for this.

External database support

You may want to have Nominatim connect to an external database rather than installing one inside your cluster. Typical reasons for this are to use a managed database service, or to share a common database server for all your applications. To achieve this, the chart allows you to specify credentials for an external database with the externalDatabase parameter. You should also disable the PostgreSQL installation with the postgresql.enabled option. Here is an example:

postgresql.enabled: false
  • Make sure the database does not exist when running the init job. The nominatim tool will create a nominatim database for you
  • Make sure the DB user has superuser rights. The nominatim tool will try to enable the postgis extension and will fail otherwise

Using an existing secret to connect to the database

You may want to use an existing secret to configure the connection to the database for your needs. To do so, you can use the externalDatabase.existingSecretDsn and externalDatabase.existingSecretDsnKey parameters. The secret must contain a key with the name specified in externalDatabase.existingSecretDsnKey and the value must be a valid PostgreSQL DataSourceName. Here is an example:


With a secret like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-secret
  POSTGRESQL_DSN: pgsql:host=release-name-postgresql;port=5432;user=postgres;password=nominatim;dbname=nominatim


This chart provides support for Ingress resources. If an Ingress controller, such as nginx-ingress or traefik, that Ingress controller can be used to serve Nominatim.

To enable Ingress integration, set ingress.enabled to true. The ingress.hostname property can be used to set the host name. The ingress.tls parameter can be used to add the TLS configuration for this host.

Custom Import Style

If none of the default styles satisfies your needs, you can provide your customized style file by setting the nominatimInitialize.customStyleUrl value.

Make sure the file is publicly available for init job to download it. Example

TLS secrets

The chart also facilitates the creation of TLS secrets for use with the Ingress controller, with different options for certificate management.