diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index b8411b10e..64cbedf91 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -10,10 +10,16 @@ # Ignore output directories that contain generated results evm-outputs/ test-ground-truth-stats/ -evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/logs.txt -evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/statistics.csv evm-testcases/ground-truth/test/* +# Ignore 50-ground-truth file +evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/**/*.html +evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/**/*.opcode +evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/**/*.json +evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/**/*.dot +evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/**/*.js + + # Ignore benchmark file scripts/python/benchmark-checkers/**/bytecode/** scripts/python/benchmark-checkers/**/abi/** diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index bea73d449..3db231025 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -73,21 +73,17 @@ java -jar build/libs/evm-lisa-all.jar [options] ``` Options: -a,--address Address of an Ethereum smart contract. - -b,--benchmark Filepath of the benchmark. - --basic-blocks Generate CFG with basic blocks. + --abi-path Filepath of the abi file. + -b,--bytecode Bytecode to be analyzed (e.g., 0x6080...). + --benchmark Filepath of the benchmark. + --bytecode-path Filepath of the bytecode file. -c,--cores Number of cores used in benchmark. - --checker-reentrancy Enable re-entrancy checker. + --checker-all Enable all security checkers. + --checker-reentrancy Enable reentrancy checker. --checker-timestampdependency Enable timestamp-dependency checker. --checker-txorigin Enable tx-origin checker. - --dot Export a dot-notation file. - --download-bytecode Download the bytecode. - --dump-report Dump analysis report. - --dump-stats Dump statistics. - -f,--filepath-bytecode Filepath of the bytecode file. - --html Export a graphic HTML report. --link-unsound-jumps-to-all-jumpdest Link all the unsound jumps to all jumpdest. - -o,--output Output directory path. - --serialize-inputs Serialize inputs. + --output-directory-path Filepath of the output directory. --stack-set-size Dimension of stack-set (default: 8). --stack-size Dimension of stack (default: 32). --use-live-storage Use the live storage in SLOAD. @@ -147,6 +143,24 @@ valid jump destination as the top element; --- +## EVMLiSA as a library +EVMLiSA can be used as a Java library to analyze Ethereum smart contracts. +```java +// Single case (address) +EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract("0x123456...")); + +// Single case (bytecode as a path) +EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract(Path.of("bytecode", "code.bytecode"))); + +// Single case (bytecode as a string) +EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract().setBytecode("0x6080...")); + +// Multiple contracts +EVMLiSA.analyzeSetOfContracts(Path.of("list-of-contracts.txt")); +``` + +--- + ## Contributors diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle index 503956194..9a042730e 100644 --- a/build.gradle +++ b/build.gradle @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ dependencies { implementation 'io.github.cdimascio:dotenv-java:3.0.0' implementation 'org.json:json:20210307' + + implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70' } diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.abi b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.abi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f13a3be3 --- /dev/null +++ b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.abi @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +[ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "previousOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "newOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + } + ], + "name": "OwnershipTransferred", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "from", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "to", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Transfer", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "sender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + } + ], + "name": "allowance", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "bool", + "type": "bool" + }], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "sender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "amount", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "approve", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "inputs": [{ + "name": "account", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }], + "name": "balanceOf", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "uint8", + "type": "uint8" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "decimals", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "name", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "owner", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [], + "name": "renounceOwnership", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "symbol", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "totalSupply", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "bool", + "type": "bool" + }], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "to", + "internalType": 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+++ b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.bytecode @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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0x02af\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x02d1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x02dd\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0310\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0332\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0989\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033d\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03b4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03e0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0402\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x040e\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0441\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04f4\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x051a\nPUSH2 0x05ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x057f\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH20 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05c7\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0xe6a43905\nPUSH20 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x062e\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x106d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0649\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x066d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10a8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x0a\nPUSH2 0x0764\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x122f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH7 0x06499fd9aec040\nPUSH2 0x0777\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1279\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0781\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1279\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0834\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x082b\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x132a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08a2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0899\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x097c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0994\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0a17\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a00\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09f7\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1420\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a16\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a11\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0aa1\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a98\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14e1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b0f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b06\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x156f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b7d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b74\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x15fd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bc6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c50\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x161b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d33\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d18\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d58\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cfc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d62\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d72\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d16\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d7b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0d9e\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0d4e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0dd3\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0daa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0de3\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0ded\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0dfe\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dda\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e16\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0e20\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e31\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e0d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e4d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e4c\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e5a\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0e6b\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ea2\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e80\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0eb1\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0eca\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0ea8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ee6\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0ef4\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f05\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0f16\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f35\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0f20\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f4e\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f2c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f69\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f68\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f76\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f88\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0fa1\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fbd\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fbc\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fca\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0fdb\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ffa\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ff9\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1007\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x1054\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x1067\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1066\nPUSH2 0x1010\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1080\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x108d\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10a2\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dda\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10bd\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10bc\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10ca\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1094\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nSHR\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1155\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP7\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1131\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1130\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1140\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x114e\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x1100\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1115\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP5\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x116d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x117a\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1190\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x119a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP5\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11ac\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11ab\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x02\nEXP\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP5\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c2\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0133\nDUP4\nLT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x4e\nDUP5\nLT\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP5\nLT\nAND\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11fe\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nDUP3\nEXP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11f9\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11f8\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x120b\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x110c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1222\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1221\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1239\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1244\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f20\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1271\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x115e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1283\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x128e\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMUL\nPUSH2 0x129c\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nDUP4\nISZERO\nOR\nPUSH2 0x12b3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x12b2\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7265737300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1314\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x131f\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x12ba\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1341\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1308\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7373000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x13a2\nPUSH1 0x22\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x13ad\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1348\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x13cf\nDUP2\nPUSH2 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520), (863, 394), (5323, 5233), (3661, 3568), (4103, 515), (4103, 389), (4103, 621), (643, 4157), (3924, 3937), (3924, 3945), (3568, 3546), (96, 600), (96, 107), (5453, 3334), (3588, 3761), (3588, 3606), (368, 3924), (948, 4157), (1275, 1482), (3350, 3352), (1268, 1331), (1268, 1275), (4180, 4199), (4180, 4191), (5595, 3334), (3712, 3701), (3639, 3653), (3639, 3661), (63, 74), (63, 494), (3767, 3752), (702, 762), (2773, 5487), (552, 4007), (2100, 2210), (2100, 2152), (1865, 4655), (4929, 2712), (4929, 2091), (394, 3767), (4021, 3494), (2589, 2721), (2589, 2663), (3633, 4103), (3633, 3691), (3616, 3633), (5233, 5334), (3727, 3712), (4157, 4180), (4157, 4174), (3945, 3568), (41, 416), (41, 52), (3582, 3828), (3582, 3958), (3582, 4042), (3582, 3674), (3406, 3324), (3539, 3555), (3539, 3976), (5368, 2712), (5368, 2091), (5048, 5014), (107, 178), (156, 338), (156, 167), (4082, 3494), (15, 178), (15, 25), (5311, 3334), (1338, 1407), (5345, 5311), (3555, 3562), (3555, 3565), (25, 41), (25, 111), (3958, 515), (3958, 389), (3416, 3334), (3761, 3786), (992, 999), (992, 1067), (1099, 1186), (1099, 1268), (772, 1990), (628, 4157), (1990, 2100), (1990, 2042), (4205, 3967), (290, 3792), (4285, 4244), (4906, 4872), (578, 3767), (999, 1026), (999, 1007), (5182, 3588), (134, 145), (134, 260), (4007, 4021), (4007, 4029), (3815, 3568), (1650, 578), (1650, 472), (1650, 238), (1026, 1038), (841, 346), (2831, 2883), (2831, 2941), (4029, 3568), (1609, 4264), (1186, 1268), (4895, 4929), (4895, 5368), (3691, 626), (3691, 467), (3691, 520), (3691, 233), (3691, 394), (3691, 573), (2152, 5048), (3606, 3616), (3606, 3613), (3893, 3918), (238, 3727), (3792, 3815), (3792, 3807), (3872, 3893), (338, 841), (3619, 3597), (4244, 3546), (4174, 4180), (4090, 3619), (3462, 3406), (4794, 4895), (3967, 3529), (111, 182), (111, 123), (515, 1099), (753, 762), (3324, 3416), (3899, 3884), (721, 733), (573, 1650), (3546, 3529), (3701, 3721), (3918, 359), (5014, 3334), (1482, 4205), (3721, 3746), (4042, 3568), (3565, 3582), (3807, 3494), (0, 12), (0, 15), (2883, 5629), (1413, 1479), (467, 1077), (4872, 3334), (212, 3639), (1582, 1602), (1582, 1609), (3334, 3426), (3334, 4884), (3334, 5323), (446, 3639), (2941, 5182), (4069, 4082), (4069, 4090), (621, 1780), (2210, 3767), (694, 721), (694, 702), (4277, 3494), (5334, 4929), (5334, 5368), (494, 3924), (182, 628), (794, 268), (85, 96), (85, 552), (4264, 4277), (4264, 4285), (3352, 3361), (3352, 3379), (762, 424), (762, 190), (4655, 3588), (5629, 5595), (4884, 4794), (1007, 1067), (522, 1482), (3498, 3539), (3828, 3568), (3674, 3619), (3786, 407), (3786, 281), (260, 794), (268, 3767), (424, 3462), (346, 3899), (190, 3462), (1067, 424), (1067, 190), (3884, 3872)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 37, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2964, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 275, + "resolved_jumps": 238 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0878\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0881\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x088f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08af\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0757\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08e0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08fd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x091b\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x096b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nDIFFICULTY\n'a9'(Unknown Opcode)\n'e9'(Unknown Opcode)\n'd0'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ae'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2d'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2b'(Unknown Opcode)\n'4e'(Unknown Opcode)\nADDMOD\n'2e'(Unknown Opcode)\n'bd'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH22 0x3a88b3abcde532481d3cf0736835f724e9fac2e96473\nPUSH16 0x6c63430008140033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": 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(983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0583\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x066e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05df\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x069d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060d\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0660\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x068a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0695\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0695\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0935\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0705\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0948\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0757\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2168, 2083), (363, 940), (2023, 2032), (2023, 2051), (25, 41), (25, 110), (461, 2281), (2258, 2083), (41, 52), (41, 287), (1422, 734), (2369, 2337), (1259, 1291), (1259, 1278), (1066, 1081), (1066, 1163), (2150, 2165), (2150, 2168), (659, 743), (659, 667), (2281, 2295), (2281, 2301), (505, 512), (505, 580), (1081, 734), (2295, 2301), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (2357, 609), (2357, 2369), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2395, 2408), (2395, 2411), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (2177, 2083), (2223, 2083), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1511, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0173\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0de2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0188\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0191\nPUSH2 0x04b5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x019e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e96\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01b3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x01ce\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01c9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04cc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01db\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0de2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01f0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x020b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0206\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0578\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0218\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x022d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0236\nPUSH2 0x05c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0243\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ccc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0258\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0273\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x026e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0652\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0280\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0de2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0295\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x02b0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x02ab\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x073d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02bd\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0de2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02d2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x02ed\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x02e8\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ede\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x075b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0312\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f4d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x033e\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f4d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x038b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0360\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x038b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x036e\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x03a9\nPUSH2 0x03a2\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x03ca\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x09b3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0415\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0495\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x048c\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ff0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04a9\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04a1\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP6\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x00\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x056e\nPUSH2 0x04d9\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x04e7\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP9\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0569\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05cf\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f4d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05fb\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f4d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0648\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x061d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0648\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x062b\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0661\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x071e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0715\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10e5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0732\nPUSH2 0x0729\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0751\nPUSH2 0x074a\nPUSH2 0x07e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x09b3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0859\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0850\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1177\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08c8\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x08bf\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1209\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x09a6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0a22\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a19\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x129b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0a91\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a88\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x132d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a9c\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0c32\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b22\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b19\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bb5\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c19\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH2 0x0c2c\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0c37\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0c76\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0c5b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0c9e\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0c3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0ca8\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0c47\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0cb8\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0c58\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0cc1\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0c82\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0ce6\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 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0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e40\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e3f\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0e4e\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0e5f\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0e70\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e90\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e7a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0eab\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ec7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ec6\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0ed5\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ef5\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ef4\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0f03\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f14\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d3c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH1 0x00\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0f65\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0f78\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f77\nPUSH2 0x0f1e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732061\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x6c6c6f77616e6365000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0fda\nPUSH1 0x28\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0c47\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0fe5\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0f7e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1009\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0fcd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH1 0x00\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x104a\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0d51\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1055\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d51\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x106d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x106c\nPUSH2 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0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1346\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x130a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x616c616e63650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x13a9\nPUSH1 0x26\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0c47\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x13b4\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x134d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x13d8\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x139c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nRETURN\nDUP16\nPUSH24 0x79472e84aea47f1684e85faca933b3b4a7b09d90f18f0552\nDUP16\nSELFDESTRUCT\nEXP\n'd5'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ea'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nNOT\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "name_", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "symbol_", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "totalSupply_", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "name": "decimals_", + "internalType": "uint8", + "type": "uint8" + }, + { + "name": "addr_", + "internalType": "address[2]", + "type": "address[2]" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "payable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(227, 3463), (276, 288), (276, 284), (3775, 3310), (749, 3596), (3761, 3783), (3761, 3775), (457, 1228), (3640, 3310), (771, 3917), (557, 1472), (331, 3623), (1608, 193), (1608, 566), (4303, 4211), (4788, 2128), (4788, 1813), (4788, 2585), (1531, 1538), (1531, 1608), (3358, 3374), (4496, 2128), (4496, 1813), (4496, 2585), (3617, 310), (215, 227), (215, 223), (3439, 3457), (4752, 4496), (4752, 4788), (4752, 4350), (649, 657), (649, 661), (3132, 3230), (423, 435), (423, 431), (545, 553), (545, 557), (3527, 3548), (172, 180), (172, 184), (3728, 3755), (3941, 3952), (3941, 3960), (1241, 2018), (2647, 4909), (3821, 3310), (96, 167), (4617, 4582), (3783, 3388), (3806, 3829), (3806, 3821), (392, 1205), (4460, 4496), (4460, 4788), (4460, 4350), (1853, 2018), (722, 3806), (2137, 2248), (2137, 2190), (2594, 2705), (2594, 2647), (1599, 1608), (3240, 3160), (3952, 3870), (184, 771), (3554, 3539), (3163, 3172), (3163, 3190), (947, 297), (3623, 3648), (3623, 3640), (3596, 3581), (2190, 4617), (3548, 3575), (63, 74), (63, 588), (600, 3463), (3575, 640), (3575, 475), (3575, 267), (3575, 701), (435, 3463), (786, 3917), (588, 596), (588, 600), (85, 96), (85, 710), (1618, 2018), (898, 907), (3172, 3163), (4436, 3143), (1546, 1608), (3219, 3132), (3403, 3843), (3403, 3797), (3403, 3500), (3403, 3662), (3755, 414), (1205, 401), (13, 100), (13, 30), (4649, 4752), (845, 907), (3486, 3388), (518, 1400), (3463, 3478), (3463, 3486), (4909, 4874), (3315, 3358), (3843, 3388), (661, 3463), (917, 2018), (249, 917), (3478, 3310), (4211, 4314), (1400, 523), (3829, 3388), (401, 3734), (3500, 3442), (3409, 3428), (3409, 3590), (1883, 688), (1883, 627), (1883, 749), (1883, 462), (1883, 254), (622, 1618), (523, 3596), (3347, 3315), (3960, 786), (3960, 1531), (3960, 830), (3960, 1487), (4471, 4436), (566, 3276), (3230, 3143), (3388, 3365), (319, 327), (319, 331), (484, 496), (484, 492), (3539, 3527), (3719, 3706), (4582, 3143), (1565, 1579), (4325, 4290), (4350, 2128), (4350, 1813), (4350, 2585), (123, 276), (123, 134), (1538, 1546), (1538, 1565), (3160, 3163), (4874, 3143), (3734, 3719), (1822, 2018), (74, 85), (74, 649), (2705, 3122), (4728, 3143), (3428, 3435), (3428, 3439), (52, 545), (52, 63), (254, 3554), (145, 156), (145, 380), (2079, 4471), (837, 864), (837, 845), (907, 193), (907, 566), (3706, 3728), (3517, 744), (3517, 249), (3517, 457), (3517, 683), (3517, 523), (3517, 622), (4449, 4357), (4741, 4649), (4763, 4728), (830, 837), (830, 907), (2026, 2137), (2026, 2079), (193, 3276), (4314, 4496), (4314, 4788), (4314, 4350), (627, 3554), (297, 3596), (380, 388), (380, 392), (4290, 3143), (1579, 1579), (1579, 1599), (3917, 3941), (3917, 3935), (3385, 3403), (710, 722), (710, 718), (3648, 3388), (3442, 3419), (2483, 2594), (2483, 2536), (1866, 2483), (744, 1883), (160, 166), (160, 167), (4357, 4460), (3276, 3219), (930, 2026), (1228, 2018), (2536, 4763), (41, 52), (41, 484), (3935, 3941), (0, 160), (0, 13), (462, 3554), (112, 215), (112, 123), (3457, 3517), (288, 947), (3590, 3617), (1764, 4325), (2248, 3596), (878, 898), (878, 878), (688, 3554), (1487, 3917), (3581, 3409), (30, 423), (30, 41), (864, 878), (134, 145), (134, 319), (3419, 3409), (3374, 3381), (3374, 3385), (156, 167), (1633, 1764), (1633, 1822), (3143, 4449), (3143, 4741), (3143, 3240), (3143, 4303), (100, 112), (100, 172), (1472, 3917), (683, 1853), (2018, 1633), (2018, 930), (2018, 1241), (2018, 1866), (496, 3761), (3365, 3347), (3797, 518), (3662, 3388)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 28, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2561, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 230, + "resolved_jumps": 202 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x038f\nDUP2\nDUP7\nDUP9\nPUSH2 0x02c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x03a4\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x0299\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x02f3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x03fc\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0403\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP2\nDUP4\nCALLDATACOPY\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'b5'(Unknown Opcode)\nDUP14\n'dd'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP2\n'ee'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2c'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ac'(Unknown Opcode)\nSDIV\n'c5'(Unknown Opcode)\nLOG0\nMLOAD\n'2c'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2b'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH29 0x05744bcf6d7f208dc49693de68108ffb1b1d64736f6c63430008000033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "sender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "statement", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "statementHash", + "internalType": "bytes", + "type": "bytes" + } + ], + "name": 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0x00cd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x06fdde03\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00d1\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x18160ddd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x011f\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x19ab453c\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x013d\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x016d\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x313ce567\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x019d\nJUMPI\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00d9\nPUSH2 0x02ad\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e69\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0109\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0104\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f1a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0116\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0127\nPUSH2 0x035f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0134\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0157\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0152\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fb3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0368\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0164\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0187\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0182\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fde\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03f0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0194\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01a5\nPUSH2 0x041e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01b2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1049\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01d5\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01d0\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fb3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0426\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01e2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01f3\nPUSH2 0x046c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01fd\nPUSH2 0x047f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x020a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1071\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x021b\nPUSH2 0x04a6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0228\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e69\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x024b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0246\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f1a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0536\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0258\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x027b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0276\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x108a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0558\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0288\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ab\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x02a6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fb3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05da\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02bc\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02e8\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0333\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x030a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0333\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x03fa\nPUSH2 0x065e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0407\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0677\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0412\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0709\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x12\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0474\nPUSH2 0x07f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x047d\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0880\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x04b5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 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0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x087e\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0842\nPUSH2 0x065e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x118cdaa700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0875\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1071\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nMUL\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nMUL\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x09b1\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xe602df0500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09a8\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1071\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0a21\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x94280d6200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a18\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1071\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b0a\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0b01\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b60\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0b54\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1187\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0c30\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0bea\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xe450d38c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0be1\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1125\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0c77\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nSUB\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ccc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0c82\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0d36\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0d29\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nADDRESS\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0d79\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0558\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0da4\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x0558\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0dae\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1187\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0dd4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0xffad\nPUSH1 0xaa\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0dc3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x11ba\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0dcd\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0dd8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e16\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0dfb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e3b\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0ddf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e45\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0de9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e55\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e5e\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e21\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0e81\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e31\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0eb6\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e8d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0ec6\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0eac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0ed0\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ee1\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0ebd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0ef9\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0f03\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f14\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0ef0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f30\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f2f\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f3d\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f4e\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0f06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f6c\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0f58\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f85\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f63\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f94\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0fad\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fc8\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fc7\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fd5\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ff5\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ff4\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1002\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x1013\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x1024\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0f06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1043\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x102e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x105c\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x103a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x106b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0eac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1084\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1062\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x109f\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10ad\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x10be\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0ed3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x110c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x111f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x111e\nPUSH2 0x10c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1138\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x1062\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1145\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1152\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1191\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x119c\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11b4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11b3\nPUSH2 0x115a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x11c4\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x11cf\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMUL\nPUSH2 0x11dd\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nDUP4\nISZERO\nOR\nPUSH2 0x11f4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11f3\nPUSH2 0x115a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x12\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1232\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x123d\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x124d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x124c\nPUSH2 0x11fb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'cd'(Unknown Opcode)\n'f8'(Unknown Opcode)\nSHL\nCALLCODE\n'a9'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH0\n'26'(Unknown Opcode)\nMSTORE\nBALANCE\nSWAP8\nPUSH3 0x118100\n'f8'(Unknown Opcode)\n'27'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH23 0x9611be1c788b4e338b19cc933ad84464736f6c63430008\nXOR\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "name": 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(1054, 421), (751, 759), (751, 778), (4203, 4228), (1132, 2041), (287, 863), (3756, 3725), (2079, 2107), (2079, 2174), (3928, 3948), (469, 3994), (3653, 3577), (3846, 3824), (3579, 3588), (3579, 3606), (4269, 3795), (3880, 3721), (3577, 3579), (1205, 4341), (531, 1190), (4248, 3721), (4053, 464), (4053, 338), (4053, 678), (150, 161), (150, 239), (685, 4341), (1334, 1630), (3866, 3888), (3866, 3880), (3860, 3918), (3689, 3633), (582, 1334), (778, 790), (1190, 4341), (343, 3954), (194, 413), (194, 205), (539, 3689), (74, 609), (74, 85), (4077, 3721), (609, 4234), (1558, 4209), (25, 41), (25, 138), (4085, 3795), (1283, 1295), (3815, 3988), (3815, 3833), (630, 1368), (561, 3866), (3888, 3795), (810, 819), (443, 4019), (295, 3994), (4062, 4085), (4062, 4077), (491, 1132), (265, 3954), (1506, 1618), (1506, 1558), (2041, 1630), (1062, 469), (1062, 343), (1062, 683), (4228, 2165), (4228, 522), (2174, 1506), (2174, 1140), (3824, 3815), (4019, 4032), (4019, 4040), (4256, 3795), (829, 1630), (1498, 2041), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1249, 1256), (1249, 1324), (1618, 2176), (3795, 3773), (365, 4062), (872, 1151), (3809, 4053), (3809, 4269), (3809, 3901), (52, 531), (52, 63), (3561, 3653), (635, 3994), (509, 4209), (657, 4019), (1630, 2049), (1630, 2114), (4142, 4163), (2107, 1630), (41, 52), (41, 100), (123, 501), (123, 134), (2114, 4209), (935, 499), (935, 469), (935, 343), (935, 683), (4375, 4296), (587, 3954), (1315, 1324), (3643, 3561), (138, 209), (138, 150), (1140, 2176), (4341, 4358), (4341, 4364), (3994, 3979), (3988, 4013), (3939, 3928), (501, 1151), (3588, 3579), (759, 819), (1295, 1315), (1295, 1295), (3782, 3792), (3782, 3789), (4013, 482), (4013, 308), (700, 4341), (2176, 1149), (1149, 499), (4194, 3756), (217, 3689), (4364, 4375), (4364, 4383), (338, 872), (183, 194), (183, 365), (1264, 1324), (4032, 3721), (3954, 3939), (1151, 881), (1151, 509), (1151, 2079), (1324, 217), (1324, 539), (3766, 3782), (3766, 4203), (4209, 4194), (112, 123), (112, 491), (678, 1498), (3979, 3815), (3792, 3809), (161, 172), (161, 287), (819, 217), (819, 539), (3948, 3973), (3973, 356), (744, 819), (744, 751), (2049, 1151), (3633, 3551), (3773, 3756), (464, 1062), (317, 4019), (239, 3866), (134, 205), (4188, 434), (413, 1054), (3843, 3860), (4358, 4364), (172, 183), (172, 317), (96, 205), (421, 4169), (4383, 1249), (4383, 1205), (4383, 744), (4383, 700), (3725, 3766), (881, 932), (881, 935), (3833, 3840), (3833, 3843)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 20, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2425, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 226, + "resolved_jumps": 206 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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(0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1503, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0262\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1220\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d89\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0274\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0297\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0292\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10b0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e0b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02a8\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x128b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02d4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x128b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x031f\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x02f6\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x031f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0336\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03cd\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0412\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x07\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0435\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0453\nPUSH2 0x09f4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x04a9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x04a0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nMUL\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nMUL\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x05ab\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0626\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x061d\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1393\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x64\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0672\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x067c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x144c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x068b\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x147c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP9\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x06d9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x147c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x072c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP9\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x077a\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x07c1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x147c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0xdead\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0816\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x087a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH2 0xdead\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x08e1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x095b\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x096a\nPUSH2 0x0e7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x09a9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09a0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1552\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0a2a\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x128b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0a56\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x128b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0aa1\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0a78\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0aa1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0a84\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0ab8\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b33\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b2a\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x15e0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x64\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0b41\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0b86\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0b90\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x144c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0b9f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x147c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0bad\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bf4\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x147c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c47\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0xdead\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c9c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0cc2\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0d07\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH2 0xdead\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0d30\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0d75\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1130\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e14\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x0edc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e53\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e4a\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1552\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x64\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e68\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0eec\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e72\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f2f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x08\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0ec0\nPUSH2 0x0e78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0ee5\nPUSH2 0x0e7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0f2c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0f23\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1648\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fac\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f91\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fd1\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0f75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0fdb\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0feb\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0f8f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0ff4\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0fb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1017\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0fc7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x104c\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1023\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x105c\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1042\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1066\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1077\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1053\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x108f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x107d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1099\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10aa\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1086\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10c6\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nPUSH2 0x101f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x10e4\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x109c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1102\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x10ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x111b\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x10f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x112a\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x107d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1143\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1121\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1160\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x115f\nPUSH2 0x101f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x116d\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x117e\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x118f\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x109c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x11ae\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1199\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x11c7\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x11a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11e2\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11e1\nPUSH2 0x101f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x11ef\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1201\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1042\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x121a\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x11f8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1236\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1235\nPUSH2 0x101f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1243\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x1254\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1069\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x12a2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x12b5\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x12b4\nPUSH2 0x125e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x12ef\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x12fa\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x12bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x131c\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x12e3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x54543a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e74206578636565647320616c6c6f\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x77616e6365000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x137d\nPUSH1 0x25\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1388\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1323\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x13aa\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1371\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x13e8\nDUP3\nPUSH2 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x5a67e970cc210d6b5fb6512d8142e3eb648c1d32/0x5a67e970cc210d6b5fb6512d8142e3eb648c1d32.bytecode", + "mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x5a67e970cc210d6b5fb6512d8142e3eb648c1d32/0x5a67e970cc210d6b5fb6512d8142e3eb648c1d32.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(4789, 724), (4789, 2646), (4789, 680), (4789, 2602), (1135, 4869), (4795, 4858), (5578, 5488), (15, 25), (15, 205), (4419, 308), (4505, 4526), (4634, 502), (295, 4400), (4675, 4201), (4324, 610), (4324, 658), (4324, 562), (4324, 260), (4324, 426), (4324, 459), (2721, 519), (2721, 217), (1107, 1193), (1107, 1135), (287, 1060), (383, 4532), (4198, 4215), (4662, 4201), (5623, 1184), (5623, 2858), (3985, 3994), (3985, 4012), (2731, 3704), (4557, 4578), (4557, 4570), (2661, 2721), (405, 4272), (4188, 4195), (4188, 4198), (123, 481), (123, 134), (4385, 4221), (4640, 4662), (4640, 4654), (4570, 4127), (2712, 2721), (5589, 5623), (5589, 4892), (5295, 4221), (4354, 4379), (4084, 4119), (260, 809), (4345, 4334), (724, 731), (724, 799), (2587, 4747), (4012, 4075), (3595, 3804), (4162, 4131), (4394, 4419), (265, 4360), (3957, 4049), (4517, 4505), (567, 4360), (4609, 4634), (5600, 5566), (459, 4400), (4600, 4162), (4179, 4162), (4286, 4127), (85, 96), (85, 637), (4059, 3983), (4440, 4127), (4172, 4609), (4172, 4188), (150, 161), (150, 239), (4869, 4835), (770, 770), (770, 790), (2744, 2867), (2744, 2809), (4461, 4201), (1060, 295), (4448, 4201), (731, 739), (731, 758), (433, 4557), (4835, 3967), (454, 2478), (610, 3465), (4551, 396), (739, 799), (4049, 3967), (2548, 1107), (2548, 489), (183, 194), (183, 327), (375, 2294), (4532, 4517), (481, 2548), (1069, 3704), (426, 2315), (4334, 4354), (2653, 2661), (2653, 2680), (4526, 4551), (4075, 4023), (100, 112), (100, 405), (3983, 3985), (658, 3595), (2294, 383), (589, 4640), (3967, 5578), (3967, 4059), (3967, 4847), (511, 2587), (3804, 3711), (4379, 580), (4379, 278), (0, 12), (0, 15), (172, 183), (172, 317), (680, 4747), (63, 74), (63, 541), (4360, 4345), (665, 4747), (1077, 2548), (3711, 3704), (519, 4095), (758, 770), (4781, 4702), (4119, 532), (4119, 230), (74, 85), (74, 589), (4578, 4201), (41, 52), (41, 100), (2602, 4747), (4239, 4246), (4239, 4249), (4858, 5623), (4858, 4892), (4764, 4770), (4266, 4324), (3704, 1077), (3704, 822), (3704, 2744), (317, 1069), (239, 4272), (4654, 4127), (4272, 4294), (4272, 4286), (489, 4615), (2315, 5295), (4400, 4385), (4230, 4221), (138, 209), (138, 150), (4615, 4600), (790, 799), (2478, 459), (4023, 4084), (5566, 3967), (4095, 4039), (4847, 4795), (615, 4400), (209, 665), (2692, 2692), (2692, 2712), (1193, 325), (4131, 4172), (4747, 4770), (4747, 4764), (52, 63), (52, 511), (4892, 1184), (4892, 2858), (4591, 454), (4249, 4266), (4215, 4307), (4215, 4675), (4215, 4461), (4215, 4591), (4425, 4448), (4425, 4440), (4201, 4179), (112, 433), (112, 123), 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Opcode)\nLOG4\nCODESIZE\nPUSH0\n'b2'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP15\n'b2'(Unknown Opcode)\nDUP14\nSWAP11\n'db'(Unknown Opcode)\nSELFBALANCE\nMCOPY\nJUMPI\nSELFBALANCE\nLOG2\n'0d'(Unknown Opcode)\n'c3'(Unknown Opcode)\nTLOAD\n'f6'(Unknown Opcode)\nSIGNEXTEND\nISZERO\nREVERT\n'db'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH26 0x6b58900e64736f6c63430006060033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "_mainTokenSymbol", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "_mainTokenName", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [{ + "indexed": false, + "name": "_msg", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "name": "Log", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [], + "name": "start", + "stateMutability": "payable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": 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(1737, 2303), (988, 2690), (67, 73), (67, 74), (2274, 2280), (1050, 1041), (13, 30), (13, 79), (1896, 1958), (1896, 1930), (2268, 2274), (2268, 2280), (508, 528), (508, 508), (1203, 1238), (1203, 1212), (1617, 1608), (1000, 2751), (63, 74), (625, 633), (625, 652), (1041, 1076), (1041, 1050), (1400, 1446), (223, 231), (223, 235), (290, 281), (2162, 2190), (52, 377), (52, 63), (2282, 1737), (976, 2629), (1293, 1284), (2751, 1012), (367, 703), (1747, 1764), (1747, 1765), (652, 666), (917, 2324), (2690, 1000), (1930, 1958), (716, 1715), (2042, 2048), (146, 137), (244, 281), (281, 290), (281, 308), (823, 1715), (1536, 1527), (1365, 1400), (1365, 1374), (387, 467), (387, 537), (1455, 1446), (2507, 964), (1238, 1284), (1284, 1319), (1284, 1293), (545, 625), (545, 695), (2196, 2281), (1765, 1798), (1765, 1799), (467, 475), (467, 494), (0, 67), (0, 13), (137, 146), (137, 164), (810, 917), (1527, 1536), (1527, 1562), (928, 2385), (1608, 1617), (1608, 1643), (695, 244), (2385, 940), (1212, 1203), (1964, 2049), (1122, 1157), (1122, 1131), (1643, 823), (1643, 716), (2050, 2112), (2050, 2084), (703, 917), (2324, 928), (2240, 2268), (940, 2446), (91, 387), (1799, 1880), (1799, 1852), (1562, 1608), (1157, 1203), (2190, 2196), (2190, 2206), (2118, 2282), (100, 137), (1958, 1974), (1958, 1964), (494, 508), (964, 2568), (235, 545), (1974, 2036), (1974, 2008), (1319, 1365), (1131, 1122), (1715, 1737), (633, 695), (686, 695), (184, 209), (528, 537), (2036, 2048), (2036, 2042), (2629, 988), (2008, 2036), (666, 666), (666, 686), (41, 52), (41, 367), (2128, 2162), (2128, 2190), (475, 537), (308, 353), (308, 328), (2084, 2112), (30, 41), (30, 223), (952, 2507), (1886, 2050)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 5, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1819, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 95, + "resolved_jumps": 90 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x0878\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0881\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x088f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08af\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0757\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08e0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08fd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x091b\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x096b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nGASLIMIT\n'e1'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH27 0xd4af53c5201e86a317f51dfe5843aba0a15f95df734aea21c74d04\nDUP4\n'27'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nEQ\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + 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(144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1511, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x04\nPUSH2 0x0747\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0272\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00e6\nPUSH2 0x0116\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x076f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02da\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0143\nPUSH2 0x013e\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07bc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0447\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00fa\nPUSH2 0x0153\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0882\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00bd\nPUSH2 0x0534\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00e6\nPUSH2 0x019d\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0747\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0543\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0143\nPUSH2 0x0639\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00fa\nPUSH2 0x01b8\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08a2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021d\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x024b\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nDUP5\nSHA3\nDUP7\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x035f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x25\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x54543a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e74206578636565647320616c6c6f\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x77616e6365\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0386\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x091f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x03b2\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0932\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x03e9\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x091f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0435\nSWAP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x04a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0356\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x052f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x04be\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x04be\nPUSH2 0x0945\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nADD\nDUP2\nADD\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP9\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP6\nADD\nDUP9\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nPUSH32 0x5ee81488a8c866569c02800403bbf9145d931cf759737ed853eedb84dbb5a9e3\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nPUSH2 0x04a2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05ad\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x54543a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062616c61\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x6e6365\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0356\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x05cb\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x091f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP5\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x05f7\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0932\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nSWAP1\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0692\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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(1113, 854), (122, 211), (122, 133), (74, 85), (74, 399), (133, 144), (133, 246), (110, 181), (110, 122), (607, 616), (1483, 2354), (1196, 1207), (1196, 1214), (1186, 1196), (1186, 1327), (1095, 1184), (1095, 1113), (15, 177), (15, 25), (1944, 278), (1944, 230), (1944, 250), (399, 1863), (1980, 1994), (1980, 1997), (626, 712), (1207, 2373), (2059, 2096), (2059, 2089), (1997, 2017), (1997, 2020), (2130, 2162), (2130, 2139), (413, 1347), (189, 1760), (2210, 2224), (2210, 2227), (211, 1863), (2147, 2130), (2259, 2273), (2259, 2279), (575, 587), (2335, 724), (2335, 2347), (0, 12), (0, 15), (556, 616), (587, 587), (587, 607), (1611, 854), (339, 250), (250, 202), (155, 166), (155, 283), (2273, 2279), (1921, 1836), (1785, 1776), (2366, 2315), (1332, 2259), (318, 1095), (730, 773), (730, 863), (325, 2178), (482, 2259), (246, 250), (2354, 724), (2354, 2366), (2250, 225), (2250, 440), (2250, 250), (2250, 413), (264, 1903), (497, 2259), (2039, 2052), (2039, 2059), (2089, 1960), (548, 556), (548, 575), (2203, 339), (63, 391), (63, 74), (225, 626), (2052, 1960), (1760, 1776), (1880, 1836), (41, 52), (41, 325), (1903, 1921), (1903, 1918), (2347, 2315), (365, 202), (773, 854), (144, 264), (144, 155), (304, 1980), (166, 304), (166, 177), (418, 1593), (85, 96), (85, 418), (96, 426), (96, 107), (440, 230), (440, 250), (2125, 2130), (1863, 1877), (1863, 1880), (52, 365), (52, 63)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1563, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 103, + "resolved_jumps": 99 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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Opcode)\n'ae'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2f'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH23 0xfccc552c4737311e27a8d57f890d6e734ee67da30f4d89\n'23'(Unknown Opcode)\n'c4'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nNOT\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "initialSupply_", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "name": "feeReceiver_", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "payable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "previousOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + 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(781, 293), (1180, 2111), (181, 192), (181, 389), (2272, 2289), (2272, 2286), (1718, 994), (1079, 1094), (1079, 1180), (229, 240), (229, 309), (752, 252), (1192, 1207), (1192, 1290), (2339, 2245), (2245, 2264), (2245, 2267), (52, 542), (52, 63), (2418, 2245), (872, 1079), (872, 505), (872, 863), (902, 913), (902, 1003), (170, 370), (170, 181), (2298, 288), (2298, 594), (2298, 452), (2298, 505), (2298, 556), (2298, 348), (2298, 575), (1016, 1603), (594, 1029), (2040, 994), (775, 781), (122, 133), (122, 507), (1603, 1618), (1603, 1703), (1387, 775), (2267, 2339), (2267, 2394), (2267, 2298), (2267, 2427), (1305, 994), (2394, 613), (2394, 471), (743, 752), (1290, 1305), (1290, 1387), (2312, 2327), (2312, 2330), (1834, 994), (1597, 775), (855, 2021), (2330, 2245), (2470, 2481), (2470, 2500), (1618, 994), (575, 1016), (111, 497), (111, 122), (542, 2272), (1920, 1597), (452, 822), (874, 2450), (370, 2312), (0, 12), (0, 15), (252, 2192), (2192, 265), (85, 96), (85, 599), (471, 505), (471, 348), (2427, 2245), (723, 723), (723, 743), (389, 265), (1071, 2021), (677, 752), (677, 684), (133, 144), (133, 534), (850, 1192), (684, 692), (684, 711), (507, 265), (74, 580), (74, 85), (457, 2369), (2506, 2518), (2506, 781), (218, 274), (218, 229), (913, 994), (147, 206), (147, 159), (206, 244), (206, 218), (2289, 2245), (1094, 994), (309, 348), (2500, 677), (2500, 633), (348, 265), (599, 2369), (2021, 872), (2021, 2040), (2464, 2470), (1189, 505), (1189, 348), (561, 2272), (580, 2401), (711, 723), (1207, 994), (840, 2506), (2111, 1189), (2111, 872), (863, 2111), (2385, 2245), (613, 1071), (362, 348), (1029, 293), (1029, 902), (1029, 840), (1029, 348), (1703, 1718), (1703, 1801), (15, 240), (15, 25), (2369, 2385), (2369, 2382), (41, 99), (41, 52), (288, 762), (692, 752), (497, 855), (618, 2450), (25, 147), (25, 41), (822, 1029), (633, 2450), (159, 170), (159, 362), (762, 1192), (192, 438), (192, 203), (534, 874), (274, 2272), (438, 2272), (2401, 2418), (2401, 2415), (99, 457), (99, 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0x18160ddd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00eb\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00fd\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x313ce567\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0110\nJUMPI\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x01be\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x07d8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x00d6\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x024e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x010b\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0866\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0267\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x12\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x012d\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x089f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0583\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x066e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05df\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x069d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060d\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0660\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x068a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0695\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0695\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0935\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0705\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0948\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0757\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07b4\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 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0x0878\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0881\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x088f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08af\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0757\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08e0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08fd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x091b\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2168, 2083), (363, 940), (2023, 2032), (2023, 2051), (25, 41), (25, 110), (461, 2281), (2258, 2083), (41, 52), (41, 287), (1422, 734), (2369, 2337), (1259, 1291), (1259, 1278), (1066, 1081), (1066, 1163), (2150, 2165), (2150, 2168), (659, 743), (659, 667), (2281, 2295), (2281, 2301), (505, 512), (505, 580), (1081, 734), (2295, 2301), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (2357, 609), (2357, 2369), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2395, 2408), (2395, 2411), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (2177, 2083), (2223, 2083), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1515, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0273\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00d9\nPUSH2 0x03f2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0109\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0104\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e60\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0482\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0116\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0127\nPUSH2 0x0498\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0134\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ee0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0157\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0152\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ef9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04a0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0164\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0175\nPUSH2 0x04c7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0182\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f64\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01a5\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01a0\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d58\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04dd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01b2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ee0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01c3\nPUSH2 0x0523\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01d0\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e0d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01f3\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01ee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e60\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05b3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0200\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0211\nPUSH2 0x05c9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0241\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x023c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fa5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0671\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x024e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ee0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0271\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x026c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fe3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06f3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x031c\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x035b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0342\nPUSH2 0x05c9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03a7\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH20 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03ef\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0401\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x042d\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0478\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x044f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0478\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x045b\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x048e\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x04b0\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0987\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04bb\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0a1b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0532\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x055e\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05a9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0580\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x05a9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x058c\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x05bf\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a1b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0xe6a43905\nPUSH20 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x062d\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x106b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0648\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x066c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10a6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c1\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x0a\nPUSH2 0x0763\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x122d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH6 0x990bcf344800\nPUSH2 0x0775\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1277\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x077f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1277\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0832\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0829\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1328\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0897\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13b6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x097a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ee0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0992\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0671\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0a15\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x09fe\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09f5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x141e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a14\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a0f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a9f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a96\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14df\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b0d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b04\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x156d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b7b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b72\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x15fb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bc4\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c4e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1619\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0cec\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ee0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d27\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cfe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d37\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0d41\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d52\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d2e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d6d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0d6c\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d7a\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0dba\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d9f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0ddf\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0d83\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0de9\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0d8d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0df9\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e02\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0e25\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0dd5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e3f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0e49\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e5a\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e36\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e76\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e83\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0e94\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e4c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0eb2\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e9e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ecb\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0ea9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0eda\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ef3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0ed1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f10\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f0f\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f1d\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f2e\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0f3f\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e4c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f5e\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0f49\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f77\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f86\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f9f\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fbb\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fba\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fc8\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0fd9\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d44\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ff8\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ff7\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1005\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e4c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x1052\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x1065\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1064\nPUSH2 0x100e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x107e\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f7d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x108b\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10a0\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d2e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10bb\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10ba\nPUSH2 0x0cfa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10c8\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1092\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nSHR\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1153\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP7\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x112f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x112e\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x113e\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x114c\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x10fe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1113\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP5\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x116b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1226\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1178\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1226\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x118e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1198\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1226\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP5\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11aa\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11a9\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x02\nEXP\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP5\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11c1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c0\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1226\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0133\nDUP4\nLT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x4e\nDUP5\nLT\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP5\nLT\nAND\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11fc\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nDUP3\nEXP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11f7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11f6\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1226\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1209\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x110a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1220\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x121f\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1237\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1242\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f49\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x126f\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x115c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1281\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x128c\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMUL\nPUSH2 0x129a\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e2d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nDUP4\nISZERO\nOR\nPUSH2 0x12b1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x12b0\nPUSH2 0x10d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7265737300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x2cfC31b4e1E838453c22675F46bB248AC9DDD439/0x2cfC31b4e1E838453c22675F46bB248AC9DDD439.bytecode", + "mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x2cfC31b4e1E838453c22675F46bB248AC9DDD439/0x2cfC31b4e1E838453c22675F46bB248AC9DDD439.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(4040, 3396), (3808, 3793), (3326, 3367), (1440, 1449), (3793, 3629), (4893, 5366), (4893, 4927), (3638, 3629), (1481, 4203), (796, 803), (796, 859), (2771, 5485), (499, 3768), (599, 4067), (166, 177), (166, 365), (3694, 3322), (133, 144), (133, 239), (181, 3416), (1115, 1115), (1115, 1135), (714, 796), (4653, 3629), (620, 1779), (3561, 3485), (41, 52), (41, 395), (1076, 1084), (1076, 1103), (287, 1176), (85, 96), (85, 551), (1408, 1420), (3869, 3396), (3925, 3913), (1779, 1985), (1779, 1864), (4005, 4019), (4005, 4027), (1420, 1440), (1420, 1420), (4067, 4080), (4067, 4088), (4189, 4110), (155, 166), (155, 317), (4101, 416), (4101, 202), (4101, 620), (15, 177), (15, 25), (3732, 625), (3732, 260), (3732, 421), (3732, 572), (3732, 494), (3732, 207), (4242, 3374), (3680, 3702), (3680, 3694), (627, 714), (627, 796), (521, 1481), (3833, 3856), (3833, 3848), (1459, 2587), (3965, 3357), (317, 3833), (3487, 3496), (3487, 3514), (4155, 4178), (4155, 4172), (1315, 4155), (421, 3808), (1084, 1144), (3753, 3742), (144, 155), (144, 287), (3802, 3827), (3959, 386), (1581, 1601), (1581, 1608), (3396, 3374), (473, 3680), (1223, 373), (3450, 416), (3450, 202), (5012, 3469), (443, 1315), (5332, 5366), (5332, 4927), (63, 473), (63, 74), (4019, 3322), (1103, 1115), (1135, 1144), (941, 1007), (107, 177), (3702, 3396), (3647, 3654), (3647, 3657), (3496, 3487), (3674, 3732), (3674, 4101), (451, 3597), (239, 3680), (217, 3597), (4203, 3965), (4927, 2710), (4927, 2089), (2040, 4904), (4275, 3322), (3416, 3429), (3416, 3437), (1010, 4155), (577, 3808), (3393, 3410), (3660, 3638), (3367, 3974), (3367, 3383), (1374, 1381), (1374, 1449), (1449, 451), (1449, 217), (3934, 3959), (4882, 4792), (3551, 3469), (3410, 3715), (3410, 4040), (3410, 3450), (3410, 3869), (2587, 2661), (2587, 2719), (96, 599), (96, 107), (3742, 3762), (5309, 3469), (4172, 4178), (4235, 1581), (1381, 1408), (1381, 1389), (1864, 4653), (935, 941), (935, 1007), (1144, 451), (1144, 217), (295, 3808), (1608, 4262), (1025, 4155), (3629, 3802), (3629, 3647), (209, 1010), (5321, 5231), (5343, 5309), (1154, 1988), (3715, 3660), (4222, 3965), (5593, 3469), (2881, 5627), (859, 866), (859, 935), (260, 1154), (2661, 5343), (5627, 5593), (4283, 4242), (74, 85), (74, 521), (3856, 3396), (494, 1459), (5180, 3629), (3437, 3396), (3657, 3674), (3374, 3357), (111, 181), (111, 122), (3485, 3487), (4178, 4197), (4178, 4189), (1176, 295), (4080, 3322), (373, 3940), (416, 1245), (3974, 4235), (3974, 4222), (5451, 3469), (4088, 3660), (3383, 3393), (3383, 3390), (395, 3416), (2829, 2881), (2829, 2939), (122, 209), (122, 133), (5366, 2710), (5366, 2089), (1245, 625), (1245, 421), (1245, 207), (3827, 434), (3827, 308), (3597, 3541), (1069, 1076), (1069, 1144), (3541, 3459), (25, 41), (25, 111), (3913, 3934), (0, 12), (0, 15), (4027, 3396), (803, 1481), (365, 1223), (4262, 4275), (4262, 4283), (3762, 3787), (2939, 5180), (4904, 4870), (551, 4005), (5231, 5332), (2208, 3808), (1649, 577), (1649, 499), (1649, 265), (3357, 3326), (202, 627), (3848, 3322), (2098, 2208), (2098, 2150), (3469, 4882), (3469, 3561), (3469, 5321), (572, 1649), (2150, 5046), (3787, 512), (3787, 278), (5485, 5451), (5046, 5012), (1330, 4155), (2719, 2771), (2719, 2829), (1389, 1449), (52, 443), (52, 63), (265, 3768), (1988, 2098), (1988, 2040), (3429, 3322), (866, 935), (4792, 4893), (4870, 3469), (3940, 3925), (4197, 1025), (4197, 1330), (4197, 1069), (4197, 1374), (3768, 3753), (3459, 3551)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 37, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2968, + 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2040), (1913, 2073), (1913, 1999), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (1780, 2210), (1891, 1910), (1891, 1913), (1816, 1831), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (461, 2096), (1658, 1694), (74, 85), (74, 363), (2116, 2146), (2116, 2127), (1163, 603), (1999, 219), (1999, 267), (1999, 239), (940, 2096), (301, 239), (327, 779), (2047, 2064), (2047, 2061), (2073, 1891), (155, 272), (155, 166), (2172, 609), (2172, 2184), (1985, 1891), (2096, 2116), (2096, 2110), (1367, 1647), (2015, 2028), (2015, 2031), (983, 734), (371, 1918), (2031, 1891), (2184, 2152), (2064, 1891), (1278, 1291), (1918, 1932), (1918, 1935), (200, 1918), (1296, 734), (2110, 2116), (1493, 2172), (1958, 1973), (1958, 1976), (337, 191), (1976, 1891), (580, 178), (170, 446), (609, 219), (609, 239), (609, 1503), (1503, 2191), (0, 12), (0, 15), (235, 239), (868, 335), (1840, 1831), (446, 2096), (1686, 1411), (1686, 1668), (63, 337), (63, 74), (267, 615), (390, 2047), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1831, 1840), (1831, 1859), 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0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0581\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x066c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05dd\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060b\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x074a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x065e\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06c2\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08f8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x073f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x06e6\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0923\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0756\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0936\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07a8\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07da\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x07be\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0810\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0826\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x082f\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x084f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0858\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0866\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0886\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07a8\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08a9\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08b7\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x07fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08f2\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 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(1409, 1491), (1409, 1420), (505, 512), (505, 580), (2351, 2319), (1081, 734), (2339, 609), (2339, 2351), (371, 2069), (955, 1259), (219, 191), (214, 590), (2127, 2042), (2095, 385), (2095, 404), (2095, 214), (2095, 239), (1982, 1991), (1982, 2010), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2064, 2150), (2064, 2231), (2064, 1960), (2064, 2136), (2064, 2217), (2064, 2095), (2086, 2042), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (2208, 2042), (983, 734), (2109, 2124), (2109, 2127), (1766, 1409), (609, 1766), (609, 219), (609, 239), (940, 2240), (2217, 2042), (1967, 1982), (1278, 1291), (603, 609), (1296, 734), (2150, 219), (2150, 267), (2150, 239), (2182, 2042), (461, 2240), (2296, 2309), (2296, 2312), (1774, 1784), (1774, 1855), (337, 191), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (1730, 2296), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1784, 734), (868, 335), (2136, 2042), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2254, 2260), (2191, 2208), (2191, 2205), (63, 337), (63, 74), (267, 615), (2240, 2260), (2240, 2254), (15, 166), (15, 25), (2166, 2179), (2166, 2182), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (85, 96), (85, 371), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (1367, 1644), (390, 2191), (2290, 505), (2290, 461), (2069, 2083), (2069, 2086), (239, 191), (235, 239), (110, 122), (110, 170), (590, 968), (571, 580), (520, 580), (1491, 1774), (2231, 385), (2231, 404), (2231, 214), (2231, 239), (1644, 1730), (1644, 1723), (133, 144), (133, 235), (253, 2109), (2042, 2064), (2042, 2061), (756, 1259), (200, 2069), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (287, 2166), (1855, 2339), (2312, 1766), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (1420, 734), (667, 734), (1960, 301), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1491, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 103, + "resolved_jumps": 99 + } + }, + { + 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0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ee\nPUSH2 0x0795\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0356\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0320\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x07ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x039c\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0386\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0851\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03e0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03b4\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x085e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0442\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x040c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08a6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x044c\nPUSH2 0x08b4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP1\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x00\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x048c\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0471\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04b9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSUB\nDUP1\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x20\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0513\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04dd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0956\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0579\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0543\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x09fb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05f5\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05a9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0a12\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06a3\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0678\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x06a3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0686\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x06ba\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a99\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x06db\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0bfc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0774\nDUP5\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x076f\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP11\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0dc8\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a99\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x12\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x12\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x0a\nEXP\nPUSH4 0x05f5e100\nMUL\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x00\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0847\nCALLER\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0842\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP10\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a99\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x085b\nCALLER\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e0b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08b0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0f5f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x094c\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x094c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x092f\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x09f1\nCALLER\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x09ec\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP10\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0dc8\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a99\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0a08\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0bfc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ad5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b11\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0c38\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0c89\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0dc8\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d1c\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0dd9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e01\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 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(2337, 2351), (2318, 2380), (3128, 3528), (1164, 1184), (1164, 1209), (880, 898), (880, 902), (176, 274), (26, 180), (26, 72), (2371, 2380), (154, 165), (154, 926), (94, 1223), (94, 105), (131, 778), (131, 143), (2114, 2713), (542, 560), (542, 564), (1223, 1241), (1223, 1245), (371, 396), (1325, 1347), (1325, 1343), (712, 1924), (3676, 3528), (116, 1427), (116, 127), (2351, 2371), (2351, 2351), (3068, 3124), (3068, 3128), (324, 333), (324, 351), (165, 176), (165, 1014), (410, 432), (410, 428), (2833, 2545), (2833, 2119), (2833, 3945), (2833, 1722), (2833, 2139), (105, 116), (105, 1325), (3585, 2114), (3585, 3356), (1699, 287), (351, 371), (351, 396), (3763, 2545), (3763, 3945), (3763, 2139), (1637, 1699), (180, 192), (180, 240), (72, 83), (72, 131), (1670, 1670), (1670, 1690), (1732, 520), (2129, 3595), (676, 1919), (2390, 3528), (3209, 3562), (564, 1742), (1547, 1699), (1547, 1629), (3945, 3528), (1755, 3528), (83, 1092), (83, 94), (127, 274), (1709, 2713), (2142, 992), (926, 944), (926, 948), (263, 512), (263, 274), (1184, 1209), (2228, 2310), (2228, 2380), (2578, 1525), (3545, 3763), (3545, 3209), (3545, 2540), (3545, 3676), (3562, 3585), (3562, 3581), (279, 1547), (240, 279), (240, 252), (3356, 2568), (3356, 1755)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2105, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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"output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925"], + "name": "Approval", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "8c5be1e5", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + } + ], + "mnemonic_bytecode": "PUSH1 0x80\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nCALLDATASIZE\nLT\nPUSH2 0x00fa\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHR\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x70a08231\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0092\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xa705eee2\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0062\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xa705eee2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x028b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xa8aa1b31\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02aa\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xa9059cbb\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02c9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xdd62ed3e\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02e8\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xfb201b1d\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x032c\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x70a08231\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0210\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x715018a6\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x8da5cb5b\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x025a\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x95d89b41\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0277\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x1f0ba6c9\nGT\nPUSH2 0x00cd\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x1f0ba6c9\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01a8\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01c1\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x313ce567\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01e0\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x48cd4cb1\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01fb\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x01a37fc2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00fe\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x06fdde03\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x013a\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x015b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x18160ddd\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x018a\nJUMPI\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0109\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0d\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x011d\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0145\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x014e\nPUSH2 0x0334\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0131\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b9c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0166\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x017a\nPUSH2 0x0175\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0be8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0131\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0195\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0131\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01b3\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0b\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x017a\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01cc\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x017a\nPUSH2 0x01db\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0c12\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03da\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01eb\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x12\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0131\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0206\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x019a\nPUSH1 0x0c\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x019a\nPUSH2 0x022a\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0c50\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x024f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0258\nPUSH2 0x048e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0265\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH2 0x011d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0282\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x014e\nPUSH2 0x0531\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0296\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0e\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x011d\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02b5\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x011d\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x017a\nPUSH2 0x02e3\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0be8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0540\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02f3\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x019a\nPUSH2 0x0302\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0c72\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0258\nPUSH2 0x054c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x08\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0343\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x036f\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03ba\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0391\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x03ba\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x039d\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x03d0\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0812\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x03e6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0936\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x046f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x28\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732061\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH8 0x6c6c6f77616e6365\nPUSH1 0xc0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0483\nDUP6\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x047e\nDUP7\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0cf5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0812\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x04e8\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0466\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH0\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x09\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0343\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x03d0\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0936\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0569\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0b\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05b5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0466\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05ce\nSWAP1\nADDRESS\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nNOT\nPUSH2 0x0812\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x010d\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x05de\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH2 0x0cf5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05ee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d08\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05f8\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d08\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0616\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x07\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH4 0xc45a0155\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0668\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x068c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x64e329cb\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP3\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xc9c65396\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x44\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06df\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0703\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x07\nSLOAD\nAND\nPUSH4 0xf305d719\nCALLVALUE\nADDRESS\nDUP6\nDUP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0741\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x074d\nTIMESTAMP\nPUSH2 0x012c\nPUSH2 0x0d59\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xe0\nDUP10\nSWAP1\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP7\nDUP8\nAND\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP6\nSWAP1\nSWAP6\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP6\nADD\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nAND\nPUSH1 0x84\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0xa4\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0xc4\nADD\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07b8\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x07dd\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d6c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x07fc\nADDRESS\nPUSH2 0x07f6\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0936\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nNUMBER\nPUSH1 0x0c\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0874\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0466\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x08d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 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0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x25\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0466\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0abf\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0466\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0ac9\nDUP4\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0b3d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0af1\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d59\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0929\nSWAP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x054391f1\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x52\nSLOAD\nGAS\nCALL\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b6f\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0b7c\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cf5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nPUSH2 0x0ce1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0d22\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x12\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nDIV\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nDUP2\nISZERO\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nOR\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nPUSH2 0x0ce1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d4e\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c6b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0bd1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x03d4\nPUSH2 0x0ce1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d7e\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'2c'(Unknown Opcode)\nLOG1\nSDIV\n'c7'(Unknown Opcode)\n'e8'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2a'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH10 0xbae361f88248d84f642d\nSLT\nPUSH31 0x7813282570cdb54c22c5eb120464736f6c63430008190033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + 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(146, 158), (265, 285), (662, 285), (0, 250), (0, 13), (3025, 3042), (3025, 3045), (325, 820), (879, 886), (879, 954), (1385, 1461), (1385, 1390), (73, 84), (73, 744), (682, 690), (682, 693), (228, 347), (228, 239), (405, 410), (1166, 1185), (1166, 1256), (1390, 1126), (2358, 2438), (2358, 2423), (2261, 2345), (3383, 3297), (886, 913), (886, 894), (121, 132), (121, 602), (739, 1344), (2470, 1126), (3255, 3261), (642, 1329), (449, 457), (449, 460), (1344, 2358), (254, 262), (254, 265), (580, 588), (580, 591), (410, 305), (518, 410), (591, 1166), (2423, 2438), (314, 322), (314, 325), (539, 3152), (98, 528), (98, 110), (358, 3048), (3076, 770), (3076, 739), (3076, 373), (3076, 410), (3329, 3297), (378, 305), (3065, 3025), (1502, 3336), (602, 610), (602, 613), (2751, 2877), (110, 580), (110, 121), (2164, 2179), (2164, 2261), (62, 73), (62, 713), (180, 480), (180, 191), (84, 812), (84, 95), (158, 424), (158, 169), (770, 378), (770, 410), (755, 3186), (2668, 1126), (2444, 2465), (744, 752), (744, 755), (3362, 1518), (976, 980), (2927, 3317), (812, 1356), (29, 98), (29, 40), (1486, 3317), (424, 432), (424, 435), (394, 402), (394, 405), (3336, 3362), (3336, 3343), (3168, 3025), (3119, 3025), (3179, 554), (480, 488), (480, 491), (3152, 3168), (3152, 3165), (724, 3048), (2179, 1126), (475, 986), (528, 536), (528, 539), (2465, 2470), (2465, 2551), (3367, 980), (3367, 3383), (2877, 2923), (2877, 2927), (507, 515), (507, 518), (1185, 1126), (491, 305), (40, 51), (40, 651), (986, 2358), (3108, 3025), (693, 285), (347, 355), (347, 358), (820, 3241), (945, 954), (980, 378), (980, 410), (980, 2940), (980, 1502), (3291, 835), (3291, 879), (13, 146), (13, 29), (1461, 2066), (964, 2066), (3048, 3062), (3048, 3065), (3135, 378), (3135, 410), (3135, 475), (460, 3090), (1377, 1385), (925, 945), (925, 925), (2438, 2465), (2438, 2444), (3203, 3025), (2923, 2927), (613, 285), (651, 659), (651, 662), (913, 925), (2568, 1126), (132, 631), (132, 143), (894, 954), (554, 410), (3214, 3025), (2066, 2081), (2066, 2164), (1329, 3241), (713, 721), (713, 724), (169, 449), (169, 180), (631, 642), (631, 639), (3241, 3255), (3241, 3261), (191, 202), (191, 507), (3045, 3076), (3045, 3179), (3045, 3214), (3045, 3230), (3045, 3119), (3045, 3135), (2081, 1126), (1518, 3367), (217, 228), (217, 314), (51, 682), (51, 62), (954, 334), (3186, 3200), (3186, 3203), (2653, 2668), (2653, 2751), (2972, 305), (3230, 770), (3230, 739), (3230, 373), (3230, 410)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 7, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2249, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 151, + "resolved_jumps": 144 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0267\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x043a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01d9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x078c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x0267\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x043a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02a1\nPUSH2 0x05dd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x26\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a206e6577206f776e657220697320746865207a65726f2061\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH6 0x646472657373\nPUSH1 0xd0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0314\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0639\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0379\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03da\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x049e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x25\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0500\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0577\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x26\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH6 0x616c616e6365\nPUSH1 0xd0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nDUP8\nDUP8\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP4\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP8\nADD\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP3\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0637\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nDUP4\nAND\nDUP2\nOR\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP6\nADD\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP5\nADD\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x06d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06eb\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06f4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0714\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x071d\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x072b\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x074b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0754\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x076c\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0775\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0783\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x07a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07be\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'e7'(Unknown Opcode)\n'f7'(Unknown Opcode)\n'c4'(Unknown Opcode)\n'cd'(Unknown Opcode)\nEXTCODEHASH\n'd4'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2c'(Unknown Opcode)\nPC\nLOG3\nDUP12\n'4b'(Unknown Opcode)\nNOT\nLOG0\nPOP\nSHL\n'c5'(Unknown Opcode)\nSELFBALANCE\nTLOAD\nLOG1\n'ef'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH30 0x6dff5bc46d727bffd5978e64736f6c63430008190033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, 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(1399, 615), (287, 1851), (1794, 1809), (1794, 1812), (602, 791), (235, 239), (806, 770), (52, 327), (52, 63), (615, 219), (615, 239), (1674, 191), (473, 1932), (327, 191), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1591, 673), (214, 602), (395, 665), (1749, 1923), (1749, 1780), (1749, 1876), (1749, 1909), (1749, 1835), (1749, 1821), (1876, 395), (1876, 301), (583, 592), (1835, 219), (1835, 267), (1835, 239), (74, 85), (74, 362), (63, 354), (63, 74), (688, 770), (637, 1932), (96, 402), (96, 107), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1946, 1952), (1952, 1963), (1952, 1982), (1280, 1313), (1280, 1399), (551, 563), (652, 1082), (253, 1794), (1851, 1864), (1851, 1867), (1812, 1727), (178, 1674), (779, 1593), (239, 191), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1821, 1727), (1593, 788), (301, 400), (301, 239), (1501, 1520), (1501, 1591), (381, 1851), (133, 144), (133, 235), (1197, 770), (986, 615), (1097, 770), (1771, 1727), (272, 191), (517, 592), (517, 524), (402, 1883), (200, 1754), (1780, 416), (1780, 400), (1780, 214), (1780, 376), (1780, 239), (144, 155), (144, 253), (1909, 1727), (1082, 1097), (1082, 1182), (665, 1501), (1883, 1897), (1883, 1900), (170, 458), (1727, 1746), (1727, 1749), (1923, 416), (1923, 400), (1923, 214), (1923, 376), (1923, 239)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1205, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 85, + "resolved_jumps": 85 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x00db\nPUSH2 0x00d6\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0786\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0272\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x010b\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07ae\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0288\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nPUSH32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x014f\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0786\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0162\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07e7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x0372\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0192\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0786\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0381\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x01a5\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0786\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x041b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x01b8\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0807\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0838\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021d\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0838\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x024b\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x027e\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0427\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0294\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x054a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x031d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x28\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732061\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH8 0x6c6c6f77616e6365\nPUSH1 0xc0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0331\nDUP6\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x032c\nDUP7\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0884\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0427\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x027e\nSWAP2\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x032c\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0897\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 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0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0781\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0797\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07a0\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07c0\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07c9\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x07d7\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07f7\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0800\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0818\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0821\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x082f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x076b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x084c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x086a\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0282\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0282\nPUSH2 0x0870\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0282\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0282\nPUSH2 0x0870\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP16\nDUP1\nSWAP12\n'c0'(Unknown Opcode)\nMULMOD\n'd4'(Unknown Opcode)\n'29'(Unknown Opcode)\n'b5'(Unknown Opcode)\n'cd'(Unknown Opcode)\nCODESIZE\n'd3'(Unknown Opcode)\n'29'(Unknown Opcode)\nDUP6\n'cc'(Unknown Opcode)\nSGT\nPUSH24 0x4675cb0729280e686c45f2df5d02db64736f6c6343000814\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "from", + "internalType": "address", + "type": 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1671), (626, 1063), (354, 239), (380, 882), (144, 155), (144, 253), (402, 897), (1469, 788), (1258, 1041), (1258, 638), (96, 426), (96, 107), (2118, 2124), (2154, 497), (2154, 541)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 6, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1365, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 96, + "resolved_jumps": 90 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x096b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nMCOPY\nCREATE2\n'1e'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP1\n'd7'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH4 0xf54e912c\nBALANCE\nPUSH31 0xae749550f057607fad573c539891a1fb817913f464736f6c63430008140033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": 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(2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1508, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0297\nPUSH2 0x0b9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02a1\nPUSH2 0x0ccd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02ae\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1697\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02bf\nPUSH2 0x0cf0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02cc\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1426\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ef\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x02ea\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14d7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d29\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02fc\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x152f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x031f\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x031a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14d7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f5f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x032c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x152f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x034f\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x034a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x16b0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1163\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x036b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0366\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x164a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1334\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0378\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x0a\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH32 0x50554d50205452554d5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0495\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x051c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0513\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1738\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x059c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0593\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0657\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x064e\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x06a3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x06f6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17f7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0784\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x07e8\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nSWAP2\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x12\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0895\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x088c\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x08e1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x08f9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x095d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xcc16f5dbb4873280815c1ee09dbd06736cffcc184412cf7a71a0fdb75d397ca5\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x09ab\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG2\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0a43\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a3a\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0ab1\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0aa8\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nMUL\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nMUL\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x3d39469e5870a65c8bbc11ecf87d856db3c3c5b297c77f2f743b918393387425\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG2\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nSWAP2\nPOP\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0c2a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0c21\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xf8df31144d9c2f0f6b59d69b8b98abd5459d07f2742c4df920b25aae33c64820\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG2\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nMUL\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nMUL\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH32 0x5052554d50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0de9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0de0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0e70\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP9\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0f4c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0fce\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0fc5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x104e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1045\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x109a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17c4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x10ed\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17f7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x1151\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x11f2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x11e9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x1260\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1257\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1779\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x1271\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17f7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x12c4\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x17f7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x1328\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1557\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP2\nDUP4\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x13f8\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x13b6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1402\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x13c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1412\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x13d0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x141b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x13de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x143e\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x13ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1473\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x144a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1483\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1469\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x148d\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x149e\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x147a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x14b6\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x14a4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x14c0\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x14d1\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x14ad\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x14ed\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x14ec\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x14fa\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x150b\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x14c3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1529\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1515\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1542\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1551\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x14a4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x156a\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1548\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1587\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1586\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1594\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x15a5\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x15b6\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x14c3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x15d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x15d4\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x15e2\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1600\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x15eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1619\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x15f7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1634\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1633\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1641\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x14c3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1660\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x165f\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x166d\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x167e\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1691\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1469\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x16aa\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1688\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x16c6\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x16c5\nPUSH2 0x1446\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x16d3\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x14c3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x16e4\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1490\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x7300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1722\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x13c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x172d\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x16ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x174f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1716\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1764\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x13c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x176f\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1756\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1790\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1759\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 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(580, 2871), (5182, 290), (5182, 716), (6135, 5284), (5999, 6032), (0, 12), (0, 15), (254, 377), (254, 265), (145, 665), (145, 156), (5138, 5086), (183, 194), (183, 473), (2627, 2737), (2627, 2679), (559, 5706), (320, 954), (633, 5463), (954, 5463), (5251, 5258), (5251, 5261), (205, 531), (205, 216), (5302, 5312), (5302, 5309), (5312, 5329), (5072, 5138), (5768, 5225), (4536, 6009), (5235, 5777), (5235, 5251), (160, 172), (160, 220), (5329, 5697), (5329, 5843), (5329, 5387), (2903, 529), (2903, 451), (2903, 633), (2903, 557), (5122, 5072), (107, 265), (5488, 5511), (5488, 5503), (5977, 5056), (243, 347), (243, 254), (2871, 585), (2871, 847), (269, 897), (5387, 320), (5387, 529), (5387, 451), (5387, 580), (5387, 633), (5387, 842), (5387, 746), (85, 96), (85, 821), (503, 5663), (5147, 5182), (5830, 5315), (220, 232), (220, 269), (425, 5568), (3056, 6009), (2679, 6009), (5676, 5190), (5697, 628), (5697, 524), (5697, 446), (2973, 3056), (2973, 3114), (695, 3312), (2569, 6009), (5264, 5242), (5370, 5315), (655, 2973), (5777, 5802), (481, 5638), (2197, 6084), (216, 265), (2043, 529), (2043, 451), (2043, 633), (2043, 557), (5720, 5190), (4646, 6009), (2486, 2627), (2486, 2569), (5581, 5190), (41, 52), (41, 111), (4451, 4594), (4451, 4536), (63, 725), (63, 74), (3277, 673), (5349, 5190), (5728, 5264), (2064, 481), (5242, 5225), (5086, 5147), (3561, 6084), (5503, 5190), (5974, 5999), (5589, 5264), (5261, 5278), (5284, 5457), (5284, 5302), (5463, 5448), (5602, 628), (5602, 552), (5602, 446), (5684, 5315), (3114, 663)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 18, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2797, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 218, + "resolved_jumps": 200 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0740\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0317\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0301\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x07f3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x035b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x032f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0807\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bd\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0387\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x084f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03c7\nPUSH2 0x08b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP1\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x00\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0407\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x03ec\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0434\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSUB\nDUP1\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x20\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x048e\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0458\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0953\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04f4\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04be\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0a20\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0570\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0524\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0a3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x061e\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x05f3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x061e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0601\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x063c\nPUSH2 0x0635\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0acd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x065d\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0cc4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x071e\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0669\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0719\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x60\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x28\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1352\nPUSH1 0x28\nSWAP2\nCODECOPY\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP12\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x06cf\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0f7a\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0acd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x00\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x07e9\nPUSH2 0x074d\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07e4\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x075e\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP10\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x103a\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0acd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0804\nPUSH2 0x07fe\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x10c2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x088e\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x60\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x137a\nPUSH1 0x24\nSWAP2\nCODECOPY\nPUSH2 0x087f\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x087a\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f7a\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08a2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x089c\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0acd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08ac\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x10c2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0100\nMUL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x02\nSWAP1\nDIV\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0949\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x091e\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0949\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x00\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x092c\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0a16\nPUSH2 0x0960\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a11\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x60\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x25\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1408\nPUSH1 0x25\nSWAP2\nCODECOPY\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x098a\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP11\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0f7a\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0acd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x0a34\nPUSH2 0x0a2d\nPUSH2 0x0ac5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0cc4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x00\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x00\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b53\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 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0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x00\nPUSH2 0x12bc\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1e\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f7a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nGASLIMIT\nMSTORE\nNUMBER\nORIGIN\nADDRESS\nGASPRICE\nSHA3\nPUSH21 0x72616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nGASLIMIT\nMSTORE\nNUMBER\nORIGIN\nADDRESS\nGASPRICE\nSHA3\nPUSH3 0x75726e\nSHA3\nPUSH2 0x6d6f\nPUSH22 0x6e7420657863656564732062616c616e636545524332\nADDRESS\nGASPRICE\nSHA3\nPUSH2 0x7070\nPUSH19 0x6f766520746f20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH19 0x65737345524332303a207472616e7366657220\nPUSH2 0x6d6f\nPUSH22 0x6e7420657863656564732062616c616e636545524332\nADDRESS\nGASPRICE\nSHA3\nPUSH21 0x72616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564\nPUSH20 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3268), (497, 1616), (0, 16), (0, 12), (26, 43), (26, 140), (1504, 1566), (365, 1576), (1616, 3268), (4424, 3962), (3033, 2052), (3033, 2612), (3033, 2582), (3033, 1596), (609, 1833), (1090, 1108), (1090, 1112), (1414, 1496), (1414, 1566), (4096, 4121), (343, 361), (343, 365), (185, 609), (185, 196), (881, 899), (881, 903), (98, 207), (1576, 2757), (1004, 1013), (1004, 1031), (3962, 3975), (3962, 4135), (4135, 4531), (4135, 3643), (136, 207), (152, 163), (152, 343), (793, 811), (793, 815), (815, 2055), (3975, 4049), (667, 1856), (1294, 1312), (1294, 1316), (1031, 1076), (1031, 1051), (2387, 2757), (1214, 2592), (1869, 2757), (212, 1414), (1856, 2757), (220, 257), (3536, 3962), (2622, 1392), (1886, 4154), (2368, 2377), (445, 1606), (903, 2127), (1833, 617), (967, 1004), (102, 114), (102, 747), (3268, 3322), (3268, 3402), (1537, 1537), (1537, 1557), (114, 793), (114, 125), (4290, 4344), (4290, 4424), (4058, 4049), (1596, 419), (1596, 1268), (1596, 1166), (65, 1090), (65, 76), (43, 54), (43, 102), (1589, 2765), (1523, 1537), (2348, 2368), (2348, 2348), (2757, 2400), (2757, 1589), (2757, 2170), (2757, 1869), (2757, 2605), (2757, 1886), (2757, 2046), (2170, 2622), (3402, 3456), (3402, 3536), (2765, 2899), (2765, 2819), (304, 329), (2612, 419), (2612, 1268), (2612, 1166), (747, 769), (747, 765)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 10, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2526, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 115, + "resolved_jumps": 105 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1510, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x00db\nPUSH2 0x00d6\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x078d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0270\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x010b\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07b5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0286\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0133\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x02ed\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0168\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x018e\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x078d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02fc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01a6\nPUSH2 0x01a1\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x081b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0308\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x01b6\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08db\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x090c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021b\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x090c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0266\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0266\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0249\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x027c\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0445\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0292\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0569\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02e3\nDUP5\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x02de\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x60\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x28\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x099e\nPUSH1 0x28\nSWAP2\nCODECOPY\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP11\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0445\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x090c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x027c\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0569\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0355\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x0b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH11 0x139bdd08185b1b1bddd959\nPUSH1 0xaa\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0441\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0373\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0373\nPUSH2 0x0944\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nADD\nDUP2\nADD\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nADD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x22a92927a9\nPUSH1 0xd9\nSHL\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x03c5\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nDUP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0xad3228b676f7d3cd4284a5443f17f1962b36e491b30a40b2405849e597ba5fb5\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x040e\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0714\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0xad3228b676f7d3cd4284a5443f17f1962b36e491b30a40b2405849e597ba5fb5\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0357\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x04a7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x034c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0508\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 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0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x034c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x062f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x034c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x066b\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x60\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x26\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0978\nPUSH1 0x26\nSWAP2\nCODECOPY\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0699\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0714\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nSSTORE\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP2\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH2 0x055c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDUP5\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x070c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x034c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0726\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nSUB\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 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1689), (1485, 1500), (1485, 1583), (235, 239), (865, 883), (865, 876), (2284, 1906), (495, 2316), (853, 855), (384, 1933), (170, 480), (1804, 1643), (1933, 1947), (1933, 1950), (1950, 1906), (1846, 1874), (1846, 1855), (2255, 417), (2030, 2043), (2030, 2046), (2046, 1906), (876, 2372), (1780, 1830), (96, 424), (96, 107), (764, 1385), (573, 585), (200, 1933), (2330, 2336), (2000, 1906), (2218, 2223), (640, 219), (640, 239), (640, 1823), (2267, 2281), (2267, 2284), (1689, 1372), (2152, 2182), (2152, 2189), (2316, 2336), (2316, 2330), (333, 749), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1643, 1812), (438, 219), (438, 239), (2092, 2112), (2092, 2115), (178, 1830), (636, 640), (1206, 844), (2014, 219), (2014, 267), (2014, 239), (424, 2267), (1288, 1372), (1191, 1206), (1191, 1288), (15, 166), (15, 25), (2307, 214), (2307, 438), (2307, 398), (2307, 239), (855, 865), (855, 1089), (795, 844), (2134, 2145), (2134, 2152), (1855, 1846), (883, 1769), (1991, 1906), (539, 546), (539, 614), (1973, 1988), (1973, 1991), 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0583\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x066e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05df\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x069d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060d\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0660\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x068a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0695\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0695\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0935\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0705\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0948\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0757\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 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"vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2168, 2083), (363, 940), (2023, 2032), (2023, 2051), (25, 41), (25, 110), (461, 2281), (2258, 2083), (41, 52), (41, 287), (1422, 734), (2369, 2337), (1259, 1291), (1259, 1278), (1066, 1081), (1066, 1163), (2150, 2165), (2150, 2168), (659, 743), (659, 667), (2281, 2295), (2281, 2301), (505, 512), (505, 580), (1081, 734), (2295, 2301), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (2357, 609), (2357, 2369), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2395, 2408), (2395, 2411), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (2177, 2083), (2223, 2083), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1517, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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+ "address": "0x7f212c237699f3244da5ac025e12bcbf00d09357", + "events_signature": [ + { + "input_param_count": 3, + "output_param_count": 0, + "full_signature": "Transfer(address,address,uint256)", + "output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"], + "name": "Transfer", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "ddf252ad", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + }, + { + "input_param_count": 3, + "output_param_count": 0, + "full_signature": "Approval(address,address,uint256)", + "output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925"], + "name": "Approval", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "8c5be1e5", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + } + ], + "mnemonic_bytecode": "PUSH1 0x80\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 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0x00db\nPUSH2 0x00d6\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0770\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0272\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x010b\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0798\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0288\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nPUSH32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x014f\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0770\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0162\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x0372\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0192\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0770\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0381\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x01a5\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0770\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x041b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x01b8\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x07f1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0822\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021d\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0822\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0268\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x024b\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x027e\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0427\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0294\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x054a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x031d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x28\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732061\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH8 0x6c6c6f77616e6365\nPUSH1 0xc0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0331\nDUP6\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x032c\nDUP7\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x086e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0427\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x027e\nSWAP2\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x032c\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0881\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0815\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x088f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05dd\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060b\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x074a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x065e\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06c2\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08f8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x073f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 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(1409, 1491), (1409, 1420), (505, 512), (505, 580), (2351, 2319), (1081, 734), (2339, 609), (2339, 2351), (371, 2069), (955, 1259), (219, 191), (214, 590), (2127, 2042), (2095, 385), (2095, 404), (2095, 214), (2095, 239), (1982, 1991), (1982, 2010), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2064, 2150), (2064, 2231), (2064, 1960), (2064, 2136), (2064, 2217), (2064, 2095), (2086, 2042), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (2208, 2042), (983, 734), (2109, 2124), (2109, 2127), (1766, 1409), (609, 1766), (609, 219), (609, 239), (940, 2240), (2217, 2042), (1967, 1982), (1278, 1291), (603, 609), (1296, 734), (2150, 219), (2150, 267), (2150, 239), (2182, 2042), (461, 2240), (2296, 2309), (2296, 2312), (1774, 1784), (1774, 1855), (337, 191), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (1730, 2296), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1784, 734), (868, 335), (2136, 2042), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2254, 2260), (2191, 2208), (2191, 2205), (63, 337), (63, 74), (267, 615), (2240, 2260), (2240, 2254), (15, 166), (15, 25), (2166, 2179), (2166, 2182), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (85, 96), (85, 371), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (1367, 1644), (390, 2191), (2290, 505), (2290, 461), (2069, 2083), (2069, 2086), (239, 191), (235, 239), (110, 122), (110, 170), (590, 968), (571, 580), (520, 580), (1491, 1774), (2231, 385), (2231, 404), (2231, 214), (2231, 239), (1644, 1730), (1644, 1723), (133, 144), (133, 235), (253, 2109), (2042, 2064), (2042, 2061), (756, 1259), (200, 2069), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (287, 2166), (1855, 2339), (2312, 1766), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (1420, 734), (667, 734), (1960, 301), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1488, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 103, + "resolved_jumps": 99 + } + }, + { + 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0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x02f9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nCALLER\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0356\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0372\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0396\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nGASPRICE\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03b0\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nEQ\nJUMPDEST\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0442\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x40c10f19\nCALLER\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x040f\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0426\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0438\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x06a6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nPUSH2 0x04d6\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x40c10f19\nCALLER\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x04a3\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04ba\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04cc\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x06a6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nADDRESS\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x70a08231\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP3\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x056a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0585\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x05a9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1065\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x05c6\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05e2\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0606\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nCALLER\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0663\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x067f\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06a3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCOINBASE\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nPUSH2 0x077b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x40c10f19\nCALLER\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0749\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0760\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0772\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x094a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nADDRESS\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x70a08231\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP3\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x080f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x082a\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x084e\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1065\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x086b\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0887\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08ab\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nCALLER\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0908\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0924\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0948\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCOINBASE\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP6\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a31\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0989\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0988\nPUSH2 0x0fee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nADD\nMLOAD\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0a24\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x40c10f19\nCALLER\nDUP7\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09f0\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a07\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a19\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0c96\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x096c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0ac6\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x40c10f19\nCALLER\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a93\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0aaa\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0abc\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0c96\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nADDRESS\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x70a08231\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP3\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b5a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0b75\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b99\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1065\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0bb6\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x102a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0bd2\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0bf6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0x23b872dd\nCALLER\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0c53\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10f0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0c6f\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0c93\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x41\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0cf7\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cb1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nGT\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d16\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0d15\nPUSH2 0x0cc1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d28\nPUSH2 0x0c9c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d34\nDUP3\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d53\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0d52\nPUSH2 0x0cc1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d7a\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d68\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0d84\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d95\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d71\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0dad\nPUSH2 0x0da8\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0d39\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d1f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nDUP4\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nMUL\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0dd0\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0dcf\nPUSH2 0x0d64\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0df9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0de5\nDUP9\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0dd2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nSLT\nPUSH2 0x0e17\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e16\nPUSH2 0x0cad\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH2 0x0e27\nDUP5\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d9b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e59\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e30\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e69\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e4f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0e73\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e84\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e60\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ea1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ea0\nPUSH2 0x0ca5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ebe\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ebd\nPUSH2 0x0ca9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0eca\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e03\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0edb\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e76\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0eec\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f0d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f0c\nPUSH2 0x0ca5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f1a\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e76\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f2b\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0f3c\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f4f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e4f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f68\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f46\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x80\nDUP6\nDUP8\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f86\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f85\nPUSH2 0x0ca5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fa3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fa2\nPUSH2 0x0ca9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0faf\nDUP8\nDUP3\nDUP9\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e03\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0fc0\nDUP8\nDUP3\nDUP9\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e76\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0fd1\nDUP8\nDUP3\nDUP9\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH2 0x0fe2\nDUP8\nDUP3\nDUP9\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP6\nSWAP2\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x32\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1024\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d68\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x103d\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f46\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x104a\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x101b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x105f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d71\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x107a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1079\nPUSH2 0x0ca5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1087\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1051\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x10a4\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1090\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x10ae\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10bf\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x109b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10da\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10d9\nPUSH2 0x0ca5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10e7\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x10b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1103\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x0f46\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1110\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f46\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x111d\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x101b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nDELEGATECALL\nSSTORE\n'2d'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP15\n'28'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ec'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ea'(Unknown Opcode)\nSAR\n'b4'(Unknown Opcode)\nSAR\nPUSH31 0x23a7dab4e27dc9c9ca30f5eeb120cebbba553ef5e264736f6c634300081a00\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "_tokenAddress", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "array", + "internalType": "uint256[]", + "type": "uint256[]" + }, + { + "name": "_to", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "coinbaseInArray", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "_to", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "name": "flag", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "coinbaseLessFlag", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "array", + "internalType": "uint256[]", + "type": "uint256[]" + }, + { + "name": "_to", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "name": "flag", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "coinbaseLessFlagorInArray", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "_to", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "name": "flag", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "testTxprice", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "tokenAddress", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + } + ], + "working_directory": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth", + "basic_blocks": [ + { + "instructions": [ + { + "pc": 3577, + "instruction": "JUMPDEST" + }, + { + "pc": 3578, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3579, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3580, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3581, + "instruction": "SWAP4" + }, + { + "pc": 3582, + "instruction": "SWAP3" + }, + { + "pc": 3583, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3584, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3585, + "instruction": "POP" + }, + { + "pc": 3586, + "instruction": "JUMP" + } + ], + "background_color": "\"#D3D3D3\"", + "outgoing_edges": [{ + "color": "black", + "target": 3623 + }], + "last_instruction": "JUMP", + "id": 3577 + }, + { + "instructions": [ + { + "pc": 3803, + "instruction": "JUMPDEST" + }, + { + "pc": 3804, + 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3547), (3910, 3663), (3501, 3536), (3501, 3528), (3786, 3702), (3496, 3359), (3547, 3463), (3483, 3385), (3944, 166), (3699, 3716), (3925, 3910), (3663, 3632), (63, 74), (63, 175), (3599, 3245), (3632, 3673), (153, 3925), (3359, 3228), (3737, 3237), (3722, 3745), (3722, 3737), (3350, 3380), (3866, 3463), (25, 41), (25, 89), (3845, 3237), (3745, 3766), (3745, 3774), (4015, 3702), (3766, 3241), (3919, 3944), (3342, 3265), (3830, 3845), (3830, 3853), (3974, 4003), (3974, 3995), (3702, 3680), (3673, 3689), (3673, 3919), (3463, 3441), (3623, 3786), (3623, 4015), (3966, 3237), (3607, 3483), (3380, 3501), (203, 3950), (3249, 3319), (89, 3722), (3385, 3411), (3385, 3403), (3774, 3587), (3680, 3663), (52, 145), (52, 63), (175, 3830), (15, 85), (15, 25), (3528, 3428), (3587, 3607), (3587, 3599), (3995, 3241), (3432, 3450), (3368, 3310), (3536, 3538), (3228, 3368), (3450, 3457), (3450, 3460), (3689, 3696), (3689, 3699)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 18, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2620, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 187, + "resolved_jumps": 169 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x00a5\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH2 0x016e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x00c8\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH2 0x00d7\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0482\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x00e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x00f0\nPUSH2 0x0176\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00fd\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0499\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0164\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x016c\nPUSH2 0x0187\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x016c\nPUSH2 0x020c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x02ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01e0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x015b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nSELFBALANCE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08fc\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nDUP9\nCALL\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0209\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x021a\nPUSH1 0x08\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x09\nSLOAD\nXOR\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x022a\nPUSH1 0x07\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x08\nSLOAD\nXOR\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x0e26d7a7\nPUSH1 0xe4\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSELFBALANCE\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xe26d7a70\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0280\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0292\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSELFBALANCE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08fc\nMUL\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nDUP9\nCALL\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02c9\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x60\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x02ea\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nBALANCE\nPUSH2 0x04e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH5 0xd127b3abcd\nPUSH0\nPUSH5 0xe8d4a51000\nPUSH2 0x0303\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04f5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x030d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0322\nPUSH8 0x0de0b6b3a7640000\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0337\nPUSH8 0x0de0b6b3a7640000\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0360\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0xfc\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0369\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0369\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x03a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0375\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x03a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x038a\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x055d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nDUP4\nSUB\nSUB\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nSWAP8\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x0a\nDUP3\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x03b6\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x057c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x03c4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x03e7\nPUSH2 0x0594\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0411\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nDUP4\nCALLDATACOPY\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP6\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0479\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0426\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x04e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0432\nDUP5\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x043d\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x30\nPUSH2 0x05a8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xf8\nSHL\nDUP2\nDUP4\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0452\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0452\nPUSH2 0x05bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xf8\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nBYTE\nSWAP1\nMSTORE8\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0472\nDUP5\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP6\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0415\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0492\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP6\nADD\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP5\nADD\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0181\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nDUP2\nISZERO\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nOR\nPUSH2 0x0181\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x12\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x052e\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x052e\nPUSH2 0x050c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nDIV\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0541\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0541\nPUSH2 0x050c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMOD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nDUP6\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nSWAP4\nADD\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nPOP\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0568\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0546\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x17\nPUSH1 0xf9\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0479\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0546\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x058d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x058d\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x41\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0181\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x32\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'0f'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP6\nDELEGATECALL\nSDIV\n'f8'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP16\n'c2'(Unknown Opcode)\n'26'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP7\nDIFFICULTY\nLOG1\nMOD\n'cb'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP16\nLOG3\nPUSH16 0x7d7b4bb68c378c7556dba69643f5b7be\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nNOT\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "Key", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [], + "name": "SearchMempool", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [{ + "name": "_specifyBalanceETH", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "name": "SpecifyBalanceETH", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [], + "name": 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(409, 347), (131, 118), (262, 356), (262, 280), (1331, 1345), (1331, 1338), (87, 93), (87, 94), (1285, 1230), (62, 73), (62, 189), (120, 128), (120, 131), (154, 162), (154, 165), (1269, 385), (1269, 1285), (1326, 802), (1326, 781), (713, 364), (718, 1250), (640, 658), (640, 651), (802, 1331), (356, 391), (521, 364), (538, 554), (1250, 385), (1250, 1262), (480, 514), (480, 521), (1312, 1319), (1312, 1326), (220, 228), (220, 231), (1338, 1292), (98, 106), (98, 109), (524, 538), (374, 718), (781, 1312), (189, 197), (189, 200), (200, 1154), (165, 118), (0, 87), (0, 13), (385, 771), (385, 746), (658, 706), (658, 713), (181, 366), (1154, 1170), (1154, 1167), (280, 347), (771, 1312), (1319, 1292), (13, 98), (13, 29), (366, 524), (554, 640), (554, 637), (29, 40), (29, 120), (215, 118), (51, 181), (51, 62), (109, 262), (746, 1269), (1170, 215), (391, 480), (391, 409), (40, 51), (40, 154), (231, 374), (73, 84), (73, 220)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 6, + 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0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07b4\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 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0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x096b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\n'4e'(Unknown Opcode)\nJUMPDEST\n'bb'(Unknown Opcode)\n'bf'(Unknown Opcode)\n'fb'(Unknown Opcode)\n'b0'(Unknown Opcode)\n'f6'(Unknown Opcode)\nCODESIZE\n'd5'(Unknown Opcode)\nINVALID\nCALL\nPUSH11 0xb4960be6ad738d4b63e39a\nCOINBASE\nEXTCODECOPY\n'c0'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP12\nDUP10\nCREATE\n'4d'(Unknown Opcode)\n'ac'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP5\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nEQ\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "previousOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "newOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + } + ], + "name": "OwnershipTransferred", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "from", + "internalType": "address", + "type": 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(983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1527, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x05ec\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0185\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x05ec\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x01d0\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x01a7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x01d0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x01b3\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP4\nADD\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x04\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nSLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x023a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x0e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH14 0x139bdd08185d5d1a1bdc9a5e9959\nPUSH1 0x92\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0247\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0638\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0257\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0257\nPUSH2 0x0651\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x05\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMUL\nADD\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP2\nADD\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02be\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x18\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x496e74656e7420616c72656164792066756c66696c6c65640000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 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0x80\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x41\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0521\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0538\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP6\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nSLT\nPUSH2 0x054b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x055d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x055d\nPUSH2 0x04fc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x3f\nADD\nAND\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nDUP3\nGT\nDUP2\nDUP4\nLT\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0585\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0585\nPUSH2 0x04fc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nDUP9\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nDUP8\nADD\nADD\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 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0x04fc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06f7\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x06f1\nDUP5\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05ec\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x067d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x072a\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0713\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP6\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP7\nSWAP1\nSHL\nSHR\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSHL\nOR\nDUP6\nSSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0781\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSHA3\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0758\nJUMPI\nDUP9\nDUP7\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP3\nSSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0739\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nDUP6\nDUP3\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0775\nJUMPI\nDUP8\nDUP6\nADD\nMLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP9\nSWAP1\nSHL\nPUSH1 0xf8\nAND\nSHR\nNOT\nAND\nDUP2\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP5\nPUSH1 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0x01d9\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0929\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0351\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0136\nPUSH2 0x01ec\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x09aa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0179\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0235\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x09db\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0261\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x09db\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02ac\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0283\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x02ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x028f\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x02c2\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x03f2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x07\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0xff\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x0319\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0515\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0324\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x05ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0337\nPUSH2 0x081a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0340\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0873\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0235\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x09db\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x04\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x03ba\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x13\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH19 0x2ab730baba3437b934bd32b21030b1ba34b7b7\nPUSH1 0x69\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x09\nSLOAD\nCALLER\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP3\nSWAP4\nDUP5\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x03df\nSWAP1\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0302\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x05ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0454\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x04b5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nDUP7\nAND\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x05a6\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0592\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05a6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x05a1\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0a3a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03f2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0610\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x25\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x07\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP2\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x06f0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x08\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH16 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06d9\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0a27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06e3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06ed\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a3a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0767\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x26\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH6 0x616c616e6365\nPUSH1 0xd0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x078a\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a3a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x07b9\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a27\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x080c\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0340\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f74207468652061646d696e\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x03b1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nDUP4\nAND\nDUP2\nOR\nDUP5\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nSWAP2\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08ee\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0924\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x093a\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0943\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0961\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x096a\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0983\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x098c\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x099a\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x09bb\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x09c4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x09d2\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x090e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x09ef\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0a0d\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0306\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0306\nPUSH2 0x0a13\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0306\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0306\nPUSH2 0x0a13\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown 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2444), (1650, 1776), (1650, 1694), (256, 228), (1108, 1123), (1108, 1205), (1301, 1347), (1301, 1446), (675, 684), (609, 616), (609, 684), (286, 256), (286, 310), (1205, 706), (2444, 2318), (624, 684), (251, 694), (2258, 2267), (2258, 2286), (338, 780), (706, 770), (706, 725), (2618, 774), (2618, 2630), (159, 272), (159, 170), (1025, 945), (2435, 2318), (643, 655), (1355, 945), (401, 2385), (2163, 832), (122, 133), (122, 441), (991, 999), (207, 550), (2611, 2579), (832, 449), (832, 823), (2543, 2554), (2543, 2573), (793, 1452), (2474, 2488), (2474, 2491), (473, 849), (834, 2523), (684, 215), (2371, 256), (2371, 310), (2371, 473), (2371, 251), (2371, 492), (888, 945), (0, 12), (0, 15), (99, 358), (99, 111), (616, 624), (616, 643), (459, 2345), (2458, 256), (2458, 338), (2458, 310), (451, 834), (1567, 945), (2537, 2543), (2599, 2611), (2599, 774), (565, 2523), (148, 237), (148, 159), (2242, 2258), (63, 74), (63, 459), (441, 815), (1467, 945), (192, 343), (192, 203), (2092, 945), (2362, 2318), (2500, 2318), (1123, 945), (2523, 2537), (2523, 2543), (181, 192), (181, 324), (478, 2474), (136, 148), (136, 207), (1441, 1010), (1694, 2599), (310, 228), (85, 96), (85, 534), (2267, 2258), (1347, 1426), (1347, 1355), (237, 2345), (870, 888), (870, 954), (52, 451), (52, 63), (215, 2242), (25, 136), (25, 41), (2074, 832), (2074, 2092), (1753, 2599), (954, 2599), (2318, 2337), (2318, 2340), (1426, 2618), (2417, 2432), (2417, 2435), (1776, 1809), (1776, 1895), (1895, 2618), (1763, 2618), (550, 2523), (725, 770), (1452, 1552), (1452, 1467), (306, 310), (2401, 2318), (1552, 1650), (1552, 1567), (534, 377), (324, 2417), (343, 228), (774, 1441), (774, 1763), (774, 1753), (774, 1930), (774, 991), (815, 2074), (770, 774), (2491, 2318), (170, 306), (170, 181), (2385, 2401), (2385, 2398), (849, 870), (849, 999), (2410, 286), (2410, 415), (272, 2385), (2514, 256), (2514, 310), (2514, 473), (2514, 251), (2514, 492), (492, 256), (492, 310), (2573, 609), (2573, 565), (1930, 2599)]", + 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x01e8\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x018b\nPUSH2 0x03d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH2 0x01a0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0124\nPUSH2 0x03e6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0107\nPUSH2 0x0230\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0956\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03f5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0148\nPUSH2 0x0243\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x09b7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x06\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x03cf\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03db\nPUSH2 0x0827\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03e4\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0880\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x09e8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x02b5\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x05c0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0468\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x04c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 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996), (2087, 2105), (717, 2536), (342, 2430), (2643, 2592), (538, 998), (2314, 2330), (1487, 1119), (1908, 2612), (836, 292), (2504, 2255), (99, 397), (99, 111), (397, 416), (2631, 2643), (2631, 858), (218, 229), (218, 284), (376, 2282), (2430, 2448), (2430, 2445), (0, 12), (0, 15), (846, 1025), (2282, 2295), (2282, 2298), (1822, 1119), (159, 324), (159, 170), (1225, 693), (170, 181), (170, 342), (1040, 1119), (2390, 2404), (2390, 2407), (579, 263), (579, 328), (258, 621), (2307, 258), (2307, 454), (2307, 390), (2307, 488), (2457, 2255), (263, 275), (147, 206), (147, 159), (858, 1776), (858, 1766), (858, 1943), (858, 1786), (122, 133), (122, 474), (2550, 2556), (361, 275), (2339, 2330), (1786, 1789), (25, 147), (25, 41), (996, 987), (996, 395), (305, 2390), (324, 328), (1128, 1143), (1128, 1225), (133, 144), (133, 514), (1025, 1040), (1025, 1128), (52, 522), (52, 63), (2298, 2255), (1670, 1707), (1670, 1789), (2624, 2592), (2407, 2255), (621, 690), (621, 693), (565, 2487), (1707, 2631), (522, 416), (319, 846), (768, 776), (768, 795), (15, 240), (15, 25), (1943, 2631), (416, 275), (2416, 560), (2416, 579), (2416, 263), (2416, 328), (2416, 395), (2416, 319), (74, 546), (74, 85), (1776, 2612), (807, 807), (807, 827), (244, 2282), (2176, 996), (390, 899), (1013, 1472), (975, 263), (975, 328), (975, 395), (85, 96), (85, 565), (111, 440), (111, 122), (63, 74), (63, 538), (514, 979), (987, 2176), (284, 702), (827, 836), (1472, 1572), (1472, 1487), (1572, 1587), (1572, 1670), (693, 263), (693, 328), (693, 395)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 7, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1672, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 119, + "resolved_jumps": 112 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ee\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x00e9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0304\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00fb\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x010c\nPUSH2 0x031a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0119\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x013c\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0137\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0322\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0149\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x015a\nPUSH2 0x0349\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0167\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f21\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x018a\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0185\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f3a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x035f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0197\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01a8\nPUSH2 0x03a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01b5\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d6c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01d8\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01d3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0435\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01e5\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01f6\nPUSH2 0x044b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0203\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f74\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0226\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0221\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f3a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04f3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0242\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x023d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f8d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x024f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0272\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x026d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fcb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06f4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0283\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1023\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02af\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1023\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x02d1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x02dd\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0310\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0332\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0989\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033d\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03b4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1023\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03e0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1023\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0402\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x040e\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0441\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0xe6a43905\nPUSH20 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x04af\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1053\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04ca\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x04ee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x108e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x059c\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05db\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x05c2\nPUSH2 0x044b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0627\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH20 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x066f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x0a\nPUSH2 0x0764\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1215\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH7 0x06499fd9aec040\nPUSH2 0x0777\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x125f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0781\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x125f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0834\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x082b\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1310\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08a2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0899\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x139e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x097c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0994\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0a17\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a00\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09f7\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1406\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a16\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a11\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1424\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0aa1\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a98\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14c7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b0f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b06\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1555\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b7d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b74\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x15e3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bc6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1424\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c50\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1601\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0e9d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP2\nDUP4\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d3e\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cfc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d48\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d58\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d16\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d61\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d24\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0d84\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0d34\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0db9\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0d90\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0dc9\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0daf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0dd3\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0de4\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0dfc\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0e06\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e17\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0df3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e33\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e32\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e40\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0e51\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e09\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e6f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e5b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e88\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e66\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e97\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0eb0\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e8e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ecd\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ecc\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0eda\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0eeb\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0efc\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e09\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f1b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0f06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f34\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f12\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f4f\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f4e\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f5c\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f6e\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0daf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f87\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f65\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fa3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fa2\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fb0\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0fc1\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0dd6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fe0\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fdf\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fed\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e09\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x103a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x104d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x104c\nPUSH2 0x0ff6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1066\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f65\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1073\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f65\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1088\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10a3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10a2\nPUSH2 0x0d8c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10b0\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x107a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nSHR\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x113b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP7\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1117\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1116\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1126\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1134\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x10e6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10fb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP5\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1153\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x120e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1160\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x120e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1176\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1180\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x120e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP5\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1192\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1191\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x02\nEXP\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP5\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11a9\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11a8\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x120e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0133\nDUP4\nLT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x4e\nDUP5\nLT\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP5\nLT\nAND\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11e4\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nDUP3\nEXP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11df\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11de\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x120e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x11f1\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x10f2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1208\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1207\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x121f\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x122a\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1257\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x1144\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1269\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1274\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMUL\nPUSH2 0x1282\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nDUP4\nISZERO\nOR\nPUSH2 0x1299\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1298\nPUSH2 0x10b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7265737300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x12fa\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1305\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x12a0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 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3542), (3503, 3472), (5285, 3334), (167, 368), (167, 178), (424, 3436), (123, 212), (123, 134), (145, 290), (145, 156), (3425, 3460), (63, 74), (63, 494), (3390, 3334), (4846, 3334), (3950, 4211), (3950, 4198), (3539, 3556), (3726, 3562), (96, 600), (96, 107), (4988, 3334), (3766, 3781), (3766, 3789), (3324, 3390), (190, 3436), (346, 3873), (3686, 3675), (3867, 3892), (3520, 3503), (702, 762), (3400, 3350), (2100, 2210), (2100, 2152), (3665, 626), (3665, 467), (3665, 550), (3665, 233), (3665, 394), (3665, 573), (4154, 4165), (4154, 4173), (3898, 3911), (3898, 3919), (2589, 2721), (2589, 2663), (3919, 3542), (2941, 5156), (3460, 437), (3460, 203), (4768, 4869), (74, 85), (74, 524), (2042, 4880), (4056, 3468), (1443, 1099), (3720, 485), (3720, 251), (4198, 3941), (1499, 1506), (1499, 1575), (41, 416), (41, 52), (4211, 1199), (3981, 4003), (3981, 3995), (290, 3766), (2883, 5603), (3701, 3686), (5207, 5308), (3562, 3735), (3562, 3580), (107, 178), (156, 338), (156, 167), (15, 178), (15, 25), (368, 3898), (25, 41), (25, 111), (3380, 3324), (3627, 3468), (394, 3741), (3416, 3364), (3892, 359), (3846, 3867), (4869, 4903), (4869, 5342), (992, 999), (992, 1067), (1199, 1219), (1199, 1226), (772, 1990), (4016, 3542), (212, 3613), (3593, 3571), (3932, 545), (3932, 389), (5156, 3562), (948, 4131), (1990, 2100), (1990, 2042), (4077, 545), (4077, 389), (4077, 621), (4858, 4768), (3590, 3607), (446, 3613), (1865, 4629), (999, 1026), (999, 1007), (134, 145), (134, 260), (578, 3741), (3436, 3380), (3695, 3720), (1650, 578), (1650, 472), (1650, 238), (1026, 1038), (841, 346), (3556, 4016), (3556, 3648), (3556, 3802), (3556, 3932), (2773, 5461), (1506, 1575), (4064, 3593), (2831, 2883), (2831, 2941), (1575, 1581), (1575, 1647), (494, 1099), (3580, 3587), (3580, 3590), (3648, 3593), (338, 841), (5342, 2712), (5342, 2091), (1099, 4179), (5319, 5285), (111, 182), (111, 123), (472, 3701), (753, 762), (721, 733), (3472, 3513), (545, 1267), (3858, 3846), (573, 1650), (3760, 407), (3760, 281), (4218, 3520), (4148, 4154), (3995, 3468), (643, 4131), (2210, 3741), (268, 3741), (3513, 3529), (3513, 3950), (0, 12), (0, 15), (3635, 3542), (467, 1077), (5427, 3334), (933, 4131), (1436, 1443), (1436, 1499), (3873, 3858), (621, 1780), (552, 3981), (4043, 4064), (4043, 4056), (694, 721), (694, 702), (3941, 3503), (863, 626), (863, 550), (863, 394), (5461, 5427), (5022, 4988), (4238, 4259), (4238, 4251), (182, 628), (4165, 4086), (3741, 3726), (4251, 3468), (794, 268), (600, 4043), (85, 96), (85, 552), (3781, 3468), (4629, 3562), (762, 424), (762, 190), (628, 4131), (4903, 2712), (4903, 2091), (4880, 4846), (1007, 1067), (3571, 3562), (5603, 5569), (5308, 4903), (5308, 5342), (260, 794), (2152, 5022), (1267, 1354), (1267, 1436), (1067, 424), (1067, 190), (3613, 3635), (3613, 3627), (4173, 992), (4173, 643), (4173, 948), (4173, 687), (3529, 3536), (3529, 3539)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 33, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2936, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 273, + "resolved_jumps": 240 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0741\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02d8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ec\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0218\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0263\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0263\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0246\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x027a\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x031a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x0293\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x032c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x029e\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03a7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02b1\nPUSH2 0x0404\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ba\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0431\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ec\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x027a\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03a7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02e0\nPUSH2 0x0404\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH2 0x030e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x1e4fbdf7\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0317\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0431\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 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0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x060a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0628\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x066d\nSWAP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06a5\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 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0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0751\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x075a\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0772\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x077b\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0789\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x07a6\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c4\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0280\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 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0x044b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0212\nPUSH2 0x05ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x021f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0f8e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0242\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x023d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fa7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x024f\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0272\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x026d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0fe5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06f4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0283\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x02af\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x02d1\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x02fa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x02dd\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0310\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0332\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0989\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x033d\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03b4\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x03e0\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x103d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0402\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x042b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x040e\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0441\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a1d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04f4\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMPI\nPOP\nDUP1\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH2 0x051a\nPUSH2 0x05ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x057f\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH20 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nEQ\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05c7\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH4 0xe6a43905\nPUSH20 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP4\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x062e\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x106d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0649\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x066d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x10a8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x14\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nPUSH1 0x0a\nPUSH2 0x0764\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x122f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH7 0x06499fd9aec040\nPUSH2 0x0777\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1279\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0781\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1279\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0834\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x082b\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x132a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x08a2\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0899\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x13b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x097c\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0994\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0a17\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0a00\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x09f7\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x1420\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a16\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a11\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x07c6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0aa1\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a98\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x14e1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b0f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b06\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x156f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0b7d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0b74\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x15fd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0bc6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x143e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0c50\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x161b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0eb7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0d33\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d18\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d58\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0cfc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d62\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d72\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0d16\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0d7b\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0d3e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0d9e\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0d4e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0dd3\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0daa\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0de3\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0ded\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0dfe\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dda\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e16\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0e20\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0e31\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e0d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0e4d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0e4c\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0e5a\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0e6b\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nISZERO\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0e89\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e75\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0ea2\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0e80\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0eb1\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0eca\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0ea8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ee7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ee6\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0ef4\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0f05\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH2 0x0f16\nDUP7\nDUP3\nDUP8\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f35\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0f20\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0f4e\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f2c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0f69\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0f68\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0f76\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0f88\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dc9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0fa1\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0fbd\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0fbc\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0fca\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH2 0x0fdb\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0df0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0ffa\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0ff9\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1007\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0e23\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP3\nDIV\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x1054\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x1067\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1066\nPUSH2 0x1010\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1080\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x108d\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0f7f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x10a2\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0dda\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x10bd\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x10bc\nPUSH2 0x0da6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x10ca\nDUP5\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x1094\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nSHR\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1155\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP7\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1131\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1130\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP6\nAND\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1140\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x114e\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x1100\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1115\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPOP\nSWAP5\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x116d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x117a\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x1190\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x119a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xff\nDUP5\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11ac\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11ab\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x02\nEXP\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP5\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11c2\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP4\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0133\nDUP4\nLT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x4e\nDUP5\nLT\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP5\nLT\nAND\nOR\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11fe\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nDUP3\nEXP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x11f9\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x11f8\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x1228\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x120b\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x110c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP5\nDIV\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x1222\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x1221\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMUL\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1239\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1244\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0f20\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x1271\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x115e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1283\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x128e\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMUL\nPUSH2 0x129c\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0e04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nDIV\nDUP5\nEQ\nDUP4\nISZERO\nOR\nPUSH2 0x12b3\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x12b2\nPUSH2 0x10d3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7265737300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x1314\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x131f\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x12ba\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x1341\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x1308\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x7373000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x13a2\nPUSH1 0x22\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0d06\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x13ad\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x1348\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x13cf\nDUP2\nPUSH2 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"mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0x7c6ECf809bc86518458fcC87CdC73B9a4289Cc40/0x7c6ECf809bc86518458fcC87CdC73B9a4289Cc40.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2721, 2773), (2721, 2831), (4237, 1582), (1077, 2589), (1780, 1987), (1780, 1865), (3529, 3498), (52, 446), (52, 63), (472, 3727), (5487, 5453), (1407, 1413), (1407, 1479), (1058, 1067), (4224, 3967), (3361, 3352), (3752, 3588), (600, 4069), (3597, 3588), (233, 772), (687, 694), (687, 762), (1331, 1338), (1331, 1407), (1038, 1058), (1038, 1038), (416, 933), (733, 753), (733, 733), (3746, 485), (3746, 251), (389, 863), (2042, 4906), (167, 368), (167, 178), (74, 85), (74, 522), (3976, 4224), (3976, 4237), (123, 212), (123, 134), (3426, 3350), (4199, 992), (4199, 643), (4199, 948), (4199, 687), (145, 290), (145, 156), (3653, 3494), (2663, 5345), (4191, 4112), (933, 4157), (3937, 3494), (863, 626), (863, 520), (863, 394), (5323, 5233), (3661, 3568), (4103, 515), (4103, 389), (4103, 621), (643, 4157), (3924, 3937), (3924, 3945), (3568, 3546), (96, 600), (96, 107), (5453, 3334), (3588, 3761), (3588, 3606), (368, 3924), (948, 4157), (1275, 1482), (3350, 3352), (1268, 1331), (1268, 1275), (4180, 4199), (4180, 4191), (5595, 3334), (3712, 3701), (3639, 3653), (3639, 3661), (63, 74), (63, 494), (3767, 3752), (702, 762), (2773, 5487), (552, 4007), (2100, 2210), (2100, 2152), (1865, 4655), (4929, 2712), (4929, 2091), (394, 3767), (4021, 3494), (2589, 2721), (2589, 2663), (3633, 4103), (3633, 3691), (3616, 3633), (5233, 5334), (3727, 3712), (4157, 4180), (4157, 4174), (3945, 3568), (41, 416), (41, 52), (3582, 3828), (3582, 3958), (3582, 4042), (3582, 3674), (3406, 3324), (3539, 3555), (3539, 3976), (5368, 2712), (5368, 2091), (5048, 5014), (107, 178), (156, 338), (156, 167), (4082, 3494), (15, 178), (15, 25), (5311, 3334), (1338, 1407), (5345, 5311), (3555, 3562), (3555, 3565), (25, 41), (25, 111), (3958, 515), (3958, 389), (3416, 3334), (3761, 3786), (992, 999), (992, 1067), (1099, 1186), (1099, 1268), (772, 1990), (628, 4157), (1990, 2100), (1990, 2042), (4205, 3967), (290, 3792), (4285, 4244), (4906, 4872), (578, 3767), (999, 1026), (999, 1007), (5182, 3588), (134, 145), (134, 260), (4007, 4021), (4007, 4029), (3815, 3568), (1650, 578), (1650, 472), (1650, 238), (1026, 1038), (841, 346), (2831, 2883), (2831, 2941), (4029, 3568), (1609, 4264), (1186, 1268), (4895, 4929), (4895, 5368), (3691, 626), (3691, 467), (3691, 520), (3691, 233), (3691, 394), (3691, 573), (2152, 5048), (3606, 3616), (3606, 3613), (3893, 3918), (238, 3727), (3792, 3815), (3792, 3807), (3872, 3893), (338, 841), (3619, 3597), (4244, 3546), (4174, 4180), (4090, 3619), (3462, 3406), (4794, 4895), (3967, 3529), (111, 182), (111, 123), (515, 1099), (753, 762), (3324, 3416), (3899, 3884), (721, 733), (573, 1650), (3546, 3529), (3701, 3721), (3918, 359), (5014, 3334), (1482, 4205), (3721, 3746), (4042, 3568), (3565, 3582), (3807, 3494), (0, 12), (0, 15), (2883, 5629), (1413, 1479), (467, 1077), (4872, 3334), (212, 3639), (1582, 1602), (1582, 1609), (3334, 3426), (3334, 4884), (3334, 5323), (446, 3639), (2941, 5182), (4069, 4082), (4069, 4090), (621, 1780), (2210, 3767), (694, 721), (694, 702), (4277, 3494), (5334, 4929), (5334, 5368), (494, 3924), (182, 628), (794, 268), (85, 96), (85, 552), (4264, 4277), (4264, 4285), (3352, 3361), (3352, 3379), (762, 424), (762, 190), (4655, 3588), (5629, 5595), (4884, 4794), (1007, 1067), (522, 1482), (3498, 3539), (3828, 3568), (3674, 3619), (3786, 407), (3786, 281), (260, 794), (268, 3767), (424, 3462), (346, 3899), (190, 3462), (1067, 424), (1067, 190), (3884, 3872)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 37, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2953, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 275, + "resolved_jumps": 238 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0270\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0159\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0284\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0128\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02a1\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0159\nPUSH2 0x0550\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02b5\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0e\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0128\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0128\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02f3\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0185\nPUSH2 0x0302\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0be8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x055f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0312\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x01a5\nPUSH2 0x0321\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0c6b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0263\nPUSH2 0x056b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x08\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0362\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x038e\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03d9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x03b0\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x03d9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x03bc\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x03ef\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0800\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0405\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0924\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x048e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x28\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732061\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH8 0x6c6c6f77616e6365\nPUSH1 0xc0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x04a2\nDUP6\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x049d\nDUP7\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0800\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x04d7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d01\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH0\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x60\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x054d\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d01\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x09\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0362\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ca2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x03ef\nCALLER\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0924\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0588\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0b\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05a4\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d01\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05bd\nSWAP1\nADDRESS\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nNOT\nPUSH2 0x0800\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xea\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x05cc\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05dc\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d36\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x2710\nPUSH1 0x0a\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x05fa\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d36\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0604\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d55\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x07\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0100\nEXP\nSWAP1\nDIV\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH4 0xc45a0155\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nPUSH4 0xffffffff\nAND\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0656\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x067a\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d6c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x64e329cb\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP3\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nADDRESS\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xc9c65396\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x44\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06cd\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06f1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d6c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x07\nSLOAD\nAND\nPUSH4 0xf305d719\nCALLVALUE\nADDRESS\nDUP6\nDUP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x072f\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x073b\nTIMESTAMP\nPUSH2 0x012c\nPUSH2 0x0d87\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xe0\nDUP10\nSWAP1\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP7\nDUP8\nAND\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP6\nSWAP1\nSWAP6\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP6\nADD\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nAND\nPUSH1 0x84\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0xa4\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0xc4\nADD\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07a6\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x07cb\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d9a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x07ea\nADDRESS\nPUSH2 0x07e4\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0924\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0b\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nNUMBER\nPUSH1 0x0c\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0862\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x08c3\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x0d\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nAND\nOR\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x0e\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nSWAP3\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nOR\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x0b\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nPUSH1 0x01\nEQ\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0974\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x0d\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nADDRESS\nEQ\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x098f\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x0d\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nAND\nSWAP2\nAND\nEQ\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x09e5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x21\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a2074726164696e67206973206e6f742079657420656e61626c65\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x19\nPUSH1 0xfa\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x0d\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0a4b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x25\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH5 0x6472657373\nPUSH1 0xd8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0485\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0aad\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x23\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 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0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nNOT\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "previousOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "newOwner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + } + ], + "name": "OwnershipTransferred", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "from", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "to", + "internalType": 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180), (169, 460), (1357, 345), (2327, 1469), (2327, 1007), (3025, 3042), (3025, 3045), (917, 944), (917, 925), (1334, 3329), (2452, 1157), (3045, 3076), (3045, 3207), (3045, 3223), (3045, 3018), (3045, 3119), (3045, 3135), (2905, 2909), (265, 273), (265, 276), (3196, 3025), (682, 690), (682, 693), (976, 985), (3248, 3254), (1484, 3382), (1500, 3413), (565, 421), (1011, 389), (1011, 421), (1011, 1484), (98, 110), (98, 591), (460, 468), (460, 471), (613, 624), (613, 621), (1375, 2340), (3223, 384), (3223, 801), (3223, 770), (3223, 421), (1408, 1416), (389, 316), (296, 316), (956, 976), (956, 956), (1444, 2048), (775, 786), (775, 783), (724, 296), (2063, 1157), (2635, 2650), (2635, 2733), (1416, 1444), (1416, 1421), (13, 146), (13, 29), (3322, 3290), (3429, 3290), (239, 358), (239, 250), (228, 325), (228, 239), (110, 613), (110, 121), (3065, 3025), (995, 2048), (3413, 1011), (3413, 3429), (662, 673), (662, 670), (502, 316), (325, 336), (325, 333), (40, 51), (40, 682), (2420, 2426), (2420, 2447), (180, 491), (180, 191), (744, 752), (744, 755), (2650, 1157), (250, 405), (250, 261), (3000, 2954), (446, 389), (2533, 2550), (2533, 2635), (985, 345), (624, 1312), (3329, 1157), (29, 98), (29, 40), (369, 3048), (336, 851), (539, 547), (539, 550), (2405, 2420), (1387, 1408), (1387, 1416), (416, 421), (3234, 3248), (3234, 3254), (3119, 3025), (673, 1360), (2161, 1157), (491, 499), (491, 502), (1360, 3234), (146, 216), (146, 158), (3152, 3168), (3152, 3165), (2340, 2420), (2340, 2405), (132, 662), (132, 143), (770, 1375), (3168, 3025), (405, 416), (405, 413), (73, 84), (73, 775), (3076, 384), (3076, 801), (3076, 770), (3076, 421), (276, 296), (1469, 3310), (1216, 3329), (2048, 2146), (2048, 2063), (693, 296), (1312, 1334), (1312, 1357), (591, 599), (591, 602), (1017, 2340), (3284, 866), (3284, 910), (3108, 3025), (3179, 3193), (3179, 3196), (529, 421), (3254, 3265), (3254, 3284), (3382, 3408), (3382, 3389), (2733, 2859), (384, 995), (3207, 3025), (435, 443), (435, 446), (944, 956), (2146, 2161), (2146, 2243), (851, 3234), (1421, 3329), (121, 132), (121, 633), (866, 3234), (3135, 389), (3135, 421), (3135, 486), (3048, 3062), (3048, 3065), (471, 3090), (1007, 1011), (202, 213), (202, 539), (801, 389), (801, 421), (358, 369), (358, 366), (755, 3048), (602, 1197), (0, 261), (0, 13), (486, 1017), (1197, 1216), (1197, 1239), (191, 518), (191, 202), (345, 3000), (843, 1387), (2954, 3018), (216, 228), (216, 265), (2550, 1157), (2243, 2327), (644, 296), (633, 641), (633, 644), (550, 3152), (925, 985), (2426, 2447), (713, 721), (713, 724), (62, 744), (62, 73), (84, 843), (84, 95), (786, 3179), (2909, 3310), (3018, 565), (3018, 316), (51, 713), (51, 62), (2447, 2452), (2447, 2533), (421, 316)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 8, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 2299, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 159, + "resolved_jumps": 151 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0583\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x066e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05df\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x069d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060d\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0660\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x068a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0695\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0695\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0935\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0705\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0948\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0757\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07b4\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0695\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x095b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0803\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x07e7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0839\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x084f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0858\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0878\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0881\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x088f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08af\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0757\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08e0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08fd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x091b\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x0921\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x096b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nSIGNEXTEND\nSTATICCALL\nPUSH5 0x948027ea56\nPUSH17 0x13fdd47239a2aeb3e78bda78abcb68e013\nCREATE2\nSWAP12\n'b1'(Unknown Opcode)\n'a9'(Unknown Opcode)\n'bb'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH30 0x64736f6c63430008140033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + 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"vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2168, 2083), (363, 940), (2023, 2032), (2023, 2051), (25, 41), (25, 110), (461, 2281), (2258, 2083), (41, 52), (41, 287), (1422, 734), (2369, 2337), (1259, 1291), (1259, 1278), (1066, 1081), (1066, 1163), (2150, 2165), (2150, 2168), (659, 743), (659, 667), (2281, 2295), (2281, 2301), (505, 512), (505, 580), (1081, 734), (2295, 2301), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (2357, 609), (2357, 2369), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2395, 2408), (2395, 2411), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (2177, 2083), (2223, 2083), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1510, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x00a5\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH2 0x016e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x00c8\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0076\nPUSH2 0x00d7\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0482\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x00e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x00f0\nPUSH2 0x0176\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00fd\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0499\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0164\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x016c\nPUSH2 0x0187\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x016c\nPUSH2 0x020c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x02ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01e0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x015b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nSELFBALANCE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08fc\nMUL\nSWAP2\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nDUP9\nCALL\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0209\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x021a\nPUSH1 0x08\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x09\nSLOAD\nXOR\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x022a\nPUSH1 0x07\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x08\nSLOAD\nXOR\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x0e26d7a7\nPUSH1 0xe4\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSELFBALANCE\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0xe26d7a70\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nDUP8\nDUP1\nEXTCODESIZE\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0280\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nGAS\nCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0292\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSELFBALANCE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08fc\nMUL\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP9\nDUP9\nCALL\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02c9\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x03\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x60\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x02ea\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nBALANCE\nPUSH2 0x04e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH5 0xd127b3abcd\nPUSH0\nPUSH5 0xe8d4a51000\nPUSH2 0x0303\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04f5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x030d\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0322\nPUSH8 0x0de0b6b3a7640000\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0337\nPUSH8 0x0de0b6b3a7640000\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0360\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x03\nPUSH1 0xfc\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0369\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0369\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x03a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0375\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x03a5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x038a\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x055d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nDUP4\nSUB\nSUB\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nSWAP8\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x0a\nDUP3\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x03b6\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x057c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x03c4\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nPUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x03e7\nPUSH2 0x0594\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP1\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nAND\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0411\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nDUP4\nCALLDATACOPY\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP6\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0479\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0426\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x04e2\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0432\nDUP5\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x0533\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x043d\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x30\nPUSH2 0x05a8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0xf8\nSHL\nDUP2\nDUP4\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP2\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0452\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0452\nPUSH2 0x05bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xf8\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nPUSH0\nBYTE\nSWAP1\nMSTORE8\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0472\nDUP5\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x0520\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP6\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0415\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 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0x050c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nDIV\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0541\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0541\nPUSH2 0x050c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMOD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nDUP6\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nSWAP4\nADD\nSWAP3\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nPOP\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0568\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0546\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x17\nPUSH1 0xf9\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0479\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0546\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x058d\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x058d\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x41\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0181\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0181\nPUSH2 0x04ce\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x32\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nCALLDATALOAD\n'ea'(Unknown Opcode)\n'4b'(Unknown Opcode)\n'd7'(Unknown Opcode)\n'b3'(Unknown Opcode)\n'4d'(Unknown Opcode)\nCODECOPY\n'1f'(Unknown Opcode)\nMSTORE\nPC\n'ca'(Unknown Opcode)\nCREATE2\n'28'(Unknown Opcode)\n'fc'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH4 0xcff6d527\nJUMP\n'0f'(Unknown Opcode)\nDUP9\nSWAP1\nSWAP13\nSWAP14\n'e1'(Unknown Opcode)\nLT\n'ca'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH29 0x1b6c2c64736f6c63430008190033\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "outputs": [{ + "name": "", + "internalType": "string", + "type": "string" + }], + "inputs": [], + "name": "Key", + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [], + "name": "SearchMempool", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "outputs": [], + "inputs": [{ + "name": "_specifyBalanceETH", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "name": 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84), (73, 220)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 6, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1024, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 85, + "resolved_jumps": 79 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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+ "address": "0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97", + "events_signature": [ + { + "input_param_count": 3, + "output_param_count": 0, + "full_signature": "Transfer(address,address,uint256)", + "output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"], + "name": "Transfer", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "ddf252ad", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + }, + { + "input_param_count": 3, + "output_param_count": 0, + "full_signature": "Approval(address,address,uint256)", + "output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925"], + "name": "Approval", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "8c5be1e5", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + } + ], + "mnemonic_bytecode": "PUSH1 0x80\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 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0x0236\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nISZERO\nISZERO\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00a9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00a9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00c5\nPUSH2 0x00f5\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x05ed\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x024f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0xff\nPUSH32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00a9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00d9\nPUSH2 0x0139\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0627\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x009c\nPUSH2 0x0272\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00c5\nPUSH2 0x0169\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x05c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0281\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00d9\nPUSH2 0x017c\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0647\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01b5\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0678\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01e1\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0678\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x022c\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0203\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x022c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 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0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nDUP7\nAND\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x031a\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x030c\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x7dc7a0d9\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x031a\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x037d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0349\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x4b637e8f\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0303\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x0372\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xec442f05\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0303\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x029b\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x044f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03a6\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xe602df05\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0303\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03cf\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x4a1406b1\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0303\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x031a\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 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1257), (591, 672), (217, 169), (1676, 1687), (1676, 1706), (347, 1477), (52, 299), (52, 63), (299, 1575), (1089, 667), (25, 99), (25, 41), (366, 1607), (1706, 481), (1706, 437), (1450, 1472), (1450, 1469), (1227, 1257), (1257, 1285), (1257, 1272), (213, 217), (0, 12), (0, 15), (361, 641), (815, 771), (882, 1103), (15, 144), (15, 25), (780, 893), (1517, 1532), (1517, 1535), (63, 339), (63, 74), (547, 556), (231, 1517), (726, 771), (1656, 1670), (1656, 1676), (1477, 1491), (1477, 1494), (585, 197), (585, 217), (585, 1134), (556, 156), (488, 496), (488, 515), (672, 794), (672, 718), (1285, 1315), (197, 169), (1712, 585), (1712, 1724), (856, 771), (1607, 1621), (1607, 1624), (122, 133), (122, 213), (1558, 197), (1558, 245), (1558, 217), (667, 579), (1647, 192), (1647, 217), (1647, 361), (1647, 380), (85, 96), (85, 366), (626, 1656), (1272, 1315), (1178, 771), (380, 197), (380, 217), (133, 144), (133, 231), (654, 893), (1591, 1450), (934, 949), (934, 975), (1544, 1450), (1397, 169), (841, 882), (841, 856), (1575, 1588), (1575, 1591), (1118, 1712), (148, 422), (74, 85), (74, 347), (99, 148), (99, 111), (245, 591), (893, 934), (893, 908), (641, 800), (437, 1656), (1384, 667), (1535, 1450), (250, 169), (566, 654), (1624, 1450), (422, 1656)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 2, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1201, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 90, + "resolved_jumps": 88 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x0b0b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x028d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00da\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b63\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00eb\nPUSH2 0x02af\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x00f8\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x011b\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0116\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0ba4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0128\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b63\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0139\nPUSH2 0x02e6\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0146\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0c0f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0169\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0164\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0c28\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0176\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0187\nPUSH2 0x0333\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0194\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0a5a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01b7\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01b2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b0b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03c3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01c4\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b63\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x01e7\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nCALLDATASIZE\nSUB\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x01e2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0c53\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03e5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f4\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nRETURN\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x020c\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cbe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0238\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cbe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0283\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x025a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0283\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0266\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0297\nPUSH2 0x0467\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x02a4\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x046e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x02\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x02c2\nPUSH2 0x0467\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x02cf\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0480\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02da\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0512\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x12\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0342\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cbe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x036e\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cbe\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03b9\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x0390\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x03b9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x039c\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x03cd\nPUSH2 0x0467\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x03da\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0512\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x047b\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x0602\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x048b\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x03e5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x050c\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x04fd\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xfb8f41b200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x04f4\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cfd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x050b\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0602\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0582\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x96c6fd1e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0579\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d32\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x05f2\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xec442f0500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x05e9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d32\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05fd\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x07d1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0672\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xe602df0500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0669\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d32\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x06e2\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0x94280d6200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06d9\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d32\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH0\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07cb\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x07c2\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0b8b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x0821\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0815\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0d78\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08ef\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nDUP6\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08aa\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH32 0xe450d38c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nADD\nPUSH2 0x08a1\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0cfd\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nDUP7\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nPUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 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0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nDUP2\nDUP4\nMCOPY\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0a2c\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x09ea\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a36\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x09f4\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0a46\nDUP2\nDUP6\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP7\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0a04\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0a4f\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0a12\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP5\nADD\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0a72\nDUP2\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0a22\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH20 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0x0b7c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d45\nPUSH0\nDUP4\nADD\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0cee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0d82\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0ad8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0d8d\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0ad8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nDUP3\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0da5\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0da4\nPUSH2 0x0d4b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nPUSH0\nPUSH25 0x8c7d286d58c7b19ef88ff13b0fd09424fd88bcb64c69a87a57\n'b4'(Unknown Opcode)\n'c8'(Unknown Opcode)\n'2b'(Unknown Opcode)\nXOR\n'4e'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH5 0x736f6c6343\nSTOP\nADDMOD\nBYTE\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + 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"function", + "input_param_types": [] + } + ], + "abi_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.abi.json", + "bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.bytecode", + "mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2081, 2154), (2081, 2218), (3060, 3081), (3279, 3285), (482, 997), (687, 235), (227, 687), (15, 145), (15, 25), (2804, 2821), (2776, 2949), (2776, 2794), (2807, 2785), (335, 3112), (1462, 3378), (3310, 2717), (2218, 2287), (235, 2955), (2548, 2614), (2770, 3190), (2770, 3207), (2770, 3016), (2770, 3033), (2770, 3146), (2770, 2862), (100, 112), (100, 149), (893, 953), (2827, 2849), (2827, 2841), (313, 3087), (2578, 2639), (123, 227), (123, 134), (3050, 439), (3050, 205), (878, 885), (878, 953), (2287, 2339), (2287, 2358), (912, 924), (2862, 2807), (2630, 2578), (356, 750), (953, 391), (953, 157), (461, 3155), (305, 742), (819, 3262), (2604, 2548), (2614, 2564), (2794, 2801), (2794, 2804), (663, 1134), (2934, 452), (2934, 218), (383, 819), (2849, 2756), (2785, 2776), (179, 2827), (2053, 3448), (3325, 3310), (3155, 3169), (3155, 3177), (3285, 3296), (3285, 3304), (924, 944), (924, 924), (3319, 3397), (2841, 2682), (413, 2827), (2909, 2934), (41, 305), (41, 52), (3087, 3072), (391, 2650), (200, 653), (750, 361), (2538, 2604), (3397, 1401), (2900, 2889), (1410, 1522), (1410, 1462), (2674, 404), (2674, 170), (1762, 1894), (1762, 1995), (1650, 1762), (1650, 1702), (2743, 2753), (2743, 2750), (509, 3262), (834, 3262), (2358, 2432), (3304, 834), (3304, 568), (3304, 524), (3304, 878), (2955, 2940), (614, 614), (614, 634), (1134, 1538), (52, 63), (52, 335), (2974, 374), (2974, 248), (1522, 2001), (2995, 2682), (3112, 3125), (3112, 3133), (3378, 3310), (2734, 2717), (2879, 434), (2879, 200), (2879, 361), (1894, 2955), (2980, 2995), (2980, 3003), (0, 12), (0, 15), (583, 643), (1590, 3378), (3081, 3106), (85, 96), (85, 461), (3169, 2682), (3033, 2807), (257, 2980), (602, 614), (2594, 2538), (112, 179), (112, 123), (2686, 2727), (2639, 2674), (361, 2955), (3125, 2682), (653, 1127), (3296, 3217), (2001, 2081), (2001, 2053), (3177, 2756), (3016, 2756), (973, 1298), (2154, 3325), (885, 912), (885, 893), (2940, 2776), (3448, 2776), (3003, 2756), (2821, 3050), (2821, 2879), (3072, 3060), (149, 509), (157, 2650), (3207, 482), (3207, 434), (3207, 200), (3207, 361), (2889, 2909), (2915, 2900), (2949, 2974), (524, 3262), (96, 145), (1298, 1410), (1298, 1350), (2753, 2770), (944, 953), (205, 2915), (2717, 2686), (3133, 2756), (2756, 2734), (1350, 3378), (2650, 2594), (643, 391), (643, 157), (63, 74), (63, 383), (2727, 2743), (2727, 3319), (439, 2915), (3106, 326), (3146, 356), (3190, 2756), (2432, 2955), (3262, 3285), (3262, 3279), (2339, 2432), (434, 963), (1702, 3378), (487, 2955), (134, 145), (134, 257), (74, 85), (74, 413), (2564, 2630), (575, 583), (575, 602), (634, 643), (25, 100), (25, 41), (568, 643), (568, 575), (997, 487), (997, 439), (997, 205), (963, 1127), (1538, 1650), (1538, 1590), (1127, 663), (1127, 973), (742, 313)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 10, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1907, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 171, + "resolved_jumps": 161 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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"output_param_types": [], + "entry_points": ["PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925"], + "name": "Approval", + "exit_points": [], + "selector": "8c5be1e5", + "type": "event", + "input_param_types": [ + "address", + "address", + "uint256" + ] + } + ], + "mnemonic_bytecode": "PUSH1 0x80\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nCALLVALUE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x000f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x04\nCALLDATASIZE\nLT\nPUSH2 0x00b1\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHR\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x715018a6\nGT\nPUSH2 0x006e\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x715018a6\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0152\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x8da5cb5b\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x015c\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x95d89b41\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0177\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xa9059cbb\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x017f\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xdd62ed3e\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0192\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0xf2fde38b\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x01ca\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x06fdde03\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00b5\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 0x095ea7b3\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x00d3\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH4 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0x04\nPUSH2 0x0741\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x015a\nPUSH2 0x02a9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00bd\nPUSH2 0x02bc\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00e6\nPUSH2 0x018d\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x06e0\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02cb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00fa\nPUSH2 0x01a0\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0761\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x015a\nPUSH2 0x01d8\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x0741\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02d8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ec\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0218\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0263\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x023a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0263\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0246\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x027a\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x031a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x0293\nDUP6\nDUP3\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x032c\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x029e\nDUP6\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03a7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02b1\nPUSH2 0x0404\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ba\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0431\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01ec\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0792\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x027a\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03a7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02e0\nPUSH2 0x0404\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH2 0x030e\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x1e4fbdf7\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0317\nDUP2\nPUSH2 0x0431\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0327\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH2 0x0482\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nDUP7\nAND\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x03a1\nJUMPI\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0393\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x7dc7a0d9\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03a1\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0482\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03d0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x4b637e8f\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03f9\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xec442f05\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0327\nDUP4\nDUP4\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0554\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02ba\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x118cdaa7\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nCALLER\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nDUP4\nAND\nDUP2\nOR\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH2 0x04ab\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0xe602df05\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x04d4\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x4a1406b1\nPUSH1 0xe1\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x03a1\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nDUP5\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0546\nSWAP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x057e\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x02\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x0573\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x07ca\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSSTORE\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x05ee\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x391434e3\nPUSH1 0xe2\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0305\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x060a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nPUSH2 0x0628\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nDUP4\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH2 0x066d\nSWAP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06a5\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0689\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x06db\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06f1\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x06fa\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x071a\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0723\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0731\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0751\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x075a\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0772\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x077b\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0789\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06c5\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x07a6\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07c4\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0280\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 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"REVERT", + "REVERT", + "REVERT", + "REVERT", + "REVERT", + "REVERT", + "REVERT" + ], + "selector": "8da5cb5b", + "type": "function", + "input_param_types": [] + } + ], + "abi_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.abi.json", + "bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.bytecode", + "mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(950, 773), (640, 1395), (1994, 640), (1994, 2006), (715, 935), (794, 1154), (551, 611), (570, 582), (1169, 773), (1889, 1906), (1889, 1903), (1906, 1733), (976, 1017), (976, 991), (543, 551), (543, 570), (230, 202), (1988, 536), (1988, 492), (1929, 416), (1929, 225), (1929, 250), (1929, 346), (1929, 397), (1533, 1576), (312, 250), (312, 346), (1406, 1488), (1406, 1439), (85, 96), (85, 402), (264, 1800), (96, 458), (96, 107), (1915, 1733), (1873, 1733), (1755, 1841), (1755, 1827), (1755, 1929), (1755, 1786), (1755, 1882), (1755, 1915), (1786, 416), (1786, 225), (1786, 346), (1786, 250), (1786, 397), (681, 1028), (189, 1658), (1760, 1777), (1760, 1774), (858, 866), (858, 915), (375, 700), (935, 976), (935, 950), (402, 1889), (1028, 1047), (1028, 698), (659, 935), (782, 1073), (458, 1857), (122, 211), (122, 133), (246, 250), (751, 773), (1958, 1969), (1958, 1988), (929, 659), (133, 144), (133, 246), (110, 181), (110, 122), (866, 773), (63, 375), (63, 74), (1210, 773), (1379, 1994), (1882, 472), (1882, 312), (1827, 1733), (15, 177), (15, 25), (689, 1073), (225, 621), (1818, 1733), (536, 611), (536, 543), (1364, 1379), (1364, 1406), (1047, 773), (278, 646), (1800, 1815), (1800, 1818), (1488, 1518), (1439, 773), (1682, 1673), (1546, 1576), (1576, 1645), (1236, 929), (1236, 1282), (211, 1760), (0, 12), (0, 15), (25, 41), (25, 110), (1841, 230), (1841, 278), (1841, 250), (611, 189), (736, 782), (736, 751), (477, 1938), (1777, 1733), (1658, 1673), (298, 1857), (383, 1760), (181, 477), (250, 202), (1938, 1952), (1938, 1958), (155, 166), (155, 283), (1857, 1873), (1857, 1870), (791, 250), (791, 346), (1673, 1682), (1673, 1701), (1518, 1546), (1518, 1533), (1154, 1169), (1154, 1195), (348, 202), (492, 1938), (166, 177), (166, 298), (621, 794), (602, 611), (812, 929), (812, 858), (283, 202), (700, 1938), (1195, 1236), (1195, 1210), (1017, 1364), (472, 728), (915, 1154), (1282, 1350), (41, 338), (41, 52), (1073, 791), (1073, 698), (338, 681), (1733, 1752), (1733, 1755), (991, 773), (397, 715), (74, 85), (74, 383), (728, 1028), (416, 230), (416, 250), (698, 736), (698, 689), (698, 346), (144, 264), (144, 155), (582, 582), (582, 602), (646, 812), (1952, 1958), (52, 348), (52, 63)]", + 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0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x03da\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH3 0x657373\nPUSH1 0xe8\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0577\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x26\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH6 0x616c616e6365\nPUSH1 0xd0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nDUP8\nDUP8\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP4\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nDUP8\nADD\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP3\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0637\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0302\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x05\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nDUP4\nAND\nDUP2\nOR\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nPUSH1 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0x0714\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x071d\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x072b\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x074b\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0754\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x076c\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0775\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0783\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x06bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x07a0\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x07be\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nXOR\nCALLER\n'd2'(Unknown Opcode)\nCALLER\nRETURN\n'b2'(Unknown Opcode)\n'c4'(Unknown Opcode)\nEXTCODEHASH\nDUP9\n'f9'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH25 0x25973919aba8582b4d1a6ee80b2a718d27eade5eca64736f6c\nPUSH4 0x43000819\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "spender", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": false, + "name": "value", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "name": "Approval", + "anonymous": false, + "type": "event" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "previousOwner", + "internalType": "address", + 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12), (0, 15), (1591, 673), (214, 602), (395, 665), (1749, 1923), (1749, 1780), (1749, 1876), (1749, 1909), (1749, 1835), (1749, 1821), (1876, 395), (1876, 301), (583, 592), (1835, 219), (1835, 267), (1835, 239), (74, 85), (74, 362), (63, 354), (63, 74), (688, 770), (637, 1932), (96, 402), (96, 107), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1946, 1952), (1952, 1963), (1952, 1982), (1280, 1313), (1280, 1399), (551, 563), (652, 1082), (253, 1794), (1851, 1864), (1851, 1867), (1812, 1727), (178, 1674), (779, 1593), (239, 191), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1821, 1727), (1593, 788), (301, 400), (301, 239), (1501, 1520), (1501, 1591), (381, 1851), (133, 144), (133, 235), (1197, 770), (986, 615), (1097, 770), (1771, 1727), (272, 191), (517, 592), (517, 524), (402, 1883), (200, 1754), (1780, 416), (1780, 400), (1780, 214), (1780, 376), (1780, 239), (144, 155), (144, 253), (1909, 1727), (1082, 1097), (1082, 1182), (665, 1501), (1883, 1897), (1883, 1900), (170, 458), (1727, 1746), (1727, 1749), (1923, 416), (1923, 400), (1923, 214), (1923, 376), (1923, 239)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1198, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 85, + "resolved_jumps": 85 + } + }, + { + "bytecode": 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0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05dd\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060b\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x074a\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x065e\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06c2\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x06e6\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08f8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x073f\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 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0x0908\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nMLOAD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x11\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP2\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x090f\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0261\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0261\nPUSH2 0x090f\nJUMP\nINVALID\nLOG2\nPUSH5 0x6970667358\n'22'(Unknown Opcode)\nSLT\nSHA3\nLOG0\nSTOP\n'd3'(Unknown Opcode)\nSWAP6\nNUMBER\nSWAP10\n'ee'(Unknown Opcode)\n'be'(Unknown Opcode)\nPUSH30 0x6eb4a7f42acc5a07f8becdaaccc3ca50f8580bea5b5dda64736f6c634300\nADDMOD\nEQ\nSTOP\nCALLER\n", + "abi": [ + { + "inputs": [{ + "name": "aEdZTTu", + "internalType": "uint256", + "type": "uint256" + }], + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", + "type": "constructor" + }, + { + "inputs": [ + { + "indexed": true, + "name": "owner", + "internalType": "address", + "type": "address" + }, + { + "indexed": true, + "name": 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734), (2339, 609), (2339, 2351), (371, 2069), (955, 1259), (219, 191), (214, 590), (2127, 2042), (2095, 385), (2095, 404), (2095, 214), (2095, 239), (1982, 1991), (1982, 2010), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2064, 2150), (2064, 2231), (2064, 1960), (2064, 2136), (2064, 2217), (2064, 2095), (2086, 2042), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (2208, 2042), (983, 734), (2109, 2124), (2109, 2127), (1766, 1409), (609, 1766), (609, 219), (609, 239), (940, 2240), (2217, 2042), (1967, 1982), (1278, 1291), (603, 609), (1296, 734), (2150, 219), (2150, 267), (2150, 239), (2182, 2042), (461, 2240), (2296, 2309), (2296, 2312), (1774, 1784), (1774, 1855), (337, 191), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (1730, 2296), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1784, 734), (868, 335), (2136, 2042), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2254, 2260), (2191, 2208), (2191, 2205), (63, 337), (63, 74), (267, 615), (2240, 2260), (2240, 2254), (15, 166), (15, 25), (2166, 2179), (2166, 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0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x014f\nPUSH2 0x030b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSTOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH2 0x00bf\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00b2\nPUSH2 0x03ac\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00db\nPUSH2 0x0181\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x083e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x03bb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x00ef\nPUSH2 0x0194\nCALLDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH2 0x08b8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP5\nAND\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x02\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nDIV\nMUL\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nDUP1\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP3\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01f9\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMPI\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x1f\nLT\nPUSH2 0x021b\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0100\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSLOAD\nDIV\nMUL\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP2\nPUSH2 0x0244\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH0\nSHA3\nSWAP1\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nSLOAD\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x01\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nGT\nPUSH2 0x0227\nJUMPI\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSUB\nPUSH1 0x1f\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nSWAP2\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nCALLER\nDUP1\nDUP6\nMSTORE\nSWAP3\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH0\nNOT\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nJUMPI\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x02e7\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1d\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02f4\nDUP7\nDUP4\nDUP7\nDUP5\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x03c8\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x02ff\nDUP7\nDUP7\nDUP7\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nSWAP6\nSWAP5\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nAND\nCALLER\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0364\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nNOT\nAND\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x60\nPUSH1 0x03\nDUP1\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x01cd\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x08e9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nCALLER\nPUSH2 0x025b\nDUP2\nDUP6\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x04eb\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nPUSH2 0x042a\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP1\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH4 0x72657373\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nPUSH2 0x048b\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH2 0x7373\nPUSH1 0xf0\nSHL\nPUSH1 0x64\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x84\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x04\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSHA3\nSWAP5\nDUP8\nAND\nDUP1\nDUP5\nMSTORE\nSWAP5\nDUP3\nMSTORE\nSWAP2\nDUP3\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nDUP6\nSWAP1\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nMLOAD\nDUP5\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925\nSWAP2\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nAND\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x050b\nJUMPI\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP3\nAND\nISZERO\nISZERO\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0557\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x06\nSLOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP5\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP2\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nSWAP1\nSWAP3\nPUSH2 0x0583\nSWAP3\nAND\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nDUP8\nPUSH2 0x066e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x05d5\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1a\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x05df\nDUP2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x069d\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP7\nAND\nPUSH0\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP1\nDUP3\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nSHA3\nSLOAD\nPUSH2 0x060d\nSWAP1\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x06f9\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP1\nDUP6\nAND\nPUSH0\nDUP2\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x05\nPUSH1 0x20\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nSWAP1\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nSHA3\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nSSTORE\nSWAP2\nMLOAD\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0660\nSWAP1\nDUP7\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nADD\nSWAP1\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nSWAP2\nSUB\nSWAP1\nLOG3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP4\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x068a\nJUMPI\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP5\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x0695\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0683\nDUP6\nDUP5\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x075e\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP3\nDUP3\nGT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x06ee\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1e\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH2 0x0695\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0935\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x0705\nDUP4\nDUP6\nPUSH2 0x0948\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nDUP4\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0757\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH3 0x461bcd\nPUSH1 0xe5\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x1b\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP3\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH2 0x02de\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP4\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nDUP2\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x04\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP2\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x24\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP5\nSWAP1\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP4\nDUP2\nAND\nPUSH1 0x44\nDUP5\nADD\nMSTORE\nSWAP1\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nDUP6\nAND\nSWAP1\nPUSH4 0x5f94f14f\nSWAP1\nPUSH1 0x64\nADD\nPUSH1 0x20\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP4\nSUB\nDUP2\nDUP7\nGAS\nSTATICCALL\nISZERO\nDUP1\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x07b4\nJUMPI\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nRETURNDATACOPY\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH0\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nMLOAD\nRETURNDATASIZE\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP3\nADD\nAND\nDUP3\nADD\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nMSTORE\nPOP\nDUP2\nADD\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x0695\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPUSH2 0x095b\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP1\nDUP4\nMSTORE\nDUP4\nMLOAD\nDUP1\nDUP3\nDUP6\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH0\nJUMPDEST\nDUP2\nDUP2\nLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0803\nJUMPI\nDUP6\nDUP2\nADD\nDUP4\nADD\nMLOAD\nDUP6\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH1 0x40\nADD\nMSTORE\nDUP3\nADD\nPUSH2 0x07e7\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPOP\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP3\nDUP7\nADD\nADD\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x40\nPUSH1 0x1f\nNOT\nPUSH1 0x1f\nDUP4\nADD\nAND\nDUP6\nADD\nADD\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nDUP1\nCALLDATALOAD\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0x01\nPUSH1 0xa0\nSHL\nSUB\nDUP2\nAND\nDUP2\nEQ\nPUSH2 0x0839\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x084f\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0858\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP5\nPUSH1 0x20\nSWAP4\nSWAP1\nSWAP4\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP4\nPOP\nPOP\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x60\nDUP5\nDUP7\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x0878\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0881\nDUP5\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP3\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x088f\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP6\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP5\nADD\nCALLDATALOAD\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nDUP5\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08af\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x0757\nDUP3\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nPUSH1 0x40\nDUP4\nDUP6\nSUB\nSLT\nISZERO\nPUSH2 0x08c9\nJUMPI\nPUSH0\nDUP1\nREVERT\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH2 0x08d2\nDUP4\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP2\nPOP\nPUSH2 0x08e0\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP5\nADD\nPUSH2 0x0823\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nSWAP1\nPOP\nSWAP3\nPOP\nSWAP3\nSWAP1\nPOP\nJUMP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x01\nDUP2\nDUP2\nSHR\nSWAP1\nDUP3\nAND\nDUP1\nPUSH2 0x08fd\nJUMPI\nPUSH1 0x7f\nDUP3\nAND\nSWAP2\nPOP\nJUMPDEST\nPUSH1 0x20\nDUP3\nLT\nDUP2\nSUB\nPUSH2 0x091b\nJUMPI\nPUSH4 0x4e487b71\nPUSH1 0xe0\nSHL\nPUSH0\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 0x22\nPUSH1 0x04\nMSTORE\nPUSH1 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"evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xa151e7a30b805d399106bef9ee6b4a463232b643/0xa151e7a30b805d399106bef9ee6b4a463232b643.bytecode", + "mnemonic_bytecode_file_path": "evm-testcases/ground-truth/50-ground-truth/0xa151e7a30b805d399106bef9ee6b4a463232b643/0xa151e7a30b805d399106bef9ee6b4a463232b643.opcode", + "vulnerabilities": { + "timestamp_dependency": 0, + "tx_origin": 0, + "reentrancy": 0 + }, + "basic_blocks_pc": "[(2168, 2083), (363, 940), (2023, 2032), (2023, 2051), (25, 41), (25, 110), (461, 2281), (2258, 2083), (41, 52), (41, 287), (1422, 734), (2369, 2337), (1259, 1291), (1259, 1278), (1066, 1081), (1066, 1163), (2150, 2165), (2150, 2168), (659, 743), (659, 667), (2281, 2295), (2281, 2301), (505, 512), (505, 580), (1081, 734), (2295, 2301), (955, 1259), (214, 590), (219, 191), (2357, 609), (2357, 2369), (96, 390), (96, 107), (122, 133), (122, 200), (2395, 2408), (2395, 2411), (74, 85), (74, 363), (301, 239), (2177, 2083), (2223, 2083), (327, 779), (155, 272), (155, 166), (983, 734), (1774, 2357), (2272, 385), (2272, 404), (2272, 214), (2272, 239), (2331, 505), (2331, 461), (1657, 1886), (390, 2232), (1278, 1291), (253, 2150), (2136, 385), (2136, 404), (2136, 214), (2136, 239), (1296, 734), (1879, 301), (446, 2281), (337, 191), (2411, 1685), (580, 178), (170, 446), (404, 219), (404, 239), (2191, 219), (2191, 267), (2191, 239), (609, 1685), (609, 219), (609, 239), (0, 12), (0, 15), (1367, 1646), (868, 335), (2083, 2102), (2083, 2105), (940, 2281), (615, 659), (615, 756), (2105, 2272), (2105, 2177), (2105, 2258), (2105, 1879), (2105, 2136), (2105, 2191), (63, 337), (63, 74), (1693, 1703), (1693, 1774), (267, 615), (1667, 1685), (15, 166), (15, 25), (1703, 734), (968, 983), (968, 1066), (551, 551), (551, 571), (1493, 1693), (85, 96), (85, 371), (2249, 2083), (512, 520), (512, 539), (797, 734), (2110, 2124), (2110, 2127), (1886, 1972), (1886, 1965), (2127, 2083), (371, 2110), (239, 191), (235, 239), (603, 609), (110, 122), (110, 170), (1411, 1493), (1411, 1422), (2301, 2312), (2301, 2331), (590, 968), (571, 580), (2008, 2023), (520, 580), (1646, 1657), (1646, 1674), (178, 2008), (200, 2110), (1674, 1886), (287, 2207), (133, 144), (133, 235), (2232, 2246), (2232, 2249), (756, 1259), (272, 191), (52, 327), (52, 63), (743, 968), (385, 955), (1163, 603), (539, 551), (667, 734), (144, 155), (144, 253), (779, 868), (779, 797), (2032, 2023), (1972, 2395), (2207, 2220), (2207, 2223), (1685, 1667), (1685, 1411), (1291, 1296), (1291, 1367)]", + "statistics": { + "definitely_unreachable_jumps": 4, + "unsound_jumps": 0, + "total_opcodes": 1516, + "maybe_unsound_jumps": 0, + "maybe_unreachable_jumps": 0, + "total_jumps": 107, + "resolved_jumps": 103 + } + } +]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 4f7acb6e5..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879/0x0c6b8078d27c9729fad5db98c331291bf57ec879.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1516 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0364 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0 -SWAP1 -DUP4 -SWAP1 -LOG3 -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x042a -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH4 0x72657373 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x048b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x050b -JUMPI -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -ISZERO -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0557 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x0583 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x066e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05d5 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1a -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x05df -DUP2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x069d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x060d -SWAP1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06f9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0660 -SWAP1 -DUP7 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x068a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0695 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP6 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06ee -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1e -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0695 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0935 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0705 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP5 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP7 -GAS -STATICCALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07b4 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP3 -ADD -AND -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -POP -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0695 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x095b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0803 -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07e7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0839 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SELFBALANCE -PUSH23 0x43666a3101d5ea8b1e62f534961c17ff8130cc77d213c8 -'ea'(Unknown Opcode) -'ee'(Unknown Opcode) -'ef'(Unknown Opcode) -SHR -TSTORE -'e9'(Unknown Opcode) -'d3'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git 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-PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP 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0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP5 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP7 -GAS -STATICCALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07b4 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 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-SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 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-PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xf2fde38b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0291 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00cd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01bb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x01f5 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00cd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d1 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00ef -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x19ab453c -EQ -PUSH2 0x013d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x016d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x019d -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00d9 -PUSH2 0x02ad -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00e6 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e69 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0109 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0104 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f1a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x033d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0116 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f72 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0127 -PUSH2 0x035f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0134 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f9a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0157 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0152 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fb3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0368 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0164 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f72 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0187 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0182 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fde -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03f0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0194 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f72 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01a5 -PUSH2 0x041e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01b2 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1049 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01d5 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01d0 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fb3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0426 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01e2 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f9a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01f3 -PUSH2 0x046c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01fd -PUSH2 0x047f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x020a -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1071 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x021b -PUSH2 0x04a6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0228 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e69 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024b -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0246 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f1a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0536 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0258 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f72 -JUMP 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-PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x103d -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0f46 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x104a -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x101b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x105f -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0d71 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x107a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x1079 -PUSH2 0x0ca5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x1087 -DUP5 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x1051 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -ISZERO -ISZERO -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x10a4 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x1090 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x10ae -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x10bf -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x109b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x10da -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x10d9 -PUSH2 0x0ca5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x10e7 -DUP5 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x10b1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x1103 -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x0f46 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x1110 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0f46 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x111d -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x101b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -DELEGATECALL -SSTORE -'2d'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP15 -'28'(Unknown Opcode) -'ec'(Unknown Opcode) -'ea'(Unknown Opcode) -SAR -'b4'(Unknown Opcode) -SAR -PUSH31 0x23a7dab4e27dc9c9ca30f5eeb120cebbba553ef5e264736f6c634300081a00 -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x16eA5Db6A7C2A72749a7f7600CAA64c97468D50E/0x16eA5Db6A7C2A72749a7f7600CAA64c97468D50E.bytecode 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-MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH4 0x72657373 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x03e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x056b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x03e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 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-JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08f1 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08fa -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x091a -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0923 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0931 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0951 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x095a -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0972 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x097b -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0989 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x08c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x09a6 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x09c4 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x030d -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -MSTORE8 -'0d'(Unknown Opcode) -'e9'(Unknown Opcode) -'b5'(Unknown Opcode) -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'2f'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH23 0xfccc552c4737311e27a8d57f890d6e734ee67da30f4d89 -'23'(Unknown Opcode) -'c4'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -NOT -STOP -CALLER diff --git 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-PUSH2 0x017f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0192 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xf2fde38b -EQ -PUSH2 0x01ca -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b5 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00f6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0108 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x012a -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x01dd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00ca -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x067a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x00e1 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x06e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x026d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x0116 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0708 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0286 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x0138 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0741 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x02a9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x02bc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x018d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x06e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02cb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x01a0 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0761 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x01d8 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0741 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01ec -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0792 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0218 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0792 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0263 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x023a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0263 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 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-MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0317 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0431 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0327 -DUP4 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH2 0x0482 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -DUP7 -AND -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x03a1 -JUMPI -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0393 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x7dc7a0d9 -PUSH1 0xe1 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -AND -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP3 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03a1 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0482 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x03d0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x4b637e8f -PUSH1 0xe1 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x03f9 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0xec442f05 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0327 -DUP4 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0554 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x02ba -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x118cdaa7 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -CALLER -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -DUP4 -AND -DUP2 -OR -SWAP1 -SWAP4 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-MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06a5 -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0689 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x06db -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06f1 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x06fa -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x071a -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0723 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0731 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0751 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x075a -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x077b -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0789 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x06c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x07a6 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x07c4 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0280 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SHR -NUMBER -'2a'(Unknown Opcode) -RETURN -DUP3 -'e9'(Unknown Opcode) -'a9'(Unknown Opcode) -'e6'(Unknown Opcode) -'0e'(Unknown Opcode) -GAS -JUMP -SWAP2 -SWAP16 -MSTORE8 -'4c'(Unknown Opcode) -'c9'(Unknown Opcode) -'ce'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH14 0x4fb3f93db4c8f397395d99cc1812 -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 1e891fc44..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda/0x33f9704b980a21b776eac1d9d4111db33ab6dfda.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1428 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0718 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x077e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x03 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07a6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07df -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x02 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x077e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07ff -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0830 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 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-SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01d9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x078c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0205 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x078c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0250 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0250 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0233 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x0267 -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0317 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0267 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x043a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01d9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x078c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x0267 -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x043a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02a1 -PUSH2 0x05dd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x26 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a206e6577206f776e657220697320746865207a65726f2061 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH6 0x646472657373 -PUSH1 0xd0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0314 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0639 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x0379 -JUMPI -PUSH1 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-MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x049e -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x25 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e736665722066726f6d20746865207a65726f206164 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH5 0x6472657373 -PUSH1 0xd8 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0302 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x0500 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x23 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746f20746865207a65726f2061646472 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH3 0x657373 -PUSH1 0xe8 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0302 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0577 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x26 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH6 0x616c616e6365 -PUSH1 0xd0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0302 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -DUP8 -DUP8 -SUB -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP4 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP5 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -DUP8 -ADD -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP3 -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0637 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0302 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -DUP4 -AND -DUP2 -OR -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP2 -AND -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -DUP3 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -ADD -MCOPY -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP5 -ADD -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x06d5 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06eb -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x06f4 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0714 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x071d -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x072b -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x074b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0754 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x076c -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0775 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0783 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x06bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x07a0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x07be -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'e7'(Unknown Opcode) -'f7'(Unknown Opcode) -'c4'(Unknown Opcode) -'cd'(Unknown Opcode) -EXTCODEHASH -'d4'(Unknown Opcode) -'2c'(Unknown Opcode) -PC -LOG3 -DUP12 -'4b'(Unknown Opcode) -NOT -LOG0 -POP -SHL -'c5'(Unknown Opcode) -SELFBALANCE -TLOAD -LOG1 -'ef'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH30 0x6dff5bc46d727bffd5978e64736f6c63430008190033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index ca8fdf473..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97/0x3932f366886d2b981485503a182173da80d15c97.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1202 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x0090 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -GT -PUSH2 0x0063 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x012b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0153 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x015b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x016e -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0094 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d5 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00e7 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x009c -PUSH2 0x01a6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00a9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0575 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00c5 -PUSH2 0x00c0 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x05c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0236 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00a9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00a9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00c5 -PUSH2 0x00f5 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x05ed -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0xff -PUSH32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00a9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00d9 -PUSH2 0x0139 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0627 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x009c -PUSH2 0x0272 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00c5 -PUSH2 0x0169 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x05c5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0281 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00d9 -PUSH2 0x017c -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0647 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01b5 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0678 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01e1 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0678 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x022c -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x0203 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x022c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD 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-ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0637 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0640 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x05aa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0658 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0661 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x05aa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x066f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x05aa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x068c -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x06aa -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0249 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 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-JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x62940cc4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0088 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -GT -PUSH2 0x0063 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01c3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x01cb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x01de -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xf851a440 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0216 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x62940cc4 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0166 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0191 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01b9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00cf -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00ed -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x0acac942 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0132 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0144 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0157 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00d7 -PUSH2 0x0226 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00e4 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c2 -JUMP 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-SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x03ba -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x13 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH19 0x2ab730baba3437b934bd32b21030b1ba34b7b7 -PUSH1 0x69 -SHL -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x09 -SLOAD -CALLER -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -SWAP3 -SWAP4 -DUP5 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x03df -SWAP1 -DUP5 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0a27 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SSTORE -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0302 -CALLER -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x05ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x0454 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 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-MSTORE -PUSH6 0x616c616e6365 -PUSH1 0xd0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x03b1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x078a -SWAP1 -DUP4 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0a3a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x07b9 -SWAP1 -DUP4 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0a27 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x080c -SWAP1 -DUP7 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0340 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f74207468652061646d696e -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x03b1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -DUP4 -AND -DUP2 -OR -DUP5 -SSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP3 -DUP4 -SWAP2 -PUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08ee -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x08d2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0924 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x093a -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0943 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0961 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x096a -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0983 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x098c -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x099a -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x09bb -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x09c4 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x09d2 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x090e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x09ef -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0a0d -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0306 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0306 -PUSH2 0x0a13 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0306 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0306 -PUSH2 0x0a13 -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -EXTCODECOPY -CODECOPY -TSTORE -DIV -'28'(Unknown Opcode) -CALLER -STOP -'a7'(Unknown Opcode) -'ba'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH3 0xfe57d0 -'26'(Unknown Opcode) -'e6'(Unknown Opcode) -'0f'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH28 0xadb31524c96eca0198facec1a0906664736f6c63430008180033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index eedf5d048..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641/0x3f121b9a6bc33b6c9f711ccbcaac67459c875641.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1511 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0364 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 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-PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x048b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 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-DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07e7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0839 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'25'(Unknown Opcode) -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'d7'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH20 0xd67d12dba4acc95d7d7e08a606d812d348d0382d -'de'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP3 -SHR -'c7'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP7 -PUSH26 0x7ba564736f6c63430008140033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735/0x4582b79844e753ed53928d8b8761e9f27eb22735.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 13be5acff..000000000 --- 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-JUMPI -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00b8 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x00c1 -PUSH2 0x0303 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00ce -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ccc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00e3 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x00fe -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x00f9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d87 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0395 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x010b -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0de2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0120 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0129 -PUSH2 0x03b3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0136 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e0c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x014b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0166 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0161 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e27 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0173 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0de2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0188 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0191 -PUSH2 0x04b5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x019e -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e96 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01b3 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x01ce -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01c9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d87 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x04cc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01db -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0de2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01f0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x020b -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0206 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0578 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0218 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e0c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x022d -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0236 -PUSH2 0x05c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0243 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ccc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0258 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0273 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x026e -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d87 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0652 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0280 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0de2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0295 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x02b0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x02ab -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d87 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x073d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x02bd -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0de2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02d2 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x02ed -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x02e8 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ede -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x075b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x02fa -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e0c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0312 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f4d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x033e -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f4d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x038b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x0360 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x038b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x00 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x00 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x036e -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x03a9 -PUSH2 0x03a2 -PUSH2 0x07e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x07ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x03ca -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 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0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x00 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x05cf -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f4d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x05fb -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f4d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0648 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x061d -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0648 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x00 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x00 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x062b -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 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-PUSH2 0x1108 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0127 -PUSH2 0x0424 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0134 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1130 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0145 -PUSH2 0x042d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0161 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x015c -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1149 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0563 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x016e -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1108 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x017f -PUSH2 0x08f6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x018c -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x11b4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01af -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01aa -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x10b0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x090b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01cb -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01c6 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x11cd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x09ae -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01d8 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1130 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01e9 -PUSH2 0x09f4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f6 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1207 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0207 -PUSH2 0x0a1b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0214 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fff -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0237 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0232 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x10b0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0aab -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0244 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1108 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0262 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1220 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0d89 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0274 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1130 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0297 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0292 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x10b0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0e0b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x02a8 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x128b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x02d4 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x128b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x031f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x02f6 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x031f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 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-ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -DIFFICULTY -'a9'(Unknown Opcode) -'e9'(Unknown Opcode) -'d0'(Unknown Opcode) -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'2d'(Unknown Opcode) -'2b'(Unknown Opcode) -'4e'(Unknown Opcode) -ADDMOD -'2e'(Unknown Opcode) -'bd'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH22 0x3a88b3abcde532481d3cf0736835f724e9fac2e96473 -PUSH16 0x6c63430008140033 diff --git 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-PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07af -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0876 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x088f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0364 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0 -SWAP1 -DUP4 -SWAP1 -LOG3 -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x042a -JUMPI 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-DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x050b -JUMPI -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -ISZERO -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0557 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x0581 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP1 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x066c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05d3 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1a -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x05dd -DUP2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06ee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x060b -SWAP1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x074a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 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-SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0866 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0886 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07a8 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08a0 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08a9 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08b7 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08d4 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x08f2 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0908 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH2 0xe4c6 -PUSH20 0x0772ac87be7b53236ee229d468b8ea3d7554baf7 -DUP9 -'f8'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP12 -SWAP2 -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'2f'(Unknown Opcode) -'bd'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x60f19fd1f15fc08a1ea27d407dae25c4e7937547/0x60f19fd1f15fc08a1ea27d407dae25c4e7937547.bytecode 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-PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SWAP1 -DIV -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP5 -ADD -SLT -PUSH2 0x0193 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01ac -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP4 -ADD -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01c4 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP5 -ADD -SLT -PUSH2 0x01dd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01f6 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP4 -ADD -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x020e -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -DUP8 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x022b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP6 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0245 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0251 -DUP8 -DUP3 -DUP9 -ADD -PUSH2 0x01cb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -POP -SWAP5 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0270 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x027c -DUP8 -DUP3 -DUP9 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP6 -SWAP2 -SWAP5 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0293 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x03f1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -MSTORE -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x02a5 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -POP -PUSH2 0x02b2 -DUP4 -DUP6 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0423 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02bb -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0432 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP5 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x02d2 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -POP -PUSH2 0x02df -DUP4 -DUP6 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0423 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02e8 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0432 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP5 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x0300 -PUSH1 0x27 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x03e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH32 0x4f6e6c792046414252595820534146452063616e2063616c6c20746869732066 -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x756e6374696f6e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x036e -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x028a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x038f -DUP2 -DUP7 -DUP9 -PUSH2 0x02c6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x03a4 -DUP2 -DUP5 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x0299 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x03c8 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x02f3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP3 -DUP3 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP3 -DUP3 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH2 0x03fc -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0403 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -DUP3 -AND -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -DUP2 -DUP4 -CALLDATACOPY -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP4 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown 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0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07af -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0876 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x088f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 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-PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0826 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x082f -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0866 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0886 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07a8 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08a0 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08a9 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08b7 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08d4 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x08f2 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0908 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -LOG0 -STOP -'d3'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP6 -NUMBER -SWAP10 -'ee'(Unknown Opcode) -'be'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH30 0x6eb4a7f42acc5a07f8becdaaccc3ca50f8580bea5b5dda64736f6c634300 -ADDMOD -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index a0ffab835..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f/0x6ea4f5bcd17185c5958677569340e39ac6364e9f.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1512 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT 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-AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x050b -JUMPI -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -ISZERO -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0557 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x0583 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x066e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05d5 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1a -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x05df -DUP2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x069d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x060d -SWAP1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06f9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE 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-ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -GASLIMIT -'e1'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH27 0xd4af53c5201e86a317f51dfe5843aba0a15f95df734aea21c74d04 -DUP4 -'27'(Unknown 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-PUSH2 0x0176 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fd -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0499 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0164 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x016c -PUSH2 0x0187 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x016c -PUSH2 0x020c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x02ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x01e0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 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-ADD -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0xe26d7a70 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -PUSH0 -DUP8 -DUP1 -EXTCODESIZE -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0280 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -GAS -CALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0292 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP6 -AND -SWAP3 -POP -SELFBALANCE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08fc -MUL -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP9 -DUP9 -CALL -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02c9 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x03 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x60 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x02ea -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -BALANCE -PUSH2 0x04e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH5 0xd127b3abcd 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-ADD -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xf8 -SHL -SUB -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -PUSH0 -BYTE -SWAP1 -MSTORE8 -POP -PUSH2 0x0472 -DUP5 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x0520 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP6 -POP -PUSH2 0x0415 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0492 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -DUP3 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -ADD -MCOPY -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP5 -ADD -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP2 -ISZERO -DUP3 -DUP3 -DIV -DUP5 -EQ -OR -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x12 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x052e -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x052e -PUSH2 0x050c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -DIV -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0541 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0541 -PUSH2 0x050c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -MOD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -DUP6 -MCOPY -PUSH0 -SWAP4 -ADD -SWAP3 -DUP4 -MSTORE -POP -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0568 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0546 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x17 -PUSH1 0xf9 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x0479 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0546 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x058d -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x058d -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x41 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x32 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -CALLDATALOAD -'ea'(Unknown Opcode) -'4b'(Unknown Opcode) -'d7'(Unknown Opcode) -'b3'(Unknown Opcode) -'4d'(Unknown Opcode) -CODECOPY -'1f'(Unknown Opcode) -MSTORE -PC -'ca'(Unknown Opcode) -CREATE2 -'28'(Unknown Opcode) -'fc'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH4 0xcff6d527 -JUMP -'0f'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP9 -SWAP1 -SWAP13 -SWAP14 -'e1'(Unknown Opcode) -LT -'ca'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH29 0x1b6c2c64736f6c63430008190033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x75b884711094aa9f407251892d28653d049fafbd/0x75b884711094aa9f407251892d28653d049fafbd.bytecode 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0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST 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-ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE 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-PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0319 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x79cc6790 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0371 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0157 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x01bd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x01db -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x39509351 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0285 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00dc -PUSH2 0x0586 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP4 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP1 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x00 -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x011c -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP2 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0101 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0149 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-RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0247 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01f1 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH2 0x0650 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0269 -PUSH2 0x0729 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -PUSH1 0xff -AND -PUSH1 0xff -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02d1 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x029b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH2 0x0740 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0317 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0301 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH2 0x07f3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x035b -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x032f -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 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-JUMPDEST -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0407 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP2 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x03ec -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0434 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -SUB -DUP1 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x20 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SUB -NOT -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x048e -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0458 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH2 0x0953 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 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-CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP5 -GAS -DELEGATECALL -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -DUP1 -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0107 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x00 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x00 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0121 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -MLOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0145 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'f6'(Unknown Opcode) -CODESIZE -'4e'(Unknown Opcode) -GT -MSTORE -'ca'(Unknown Opcode) -ORIGIN -LOG1 -CHAINID -NUMBER -PUSH13 0xdad1b1778a6e5747491aa75417 -LOG2 -'d3'(Unknown Opcode) -SELFDESTRUCT -DUP15 -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -'4c'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP4 -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -SLT -STOP -CALLER diff --git 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-PUSH2 0x020a -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0228 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xe559d86a -EQ -PUSH2 0x0258 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0104 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0122 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0152 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0170 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00be -PUSH2 0x0274 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00cb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d86 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ee -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x00e9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e37 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0304 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x010c -PUSH2 0x031a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0119 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x013c -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0137 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ed0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0322 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0149 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x0349 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0167 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f3b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x018a -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0185 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f54 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x035f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0197 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01a8 -PUSH2 0x03a5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01b5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d86 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01d8 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01d3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e37 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0435 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01e5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0208 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0203 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f54 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x044b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0212 -PUSH2 0x05ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x021f -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f8e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0242 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x023d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fa7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0672 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x024f -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0272 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x026d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fe5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x06f4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0283 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x103d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x02af -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x103d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02fa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x02d1 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x02fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x02dd -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0310 -CALLER -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x07c6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -CALLER -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0332 -DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0989 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x033d -DUP6 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0a1d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x03 -PUSH1 0x14 -SWAP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SWAP1 -DIV -PUSH1 0xff -AND -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH0 -DUP4 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x03b4 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 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-PUSH1 0x03 -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SWAP1 -DIV -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -EQ -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x04f4 -JUMPI -POP -DUP1 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH1 0x03 -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SWAP1 -DIV -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -EQ -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0533 -JUMPI -POP -DUP1 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH2 0x051a -PUSH2 0x05ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -EQ -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x057f -JUMPI -POP -PUSH20 0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -DUP2 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -EQ -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05c7 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 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-POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0994 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0672 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH32 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0a17 -JUMPI -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0a00 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH32 0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -ADD -PUSH2 0x09f7 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1420 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0a16 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0a11 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x143e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07c6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH0 -DUP6 -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0aa1 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH32 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-JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -POP -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -POP -DUP3 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP5 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -DUP5 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0712 -SWAP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -DUP3 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -ADD -MCOPY -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP5 -ADD -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0781 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x078a -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07aa -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07b3 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x07c1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07e1 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07ea -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0802 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x080b -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0819 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0755 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 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0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 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0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP5 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0xa2ab8dcd -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP7 -GAS -STATICCALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07b4 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 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-DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -OR -DUP10 -'c9'(Unknown Opcode) -BLOCKHASH -'c3'(Unknown Opcode) -DIFFICULTY -DUP16 -INVALID -'21'(Unknown Opcode) -MULMOD -SWAP14 -INVALID -SHR -CALLER -PUSH7 0xef1a29ea72f378 -PUSH12 0x48ad79c50585c409b364736f -PUSH13 0x63430008140033 diff --git 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-REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -MLOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0145 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'21'(Unknown Opcode) -TLOAD -SWAP8 -SWAP2 -PUSH32 0x72541d8581ff4387524582024fc3881e0c2a831e2aaba716edf5bf64736f6c63 -NUMBER -STOP -ADDMOD -SLT -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 0a22b356e..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0/0x9a1ba1687c2759fe96bfacbfb5300458b7d726f0.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1512 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND 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0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SWAP4 -MULMOD -PC -PUSH17 0x2b12ec86d0ffdc929d3a1b4739605bcd1d -CALLER -'ea'(Unknown Opcode) -'b2'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH15 0x21b0c069b33f3464736f6c63430008 -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 86b174362..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57/0xDcfCcaf54CB8c7c30bb7959929AbA24bF136FF57.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2965 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -GT -PUSH2 0x006f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01a0 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xae5e5451 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01ee -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xb8c9d25c -EQ -PUSH2 0x020a -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0228 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xe559d86a -EQ -PUSH2 0x0258 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0104 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0122 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0152 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0170 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00be -PUSH2 0x0274 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00cb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d86 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ee -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x00e9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e37 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0304 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x010c -PUSH2 0x031a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0119 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x013c -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0137 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ed0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0322 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0149 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x0349 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0167 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f3b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x018a -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0185 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f54 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x035f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0197 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01a8 -PUSH2 0x03a5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01b5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d86 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01d8 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01d3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e37 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0435 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01e5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e8f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0208 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0203 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f54 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x044b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0212 -PUSH2 0x05ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x021f -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f8e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0242 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x023d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fa7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0672 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x024f -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0272 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x026d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fe5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x06f4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0283 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x103d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x02af -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x103d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02fa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x02d1 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x02fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x02dd -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0310 -CALLER -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x07c6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -CALLER -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0332 -DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0989 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x033d -DUP6 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0a1d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x03 -PUSH1 0x14 -SWAP1 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SWAP1 -DIV -PUSH1 0xff -AND -SWAP1 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-PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH4 0x72657373 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x048b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x050b -JUMPI -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -ISZERO -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0557 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x0583 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x066e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05d5 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1a -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x05df -DUP2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x069d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x060d -SWAP1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06f9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0660 -SWAP1 -DUP7 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x068a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0695 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP6 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06ee -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1e -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0695 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0935 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0705 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP5 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP7 -GAS -STATICCALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07b4 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP3 -ADD -AND -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -POP -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0695 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x095b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0803 -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07e7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0839 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'b7'(Unknown Opcode) -GASPRICE -CODESIZE -DUP1 -OR -DUP11 -'e0'(Unknown Opcode) -'0f'(Unknown Opcode) -SELFBALANCE -SWAP11 -'2a'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH10 0x2d0160ff4bf406a1073c -'c7'(Unknown Opcode) -'d2'(Unknown Opcode) -'eb'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH19 0xcaf120f2d92664736f6c63430008140033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 7d8ad131d..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7/0xa25150b69733D6834628613E712934C279BEadF7.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1908 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x0091 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -GT -PUSH2 0x0064 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0131 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x014f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x017f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x019d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x01cd -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0091 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0095 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00e3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0101 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x009d -PUSH2 0x01fd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00aa -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0a5a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00cd -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x00c8 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b0b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x028d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00da -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b63 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00eb -PUSH2 0x02af -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00f8 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b8b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x011b -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0116 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0ba4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0128 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b63 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0139 -PUSH2 0x02e6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0146 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0c0f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0169 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0164 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0c28 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0176 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b8b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0187 -PUSH2 0x0333 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0194 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0a5a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01b7 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01b2 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b0b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03c3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01c4 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b63 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01e7 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01e2 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0c53 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03e5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f4 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b8b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x020c -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0cbe -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0238 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0cbe -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0283 -JUMPI -DUP1 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-ADD -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x0cee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0d1d -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0b7c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0d2a -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0b7c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0d45 -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0cee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0d82 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0ad8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0d8d -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0ad8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -DUP3 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0da5 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0da4 -PUSH2 0x0d4b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -PUSH0 -PUSH25 0x8c7d286d58c7b19ef88ff13b0fd09424fd88bcb64c69a87a57 -'b4'(Unknown Opcode) -'c8'(Unknown Opcode) -'2b'(Unknown Opcode) -XOR -'4e'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -BYTE -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index a461df1b2..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3/0xb04862d030a38c351e8ecae09508cd30f80d88e3.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1820 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x0043 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x6c02a931 -EQ -PUSH2 0x004f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x7b61c320 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00df -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xbe9a6555 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xd4e93292 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0179 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x004a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH2 0x004a -JUMPI -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x005b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0064 -PUSH2 0x0183 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP4 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP1 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x00 -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00a4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP2 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0089 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00d1 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -SUB -DUP1 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x20 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SUB -NOT -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x00f4 -PUSH2 0x0221 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP4 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP1 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x00 -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0134 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP2 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0119 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0161 -JUMPI -DUP1 -DUP3 -SUB -DUP1 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x20 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0100 -EXP -SUB -NOT -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0177 -PUSH2 0x02bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x032a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x01 -AND -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0100 -MUL -SUB -AND -PUSH1 0x02 -SWAP1 -DIV -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x01 -AND -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0100 -MUL -SUB -AND -PUSH1 0x02 -SWAP1 -DIV -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0219 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x01ee -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0219 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x00 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x00 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x01fc -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 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-PUSH2 0x0222 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0235 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x630e071c -EQ -PUSH2 0x018d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x64473a12 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01b8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01da -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0202 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -GT -PUSH2 0x00ce -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0144 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0156 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0169 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x5802dad9 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0178 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x03438dd0 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00f4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011c -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0131 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0107 -PUSH2 0x0102 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x026d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0124 -PUSH2 0x02be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0113 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x090a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0107 -PUSH2 0x013f -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0956 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x034e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0113 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0107 -PUSH2 0x0164 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x097e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0360 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0113 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x018b -PUSH2 0x0186 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0383 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01a0 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0113 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0107 -PUSH2 0x01c6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x07 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0xff -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0148 -PUSH2 0x01e8 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x018b -PUSH2 0x03d3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH2 0x01a0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0124 -PUSH2 0x03e6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0107 -PUSH2 0x0230 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0956 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03f5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0148 -PUSH2 0x0243 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x09b7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x06 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 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0x0344 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x031b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0344 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0327 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x02b5 -CALLER -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0401 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x036d -DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0529 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0378 -DUP6 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x05c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x0a -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x07 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0xff 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-JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0936 -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x091a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0967 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0970 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0990 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0999 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x09a7 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x09c8 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x09d1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x09df -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x09fc -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0a1a -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x035a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x035a -PUSH2 0x0a20 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x035a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x035a -PUSH2 0x0a20 -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SGT -CALLDATASIZE -EXTCODESIZE -DELEGATECALL -CODECOPY -'ad'(Unknown Opcode) -TIMESTAMP -SDIV -MSIZE -'dc'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP15 -'af'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH10 0x7aff496fa37e243a741b -DUP6 -'c1'(Unknown Opcode) -'ea'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP5 -'cd'(Unknown Opcode) -BALANCE -'e4'(Unknown Opcode) -MSIZE -'f8'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -XOR -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb2695d83b8fdd7d7b20e54318e8bda89e97e2391/0xb2695d83b8fdd7d7b20e54318e8bda89e97e2391.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb2695d83b8fdd7d7b20e54318e8bda89e97e2391/0xb2695d83b8fdd7d7b20e54318e8bda89e97e2391.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 42b3dcedc..000000000 --- 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-PUSH1 0x06 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00a5 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0076 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0xff -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0076 -PUSH2 0x016e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0076 -PUSH2 0x00d7 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0482 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x00e7 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x00f0 -PUSH2 0x0176 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fd -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0499 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0164 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x016c -PUSH2 0x0187 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x016c -PUSH2 0x020c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x02ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x01e0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x015b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -CALLER -SWAP1 -SELFBALANCE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08fc -MUL -SWAP2 -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP9 -DUP9 -CALL -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0209 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x021a -PUSH1 0x08 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x09 -SLOAD -XOR -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x022a -PUSH1 0x07 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x08 -SLOAD -XOR -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x0e26d7a7 -PUSH1 0xe4 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -CALLER -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -SELFBALANCE -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH4 0xe26d7a70 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -SUB -DUP2 -PUSH0 -DUP8 -DUP1 -EXTCODESIZE -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0280 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -GAS -CALL -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0292 -JUMPI -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -DUP1 -RETURNDATACOPY -RETURNDATASIZE -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD 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-PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x03 -PUSH1 0xfc -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -POP -PUSH2 0x0369 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0369 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x03a5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0375 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x03a5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x038a -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x055d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -DUP4 -SUB -SUB -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -SWAP8 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x0a -DUP3 -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x03b6 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x057c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x03c4 -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0520 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -DUP2 -PUSH0 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP2 -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x03e7 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03e7 -PUSH2 0x0594 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -AND -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0411 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -DUP4 -CALLDATACOPY -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP1 -POP -JUMPDEST -DUP6 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0479 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0426 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x04e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0432 -DUP5 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x0533 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x043d -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x30 -PUSH2 0x05a8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0xf8 -SHL -DUP2 -DUP4 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -LT -PUSH2 0x0452 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0452 -PUSH2 0x05bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xf8 -SHL -SUB -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -PUSH0 -BYTE -SWAP1 -MSTORE8 -POP -PUSH2 0x0472 -DUP5 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x0520 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP6 -POP -PUSH2 0x0415 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0492 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -DUP3 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -ADD -MCOPY -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP5 -ADD -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP2 -ISZERO -DUP3 -DUP3 -DIV -DUP5 -EQ -OR -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x12 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x052e -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x052e -PUSH2 0x050c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -DIV -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0541 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0541 -PUSH2 0x050c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -MOD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -DUP6 -MCOPY -PUSH0 -SWAP4 -ADD -SWAP3 -DUP4 -MSTORE -POP -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0568 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0546 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x17 -PUSH1 0xf9 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x0479 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0546 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x058d -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x058d -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x41 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0181 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0181 -PUSH2 0x04ce -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x32 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'0f'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP6 -DELEGATECALL -SDIV -'f8'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP16 -'c2'(Unknown Opcode) -'26'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP7 -DIFFICULTY -LOG1 -MOD -'cb'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP16 -LOG3 -PUSH16 0x7d7b4bb68c378c7556dba69643f5b7be -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -NOT -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 1a83a33d2..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3/0xb30aef19a72d235090100795dacfaf529813f1f3.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1390 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00b1 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0152 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x015c -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0177 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x017f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0192 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xf2fde38b -EQ -PUSH2 0x01ca -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b5 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00f6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0108 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x012a -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x01dd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00ca -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x067a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x00e1 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x06e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x026d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x0116 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0708 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0286 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x0138 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0741 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x02a9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x02bc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x018d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x06e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02cb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x01a0 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0761 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x01d8 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0741 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01ec -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0792 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0218 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0792 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0263 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x023a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0263 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0246 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x027a -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x031a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x0293 -DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x032c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x029e -DUP6 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03a7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02b1 -PUSH2 0x0404 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ba -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0431 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01ec -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0792 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x027a -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03a7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02e0 -PUSH2 0x0404 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -PUSH2 0x030e -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x1e4fbdf7 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0317 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0431 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0327 -DUP4 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH2 0x0482 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -DUP7 -AND -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x03a1 -JUMPI -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0393 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x7dc7a0d9 -PUSH1 0xe1 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -AND -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP3 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03a1 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0482 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x03d0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x4b637e8f -PUSH1 0xe1 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x03f9 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0xec442f05 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0327 -DUP4 -DUP4 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0554 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x02ba -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x118cdaa7 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -CALLER -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0305 -JUMP 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-MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x02ed -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0168 -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x018e -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x078d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02fc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01a6 -PUSH2 0x01a1 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x081b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0308 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x01b6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08db -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST 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-ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x0b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH11 0x139bdd08185b1b1bddd959 -PUSH1 0xaa -SHL -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0441 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP3 -DUP3 -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP2 -LT -PUSH2 0x0373 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0373 -PUSH2 0x0944 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MUL -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -ADD -DUP2 -ADD -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP4 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -DUP3 -MSTORE -PUSH5 0x22a92927a9 -PUSH1 0xd9 -SHL -DUP3 -DUP8 -ADD -MSTORE -SWAP3 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP4 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x03c5 -SWAP1 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x06e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 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-MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x06e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP5 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0699 -SWAP1 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0714 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -SSTORE -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP2 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH2 0x055c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP5 -DUP5 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x070c -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -ADD -PUSH2 0x034c -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0726 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -SUB -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x071f -DUP3 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0958 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP4 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH0 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0752 -JUMPI -DUP6 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP4 -ADD -MLOAD -DUP6 -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP3 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0736 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0788 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x079e -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07a7 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07c7 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07d0 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x07de -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07fe -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x071f -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x41 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x082c -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0843 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP6 -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -SLT -PUSH2 0x0856 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -CALLDATALOAD -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0868 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0868 -PUSH2 0x0807 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x05 -SHL -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x3f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP2 -ADD -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -DUP6 -DUP3 -GT -OR -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x088d -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x088d -PUSH2 0x0807 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP5 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP2 -DUP9 -DUP4 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08aa -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP4 -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -DUP6 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08cf -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x08c0 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP4 -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP9 -SWAP8 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08ec -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08f5 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x0903 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0772 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0920 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x093e -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x32 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0280 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -GASLIMIT -MSTORE -NUMBER -ORIGIN -ADDRESS -GASPRICE -SHA3 -PUSH21 0x72616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564 -PUSH20 0x2062616c616e636545524332303a207472616e73 -PUSH7 0x657220616d6f75 -PUSH15 0x74206578636565647320616c6c6f77 -PUSH2 0x6e63 -PUSH6 0xa26469706673 -PC -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'e1'(Unknown Opcode) -'ed'(Unknown Opcode) -'bc'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP12 -INVALID -'c8'(Unknown Opcode) -'27'(Unknown Opcode) -DELEGATECALL -'0c'(Unknown Opcode) -'cf'(Unknown Opcode) -EXTCODESIZE -PUSH14 0x75f44a2477aafe9235ac76b184dd -PUSH3 0x0a590c -'a9'(Unknown Opcode) -'0d'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -XOR -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 8216a1f87..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596/0xc053308c25597ac6447ccfbf25bb08bfdf03b596.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1355 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x0060 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x0cdf9008 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0064 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x46a1a095 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0080 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x73b4dd53 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00a4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xabef9ba1 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b9 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xd6f48dc1 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00cc -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xf851a440 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x006d -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0093 -PUSH2 0x008e -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0475 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0116 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0077 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x04ba -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b7 -PUSH2 0x00b2 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0475 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01ea -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b7 -PUSH2 0x00c7 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0510 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x006d -PUSH2 0x00da -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x05bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x03 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fe -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0077 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -LT -PUSH2 0x0124 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SWAP2 -DUP3 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -SHA3 -PUSH1 0x05 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MUL -ADD -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP3 -ADD -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP1 -SLOAD -SWAP3 -SWAP5 -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0159 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x05ec -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0185 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x05ec -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01d0 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x01a7 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x01d0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x01b3 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP4 -ADD -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x04 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -SLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0xff -AND -SWAP1 -POP -DUP6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x03 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x023a -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL 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-CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01b0 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH2 0x06ad -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0208 -PUSH2 0x06c4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -DUP3 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x028a -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0234 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x00 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -DUP1 -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD 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-SHA3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -DUP4 -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0adf -SWAP1 -DUP5 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d87 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -POP -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -POP -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0917 -SWAP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x054391f1 -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -DUP3 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP4 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x52 -SLOAD -GAS -CALL -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0b5d -JUMPI -DUP2 -MLOAD -SWAP3 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0b6a -SWAP1 -POP -DUP3 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0cee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x02 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SSTORE -POP -SWAP1 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-PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x03f3 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03f3 -PUSH2 0x0cda -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -DUP3 -MSTORE -DUP2 -DUP2 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x60 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0d50 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x12 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -DIV -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP2 -ISZERO -DUP3 -DUP3 -DIV -DUP5 -EQ -OR -PUSH2 0x03f3 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03f3 -PUSH2 0x0cda -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0d7c -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0bca -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x03f3 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03f3 -PUSH2 0x0cda -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0dac -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -MLOAD -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MLOAD -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -MLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'0d'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH26 0xa69b4cc0077dd417eb9928e86722b0b46beb6150798738d34b57 -'d2'(Unknown Opcode) -'24'(Unknown Opcode) -TLOAD -MLOAD -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -NOT -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 72c9111e9..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f/0xcbe2cb2511e4fc2ca3552a65cf95324a5786c64f.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1492 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07af -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0876 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x088f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD 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-PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0810 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0826 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x082f -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0866 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0886 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07a8 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08a0 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08a9 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08b7 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x07fa -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08d4 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x08f2 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0908 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x090f -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -EXTCODESIZE -DUP9 -SWAP4 -'b5'(Unknown Opcode) -'1f'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP11 -PUSH10 0x0a35589aee065883e3a7 -BASEFEE -DUP16 -GAS -'b1'(Unknown Opcode) -'2b'(Unknown Opcode) -BLOBBASEFEE -GASPRICE -NUMBER -DUP3 -'2c'(Unknown Opcode) -CREATE -PUSH32 0x22855a64736f6c63430008140033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xcc0eab15b35cf04b57db2bb1f9237cd782115bdc/0xcc0eab15b35cf04b57db2bb1f9237cd782115bdc.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xcc0eab15b35cf04b57db2bb1f9237cd782115bdc/0xcc0eab15b35cf04b57db2bb1f9237cd782115bdc.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index fba767646..000000000 --- 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-PUSH4 0x27e235e3 -GT -PUSH2 0x00dc -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x27e235e3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01a9 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01d9 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x42966c68 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01f7 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x4b64e492 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0213 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0109 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x010d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x012b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x015b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0179 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0115 -PUSH2 0x0381 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0122 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1426 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0145 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0140 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x14d7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03ba -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0152 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x152f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0163 -PUSH2 0x04a7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0170 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1557 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0193 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x018e -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1570 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x04ad -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01a0 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x152f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01c3 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01be -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x15c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07fb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01d0 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1557 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01e1 -PUSH2 0x0810 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01ee -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1606 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0211 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x020c -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x161f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0815 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x022d -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0228 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x15c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x09b6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0249 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0244 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x164a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0b37 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0256 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1557 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0279 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0274 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x15c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0b57 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0286 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1557 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0297 -PUSH2 0x0b9d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02a1 -PUSH2 0x0ccd -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 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-ISZERO -PUSH2 0x1587 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x1586 -PUSH2 0x1446 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x1594 -DUP7 -DUP3 -DUP8 -ADD -PUSH2 0x1490 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH2 0x15a5 -DUP7 -DUP3 -DUP8 -ADD -PUSH2 0x1490 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH2 0x15b6 -DUP7 -DUP3 -DUP8 -ADD -PUSH2 0x14c3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x15d5 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x15d4 -PUSH2 0x1446 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x15e2 -DUP5 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x1490 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0xff -DUP3 -AND -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x1600 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x15eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -MSTORE -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x1619 -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x15f7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 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-DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -PUSH2 0x14c3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH2 0x16e4 -DUP6 -DUP3 -DUP7 -ADD -PUSH2 0x1490 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH32 0x7300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -PUSH0 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x1722 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x13c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x172d -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x16ee -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x174f -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x1716 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x1764 -PUSH0 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x13c0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x176f -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x1756 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH0 -DUP4 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x1790 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x1759 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH32 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x17ce -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x14a4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x17d9 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x14a4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -DUP3 -DUP3 -SUB -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x17f1 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x17f0 -PUSH2 0x1797 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x1801 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x14a4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x180c -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x14a4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -DUP3 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP1 -POP -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x1824 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x1823 -PUSH2 0x1797 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -BYTE -MSTORE8 -'b2'(Unknown Opcode) -DELEGATECALL -REVERT -SSTORE -'c8'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH0 -PUSH10 0xeb590552b9dbf77f9e0d -'ef'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP10 -PUSH3 0x176f09 -CREATE -SWAP3 -ORIGIN -'29'(Unknown Opcode) -'2e'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH16 0x8e64736f6c63430008190033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index d52648c5f..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c/0xce85d05d57c4b16a09de0133c2abedf1bfeea57c.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x39509351 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x39509351 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0141 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0154 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x017c -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa457c2d7 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0184 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0197 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x01aa -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0720 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0786 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0272 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x02 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07ae -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0288 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0xff -PUSH32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x014f -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0786 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x033c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0162 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07e7 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x0372 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0192 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0786 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0381 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x01a5 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0786 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x041b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x01b8 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0807 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f1 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0838 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x021d -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0838 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0268 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x023f -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0268 -JUMP -JUMPDEST 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-DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0797 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07a0 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07c0 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x07c9 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x07d7 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07f7 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0800 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0818 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0821 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x082f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x076b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x084c -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x086a -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0282 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0282 -PUSH2 0x0870 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0282 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0282 -PUSH2 0x0870 -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -PUSH0 -DUP16 -DUP1 -SWAP12 -'c0'(Unknown Opcode) -MULMOD -'d4'(Unknown Opcode) -'29'(Unknown Opcode) -'b5'(Unknown Opcode) -'cd'(Unknown Opcode) -CODESIZE -'d3'(Unknown Opcode) -'29'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP6 -'cc'(Unknown Opcode) -SGT -PUSH24 0x4675cb0729280e686c45f2df5d02db64736f6c6343000814 -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 8576b78e6..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81/0xced519a9e7555dee0399f8da3019d8d557a88f81.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1564 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00b1 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0145 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x016d -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0187 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x018f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xc2af913b -EQ -PUSH2 0x01a2 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x01aa -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b5 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d3 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00f6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0108 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x48dfea0a -EQ -PUSH2 0x0130 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x01e2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00ca -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x06e0 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x00e1 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0747 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0272 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x0116 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x076f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02da -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x05 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0xff -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0143 -PUSH2 0x013e -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x07bc -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0447 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x0153 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0882 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00ca -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00bd -PUSH2 0x0534 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00e6 -PUSH2 0x019d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0747 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0543 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0143 -PUSH2 0x0639 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00fa -PUSH2 0x01b8 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08a2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x02 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f1 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08d3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x021d -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08d3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0268 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x023f -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 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-PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0781 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x078a -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x0798 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x41 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07cd -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH8 0xffffffffffffffff -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x07e4 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP6 -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -DUP6 -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -SLT -PUSH2 0x07f7 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x080b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x080b -PUSH2 0x07a8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x05 -SHL -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x3f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP2 -ADD -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -DUP7 -DUP3 -GT -OR -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0830 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0830 -PUSH2 0x07a8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -DUP4 -MSTORE -DUP2 -DUP4 -ADD -SWAP4 -POP -DUP5 -DUP2 -ADD -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP3 -DUP10 -DUP5 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084d -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP5 -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -DUP7 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0872 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0863 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP4 -PUSH2 0x0852 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP10 -SWAP8 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP8 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0892 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x089b -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08b3 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08bc -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08ca -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x072c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0905 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02d4 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x02d4 -PUSH2 0x090b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02d4 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x02d4 -PUSH2 0x090b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x32 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SHA3 -'dd'(Unknown Opcode) -'b5'(Unknown Opcode) -DUP11 -'ae'(Unknown Opcode) -'d8'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP8 -PUSH3 0x3918ac -'ce'(Unknown Opcode) -'dd'(Unknown Opcode) -GT -PUSH2 0x7f0f -PUSH9 0x20dbff455eaea7b256 -DUP15 -'ef'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP1 -PUSH19 0xa764736f6c63430008180033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 6fb1a1344..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef/0xd5a14d1846de1ad342853b79d1b5ef344c4973ef.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1509 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00a6 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -GT -PUSH2 0x006e -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x011f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x715018a6 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0147 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x0151 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x016b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x0173 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0186 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00aa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00c8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00eb -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0364 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0 -SWAP1 -DUP4 -SWAP1 -LOG3 -PUSH0 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -NOT -AND -SWAP1 -SSTORE -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x03 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH2 0x042a -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f76652066726f6d20746865207a65726f20616464 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH4 0x72657373 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x048b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x050b -JUMPI -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -ISZERO -ISZERO -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0557 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a207472616e7366657220746865207a65726f2061646472657373 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x06 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP5 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP2 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -PUSH2 0x0583 -SWAP3 -AND -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -DUP8 -PUSH2 0x066e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP2 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x05d5 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1a -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20616d6f756e74206f7665722062616c616e6365000000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x05df -DUP2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x069d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP7 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP3 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -DUP6 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x060d -SWAP1 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x06f9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP1 -DUP6 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -SSTORE -SWAP2 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP7 -AND -SWAP1 -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0660 -SWAP1 -DUP7 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP4 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x068a -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP5 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0695 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP6 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06ee -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1e -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0695 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0935 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0705 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x5f94f14f -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 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-ADD -AND -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0839 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x084f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0858 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0878 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0881 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH2 0x088f -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -MCOPY -CREATE2 -'1e'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP1 -'d7'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH4 0xf54e912c -BALANCE -PUSH31 0xae749550f057607fad573c539891a1fb817913f464736f6c63430008140033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 8cd6ff557..000000000 --- a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c/0xe536920e8256d58Ca9356899bcc36C4F14E76a2c.bytecode +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2937 +0,0 @@ -PUSH1 0x80 -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x000f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x04 -CALLDATASIZE -LT -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHR -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -GT -PUSH2 0x006f -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01a0 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xa9059cbb -EQ -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xb8c9d25c -EQ -PUSH2 0x01ee -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xca72a4e7 -EQ -PUSH2 0x020c -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xdd62ed3e -EQ -PUSH2 0x0228 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0xe559d86a -EQ -PUSH2 0x0258 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x00b2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00b6 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00d4 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0104 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x0122 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0152 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x70a08231 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0170 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00be -PUSH2 0x0274 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00cb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d6c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ee -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x00e9 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e1d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0304 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00fb -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e75 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x010c -PUSH2 0x031a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0119 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e9d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x013c -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0137 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0eb6 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0322 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0149 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e75 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x015a -PUSH2 0x0349 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0167 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f21 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x018a -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0185 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f3a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x035f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0197 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e9d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01a8 -PUSH2 0x03a5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01b5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0d6c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01d8 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x01d3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e1d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0435 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x01e5 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e75 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x01f6 -PUSH2 0x044b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0203 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f74 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0226 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0221 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f3a -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x04f3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0242 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x023d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0f8d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0672 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x024f -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0e9d -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0272 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP1 -CALLDATASIZE -SUB -DUP2 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x026d -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0fcb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x06f4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x0283 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1023 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x02af -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x1023 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02fa -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 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-SWAP1 -POP -PUSH2 0x0695 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0683 -DUP6 -DUP5 -DUP5 -PUSH2 0x075e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x06ee -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1e -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a207375627472616374696f6e206f766572666c6f770000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH2 0x0695 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0935 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0705 -DUP4 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x0948 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0757 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1b -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x536166654d6174683a206164646974696f6e206f766572666c6f770000000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP 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-POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -SIGNEXTEND -STATICCALL -PUSH5 0x948027ea56 -PUSH17 0x13fdd47239a2aeb3e78bda78abcb68e013 -CREATE2 -SWAP12 -'b1'(Unknown Opcode) -'a9'(Unknown Opcode) -'bb'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH30 0x64736f6c63430008140033 diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xfa0460097248642d69bfb223bab5999507a8c23d/0xfa0460097248642d69bfb223bab5999507a8c23d.bytecode b/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xfa0460097248642d69bfb223bab5999507a8c23d/0xfa0460097248642d69bfb223bab5999507a8c23d.bytecode deleted file mode 100644 index 3cbf78b52..000000000 --- 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0x0110 -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x01be -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x00bf -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x07d8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x00d6 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x024e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x010b -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0866 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0267 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x012d -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x089f -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x05 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x014f -PUSH2 0x030b -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x00bf -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00b2 -PUSH2 0x03ac -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00db -PUSH2 0x0181 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x083e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03bb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x00ef -PUSH2 0x0194 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x08b8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP2 -DUP3 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP5 -AND -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -MSTORE -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x60 -PUSH1 0x02 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01cd -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -ADD -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP1 -SWAP2 -DIV -MUL -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -DUP1 -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP3 -DUP1 -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x01f9 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x08e9 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x1f -LT -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0100 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SLOAD -DIV -MUL -DUP4 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP2 -PUSH2 0x0244 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH0 -SHA3 -SWAP1 -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -SLOAD -DUP2 -MSTORE -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -ADD -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP4 -GT -PUSH2 0x0227 -JUMPI -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SUB -PUSH1 0x1f -AND -DUP3 -ADD -SWAP2 -JUMPDEST -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -CALLER -PUSH2 0x025b -DUP2 -DUP6 -DUP6 -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -CALLER -DUP1 -DUP6 -MSTORE -SWAP3 -MSTORE -DUP3 -SHA3 -SLOAD -PUSH0 -NOT -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x02f4 -JUMPI -DUP4 -DUP2 -LT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x02e7 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x1d -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20696e73756666696369656e7420616c6c6f77616e6365000000 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x64 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02f4 -DUP7 -DUP4 -DUP7 -DUP5 -SUB -PUSH2 0x03c8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x02ff -DUP7 -DUP7 -DUP7 -PUSH2 0x04eb -JUMP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SWAP6 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -CALLER -EQ -PUSH2 0x0364 -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP2 -SWAP1 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x4f776e61626c653a2063616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 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-PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP3 -AND -PUSH2 0x048b -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH3 0x461bcd -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x45524332303a20617070726f766520746f20746865207a65726f206164647265 -PUSH1 0x44 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH2 0x7373 -PUSH1 0xf0 -SHL -PUSH1 0x64 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x84 -ADD -PUSH2 0x02de -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -DUP2 -AND -PUSH0 -DUP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP1 -DUP4 -SHA3 -SWAP5 -DUP8 -AND -DUP1 -DUP5 -MSTORE -SWAP5 -DUP3 -MSTORE -SWAP2 -DUP3 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -DUP6 -SWAP1 -SSTORE -SWAP1 -MLOAD -DUP5 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH32 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 -SWAP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -LOG3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP4 -AND -ISZERO -DUP1 -ISZERO -SWAP1 -PUSH2 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-POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08af -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x0757 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x08c9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x08d2 -DUP4 -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH2 0x08e0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0823 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x08fd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x091b -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0261 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x0261 -PUSH2 0x0921 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x096b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -MLOAD -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'4e'(Unknown Opcode) -JUMPDEST -'bb'(Unknown Opcode) -'bf'(Unknown Opcode) -'fb'(Unknown Opcode) -'b0'(Unknown Opcode) -'f6'(Unknown Opcode) -CODESIZE -'d5'(Unknown Opcode) -INVALID -CALL -PUSH11 0xb4960be6ad738d4b63e39a -COINBASE -EXTCODECOPY -'c0'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP12 -DUP10 -CREATE -'4d'(Unknown Opcode) -'ac'(Unknown Opcode) -SWAP5 -PUSH5 0x736f6c6343 -STOP -ADDMOD -EQ -STOP -CALLER diff --git a/evm-testcases/ground-truth/test-ground-truth-results/benchmark/0xfdf37696ba7b6f96efda6109fab72a1351c2e33a/0xfdf37696ba7b6f96efda6109fab72a1351c2e33a.bytecode 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-JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x8da5cb5b -EQ -PUSH2 0x025a -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x95d89b41 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0277 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x1f0ba6c9 -GT -PUSH2 0x00cd -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x1f0ba6c9 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01a8 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x23b872dd -EQ -PUSH2 0x01c1 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x313ce567 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01e0 -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x48cd4cb1 -EQ -PUSH2 0x01fb -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x01a37fc2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x00fe -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x06fdde03 -EQ -PUSH2 0x013a -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x095ea7b3 -EQ -PUSH2 0x015b -JUMPI -DUP1 -PUSH4 0x18160ddd -EQ -PUSH2 0x018a -JUMPI -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0109 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x0d -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x011d -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -AND -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -DUP1 -SWAP2 -SUB -SWAP1 -RETURN -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0145 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x014e -PUSH2 0x0334 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0131 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -PUSH2 0x0b9c -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0166 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x017a -PUSH2 0x0175 -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0be8 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03c4 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -ISZERO -ISZERO -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0131 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0195 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x0a -SLOAD -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0131 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01b3 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x0b -SLOAD -PUSH2 0x017a -SWAP1 -PUSH1 0xff -AND -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01cc -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x017a -PUSH2 0x01db -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0c12 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH2 0x03da -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x01eb -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH1 0x12 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -PUSH2 0x0131 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0206 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x019a -PUSH1 0x0c -SLOAD -DUP2 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x021b -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x019a -PUSH2 0x022a -CALLDATASIZE -PUSH1 0x04 -PUSH2 0x0c50 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x02 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SLOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x024f -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0258 -PUSH2 0x048e -JUMP -JUMPDEST -STOP -JUMPDEST -CALLVALUE -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0265 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH1 0x01 -SLOAD -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 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-POP -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -AND -PUSH32 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef -DUP4 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0929 -SWAP2 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -ADD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -MLOAD -PUSH4 0x054391f1 -PUSH1 0xe5 -SHL -DUP2 -MSTORE -DUP3 -PUSH1 0x04 -DUP3 -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP2 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -PUSH1 0x24 -DUP4 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x52 -SLOAD -GAS -CALL -DUP1 -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0b6f -JUMPI -DUP2 -MLOAD -SWAP3 -POP -JUMPDEST -POP -PUSH2 0x0b7c -SWAP1 -POP -DUP3 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0cf5 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -AND -PUSH0 -SWAP1 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x02 -PUSH1 0x20 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP1 -SHA3 -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -SWAP3 -SSTORE -POP -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP2 -MSTORE -PUSH0 -DUP3 -MLOAD -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MSTORE -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP6 -ADD -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP6 -ADD -MCOPY -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP3 -DUP6 -ADD -ADD -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x40 -PUSH1 0x1f -NOT -PUSH1 0x1f -DUP4 -ADD -AND -DUP5 -ADD -ADD -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0x01 -PUSH1 0xa0 -SHL -SUB -DUP2 -AND -DUP2 -EQ -PUSH2 0x0be5 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0bf9 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c04 -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP5 -PUSH1 0x20 -SWAP4 -SWAP1 -SWAP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP4 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0c24 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c2f -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c3f -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP3 -SWAP6 -SWAP3 -SWAP5 -POP -POP -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -SWAP2 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0c60 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c6b -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP4 -SWAP3 -POP -POP -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP4 -DUP6 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0c83 -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP3 -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c8e -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP4 -ADD -CALLDATALOAD -PUSH2 0x0c9e -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -SWAP2 -POP -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x01 -DUP2 -DUP2 -SHR -SWAP1 -DUP3 -AND -DUP1 -PUSH2 0x0cbd -JUMPI -PUSH1 0x7f -DUP3 -AND -SWAP2 -POP -JUMPDEST -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -LT -DUP2 -SUB -PUSH2 0x0cdb -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x22 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -SWAP2 -SWAP1 -POP -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x11 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -DUP2 -SUB -DUP2 -DUP2 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x03d4 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03d4 -PUSH2 0x0ce1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP3 -PUSH2 0x0d22 -JUMPI -PUSH4 0x4e487b71 -PUSH1 0xe0 -SHL -PUSH0 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x12 -PUSH1 0x04 -MSTORE -PUSH1 0x24 -PUSH0 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -POP -DIV -SWAP1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -MUL -DUP2 -ISZERO -DUP3 -DUP3 -DIV -DUP5 -EQ -OR -PUSH2 0x03d4 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03d4 -PUSH2 0x0ce1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP3 -DUP5 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0d4e -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP2 -MLOAD -PUSH2 0x0c6b -DUP2 -PUSH2 0x0bd1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -DUP1 -DUP3 -ADD -DUP1 -DUP3 -GT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x03d4 -JUMPI -PUSH2 0x03d4 -PUSH2 0x0ce1 -JUMP -JUMPDEST -PUSH0 -DUP1 -PUSH0 -PUSH1 0x60 -DUP5 -DUP7 -SUB -SLT -ISZERO -PUSH2 0x0d7e -JUMPI -PUSH0 -DUP1 -REVERT -JUMPDEST -DUP4 -MLOAD -SWAP3 -POP -PUSH1 0x20 -DUP5 -ADD -MLOAD -SWAP2 -POP -PUSH1 0x40 -DUP5 -ADD -MLOAD -SWAP1 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -POP -SWAP3 -JUMP -INVALID -LOG2 -PUSH5 0x6970667358 -'22'(Unknown Opcode) -SLT -SHA3 -'2c'(Unknown Opcode) -LOG1 -SDIV -'c7'(Unknown Opcode) -'e8'(Unknown Opcode) -'2a'(Unknown Opcode) -PUSH10 0xbae361f88248d84f642d -SLT -PUSH31 0x7813282570cdb54c22c5eb120464736f6c63430008190033 diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/EVMLiSA.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/EVMLiSA.java index 20739c8b7..50806ad48 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/EVMLiSA.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/EVMLiSA.java @@ -1,13 +1,7 @@ package it.unipr; -import static it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG.generateDotGraph; - -import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStack; -import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStackSet; -import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyLogger; -import it.unipr.analysis.StackElement; +import it.unipr.analysis.*; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.SmartContract; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TimestampDependencyAbstractDomain; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TxOriginAbstractDomain; import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; @@ -18,37 +12,20 @@ import it.unipr.checker.TimestampDependencyChecker; import it.unipr.checker.TxOriginChecker; import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.utils.*; import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.nonrelational.value.TypeEnvironment; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.types.InferredTypes; import it.unive.lisa.conf.LiSAConfiguration; -import it.unive.lisa.conf.LiSAConfiguration.GraphType; -import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.ModularWorstCaseAnalysis; -import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.callgraph.RTACallGraph; import it.unive.lisa.program.Program; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.edge.SequentialEdge; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; -import java.io.File; -import java.io.FileNotFoundException; -import java.io.FileWriter; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; -import java.nio.file.Files; -import java.nio.file.Path; -import java.nio.file.Paths; -import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; -import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; -import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.HashSet; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Scanner; -import java.util.Set; -import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; -import java.util.concurrent.Executors; -import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; +import java.io.*; +import java.nio.file.*; +import java.util.*; +import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; @@ -58,38 +35,26 @@ import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; -import org.json.JSONArray; -import org.json.JSONObject; +/** + * EVMLiSA is the entry point for analyzing EVM bytecode smart contracts using + * LiSA. It generates a control flow graph (CFG) and applies various security + * checkers. + */ public class EVMLiSA { private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(EVMLiSA.class); - // Path - private Path _outputDirPath = Paths.get("execution", "results"); - private String OUTPUT_DIR = _outputDirPath.toString(); - - private String STATISTICS_FULLPATH = Paths.get("execution", "results").toString(); - private String STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("statisticsZeroJumps.csv").toString(); - private String FAILURE_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("failure.csv").toString(); - private String LOGS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("logs.txt").toString(); - private static String SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH = Paths.get("").toString(); - - // Statistics - private int numberOfAPIEtherscanRequest = 0; - private int numberOfAPIEtherscanRequestOnSuccess = 0; - private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"); - private int CORES; - // Configuration - private static final boolean REGENERATE = false; + private static int CORES = 1; + private static boolean TEST_MODE = false; private static boolean ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER = false; private static boolean ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER = false; private static boolean ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER = false; + private static Path OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH; /** - * Generates a control flow graph (represented as a LiSA {@code Program}) - * from an EVM bytecode smart contract and runs the analysis on it. - * + * Main entry point for EVMLiSA. + * * @param args configuration options */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { @@ -97,683 +62,285 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { } /** - * Computes the basic blocks of the CFG of a given EVM bytecode. + * Sets the stack limit. * - * @param bytecode The EVM bytecode to analyze. - * - * @return A list of pairs where each pair represents the start and end - * program counter of a basic block. - * - * @throws IOException If an error occurs while writing the bytecode to a - * file. + * @param limit the maximum stack size */ - public List computeBasicBlocks(String bytecode) throws IOException { - JumpSolver.setLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest(); - String address = setupAnalysisDirectories(null); - String bytecodeFullPath = _outputDirPath.resolve(address).toString(); + public static void setStackLimit(int limit) { + AbstractStack.setStackLimit(limit); + } - try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(bytecodeFullPath)) { - writer.write(bytecode); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("[computeBasicBlocks] Error during writing on file {}", bytecodeFullPath, e); - return null; - } + /** + * Sets the stack set size. + * + * @param size the stack set size + */ + public static void setStackSetSize(int size) { + AbstractStackSet.setStackSetSize(size); + } - EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, bytecodeFullPath); - Program program = EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(bytecodeFullPath); + /** + * Sets the working directory. + * + * @param workingDirectoryPath the path to the working directory + */ + public static void setWorkingDirectory(Path workingDirectoryPath) { + EVMLiSA.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH = workingDirectoryPath; + SmartContract.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectoryPath); + } - LiSAConfiguration conf = new LiSAConfiguration(); - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new EVMAbstractState(address), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - conf.workdir = OUTPUT_DIR; - conf.interproceduralAnalysis = new ModularWorstCaseAnalysis<>(); - conf.callGraph = new RTACallGraph(); - conf.serializeResults = false; - conf.optimize = false; - conf.useWideningPoints = false; - conf.analysisGraphs = GraphType.HTML_WITH_SUBNODES; + /** + * Sets the number of processing cores. + * + * @param cores the number of cores + */ + public static void setCores(int cores) { + if (cores > Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) + cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1; + EVMLiSA.CORES = Math.max(cores, 1); + } - JumpSolver checker = new JumpSolver(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(checker); - LiSA lisa = new LiSA(conf); - lisa.run(program); + /** + * Sets the linking of unsound jumps to all JUMPDEST instructions. + */ + public static void setLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest() { + JumpSolver.setLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest(); + } + + /** + * Enables all security checkers. + */ + public static void enableAllSecurityCheckers() { + EVMLiSA.enableReentrancyChecker(); + EVMLiSA.enableTimestampDependencyCheckerChecker(); + EVMLiSA.enableTxOriginChecker(); + } + + /** + * Enables the reentrancy checker. + */ + public static void enableReentrancyChecker() { + ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER = true; + } - log.info("Basic blocks: {}", EVMCFG.bbToString(checker.getComputedCFG().basicBlocksToLongArray())); + /** + * Enables the timestamp dependency checker. + */ + public static void enableTimestampDependencyCheckerChecker() { + ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER = true; + } - return checker.getComputedCFG().basicBlocksToLongArray(); + /** + * Enables the tx. origin checker. + */ + public static void enableTxOriginChecker() { + ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER = true; } + /** + * Enables the test mode (i.e., it does not compute functions, events). + */ + public static void setTestMode() { + TEST_MODE = true; + } + + /** + * Executes the analysis workflow. + * + * @param args command-line arguments + * + * @throws Exception if an error occurs during execution + */ private void go(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLine cmd = parseCommandLine(args); if (cmd == null) return; - // Ensure that at least one valid option is provided to specify the - // bytecode source - if (!cmd.hasOption("address") && !cmd.hasOption("filepath-bytecode")) { - log.error("Address or filepath required."); - System.exit(1); - } - setupGlobalOptions(cmd); - setupOutputDirectories(cmd); - - // Initialize a JSON object to store analysis metadata - JSONObject json = setupJSON(cmd); - - // Download bytecode (with no analysis) case - if (cmd.hasOption("download-bytecode") && cmd.hasOption("benchmark")) { - downloadBytecode(cmd); - return; - } // Benchmark case if (cmd.hasOption("benchmark")) { - setupBenchmark(cmd.getOptionValue("benchmark"), json); + EVMLiSA.analyzeSetOfContracts(Path.of(cmd.getOptionValue("benchmark"))); return; } - // Single analysis case - String address = setupAnalysisDirectories(cmd); - json.put("output_directory", OUTPUT_DIR); - - String bytecodeFullPath = setupBytecode(cmd); - String bytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(bytecodeFullPath))); - - String bytecodeMnemonicPath = _outputDirPath.resolve(address + ".opcode").toString(); - - try { - EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, bytecodeMnemonicPath); - } catch (Exception e) { - log.error("Could not parse opcodes from bytecode {}.", bytecodeFullPath); - System.exit(1); - } - - json.put("bytecode", bytecode); - - Program program = EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(bytecodeMnemonicPath); - - long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - LiSAConfiguration conf = createLiSAConfig(address, cmd); - JumpSolver checker = new JumpSolver(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(checker); - - try { - LiSA lisa = new LiSA(conf); - lisa.run(program); - Set soundlySolved = getSoundlySolvedJumps(checker, lisa, program); - - long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - json.put("basic_blocks_pc", EVMCFG.bbToString(checker.getComputedCFG().basicBlocksToLongArray())); - - if (cmd.hasOption("basic-blocks")) { - JSONArray j = checker.getComputedCFG().basicBlocksToJson(); - String dotFilePath = _outputDirPath.resolve("CFG_with_basic_blocks.dot").toString(); - json.put("basic_blocks", j); - generateDotGraph(j, dotFilePath); - } - - checkers(conf, lisa, program, checker, json); - - MyLogger result = EVMLiSA.dumpStatistics(checker, soundlySolved) - .address(address) - .time(finish - start) - .timeLostToGetStorage(MyCache.getInstance().getTimeLostToGetStorage(address)) - .buildJson(json) - .build(); - - if (cmd.hasOption("dump-stats")) { - toFile(STATISTICS_FULLPATH, result.toString()); - log.info("Statistics written in {}.", STATISTICS_FULLPATH); - } - - System.err.println(result.getJson()); - - } catch (Throwable e) { - long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - String msg = MyLogger.newLogger() - .address(address) - .notes("failure: " + e + " - details: " + e.getMessage()) - .time(finish - start) - .timeLostToGetStorage(MyCache.getInstance().getTimeLostToGetStorage(address)) - .buildJson(json) - .build().toString(); - - log.error("Failure: {} - details: {}", e, e.getMessage()); - - if (cmd.hasOption("dump-stats")) { - toFile(FAILURE_FULLPATH, msg); - log.info("Failure written in {}.", FAILURE_FULLPATH); - } - } - } - - private CommandLine parseCommandLine(String[] args) { - Options options = getOptions(); - CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); - HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); - - try { - return parser.parse(options, args); - } catch (ParseException e) { - log.error(e.getMessage()); - formatter.printHelp("help", options); + // Ensure that at least one valid option is provided to specify the + // bytecode source + if (!cmd.hasOption("address") + && !cmd.hasOption("bytecode-path") + && !cmd.hasOption("bytecode")) { + log.error("Address, bytecode or filepath required."); + new HelpFormatter().printHelp("help", getOptions()); System.exit(1); - return null; - } - } - - private void setupGlobalOptions(CommandLine cmd) { - try { - CORES = cmd.hasOption("cores") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("cores")) : 1; - } catch (Exception e) { - log.warn("Cores set to 1: {}", e.getMessage()); - CORES = 1; } - ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-reentrancy"); - ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-txorigin"); - ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-timestampdependency"); + SmartContract contract = new SmartContract(); - try { - if (cmd.hasOption("stack-size")) - AbstractStack.setStackLimit(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("stack-size"))); + // Single analysis case (address) + if (cmd.hasOption("address")) + contract = new SmartContract(cmd.getOptionValue("address")); - if (cmd.hasOption("stack-set-size")) - AbstractStackSet.setStackSetSize(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("stack-set-size"))); - } catch (NumberFormatException e) { - log.error("Size must be an integer."); - System.exit(1); - } + // Single analysis case (bytecode and abi as a path) + if (cmd.hasOption("bytecode-path") && cmd.hasOption("abi-path")) + contract = new SmartContract( + Path.of(cmd.getOptionValue("bytecode-path")), + Path.of(cmd.getOptionValue("abi-path"))); - if (cmd.hasOption("link-unsound-jumps-to-all-jumpdest")) - JumpSolver.setLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest(); - if (cmd.hasOption("use-live-storage") && (cmd.hasOption("address") || cmd.hasOption("benchmark"))) - EVMAbstractState.setUseStorageLive(); - } + // Single analysis case (bytecode as a path) + if (cmd.hasOption("bytecode-path")) + contract = new SmartContract( + Path.of(cmd.getOptionValue("bytecode-path"))); - private void setupOutputDirectories(CommandLine cmd) { - if (cmd.hasOption("output")) { - _outputDirPath = Paths.get(cmd.getOptionValue("output")); - OUTPUT_DIR = _outputDirPath.toString(); - STATISTICS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("statistics.csv").toString(); - STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("statisticsZeroJumps.csv").toString(); - FAILURE_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("failure.csv").toString(); - LOGS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve("logs.txt").toString(); - } - } + // Single analysis case (bytecode as a string) + if (cmd.hasOption("bytecode")) + contract = new SmartContract() + .setBytecode(cmd.getOptionValue("bytecode")); - private JSONObject setupJSON(CommandLine cmd) { - JSONObject jsonOptions = new JSONObject(); - jsonOptions.put("address", cmd.getOptionValue("address")); - jsonOptions.put("serialize_inputs", cmd.hasOption("serialize-inputs")); - jsonOptions.put("dump_html", cmd.hasOption("html")); - jsonOptions.put("dump_dot", cmd.hasOption("dot")); - jsonOptions.put("dump_statistics", cmd.hasOption("dump-stats")); - jsonOptions.put("download_bytecode", cmd.hasOption("download-bytecode")); - jsonOptions.put("use_storage_live", cmd.hasOption("use-live-storage")); - jsonOptions.put("use_creation_code", cmd.hasOption("creation-code")); - if (cmd.getOptionValue("filepath_bytecode") != null) - jsonOptions.put("input_filepath", cmd.getOptionValue("filepath-bytecode")); - jsonOptions.put("stack_size", AbstractStack.getStackLimit()); - jsonOptions.put("stack_set_size", AbstractStackSet.getStackSetLimit()); - jsonOptions.put("benchmark", cmd.getOptionValue("benchmark")); - jsonOptions.put("cores", CORES); - jsonOptions.put("dump_report", cmd.hasOption("dump-report")); - jsonOptions.put("output_directory", OUTPUT_DIR); - jsonOptions.put("link_unsound_jumps_to_all_jumpdest", JumpSolver.getLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest()); - return jsonOptions; + EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(contract); + System.err.println(contract); } - private void setupBenchmark(String benchmarkPath, JSONObject json) { - SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT_BENCHMARK = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); - String timestamp = DATE_FORMAT_BENCHMARK.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); - String postFix = timestamp + "-" + AbstractStack.getStackLimit() + "-" + AbstractStackSet.getStackSetLimit(); - - try { - Files.createDirectories(_outputDirPath.resolve("benchmark")); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Could not create output directory \"benchmark\"."); - System.exit(1); - } + /** + * Analyzes a set of smart contracts from a given file. + * + * @param filePath the path to the file containing contract addresses + * + * @throws Exception if an error occurs during analysis + */ + public static void analyzeSetOfContracts(Path filePath) throws Exception { + log.info("Analyzing set of contracts..."); - SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH = Paths.get(benchmarkPath).toString(); - STATISTICS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath - .resolve("benchmark").resolve("statistics-" + postFix + ".csv") - .toString(); - STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath - .resolve("benchmark") - .resolve("statisticsZeroJumps-" + postFix + ".csv") - .toString(); - FAILURE_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath - .resolve("benchmark") - .resolve("failure-" + postFix + ".csv") - .toString(); - LOGS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath - .resolve("benchmark") - .resolve("logs-" + postFix + ".txt") - .toString(); + List contracts = buildContractsFromFile(filePath); + ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(CORES); + List> futures = new ArrayList<>(); - try { - runBenchmark(json); - } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { - log.error("File {} not found.", benchmarkPath); - } catch (Exception e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } + for (SmartContract contract : contracts) + futures.add(executor.submit(() -> analyzeContract(contract))); - private void downloadBytecode(CommandLine cmd) { - SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH = Paths.get(cmd.getOptionValue("benchmark")).toString(); - OUTPUT_DIR = Paths.get("download").toString(); - try { - saveSmartContractsFromEtherscan(); - } catch (Exception e) { - log.error(e.getMessage()); - } - } + log.info("{} contracts submitted to Thread pool with {} workers.", contracts.size(), CORES); - private String setupAnalysisDirectories(CommandLine cmd) { - String address; - if (cmd == null || !cmd.hasOption("address")) - address = "contract" + System.currentTimeMillis(); - else - address = cmd.getOptionValue("address"); + waitForCompletion(futures); - _outputDirPath = _outputDirPath.resolve(address); - OUTPUT_DIR = _outputDirPath.toString(); + executor.shutdown(); + log.info("Finished analyzing {} contracts.", contracts.size()); + Path outputDir = OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH.resolve("set-of-contracts"); try { - Files.createDirectories(_outputDirPath); + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + Files.writeString( + outputDir.resolve("results.json"), + JSONManager.aggregateSmartContractsToJson(contracts).toString(4), + StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + log.info("Results saved in {}", outputDir.resolve("results.json")); } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Could not create output directory {}.", OUTPUT_DIR); - System.exit(1); + log.error("Failed to save results in {}", outputDir, e); } - - STATISTICS_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve(address + "_STATISTICS.csv").toString(); - FAILURE_FULLPATH = _outputDirPath.resolve(address + "_FAILURE.csv").toString(); - - return address; - } - - private String setupBytecode(CommandLine cmd) { - String address = cmd.getOptionValue("address") != null ? cmd.getOptionValue("address") : "contract"; - - String bytecodePath = _outputDirPath.resolve(address + ".bytecode").toString(); - String bytecode = ""; - - if (cmd.hasOption("filepath-bytecode")) { - try { - bytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(cmd.getOptionValue("filepath-bytecode")))); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Could not read bytecode file {}.", cmd.getOptionValue("filepath-bytecode")); - System.exit(1); - } - } else { - try { - bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseContractFromEtherscan(cmd.getOptionValue("address")); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Could not parse bytecode from Etherscan {}.", address); - System.exit(1); - } - } - - try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(bytecodePath)) { - writer.write(bytecode); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Could not write bytecode file {}.", bytecodePath); - System.exit(1); - } - - return bytecodePath; - } - - private LiSAConfiguration createLiSAConfig(String address, CommandLine cmd) { - LiSAConfiguration conf = new LiSAConfiguration(); - conf.serializeInputs = cmd.hasOption("serialize-inputs"); - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new EVMAbstractState(address), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - conf.jsonOutput = cmd.hasOption("dump-report"); - conf.workdir = OUTPUT_DIR; - conf.interproceduralAnalysis = new ModularWorstCaseAnalysis<>(); - conf.callGraph = new RTACallGraph(); - conf.serializeResults = false; - conf.optimize = false; - conf.useWideningPoints = false; - if (cmd.hasOption("html")) - conf.analysisGraphs = GraphType.HTML_WITH_SUBNODES; - else if (cmd.hasOption("dot")) - conf.analysisGraphs = GraphType.DOT; - - return conf; } /** - * Performs a new analysis for a given smart contract. This method retrieves - * the bytecode (via API requests to Etherscan.io if necessary), generates - * the Control Flow Graph (CFG), configures the analysis parameters, - * executes the analysis, and collects the results. + * Analyzes a given smart contract. * - * @param CONTRACT_ADDR the address of the smart contract to analyze. - * @param jsonOptions a {@link JSONObject} containing configuration - * options and parameters for the analysis. The - * options may be updated during the analysis. - * - * @return a {@link MyLogger} instance containing detailed statistics, - * warnings, and execution logs for the analysis. - * - * @throws Exception if any error occurs during directory setup, bytecode - * retrieval, CFG generation, or analysis execution. + * @param contract the smart contract to analyze */ - private MyLogger newAnalysis(String CONTRACT_ADDR, JSONObject jsonOptions) throws Exception { - Path bytecodeWorkDir = Paths.get(OUTPUT_DIR, "benchmark", "bytecode", CONTRACT_ADDR); - String BYTECODE_WORKDIR = bytecodeWorkDir.toString(); - - Path bytecodeFullPath = bytecodeWorkDir.resolve(CONTRACT_ADDR + ".opcode"); - String BYTECODE_FULLPATH = bytecodeFullPath.toString(); - - // Directory setup and bytecode retrieval - Files.createDirectories(bytecodeWorkDir); - - // If the file does not exist, we will do an API request to Etherscan - synchronized (EVMLiSA.class) { - File file = new File(BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - if (!file.exists() || REGENERATE) { - numberOfAPIEtherscanRequest++; - - if (numberOfAPIEtherscanRequest % 5 == 0) { - try { - // I can do max 5 API request in 1 sec to Etherscan.io - Thread.sleep(1000); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { - log.error("error: {}", e.getMessage()); - } - } + public static void analyzeContract(SmartContract contract) { + log.info("Analyzing contract {}...", contract.getAddress()); - String bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseContractFromEtherscan(CONTRACT_ADDR); - if (EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, BYTECODE_FULLPATH)) - numberOfAPIEtherscanRequestOnSuccess++; - } + Program program; + try { + program = EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(contract.getMnemonicBytecodePath().toString()); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Unable to generate CFG from file"); + return; } - // Configuration and test run - Program program = EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - - long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - LiSAConfiguration conf = new LiSAConfiguration(); - conf.serializeInputs = false; - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new EVMAbstractState(CONTRACT_ADDR), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - conf.jsonOutput = false; - conf.workdir = BYTECODE_WORKDIR; - conf.interproceduralAnalysis = new ModularWorstCaseAnalysis<>(); + LiSAConfiguration conf = LiSAConfigurationManager.createConfiguration(contract); JumpSolver checker = new JumpSolver(); conf.semanticChecks.add(checker); - conf.callGraph = new RTACallGraph(); - conf.serializeResults = false; - conf.optimize = false; LiSA lisa = new LiSA(conf); lisa.run(program); - Set soundlySolved = getSoundlySolvedJumps(checker, lisa, program); - - long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); + log.info("Analysis ended ({})", contract.getAddress()); - checkers(conf, lisa, program, checker, jsonOptions); + contract.setStatistics( + computeStatistics(checker, lisa, program)); - return EVMLiSA.dumpStatistics(checker, soundlySolved) - .address(CONTRACT_ADDR) - .time(finish - start) - .timeLostToGetStorage(MyCache.getInstance().getTimeLostToGetStorage(CONTRACT_ADDR)) - .buildJson(jsonOptions) - .build(); - } + if (!TEST_MODE) { + contract.setCFG(checker.getComputedCFG()); + contract.computeFunctionsSignatureEntryPoints(); + contract.computeFunctionsSignatureExitPoints(); + contract.computeEventsSignatureEntryPoints(); + contract.computeEventsExitPoints(); - /** - * Computes the set of jumps that are soundly solved by the JumpSolver. This - * method applies an iterative approach to resolve unsound jumps by - * conservatively attaching them to all jump destinations, as per the - * configuration. - * - * @param checker the {@link JumpSolver} instance responsible for resolving - * jumps - * @param lisa the {@link LiSA} instance used to perform static analysis - * @param program the {@link Program} containing the code being analyzed - * - * @return a {@link Set} of {@link Statement} objects representing the - * soundly solved jumps after applying the iterative resolution - * process - */ - Set getSoundlySolvedJumps(JumpSolver checker, LiSA lisa, Program program) { - HashSet soundlySolved = new HashSet<>(); - if (JumpSolver.getLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest()) { - int currentIteration = 0; - int MAX_ITER = 5; - boolean fixpoint; - do { - fixpoint = false; - EVMCFG cfg = checker.getComputedCFG(); - Set jumpdestNodes = cfg.getAllJumpdest(); - for (Statement unsoundNode : checker.getUnsoundJumps()) - if (!soundlySolved.contains(unsoundNode)) { - fixpoint = true; - for (Statement jumpdest : jumpdestNodes) - cfg.addEdge(new SequentialEdge(unsoundNode, jumpdest)); - } - - soundlySolved.addAll(checker.getUnsoundJumps()); - - program.addCodeMember(cfg); + if (ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER) { + log.info("Running reentrancy checker..."); + conf.semanticChecks.clear(); + conf.semanticChecks.add(new ReentrancyChecker()); lisa.run(program); - } while (fixpoint && checker.getUnsoundJumps() != null && ++currentIteration < MAX_ITER); - } - return soundlySolved; - } - - /** - * Executes the specified semantic checkers on the provided program and - * configuration, updating the JSON options with warnings generated by the - * analysis. This method dynamically adds and runs semantic checks based on - * the enabled configuration flags. - * - * @param conf the {@link LiSAConfiguration} used for static analysis - * @param lisa the {@link LiSA} instance performing the analysis - * @param program the {@link Program} representing the analyzed code - * @param checker the {@link JumpSolver} providing CFG information for - * the analysis - * @param jsonOptions the {@link JSONObject} where the results of the - * analysis are stored - */ - void checkers(LiSAConfiguration conf, LiSA lisa, Program program, JumpSolver checker, JSONObject jsonOptions) { - if (ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER) { - // Clear existing checks and add the ReentrancyChecker - conf.semanticChecks.clear(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(new ReentrancyChecker()); - lisa.run(program); - - // Store re-entrancy warnings in the JSON options - jsonOptions.put("re-entrancy-warning", - MyCache.getInstance().getReentrancyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); - } - - if (ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER) { - // Clear existing checks and add the TxOriginChecker - conf.semanticChecks.clear(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(new TxOriginChecker()); - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new TxOriginAbstractDomain(), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - lisa.run(program); - - // Store tx-origin warnings in the JSON options - jsonOptions.put("tx-origin-warning", - MyCache.getInstance().getTxOriginWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); - } + log.info("{} vulnerabilities found", + MyCache.getInstance().getReentrancyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); + } + if (ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER) { + log.info("Running tx. origin checker..."); + conf.semanticChecks.clear(); + conf.semanticChecks.add(new TxOriginChecker()); + conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new TxOriginAbstractDomain(), + new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); + lisa.run(program); + log.info("{} vulnerabilities found", + MyCache.getInstance().getTxOriginWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); + } + if (ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER) { + log.info("Running timestamp dependency checker..."); + conf.semanticChecks.clear(); + conf.semanticChecks.add(new TimestampDependencyChecker()); + conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), + new TimestampDependencyAbstractDomain(), + new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); + lisa.run(program); + log.info("{} vulnerabilities found", + MyCache.getInstance().getTimestampDependencyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); + } - if (ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER) { - // Clear existing checks and add the TimestampdependencyChecker - conf.semanticChecks.clear(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(new TimestampDependencyChecker()); - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), - new TimestampDependencyAbstractDomain(), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - lisa.run(program); - - // Store timestamp-dependency warnings in the JSON options - jsonOptions.put("timestamp-dependency-warning", - MyCache.getInstance().getTimestampDependencyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())); + contract.setVulnerabilities( + VulnerabilitiesObject.newVulnerabilitiesObject() + .reentrancy( + MyCache.getInstance().getReentrancyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())) + .txOrigin(MyCache.getInstance().getTxOriginWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())) + .timestamp(MyCache.getInstance() + .getTimestampDependencyWarnings(checker.getComputedCFG().hashCode())) + .build()); + contract.generateCFGWithBasicBlocks(); + contract.toFile(); } } /** - * Executes the benchmark for a set of smart contracts. This method handles - * the parallel execution of analyses on the smart contracts, collects the - * results, and logs relevant information, including statistics and - * execution logs. + * Computes statistics based on the analysis of jumps within the given + * program. * - * @param jsonOptions a {@link JSONObject} containing configuration options - * and parameters for the benchmark execution. + * @param checker the jump solver used for the analysis + * @param lisa the LiSA framework instance + * @param program the program being analyzed * - * @throws Exception if an error occurs during the benchmark execution or - * analysis. + * @return a {@link StatisticsObject} containing the computed statistics */ - private void runBenchmark(JSONObject jsonOptions) throws Exception { - List smartContracts = readSmartContractsFromFile(SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); - List smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully = new ArrayList<>(); - List smartContractsFailed = new ArrayList<>(); - - synchronized (EVMLiSA.class) { - long timeToWait = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5; // 5 hours - - String msg = "Start: " + now() + ".\n"; - msg += "Cores: " + CORES + " (parallel analysis).\n"; - msg += "Analysis: " + smartContracts.size() + ".\n"; - msg += "Stack size = " + AbstractStack.getStackLimit() + ".\n"; - msg += "Stack set size = " + AbstractStackSet.getStackSetLimit() + ".\n"; - msg += "Heap size: " + new Converter().getSize(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()) + ".\n"; - msg += "Heap Max size: " + new Converter().getSize(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()) + ".\n\n"; - - log.info(msg); - toFile(LOGS_FULLPATH, msg); - - Runnable runnableHandler = new RunnableHandler(smartContracts, smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully, - smartContractsFailed, jsonOptions); - Thread handler = new Thread(runnableHandler); - handler.start(); - - EVMLiSA.class.wait(timeToWait); - } - - String msg = "End: " + now() + ".\n"; - msg += "Analysis: " + smartContracts.size() + ".\n"; - msg += "Successfully: " + smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size() + ".\n"; - msg += "Failed: " + (smartContracts.size() - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size()) + ".\n"; - - log.info(msg); - toFile(LOGS_FULLPATH, msg); - - log.info("Statistics successfully written in {}.", STATISTICS_FULLPATH); - log.info("Logs successfully written in {}.", LOGS_FULLPATH); - } - - private class RunnableHandler implements Runnable { - private final List smartContracts; - private final List smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully; - private final List smartContractsFailed; - private final JSONObject jsonOptions; - - public RunnableHandler(List smartContracts, List smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully, - List smartContractsFailed, JSONObject jsonOptions) { - this.smartContracts = smartContracts; - this.smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully = smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully; - this.smartContractsFailed = smartContractsFailed; - this.jsonOptions = jsonOptions; - } - - @Override - public void run() { - ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(CORES); - - for (String address : smartContracts) { - executor.submit(() -> { - try { - MyLogger myStats = newAnalysis(address, jsonOptions); - - synchronized (smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully) { - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.add(address); - - if (myStats.jumpSize() == 0) - toFile(STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH, myStats.toString()); - else - toFile(STATISTICS_FULLPATH, myStats.toString()); - - toFile(LOGS_FULLPATH, buildMessage("SUCCESS", address, smartContracts.size(), - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size(), - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size(), - smartContractsFailed.size())); - } - } catch (Throwable e) { - synchronized (smartContractsFailed) { - smartContractsFailed.add(address); - - String msg = MyLogger.newLogger() - .address(address) - .notes("failure: " + e + " - details: " + e.getMessage()) - .build().toString(); - - log.error(msg); - toFile(FAILURE_FULLPATH, msg); - - toFile(LOGS_FULLPATH, buildMessage("FAILURE", address, smartContracts.size(), - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size(), - smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfully.size(), - smartContractsFailed.size())); - } - } - }); - } - - executor.shutdown(); - try { - if (!executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.HOURS)) { - executor.shutdownNow(); - log.error("Timeout while waiting for tasks to complete"); - } - } catch (InterruptedException e) { - log.error("Execution interrupted: {}", e.getMessage()); - executor.shutdownNow(); - } - - synchronized (EVMLiSA.class) { - EVMLiSA.class.notifyAll(); // All tests are finished - } - } + public static StatisticsObject computeStatistics(JumpSolver checker, LiSA lisa, Program program) { + Set soundlySolved = getSoundlySolvedJumps(checker, lisa, program); + return computeJumps(checker, soundlySolved); } /** - * Dumps statistics related to jump resolution within a CFG (Control Flow - * Graph). This method calculates and logs various statistics, such as - * resolved jumps, unreachable jumps, unsound jumps, and more, based on the - * analysis performed by the {@link JumpSolver}. + * Computes jump-related statistics based on the analysis results. * - * @param checker the {@link JumpSolver} instance used to analyze the - * CFG and compute jump-related information. - * @param soundlySolved a set of {@link Statement} objects representing - * jumps that were soundly solved in the CFG. + * @param checker the jump solver used for analysis + * @param soundlySolved the set of jumps that have been soundly solved * - * @return a {@link MyLogger} instance containing the computed statistics - * for logging or further analysis; returns {@code null} if no - * entry points are found in the CFG. + * @return a {@link StatisticsObject} containing the computed jump + * statistics */ - public static MyLogger dumpStatistics(JumpSolver checker, Set soundlySolved) { + private static StatisticsObject computeJumps(JumpSolver checker, Set soundlySolved) { EVMCFG cfg = checker.getComputedCFG(); - - log.info("### Calculating statistics ###"); - Set unreachableJumpNodes = checker.getUnreachableJumps(); int resolvedJumps = 0; @@ -855,228 +422,133 @@ public static MyLogger dumpStatistics(JumpSolver checker, Set soundly } } - log.info("Total opcodes: {}", cfg.getOpcodeCount()); - log.info("Total jumps: {}", cfg.getAllJumps().size()); - log.info("Resolved jumps: {}", resolvedJumps); - log.info("Definitely unreachable jumps: {}", definitelyUnreachable); - log.info("Maybe unreachable jumps: {}", maybeUnreachable); - log.info("Unsound jumps: {}", unsoundJumps); - log.info("Maybe unsound jumps: {}", maybeUnsoundJumps); - - return MyLogger.newLogger() - .opcodes(cfg.getOpcodeCount()) - .jumps(cfg.getAllJumps().size()) - .preciselyResolvedJumps(resolvedJumps) + StatisticsObject stats = StatisticsObject.newStatisticsObject() + .totalOpcodes(cfg.getOpcodeCount()) + .totalJumps(cfg.getAllJumps().size()) + .resolvedJumps(resolvedJumps) .definitelyUnreachableJumps(definitelyUnreachable) .maybeUnreachableJumps(maybeUnreachable) .unsoundJumps(unsoundJumps) - .maybeUnsoundJumps(maybeUnsoundJumps); + .maybeUnsoundJumps(maybeUnsoundJumps) + .build(); + + log.info("### Calculating statistics ###\n{}", stats); + + return stats; } /** - * Cleans up the directory used for bytecode benchmark outputs. + * Computes the set of jumps that are soundly solved by the JumpSolver. This + * method applies an iterative approach to resolve unsound jumps by + * conservatively attaching them to all jump destinations, as per the + * configuration. + * + * @param checker the {@link JumpSolver} instance responsible for resolving + * jumps + * @param lisa the {@link LiSA} instance used to perform static analysis + * @param program the {@link Program} containing the code being analyzed + * + * @return a {@link Set} of {@link Statement} objects representing the + * soundly solved jumps after applying the iterative resolution + * process */ - public void clean() { - Path path = Paths.get("evm-outputs", "benchmark"); - - if (Files.exists(path)) - try { - Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() { - @Override - public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { - Files.delete(file); - return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; - } - - @Override - public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { - Files.delete(dir); - return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; + private static Set getSoundlySolvedJumps(JumpSolver checker, LiSA lisa, Program program) { + HashSet soundlySolved = new HashSet<>(); + if (JumpSolver.getLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest()) { + int currentIteration = 0; + int MAX_ITER = 5; + boolean fixpoint; + do { + fixpoint = false; + EVMCFG cfg = checker.getComputedCFG(); + Set jumpdestNodes = cfg.getAllJumpdest(); + for (Statement unsoundNode : checker.getUnsoundJumps()) + if (!soundlySolved.contains(unsoundNode)) { + fixpoint = true; + for (Statement jumpdest : jumpdestNodes) + cfg.addEdge(new SequentialEdge(unsoundNode, jumpdest)); } - }); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("(dumpStatistics): {}", e.getMessage()); - } - - File f = new File(STATISTICS_FULLPATH); - if (f.delete()) - log.info("{} deleted.", STATISTICS_FULLPATH); - f = new File(LOGS_FULLPATH); - if (f.delete()) - log.info("{} deleted.", LOGS_FULLPATH); - - f = new File(STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH); - if (f.delete()) - log.info("{} deleted.", STATISTICSZEROJUMP_FULLPATH); - - f = new File(FAILURE_FULLPATH); - if (f.delete()) - log.info("{} deleted.", FAILURE_FULLPATH); - } + soundlySolved.addAll(checker.getUnsoundJumps()); - public static String readFileAsString(String filePath) { - try { - Path path = Paths.get(filePath); - return Files.readString(path); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("(readFileAsString): {}", e.getMessage()); - return null; + program.addCodeMember(cfg); + lisa.run(program); + } while (fixpoint && checker.getUnsoundJumps() != null && ++currentIteration < MAX_ITER); } + return soundlySolved; } /** - * Reads smart contracts from a file and returns a list of strings. + * Builds a list of smart contracts from a given file. * - * @return A list of strings containing the smart contracts read from the - * file. + * @param filePath the path to the file containing contract addresses + * + * @return a list of {@link SmartContract} objects * - * @throws Exception If an error occurs while reading the file. + * @throws Exception if an error occurs while reading the file */ - public static ArrayList readSmartContractsFromFile(String SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH) throws Exception { - ArrayList smartContractsRead = new ArrayList(); + public static List buildContractsFromFile(Path filePath) throws Exception { + log.info("Parsing contracts from {}", filePath); + + List contracts = new ArrayList<>(); try { - File myObj = new File(SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); + File myObj = new File(String.valueOf(filePath)); Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myObj); + int counter = 0; while (myReader.hasNextLine()) { - String data = myReader.nextLine(); - smartContractsRead.add(data); + String address = myReader.nextLine(); + contracts.add(new SmartContract(address)); + log.info("Created contract ({}): {}", ++counter, address); } myReader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { - log.error("{} not found.", SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); + log.error("{} not found.", filePath); throw e; } - return smartContractsRead; + log.info("Created {} contracts.", contracts.size()); + return contracts; } - public static void toFile(String FILE_PATH, String stats) { - if (FILE_PATH == null || stats == null) - throw new NullPointerException("(void EVMLiSA.toFile) FILE_PATH or stats null"); - - synchronized (EVMLiSA.class) { - try { - File idea = new File(FILE_PATH); - if (!idea.exists()) { - FileWriter myWriter = new FileWriter(idea, true); - - String init = "Smart Contract, Total Opcodes, Total Jumps, Solved Jumps, Definitely unreachable jumps, Maybe unreachable jumps, Total solved Jumps, " - + "Unsound jumps, Maybe unsound jumps, % Total Solved, Time (millis), Time lost to get Storage, Actual time, Notes \n"; - - myWriter.write(init + stats); - myWriter.close(); - - } else { - FileWriter myWriter = new FileWriter(idea, true); - myWriter.write(stats); - myWriter.close(); - } - - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("An error occurred in {}", FILE_PATH); - } + private void setupGlobalOptions(CommandLine cmd) { + try { + CORES = cmd.hasOption("cores") ? Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("cores")) : 1; + } catch (Exception e) { + log.warn("Cores set to 1: {}", e.getMessage()); + CORES = 1; } - } - - /** - * Constructs a log message providing information about the analysis status. - * - * @param type The type of analysis - * (e.g., "SUCCESS", - * "FAILURE"). - * @param address The address of the - * analyzed smart - * contract. - * @param smartContractsSize The total number of smart - * contracts to be - * analyzed. - * @param smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfullySize The number of smart - * contracts - * successfully - * terminated. - * @param analysesTerminated The total number of - * analyses terminated. - * @param analysesFailed The total number of - * failed analyses. - * - * @return The constructed log message. - */ - private String buildMessage(String type, String address, int smartContractsSize, - int smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfullySize, int analysesTerminated, - int analysesFailed) { - return "[" + now() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] \t [" + type + "] " - + address + ", " + - "ended: " + (smartContractsTerminatedSuccessfullySize + analysesFailed) + ", " + - "remaining: " + (smartContractsSize - analysesTerminated) + " \n"; - } - /** - * Retrieves the current timestamp formatted according to the DATE_FORMAT - * constant. - * - * @return A string representation of the current timestamp. - */ - private String now() { - return DATE_FORMAT.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); - } - - /** - * Saves smart contracts bytecode from Etherscan. - *

- * This method reads a list of smart contract addresses from a file, then - * for each address, it retrieves the bytecode of the corresponding smart - * contract from Etherscan.io and saves it to a file. The method also limits - * the API requests to Etherscan.io to a maximum of 5 per second. - *

- * - * @throws Exception if an error occurs during the process. - */ - private void saveSmartContractsFromEtherscan() throws Exception { - List smartContracts = readSmartContractsFromFile(SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); - - for (int i = 0; i < smartContracts.size(); i++) { - String address = smartContracts.get(i); - - String BYTECODE_FULLPATH = Paths - .get(OUTPUT_DIR, "bytecode", address, address + ".sol") - .toString(); - - if (i % 5 == 0) { - try { - // I can do max 5 API request in 1 sec to Etherscan.io - Thread.sleep(1000); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { - log.error("[saveSmartContractsFromEtherscan] e: {}", e.getMessage()); - } - } + ENABLE_REENTRANCY_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-reentrancy") || cmd.hasOption("checker-all"); + ENABLE_TXORIGIN_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-txorigin") || cmd.hasOption("checker-all"); + ENABLE_TIMESTAMPDEPENDENCY_CHECKER = cmd.hasOption("checker-timestampdependency") + || cmd.hasOption("checker-all"); - // Directory setup and bytecode retrieval - try { - Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(OUTPUT_DIR, "benchmark", address)); - - // If the file does not exist, we will do an API request to - // Etherscan - File file = new File(BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - if (!file.exists()) { - numberOfAPIEtherscanRequest++; + if (cmd.hasOption("output-directory-path")) + OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH = Path.of(cmd.getOptionValue("output-directory-path")); + else + OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH = Path.of("execution", "results"); + SmartContract.setWorkingDirectory(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH); - String bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseContractFromEtherscan(address); - if (EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, BYTECODE_FULLPATH)) - numberOfAPIEtherscanRequestOnSuccess++; + try { + if (cmd.hasOption("stack-size")) + AbstractStack.setStackLimit(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("stack-size"))); - log.info("Downloading {}, remaining: {}.", address, - (smartContracts.size() - numberOfAPIEtherscanRequest)); - } - } catch (Exception e) { - log.warn("Bytecode not downloaded: {}, cause: {}", address, e.getMessage()); - } + if (cmd.hasOption("stack-set-size")) + AbstractStackSet.setStackSetSize(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("stack-set-size"))); + } catch (NumberFormatException e) { + log.error("Size must be an integer."); + System.exit(1); } - log.info("Downloaded {} smart contract.", numberOfAPIEtherscanRequestOnSuccess); + if (cmd.hasOption("link-unsound-jumps-to-all-jumpdest")) + JumpSolver.setLinkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdest(); + if (cmd.hasOption("use-live-storage") && (cmd.hasOption("address") || cmd.hasOption("benchmark"))) + EVMAbstractState.setUseStorageLive(); + if (cmd.hasOption("etherscan-api-key")) + EVMFrontend.setEtherscanAPIKey(cmd.getOptionValue("etherscan-api-key")); } private Options getOptions() { @@ -1090,16 +562,30 @@ private Options getOptions() { .hasArg(true) .build(); - Option outputOption = Option.builder("o") - .longOpt("output") - .desc("Output directory path.") + Option bytecodePathOption = Option.builder() + .longOpt("bytecode-path") + .desc("Filepath of the bytecode file.") .required(false) .hasArg(true) .build(); - Option filePathOption = Option.builder("f") - .longOpt("filepath-bytecode") - .desc("Filepath of the bytecode file.") + Option abiPathOption = Option.builder() + .longOpt("abi-path") + .desc("Filepath of the abi file.") + .required(false) + .hasArg(true) + .build(); + + Option outputDirectoryPathOption = Option.builder() + .longOpt("output-directory-path") + .desc("Filepath of the output directory.") + .required(false) + .hasArg(true) + .build(); + + Option bytecodeOption = Option.builder("b") + .longOpt("bytecode") + .desc("Bytecode to be analyzed (e.g., 0x6080...).") .required(false) .hasArg(true) .build(); @@ -1118,7 +604,7 @@ private Options getOptions() { .hasArg(true) .build(); - Option benchmarkOption = Option.builder("b") + Option benchmarkOption = Option.builder() .longOpt("benchmark") .desc("Filepath of the benchmark.") .required(false) @@ -1132,42 +618,6 @@ private Options getOptions() { .hasArg(true) .build(); - // Boolean parameters - Option dumpStatisticsOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("dump-stats") - .desc("Dump statistics.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - - Option dumpHtmlOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("html") - .desc("Export a graphic HTML report.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - - Option dumpDotOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("dot") - .desc("Export a dot-notation file.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - - Option serializeInputsOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("serialize-inputs") - .desc("Serialize inputs.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - - Option downloadBytecodeOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("download-bytecode") - .desc("Download the bytecode.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - Option useStorageLiveOption = Option.builder() .longOpt("use-live-storage") .desc("Use the live storage in SLOAD.") @@ -1182,23 +632,16 @@ private Options getOptions() { .hasArg(false) .build(); - Option dumpAnalysisReport = Option.builder() - .longOpt("dump-report") - .desc("Dump analysis report.") - .required(false) - .hasArg(false) - .build(); - - Option basicBlocksOption = Option.builder() - .longOpt("basic-blocks") - .desc("Generate CFG with basic blocks.") + Option enableAllCheckerOption = Option.builder() + .longOpt("checker-all") + .desc("Enable all security checkers.") .required(false) .hasArg(false) .build(); Option enableReentrancyCheckerOption = Option.builder() .longOpt("checker-reentrancy") - .desc("Enable re-entrancy checker.") + .desc("Enable reentrancy checker.") .required(false) .hasArg(false) .build(); @@ -1217,52 +660,62 @@ private Options getOptions() { .hasArg(false) .build(); + Option etherscanAPIKeyOption = Option.builder() + .longOpt("etherscan-api-key") + .desc("Insert your Etherscan API key.") + .required(false) + .hasArg(true) + .build(); + options.addOption(addressOption); - options.addOption(outputOption); - options.addOption(filePathOption); + options.addOption(bytecodeOption); + options.addOption(bytecodePathOption); + options.addOption(abiPathOption); options.addOption(stackSizeOption); options.addOption(stackSetSizeOption); options.addOption(benchmarkOption); options.addOption(coresOption); - - options.addOption(dumpStatisticsOption); - options.addOption(serializeInputsOption); - options.addOption(downloadBytecodeOption); options.addOption(useStorageLiveOption); options.addOption(linkUnsoundJumpsToAllJumpdestOption); - options.addOption(dumpAnalysisReport); - options.addOption(dumpHtmlOption); - options.addOption(dumpDotOption); + options.addOption(enableAllCheckerOption); options.addOption(enableReentrancyCheckerOption); options.addOption(enableTxOriginCheckerOption); options.addOption(enableTimestampDependencyCheckerOption); - options.addOption(basicBlocksOption); + options.addOption(outputDirectoryPathOption); + options.addOption(etherscanAPIKeyOption); return options; } - public static class Converter { - long kilo = 1024; - long mega = kilo * kilo; - long giga = mega * kilo; - long tera = giga * kilo; - - public String getSize(long size) { - double kb = (double) size / kilo; - double mb = kb / kilo; - double gb = mb / kilo; - double tb = gb / kilo; - if (size < kilo) { - return size + " Bytes"; - } else if (size < mega) { - return String.format("%.2f", kb) + " KB"; - } else if (size < giga) { - return String.format("%.2f", mb) + " MB"; - } else if (size < tera) { - return String.format("%.2f", gb) + " GB"; - } else { - return String.format("%.2f", tb) + " TB"; - } + private CommandLine parseCommandLine(String[] args) { + Options options = getOptions(); + CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); + HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); + + try { + return parser.parse(options, args); + } catch (ParseException e) { + log.error(e.getMessage()); + formatter.printHelp("help", options); + System.exit(1); + return null; } } + + /** + * Waits for all submitted tasks in the given list of futures to complete. + * + * @param futures A list of {@link Future} objects representing running + * tasks. + */ + static private void waitForCompletion(List> futures) { + for (Future future : futures) + try { + future.get(); + } catch (ExecutionException e) { + log.error("Error during task execution: {}", e.getMessage()); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + log.error("Interrupted during task execution: {}", ie.getMessage()); + } + } } diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/BasicBlock.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/BasicBlock.java deleted file mode 100644 index a929472dd..000000000 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/BasicBlock.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -package it.unipr.analysis; - -import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; -import java.util.*; - -public class BasicBlock { - private final int id; // Program Counter (PC) - private final List statements; - private final Set outgoingEdges; - private BlockType blockType; - - public enum BlockType { - JUMP, - JUMPI, - STOP, - RETURN, - REVERT, - SELFDESTRUCT, - RET, - JUMPDEST, - INVALID, - UNKNOWN, - SPLITTED - } - - public BasicBlock(int id) { - this.id = id; - this.statements = new ArrayList<>(); - this.outgoingEdges = new HashSet<>(); - } - - public BasicBlock(int id, BlockType blockType) { - this.id = id; - this.statements = new ArrayList<>(); - this.outgoingEdges = new HashSet<>(); - this.blockType = blockType; - } - - public int getId() { - return id; - } - - public List getStatements() { - return statements; - } - - public Set getOutgoingEdges() { - return outgoingEdges; - } - - public BlockType getBlockType() { - return blockType; - } - - public void addStatement(Statement statement) { - statements.add(statement); - } - - public void addEdge(int targetBlockId) { - outgoingEdges.add(targetBlockId); - } - - public void setBlockType(BlockType blockType) { - this.blockType = blockType; - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object o) { - if (this == o) - return true; - if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) - return false; - BasicBlock that = (BasicBlock) o; - return id == that.id && Objects.equals(statements, that.statements) - && Objects.equals(outgoingEdges, that.outgoingEdges) && blockType == that.blockType; - } - - @Override - public int hashCode() { - return Objects.hash(id, statements, outgoingEdges, blockType); - } - - @Override - public String toString() { - return "BasicBlock{" + - "id=" + id + - ", statements=" + statements + - ", outgoingEdges=" + outgoingEdges + - ", blockType=" + blockType + - '}'; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/EVMAbstractState.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/EVMAbstractState.java index 7aafe2aca..685da6933 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/EVMAbstractState.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/EVMAbstractState.java @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import it.unipr.analysis.operator.JumpiOperator; import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.BaseLattice; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.Lattice; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.ScopeToken; diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyLogger.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyLogger.java deleted file mode 100644 index 4d684ce35..000000000 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyLogger.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -package it.unipr.analysis; - -import org.json.JSONObject; - -/** - * Represents a logger object for recording statistical data related to Ethereum - * smart contracts. - */ -public class MyLogger { - private static String divider = ", "; - private String address; - private int opcodes; - private int jumps; - private int preciselyResolvedJumps; - private int soundResolvedJumps; - private int definitelyUnreachableJumps; - private int maybeUnreachableJumps; - private int totalResolvedJumps; - private double solvedJumpsPercent; - private int unsoundJumps; - private int maybeUnsoundJumps; - private long time; - private long timeLostToGetStorage; - private long actualTime; - private String notes; - private String currentThread; - private JSONObject json; - - private MyLogger() { - this.address = null; - this.opcodes = 0; - this.jumps = 0; - this.preciselyResolvedJumps = 0; - this.soundResolvedJumps = 0; - this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = 0; - this.maybeUnreachableJumps = 0; - this.solvedJumpsPercent = 0; - this.unsoundJumps = 0; - this.maybeUnsoundJumps = 0; - this.time = 0; - this.timeLostToGetStorage = 0; - this.actualTime = 0; - this.notes = ""; - this.currentThread = null; - this.json = new JSONObject(); - } - - private MyLogger(String address, int opcodes, int jumps, int preciselyResolvedJumps, int soundResolvedJumps, - int definitelyUnreachableJumps, int maybeUnreachableJumps, int totalResolvedJumps, - int unsoundJumps, int maybeUnsoundJumps, double solvedJumpsPercent, - long time, long timeLostToGetStorage, - JSONObject json, String notes) { - this.address = address; - this.opcodes = opcodes; - this.jumps = jumps; - this.preciselyResolvedJumps = preciselyResolvedJumps; - this.soundResolvedJumps = soundResolvedJumps; - this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = definitelyUnreachableJumps; - this.maybeUnreachableJumps = maybeUnreachableJumps; - if (jumps != 0) { - if (solvedJumpsPercent == 0) - this.solvedJumpsPercent = ((double) (preciselyResolvedJumps + soundResolvedJumps - + definitelyUnreachableJumps + maybeUnreachableJumps) - / (jumps)); - } else { - if (solvedJumpsPercent == 0) - this.solvedJumpsPercent = -1; - } - this.totalResolvedJumps = preciselyResolvedJumps + soundResolvedJumps + definitelyUnreachableJumps - + maybeUnreachableJumps; - this.unsoundJumps = unsoundJumps; - this.maybeUnsoundJumps = maybeUnsoundJumps; - this.notes = notes; - this.time = time; - this.timeLostToGetStorage = timeLostToGetStorage; - this.actualTime = time - timeLostToGetStorage; - this.currentThread = Thread.currentThread().getName(); - - this.json = json; - this.json.put("address", this.address); - this.json.put("opcodes", this.opcodes); - this.json.put("jumps", this.jumps); - this.json.put("resolved_jumps", this.totalResolvedJumps); - this.json.put("definitely_unreachable_jumps", this.definitelyUnreachableJumps); - this.json.put("maybe_unreachable_jumps", this.maybeUnreachableJumps); - this.json.put("unsound_jumps", this.unsoundJumps); - this.json.put("maybe_unsound_jumps", this.maybeUnsoundJumps); - this.json.put("solved_jumps_percent", this.solvedJumpsPercent); - this.json.put("time", this.time); - this.json.put("time_lost_to_get_storage", this.timeLostToGetStorage); - this.json.put("actual_time", this.actualTime); - this.json.put("current_thread", this.currentThread); - } - - public static MyLogger newLogger() { - return new MyLogger(); - } - - public MyLogger address(String address) { - this.address = address; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger opcodes(int opcodes) { - this.opcodes = opcodes; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger jumps(int jumps) { - this.jumps = jumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger preciselyResolvedJumps(int preciselyResolvedJumps) { - this.preciselyResolvedJumps = preciselyResolvedJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger soundResolvedJumps(int soundResolvedJumps) { - this.soundResolvedJumps = soundResolvedJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger maybeUnreachableJumps(int maybeUnreachableJumps) { - this.maybeUnreachableJumps = maybeUnreachableJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger definitelyUnreachableJumps(int definitelyUnreachableJumps) { - this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = definitelyUnreachableJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger unsoundJumps(int unsoundJumps) { - this.unsoundJumps = unsoundJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger maybeUnsoundJumps(int maybeUnsoundJumps) { - this.maybeUnsoundJumps = maybeUnsoundJumps; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger solvedJumpsPercent(double solvedJumpsPercent) { - this.solvedJumpsPercent = solvedJumpsPercent; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger time(long time) { - this.time = time; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger timeLostToGetStorage(long timeLostToGetStorage) { - this.timeLostToGetStorage = timeLostToGetStorage; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger notes(String notes) { - this.notes = notes; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger buildJson(JSONObject json) { - this.json = json; - return this; - } - - public MyLogger build() { - return new MyLogger(address, opcodes, jumps, preciselyResolvedJumps, soundResolvedJumps, - definitelyUnreachableJumps, maybeUnreachableJumps, totalResolvedJumps, - unsoundJumps, maybeUnsoundJumps, solvedJumpsPercent, - time, timeLostToGetStorage, json, notes); - } - - public int jumpSize() { - return jumps; - } - - public String getJson() { - return json.toString(4); - } - - @Override - public String toString() { - return address + divider + - opcodes + divider + - jumps + divider + - (soundResolvedJumps + preciselyResolvedJumps) + divider + - definitelyUnreachableJumps + divider + - maybeUnreachableJumps + divider + - totalResolvedJumps + divider + - unsoundJumps + divider + - maybeUnsoundJumps + divider + - solvedJumpsPercent + divider + - time + divider + - timeLostToGetStorage + divider + - actualTime + divider + - json.toString() + "\n"; - } -} diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/StackElement.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/StackElement.java index f14b2636d..8cf3b6765 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/StackElement.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/StackElement.java @@ -690,9 +690,9 @@ public boolean isTopNotJumpdest() { return this == NOT_JUMPDEST_TOP; } -// public boolean isTopNumeric() { -// return this == TOP; -// } + public boolean isTopNumeric() { + return this == TOP; + } @Override public int hashCode() { diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/BasicBlock.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/BasicBlock.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e5eb8116 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/BasicBlock.java @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +package it.unipr.analysis.contract; + +import it.unipr.cfg.*; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.edge.Edge; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Ret; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; +import java.util.*; + +/** + * Represents a basic block in an EVM Control Flow Graph. A basic block is a + * sequence of statements with a single entry point and a single exit point. + */ +public class BasicBlock { + + /** + * Unique identifier for the basic block (Program Counter). + */ + private final int _id; + + /** + * List of statements contained in this basic block. + */ + private final List _statements; + + /** + * Set of identifiers for blocks that can be reached from this block. + */ + private final Set _outgoingEdges; + + /** + * Type of this basic block based on its terminating statement. + */ + private BlockType _blockType; + + /** + * Enum defining the possible types of basic blocks. + */ + public enum BlockType { + JUMP, + JUMPI, + STOP, + RETURN, + REVERT, + SELFDESTRUCT, + RET, + JUMPDEST, + INVALID, + UNKNOWN, + SPLITTED, + FUNCTION, + EVENT + } + + /** + * Constructs a basic block with the specified identifier. + * + * @param id The unique identifier (program counter) for this block. + */ + public BasicBlock(int id) { + this._id = id; + this._statements = new ArrayList<>(); + this._outgoingEdges = new HashSet<>(); + } + + /** + * Constructs a basic block with the specified identifier and block type. + * + * @param id The unique identifier (program counter) for this block. + * @param blockType The type of this basic block. + */ + public BasicBlock(int id, BlockType blockType) { + this._id = id; + this._statements = new ArrayList<>(); + this._outgoingEdges = new HashSet<>(); + this._blockType = blockType; + } + + /** + * Returns the identifier of this basic block. + * + * @return The program counter (PC) of this block. + */ + public int getId() { + return _id; + } + + /** + * Returns the list of statements in this basic block. + * + * @return List of statements contained in this block. + */ + public List getStatements() { + return _statements; + } + + /** + * Returns the set of outgoing edge target identifiers. + * + * @return Set of identifiers for blocks that can be reached from this + * block. + */ + public Set getOutgoingEdges() { + return _outgoingEdges; + } + + /** + * Returns the type of this basic block. + * + * @return The block type. + */ + public BlockType getBlockType() { + return _blockType; + } + + /** + * Adds a statement to this basic block. + * + * @param statement The statement to add. + */ + public void addStatement(Statement statement) { + _statements.add(statement); + } + + /** + * Adds an outgoing edge to the specified target block. + * + * @param targetBlockId The identifier of the target block. + */ + public void addEdge(int targetBlockId) { + _outgoingEdges.add(targetBlockId); + } + + /** + * Sets the type of this basic block. + * + * @param blockType The block type to set. + */ + public void setBlockType(BlockType blockType) { + this._blockType = blockType; + } + + /** + * Determines the block type based on a statement of a block. + * + * @param stmt The statement in a basic block. + * + * @return The appropriate block type for the given statement. + */ + public static BlockType getBlockType(Statement stmt) { + if (stmt instanceof Jump) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMP; + else if (stmt instanceof Jumpi) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMPI; + else if (stmt instanceof Stop) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.STOP; + else if (stmt instanceof Revert) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.REVERT; + else if (stmt instanceof Selfdestruct) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.SELFDESTRUCT; + else if (stmt instanceof Return) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.RETURN; + else if (stmt instanceof Jumpdest) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMPDEST; + else if (stmt instanceof Invalid) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.INVALID; + else if (stmt instanceof Ret) + return BasicBlock.BlockType.RET; + return BasicBlock.BlockType.UNKNOWN; + } + + /** + * Extracts basic blocks from an EVM CFG. Performs a depth-first traversal + * to identify basic blocks and handles splitting blocks at jump + * destinations. + * + * @param cfg The EVM control flow graph to analyze. + * + * @return A set of basic blocks extracted from the CFG, or an empty set if + * no entry point found. + */ + public static Set getBasicBlocks(EVMCFG cfg) { + Statement start = cfg.getEntrypoints().stream().findFirst().orElse(null); + if (start == null) + return Collections.emptySet(); + + Set visited = new HashSet<>(); + Deque stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); + stack.push(start); + Set basicBlocks = new HashSet<>(); + + while (!stack.isEmpty()) { + Statement current = stack.pop(); + if (visited.contains(current)) + continue; + + List statements = new ArrayList<>(); + Statement blockStart = current; + + while (true) { + if (current instanceof Jumpdest && !statements.isEmpty()) { + stack.push(current); + break; + } + + statements.add(current); + visited.add(current); + + Collection outgoingEdges = cfg.getOutgoingEdges(current); + + // Terminate block if current statement is an ending type + if (current instanceof Jump || current instanceof Jumpi || + current instanceof Invalid || current instanceof Stop || + current instanceof Revert || current instanceof Selfdestruct) { + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + stack.push(edge.getDestination()); + } + break; + } + + if (outgoingEdges.isEmpty()) { + break; + } + + boolean foundNext = false; + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + + if (next == current) { + continue; // Preserve self-loops + } + + if (next instanceof Jumpdest) { + stack.push(next); + break; + } + + current = next; + foundNext = true; + break; + } + + if (!foundNext) { + break; + } + } + + int startPc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) blockStart.getLocation()).getPc(); + BasicBlock.BlockType blockType = getBlockType(current); + + BasicBlock basicBlock = new BasicBlock(startPc, blockType); + for (Statement stmt : statements) { + basicBlock.addStatement(stmt); + } + + for (Edge edge : cfg.getOutgoingEdges(current)) { + int endPc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) edge.getDestination().getLocation()).getPc(); + basicBlock.addEdge(endPc); + stack.push(edge.getDestination()); + } + basicBlocks.add(basicBlock); + } + + List sortedBlocks = new ArrayList<>(basicBlocks); + sortedBlocks.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(BasicBlock::getId)); + return new LinkedHashSet<>(sortedBlocks); + } + + /** + * Converts a set of basic blocks to a list of start-end PC pairs. + * + * @param basicBlocks The set of basic blocks to convert. + * + * @return A list of arrays where each array contains [startPC, endPC]. + */ + public static List basicBlocksToLongArray(Set basicBlocks) { + List bbToLong = new ArrayList<>(); + for (BasicBlock bb : basicBlocks) + for (Integer end : bb.getOutgoingEdges()) + bbToLong.add(new Long[] { (long) bb.getId(), (long) end }); + return bbToLong; + } + + /** + * Converts a list of start-end PC pairs to a string representation. + * + * @param bb The list of PC pairs to convert. + * + * @return A string representation of the basic block connections. + */ + public static String basicBlocksToLongArrayToString(List bb) { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("["); + + boolean first = true; + for (Long[] l : bb) { + if (!first) + sb.append(", "); + + sb.append("(").append(l[0]).append(", ").append(l[1]).append(")"); + first = false; + } + + sb.append("]"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + /** + * Checks if this basic block contains the specified statement. + * + * @param stmt The statement to check for. + * + * @return true if the statement is present in this block, false otherwise. + */ + public boolean contains(Statement stmt) { + return _statements.contains(stmt); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + BasicBlock that = (BasicBlock) o; + return _id == that._id + && Objects.equals(_statements, that._statements) + && Objects.equals(_outgoingEdges, that._outgoingEdges) + && _blockType == that._blockType; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(_id, _statements, _outgoingEdges, _blockType); + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return "BasicBlock{" + + "id=" + _id + + ", statements=" + _statements + + ", outgoingEdges=" + _outgoingEdges + + ", blockType=" + _blockType + + '}'; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventKnowledge.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventKnowledge.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..380efc584 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventKnowledge.java @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package it.unipr.analysis.contract; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; + +public class EventKnowledge { + public enum EventType { + DEPOSIT, WITHDRAWAL, UNKNOWN + } + + public static final List DEPOSIT_KNOWLEDGE = Arrays.asList( + "Deposit", "Send", "LiFiTransferStarted", "LogAnySwapTradeTokensForTokens", + "TokenDeposit", "TokenDepositAndSwap", "LockApplied", "CrossChainEvent", + "TransferAllowance", "Sent"); + + public static final List WITHDRAWAL_KNOWLEDGE = Arrays.asList( + "Transfer", "ProposalEvent", "Approval", "Authorize", "LiFiTransferCompleted", + "LogWithdraw", "ProposalEvent", "ProposalVote", "LogAnySwapTradeTokensForNative", + "Withdraw", "EmergencyWithdraw", "Harvest", "LockRemoved", + "VerifyHeaderAndExecuteTxEvent", "TransferOut", "VaultTransfer"); + + public static EventType getKnowledge(String signature) { + signature = signature.toLowerCase(); + + for (String keyword : DEPOSIT_KNOWLEDGE) { + if (signature.contains(keyword.toLowerCase())) { + return EventType.DEPOSIT; + } + } + + for (String keyword : WITHDRAWAL_KNOWLEDGE) { + if (signature.contains(keyword.toLowerCase())) { + return EventType.WITHDRAWAL; + } + } + + return EventType.UNKNOWN; + } + + public static void main(String[] args) { + System.out.println("Deposit Knowledge: " + DEPOSIT_KNOWLEDGE); + System.out.println("Withdrawal Knowledge: " + WITHDRAWAL_KNOWLEDGE); + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventsExitPointsComputer.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventsExitPointsComputer.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbca8bf07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/EventsExitPointsComputer.java @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +package it.unipr.analysis.contract; + +import it.unipr.analysis.*; +import it.unipr.cfg.*; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalysisState; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalyzedCFG; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticException; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.nonrelational.value.TypeEnvironment; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.types.InferredTypes; +import it.unive.lisa.checks.semantic.CheckToolWithAnalysisResults; +import it.unive.lisa.checks.semantic.SemanticCheck; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.CFG; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; + +public class EventsExitPointsComputer implements + SemanticCheck>> { + + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(EventsExitPointsComputer.class); + + @Override + public boolean visit( + CheckToolWithAnalysisResults< + SimpleAbstractState>> tool, + CFG graph, Statement node) { + + boolean isLog = (node instanceof Log1) || (node instanceof Log2) || (node instanceof Log3) + || (node instanceof Log4); + + if (isLog) { + EVMCFG cfg = ((EVMCFG) graph); + Statement logStatement = node; + + for (AnalyzedCFG>> result : tool.getResultOf(cfg)) { + AnalysisState>> analysisResult = null; + + try { + analysisResult = result.getAnalysisStateBefore(logStatement); + } catch (SemanticException e1) { + log.error("(EventsExitPointsComputer): {}", e1.getMessage()); + } + + // Retrieve the symbolic stack from the analysis result + EVMAbstractState valueState = analysisResult.getState().getValueState(); + + // If the value state is bottom, the jump is definitely + // unreachable + if (valueState.isBottom()) + // Nothing to do + continue; + else if (valueState.isTop()) + continue; + else { + checkForEventSignature(node, valueState.getStacks()); + } + } + + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * Extracts and stores event signatures from the EVM stack based on LOG + * instructions. Depending on the LOG opcode type (LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, LOG4), + * it retrieves the corresponding topics from the stack and stores their + * first 4 bytes as event exit points. + * + * @param node The statement representing the LOG instruction. + * @param stacks The abstract stack set containing stack states to analyze. + */ + private void checkForEventSignature(Statement node, AbstractStackSet stacks) { + for (AbstractStack originalStack : stacks) { + AbstractStack stack = originalStack.clone(); + + stack.pop(); // offset + stack.pop(); // size + + if (node instanceof Log1) { + StackElement topic = stack.pop(); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic)); + } else if (node instanceof Log2) { + StackElement topic1 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic2 = stack.pop(); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic1)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic2)); + } else if (node instanceof Log3) { + StackElement topic1 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic2 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic3 = stack.pop(); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic1)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic2)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic3)); + } else if (node instanceof Log4) { + StackElement topic1 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic2 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic3 = stack.pop(); + StackElement topic4 = stack.pop(); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic1)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic2)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic3)); + MyCache.getInstance().addEventExitPoint(node, toHexFirst4Bytes(topic4)); + } + } + } + + /** + * Converts a stack element to its hexadecimal representation and returns + * only the first 4 bytes. If the value represents a special case (e.g., + * bottom, top, topNumeric), it returns a corresponding string. + * + * @param value The stack element to convert. + * + * @return A lowercase hexadecimal string of the first 4 bytes or a special + * identifier if applicable. + */ + public static String toHexFirst4Bytes(StackElement value) { + if (value.isBottom()) + return "bottom"; + if (value.isTopNotJumpdest()) + return "topNotJumpdest"; + if (value.isTopNumeric()) + return "topNumeric"; + if (value.isTop()) + return "top"; + + StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(toHex(value)); + while (hex.length() < 8) + hex.insert(0, "0"); + return hex.toString().toLowerCase().substring(0, 8); + } + + /** + * Converts a stack element's numeric value to its full hexadecimal + * representation. + * + * @param value The stack element to convert. + * + * @return A hexadecimal string representing the numeric value of the stack + * element. + */ + public static String toHex(StackElement value) { + return it.unipr.analysis.Number.toBigInteger(value.getNumber()).toString(16); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/Signature.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/Signature.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac0bba810 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/Signature.java @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +package it.unipr.analysis.contract; + +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; +import java.util.*; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +public class Signature { + private final String _name; + private final String _type; + private final List _inputParamTypes; + private final List _outputParamTypes; + private final String _fullSignature; + private final String _selector; + private Set _entryPoints; + private Set _exitPoints; + + public Signature(String name, String type, List inputParamTypes, List outputParamTypes, + String fullSignature, String selector) { + this._name = name; + this._type = type; + this._inputParamTypes = inputParamTypes; + this._outputParamTypes = outputParamTypes; + this._fullSignature = fullSignature; + this._selector = selector; + this._entryPoints = new HashSet<>(); + this._exitPoints = new HashSet<>(); + } + + public String getName() { + return _name; + } + + public String getType() { + return _type; + } + + public int getParamCount() { + return _inputParamTypes.size(); + } + + public int getOutputParamCount() { + return _outputParamTypes.size(); + } + + public List getParamTypes() { + return _inputParamTypes; + } + + public String getFullSignature() { + return _fullSignature; + } + + public String getSelector() { + return _selector; + } + + public Set getEntryPoints() { + return _entryPoints; + } + + public void setEntryPoints(Set entryPoints) { + this._entryPoints = entryPoints; + } + + public void addEntryPoint(Statement entryPoint) { + if (entryPoint != null) + this._entryPoints.add(entryPoint); + } + + public Set getExitPoints() { + return _exitPoints; + } + + public void setExitPoints(Set exitPoints) { + this._exitPoints = exitPoints; + } + + public void addExitPoint(Statement exitPoints) { + if (exitPoints != null) + this._exitPoints.add(exitPoints); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) + return false; + Signature other = (Signature) obj; + return Objects.equals(_name, other._name) && + Objects.equals(_type, other._type) && + Objects.equals(_fullSignature, other._fullSignature) && + Objects.equals(_selector, other._selector); + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(_name, _type, _fullSignature, _selector); + } + + public JSONObject toJson() { + JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); + + json.put("name", _name); + json.put("type", _type); + json.put("input_param_count", _inputParamTypes.size()); + + JSONArray inputTypesArray = new JSONArray(); + for (String type : _inputParamTypes) + inputTypesArray.put(type); + json.put("input_param_types", inputTypesArray); + + json.put("output_param_count", _outputParamTypes.size()); + + JSONArray outputTypesArray = new JSONArray(); + for (String type : _outputParamTypes) + outputTypesArray.put(type); + json.put("output_param_types", outputTypesArray); + + json.put("full_signature", _fullSignature); + json.put("selector", _selector); + + JSONArray entryPointsArray = new JSONArray(); + for (Statement stmt : _entryPoints) + entryPointsArray.put(stmt.toString()); + json.put("entry_points", entryPointsArray); + + JSONArray exitPointsArray = new JSONArray(); + for (Statement stmt : _exitPoints) + exitPointsArray.put(stmt.toString()); + + json.put("exit_points", exitPointsArray); + + return json; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return toJson().toString(4); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/SmartContract.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/SmartContract.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7420c279 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/contract/SmartContract.java @@ -0,0 +1,666 @@ +package it.unipr.analysis.contract; + +import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; +import it.unipr.cfg.push.Push; +import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.frontend.EVMLiSAFeatures; +import it.unipr.frontend.EVMLiSATypeSystem; +import it.unipr.utils.*; +import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; +import it.unive.lisa.conf.LiSAConfiguration; +import it.unive.lisa.program.Program; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.nio.file.Paths; +import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.Set; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +/** + * Represents an EVM smart contract with analysis capabilities. Manages contract + * bytecode, ABI, and provides methods for CFG analysis and vulnerability + * detection. + */ +public class SmartContract { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(SmartContract.class); + + /** Contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. */ + private String _address; + + /** Raw contract bytecode. */ + private String _bytecode; + + /** Mnemonic representation of bytecode (opcodes). */ + private String _mnemonicBytecode; + + /** Contract ABI in JSON format. */ + private JSONArray _abi; + + /** Base directory for storing contract analysis results. */ + private static Path _workingDirectory = Path.of("execution", "results"); + + /** Path to the contract's ABI file. */ + private Path _abiFilePath; + + /** Path to the contract's bytecode file. */ + private Path _bytecodeFilePath; + + /** Path to the contract's mnemonic bytecode file. */ + private Path _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath; + + /** Control flow graph of the contract. */ + private EVMCFG _cfg; + + /** Basic blocks extracted from the CFG. */ + private Set _basicBlocks; + + /** Statistical information about the contract analysis. */ + private StatisticsObject _statistics; + + /** Detected vulnerabilities in the contract. */ + private VulnerabilitiesObject _vulnerabilities; + + /** Function signatures extracted from the contract ABI. */ + private Set _functionsSignature; + + /** Event signatures extracted from the contract ABI. */ + private Set _eventsSignature; + + /** + * Constructs a new SmartContract with a generated address. + */ + public SmartContract() { + this._address = "contract-" + System.currentTimeMillis(); + this._functionsSignature = new HashSet<>(); + this._eventsSignature = new HashSet<>(); + } + + /** + * Constructs a SmartContract using an Ethereum address. Downloads bytecode + * and ABI from Etherscan if not available locally. + * + * @param address Ethereum address of the contract. + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the address is invalid. + */ + public SmartContract(String address) { + if (!EthereumUtils.isValidEVMAddress(address)) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid address: " + address); + + this._address = address; + Path outputDir = _workingDirectory.resolve(address); + this._abiFilePath = outputDir.resolve(address + ".abi"); + this._bytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(address + ".bytecode"); + this._mnemonicBytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(address + ".opcode"); + + // Bytecode case + try { + // If the bytecode file does not exist, we will do an API request to + // Etherscan + File file = new File(String.valueOf(_bytecodeFilePath)); + if (!file.exists()) { + Thread.sleep(500); // Etherscan API request limit + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + this._bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseBytecodeFromEtherscan(address); + // Write bytecode to file + if (this._bytecode != null) + Files.writeString(this._bytecodeFilePath, this._bytecode, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, + StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + } else { + log.warn("Contract (bytecode) already present in {}, not downloaded.", _bytecodeFilePath); + this._bytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_bytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + } + } catch (IOException e) { + log.warn("Failed to load bytecode: {}", address, e); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + log.error("Unable to parse bytecode from Etherscan: {}", address, e); + } + + // ABI case + try { + // If the ABI file does not exist, we will do an API request to + // Etherscan + File file = new File(String.valueOf(_abiFilePath)); + if (!file.exists()) { + Thread.sleep(500); // Etherscan API request limit + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + this._abi = EVMFrontend.parseABIFromEtherscan(address); + // Write ABI to file + if (this._abi != null) + Files.writeString(this._abiFilePath, this._abi.toString(4), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, + StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + } else { + log.warn("Contract (ABI) already present in {}, not downloaded.", _abiFilePath); + this._abi = new JSONArray(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_abiFilePath.toString())))); + } + } catch (IOException e) { + log.warn("Failed to load ABI: {}", address, e); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + log.error("Unable to parse ABI from Etherscan: {}", address, e); + } + + try { + EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(_bytecode, _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + this._mnemonicBytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Failed to save mnemonic bytecode to file for contract {}", address, e); + } + + this._functionsSignature = ABIManager.parseFunctionsFromABI(this._abiFilePath); + this._eventsSignature = ABIManager.parseEventsFromABI(this._abiFilePath); + } + + /** + * Constructs a SmartContract from a bytecode file. + * + * @param bytecodeFilePath Path to the bytecode file. + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException If bytecodeFilePath is null. + */ + public SmartContract(Path bytecodeFilePath) { + this(); + if (bytecodeFilePath == null) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytecodeFilePath cannot be null"); + else if (!Files.exists(bytecodeFilePath)) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytecodeFilePath not found: " + bytecodeFilePath); + + Path outputDir = _workingDirectory.resolve(_address); + this._bytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(_address + ".bytecode"); + this._mnemonicBytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(_address + ".opcode"); + + try { + this._bytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(bytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(_bytecode, _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + this._mnemonicBytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.warn("Failed to read bytecode from files: {}, {}", _bytecodeFilePath, _abiFilePath); + } + + try { + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + + Files.writeString(this._bytecodeFilePath, this._bytecode, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, + StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + + EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(_bytecode, _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + this._mnemonicBytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Failed to parse mnemonic from bytecode: {}", _bytecodeFilePath); + } + } + + /** + * Constructs a SmartContract from bytecode and ABI files. + * + * @param bytecodeFilePath Path to the bytecode file. + * @param abiFilePath Path to the ABI file. + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException If either path is null. + */ + public SmartContract(Path bytecodeFilePath, Path abiFilePath) { + this(); + + if (bytecodeFilePath == null || abiFilePath == null) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytecodeFilePath and abiFilePath cannot be null"); + else if (!Files.exists(bytecodeFilePath) || !Files.exists(abiFilePath)) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytecodeFilePath or abiFilePath not found"); + + this._bytecodeFilePath = bytecodeFilePath; + this._abiFilePath = abiFilePath; + this._mnemonicBytecodeFilePath = _workingDirectory.resolve(this._address + ".opcode"); + + try { + this._bytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_bytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + this._abi = new JSONArray(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_abiFilePath.toString())))); + + EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(_bytecode, _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + this._mnemonicBytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + + } catch (IOException e) { + log.warn("Failed to read bytecode or ABI from files: {}, {}", _bytecodeFilePath, _abiFilePath); + } catch (NullPointerException npe) { + log.warn("Failed to read bytecode or ABI from files: {}", _bytecodeFilePath); + } + + this._functionsSignature = ABIManager.parseFunctionsFromABI(abiFilePath); + this._eventsSignature = ABIManager.parseEventsFromABI(abiFilePath); + } + + ///////////////////// GETTERs + /** + * Returns the contract address. + * + * @return The contract address. + */ + public String getAddress() { + return _address; + } + + /** + * Returns the contract bytecode. + * + * @return The raw bytecode. + */ + public String getBytecode() { + return _bytecode; + } + + /** + * Returns the contract ABI. + * + * @return The ABI as a JSONArray. + */ + public JSONArray getAbi() { + return _abi; + } + + /** + * Returns the path of the ABI file. + * + * @return Path of the ABI file. + */ + public Path getAbiPath() { + return this._abiFilePath; + } + + /** + * Returns the path of the bytecode file. + * + * @return Path of the bytecode file. + */ + public Path getBytecodePath() { + return this._bytecodeFilePath; + } + + /** + * Returns the working directory for this contract. + * + * @return Working directory path. + */ + public Path getWorkingDirectory() { + return _workingDirectory.resolve(this._address); + } + + /** + * Returns the path of the mnemonic bytecode file. + * + * @return Path of the mnemonic bytecode file. + */ + public Path getMnemonicBytecodePath() { + return this._mnemonicBytecodeFilePath; + } + + /** + * Returns the control flow graph of the contract. + * + * @return The contract's CFG. + */ + public EVMCFG getCFG() { + return this._cfg; + } + + /** + * Returns the basic blocks of the contract. + * + * @return Set of basic blocks. + */ + public Set getBasicBlocks() { + return this._basicBlocks; + } + + /** + * Returns the function signatures of the contract. + * + * @return Set of function signatures. + */ + public Set getFunctionsSignature() { + return this._functionsSignature; + } + + /** + * Returns the event signatures of the contract. + * + * @return Set of event signatures. + */ + public Set getEventsSignature() { + return this._eventsSignature; + } + + /** + * Returns the statistical information about the contract. + * + * @return Statistical object. + */ + public StatisticsObject getStatistics() { + return _statistics; + } + + /** + * Returns the vulnerabilities detected in the contract. + * + * @return Vulnerabilities object. + */ + public VulnerabilitiesObject getVulnerabilities() { + return _vulnerabilities; + } + + ///////////////////// SETTERs + /** + * Sets the contract address. + * + * @param address The contract address. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setAddress(String address) { + this._address = address; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the contract bytecode and generates the mnemonic representation. + * + * @param bytecode The raw bytecode. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException If bytecode is null. + */ + public SmartContract setBytecode(String bytecode) { + if (bytecode == null) + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bytecode cannot be null"); + + this._bytecode = bytecode; + + Path outputDir = _workingDirectory.resolve(_address); + this._bytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(_address + ".bytecode"); + this._mnemonicBytecodeFilePath = outputDir.resolve(_address + ".opcode"); + + try { + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + Files.writeString(this._bytecodeFilePath, this._bytecode, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, + StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + + EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(_bytecode, _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + this._mnemonicBytecode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(_mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()))); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Failed to write bytecode or mnemonic bytecode to files {}", outputDir); + } + + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the contract ABI. + * + * @param abi The ABI as a JSONArray. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setAbi(JSONArray abi) { + this._abi = abi; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the control flow graph and extracts basic blocks. + * + * @param cfg The EVMCFG to set. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setCFG(EVMCFG cfg) { + this._cfg = cfg; + this._basicBlocks = BasicBlock.getBasicBlocks(cfg); + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the statistical information. + * + * @param statistics Statistical object. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setStatistics(StatisticsObject statistics) { + this._statistics = statistics; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the vulnerabilities object. + * + * @param vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities object. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setVulnerabilities(VulnerabilitiesObject vulnerabilities) { + this._vulnerabilities = vulnerabilities; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the path to the ABI file. + * + * @param abiFilePath Path to the ABI file. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setAbiFilePath(Path abiFilePath) { + this._abiFilePath = abiFilePath; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the path to the bytecode file. + * + * @param bytecodeFilePath Path to the bytecode file. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setBytecodeFilePath(Path bytecodeFilePath) { + this._bytecodeFilePath = bytecodeFilePath; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the function signatures. + * + * @param functionsSignature Set of function signatures. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setFunctionsSignature(Set functionsSignature) { + this._functionsSignature = functionsSignature; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the event signatures. + * + * @param eventsSignature Set of event signatures. + * + * @return This SmartContract instance for method chaining. + */ + public SmartContract setEventsSignature(Set eventsSignature) { + this._eventsSignature = eventsSignature; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the working directory for all contract analyses. + * + * @param workingDirectory Path to the working directory. + */ + public static void setWorkingDirectory(Path workingDirectory) { + _workingDirectory = workingDirectory; + } + + /** + * Identifies and associates entry points for each function signature in the + * contract. Uses the selector from each signature to find matching Push + * statements in the CFG. + */ + public void computeFunctionsSignatureEntryPoints() { + if (_functionsSignature == null) { + log.warn("Unable to compute functions entry points (_functionsSignature is null)"); + return; + } + + for (Statement node : _cfg.getNodes()) + if (node instanceof Push) + for (Signature signature : _functionsSignature) + if (node.toString().contains(signature.getSelector())) + signature.addEntryPoint(_cfg.getCloserJumpdest(node)); + + } + + /** + * Computes the exit points for each function signature in the contract. + * Exit points are determined based on whether the function returns a value. + */ + public void computeFunctionsSignatureExitPoints() { + if (_functionsSignature == null) { + log.warn("Unable to compute functions exit points (_functionsSignature is null)"); + return; + } + + for (Signature signature : _functionsSignature) { + boolean isVoid = signature.getOutputParamCount() == 0; + + for (Statement functionEntryPoint : signature.getEntryPoints()) + for (Statement functionExitPoint : _cfg.getFunctionExitPoints(functionEntryPoint, isVoid)) + signature.addExitPoint(functionExitPoint); + } + } + + /** + * Identifies and associates entry points for each event signature in the + * contract. Uses the selector from each signature to find matching Push + * statements in the CFG. + */ + public void computeEventsSignatureEntryPoints() { + if (_eventsSignature == null) { + log.warn("Unable to compute functions entry points (_eventsSignature is null)"); + return; + } + + for (Statement node : _cfg.getNodes()) + if (node instanceof Push) + for (Signature signature : _eventsSignature) + if (node.toString().contains(signature.getSelector())) + signature.addEntryPoint(node); + } + + /** + * Computes and registers event exit points for this smart contract. This + * method sets up a LiSA analysis environment and runs the + * {@code EventsExitPointsComputer} to identify statements where events + * exit. + */ + public void computeEventsExitPoints() { + if (_eventsSignature == null) { + log.warn("Unable to compute functions exit points (_eventsSignature is null)"); + return; + } + + // Setup configuration + Program program = new Program(new EVMLiSAFeatures(), new EVMLiSATypeSystem()); + program.addCodeMember(this._cfg); + LiSAConfiguration conf = LiSAConfigurationManager.createConfiguration(this); + LiSA lisa = new LiSA(conf); + + EventsExitPointsComputer checker = new EventsExitPointsComputer(); + conf.semanticChecks.add(checker); + lisa.run(program); + } + + /** + * Generates a DOT graph visualization of the CFG with basic blocks. Saves + * the graph to a file in the contract's working directory. + */ + public void generateCFGWithBasicBlocks() { + Path dotFile = _workingDirectory.resolve(_address).resolve("CFG.dot"); + DOTFileManager.generateDotGraph(JSONManager.basicBlocksToJson(this), dotFile.toString()); + log.info("Generated CFG at {}", dotFile); + } + + /** + * Converts this SmartContract to a JSON object. Includes all fields of the + * contract, including bytecode, ABI, signatures, and analysis results. + * + * @return JSONObject representation of this contract. + */ + public JSONObject toJson() { + JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); + + jsonObject.put("address", _address != null ? _address : new JSONArray()); + jsonObject.put("bytecode", _bytecode != null ? _bytecode : new JSONArray()); + jsonObject.put("mnemonic_bytecode", _mnemonicBytecode != null ? _mnemonicBytecode : new JSONArray()); + jsonObject.put("abi", _abi != null ? _abi : new JSONArray()); + + jsonObject.put("working_directory", _workingDirectory.toString()); + + jsonObject.put("abi_file_path", _abiFilePath != null ? _abiFilePath.toString() : new JSONArray()); + jsonObject.put("bytecode_file_path", + _bytecodeFilePath != null ? _bytecodeFilePath.toString() : new JSONArray()); + jsonObject.put("mnemonic_bytecode_file_path", _mnemonicBytecodeFilePath.toString()); + + jsonObject.put("statistics", _statistics != null ? _statistics.toJson() : new JSONArray()); + + jsonObject.put("vulnerabilities", _vulnerabilities != null ? _vulnerabilities.toJson() : new JSONArray()); + + jsonObject.put("basic_blocks", + _basicBlocks != null ? JSONManager.basicBlocksToJson(this) : new JSONArray()); + + jsonObject.put("basic_blocks_pc", _basicBlocks != null ? BasicBlock.basicBlocksToLongArrayToString( + BasicBlock.basicBlocksToLongArray(_basicBlocks)) : new JSONArray()); + + JSONArray functionsArray = new JSONArray(); + if (_functionsSignature != null && !_functionsSignature.isEmpty()) + for (Signature signature : _functionsSignature) + functionsArray.put(signature.toJson()); + jsonObject.put("functions_signature", !functionsArray.isEmpty() ? functionsArray : new JSONArray()); + + JSONArray eventsArray = new JSONArray(); + if (_eventsSignature != null && !_eventsSignature.isEmpty()) + for (Signature signature : _eventsSignature) + eventsArray.put(signature.toJson()); + jsonObject.put("events_signature", !eventsArray.isEmpty() ? eventsArray : new JSONArray()); + + return jsonObject; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return toJson().toString(4); + } + + /** + * Saves the contract information to a JSON file in the working directory. + * + * @return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise. + */ + public boolean toFile() { + Path outputDir = _workingDirectory.resolve(_address); + try { + Files.createDirectories(outputDir); + Files.writeString( + outputDir.resolve("results.json"), + this.toJson().toString(4), + StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Failed to save results in {}", outputDir, e); + return false; + } + return true; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/cfg/EVMCFG.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/cfg/EVMCFG.java index 6ad309aac..a3810920f 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/cfg/EVMCFG.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/cfg/EVMCFG.java @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ package it.unipr.cfg; -import it.unipr.analysis.BasicBlock; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.analysis.Number; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.BasicBlock; import it.unipr.cfg.push.Push; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AbstractState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalysisState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalyzedCFG; @@ -20,31 +20,20 @@ import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.CFG; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.CodeMemberDescriptor; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.edge.Edge; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.edge.TrueEdge; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.fixpoints.CFGFixpoint.CompoundState; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.fixpoints.OptimizedFixpoint; -import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Ret; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; import it.unive.lisa.util.collections.workset.WorkingSet; import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.graph.algorithms.Fixpoint; import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.graph.algorithms.FixpointException; import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.graph.code.NodeList; -import java.io.FileWriter; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.ArrayDeque; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.Collection; -import java.util.Deque; -import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.HashSet; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; +import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; -import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; -import org.json.JSONArray; -import org.json.JSONObject; public class EVMCFG extends CFG { private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(EVMCFG.class); @@ -65,6 +54,13 @@ public EVMCFG(CodeMemberDescriptor cfgDesc) { super(cfgDesc); } + /** + * Identifies and categorizes key statements (hotspot nodes) within the + * control flow graph (CFG). This method initializes sets to store specific + * types of statements, such as storage operations (SSTORE), jump + * destinations (JUMPDEST), jump instructions (JUMP and JUMPI), and pushed + * jumps. + */ public void computeHotspotNodes() { this.jumpDestsNodes = new HashSet(); this.jumpNodes = new HashSet(); @@ -376,326 +372,250 @@ private boolean dfsSequential(Statement start, Statement target, Set return false; } - public static String bbToString(List bb) { - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); - sb.append("["); - - boolean first = true; - for (Long[] l : bb) { - if (!first) - sb.append(", "); - - sb.append("(").append(l[0]).append(", ").append(l[1]).append(")"); - first = false; - } - - sb.append("]"); - return sb.toString(); - } - - public List basicBlocksToLongArray() { - basicBlocks = basicBlocks(); - List bbToLong = new ArrayList<>(); - for (BasicBlock bb : basicBlocks) - for (Integer end : bb.getOutgoingEdges()) - bbToLong.add(new Long[] { (long) bb.getId(), (long) end }); - return bbToLong; - } - - public Set basicBlocks() { - Statement start = this.getEntrypoints().stream().findFirst().orElse(null); - if (start == null) - return null; - + /** + * The method performs a depth-first search (DFS) and identifies `Push` + * statements containing function selectors. + * + * @param start The starting statement for the search. + * @param signatures A set of signatures and their corresponding function + * selectors. + * + * @return A set of pairs where each pair consists of a function signature + * (from the ABI) and the corresponding statement in the CFG. + */ + public Set> findMatchingStatements(Statement start, + Set> signatures) { + Set> matchingStatements = new HashSet<>(); Set visited = new HashSet<>(); - Deque stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); + Stack stack = new Stack<>(); stack.push(start); - basicBlocks = new HashSet<>(); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Statement current = stack.pop(); - if (visited.contains(current)) - continue; - Statement blockStart = current; - Statement blockEnd = current; - List statements = new ArrayList<>(); - - while (true) { - statements.add(blockEnd); - Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(blockEnd); - - if (outgoingEdges.isEmpty() - || blockEnd instanceof Jump - || blockEnd instanceof Jumpi - || blockEnd instanceof Invalid - || blockEnd instanceof Stop - || blockEnd instanceof Revert - || blockEnd instanceof Selfdestruct - || blockEnd instanceof Ret) { - break; - } + if (!visited.contains(current)) { + visited.add(current); - Statement next = outgoingEdges.iterator().next().getDestination(); - if (visited.contains(next)) - break; + if (current instanceof Push) + for (Pair signature : signatures) + if (current.toString().contains(signature.getRight())) + matchingStatements.add(Pair.of(signature.getLeft(), current)); - visited.add(next); - - if (next instanceof Ret) - break; + Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(current); + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + if (!visited.contains(next)) + stack.push(next); + } + } + } - blockEnd = next; + return matchingStatements; + } - } + public boolean reachableFromCrossing(Statement start, Statement target, Set statements) { + return dfsCrossing(start, target, new HashSet<>(), statements); + } - int startPc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) blockStart.getLocation()).getPc(); - BasicBlock.BlockType blockType = getBlockType(blockEnd); + /** + * Check whether all paths from {@code start} to {@code target} contain at + * least one {@code statements} statement. This method explores all possible + * paths using a depth-first search (DFS). If there is at least one path + * where a required statement is missing, the method returns {@code false}. + * + * @param start The starting statement of the search. + * @param target The target statement. + * @param visited A set of visited statements to avoid cycles. + * @param statements The set of statements that must be present in all + * paths. + * + * @return {@code true} if all paths contain all statements, otherwise + * {@code false}. + */ + private boolean dfsCrossing(Statement start, Statement target, Set visited, Set statements) { + boolean foundTarget = false; + Set pathStatements = new HashSet<>(); - if (blockType.equals(BasicBlock.BlockType.RET)) - continue; + Stack> stack = new Stack<>(); + stack.push(Collections.singletonList(start)); - BasicBlock basicBlock = new BasicBlock(startPc, blockType); + while (!stack.isEmpty()) { + List path = stack.pop(); + Statement current = path.get(path.size() - 1); - for (Statement stmt : statements) { - basicBlock.addStatement(stmt); + if (visited.contains(current)) { + continue; } - for (Edge edge : getOutgoingEdges(blockEnd)) { - int endPc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) edge.getDestination().getLocation()).getPc(); - if (startPc != endPc - && !(edge.getDestination() instanceof Ret)) { - basicBlock.addEdge(endPc); - } - } + visited.add(current); + pathStatements.add(current); - basicBlocks.add(basicBlock); + if (current.equals(target)) { + foundTarget = true; - for (Edge edge : list.getOutgoingEdges(blockEnd)) { - stack.push(edge.getDestination()); + // Check if this specific path contains at least a statement + boolean contains = false; + for (Statement statement : statements) { + if (pathStatements.contains(statement)) { + contains = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contains) + return false; } - } - // Split basic blocks on jumpdest - Set modifiedBlocks = new HashSet<>(); - for (BasicBlock block : basicBlocks) { - List statements = block.getStatements(); - List splitIndexes = new ArrayList<>(); - - for (int i = 1; i < statements.size(); i++) { // skip the first - // opcode of the - // basic block - if (statements.get(i) instanceof Jumpdest) { - splitIndexes.add(i); + Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(current); + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + if (!visited.contains(next)) { + List newPath = new ArrayList<>(path); + newPath.add(next); + stack.push(newPath); } } + } - if (!splitIndexes.isEmpty()) { - BasicBlock currentBlock = new BasicBlock(block.getId(), block.getBlockType()); - modifiedBlocks.add(currentBlock); + return foundTarget; + } - for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) { - if (splitIndexes.contains(i)) { - int newBlockId = ((ProgramCounterLocation) statements.get(i).getLocation()).getPc(); - BasicBlock newBlock = new BasicBlock(newBlockId, BasicBlock.BlockType.SPLITTED); - modifiedBlocks.add(newBlock); + /** + * Checks if the target statement is reachable from the start statement + * without traversing any Jumpi instructions. + * + * @param start the starting statement + * @param target the target statement + * + * @return true if the target is reachable without passing through Jumpi, + * false otherwise + */ + public boolean reachableFromWithoutJumpI(Statement start, Statement target) { + return dfsWithoutJumpI(start, target, new HashSet<>()); + } - currentBlock.addEdge(newBlockId); + /** + * Performs a depth-first search (DFS) to determine if the target statement + * is reachable from the start statement while avoiding Jumpi instructions. + * + * @param start the starting statement + * @param target the target statement + * @param visited the set of already visited statements + * + * @return true if the target is reachable without passing through Jumpi, + * false otherwise + */ + private boolean dfsWithoutJumpI(Statement start, Statement target, Set visited) { + Stack stack = new Stack<>(); + stack.push(start); - currentBlock = newBlock; - } + while (!stack.isEmpty()) { + Statement current = stack.pop(); - currentBlock.addStatement(statements.get(i)); - } + if (current.equals(target)) + return true; - currentBlock.getOutgoingEdges().addAll(block.getOutgoingEdges()); - } else { - modifiedBlocks.add(block); - } - } + if (!visited.contains(current)) { + visited.add(current); - basicBlocks = modifiedBlocks; + Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(current); - // TODO check - Set newBlocks = new HashSet<>(); - for (BasicBlock block : basicBlocks) { - if (block.getStatements().size() > 1 - || !(block.getStatements().get(0) instanceof Jumpdest)) - newBlocks.add(block); + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + if (edge.getSource() instanceof Jumpi) + continue; + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + if (!visited.contains(next)) + stack.push(next); + } + } } - basicBlocks = newBlocks; - return basicBlocks; - } - - private BasicBlock.BlockType getBlockType(Statement lastStatement) { - if (lastStatement instanceof Jump) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMP; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Jumpi) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMPI; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Stop) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.STOP; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Revert) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.REVERT; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Selfdestruct) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.SELFDESTRUCT; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Return) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.RETURN; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Jumpdest) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMPDEST; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Invalid) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.INVALID; - else if (lastStatement instanceof Ret) - return BasicBlock.BlockType.RET; - return BasicBlock.BlockType.UNKNOWN; + return false; } - public JSONArray basicBlocksToJson() { - String lightGreenColor = "\"#A6EC99\""; - String greyColor = "\"#D3D3D3\""; - String lightRed = "\"#EF8683\""; - basicBlocks = basicBlocks(); - JSONArray blocksArray = new JSONArray(); - - for (BasicBlock block : basicBlocks) { - JSONObject blockJson = new JSONObject(); - blockJson.put("id", block.getId()); - - JSONArray instructionsArray = new JSONArray(); - for (Statement stmt : block.getStatements()) { - JSONObject instructionJson = new JSONObject(); + /** + * Identifies all possible exit points for a function starting from a given + * statement. Performs a depth-first search from the start statement and + * collects statements that represent function exits based on their type and + * whether the function returns a value. + * + * @param start The starting statement for the search, usually the function + * entry point. + * @param isVoid Whether the function has no return value. + * + * @return A set of statements that represent function exit points. + */ + public Set getFunctionExitPoints(Statement start, boolean isVoid) { + Stack stack = new Stack<>(); + Set visited = new HashSet<>(); + Set functionExitPoints = new HashSet<>(); - int pc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) stmt.getLocation()).getPc(); + stack.push(start); - instructionJson.put("pc", pc); - instructionJson.put("instruction", stmt.toString()); + while (!stack.isEmpty()) { + Statement current = stack.pop(); - instructionsArray.put(instructionJson); - } - blockJson.put("instructions", instructionsArray); + if (!visited.contains(current)) { + visited.add(current); - // Edges - JSONArray outgoingEdgesArray = new JSONArray(); - for (Integer edgeId : block.getOutgoingEdges()) { - String color = "black"; - Statement source = block.getStatements().get(block.getStatements().size() - 1); + Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(current); - for (BasicBlock b : basicBlocks) { - if (b.getId() == edgeId) { - Statement dest = b.getStatements().get(0); + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + if (!visited.contains(next)) { + stack.push(next); - if (source instanceof Jumpi && dest instanceof Jumpdest) - color = lightGreenColor; - else if (source instanceof Jumpi) - color = lightRed; + if (next instanceof Invalid + || next instanceof Revert) + functionExitPoints.add(next); - JSONObject edgeJson = new JSONObject(); - edgeJson.put("target", edgeId); - edgeJson.put("color", color); + if (isVoid && next instanceof Stop) + functionExitPoints.add(next); - outgoingEdgesArray.put(edgeJson); - break; + if (!isVoid && next instanceof Return) + functionExitPoints.add(next); } } } - blockJson.put("outgoing_edges", outgoingEdgesArray); - - // Background color - block.setBlockType(getBlockType(block.getStatements().get(block.getStatements().size() - 1))); // update - BasicBlock.BlockType bbt = block.getBlockType(); - if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.STOP || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.RETURN) - blockJson.put("background_color", lightGreenColor); - else if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.REVERT - || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.SELFDESTRUCT - || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.INVALID) - blockJson.put("background_color", lightRed); - else - blockJson.put("background_color", greyColor); - - blockJson.put("last_instruction", block.getBlockType()); - - blocksArray.put(blockJson); } - JSONObject basicBlocksJson = new JSONObject(); - basicBlocksJson.put("basic_blocks", blocksArray); - - return blocksArray; + return functionExitPoints; } - public static void generateDotGraph(JSONArray basicBlocks, String outputPath) { - String purpleColor = "\"#A97FB2\""; - StringBuilder dotGraph = new StringBuilder(); - dotGraph.append("digraph CFG {\n"); - dotGraph.append("\trankdir=TB;\n"); - - // Nodes - for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.length(); i++) { - JSONObject block = basicBlocks.getJSONObject(i); - int id = block.getInt("id"); - String backgroundColor = block.optString("background_color", "white"); - JSONArray instructions = block.getJSONArray("instructions"); - - StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(); - if (instructions.length() > 5) { - JSONObject firstInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(0); - JSONObject secondInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(1); - JSONObject secondLastInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(instructions.length() - 2); - JSONObject lastInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(instructions.length() - 1); - - label.append(firstInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(firstInstr.getString("instruction")) - .append("\\l"); - label.append(secondInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(secondInstr.getString("instruction")) - .append("\\l"); - label.append("...\n"); - label.append(secondLastInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(secondLastInstr.getString("instruction")) - .append("\\l"); - label.append(lastInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(lastInstr.getString("instruction")) - .append("\\l"); - } else { - for (int j = 0; j < instructions.length(); j++) { - JSONObject instr = instructions.getJSONObject(j); - label.append(instr.getInt("pc")).append(": ") - .append(instr.getString("instruction")).append("\\l"); - } - } + /** + * Finds the closest Jumpdest statement reachable from a given start + * statement. Performs a breadth-first search to find the nearest Jumpdest + * statement along a true edge. + * + * @param start The starting statement for the search. + * + * @return The closest Jumpdest statement along a true edge, or null if none + * is found. + */ + public Statement getCloserJumpdest(Statement start) { + Deque queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); + Set visited = new HashSet<>(); - dotGraph.append(String.format( - "\t%d [label=\"%s\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=%s];\n", - id, label.toString(), backgroundColor)); - } + queue.add(start); - // Edges - for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.length(); i++) { - JSONObject block = basicBlocks.getJSONObject(i); - int id = block.getInt("id"); - JSONArray outgoingEdges = block.getJSONArray("outgoing_edges"); - - for (int j = 0; j < outgoingEdges.length(); j++) { - JSONObject edge = outgoingEdges.getJSONObject(j); - int targetId = edge.getInt("target"); - String color = edge.getString("color"); - - // Unreachable jump - if (color == null || color.isEmpty()) { - dotGraph.append(String.format( - "\t%d [label=\"%s\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=%s];\n", - targetId, targetId + ": Unreachable jump", purpleColor)); - color = purpleColor; - } + while (!queue.isEmpty()) { + Statement current = queue.poll(); - dotGraph.append(String.format( - "\t%d -> %d [color=%s];\n", id, targetId, color)); - } - } + if (!visited.contains(current)) { + visited.add(current); - dotGraph.append("}\n"); + Collection outgoingEdges = list.getOutgoingEdges(current); - try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(outputPath)) { - writer.write(dotGraph.toString()); - log.info("DOT file successfully written to {}", outputPath); - } catch (IOException e) { - log.error("Error writing DOT file: {}", e.getMessage()); + for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { + Statement next = edge.getDestination(); + if (!visited.contains(next)) { + queue.push(next); + if (next instanceof Jumpdest && edge instanceof TrueEdge) + return next; + } + } + } } + + return null; } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/ReentrancyChecker.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/ReentrancyChecker.java index 0dea8bdae..486ffa39f 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/ReentrancyChecker.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/ReentrancyChecker.java @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStack; import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.analysis.StackElement; import it.unipr.cfg.Call; import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; import it.unipr.cfg.ProgramCounterLocation; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalysisState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalyzedCFG; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticException; diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TimestampDependencyChecker.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TimestampDependencyChecker.java index bc0272c37..b90a2d428 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TimestampDependencyChecker.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TimestampDependencyChecker.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package it.unipr.checker; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TaintAbstractDomain; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TaintElement; import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; @@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ import it.unipr.cfg.Return; import it.unipr.cfg.Sha3; import it.unipr.cfg.Sstore; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalysisState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalyzedCFG; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticException; diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TxOriginChecker.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TxOriginChecker.java index 1a678e2fe..7b5ab46c4 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TxOriginChecker.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/checker/TxOriginChecker.java @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ package it.unipr.checker; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TaintAbstractDomain; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TaintElement; import it.unipr.cfg.EVMCFG; import it.unipr.cfg.Jumpi; import it.unipr.cfg.ProgramCounterLocation; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalysisState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.AnalyzedCFG; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticException; diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/frontend/EVMFrontend.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/frontend/EVMFrontend.java index 5eac9e26d..19b7b5c4b 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/frontend/EVMFrontend.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/frontend/EVMFrontend.java @@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ import it.unipr.evm.antlr.EVMBLexer; import it.unipr.evm.antlr.EVMBParser; import it.unipr.evm.antlr.EVMBParser.ProgramContext; -import it.unive.lisa.AnalysisException; import it.unive.lisa.program.Program; import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.CFG; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; -import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; @@ -21,6 +19,8 @@ import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Frontend for EVMLiSA that handles both obtaining the bytecode of a contract @@ -30,6 +30,29 @@ * ETHERSCAN_API_KEY. */ public class EVMFrontend { + private static String ETHERSCAN_API_KEY = ""; + + /** + * Sets the Etherscan API key for making requests to the Etherscan API. + * + * @param apiKey The API key to be used for Etherscan API calls. + */ + public static void setEtherscanAPIKey(String apiKey) { + ETHERSCAN_API_KEY = apiKey; + } + + /** + * Retrieves the Etherscan API key. If no API key is currently set, attempts + * to load it from environment variables. + * + * @return The Etherscan API key, or null if no key is available. + */ + private static String getEtherscanAPIKey() { + if (ETHERSCAN_API_KEY == null || ETHERSCAN_API_KEY.isEmpty()) + return Dotenv.load().get("ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"); + return ETHERSCAN_API_KEY; + } + /** * Verifies the syntactic correctness of the smart contract bytecode stored * in {@code filePath} and returns its {@code ProgramContext}. @@ -53,29 +76,40 @@ public static ProgramContext parseContract(String filePath) throws IOException { } } - /** - * Yields the EVM bytecode of a smart contract stored at {@code address} and - * stores the result in {@code output}. - * - * @param address the address of the smart contract to be parsed. - * - * @return {@code true} if the bytecode was successfully downloaded and - * stored, false otherwise. - * - * @throws IOException - */ - public static String parseContractFromEtherscan(String address) throws IOException { - String bytecodeRequest = etherscanRequest("proxy", "eth_getCode", address); + public static String parseBytecodeFromEtherscan(String address) throws IOException { + String response = etherscanRequest("proxy", "eth_getCode", address); - if (bytecodeRequest == null || bytecodeRequest.isEmpty()) { + if (response == null || response.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("ERROR: couldn't download contract's bytecode, output file won't be created."); return null; } - String[] test = bytecodeRequest.split("\""); - String bytecode = test[9]; + JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response); - return bytecode; + if (!jsonResponse.has("result") || jsonResponse.getString("result").equals("0x")) { + System.err.println("ERROR: Contract bytecode not available or empty."); + return null; + } + + return jsonResponse.getString("result"); + } + + public static JSONArray parseABIFromEtherscan(String address) throws IOException { + String response = etherscanRequest("contract", "getabi", address); + + if (response == null || response.isEmpty()) { + System.err.println("ERROR: couldn't download contract's bytecode, output file won't be created."); + return null; + } + + JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response); + + if (!jsonResponse.has("result") || jsonResponse.get("result").equals("Contract source code not verified")) { + System.err.println("ERROR: Contract ABI not available or not verified."); + return null; + } + + return new JSONArray(jsonResponse.getString("result")); } /** @@ -135,34 +169,6 @@ public static boolean opcodesFromBytecode(String bytecode, String output) throws return true; } - /** - * Yelds the EVM bytecode of a smart contract stored at the address - * {@code contractAddress} and generates its CFG as a {@code Program}. - * - * @param contractAddress the address of the smart contract of interest - * - * @return a LiSA {@code Program} representing the generated CFG - * - * @throws IOException - * @throws AnalysisException - */ - public static Program generateCfgFromContractAddress(String contractAddress) - throws IOException, AnalysisException { - final String BYTECODE_OUTFILE_PATH = "evm-outputs/tmp/" + contractAddress + "_bytecode.sol"; - - // Get bytecode from Etherscan - new File(BYTECODE_OUTFILE_PATH).getParentFile().mkdirs(); - - String bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseContractFromEtherscan(contractAddress); - - if (!EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, BYTECODE_OUTFILE_PATH)) { - return null; - } - - // Parse bytecode to generate CFG - return EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(BYTECODE_OUTFILE_PATH); - } - /** * Takes the smart contract bytecode stored in {@code filePath} and * generates its control flow graph which is then returned as a LiSA @@ -659,8 +665,7 @@ private static void addPush(String push, int n, Writer writer) throws IOExceptio */ public static String etherscanRequest(String module, String action, String address) throws IOException { // Get the API key from the environment variable - Dotenv dotenv = Dotenv.load(); - final String API_KEY = dotenv.get("ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"); + final String API_KEY = EVMFrontend.getEtherscanAPIKey(); // Check if API key was retrieved correctly from the environment // variable @@ -722,8 +727,7 @@ public static String etherscanRequest(String module, String action, String addre public static String etherscanRequest(String module, String action, String position, String address) throws IOException { // Get the API key from the environment variable - Dotenv dotenv = Dotenv.load(); - final String API_KEY = dotenv.get("ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"); + final String API_KEY = EVMFrontend.getEtherscanAPIKey(); // Check if API key was retrieved correctly from the environment // variable diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/ABIManager.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/ABIManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d25c9d872 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/ABIManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.EventKnowledge; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.Signature; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.nio.file.Paths; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.digest.Keccak; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +/** + * Utility class for handling Ethereum smart contract ABIs. This class provides + * methods to: (1) extract function selectors from function signatures; (2) + * parse a contract's ABI to retrieve function signatures and their + * corresponding selectors; (3) verify the presence of function selectors within + * a contract's compiled bytecode. + */ +public class ABIManager { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(ABIManager.class); + + /** + * Computes the function selector for a given function signature. The + * function selector is derived by applying Keccak-256 hashing to the + * function signature and taking the first 4 bytes of the resulting hash. + * + * @param functionSignature The function signature (e.g., + * "transfer(address,uint256)"). + * + * @return The first 4 bytes of the hash, formatted as a hexadecimal string. + */ + public static String getFunctionSelector(String functionSignature) { + Keccak.Digest256 digest = new Keccak.Digest256(); + byte[] hash = digest.digest(functionSignature.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); + + return String.format("%02x%02x%02x%02x", hash[0], hash[1], hash[2], hash[3]); + } + + /** + * Parses a smart contract ABI and extracts function signatures along with + * their selectors. This method reads a JSON ABI file and retrieves the + * function definitions, computing the function selector for each function. + * + * @param abi Path to the ABI JSON file. + * + * @return A set of pairs where each pair contains the function signature + * and its corresponding selector. + */ + public static Set parseFunctionsFromABI(Path abi) { + return parseABI(abi, "function"); + } + + /** + * Parses a smart contract ABI and extracts event signatures along with + * their selectors. This method reads a JSON ABI file and retrieves the + * event definitions, computing the event selector for each event. + * + * @param abi Path to the ABI JSON file. + * + * @return A set of pairs where each pair contains the event signature and + * its corresponding selector. + */ + public static Set parseEventsFromABI(Path abi) { + return parseABI(abi, "event"); + } + + private static Set parseABI(Path abi, String type) { + Set signatures = new HashSet<>(); + String abiJson; + + try { + abiJson = Files.readString(abi, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Unable to read ABI JSON {}: {}", abi.toString(), e.getMessage()); + return signatures; + } + + JSONArray abiArray = new JSONArray(abiJson); + + for (int i = 0; i < abiArray.length(); i++) { + JSONObject obj = abiArray.getJSONObject(i); + if (obj.has("type") && obj.getString("type").equals(type)) { + String functionName = obj.getString("name"); + JSONArray inputs = obj.getJSONArray("inputs"); + JSONArray outputs = obj.optJSONArray("outputs"); + + List paramTypes = new ArrayList<>(); + List outputTypes = new ArrayList<>(); + StringBuilder signatureBuilder = new StringBuilder(functionName).append("("); + + for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length(); j++) { + if (j > 0) + signatureBuilder.append(","); + + String paramType = parseParameterType(inputs.getJSONObject(j)); + paramTypes.add(paramType); + signatureBuilder.append(paramType); + } + signatureBuilder.append(")"); + + if (outputs != null) { + for (int j = 0; j < outputs.length(); j++) { + String outputType = parseParameterType(outputs.getJSONObject(j)); + outputTypes.add(outputType); + } + } + + String fullSignature = signatureBuilder.toString(); + String selector = getFunctionSelector(fullSignature); + + signatures.add(new Signature(functionName, type, paramTypes, outputTypes, fullSignature, selector)); + +// log.debug("[{}] {} -> {}", type, fullSignature, selector); + } + } + return signatures; + } + + /** + * Parses a parameter type, handling tuples and arrays properly. + */ + private static String parseParameterType(JSONObject param) { + String paramType = param.getString("type"); + + if (paramType.equals("tuple") || paramType.endsWith("[]")) { + JSONArray components = param.optJSONArray("components"); + if (components != null) { + StringBuilder tupleSignature = new StringBuilder("("); + for (int k = 0; k < components.length(); k++) { + if (k > 0) + tupleSignature.append(","); + tupleSignature.append(components.getJSONObject(k).getString("type")); + } + tupleSignature.append(")"); + + if (paramType.endsWith("[]")) { + tupleSignature.append("[]"); + } + + paramType = tupleSignature.toString(); + } + } + return paramType; + } + + /** + * Verifies the presence of function selectors in the bytecode. This method + * checks if the function selectors extracted from the ABI are present in + * the compiled smart contract bytecode. + * + * @param signatures A set of function signature-selector pairs extracted + * from the ABI. + * @param bytecodePath Path to the smart contract's compiled bytecode. + */ + public static void verifyFunctionSelectors(Set signatures, Path bytecodePath) { + int counter = 0; + String bytecode; + + try { + bytecode = Files.readString(bytecodePath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Unable to read bytecode {}: {}", bytecodePath.toString(), e.getMessage()); + return; + } + + for (Signature entry : signatures) { + int occurrences = StringUtils.countMatches(bytecode, entry.getSelector()); + + if (occurrences > 0) { + counter++; + if (occurrences > 1) + log.info("Selector {} ({}) is present {} times in the bytecode.", entry.getSelector(), + entry.getFullSignature(), occurrences); + } else { + log.warn("Selector {} ({}) is NOT present in the bytecode.", entry.getSelector(), + entry.getFullSignature()); + } + } + log.info("Total selectors found: {}/{}", counter, signatures.size()); + } + + // Test + public static void main(String[] args) { + Path abi = Paths.get("test-cross-chain-analysis", "test-ABI-function-selector", "buggy_2.abi.json"); + Path bytecode = Paths.get("test-cross-chain-analysis", "test-ABI-function-selector", "buggy_2.bytecode"); + + log.info(parseABI(abi, "function")); + + String signature = "returnVaultAssets(address,address,(address,uint256)[],string)"; + String functionSelector = getFunctionSelector(signature); + Set signatures = new HashSet<>(); + signatures.add( + new Signature("returnVaultAssets", "function", new ArrayList<>(4), null, signature, functionSelector)); + verifyFunctionSelectors(signatures, bytecode); + + try { + log.info("Parsing functions"); + Set functions = parseFunctionsFromABI(abi); + verifyFunctionSelectors(functions, bytecode); + + log.info("Parsing events"); + Set events = parseEventsFromABI(abi); + verifyFunctionSelectors(events, bytecode); + + log.info("Computing events knowledge"); + for (Signature event : events) { + log.debug("{}: {}", event.getFullSignature(), EventKnowledge.getKnowledge(event.getName())); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + log.error("Error reading ABI or bytecode file", e); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/DOTFileManager.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/DOTFileManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19dba14de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/DOTFileManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import java.io.FileWriter; +import java.io.IOException; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +public class DOTFileManager { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(DOTFileManager.class); + public static String purpleColor = "#A97FB2"; + public static String lightGreenColor = "#A6EC99"; + public static String greenColor = "#5F9747"; + public static String greyColor = "#D3D3D3"; + public static String lightRedColor = "#EF8683"; + public static String redColor = "#B70000"; + public static String lightOrangeColor = "#FFB38A"; + public static String orangeColor = "#FF9248"; + public static String blueColor = "#6FA8DC"; + public static String blackColor = "#000000"; + + public static void generateDotGraph(JSONArray basicBlocks, String outputPath) { + StringBuilder dotGraph = new StringBuilder(); + dotGraph.append("digraph CFG {\n"); + dotGraph.append("\trankdir=TB;\n"); + + // Nodes + for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.length(); i++) { + JSONObject block = basicBlocks.getJSONObject(i); + int id = block.getInt("id"); + String backgroundColor = block.optString("background_color", "white"); + JSONArray instructions = block.getJSONArray("instructions"); + + StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(); + if (block.has("label")) + label.append(block.getString("label")).append("\\n- - - - - - - - - - - -\\n"); + + if (instructions.length() > 5) { + JSONObject firstInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(0); + JSONObject secondInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(1); + JSONObject secondLastInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(instructions.length() - 2); + JSONObject lastInstr = instructions.getJSONObject(instructions.length() - 1); + + label.append(firstInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(firstInstr.getString("instruction")) + .append("\\l"); + label.append(secondInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(secondInstr.getString("instruction")) + .append("\\l"); + label.append("...\n"); + label.append(secondLastInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(secondLastInstr.getString("instruction")) + .append("\\l"); + label.append(lastInstr.getInt("pc")).append(": ").append(lastInstr.getString("instruction")) + .append("\\l"); + } else { + for (int j = 0; j < instructions.length(); j++) { + JSONObject instr = instructions.getJSONObject(j); + label.append(instr.getInt("pc")).append(": ") + .append(instr.getString("instruction")).append("\\l"); + } + } + + dotGraph.append(String.format( + "\t%d [label=\"%s\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=\"%s\"];\n", + id, label.toString(), backgroundColor)); + } + + // Edges + for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.length(); i++) { + JSONObject block = basicBlocks.getJSONObject(i); + int id = block.getInt("id"); + JSONArray outgoingEdges = block.getJSONArray("outgoing_edges"); + + for (int j = 0; j < outgoingEdges.length(); j++) { + JSONObject edge = outgoingEdges.getJSONObject(j); + int targetId = edge.getInt("target"); + String color = edge.getString("color"); + + // Unreachable jump + if (color == null || color.isEmpty()) { + dotGraph.append(String.format( + "\t%d [label=\"%s\", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=\"%s\"];\n", + targetId, targetId + ": Unreachable jump", purpleColor)); + color = purpleColor; + } + + dotGraph.append(String.format( + "\t%d -> %d [color=\"%s\"];\n", id, targetId, color)); + } + } + + // Legend + dotGraph.append("\tsubgraph cluster_legend {\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\tlabel=\"Legend\";\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\tstyle=dotted;\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\tnode [shape=plaintext];\n"); + dotGraph.append( + "\t\t\"legend\" [label=<\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t\t\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t\t
black edge sequential edge
green edge true edge
red edge false edge
orange edge sequential multiple edge
green background correct termination
red background error termination
orange background jump to multiple blocks
blue background function entrypoint
purple background event entrypoint
>];\n"); + dotGraph.append("\t}\n"); + + dotGraph.append("}\n"); + + try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(outputPath)) { + writer.write(dotGraph.toString()); +// log.info(".dot file successfully written in {}", outputPath); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Error writing .dot file: {}", e.getMessage()); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/EthereumUtils.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/EthereumUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f576df0da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/EthereumUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +public class EthereumUtils { + private static final Pattern EVM_ADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$"); + + /** + * Checks if the given string is a valid EVM address. + * + * @param address the address to validate + * + * @return true if the address is a valid EVM address, false otherwise + */ + public static boolean isValidEVMAddress(String address) { + return address != null && EVM_ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(address).matches(); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) { + String test1 = "0x4e9ce36E442e55EcD9025B9a6E0D88485d628A67"; // Valid + String test2 = "0xZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; // Invalid + String test3 = "4e9ce36E442e55EcD9025B9a6E0D88485d628A67"; // Invalid + + System.out.println(test1 + " -> " + isValidEVMAddress(test1)); // true + System.out.println(test2 + " -> " + isValidEVMAddress(test2)); // false + System.out.println(test3 + " -> " + isValidEVMAddress(test3)); // false + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/JSONManager.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/JSONManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d1f000bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/JSONManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.BasicBlock; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.Signature; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.SmartContract; +import it.unipr.cfg.Jumpdest; +import it.unipr.cfg.Jumpi; +import it.unipr.cfg.ProgramCounterLocation; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.json.JSONArray; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +public class JSONManager { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(JSONManager.class); + + /** + * Loads a JSON object from a file. + * + * @param filePath the path of the JSON file + * + * @return the JSON object parsed from the file, or an empty JSON object in + * case of failure + */ + public static JSONObject loadJsonFromFile(Path filePath) { + try { + String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(filePath)); + + return new JSONObject(content); + } catch (IOException e) { + log.error("Error while reading JSON file {}", filePath, e); + return new JSONObject(); + } + } + + /** + * Reads statistics from a JSON file and returns them as a set of + * StatisticsObject instances. + * + * @param filePath the path of the JSON file + * + * @return a set of StatisticsObject containing the extracted statistics + */ + public static Set readStatsFromJSON(Path filePath) { + Set groundTruthData = new HashSet<>(); + + JSONObject groundTruthDataJson = JSONManager.loadJsonFromFile(filePath); + JSONArray contracts = (JSONArray) groundTruthDataJson.get("smart_contracts"); + + for (Object obj : contracts) { + JSONObject contract = (JSONObject) obj; + String address = (String) contract.get("address"); + JSONObject statistics; + + try { + statistics = (JSONObject) contract.get("statistics"); + } catch (Exception e) { + log.error("There are no statistics for: {}", address); + continue; + } + + groundTruthData.add(StatisticsObject.newStatisticsObject() + .address(address) + .totalOpcodes(statistics.getInt("total_opcodes")) + .totalJumps(statistics.getInt("total_jumps")) + .resolvedJumps(statistics.getInt("resolved_jumps")) + .definitelyUnreachableJumps(statistics.getInt("definitely_unreachable_jumps")) + .maybeUnreachableJumps(statistics.getInt("maybe_unreachable_jumps")) + .maybeUnsoundJumps(statistics.getInt("maybe_unsound_jumps")) + .unsoundJumps(statistics.getInt("unsound_jumps")) + .build()); + } + return groundTruthData; + } + + /** + * Aggregates a list of smart contracts into a single JSON object. + * + * @param contracts the list of smart contracts to aggregate + * + * @return a JSON object containing the aggregated contracts + */ + public static JSONObject aggregateSmartContractsToJson(List contracts) { + JSONObject aggregatedJson = new JSONObject(); + JSONArray contractsArray = new JSONArray(); + + for (SmartContract contract : contracts) + if (contract != null) + contractsArray.put(contract.toJson()); + + aggregatedJson.put("smart_contracts", contractsArray); + return aggregatedJson; + } + + /** + * Converts the basic blocks of a smart contract into a JSON representation. + * + * @param contract the smart contract containing the basic blocks + * + * @return a JSON array representing the basic blocks + */ + public static JSONArray basicBlocksToJson(SmartContract contract) { + JSONArray blocksArray = new JSONArray(); + + for (BasicBlock block : contract.getBasicBlocks()) { + JSONObject blockJson = new JSONObject(); + blockJson.put("id", block.getId()); + + JSONArray instructionsArray = new JSONArray(); + for (Statement stmt : block.getStatements()) { + JSONObject instructionJson = new JSONObject(); + int pc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) stmt.getLocation()).getPc(); + instructionJson.put("pc", pc); + instructionJson.put("instruction", stmt.toString()); + instructionsArray.put(instructionJson); + } + blockJson.put("instructions", instructionsArray); + + // Labels + for (Signature function : contract.getFunctionsSignature()) + for (Statement entryPoint : function.getEntryPoints()) + if (block.contains(entryPoint)) { + blockJson.put("label", "Function " + function.getSelector()); + block.setBlockType(BasicBlock.BlockType.FUNCTION); + } + for (Signature event : contract.getEventsSignature()) + for (Statement entryPoint : event.getEntryPoints()) + if (block.contains(entryPoint)) { + blockJson.put("label", "Event " + event.getSelector()); + block.setBlockType(BasicBlock.BlockType.EVENT); + } + for (Statement entryPoint : contract.getCFG().getEntrypoints()) + if (block.contains(entryPoint)) + blockJson.put("label", "Entry point " + entryPoint.getLocation()); + + // Edges + JSONArray outgoingEdgesArray = new JSONArray(); + for (Integer edgeId : block.getOutgoingEdges()) { + String color = DOTFileManager.blackColor; + Statement source = block.getStatements().get(block.getStatements().size() - 1); + + for (BasicBlock b : contract.getBasicBlocks()) { + if (b.getId() == edgeId) { + Statement dest = b.getStatements().get(0); + int sourcePc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) source.getLocation()).getPc(); + int destPc = ((ProgramCounterLocation) dest.getLocation()).getPc(); + if (source instanceof Jumpi + && dest instanceof Jumpdest + && ((sourcePc + 1) != destPc)) // jumpdest as + // first opcode + // in jumpi's + // false branch + color = DOTFileManager.greenColor; + else if (source instanceof Jumpi) + color = DOTFileManager.redColor; + else if (block.getBlockType() == BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMP + && block.getOutgoingEdges().size() > 1) + color = DOTFileManager.orangeColor; + + JSONObject edgeJson = new JSONObject(); + edgeJson.put("target", edgeId); + edgeJson.put("color", color); + outgoingEdgesArray.put(edgeJson); + break; + } + } + } + blockJson.put("outgoing_edges", outgoingEdgesArray); + + // Background color + BasicBlock.BlockType bbt = block.getBlockType(); + if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.FUNCTION) + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.blueColor); + else if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.EVENT) + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.purpleColor); + else { + block.setBlockType( + BasicBlock.getBlockType(block.getStatements().get(block.getStatements().size() - 1))); + bbt = block.getBlockType(); + if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.STOP || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.RETURN) + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.lightGreenColor); + else if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.REVERT || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.SELFDESTRUCT + || bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.INVALID) + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.lightRedColor); + else if (bbt == BasicBlock.BlockType.JUMP && block.getOutgoingEdges().size() > 1) + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.lightOrangeColor); + else + blockJson.put("background_color", DOTFileManager.greyColor); + } + + blockJson.put("last_instruction", block.getBlockType()); + blocksArray.put(blockJson); + } + + return blocksArray; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/LiSAConfigurationManager.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/LiSAConfigurationManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d9583ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/LiSAConfigurationManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; +import it.unipr.analysis.contract.SmartContract; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.nonrelational.value.TypeEnvironment; +import it.unive.lisa.analysis.types.InferredTypes; +import it.unive.lisa.conf.LiSAConfiguration; +import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.ModularWorstCaseAnalysis; +import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.callgraph.RTACallGraph; + +public class LiSAConfigurationManager { + + /** + * Creates a LiSA configuration for analyzing the given smart contract. + * + * @param contract The smart contract to be analyzed. + * + * @return A configured instance of {@link LiSAConfiguration}. + */ + public static LiSAConfiguration createConfiguration(SmartContract contract) { + String address = EthereumUtils.isValidEVMAddress(contract.getAddress()) ? contract.getAddress() : null; + + LiSAConfiguration conf = new LiSAConfiguration(); + conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), + new EVMAbstractState(address), + new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); + conf.workdir = contract.getWorkingDirectory().toString(); + conf.interproceduralAnalysis = new ModularWorstCaseAnalysis<>(); + conf.callGraph = new RTACallGraph(); + conf.serializeResults = false; + conf.optimize = false; + conf.useWideningPoints = false; + conf.analysisGraphs = LiSAConfiguration.GraphType.HTML; + conf.jsonOutput = true; + + return conf; + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyCache.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/MyCache.java similarity index 55% rename from src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyCache.java rename to src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/MyCache.java index 9da78ed29..fba991a9b 100644 --- a/src/main/java/it/unipr/analysis/MyCache.java +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/MyCache.java @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ -package it.unipr.analysis; +package it.unipr.utils; +import it.unipr.analysis.Number; +import it.unipr.analysis.StackElement; +import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.statement.Statement; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; @@ -18,8 +21,12 @@ public class MyCache { private final LRUMap _timeLostToGetStorage; private final LRUMap> _reentrancyWarnings; private final LRUMap> _txOriginWarnings; - private final LRUMap> _timestampDependencyWarnings; private final LRUMap _reachableFrom; + private final LRUMap> _eventOrderWarnings; + private final LRUMap> _uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings; + private final LRUMap> _uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings; + private final LRUMap> _timestampDependencyWarnings; + public final LRUMap> _eventsExitPoints; /** * Retrieves the singleton instance of the cache. @@ -37,26 +44,29 @@ public static MyCache getInstance() { } /** - * Private constructor to prevent instantiation. Initializes the LRUMap with - * a maximum size of 500. + * Private constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private MyCache() { - this._map = new LRUMap, StackElement>(500); + this._map = new LRUMap, StackElement>(500); this._timeLostToGetStorage = new LRUMap(500); this._reentrancyWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); this._txOriginWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); + this._reachableFrom = new LRUMap(2000); + this._eventOrderWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); + this._uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); + this._uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); + this._eventsExitPoints = new LRUMap>(2000); this._timestampDependencyWarnings = new LRUMap>(1000); - this._reachableFrom = new LRUMap(20000); } /** * Puts a key-value pair into the cache. * * @param key the key, a {@link Pair} of {@link String} and - * {@link Number}. + * {@link it.unipr.analysis.Number}. * @param value the value, a {@link StackElement}. */ - public void put(Pair key, StackElement value) { + public void put(Pair key, StackElement value) { synchronized (_map) { _map.put(key, value); } @@ -65,8 +75,9 @@ public void put(Pair key, StackElement value) { /** * Retrieves a value from the cache by its key. * - * @param key the key, a {@link Pair} of {@link String} and {@link Number}. - * + * @param key the key, a {@link Pair} of {@link String} and + * {@link it.unipr.analysis.Number}. + * * @return the value associated with the key, or {@code null} if the key is * not in the cache. */ @@ -140,7 +151,7 @@ public void addReentrancyWarning(Integer key, Object warning) { * * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity whose * warnings are to be retrieved - * + * * @return the number of warnings associated with the key, or 0 if none * exist */ @@ -150,6 +161,157 @@ public int getReentrancyWarnings(Integer key) { } } + /** + * Adds an event order warning for the specified key. If no warnings are + * associated with the key, a new set is created and the warning is added to + * it. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity for which + * the warning applies + * @param warning the warning object to be added + */ + public void addEventOrderWarning(Integer key, Object warning) { + synchronized (_eventOrderWarnings) { + _eventOrderWarnings + .computeIfAbsent(key, k -> Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>())) + .add(warning); + } + } + + /** + * Retrieves the number of event order warnings associated with the + * specified key. If no warnings are associated with the key, the method + * returns 0. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity whose + * warnings are to be retrieved + * + * @return the number of warnings associated with the key, or 0 if none + * exist + */ + public int getEventOrderWarnings(Integer key) { + synchronized (_eventOrderWarnings) { + return (_eventOrderWarnings.get(key) != null) ? _eventOrderWarnings.get(key).size() : 0; + } + } + + /** + * Adds an unchecked state update warning for the specified key. If no + * warnings are associated with the key, a new set is created and the + * warning is added to it. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity for which + * the warning applies + * @param warning the warning object to be added + */ + public void addUncheckedStateUpdateWarning(Integer key, Object warning) { + synchronized (_uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings) { + _uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings + .computeIfAbsent(key, k -> Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>())) + .add(warning); + } + } + + /** + * Retrieves the number of unchecked state update warnings associated with + * the specified key. If no warnings are associated with the key, the method + * returns 0. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity whose + * warnings are to be retrieved + * + * @return the number of warnings associated with the key, or 0 if none + * exist + */ + public int getUncheckedStateUpdateWarnings(Integer key) { + synchronized (_uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings) { + return (_uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings.get(key) != null) ? _uncheckedStateUpdateWarnings.get(key).size() : 0; + } + } + + /** + * Adds an unchecked external influence warning for the specified key. If no + * warnings are associated with the key, a new set is created and the + * warning is added to it. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity for which + * the warning applies + * @param warning the warning object to be added + */ + public void addUncheckedExternalInfluenceWarning(Integer key, Object warning) { + synchronized (_uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings) { + _uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings + .computeIfAbsent(key, k -> Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>())) + .add(warning); + } + } + + /** + * Retrieves the number of unchecked external influence warnings associated + * with the specified key. If no warnings are associated with the key, the + * method returns 0. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity whose + * warnings are to be retrieved + * + * @return the number of warnings associated with the key, or 0 if none + * exist + */ + public int getUncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings(Integer key) { + synchronized (_uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings) { + return (_uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings.get(key) != null) + ? _uncheckedExternalInfluenceWarnings.get(key).size() + : 0; + } + } + + /** + * Adds an event exit point associated with a given statement. If the + * statement does not already have an associated set of event exit points, a + * new synchronized HashSet is created. This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key The statement representing the exit point. + * @param signature The event signature to associate with the statement. + */ + public void addEventExitPoint(Statement key, String signature) { + synchronized (_eventsExitPoints) { + _eventsExitPoints + .computeIfAbsent(key, k -> Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>())) + .add(signature); + } + } + + /** + * Retrieves the set of event exit points associated with a given statement. + * If the statement has no associated exit points, an empty set is returned. + * This method is thread-safe. + * + * @param key The statement whose event exit points are being queried. + * + * @return A set of event signatures associated with the given statement, or + * an empty set if none exist. + */ + public Set getEventExitPoints(Statement key) { + synchronized (_eventsExitPoints) { + return _eventsExitPoints.get(key) == null ? new HashSet<>() : _eventsExitPoints.get(key); + } + } + + /** + * Checks whether there are event exit points associated with a given + * statement. + * + * @param key The statement to check. + * + * @return {@code true} if the statement has associated event exit points, + * {@code false} otherwise. + */ + public boolean containsEventExitPoints(Statement key) { + synchronized (_eventsExitPoints) { + return _eventsExitPoints.get(key) != null; + } + } + /** * Adds or updates the reachability status of a specific key in the * reachability map. @@ -168,10 +330,10 @@ public void addReachableFrom(String key, boolean isReachableFrom) { * Checks if a specific key is marked as reachable in the reachability map. * * @param key the key representing the element to check - * + * * @return {@code true} if the key is marked as reachable, {@code false} * otherwise - * + * * @throws NullPointerException if the key does not exist in the map */ public boolean isReachableFrom(String key) { @@ -184,7 +346,7 @@ public boolean isReachableFrom(String key) { * Checks if a specific key exists in the reachability map. * * @param key the key representing the element to check - * + * * @return {@code true} if the key exists in the map, {@code false} * otherwise */ @@ -218,7 +380,7 @@ public void addTxOriginWarning(Integer key, Object warning) { * * @param key the key identifying the smart contract or entity whose * warnings are to be retrieved - * + * * @return the number of warnings associated with the key, or 0 if none * exist */ @@ -261,4 +423,4 @@ public int getTimestampDependencyWarnings(Integer key) { return (_timestampDependencyWarnings.get(key) != null) ? _timestampDependencyWarnings.get(key).size() : 0; } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/StatisticsObject.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/StatisticsObject.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..904aff29b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/StatisticsObject.java @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import java.util.Objects; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +/** + * Collects statistical data related to CFG analysis. + */ +public class StatisticsObject { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(StatisticsObject.class); + + private String address; + private int totalOpcodes; + private int totalJumps; + private int resolvedJumps; + private int definitelyUnreachableJumps; + private int maybeUnreachableJumps; + private int unsoundJumps; + private int maybeUnsoundJumps; + private JSONObject json; + + /** + * Creates a new {@code StatisticsObject} with default values. + */ + private StatisticsObject() { + this.address = ""; + this.totalOpcodes = 0; + this.totalJumps = 0; + this.resolvedJumps = 0; + this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = 0; + this.maybeUnreachableJumps = 0; + this.unsoundJumps = 0; + this.maybeUnsoundJumps = 0; + this.json = new JSONObject(); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@code StatisticsObject} with specified values. + * + * @param address the contract address + * @param totalOpcodes the total number of opcodes + * @param totalJumps the total number of jumps + * @param resolvedJumps the number of resolved jumps + * @param definitelyUnreachableJumps the number of definitely unreachable + * jumps + * @param maybeUnreachableJumps the number of maybe unreachable jumps + * @param unsoundJumps the number of unsound jumps + * @param maybeUnsoundJumps the number of maybe unsound jumps + * @param json the JSON representation of the object + */ + private StatisticsObject(String address, int totalOpcodes, int totalJumps, int resolvedJumps, + int definitelyUnreachableJumps, + int maybeUnreachableJumps, int unsoundJumps, int maybeUnsoundJumps, JSONObject json) { + this.address = address; + this.totalOpcodes = totalOpcodes; + this.totalJumps = totalJumps; + this.resolvedJumps = resolvedJumps; + this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = definitelyUnreachableJumps; + this.maybeUnreachableJumps = maybeUnreachableJumps; + this.unsoundJumps = unsoundJumps; + this.maybeUnsoundJumps = maybeUnsoundJumps; + this.json = json; + + this.json.put("total_opcodes", this.totalOpcodes); + this.json.put("total_jumps", this.totalJumps); + this.json.put("resolved_jumps", this.resolvedJumps); + this.json.put("definitely_unreachable_jumps", this.definitelyUnreachableJumps); + this.json.put("maybe_unreachable_jumps", this.maybeUnreachableJumps); + this.json.put("unsound_jumps", this.unsoundJumps); + this.json.put("maybe_unsound_jumps", this.maybeUnsoundJumps); + } + + /** + * Returns the contract address. + * + * @return the contract address + */ + public String getAddress() { + return address; + } + + /** + * Returns the total number of opcodes. + * + * @return the total opcodes + */ + public int getTotalOpcodes() { + return totalOpcodes; + } + + /** + * Returns the total number of jumps. + * + * @return the total jumps + */ + public int getTotalJumps() { + return totalJumps; + } + + /** + * Returns the number of resolved jumps. + * + * @return the resolved jumps + */ + public int getResolvedJumps() { + return resolvedJumps; + } + + /** + * Returns the number of definitely unreachable jumps. + * + * @return the definitely unreachable jumps + */ + public int getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps() { + return definitelyUnreachableJumps; + } + + /** + * Returns the number of maybe unreachable jumps. + * + * @return the maybe unreachable jumps + */ + public int getMaybeUnreachableJumps() { + return maybeUnreachableJumps; + } + + /** + * Returns the number of unsound jumps. + * + * @return the unsound jumps + */ + public int getUnsoundJumps() { + return unsoundJumps; + } + + /** + * Returns the number of maybe unsound jumps. + * + * @return the maybe unsound jumps + */ + public int getMaybeUnsoundJumps() { + return maybeUnsoundJumps; + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@code StatisticsObject} with default values. + * + * @return a new instance of {@code StatisticsObject} + */ + public static StatisticsObject newStatisticsObject() { + return new StatisticsObject(); + } + + /** + * Sets the contract address. + * + * @param address the contract address + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject address(String address) { + this.address = address; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the total number of opcodes. + * + * @param totalOpcodes the total opcodes + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject totalOpcodes(int totalOpcodes) { + this.totalOpcodes = totalOpcodes; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the total number of jumps. + * + * @param totalJumps the total jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject totalJumps(int totalJumps) { + this.totalJumps = totalJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the number of resolved jumps. + * + * @param resolvedJumps the resolved jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject resolvedJumps(int resolvedJumps) { + this.resolvedJumps = resolvedJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the number of definitely unreachable jumps. + * + * @param definitelyUnreachableJumps the definitely unreachable jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject definitelyUnreachableJumps(int definitelyUnreachableJumps) { + this.definitelyUnreachableJumps = definitelyUnreachableJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the number of maybe unreachable jumps. + * + * @param maybeUnreachableJumps the maybe unreachable jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject maybeUnreachableJumps(int maybeUnreachableJumps) { + this.maybeUnreachableJumps = maybeUnreachableJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the number of unsound jumps. + * + * @param unsoundJumps the unsound jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject unsoundJumps(int unsoundJumps) { + this.unsoundJumps = unsoundJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the number of maybe unsound jumps. + * + * @param maybeUnsoundJumps the maybe unsound jumps + * + * @return the updated {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject maybeUnsoundJumps(int maybeUnsoundJumps) { + this.maybeUnsoundJumps = maybeUnsoundJumps; + return this; + } + + /** + * Builds a new {@code StatisticsObject} with the specified values. + * + * @return a new {@code StatisticsObject} instance + */ + public StatisticsObject build() { + return new StatisticsObject(address, totalOpcodes, totalJumps, resolvedJumps, definitelyUnreachableJumps, + maybeUnreachableJumps, unsoundJumps, maybeUnsoundJumps, json); + } + + /** + * Returns the JSON representation of this object. + * + * @return a {@code JSONObject} representing this object + */ + public JSONObject toJson() { + return json; + } + + /** + * Returns a formatted string representation of this object. + * + * @return a formatted JSON string + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + return toJson().toString(4); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object o) { + if (this == o) + return true; + if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) + return false; + StatisticsObject that = (StatisticsObject) o; + return totalOpcodes == that.totalOpcodes + && totalJumps == that.totalJumps + && resolvedJumps == that.resolvedJumps + && definitelyUnreachableJumps == that.definitelyUnreachableJumps + && maybeUnreachableJumps == that.maybeUnreachableJumps + && unsoundJumps == that.unsoundJumps + && maybeUnsoundJumps == that.maybeUnsoundJumps + && Objects.equals(address, that.address); + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + return Objects.hash(address, totalOpcodes, totalJumps, resolvedJumps, definitelyUnreachableJumps, + maybeUnreachableJumps, unsoundJumps, maybeUnsoundJumps); + } + + /** + * Logs the statistics of the given {@code StatisticsObject}. + * + * @param statistics the statistics object to log + */ + public static void printStatistics(StatisticsObject statistics) { + log.info("Total opcodes: {}", statistics.getTotalOpcodes()); + log.info("Total jumps: {}", statistics.getTotalJumps()); + log.info("Resolved jumps: {}", statistics.getResolvedJumps()); + log.info("Definitely unreachable jumps: {}", statistics.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps()); + log.info("Maybe unreachable jumps: {}", statistics.getMaybeUnreachableJumps()); + log.info("Unsound jumps: {}", statistics.getUnsoundJumps()); + log.info("Maybe unsound jumps: {}", statistics.getMaybeUnsoundJumps()); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/VulnerabilitiesObject.java b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/VulnerabilitiesObject.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff6d0ffdd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/it/unipr/utils/VulnerabilitiesObject.java @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +package it.unipr.utils; + +import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; +import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; +import org.json.JSONObject; + +/** + * Represents an object that stores information about potential smart contract + * vulnerabilities, including reentrancy, timestamp dependency, and tx. origin + * usage. + */ +public class VulnerabilitiesObject { + private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(VulnerabilitiesObject.class); + + private int reentrancy; + private int timestamp; + private int txOrigin; + private JSONObject json; + + /** + * Creates a new {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} with default values (-1) for + * all vulnerabilities. + */ + private VulnerabilitiesObject() { + this.reentrancy = -1; + this.timestamp = -1; + this.txOrigin = -1; + this.json = new JSONObject(); + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} with specified values. + * + * @param reentrancy the reentrancy vulnerability score + * @param timestamp the timestamp dependency vulnerability score + * @param txOrigin the tx.origin vulnerability score + * @param json the JSON representation of the object + */ + private VulnerabilitiesObject(int reentrancy, int timestamp, int txOrigin, JSONObject json) { + this.reentrancy = reentrancy; + this.timestamp = timestamp; + this.txOrigin = txOrigin; + this.json = json; + + if (reentrancy != -1) + this.json.put("reentrancy", this.reentrancy); + if (timestamp != -1) + this.json.put("timestamp_dependency", this.timestamp); + if (txOrigin != -1) + this.json.put("tx_origin", this.txOrigin); + } + + /** + * Returns the reentrancy vulnerability score. + * + * @return the reentrancy score + */ + public int getReentrancy() { + return reentrancy; + } + + /** + * Returns the timestamp dependency vulnerability score. + * + * @return the timestamp dependency score + */ + public int getTimestamp() { + return timestamp; + } + + /** + * Returns the tx .origin vulnerability score. + * + * @return the tx. origin score + */ + public int getTxOrigin() { + return txOrigin; + } + + /** + * Creates a new {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} with default values. + * + * @return a new instance of {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} + */ + public static VulnerabilitiesObject newVulnerabilitiesObject() { + return new VulnerabilitiesObject(); + } + + /** + * Sets the reentrancy vulnerability score. + * + * @param reentrancy the reentrancy score + * + * @return the updated {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} instance + */ + public VulnerabilitiesObject reentrancy(int reentrancy) { + this.reentrancy = reentrancy; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the timestamp dependency vulnerability score. + * + * @param timestamp the timestamp dependency score + * + * @return the updated {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} instance + */ + public VulnerabilitiesObject timestamp(int timestamp) { + this.timestamp = timestamp; + return this; + } + + /** + * Sets the tx. origin vulnerability score. + * + * @param txOrigin the tx. origin score + * + * @return the updated {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} instance + */ + public VulnerabilitiesObject txOrigin(int txOrigin) { + this.txOrigin = txOrigin; + return this; + } + + /** + * Builds a new {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} with the specified values. + * + * @return a new {@code VulnerabilitiesObject} instance + */ + public VulnerabilitiesObject build() { + return new VulnerabilitiesObject(reentrancy, timestamp, txOrigin, json); + } + + /** + * Returns the JSON representation of this object. + * + * @return a {@code JSONObject} representing this object + */ + public JSONObject toJson() { + return json; + } + + /** + * Returns a formatted string representation of this object. + * + * @return a formatted JSON string + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + return toJson().toString(4); + } + + /** + * Logs the vulnerability scores of the given {@code VulnerabilitiesObject}. + * + * @param vulnerabilities the vulnerabilities object to log + */ + public static void printVulnerabilities(VulnerabilitiesObject vulnerabilities) { + log.info("Reentrancy: {}", vulnerabilities.getReentrancy()); + log.info("Timestamp dependency: {}", vulnerabilities.getTimestamp()); + log.info("Tx.Origin: {}", vulnerabilities.getTxOrigin()); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml b/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml index 4ac48d0d6..d7242ab00 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml +++ b/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/EVMBytecodeGroundTruth.java b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/EVMBytecodeGroundTruth.java index 3793f7994..29415a252 100644 --- a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/EVMBytecodeGroundTruth.java +++ b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/EVMBytecodeGroundTruth.java @@ -1,37 +1,11 @@ package it.unipr.analysis.cron; import it.unipr.EVMLiSA; -import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStack; -import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStackSet; -import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyLogger; -import it.unipr.checker.JumpSolver; -import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; -import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; -import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; -import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; -import it.unive.lisa.analysis.nonrelational.value.TypeEnvironment; -import it.unive.lisa.analysis.types.InferredTypes; -import it.unive.lisa.conf.LiSAConfiguration; -import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.ModularWorstCaseAnalysis; -import it.unive.lisa.interprocedural.callgraph.RTACallGraph; -import it.unive.lisa.program.Program; -import java.io.BufferedReader; -import java.io.File; -import java.io.FileReader; -import java.io.IOException; -import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; -import java.nio.file.Files; +import it.unipr.utils.JSONManager; +import it.unipr.utils.StatisticsObject; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; -import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; -import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; -import java.util.concurrent.Executors; -import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; +import java.util.Set; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Test; @@ -45,379 +19,69 @@ public class EVMBytecodeGroundTruth { @Test public void testGroundTruth() throws Exception { - String GROUND_TRUTH_FILE_PATH = Paths - .get("evm-testcases", "ground-truth", "ground-truth-data.csv") - .toString(); - String RESULT_EXEC_DIR_PATH = Paths - .get("evm-testcases", "ground-truth", "test-ground-truth-results") - .toString(); - String RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH = Paths - .get("evm-testcases", "ground-truth", "test-ground-truth-results", "statistics.csv") - .toString(); - String SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH = Paths - .get("benchmark", "50-ground-truth.txt") - .toString(); + Path WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH = Paths.get("evm-testcases", "ground-truth", "50-ground-truth"); + Path GROUND_TRUTH_FILE_PATH = WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH.resolve("ground-truth-data.json"); + Path SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH = Paths.get("benchmark", "50-ground-truth.txt"); - AbstractStack.setStackLimit(32); - AbstractStackSet.setStackSetSize(8); boolean changed = false; - long smartContractListTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + EVMLiSA.setStackLimit(32); + EVMLiSA.setStackSetSize(8); + EVMLiSA.setWorkingDirectory(WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH); + EVMLiSA.setCores(6); + EVMLiSA.setTestMode(); + EVMLiSA.analyzeSetOfContracts(SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); - if (new File(RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH).delete()) - log.warn("File deleted {}", RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH); + Set groundTruthData = JSONManager.readStatsFromJSON(GROUND_TRUTH_FILE_PATH); + Set newData = JSONManager.readStatsFromJSON( + WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH.resolve("set-of-contracts").resolve("results.json")); - List smartContracts = EVMLiSA.readSmartContractsFromFile(SMARTCONTRACTS_FULLPATH); + log.info("Ground truth size: {}", groundTruthData.size()); + log.info("New data size: {}", newData.size()); - int cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 3 * 2; - ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(cores > 0 ? cores : 1); + assert groundTruthData.size() == newData.size(); - for (String address : smartContracts) { - executor.submit(() -> { - try { - MyLogger myStats = newAnalysis(address, RESULT_EXEC_DIR_PATH); + for (StatisticsObject groundTruthStats : groundTruthData) { + for (StatisticsObject newStats : newData) { + if (groundTruthStats.getAddress().equals(newStats.getAddress()) + && !groundTruthStats.equals(newStats)) { - if (myStats.jumpSize() != 0) { - synchronized (RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH) { - EVMLiSA.toFile(RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH, myStats.toString()); - } - } - } catch (Exception e) { - log.error("Error processing contract {}: {}", address, e.getMessage(), e); - } - }); - } - - // Shutdown the executor and wait for completion - executor.shutdown(); - if (!executor.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)) { - log.error("Timeout reached while waiting for thread pool to terminate."); - executor.shutdownNow(); - } - smartContractListTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - smartContractListTime; - - List smartContractList = readStatsFromCSV(RESULT_EXEC_FILE_PATH); - List smartContractGroundTruthList = readStatsFromCSV(GROUND_TRUTH_FILE_PATH); - long smartContractGroundTruthListTime = 0; - - assert smartContractList.size() == smartContractGroundTruthList.size(); - - for (SmartContractData truthSC : smartContractGroundTruthList) { - for (SmartContractData newSC : smartContractList) { - - if (truthSC.getAddress().equals(newSC.getAddress())) { - - smartContractGroundTruthListTime += truthSC.getTimeMillis(); - - if (!truthSC.equals(newSC)) { - if (!changed) - System.err.println("\n*******************************************\n"); + if (!changed) + System.err.println("\n*******************************************\n"); - changed = true; - System.err.printf("%s\n", truthSC.getAddress()); + changed = true; + System.err.printf("%s\n", groundTruthStats.getAddress()); - if (truthSC.getSolvedJumps() != newSC.getSolvedJumps()) { - System.err.println("\tSolved Jumps"); - System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", truthSC.getSolvedJumps(), - newSC.getSolvedJumps()); - } - if (truthSC.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps() != newSC.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps()) { - System.err.println("\tDefinitely Unreachable Jumps"); - System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", truthSC.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps(), - newSC.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps()); - } - if (truthSC.getMaybeUnreachableJumps() != newSC.getMaybeUnreachableJumps()) { - System.err.println("\tMaybe Unreachable Jumps"); - System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", truthSC.getMaybeUnreachableJumps(), - newSC.getMaybeUnreachableJumps()); - } - if (truthSC.getUnsoundJumps() != newSC.getUnsoundJumps()) { - System.err.println("\tUnsolved Jumps"); - System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", truthSC.getUnsoundJumps(), - newSC.getUnsoundJumps()); - } - if (truthSC.getMaybeUnsoundJumps() != newSC.getMaybeUnsoundJumps()) { - System.err.println("\tMaybe Unsound Jumps"); - System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", truthSC.getMaybeUnsoundJumps(), - newSC.getMaybeUnsoundJumps()); - } + if (groundTruthStats.getResolvedJumps() != newStats.getResolvedJumps()) { + System.err.println("\tSolved Jumps"); + System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", groundTruthStats.getResolvedJumps(), + newStats.getResolvedJumps()); } - - smartContractList.remove(newSC); + if (groundTruthStats.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps() != newStats.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps()) { + System.err.println("\tDefinitely Unreachable Jumps"); + System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", groundTruthStats.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps(), + newStats.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps()); + } + if (groundTruthStats.getMaybeUnreachableJumps() != newStats.getMaybeUnreachableJumps()) { + System.err.println("\tMaybe Unreachable Jumps"); + System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", groundTruthStats.getMaybeUnreachableJumps(), + newStats.getMaybeUnreachableJumps()); + } + if (groundTruthStats.getUnsoundJumps() != newStats.getUnsoundJumps()) { + System.err.println("\tUnsolved Jumps"); + System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", groundTruthStats.getUnsoundJumps(), + newStats.getUnsoundJumps()); + } + if (groundTruthStats.getMaybeUnsoundJumps() != newStats.getMaybeUnsoundJumps()) { + System.err.println("\tMaybe Unsound Jumps"); + System.err.printf("\t\tTruth: %s, New: %s\n", groundTruthStats.getMaybeUnsoundJumps(), + newStats.getMaybeUnsoundJumps()); + } + newData.remove(newStats); break; } } } - assert !changed; - } - - private MyLogger newAnalysis(String CONTRACT_ADDR, String RESULT_EXEC_DIR_PATH) throws Exception { - Path bytecodeDir = Paths.get(RESULT_EXEC_DIR_PATH, "benchmark", CONTRACT_ADDR); - String BYTECODE_DIR = bytecodeDir.toString(); - - Path bytecodeFullPath = bytecodeDir.resolve(CONTRACT_ADDR + ".bytecode"); - String BYTECODE_FULLPATH = bytecodeFullPath.toString(); - - // Directory setup and bytecode retrieval - Files.createDirectories(bytecodeDir); - - // If the file does not exist, we will do an API request to Etherscan - File file = new File(BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - if (!file.exists()) { - String bytecode = EVMFrontend.parseContractFromEtherscan(CONTRACT_ADDR); - EVMFrontend.opcodesFromBytecode(bytecode, BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - } - - // Configuration and test run - Program program = EVMFrontend.generateCfgFromFile(BYTECODE_FULLPATH); - - long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - LiSAConfiguration conf = new LiSAConfiguration(); - conf.serializeInputs = false; - conf.abstractState = new SimpleAbstractState<>(new MonolithicHeap(), new EVMAbstractState(CONTRACT_ADDR), - new TypeEnvironment<>(new InferredTypes())); - conf.jsonOutput = false; - conf.workdir = BYTECODE_DIR; - conf.interproceduralAnalysis = new ModularWorstCaseAnalysis<>(); - JumpSolver checker = new JumpSolver(); - conf.semanticChecks.add(checker); - conf.callGraph = new RTACallGraph(); - conf.serializeResults = false; - conf.optimize = false; - - LiSA lisa = new LiSA(conf); - lisa.run(program); - - // Print the results - long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); - - return EVMLiSA.dumpStatistics(checker, null) - .address(CONTRACT_ADDR) - .time(finish - start) - .timeLostToGetStorage(MyCache.getInstance().getTimeLostToGetStorage(CONTRACT_ADDR)) - .build(); - } - - /** - * Reads data from a CSV file and populates a list of - * {@link SmartContractData} objects. - * - * @param csvPath the path to the CSV file containing the smart contract - * statistics - * - * @return a {@code List} containing the data read from - * the CSV file - * - * @throws NullPointerException if {@code csvPath} is {@code null} The CSV - * file is expected to have the following - * columns: Smart Contract, Total Opcodes, - * Total Jumps, Solved Jumps, Definitely - * unreachable jumps, Maybe unreachable - * jumps, Total solved Jumps, Unsound - * jumps, Maybe unsound jumps, % Total - * Solved, Time (millis), Time lost to get - * Storage, Actual time, Notes. Each line - * after the header represents one smart - * contract data entry, and the method - * converts each line into a - * {@link SmartContractData} object and - * adds it to the list. If an - * {@link IOException} occurs during - * reading, the exception's stack trace - * will be printed. - */ - private List readStatsFromCSV(String csvPath) { - if (csvPath == null) - throw new NullPointerException("csvPath is null"); - - List smartContractList = new ArrayList<>(); - String line; - String csvSeparator = ","; - - try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvPath))) { - line = br.readLine(); // Skip the header - - while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { - String[] values = line.split(csvSeparator); - smartContractList.add(new SmartContractData(values)); - } - } catch (IOException e) { - System.err.println("private List readStatsFromCSV(String csvPath): " + e.getMessage()); - } - - return smartContractList; - } - - /** - * Represents data related to a smart contract, including various statistics - * about opcodes, jumps, and execution times. This class provides methods to - * access individual data points and constructs objects from an array of - * values typically read from a CSV file. - */ - private class SmartContractData { - private final String _address; - private final int _totalOpcodes; - private final int _totalJumps; - private final int _solvedJumps; - private final int _definitelyUnreachableJumps; - private final int _maybeUnreachableJumps; - private final int _totalSolvedJumps; - private final int _unsoundJumps; - private final int _maybeUnsoundJumps; - private final double _percentageTotalSolved; - private final long _timeMillis; - private final long _timeLostToGetStorage; - private final long _actualTime; - private final String _notes; - - public SmartContractData(String[] values) { - if (values == null) - throw new NullPointerException("String[] values == null"); - this._address = values[0].trim(); - this._totalOpcodes = Integer.parseInt(values[1].trim()); - this._totalJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[2].trim()); - this._solvedJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[3].trim()); - this._definitelyUnreachableJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[4].trim()); - this._maybeUnreachableJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[5].trim()); - this._totalSolvedJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[6].trim()); - this._unsoundJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[7].trim()); - this._maybeUnsoundJumps = Integer.parseInt(values[8].trim()); - this._percentageTotalSolved = Double.parseDouble(values[9].trim()); - this._timeMillis = Long.parseLong(values[10].trim()); - this._timeLostToGetStorage = Long.parseLong(values[11].trim()); - this._actualTime = Long.parseLong(values[12].trim()); - this._notes = values[13].trim(); - } - - public String getAddress() { - return _address; - } - - public int getTotalOpcodes() { - return _totalOpcodes; - } - - public int getTotalJumps() { - return _totalJumps; - } - - public int getSolvedJumps() { - return _solvedJumps; - } - - public int getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps() { - return _definitelyUnreachableJumps; - } - - public int getMaybeUnreachableJumps() { - return _maybeUnreachableJumps; - } - - public int getTotalSolvedJumps() { - return _totalSolvedJumps; - } - - public int getUnsoundJumps() { - return _unsoundJumps; - } - - public int getMaybeUnsoundJumps() { - return _maybeUnsoundJumps; - } - - public double getPercentageTotalSolved() { - return _percentageTotalSolved; - } - - public long getTimeMillis() { - return _timeMillis; - } - public long getTimeLostToGetStorage() { - return _timeLostToGetStorage; - } - - public long getActualTime() { - return _actualTime; - } - - public String getNotes() { - return _notes; - } - - public void print() { - System.out.println("Address: " + _address); - System.out.println("Total Opcodes: " + _totalOpcodes); - System.out.println("Total Jumps: " + _totalJumps); - System.out.println("Solved Jumps: " + _solvedJumps); - System.out.println("Definitely Unreachable Jumps: " + _definitelyUnreachableJumps); - System.out.println("Maybe Unreachable Jumps: " + _maybeUnreachableJumps); - System.out.println("Total Solved Jumps: " + _totalSolvedJumps); - System.out.println("Unsound Jumps: " + _unsoundJumps); - System.out.println("Maybe Unsound Jumps: " + _maybeUnsoundJumps); - System.out.println("Percentage of Total Solved: " + _percentageTotalSolved); - System.out.println("Time (Millis): " + _timeMillis); - System.out.println("Time Lost to Get Storage: " + _timeLostToGetStorage); - System.out.println("Actual Time: " + _actualTime); - System.out.println("Notes: " + _notes); - System.out.println("-------------------------------"); - } - - @Override - public boolean equals(Object obj) { - if (obj == null) - return false; - if (!(obj instanceof SmartContractData)) - return false; - - SmartContractData other = (SmartContractData) obj; - - return this._address.equals(other.getAddress()) && - this._solvedJumps == other.getSolvedJumps() && - this._definitelyUnreachableJumps == other.getDefinitelyUnreachableJumps() && - this._maybeUnreachableJumps == other.getMaybeUnreachableJumps() && - this._unsoundJumps == other.getUnsoundJumps() && - this._maybeUnsoundJumps == other.getMaybeUnsoundJumps(); - } - } - - /** - * Deletes all files and subdirectories within the specified directory, and - * then deletes the directory itself. - * - * @param pathDir the path of the directory to be cleared If the directory - * exists, this method uses - * {@link java.nio.file.Files#walkFileTree} to - * recursively visit all files and subdirectories, - * deleting each one. If the directory or any of its - * contents cannot be deleted, an error message is - * printed to {@code System.err}. - */ - private void clearDirectory(String pathDir) { - if (pathDir == null) - return; - Path path = Paths.get(pathDir); - - if (Files.exists(path)) { - try { - Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() { - @Override - public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { - Files.delete(file); - return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; - } - - @Override - public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { - Files.delete(dir); - return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; - } - }); - - System.out.println("Directory " + pathDir + " deleted."); - } catch (IOException e) { - System.err.println("Error deleting " + pathDir + ": " + e); - } - } + assert !changed; } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SmartBugsReentrancyTruth.java b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SmartBugsReentrancyTruth.java index 5c9bc31d5..632fb8032 100644 --- a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SmartBugsReentrancyTruth.java +++ b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SmartBugsReentrancyTruth.java @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStack; import it.unipr.analysis.AbstractStackSet; import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.checker.JumpSolver; import it.unipr.checker.ReentrancyChecker; import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; diff --git a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFIReentrancyTruth.java b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFIReentrancyTruth.java index 34b86d369..eb683990a 100644 --- a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFIReentrancyTruth.java +++ b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFIReentrancyTruth.java @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ package it.unipr.analysis.cron.checker; import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.checker.JumpSolver; import it.unipr.checker.ReentrancyChecker; import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; diff --git a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFITxOriginTruth.java b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFITxOriginTruth.java index 6218658b1..41439bf18 100644 --- a/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFITxOriginTruth.java +++ b/src/test/java/it/unipr/analysis/cron/checker/SolidiFITxOriginTruth.java @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ package it.unipr.analysis.cron.checker; import it.unipr.analysis.EVMAbstractState; -import it.unipr.analysis.MyCache; import it.unipr.analysis.taint.TxOriginAbstractDomain; import it.unipr.checker.JumpSolver; import it.unipr.checker.TxOriginChecker; import it.unipr.frontend.EVMFrontend; +import it.unipr.utils.MyCache; import it.unive.lisa.LiSA; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SimpleAbstractState; import it.unive.lisa.analysis.heap.MonolithicHeap; diff --git a/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml b/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml index e13c8e911..70fee0929 100644 --- a/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml +++ b/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml @@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ + \ No newline at end of file