need swapoff -a to disable swap. centOS guide
when the machine restart, need swapoff -a to disable swap, then api and controller will auto start.
- login to master node and extra the kube config kubectl config view --flatten --minify > cluster-cert.txt cat cluster-cert.txt
- copy the kube configure to local kubectl --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig get nodes.
Master Node 3 key components:
- API Server: statefulless, heart. can have multi api-server if there is multiple master node.
- Controller Manager: statefulless, manage pod replication. has various controller, like node controller, endpoint controller, namespace controller etc.
- Scheduler: statefulless, pod scheduler, decide the pod scheduled to which nodes.
- ETCD: storage, only work with API Server
- kubelet: running in worker node. register itself to master node. collects worker node status to master node.
- kube-proxy: redirect request to pod for services, use Round Robin algorithm.
- Container Runtime: docker, etc
CoreDNS: Service Discovery in k8s, available since k8s 1.11. KubeDNS and CoreDNS are used for k8s services discovery, they are mapping the services/pod name with to the correct ip address. KubeDNS vs CoreDNS
debug coreDNS * kubectl create -f * check dns
kubectl exec -it busybox -- nslookup <servicesname>
Web UI (Dashboard):
CNI: Container network interface. More about CNI
Check the object spec kubectl explain pod.spec
Auto generate password using helm function
function reference
create helm chart
{{ | default (derivePassword 1 "long" uuidv4 .Release.Name .Chart.Name) | b64enc }}
or use uuidv4 directly
{{ | default uuidv4 | b64enc }}
auto generate secrets values
kubectl create secret generic <name> --from-literal=consoleApiKey=$(head -c 512 /dev/urandom | LC_CTYPE=C tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 32) --namespace <your namespace>
secrets type: Opaque
means secrets is unstructured, could contains any kinds of key/value. in contrast, there are secrets types which k8s understanding.
static pod: controlled by kubelet, not apiserver. Running in a node for long time. kubelet scan the
and create the static pods.type=pod
Pod life cycle
Pending --> Running (at least one container is in running status) --> Succeed (all container stopped and not restart) --> Failed (at least one container failed) --> Unknown
pod definitation as below, using hostNetwork
or hostPort
hostNetwork: true
- name: sample
- containerPort: 8080
hostPort: 18080
With hostNetwork=true
, the all the port in the pod will map to the node network. if hostPort
is specific, must equals to containerPort
hostNetwork means docker is using --net=host
With hostNetwork=false
(default), we can set the ports level containerPort
and hostPort
, to map one port to the node network. hostPort
is the actually port in host.
Using <nodeip>:<hostPort>
to access the pod services. make sure check which node the pod is running and using that specific node ip address.
- stop pod
the pod will be delete anyway in 60 seconds, default 30 seconds. kubectl delete deployment test --grace-period=60
if readness
failed, server offline. if liveness
failed, restart container.
- Liveness: container level health check. Based on restartPolicy (Always
(container exit),OnFailure (container exit not 0),Never) to restart container. when container in exit status, kubelet will restart the container in a delay way, 10s, 20s, 40s ... 300s ? when container in running status longer than 10 minutes, reset the delay value. - Readness: service level health check. remove the service from load balance.
three type:
(check if shell return 0), TCPSocketAction
(check if port is open), HTTPGetAction
(check response code between [200,400))
Best Practice: liveness and readness use same way, and readness set longer internal than liveness.
- Using Job. for the pod expected to stop.
- Using
, ReplicaSet, ReplicationController. for the pod not expected stop. - Using DaemonSet
Handle the dependency of service/pod. if multi initContainers
exists, will execute in sequence per defined in yaml. initContainers
execute before services container starts. if the initContainers
failed, the pods will failed.
- postStart: execute after the pod starts. but we are not sure which one is first compared with
- preStop: execute before pod stop. but pod will still stop if the pod
is reach.
Label could be applied to any object in k8s, like deployment, pod, node, service etc.
kubectl get all --show-labels
kubectl get pod -l a=b
- Label selector
equal based.
expression based.
- app: nginx
- name: tao
{key: tier, operator: in,values: [cache]}
RS support expression based label selector
while RC does not. this is the only difference.
(k8s v1.2) wrap the RS, use deployment, we can see the pod deployment progress. and deployment support rollback,stop and resume.
pause deployment
kubectl rollout pause
resume deployment
kubectl rollout resume
check upgrade status
kubectl rollout status
check upgrade history, to see the history, need add --record=true
kubectl rollout history <> --to-revision=2
kubectl rollout undo <> --to-revision=2
scale up
kubectl scale <> --replicas=10
auto scale with hpa
kubectl autoscale <> --min=10 --max=15 --cpu-percent=80
Relationship: Deployment --> Replica Sets --> Pods Naming: --> - --> --
A services yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
- name:
port: # the port on clusterIP
targetPort: # the target pod ports to map, the routing will finally reach this port inner the pod.
nodePort: # the port on node ip, if services type is NodePort, use this value to access the services from outside
type: NodePort/ClusterIP/LoadBalancer
when a services is created, endpoints will be created for each pod and each port in the pod.
and NodePort
are all services type. Ingress is not a type of service
means the services is exposed to cluster internal ip. To reach the ClusterIp from an external source, you can open a Kubernetes proxy between the external source and the cluster. This is usually only used for development. we can create dns mapping for services name and clusterip to solve the service discovery.
means services exposed to each node level which can be access from external using <nodeIP>:<nodePort>
means services exposed to public cloud load balance in external. using a cloud provider’s load balancer solution. and load balance will map to automatically created nodePort.
Expensive: One load Balancer per service
For both <clusterip>:<port>
or <nodeip>:<nodeport>
access, the kube-proxy will create a access rule in iptables to reroute the access.
Ingress acts like reverse proxy, which exposed it self as nodeport, clusterip or loadbalancer, and redirect the rule based on the configuration rules to clusterips.
Cheap: One load balance for multiple services
Reference clusterip vs nodeport and ingress
How services routed to pod, iptables vs ipvs
Services Discovery
- clusterip: use iptables route
- NodePort: use iptables route
- LoadBalancer: different cloud provider use different impl. will auto assign an external ip. tencent use iptables.
- Ingress nginx/traefik, 7 layer
- Istio: Ingress gateway, 7 layer
- hostnetwork:
docker use hostnetwork, use another services to register and manage the port. serivces is mapped to port.
Expose service
Service could be exposed on deployment, pod , service, rc, rs level
kubectl -n xxx expose [pod/deployment/service/rc/rs] xxx --name=<service name>. --port=<port service will expose>. --target-port=<port service port will redirect to> --protocol=<tcp or udp, tcp is default> --type=[ClusterIP(default), NodePort, or LoadBalancer] --external-ip=<external ip which could routed to the svc>
if --port
is not specific, will use the default port the resource exposed.
Using ClusterIP
can also expose a port on a
node. but NodePort
will expose port on all nodes.
kubectl -n xxx expose deployment xxx --name=xxx --type=ClusterIP --external-ip=<a node ip>
Expose Logic
will expose spec.clusterIp
, so service could only be accessed from virtual clusterip and port. clusterIP svc looks like below. if externalIP is set --external-ip=xxxx
, then ClusterIP
will expose
and spec.externalIPs[*]
my-service-clusterip ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 41m
will expose the following:
exposed on all nodes ip with static port nodePort
exposed on clusterIP with port
when request comes to NodeIP:nodePort
, request will be redirect to clusterIP:port
and then redirect to targetPort
NodePort looks like this, when create NodePort, nodeport can not be assigned, which will generated automatically.
my-service-nodeport2 NodePort <none> 8080:38717/TCP 15m
will expose the following:
expose the port
to balanceIP.
expose the nodePort to node ips.
expose the port on clusterIP.
we can access the loadBalanceIP:port
, request will routed to nodeIP:nodePort
, then to clusterIP:port
, then to targetPort
LoadBalancer looks like:
my-service LoadBalancer <pending> 8080:4123/TCP 55m
A diagram from web for those three
kubectl port-forward [service/pod/deployment/rs]. local:remote kubectl port-forward service/xxx 5454:5432
type=Job, restartPolicy=Never
kubectl create configmap <> --from-file=<>
# key is filename, value is filecontent
kubectl create configmap <> --from-env-file=<>
key/value are defined in file
Reference config map in Pod.
- Use as env , when configure map is recreate, the env will not update.
- Use as volumn. when configure map is recreate, the volumn will update.
Etcd has size limitation (1M) for the values under one entry. so the configure map has a size limitation.
. similar with Deployment, for deploy a list of pod, but makesure there is one pod running in each node. and make sure the pod can not be delete. new node added to cluster will auto create the DaemonSet pod.
Classic scenario: need a process run in every node for storage, log collecting, monitoring etc. different with static pod , DaemonSet is controlled by apiserver and kubectl.
kubectl delete daemonSet <> --cascade=false
only delete daemonSet, not delete pod. default will delete all pod under this DaemonSet.
Can ensure the pod deploy in sequence and give each pod a unique pod name.
User defined message.
add label
kubectl label node <> key=value
remove label
kubectl label node <> key-
Operators is a special controller which extends the k8s api and hook the change of a series of CR, and based on the changes of the CR and do some actions.
could be recognized as the 'first' operator and all other operator is created after that.
To create a operator
- create the CRD
- impl the Resource Controlled CRD points to
- create CR for the CRD.
- debug.
two ways to add CR
- use crd
- use AA (Aggregation api)
The steps to create a CRD
- create the CRD definitation. the crd definiation may includes following a. if using openAPI/v3, include the validation. b. define the crd name, names, shortname, type, category, api endpoints etc. c. use kubectl apply xxx.yaml to create the crd.
- according to the crd definiation, create the cr. a. cr follow the crd defined endpoint, name,type etc. b. use kubectl apply xxx.yaml
Classification by priority
Guaranteed: ensure. first priority. limits=request or only has limits. m=1/1000 cpu
resources: # limits is the resource limitation limits: cpu: 10m memory: 1Gi # requests is how much we request. requests: cpu: 10m memory: 1Gi
Burstable: Set resource but not the above.
Best-Effort: share resource, try best. lowest priority. Not set resource
Kubelet resource recyle policy. if no available resource (memory,not cpu), will first kill Best_Effort, then Burstable then Guaranteed, to make sure kubelet can run successfully.
Classification by resource type
CPU: if cpu usage in pod exceed the limits, cpu resource will reduced in pod.
Memory: if memory used in pod exceed the limits, pod will be killed.
scheduler the pod running in a certain node. Two phase
pre-select. Predicates filter out the un-satisfied node. request(pod) = Max(Max(request(initContainer1),...), SUM(request(container))) success = request(pod) < node.allocatable - node.requested
kubectl describe node Capacity: cpu: 2 ephemeral-storage: 244198912Ki hugepages-1Gi: 0 hugepages-2Mi: 0 memory: 8009304Ki pods: 110 Allocatable: cpu: 2 ephemeral-storage: 225053716927 hugepages-1Gi: 0 hugepages-2Mi: 0 memory: 7906904Ki pods: 110
best-select. Priority find out the best node to schedule.
exactly match the node labelnodeSelector: diskType: ssd key: value
upgrade version of nodeSelector. check the node and used for pod looking for node. * Support in, NotIn. support enum of label, like zone in [label1,label2...] * Support required(hard condition) and preferred(soft condition) conditionrequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoreDuringException
: must match, but after pod deployed if condition change, pod will not removed from node. multi condition is or.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoreDuringException
: better to match, but after pod deployed if condition change, pod will not removed from node. c.podAffinity
checking the existed pod running in node used for pod looking for node.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoreDuringException
: must match, but after pod deployed if condition change, pod will not removed from node. multi condition is and.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoreDuringException
: better to match, but after pod deployed if condition change, pod will not removed from node.`podAntiAffinity` use same process with `podAffinity`, just get `!{result}` the scope of the topolog search ` ` ` `
Taints: Added on node. a special label witheffect
, avoid pod deploy to a special node.taints: - effect: NoSchedule/PreferNoSchedule key: key1 value: value1
Tolerations: Added on pod. ignore a Taints
- exactly match: key=value:effect
- match any value: if value is null and operator is Exists
- match any effect: effect is null.
tolerations: - key: key1 operator: Equal value: value1 effect: NoSchedule
The mini schedule item in k8s is pod. each pod has its own ip (hostNetwork
pod has same ip with host), each container in the pod share same network (using docker container
network model).
Two kinds of network
CNM from docker Container Network Model. Calico, Weave, Docker Swarm overlay, Macvlan, only support docker
CNI from google, CoreOS, k8s Container Network Interface. Calico, Weave, Flannel, kubernetes, Macvlan, support other containers like rkt.
pod -> pod
k8s is using volumns to store the data, volumns does not have QoS restriction.
configmap: start container
secret: start container
emptyDir: temp, emptydir will create a random location in host and will delete when pod delete.
``` containers: ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /containerlocation name: test volumes: - name test emptyDir: {} ```
hostPath: stored in host machine, will not delete while pod delete. can share data between pod.
containers: ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /containerlocation name: test volumes: - name test hostPath: #host directory path: /data
nfs: persistent
cephfs: persistent
GlusterFS: persistent
Cloud: persistent
PersistentVolume and PVC
The storage object in k8s, claim a storage with a certain type and capacity.
* static mode: Create PV and create `PersistentVolumnClaim`, use PVC to bind with pod.
* dynamic mode: Create `storageClass`, then create `PersistentVolumnClaim` and use PVC to bind with pod.
kubectl cluster-info
journalctl -u kubelet
isolate a node, once cordon, no new pod will be scheduled on this node.
kubectl cordon/uncordon <node>
bootstrap token can retrieved using kubeadm token list
apiserver need enable -enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer qpafj9.i2g5lucthim4wkgc" -k
check kubelet log
journalctl -u kubelet
both master and work nodes
swapoff -a
systemctl start docker
systemctl start kubelet
Use openssl to generate self certification for x509 client authentication.
- Generate private key for CA, ca.key
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
- based on the ca.key to generate the x509 ca certificate
is the ip address this ca.cert will locates.
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -subj "/CN=${master_ip}" -days 1000 -out ca.crt
- Generate the server private key server.key
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
- Create configuration file
to generate csr (certification signing request).
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
req_extensions = req_ext
distinguished_name = dn
[ dn ]
C = <country>
ST = <state>
L = <city>
O = <organization>
OU = <organization unit>
[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 = kubernetes
DNS.2 = kubernetes.default
DNS.3 = kubernetes.default.svc
DNS.4 = kubernetes.default.svc.cluster
DNS.5 = kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
[ v3_ext ]
- Generate teh certificate signing request based on the csr.conf
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config csr.conf
- Using server.csr to generate the certificate. server.crt is based on ca.key, ca.crt and server.csr
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key \
-CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 10000 \
-extensions v3_ext -extfile csr.conf
- create a service account
kubectl create serviceaccount api-service-account
- grant privilege for this service account
kubectl create -f
- Get token from the services account
kubectl get secrets $(kubectl get serviceaccount api-service-account -o json | jq -Mr '.secrets[].name') -o json | jq -Mr '.data.token' | base64 -D
- get k8s endpoints
kubectl get endpoints | grep kubernetes
- this token could be used to access k8s api
curl -k https://<ip>/api/v1/namespaces -H "Authorization: Bearer $token"
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text > /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 0
change it to 1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1