# sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
# sudo dnf install terminus-fonts-console
Create /mnt/readyshare/
[Unit files]
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable mnt-readyshare.automount
Add repositories rpmfusion-free
& rpmfusion-free-updates
Test hardware acceleration for h264/h265 with nvtop
- Dash to Panel
- Disable workspace switcher overlay
- Rounded Window Corners Reborn
- User Themes
- Vitals
- Workspace Indicator
- Color Picker
- Hide top bar
- OpenWeather Refined
- Tiling Shell
Requires User Themes extension
Join separate FLAC files into single FLAC
# shntool join *.flac -o flac
Embed CUE file into flac
# metaflac --import-cuesheet-from="album.cue" --set-tag-from-file="CUESHEET=album.cue" "album.flac"