From 52eb1dc1197657a023fb84196670540d1bca5f54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: XiaoBaiYun <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 17:51:02 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] revert

 tktermwidget/ | 335 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 335 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tktermwidget/

diff --git a/tktermwidget/ b/tktermwidget/
deleted file mode 100644
index cc41f2a..0000000
--- a/tktermwidget/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-"""Tkinter Terminal widget"""
-from __future__ import annotations
-from os import chdir, getcwd, path
-from pathlib import Path
-from platform import system
-from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
-from tkinter import Event, Misc, Text
-from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Scrollbar
-from platformdirs import user_cache_dir
-if __name__ == "__main__":  # For develop
-    from style import DEFAULT
-    from .style import DEFAULT
-HISTORY_PATH = Path(user_cache_dir("tktermwidget"))
-HISTORY_FILE = HISTORY_PATH / "history.txt"
-SYSTEM = system()
-SIGN = "$ "
-if SYSTEM == "Windows":  # Check if platform is windows
-    from subprocess import CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
-    SIGN = ">"
-class AutoHideScrollbar(Scrollbar):
-    """Scrollbar that automatically hides when not needed"""
-    def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
-        Scrollbar.__init__(self, master=master, **kwargs)
-    def set(self, first: int, last: int):
-        """Set the Scrollbar"""
-        if float(first) <= 0.0 and float(last) >= 1.0:
-            self.grid_remove()
-        else:
-            self.grid()
-        Scrollbar.set(self, first, last)
-class Terminal(Frame):
-    """A terminal widget for tkinter applications
-    Args:
-        master (Misc): The parent widget
-        style (dict, optional): Set the style for the Terminal widget
-        filehistory (str, optional): Set your own file history instead of the normal
-        autohide (bool, optional): Whether to autohide the scrollbars. Set true to enable.
-        *args: Arguments for the text widget
-        **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the text widget
-    Methods for outside use:
-        None
-    Methods for internal use:
-        up (Event) -> str: Goes up in the history
-        down (Event) -> str: Goes down in the history
-        (If the user is at the bottom of the history, it clears the command)
-        left (Event) -> str: Goes left in the command if the index is greater than the directory
-        (So the user can't delete the directory or go left of it)
-        kill (Event) -> str: Kills the current command
-        check (Event) -> None: Update cursor and check it if is out of the edit range
-        execute (Event) -> str: Execute the command"""
-    def __init__(
-        self, master: Misc, style: dict = DEFAULT, filehistory: str = None, autohide: bool = False, *args, **kwargs
-    ):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master)
-        # Set row and column weights
-        self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
-        self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
-        # Create text widget and x, y scrollbar
- dict = style
-        horizontal: bool = False
-        scrollbar = Scrollbar if not autohide else AutoHideScrollbar
-        if kwargs.get("wrap", "char") == "none":
-            self.xscroll = scrollbar(self, orient="horizontal")
-            horizontal = True
-        self.yscroll = scrollbar(self)
-        self.text = Text(
-            self,
-            *args,
-            wrap=kwargs.get("wrap", "char"),
-            yscrollcommand=self.yscroll.set,
-            relief=kwargs.get("relief", "flat"),
-            font=kwargs.get("font", ("Cascadia Code", 9, "normal")),
-            foreground=kwargs.get("foreground",["foreground"]),
-            background=kwargs.get("background",["background"]),
-            insertbackground=kwargs.get("insertbackground",["insertbackground"]),
-            selectbackground=kwargs.get("selectbackground",["selectbackground"]),
-            selectforeground=kwargs.get("selectforeground",["selectforeground"]),
-        )
-        if horizontal:
-            self.text.config(xscrollcommand=self.xscroll.set)
-            self.xscroll.config(command=self.text.xview)
-        self.yscroll.config(command=self.text.yview)
-        # Grid widgets
-        self.text.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
-        if horizontal:
-            self.xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
-        self.yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
-        # Init command prompt
-        # Set constants
-        self.longsymbol: str = "\\" if not SYSTEM == "Windows" else "&&"
-        self.filehistory: str = HISTORY_FILE if not filehistory else filehistory
-        # Set variables
-        self.index: int = 1
-        self.longcmd: str = ""
-        self.longflag: bool = False
-        self.current_process: Popen | None = None
-        self.cursor: int = self.text.index("insert")
-        self.latest: int = self.cursor
-        # History recorder
-        self.history = open(
-            self.filehistory,
-            "r+",  # Both read and write
-            encoding="utf-8",
-        )
-        self.historys = [i.strip() for i in self.history.readlines()]
-        self.historyindex = len(self.historys) - 1
-        # Bind events
-        self.text.bind("<Up>", self.up, add=True)
-        self.text.bind("<Down>", self.down, add=True)
-        self.text.bind("<Return>", self.execute, add=True)
-        for bind_str in ("<Left>", "<BackSpace>"):
-            self.text.bind(bind_str, self.left, add=True)
-        for bind_str in ("<Return>", "<ButtonRelease-1>", "<Left>", "<Right>"):
-            self.text.bind(bind_str, self.check, add=True)
-        self.text.bind("<Control-KeyPress-c>", self.kill, add=True)  # Isn't working
-        del horizontal
-    def check(self, _: Event) -> None:
-        """Update cursor and check if it is out of the edit range"""
-        self.cursor = self.text.index("insert")  # Update cursor
-        if float(self.cursor) < float(self.latest):
-            for bind_str in ("<KeyPress>", "<KeyPress-BackSpace>"):
-                self.text.bind(bind_str, lambda _: "break", add=True)
-        else:
-            for unbind_str in ("<KeyPress>", "<KeyPress-BackSpace>"):
-                self.text.unbind(unbind_str)
-    def directory(self) -> None:
-        """Insert the directory"""
-        self.text.insert("insert", getcwd() + SIGN)
-    def kill(self, _: Event) -> str:
-        """Kill the current process"""
-        if self.current_process:
-            self.current_process.terminate()
-            self.current_process = None
-        return "break"
-    def execute(self, _: Event) -> str:
-        """Execute the command"""
-        # Get the line from the text
-        cmd = self.text.get(f"{self.index}.0", "end-1c")
-        # Split the command from the line also strip
-        cmd = cmd.split(SIGN)[-1].strip()
-        # TODO: get rid off all return "break" in if statements
-        #       use the flag leave: bool instead of
-        if cmd.endswith(self.longsymbol):
-            self.longcmd += cmd.split(self.longsymbol)[0]
-            self.longflag = True
-            self.newline()
-            return "break"
-        if self.longflag:
-            cmd = self.longcmd + cmd
-            self.longcmd = ""
-            self.longflag = False
-        if cmd:  # Record the command if it isn't empty
-            self.history.write(cmd + "\n")
-            self.historys.append(cmd)
-            self.historyindex = len(self.historys) - 1
-        else:  # Leave the loop
-            self.newline()
-            self.text.see("end")
-            return "break"
-        # Check the command if it is a special command
-        if cmd in ["clear", "cls"]:
-            self.text.delete("1.0", "end")
-            return "break"
-        elif cmd == "exit":
-            self.master.quit()
-        elif cmd.startswith("cd"):  # TAG: is all platform use cd...?
-            if cmd == "cd..":
-                chdir(path.abspath(path.join(getcwd(), "..")))
-            else:
-                chdir(cmd.split()[-1])
-            self.newline()
-            return "break"
-        # Set the insert position is at the end
-        self.text.mark_set("insert", f"{self.index}.end")
-        self.text.see("insert")
-        # TODO: Refactor the way we get output from subprocess
-        # Run the command
-        self.current_process = Popen(
-            cmd,
-            shell=True,
-            stdout=PIPE,
-            stderr=PIPE,
-            stdin=PIPE,
-            text=True,
-            cwd=getcwd(),  # TODO: use dynamtic path instead (see #35)
-            creationflags=CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,
-        )
-        # The following needs to be put in an after so the kill command works
-        # Check if the command was successful
-        returnlines: str = ""
-        errors: str = ""
-        returnlines, errors = self.current_process.communicate()
-        returncode = self.current_process.returncode
-        self.current_process = None
-        if returncode != 0:
-            returnlines += errors  # If the command was unsuccessful, it doesn't give stdout
-        # TODO: Get the success message from the command (see #16)
-        # Output to the text
-        self.newline()
-        for line in returnlines:
-            self.text.insert("insert", line)
-        # Update the text and the index
-        self.index = int(self.text.index("insert").split(".")[0])
-        self.update()
-        print(self.index)
-        del returnlines, errors, returncode, cmd
-        return "break"  # Prevent the default newline character insertion
-    def newline(self) -> None:
-        """Insert a newline"""
-        self.text.insert("insert", "\n")
-        self.index += 1
-    def update(self) -> str:
-        """Update the text widget or the command has no output"""
-        # Insert the directory
-        # Update cursor and check if it is out of the edit range
-        self.check(None)
-        # Update latest index
-        self.latest = self.text.index("insert")
-        # Warp to the end
-        self.text.see("end")
-        return "break"
-    # Keypress
-    def down(self, _: Event) -> str:
-        """Go down in the history"""
-        if self.historyindex < len(self.historys) - 1:
-            self.text.delete(f"{self.index}.0", "end-1c")
-            # Insert the command
-            self.text.insert("insert", self.historys[self.historyindex])
-            self.historyindex += 1
-        else:
-            # Clear the command
-            self.text.delete(f"{self.index}.0", "end-1c")
-        return "break"
-    def left(self, _: Event) -> str | None:
-        """Go left in the command if the command is greater than the path"""
-        insert_index = self.text.index("insert")
-        dir_index = f"{insert_index.split('.')[0]}.{len(getcwd() + SIGN)}"
-        if insert_index == dir_index:
-            del insert_index, dir_index
-            return "break"
-    def up(self, _: Event) -> str:
-        """Go up in the history"""
-        if self.historyindex >= 0:
-            self.text.delete(f"{self.index}.0", "end-1c")
-            # Insert the command
-            self.text.insert("insert", self.historys[self.historyindex])
-            self.historyindex -= 1
-        return "break"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from tkinter import Tk
-    root = Tk()
-    root.withdraw()
-    root.title("Terminal")
-    term = Terminal(root)
-    term.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
-    root.update_idletasks()
-    minimum_width: int = root.winfo_reqwidth()
-    minimum_height: int = root.winfo_reqheight()
-    x_coords = int(root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - minimum_width / 2)
-    y_coords = int(root.wm_maxsize()[1] / 2 - minimum_height / 2)
-    root.geometry(f"{minimum_width}x{minimum_height}+{x_coords}+{y_coords}")
-    root.wm_minsize(minimum_width, minimum_height)
-    root.deiconify()
-    root.mainloop()