SOPS frontend is developed under vue framework. node.js should be installed before local development. Simply visit the official website and install:
Go to frontend/desktop/ and execute the following command to install
npm install
Replace {BK_PAAS_HOST} in all files in frontend/desktop/ with the address of your deployed Blueking Community Edition, and change bk_sops in all files to your new app ID if you have a modified app ID.
Add the following into environment variables in command line:
SITE_URL = The root address of frontend (Usually /
Go to bk_sops/src/frontend/desktop/ and execute the following command to launch the frontend project. The default port is 9000. Then, access the frontend app via http://dev.{BK_PAAS_HOST}:9000/. Backend requests will be automatically forwarded to the django project you launched, which is port 8000.
If you need a proxy for the interface requests in production environment, set the SITE_URL variable in the frontend/desktop/src/assets/html/template.html and frontend/desktop/builds/ files to /o/{APP_CODE}/ (e.g. /o/bk_sops/), replace the target and referer that corresponds to proxyPath in frontend/desktop/builds/ with BK_PAAS_HOST. If you are using HTTPS for production environment, then you need to set the https configuration item to true.
npm run dev
After frontend development is completed, you need to package it before release. Execute the following command in frontend/desktop/ to automatically generate static/dist/ directory in the current directory, which is the packaged frontend resource
npm run build
After frontend packaging is completed, execute the following commands in project directory to collect static resources in static directory.
cd frontend/desktop
npm run build
cd ../..
rm -rf ./static/bk_sops
cp -r ./frontend/desktop/static ./static/bk_sops
rm ./gcloud/core/templates/core/base_vue.html
mv ./static/bk_sops/index.html ./gcloud/core/templates/core/base_vue.html