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t._v(' '), + n('p', [ + t._v( + '目前H5-Dooring的组件都是通过动态加载的方式引入,好处是我们在页面中只会加载我们需要的组件,不需要的组件不会被加载,这样可以提高页面加载的速度,这样做也会出现一些问题,比如一个长页面,配置了很多组件,那么一个页面加载过程可以会触发多次请求,目前还没有遇到性能问题,但后续会逐渐优化这个问题。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + n('h2', { attrs: { id: 'umi3提供的dynamic' } }, [ + n('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#umi3提供的dynamic' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' umi3提供的dynamic'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + n('p', [ + t._v( + '目前组件的动态加载我们采用的umi的dynamic方案,基于它我们上层封装了一个组件动态加载器,原理如下:', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + n('img', { attrs: { src: a(359), alt: 'foo' } }), + t._v(' '), + n('p', [ + t._v('具体代码可以参考Dooring的Github地址:'), + n( + 'a', + { + attrs: { + href: 'https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring', + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [t._v('https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring'), n('OutboundLink')], + 1, + ), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + r.default = i.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/11.a817ab83.js 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[e._v('nodejs')]), + e._v('服务的负载均衡, 运行 '), + _('code', [e._v('pm2 start dist/index.js')]), + e._v('启动生产环境代码'), + ]), + ]), + e._v(' '), + _('p', [ + e._v('也可以将以上步骤集成到gitlab等CI, CD服务中, 进行自动化打包发布, 或者采用'), + _('code', [e._v('docker')]), + e._v('进行容器化部署.'), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + t.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/12.7537ddc3.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/12.7537ddc3.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5d8cde04 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/12.7537ddc3.js @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [12], + { + 361: function(t, e, s) { + t.exports = s.p + 'assets/img/preview-machine.895a0711.png'; + }, + 392: function(t, e, s) { + 'use strict'; + s.r(e); + var a = s(42), + n = Object(a.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || e; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('h1', { attrs: { id: '真机预览' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#真机预览' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 真机预览'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('真机预览和网页预览的流程类似,工作流程如下:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('img', { attrs: { src: s(361), alt: 'foo' } }), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('由于不同机型预览的效果有些许不同,最终效果以实际看到的为主。')]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = n.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/13.c7b7a778.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/13.c7b7a778.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65a3abac --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/13.c7b7a778.js @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [13], + { + 364: function(t, s, e) { + t.exports = e.p + 'assets/img/screenshot.daeecedd.png'; + }, + 395: function(t, s, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.r(s); + var a = e(42), + i = Object(a.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + s = this._self._c || t; + return s('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': this.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + s('h1', { attrs: { id: '截图功能' } }, [ + s('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#截图功能' } }, [ + this._v('#'), + ]), + this._v(' 截图功能'), + ]), + this._v(' '), + s('p', [ + this._v( + '截图功能这里我们主要使用了dom-to-image这个库,来将html转化为图片,并进行分享。', + ), + ]), + this._v(' '), + s('img', { attrs: { src: e(364), alt: 'foo' } }), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = i.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/14.eff270f4.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/14.eff270f4.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..008b7c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/14.eff270f4.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [14], + { + 367: function(t, s, e) { + t.exports = e.p + 'assets/img/framework.1c9c696b.png'; + }, + 399: function(t, s, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.r(s); + var n = e(42), + o = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + s = this._self._c || t; + return s('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': this.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + s('img', { attrs: { src: e(367), alt: 'foo' } }), + this._v(' '), + s('p', [this._v('注:灰色部分还未实现,正在更新中...')]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = o.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/15.2cabc303.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/15.2cabc303.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87424174 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/15.2cabc303.js @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [15], + { + 368: function(t, a, s) { + t.exports = s.p + 'assets/img/home.f76105db.png'; + }, + 400: function(t, a, s) { + 'use strict'; + s.r(a); + var e = s(42), + r = Object(e.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + a = t.$createElement, + e = t._self._c || a; + return e('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + e('h1', { attrs: { id: '快速上手' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#快速上手' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 快速上手'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('h2', { attrs: { id: '环境准备' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#环境准备' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 环境准备'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v('首先得有 node,并确保 node 版本是 '), + e('code', [t._v('10.13')]), + t._v(' 或以上,(mac/win 下推荐使用 n 来管理 node 版本)'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('div', { staticClass: 'language- extra-class' }, [ + e('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-text' } }, [ + e('code', [t._v('$ node-v\nv10.13.0\n')]), + ]), + ]), + e('p', [t._v('注:推荐使用 yarn 管理 npm 依赖')]), + t._v(' '), + e('h2', { attrs: { id: '源码工程' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#源码工程' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 源码工程'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('table', [ + e('thead', [ + e('tr', [ + e('th', [t._v('h5_plus(编辑器项目)')]), + t._v(' '), + e('th', [t._v('admin(管理后台)')]), + t._v(' '), + e('th', [t._v('Server(服务端项目)')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('tbody'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v( + '本地拿到源码工程之后先安装对应依赖,在对应工程目录里执行 yarn 命令,等待依赖安装完成。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('h2', { attrs: { id: '本地运行' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#本地运行' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 本地运行'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v( + '1.首先本地启动 server,在 src 目录的 index.js 中修改跨域白名单,改为本地的 ip+端口,如http://', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v('2.其次本地启动 h5_plus,启动完毕在浏览器打开对应的启动地址即可查看,如下:'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('img', { attrs: { src: s(368), alt: 'foo' } }), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + a.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/16.ebc27227.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/16.ebc27227.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58859607 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/16.ebc27227.js @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [16], + { + 378: function(t, e, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(e); + var o = a(374), + n = a(375), + i = a(376), + s = a(308), + r = { + name: 'Layout', + components: { Page: n.a, Sidebar: i.a, Navbar: o.a }, + data: function() { + return { isSidebarOpen: !1 }; + }, + computed: { + shouldShowNavbar: function() { + var t = this.$site.themeConfig; + return ( + !1 !== this.$page.frontmatter.navbar && + !1 !== t.navbar && + (this.$title || t.logo || t.repo || t.nav || this.$themeLocaleConfig.nav) + ); + }, + shouldShowSidebar: function() { + var t = this.$page.frontmatter; + return !t.home && !1 !== t.sidebar && this.sidebarItems.length; + }, + sidebarItems: function() { + return Object(s.l)(this.$page, this.$page.regularPath, this.$site, this.$localePath); + }, + pageClasses: function() { + var t = this.$page.frontmatter.pageClass; + return [ + { + 'no-navbar': !this.shouldShowNavbar, + 'sidebar-open': this.isSidebarOpen, + 'no-sidebar': !this.shouldShowSidebar, + }, + t, + ]; + }, + }, + mounted: function() { + var t = this; + this.$router.afterEach(function() { + t.isSidebarOpen = !1; + }); + }, + methods: { + toggleSidebar: function(t) { + (this.isSidebarOpen = 'boolean' == typeof t ? t : !this.isSidebarOpen), + this.$emit('toggle-sidebar', this.isSidebarOpen); + }, + onTouchStart: function(t) { + this.touchStart = { x: t.changedTouches[0].clientX, y: t.changedTouches[0].clientY }; + }, + onTouchEnd: function(t) { + var e = t.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.touchStart.x, + a = t.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.touchStart.y; + Math.abs(e) > Math.abs(a) && + Math.abs(e) > 40 && + (e > 0 && this.touchStart.x <= 80 + ? this.toggleSidebar(!0) + : this.toggleSidebar(!1)); + }, + }, + }, + h = a(42), + u = Object(h.a)( + r, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || e; + return a( + 'div', + { + staticClass: 'theme-container', + class: t.pageClasses, + on: { touchstart: t.onTouchStart, touchend: t.onTouchEnd }, + }, + [ + t.shouldShowNavbar + ? a('Navbar', { on: { 'toggle-sidebar': t.toggleSidebar } }) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { + staticClass: 'sidebar-mask', + on: { + click: function(e) { + return t.toggleSidebar(!1); + }, + }, + }), + t._v(' '), + a('Sidebar', { + attrs: { items: t.sidebarItems }, + on: { 'toggle-sidebar': t.toggleSidebar }, + scopedSlots: t._u( + [ + { + key: 'top', + fn: function() { + return [t._t('sidebar-top')]; + }, + proxy: !0, + }, + { + key: 'bottom', + fn: function() { + return [t._t('sidebar-bottom')]; + }, + proxy: !0, + }, + ], + null, + !0, + ), + }), + t._v(' '), + t.$page.frontmatter.home + ? a('Home') + : a('Page', { + attrs: { 'sidebar-items': t.sidebarItems }, + scopedSlots: t._u( + [ + { + key: 'top', + fn: function() { + return [t._t('page-top')]; + }, + proxy: !0, + }, + { + key: 'bottom', + fn: function() { + return [t._t('page-bottom')]; + }, + proxy: !0, + }, + ], + null, + !0, + ), + }), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = u.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/17.e2c644fa.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/17.e2c644fa.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86d96f1f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/17.e2c644fa.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [17], + { + 377: function(t, e, s) { + 'use strict'; + s.r(e); + var n = [ + "There's nothing here.", + 'How did we get here?', + "That's a Four-Oh-Four.", + "Looks like we've got some broken links.", + ], + o = { + methods: { + getMsg: function() { + return n[Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length)]; + }, + }, + }, + i = s(42), + h = Object(i.a)( + o, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + e = this._self._c || t; + return e('div', { staticClass: 'theme-container' }, [ + e( + 'div', + { staticClass: 'theme-default-content' }, + [ + e('h1', [this._v('404')]), + this._v(' '), + e('blockquote', [this._v(this._s(this.getMsg()))]), + this._v(' '), + e('RouterLink', { attrs: { to: '/' } }, [this._v('\n Take me home.\n ')]), + ], + 1, + ), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = h.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/18.8be51919.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/18.8be51919.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d7d94d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/18.8be51919.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [18], + { + 384: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.r(e); + var s = n(42), + l = Object(s.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement; + return (this._self._c || t)('ContentSlotsDistributor', { + attrs: { 'slot-key': this.$parent.slotKey }, + }); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = l.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/19.5b05b8ec.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/19.5b05b8ec.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2cee64b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/19.5b05b8ec.js @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [19], + { + 383: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.r(e); + var s = n(42), + l = Object(s.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + e = this._self._c || t; + return e('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': this.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + e('p', [this._v('正在建设中...')]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = l.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/2.693230f5.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/2.693230f5.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46725dcb --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/2.693230f5.js @@ -0,0 +1,2061 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [2], + { + 308: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.d(e, 'd', function() { + return i; + }), + n.d(e, 'a', function() { + return s; + }), + n.d(e, 'i', function() { + return a; + }), + n.d(e, 'f', function() { + return u; + }), + n.d(e, 'g', function() { + return l; + }), + n.d(e, 'h', function() { + return c; + }), + n.d(e, 'b', function() { + return p; + }), + n.d(e, 'e', function() { + return f; + }), + n.d(e, 'k', function() { + return h; + }), + n.d(e, 'l', function() { + return d; + }), + n.d(e, 'c', function() { + return v; + }), + n.d(e, 'j', function() { + return m; + }); + n(23), n(93), n(170), n(96), n(172), n(65), n(43), n(309), n(66), n(310), n(95); + var i = /#.*$/, + r = /\.(md|html)$/, + s = /\/$/, + a = /^[a-z]+:/i; + function o(t) { + return decodeURI(t) + .replace(i, '') + .replace(r, ''); + } + function u(t) { + return a.test(t); + } + function l(t) { + return /^mailto:/.test(t); + } + function c(t) { + return /^tel:/.test(t); + } + function p(t) { + if (u(t)) return t; + var e = t.match(i), + n = e ? e[0] : '', + r = o(t); + return s.test(r) ? t : r + '.html' + n; + } + function f(t, e) { + var n = decodeURIComponent(t.hash), + r = (function(t) { + var e = t.match(i); + if (e) return e[0]; + })(e); + return (!r || n === r) && o(t.path) === o(e); + } + function h(t, e, n) { + if (u(e)) return { type: 'external', path: e }; + n && + (e = (function(t, e, n) { + var i = t.charAt(0); + if ('/' === i) return t; + if ('?' === i || '#' === i) return e + t; + var r = e.split('/'); + (n && r[r.length - 1]) || r.pop(); + for (var s = t.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'), a = 0; a < s.length; a++) { + var o = s[a]; + '..' === o ? r.pop() : '.' !== o && r.push(o); + } + '' !== r[0] && r.unshift(''); + return r.join('/'); + })(e, n)); + for (var i = o(e), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) + if (o(t[r].regularPath) === i) + return Object.assign({}, t[r], { type: 'page', path: p(t[r].path) }); + return ( + console.error('[vuepress] No matching page found for sidebar item "'.concat(e, '"')), {} + ); + } + function d(t, e, n, i) { + var r = n.pages, + s = n.themeConfig, + a = (i && s.locales && s.locales[i]) || s; + if ('auto' === (t.frontmatter.sidebar || a.sidebar || s.sidebar)) return g(t); + var o = a.sidebar || s.sidebar; + if (o) { + var u = (function(t, e) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) return { base: '/', config: e }; + for (var n in e) + if (0 === ((i = t), /(\.html|\/)$/.test(i) ? i : i + '/').indexOf(encodeURI(n))) + return { base: n, config: e[n] }; + var i; + return {}; + })(e, o), + l = u.base, + c = u.config; + return 'auto' === c + ? g(t) + : c + ? c.map(function(t) { + return (function t(e, n, i) { + var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1; + if ('string' == typeof e) return h(n, e, i); + if (Array.isArray(e)) return Object.assign(h(n, e[0], i), { title: e[1] }); + var s = e.children || []; + return 0 === s.length && e.path + ? Object.assign(h(n, e.path, i), { title: e.title }) + : { + type: 'group', + path: e.path, + title: e.title, + sidebarDepth: e.sidebarDepth, + initialOpenGroupIndex: e.initialOpenGroupIndex, + children: s.map(function(e) { + return t(e, n, i, r + 1); + }), + collapsable: !1 !== e.collapsable, + }; + })(t, r, l); + }) + : []; + } + return []; + } + function g(t) { + var e = v(t.headers || []); + return [ + { + type: 'group', + collapsable: !1, + title: t.title, + path: null, + children: e.map(function(e) { + return { + type: 'auto', + title: e.title, + basePath: t.path, + path: t.path + '#' + e.slug, + children: e.children || [], + }; + }), + }, + ]; + } + function v(t) { + var e; + return ( + (t = t.map(function(t) { + return Object.assign({}, t); + })).forEach(function(t) { + 2 === t.level ? (e = t) : e && (e.children || (e.children = [])).push(t); + }), + t.filter(function(t) { + return 2 === t.level; + }) + ); + } + function m(t) { + return Object.assign(t, { type: t.items && t.items.length ? 'links' : 'link' }); + } + }, + 309: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(167), + r = n(5), + s = n(13), + a = n(22), + o = n(168), + u = n(169); + i('match', 1, function(t, e, n) { + return [ + function(e) { + var n = a(this), + i = null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; + return void 0 !== i ? i.call(e, n) : new RegExp(e)[t](String(n)); + }, + function(t) { + var i = n(e, t, this); + if (i.done) return i.value; + var a = r(t), + l = String(this); + if (!a.global) return u(a, l); + var c = a.unicode; + a.lastIndex = 0; + for (var p, f = [], h = 0; null !== (p = u(a, l)); ) { + var d = String(p[0]); + (f[h] = d), '' === d && (a.lastIndex = o(l, s(a.lastIndex), c)), h++; + } + return 0 === h ? null : f; + }, + ]; + }); + }, + 310: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(167), + r = n(171), + s = n(5), + a = n(22), + o = n(97), + u = n(168), + l = n(13), + c = n(169), + p = n(67), + f = n(1), + h = [].push, + d = Math.min, + g = !f(function() { + return !RegExp(4294967295, 'y'); + }); + i( + 'split', + 2, + function(t, e, n) { + var i; + return ( + (i = + 'c' == 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] || + 4 != 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length || + 2 != 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length || + 4 != '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length || + '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 || + ''.split(/.?/).length + ? function(t, n) { + var i = String(a(this)), + s = void 0 === n ? 4294967295 : n >>> 0; + if (0 === s) return []; + if (void 0 === t) return [i]; + if (!r(t)) return e.call(i, t, s); + for ( + var o, + u, + l, + c = [], + f = + (t.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + + (t.multiline ? 'm' : '') + + (t.unicode ? 'u' : '') + + (t.sticky ? 'y' : ''), + d = 0, + g = new RegExp(t.source, f + 'g'); + (o = p.call(g, i)) && + !( + (u = g.lastIndex) > d && + (c.push(i.slice(d, o.index)), + o.length > 1 && o.index < i.length && h.apply(c, o.slice(1)), + (l = o[0].length), + (d = u), + c.length >= s) + ); + + ) + g.lastIndex === o.index && g.lastIndex++; + return ( + d === i.length ? (!l && g.test('')) || c.push('') : c.push(i.slice(d)), + c.length > s ? c.slice(0, s) : c + ); + } + : '0'.split(void 0, 0).length + ? function(t, n) { + return void 0 === t && 0 === n ? [] : e.call(this, t, n); + } + : e), + [ + function(e, n) { + var r = a(this), + s = null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; + return void 0 !== s ? s.call(e, r, n) : i.call(String(r), e, n); + }, + function(t, r) { + var a = n(i, t, this, r, i !== e); + if (a.done) return a.value; + var p = s(t), + f = String(this), + h = o(p, RegExp), + v = p.unicode, + m = + (p.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + + (p.multiline ? 'm' : '') + + (p.unicode ? 'u' : '') + + (g ? 'y' : 'g'), + b = new h(g ? p : '^(?:' + p.source + ')', m), + k = void 0 === r ? 4294967295 : r >>> 0; + if (0 === k) return []; + if (0 === f.length) return null === c(b, f) ? [f] : []; + for (var x = 0, _ = 0, C = []; _ < f.length; ) { + b.lastIndex = g ? _ : 0; + var L, + y = c(b, g ? f : f.slice(_)); + if (null === y || (L = d(l(b.lastIndex + (g ? 0 : _)), f.length)) === x) + _ = u(f, _, v); + else { + if ((C.push(f.slice(x, _)), C.length === k)) return C; + for (var $ = 1; $ <= y.length - 1; $++) + if ((C.push(y[$]), C.length === k)) return C; + _ = x = L; + } + } + return C.push(f.slice(x)), C; + }, + ] + ); + }, + !g, + ); + }, + 311: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(166), n(94), n(313); + var i = n(308), + r = { + name: 'NavLink', + props: { item: { required: !0 } }, + computed: { + link: function() { + return Object(i.b)(this.item.link); + }, + exact: function() { + var t = this; + return this.$site.locales + ? Object.keys(this.$site.locales).some(function(e) { + return e === t.link; + }) + : '/' === this.link; + }, + isNonHttpURI: function() { + return Object(i.g)(this.link) || Object(i.h)(this.link); + }, + isBlankTarget: function() { + return '_blank' === this.target; + }, + isInternal: function() { + return !Object(i.f)(this.link) && !this.isBlankTarget; + }, + target: function() { + return this.isNonHttpURI + ? null + : this.item.target + ? this.item.target + : Object(i.f)(this.link) + ? '_blank' + : ''; + }, + rel: function() { + return this.isNonHttpURI || !1 === this.item.rel + ? null + : this.item.rel + ? this.item.rel + : this.isBlankTarget + ? 'noopener noreferrer' + : null; + }, + }, + methods: { + focusoutAction: function() { + this.$emit('focusout'); + }, + }, + }, + s = n(42), + a = Object(s.a)( + r, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return t.isInternal + ? n( + 'RouterLink', + { + staticClass: 'nav-link', + attrs: { to: t.link, exact: t.exact }, + nativeOn: { + focusout: function(e) { + return t.focusoutAction(e); + }, + }, + }, + [t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.item.text) + '\n')], + ) + : n( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'nav-link external', + attrs: { href: t.link, target: t.target, rel: t.rel }, + on: { focusout: t.focusoutAction }, + }, + [ + t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.item.text) + '\n '), + t.isBlankTarget ? n('OutboundLink') : t._e(), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.a = a.exports; + }, + 312: function(t, e) { + t.exports = '\t\n\v\f\r                 \u2028\u2029\ufeff'; + }, + 313: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(0), + r = n(314); + i( + { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: n(315)('link') }, + { + link: function(t) { + return r(this, 'a', 'href', t); + }, + }, + ); + }, + 314: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(22), + r = /"/g; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, s) { + var a = String(i(t)), + o = '<' + e; + return ( + '' !== n && (o += ' ' + n + '="' + String(s).replace(r, '"') + '"'), + o + '>' + a + '' + ); + }; + }, + 315: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(1); + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(function() { + var e = ''[t]('"'); + return e !== e.toLowerCase() || e.split('"').length > 3; + }); + }; + }, + 316: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(22), + r = '[' + n(312) + ']', + s = RegExp('^' + r + r + '*'), + a = RegExp(r + r + '*$'), + o = function(t) { + return function(e) { + var n = String(i(e)); + return 1 & t && (n = n.replace(s, '')), 2 & t && (n = n.replace(a, '')), n; + }; + }; + t.exports = { start: o(1), end: o(2), trim: o(3) }; + }, + 317: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(0), + r = n(316).trim; + i( + { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: n(341)('trim') }, + { + trim: function() { + return r(this); + }, + }, + ); + }, + 318: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(6), + r = n(3), + s = n(100), + a = n(342), + o = n(8).f, + u = n(68).f, + l = n(171), + c = n(104), + p = n(175), + f = n(10), + h = n(1), + d = n(28).set, + g = n(173), + v = n(2)('match'), + m = r.RegExp, + b = m.prototype, + k = /a/g, + x = /a/g, + _ = new m(k) !== k, + C = p.UNSUPPORTED_Y; + if ( + i && + s( + 'RegExp', + !_ || + C || + h(function() { + return (x[v] = !1), m(k) != k || m(x) == x || '/a/i' != m(k, 'i'); + }), + ) + ) { + for ( + var L = function(t, e) { + var n, + i = this instanceof L, + r = l(t), + s = void 0 === e; + if (!i && r && t.constructor === L && s) return t; + _ + ? r && !s && (t = t.source) + : t instanceof L && (s && (e = c.call(t)), (t = t.source)), + C && (n = !!e && e.indexOf('y') > -1) && (e = e.replace(/y/g, '')); + var o = a(_ ? new m(t, e) : m(t, e), i ? this : b, L); + return C && n && d(o, { sticky: n }), o; + }, + y = function(t) { + (t in L) || + o(L, t, { + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + return m[t]; + }, + set: function(e) { + m[t] = e; + }, + }); + }, + $ = u(m), + w = 0; + $.length > w; + + ) + y($[w++]); + (b.constructor = L), (L.prototype = b), f(r, 'RegExp', L); + } + g('RegExp'); + }, + 319: function(t, e, n) {}, + 320: function(t, e, n) {}, + 321: function(t, e, n) {}, + 322: function(t, e, n) {}, + 323: function(t, e, n) {}, + 324: function(t, e, n) {}, + 325: function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return null == t; + }; + }, + 326: function(t, e, n) {}, + 327: function(t, e, n) {}, + 328: function(t, e, n) {}, + 329: function(t, e, n) {}, + 330: function(t, e, n) {}, + 331: function(t, e, n) {}, + 336: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.r(e); + n(166); + var i = n(308), + r = { + name: 'SidebarGroup', + components: { DropdownTransition: n(338).a }, + props: ['item', 'open', 'collapsable', 'depth'], + beforeCreate: function() { + this.$options.components.SidebarLinks = n(336).default; + }, + methods: { isActive: i.e }, + }, + s = (n(354), n(42)), + a = Object(s.a)( + r, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n( + 'section', + { + staticClass: 'sidebar-group', + class: [ + { collapsable: t.collapsable, 'is-sub-group': 0 !== t.depth }, + 'depth-' + t.depth, + ], + }, + [ + t.item.path + ? n( + 'RouterLink', + { + staticClass: 'sidebar-heading clickable', + class: { open: t.open, active: t.isActive(t.$route, t.item.path) }, + attrs: { to: t.item.path }, + nativeOn: { + click: function(e) { + return t.$emit('toggle'); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n('span', [t._v(t._s(t.item.title))]), + t._v(' '), + t.collapsable + ? n('span', { staticClass: 'arrow', class: t.open ? 'down' : 'right' }) + : t._e(), + ], + ) + : n( + 'p', + { + staticClass: 'sidebar-heading', + class: { open: t.open }, + on: { + click: function(e) { + return t.$emit('toggle'); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n('span', [t._v(t._s(t.item.title))]), + t._v(' '), + t.collapsable + ? n('span', { staticClass: 'arrow', class: t.open ? 'down' : 'right' }) + : t._e(), + ], + ), + t._v(' '), + n( + 'DropdownTransition', + [ + t.open || !t.collapsable + ? n('SidebarLinks', { + staticClass: 'sidebar-group-items', + attrs: { + items: t.item.children, + 'sidebar-depth': t.item.sidebarDepth, + 'initial-open-group-index': t.item.initialOpenGroupIndex, + depth: t.depth + 1, + }, + }) + : t._e(), + ], + 1, + ), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports; + n(355), n(65); + function o(t, e, n, i, r) { + var s = { + props: { to: e, activeClass: '', exactActiveClass: '' }, + class: { active: i, 'sidebar-link': !0 }, + }; + return r > 2 && (s.style = { 'padding-left': r + 'rem' }), t('RouterLink', s, n); + } + function u(t, e, n, r, s) { + var a = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 1; + return !e || a > s + ? null + : t( + 'ul', + { class: 'sidebar-sub-headers' }, + e.map(function(e) { + var l = Object(i.e)(r, n + '#' + e.slug); + return t('li', { class: 'sidebar-sub-header' }, [ + o(t, n + '#' + e.slug, e.title, l, e.level - 1), + u(t, e.children, n, r, s, a + 1), + ]); + }), + ); + } + var l = { + functional: !0, + props: ['item', 'sidebarDepth'], + render: function(t, e) { + var n = e.parent, + r = n.$page, + s = (n.$site, n.$route), + a = n.$themeConfig, + l = n.$themeLocaleConfig, + c = e.props, + p = c.item, + f = c.sidebarDepth, + h = Object(i.e)(s, p.path), + d = + 'auto' === p.type + ? h || + p.children.some(function(t) { + return Object(i.e)(s, p.basePath + '#' + t.slug); + }) + : h, + g = + 'external' === p.type + ? (function(t, e, n) { + return t( + 'a', + { + attrs: { href: e, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' }, + class: { 'sidebar-link': !0 }, + }, + [n, t('OutboundLink')], + ); + })(t, p.path, p.title || p.path) + : o(t, p.path, p.title || p.path, d), + v = [r.frontmatter.sidebarDepth, f, l.sidebarDepth, a.sidebarDepth, 1].find(function( + t, + ) { + return void 0 !== t; + }), + m = l.displayAllHeaders || a.displayAllHeaders; + return 'auto' === p.type + ? [g, u(t, p.children, p.basePath, s, v)] + : (d || m) && p.headers && !i.d.test(p.path) + ? [g, u(t, Object(i.c)(p.headers), p.path, s, v)] + : g; + }, + }; + n(356); + function c(t, e) { + return ( + 'group' === e.type && + e.children.some(function(e) { + return 'group' === e.type ? c(t, e) : 'page' === e.type && Object(i.e)(t, e.path); + }) + ); + } + var p = { + name: 'SidebarLinks', + components: { + SidebarGroup: a, + SidebarLink: Object(s.a)(l, void 0, void 0, !1, null, null, null).exports, + }, + props: ['items', 'depth', 'sidebarDepth', 'initialOpenGroupIndex'], + data: function() { + return { openGroupIndex: this.initialOpenGroupIndex || 0 }; + }, + watch: { + $route: function() { + this.refreshIndex(); + }, + }, + created: function() { + this.refreshIndex(); + }, + methods: { + refreshIndex: function() { + var t = (function(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var i = e[n]; + if (c(t, i)) return n; + } + return -1; + })(this.$route, this.items); + t > -1 && (this.openGroupIndex = t); + }, + toggleGroup: function(t) { + this.openGroupIndex = t === this.openGroupIndex ? -1 : t; + }, + isActive: function(t) { + return Object(i.e)(this.$route, t.regularPath); + }, + }, + }, + f = Object(s.a)( + p, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return t.items.length + ? n( + 'ul', + { staticClass: 'sidebar-links' }, + t._l(t.items, function(e, i) { + return n( + 'li', + { key: i }, + [ + 'group' === e.type + ? n('SidebarGroup', { + attrs: { + item: e, + open: i === t.openGroupIndex, + collapsable: e.collapsable || e.collapsible, + depth: t.depth, + }, + on: { + toggle: function(e) { + return t.toggleGroup(i); + }, + }, + }) + : n('SidebarLink', { + attrs: { 'sidebar-depth': t.sidebarDepth, item: e }, + }), + ], + 1, + ); + }), + 0, + ) + : t._e(); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = f.exports; + }, + 337: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(177), n(65), n(166), n(94), n(318), n(43), n(98), n(309), n(66); + var i = n(40), + r = n(311), + s = n(338), + a = n(179), + o = n.n(a), + u = { + name: 'DropdownLink', + components: { NavLink: r.a, DropdownTransition: s.a }, + props: { item: { required: !0 } }, + data: function() { + return { open: !1 }; + }, + computed: { + dropdownAriaLabel: function() { + return this.item.ariaLabel || this.item.text; + }, + }, + watch: { + $route: function() { + this.open = !1; + }, + }, + methods: { + setOpen: function(t) { + this.open = t; + }, + isLastItemOfArray: function(t, e) { + return o()(e) === t; + }, + handleDropdown: function() { + 0 === event.detail && this.setOpen(!this.open); + }, + }, + }, + l = (n(347), n(42)), + c = Object(l.a)( + u, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n( + 'div', + { staticClass: 'dropdown-wrapper', class: { open: t.open } }, + [ + n( + 'button', + { + staticClass: 'dropdown-title', + attrs: { type: 'button', 'aria-label': t.dropdownAriaLabel }, + on: { click: t.handleDropdown }, + }, + [ + n('span', { staticClass: 'title' }, [t._v(t._s(t.item.text))]), + t._v(' '), + n('span', { staticClass: 'arrow down' }), + ], + ), + t._v(' '), + n( + 'button', + { + staticClass: 'mobile-dropdown-title', + attrs: { type: 'button', 'aria-label': t.dropdownAriaLabel }, + on: { + click: function(e) { + return t.setOpen(!t.open); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n('span', { staticClass: 'title' }, [t._v(t._s(t.item.text))]), + t._v(' '), + n('span', { staticClass: 'arrow', class: t.open ? 'down' : 'right' }), + ], + ), + t._v(' '), + n('DropdownTransition', [ + n( + 'ul', + { + directives: [ + { name: 'show', rawName: 'v-show', value: t.open, expression: 'open' }, + ], + staticClass: 'nav-dropdown', + }, + t._l(t.item.items, function(e, i) { + return n( + 'li', + { key: e.link || i, staticClass: 'dropdown-item' }, + [ + 'links' === e.type + ? n('h4', [t._v('\n ' + t._s(e.text) + '\n ')]) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + 'links' === e.type + ? n( + 'ul', + { staticClass: 'dropdown-subitem-wrapper' }, + t._l(e.items, function(i) { + return n( + 'li', + { key: i.link, staticClass: 'dropdown-subitem' }, + [ + n('NavLink', { + attrs: { item: i }, + on: { + focusout: function(n) { + t.isLastItemOfArray(i, e.items) && + t.isLastItemOfArray(e, t.item.items) && + t.setOpen(!1); + }, + }, + }), + ], + 1, + ); + }), + 0, + ) + : n('NavLink', { + attrs: { item: e }, + on: { + focusout: function(n) { + t.isLastItemOfArray(e, t.item.items) && t.setOpen(!1); + }, + }, + }), + ], + 1, + ); + }), + 0, + ), + ]), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports, + p = n(308), + f = { + name: 'NavLinks', + components: { NavLink: r.a, DropdownLink: c }, + computed: { + userNav: function() { + return this.$themeLocaleConfig.nav || this.$site.themeConfig.nav || []; + }, + nav: function() { + var t = this, + e = this.$site.locales; + if (e && Object.keys(e).length > 1) { + var n = this.$page.path, + r = this.$router.options.routes, + s = this.$site.themeConfig.locales || {}, + a = { + text: this.$themeLocaleConfig.selectText || 'Languages', + ariaLabel: this.$themeLocaleConfig.ariaLabel || 'Select language', + items: Object.keys(e).map(function(i) { + var a, + o = e[i], + u = (s[i] && s[i].label) || o.lang; + return ( + o.lang === t.$lang + ? (a = n) + : ((a = n.replace(t.$localeConfig.path, i)), + r.some(function(t) { + return t.path === a; + }) || (a = i)), + { text: u, link: a } + ); + }), + }; + return [].concat(Object(i.a)(this.userNav), [a]); + } + return this.userNav; + }, + userLinks: function() { + return (this.nav || []).map(function(t) { + return Object.assign(Object(p.j)(t), { items: (t.items || []).map(p.j) }); + }); + }, + repoLink: function() { + var t = this.$site.themeConfig.repo; + return t ? (/^https?:/.test(t) ? t : 'https://github.com/'.concat(t)) : null; + }, + repoLabel: function() { + if (this.repoLink) { + if (this.$site.themeConfig.repoLabel) return this.$site.themeConfig.repoLabel; + for ( + var t = this.repoLink.match(/^https?:\/\/[^/]+/)[0], + e = ['GitHub', 'GitLab', 'Bitbucket'], + n = 0; + n < e.length; + n++ + ) { + var i = e[n]; + if (new RegExp(i, 'i').test(t)) return i; + } + return 'Source'; + } + }, + }, + }, + h = + (n(348), + Object(l.a)( + f, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return t.userLinks.length || t.repoLink + ? n( + 'nav', + { staticClass: 'nav-links' }, + [ + t._l(t.userLinks, function(t) { + return n( + 'div', + { key: t.link, staticClass: 'nav-item' }, + [ + 'links' === t.type + ? n('DropdownLink', { attrs: { item: t } }) + : n('NavLink', { attrs: { item: t } }), + ], + 1, + ); + }), + t._v(' '), + t.repoLink + ? n( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'repo-link', + attrs: { + href: t.repoLink, + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.repoLabel) + '\n '), n('OutboundLink')], + 1, + ) + : t._e(), + ], + 2, + ) + : t._e(); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + )); + e.a = h.exports; + }, + 338: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = { + name: 'DropdownTransition', + methods: { + setHeight: function(t) { + t.style.height = t.scrollHeight + 'px'; + }, + unsetHeight: function(t) { + t.style.height = ''; + }, + }, + }, + r = (n(346), n(42)), + s = Object(r.a)( + i, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement; + return (this._self._c || t)( + 'transition', + { + attrs: { name: 'dropdown' }, + on: { + enter: this.setHeight, + 'after-enter': this.unsetHeight, + 'before-leave': this.setHeight, + }, + }, + [this._t('default')], + 2, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.a = s.exports; + }, + 339: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(0), + r = n(340); + i({ global: !0, forced: parseInt != r }, { parseInt: r }); + }, + 340: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(3), + r = n(316).trim, + s = n(312), + a = i.parseInt, + o = /^[+-]?0[Xx]/, + u = 8 !== a(s + '08') || 22 !== a(s + '0x16'); + t.exports = u + ? function(t, e) { + var n = r(String(t)); + return a(n, e >>> 0 || (o.test(n) ? 16 : 10)); + } + : a; + }, + 341: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(1), + r = n(312); + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(function() { + return !!r[t]() || '​…᠎' != '​…᠎'[t]() || r[t].name !== t; + }); + }; + }, + 342: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(4), + r = n(101); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var s, a; + return ( + r && + 'function' == typeof (s = e.constructor) && + s !== n && + i((a = s.prototype)) && + a !== n.prototype && + r(t, a), + t + ); + }; + }, + 343: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i, + r = n(0), + s = n(24).f, + a = n(13), + o = n(102), + u = n(22), + l = n(103), + c = n(19), + p = ''.endsWith, + f = Math.min, + h = l('endsWith'); + r( + { + target: 'String', + proto: !0, + forced: !!(c || h || ((i = s(String.prototype, 'endsWith')), !i || i.writable)) && !h, + }, + { + endsWith: function(t) { + var e = String(u(this)); + o(t); + var n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, + i = a(e.length), + r = void 0 === n ? i : f(a(n), i), + s = String(t); + return p ? p.call(e, s, r) : e.slice(r - s.length, r) === s; + }, + }, + ); + }, + 344: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(319); + }, + 345: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(320); + }, + 346: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(321); + }, + 347: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(322); + }, + 348: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(323); + }, + 349: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(324); + }, + 350: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(326); + }, + 351: function(t, e, n) { + var i = n(30), + r = n(14), + s = n(25); + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'string' == typeof t || (!r(t) && s(t) && '[object String]' == i(t)); + }; + }, + 352: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(327); + }, + 353: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(328); + }, + 354: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(329); + }, + 355: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(0), + r = n(29).find, + s = n(99), + a = n(17), + o = !0, + u = a('find'); + 'find' in [] && + Array(1).find(function() { + o = !1; + }), + i( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: o || !u }, + { + find: function(t) { + return r(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ), + s('find'); + }, + 356: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(330); + }, + 357: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(331); + }, + 374: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(339), + n(23), + n(174), + n(170), + n(96), + n(43), + n(176), + n(309), + n(317), + n(172), + n(65), + n(166), + n(318), + n(98), + n(343), + n(66), + n(310); + var i = n(178), + r = n.n(i), + s = function(t, e) { + var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null, + i = r()(e, 'title', ''); + return ( + r()(e, 'frontmatter.tags') && (i += ' '.concat(e.frontmatter.tags.join(' '))), + n && (i += ' '.concat(n)), + a(t, i) + ); + }, + a = function(t, e) { + var n = function(t) { + return t.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); + }, + i = new RegExp('[^\0-]'), + r = t + .split(/\s+/g) + .map(function(t) { + return t.trim(); + }) + .filter(function(t) { + return !!t; + }); + if (i.test(t)) + return r.some(function(t) { + return e.toLowerCase().indexOf(t) > -1; + }); + var s = t.endsWith(' '); + return new RegExp( + r + .map(function(t, e) { + return r.length !== e + 1 || s + ? '(?=.*\\b'.concat(n(t), '\\b)') + : '(?=.*\\b'.concat(n(t), ')'); + }) + .join('') + '.+', + 'gi', + ).test(e); + }, + o = { + name: 'SearchBox', + data: function() { + return { query: '', focused: !1, focusIndex: 0, placeholder: void 0 }; + }, + computed: { + showSuggestions: function() { + return this.focused && this.suggestions && this.suggestions.length; + }, + suggestions: function() { + var t = this.query.trim().toLowerCase(); + if (t) { + for ( + var e = this.$site.pages, + n = this.$site.themeConfig.searchMaxSuggestions || 5, + i = this.$localePath, + r = [], + a = 0; + a < e.length && !(r.length >= n); + a++ + ) { + var o = e[a]; + if (this.getPageLocalePath(o) === i && this.isSearchable(o)) + if (s(t, o)) r.push(o); + else if (o.headers) + for (var u = 0; u < o.headers.length && !(r.length >= n); u++) { + var l = o.headers[u]; + l.title && + s(t, o, l.title) && + r.push(Object.assign({}, o, { path: o.path + '#' + l.slug, header: l })); + } + } + return r; + } + }, + alignRight: function() { + return (this.$site.themeConfig.nav || []).length + (this.$site.repo ? 1 : 0) <= 2; + }, + }, + mounted: function() { + (this.placeholder = this.$site.themeConfig.searchPlaceholder || ''), + document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onHotkey); + }, + beforeDestroy: function() { + document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onHotkey); + }, + methods: { + getPageLocalePath: function(t) { + for (var e in this.$site.locales || {}) + if ('/' !== e && 0 === t.path.indexOf(e)) return e; + return '/'; + }, + isSearchable: function(t) { + var e = null; + return ( + null === e || + (e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : new Array(e)).filter(function(e) { + return t.path.match(e); + }).length > 0 + ); + }, + onHotkey: function(t) { + t.srcElement === document.body && + ['s', '/'].includes(t.key) && + (this.$refs.input.focus(), t.preventDefault()); + }, + onUp: function() { + this.showSuggestions && + (this.focusIndex > 0 + ? this.focusIndex-- + : (this.focusIndex = this.suggestions.length - 1)); + }, + onDown: function() { + this.showSuggestions && + (this.focusIndex < this.suggestions.length - 1 + ? this.focusIndex++ + : (this.focusIndex = 0)); + }, + go: function(t) { + this.showSuggestions && + (this.$router.push(this.suggestions[t].path), + (this.query = ''), + (this.focusIndex = 0)); + }, + focus: function(t) { + this.focusIndex = t; + }, + unfocus: function() { + this.focusIndex = -1; + }, + }, + }, + u = (n(344), n(42)), + l = Object(u.a)( + o, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n('div', { staticClass: 'search-box' }, [ + n('input', { + ref: 'input', + class: { focused: t.focused }, + attrs: { + 'aria-label': 'Search', + placeholder: t.placeholder, + autocomplete: 'off', + spellcheck: 'false', + }, + domProps: { value: t.query }, + on: { + input: function(e) { + t.query = e.target.value; + }, + focus: function(e) { + t.focused = !0; + }, + blur: function(e) { + t.focused = !1; + }, + keyup: [ + function(e) { + return !e.type.indexOf('key') && t._k(e.keyCode, 'enter', 13, e.key, 'Enter') + ? null + : t.go(t.focusIndex); + }, + function(e) { + return !e.type.indexOf('key') && + t._k(e.keyCode, 'up', 38, e.key, ['Up', 'ArrowUp']) + ? null + : t.onUp(e); + }, + function(e) { + return !e.type.indexOf('key') && + t._k(e.keyCode, 'down', 40, e.key, ['Down', 'ArrowDown']) + ? null + : t.onDown(e); + }, + ], + }, + }), + t._v(' '), + t.showSuggestions + ? n( + 'ul', + { + staticClass: 'suggestions', + class: { 'align-right': t.alignRight }, + on: { mouseleave: t.unfocus }, + }, + t._l(t.suggestions, function(e, i) { + return n( + 'li', + { + key: i, + staticClass: 'suggestion', + class: { focused: i === t.focusIndex }, + on: { + mousedown: function(e) { + return t.go(i); + }, + mouseenter: function(e) { + return t.focus(i); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n( + 'a', + { + attrs: { href: e.path }, + on: { + click: function(t) { + t.preventDefault(); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n('span', { staticClass: 'page-title' }, [ + t._v(t._s(e.title || e.path)), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e.header + ? n('span', { staticClass: 'header' }, [ + t._v('> ' + t._s(e.header.title)), + ]) + : t._e(), + ], + ), + ], + ); + }), + 0, + ) + : t._e(), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports; + n(345); + function c(t, e) { + return t.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, null)[e]; + } + var p = { + name: 'Navbar', + components: { + SidebarButton: Object(u.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n( + 'div', + { + staticClass: 'sidebar-button', + on: { + click: function(e) { + return t.$emit('toggle-sidebar'); + }, + }, + }, + [ + n( + 'svg', + { + staticClass: 'icon', + attrs: { + xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', + 'aria-hidden': 'true', + role: 'img', + viewBox: '0 0 448 512', + }, + }, + [ + n('path', { + attrs: { + fill: 'currentColor', + d: + 'M436 124H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V80c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-32c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-32c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z', + }, + }), + ], + ), + ], + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports, + NavLinks: n(337).a, + SearchBox: l, + AlgoliaSearchBox: {}, + }, + data: function() { + return { linksWrapMaxWidth: null }; + }, + computed: { + algolia: function() { + return this.$themeLocaleConfig.algolia || this.$site.themeConfig.algolia || {}; + }, + isAlgoliaSearch: function() { + return this.algolia && this.algolia.apiKey && this.algolia.indexName; + }, + }, + mounted: function() { + var t = this, + e = parseInt(c(this.$el, 'paddingLeft')) + parseInt(c(this.$el, 'paddingRight')), + n = function() { + document.documentElement.clientWidth < 719 + ? (t.linksWrapMaxWidth = null) + : (t.linksWrapMaxWidth = + t.$el.offsetWidth - + e - + ((t.$refs.siteName && t.$refs.siteName.offsetWidth) || 0)); + }; + n(), window.addEventListener('resize', n, !1); + }, + }, + f = + (n(349), + Object(u.a)( + p, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n( + 'header', + { staticClass: 'navbar' }, + [ + n('SidebarButton', { + on: { + 'toggle-sidebar': function(e) { + return t.$emit('toggle-sidebar'); + }, + }, + }), + t._v(' '), + n('RouterLink', { staticClass: 'home-link', attrs: { to: t.$localePath } }, [ + t.$site.themeConfig.logo + ? n('img', { + staticClass: 'logo', + attrs: { src: t.$withBase(t.$site.themeConfig.logo), alt: t.$siteTitle }, + }) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + t.$siteTitle + ? n( + 'span', + { + ref: 'siteName', + staticClass: 'site-name', + class: { 'can-hide': t.$site.themeConfig.logo }, + }, + [t._v(t._s(t.$siteTitle))], + ) + : t._e(), + ]), + t._v(' '), + n( + 'div', + { + staticClass: 'links', + style: t.linksWrapMaxWidth ? { 'max-width': t.linksWrapMaxWidth + 'px' } : {}, + }, + [ + t.isAlgoliaSearch + ? n('AlgoliaSearchBox', { attrs: { options: t.algolia } }) + : !1 !== t.$site.themeConfig.search && !1 !== t.$page.frontmatter.search + ? n('SearchBox') + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + n('NavLinks', { staticClass: 'can-hide' }), + ], + 1, + ), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + )); + e.a = f.exports; + }, + 375: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(43), n(66); + var i = n(325), + r = n.n(i), + s = n(308), + a = { + name: 'PageEdit', + computed: { + lastUpdated: function() { + return this.$page.lastUpdated; + }, + lastUpdatedText: function() { + return 'string' == typeof this.$themeLocaleConfig.lastUpdated + ? this.$themeLocaleConfig.lastUpdated + : 'string' == typeof this.$site.themeConfig.lastUpdated + ? this.$site.themeConfig.lastUpdated + : 'Last Updated'; + }, + editLink: function() { + var t = r()(this.$page.frontmatter.editLink) + ? this.$site.themeConfig.editLinks + : this.$page.frontmatter.editLink, + e = this.$site.themeConfig, + n = e.repo, + i = e.docsDir, + s = void 0 === i ? '' : i, + a = e.docsBranch, + o = void 0 === a ? 'master' : a, + u = e.docsRepo, + l = void 0 === u ? n : u; + return t && l && this.$page.relativePath + ? this.createEditLink(n, l, s, o, this.$page.relativePath) + : null; + }, + editLinkText: function() { + return ( + this.$themeLocaleConfig.editLinkText || + this.$site.themeConfig.editLinkText || + 'Edit this page' + ); + }, + }, + methods: { + createEditLink: function(t, e, n, i, r) { + if (/bitbucket.org/.test(e)) + return ( + e.replace(s.a, '') + + '/src' + + '/'.concat(i, '/') + + (n ? n.replace(s.a, '') + '/' : '') + + r + + '?mode=edit&spa=0&at='.concat(i, '&fileviewer=file-view-default') + ); + return /gitlab.com/.test(e) + ? e.replace(s.a, '') + + '/-/edit' + + '/'.concat(i, '/') + + (n ? n.replace(s.a, '') + '/' : '') + + r + : (s.i.test(e) ? e : 'https://github.com/'.concat(e)).replace(s.a, '') + + '/edit' + + '/'.concat(i, '/') + + (n ? n.replace(s.a, '') + '/' : '') + + r; + }, + }, + }, + o = (n(350), n(42)), + u = Object(o.a)( + a, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n('footer', { staticClass: 'page-edit' }, [ + t.editLink + ? n( + 'div', + { staticClass: 'edit-link' }, + [ + n( + 'a', + { + attrs: { href: t.editLink, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' }, + }, + [t._v(t._s(t.editLinkText))], + ), + t._v(' '), + n('OutboundLink'), + ], + 1, + ) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + t.lastUpdated + ? n('div', { staticClass: 'last-updated' }, [ + n('span', { staticClass: 'prefix' }, [t._v(t._s(t.lastUpdatedText) + ':')]), + t._v(' '), + n('span', { staticClass: 'time' }, [t._v(t._s(t.lastUpdated))]), + ]) + : t._e(), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports, + l = n(351), + c = n.n(l), + p = { + name: 'PageNav', + props: ['sidebarItems'], + computed: { + prev: function() { + return h(f.PREV, this); + }, + next: function() { + return h(f.NEXT, this); + }, + }, + }; + var f = { + NEXT: { + resolveLink: function(t, e) { + return d(t, e, 1); + }, + getThemeLinkConfig: function(t) { + return t.nextLinks; + }, + getPageLinkConfig: function(t) { + return t.frontmatter.next; + }, + }, + PREV: { + resolveLink: function(t, e) { + return d(t, e, -1); + }, + getThemeLinkConfig: function(t) { + return t.prevLinks; + }, + getPageLinkConfig: function(t) { + return t.frontmatter.prev; + }, + }, + }; + function h(t, e) { + var n = e.$themeConfig, + i = e.$page, + a = e.$route, + o = e.$site, + u = e.sidebarItems, + l = t.resolveLink, + p = t.getThemeLinkConfig, + f = t.getPageLinkConfig, + h = p(n), + d = f(i), + g = r()(d) ? h : d; + return !1 === g ? void 0 : c()(g) ? Object(s.k)(o.pages, g, a.path) : l(i, u); + } + function d(t, e, n) { + var i = []; + !(function t(e, n) { + for (var i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) + 'group' === e[i].type ? t(e[i].children || [], n) : n.push(e[i]); + })(e, i); + for (var r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { + var s = i[r]; + if ('page' === s.type && s.path === decodeURIComponent(t.path)) return i[r + n]; + } + } + var g = p, + v = + (n(352), + { + components: { + PageEdit: u, + PageNav: Object(o.a)( + g, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return t.prev || t.next + ? n('div', { staticClass: 'page-nav' }, [ + n('p', { staticClass: 'inner' }, [ + t.prev + ? n( + 'span', + { staticClass: 'prev' }, + [ + t._v('\n ←\n '), + 'external' === t.prev.type + ? n( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'prev', + attrs: { + href: t.prev.path, + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [ + t._v( + '\n ' + + t._s(t.prev.title || t.prev.path) + + '\n\n ', + ), + n('OutboundLink'), + ], + 1, + ) + : n( + 'RouterLink', + { staticClass: 'prev', attrs: { to: t.prev.path } }, + [ + t._v( + '\n ' + + t._s(t.prev.title || t.prev.path) + + '\n ', + ), + ], + ), + ], + 1, + ) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + t.next + ? n( + 'span', + { staticClass: 'next' }, + [ + 'external' === t.next.type + ? n( + 'a', + { + attrs: { + href: t.next.path, + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [ + t._v( + '\n ' + + t._s(t.next.title || t.next.path) + + '\n\n ', + ), + n('OutboundLink'), + ], + 1, + ) + : n('RouterLink', { attrs: { to: t.next.path } }, [ + t._v( + '\n ' + + t._s(t.next.title || t.next.path) + + '\n ', + ), + ]), + t._v('\n →\n '), + ], + 1, + ) + : t._e(), + ]), + ]) + : t._e(); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports, + }, + props: ['sidebarItems'], + }), + m = + (n(353), + Object(o.a)( + v, + function() { + var t = this, + e = t.$createElement, + n = t._self._c || e; + return n( + 'main', + { staticClass: 'page' }, + [ + t._t('top'), + t._v(' '), + n('Content', { staticClass: 'theme-default-content' }), + t._v(' '), + n('PageEdit'), + t._v(' '), + n('PageNav', t._b({}, 'PageNav', { sidebarItems: t.sidebarItems }, !1)), + t._v(' '), + t._t('bottom'), + ], + 2, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + )); + e.a = m.exports; + }, + 376: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var i = n(336), + r = n(337), + s = { + name: 'Sidebar', + components: { SidebarLinks: i.default, NavLinks: r.a }, + props: ['items'], + }, + a = (n(357), n(42)), + o = Object(a.a)( + s, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + e = this._self._c || t; + return e( + 'aside', + { staticClass: 'sidebar' }, + [ + e('NavLinks'), + this._v(' '), + this._t('top'), + this._v(' '), + e('SidebarLinks', { attrs: { depth: 0, items: this.items } }), + this._v(' '), + this._t('bottom'), + ], + 2, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.a = o.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/20.3fd45382.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/20.3fd45382.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae4ea954 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/20.3fd45382.js @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [20], + { + 385: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + r = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('h1', { attrs: { id: 'dsl设计' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#dsl设计' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' DSL设计'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + 'DSL层主要约定了Dooring组件的数据协议,包括组件的可编辑属性、编辑类型、初始值等,之所以定义一致的协议层,主要是方便后期的组件扩展,配置后移,有助于不同后端语言开发和数据存储,接下来我们看看header组件的schema。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('1.editData 可编辑的属性类型DSL')]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('2.config 可编辑组件的默认属性')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' Header'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' IHeaderSchema '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n editData'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'bgColor'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'背景色'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Color'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'height'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'高度'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Number'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'logo'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'logo'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Upload'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n isCrop'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token boolean' } }, [t._v('true')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n cropRate'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('1000')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('/')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('618')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'logoText'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'logo文字'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Text'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'color'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'文字颜色'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Color'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'fontSize'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'文字大小'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Number'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n config'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n bgColor'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'rgba(245,245,245,1)'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n logo'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n uid'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'001'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'image.png'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n status'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'done'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n url'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-string' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token interpolation' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('${')], + ), + t._v('serverUrl'), + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('}')], + ), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('/uploads/3_1740be8a482.png'), + ]), + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n logoText'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'页头Header'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n fontSize'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('20')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n color'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'rgba(47,84,235,1)'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n height'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('50')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '由以上代码可知,我们可以在editData属性中给组件添加可编辑的属性,比如背景图,然后再component中接受属性从而设置样式。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '在config属性中,我们可以设置组件默认属性值,和editData中每一项的key一一对应。', + ), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/21.390bb49b.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/21.390bb49b.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..693088fb --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/21.390bb49b.js @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [21], + { + 386: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + p = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('h1', { attrs: { id: '组件结构' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#组件结构' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 组件结构'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('dooring的组件设计包含以下3个部分组件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('1、component 组件主体')]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('2、schema 组件的DSL,结构协议层')]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('3、template 定义了组件的类型、外观、从属关系,后期考虑纳入schema')]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '接下来我会介绍一个基本的组件主体设计,以为template设计,在下一章会具体介绍schema部分。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: '组件设计' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#组件设计' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 组件设计'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('我们这里拿基本的header组件来举例,如下是header组件的代码:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-jsx extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-jsx' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('interface')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token class-name' } }, [ + t._v('HeaderPropTypes'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('extends')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token class-name' } }, [ + t._v('IHeaderConfig'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n isTpl'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' boolean'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' Header '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('memo')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token parameter' } }, [ + t._v('props'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' HeaderPropTypes'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=>')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' bgColor'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' logo'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' logoText'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' fontSize'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' color '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' props'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('return')]), + t._v(' props'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('isTpl '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('?')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('div'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n < img style='), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('width'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'100%'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [t._v(' src=')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('logos'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v(' alt="" />\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('')]), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('header'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [ + t._v('className'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script language-javascript' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script-punctuation punctuation' } }, + [t._v('=')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('styles'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('header'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [t._v('style')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script language-javascript' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script-punctuation punctuation' } }, + [t._v('=')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' backgroundColor'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' bgColor '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('div'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [ + t._v('className'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script language-javascript' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script-punctuation punctuation' } }, + [t._v('=')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('styles'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('logo'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n < img src='), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('logo '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('&&')]), + t._v(' logo'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('0')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('url'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [t._v(' alt=')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('logoText'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v(' />\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('div'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [ + t._v('className'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script language-javascript' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script-punctuation punctuation' } }, + [t._v('=')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('styles'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('title'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [t._v('style')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script language-javascript' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token script-punctuation punctuation' } }, + [t._v('=')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' fontSize'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' color '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('logoText'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [ + t._v('\n '), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token plain-text' } }, [t._v('\n ')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('')]), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '我们只需要按照上面的方式编写组件即可,props是DSL定义的数据层,用来控制组件的shape,也就是组件的表现。我们看看header对应的template。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: 'template设计' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#template设计' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' template设计'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' template '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n type'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'Header'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n h'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('28')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n displayName'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'页头组件'")]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('export')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('default')]), + t._v(' template'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '以上就是我们template的结构,type用来定义组件的类型,方便渲染器动态查找,h代表组件的初始化高度,我们可以自由设置。displayName是组件的中文名,用来在左侧组件面板中展示,方便用户理解,我们可以在template中自定义更多辅助信息,方便使用者更高效的使用我们的编辑器。', + ), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = p.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/22.dd7423cf.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/22.dd7423cf.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ca6a41b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/22.dd7423cf.js @@ -0,0 +1,2161 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [22], + { + 388: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + r = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('p', [ + a('strong', [t._v('H5-Dooring')]), + t._v('后端部分主要使用 '), + a('code', [t._v('Nodejs')]), + t._v( + ' 开发, 为了满足更多定制化需求和服务的可移植性, 特意编写了API接口文档,\n方便大家使用不同的后端语言实现服务接入.', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('注意: 接口统一前缀为'), a('code', [t._v('/api/v0')])])]), + t._v(' '), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: '用户相关' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#用户相关' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 用户相关'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '登录' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#登录' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 登录'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('用户登录接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/check')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('n')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户名')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('co')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('密码')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"n"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"test"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"od"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h5"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"t"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"23242ED"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"n"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"测试页面"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"rp"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"AAAAA"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"maxage"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('300000')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '注销登录' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#注销登录' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 注销登录'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('注销接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/checkout')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"退出成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '权限控制' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#权限控制' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 权限控制'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '不同用户级别所访问的页面权限不同, 这块可结合服务端已有代码设计属于自己的权限字段, 地址为', + ), + a('code', [t._v('server/src/router')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '用户列表' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#用户列表' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 用户列表'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('获取用户列表接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('GET')]), t._v(' /vip/all')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('获取用户列表需要账号满足以下条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('已登录')]), t._v(' '), a('li', [t._v('为超级管理员')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('""')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"n"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"test"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"co"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"123456"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"od"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h5"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"t"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"23242ED"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"n"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"测试页面"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"wx"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"Mr_xuxiaoxi"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"rp"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"AAAAA"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '添加用户' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#添加用户' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 添加用户'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('添加用户接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/add')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')]), t._v(' '), a('li', [t._v('为超级管理员')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('nickname')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户名')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('wx')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('微信号')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('co')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('密码')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v('注: co是由笔者写的'), + a('code', [t._v('加密算法')]), + t._v('实现, 不需要手动填写, 详情见'), + a('code', [t._v('dooirng')]), + t._v('后台管理/用户管理页面.'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"3422EF"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"n"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"test"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"wx"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"Mr_xuxiaoxi"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"co"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"123456"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"od"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h5"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tpl"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"rp"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"AAAAA"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h5Num"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('10')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tplNum"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('3')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '修改用户信息' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#修改用户信息' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 修改用户信息'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('修改用户接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/edit')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')]), t._v(' '), a('li', [t._v('为超级管理员')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('id')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户ID')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('nickname')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户名')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('co')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('登录码')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('wx')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('微信号')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"修改成功"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '删除用户' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#删除用户' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 删除用户'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('删除用户接口')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('DELETE')]), t._v(' /vip/del')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')]), t._v(' '), a('li', [t._v('为超级管理员')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('id')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户ID')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('wx')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('微信号')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('n')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('用户名')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"删除成功"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: 'h5页面管理' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#h5页面管理' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' H5页面管理'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '获取h5数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#获取h5数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 获取H5数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('GET')]), t._v(' /visible/h5/get')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5唯一id')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"pageConfig"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n \n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tpl"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"879742"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"item"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Carousel"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"config"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"direction"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"left"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"swipeable"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token boolean' } }, [t._v('false')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"autoPlay"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token boolean' } }, [t._v('false')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"imgList"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"1"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"title"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"趣谈小课1"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"desc"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"致力于打造优质小课程"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"link"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"xxxxx"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"imgUrl"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"uid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"001"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"image.png"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"status"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"done"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"url"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"http://io.nainor.com/uploads/1_1740bd7c3dc.png"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"2"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"title"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"趣谈小课1"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"desc"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"致力于打造优质小课程"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"link"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"xxxxx"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"imgUrl"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"uid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"001"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"image.png"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"status"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"done"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"url"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"http://io.nainor.com/uploads/2_1740bd8d525.png"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tplImg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"http://io.nainor.com/uploads/carousal_17442e1420f.png"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('82')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"editableEl"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"direction"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"方向"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Radio"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"range"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"down"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"text"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"从上到下"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"left"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"text"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"从左到右"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"swipeable"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"是否可拖拽"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Switch"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"autoPlay"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"是否自动播放"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Switch"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"key"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"imgList"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"图片列表"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"DataList"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"category"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"base"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"point"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"i"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"x-0"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"x"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('0')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"y"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('13')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"w"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('24')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('82')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"isBounded"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token boolean' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"status"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"inToCanvas"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"481194"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"item"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Form"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"config"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"title"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"表单定制组件"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"fontSize"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('18')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"titColor"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"rgba(60,60,60,1)"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"titWeight"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"400"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"bgColor"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"rgba(255,255,255,1)"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"btnColor"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"rgba(20,54,226,100)"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"btnTextColor"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"rgba(255,255,255,1)"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"api"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('""')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"formControls"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"1"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Text"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"姓名"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"placeholder"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"请输入姓名"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"2"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"Number"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"年龄"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"placeholder"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('" 请输入年龄"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"id"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"4"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"type"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"MySelect"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"爱好"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"options"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"选项一"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"value"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"1"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"选项二"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"value"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"2"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"label"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"选项三"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"value"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"3"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('172')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"category"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"base"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"point"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"i"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"x-1"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"x"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('0')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"y"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('98')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"w"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('24')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"h"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('172')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"isBounded"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token boolean' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"status"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"inToCanvas"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '保存h5数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#保存h5数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 保存H5数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /visible/h5/save')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('pageConfig')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('object')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面配置数据')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tpl')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('object')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [ + t._v('H5页面组件配置数据'), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面唯一id')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('参数示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [ + t._v('"pageConfig"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"bgColor"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"rgba(151,25,25,1)"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"title"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"医院宣传页"'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tpl"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"EF123D3"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"EF123D3"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"保存成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '删除h5数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#删除h5数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 删除H5数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('DELETE')]), t._v(' /visible/h5/del')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面唯一id')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"EF123D3"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"test页面"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"EF123D6"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"test2页面"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"删除成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: 'h5表单数据管理' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#h5表单数据管理' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' H5表单数据管理'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '保存表单数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#保存表单数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 保存表单数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/h5/form/post')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid(query)')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面唯一id')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('formData(body)')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('array')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面表单数据')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"表单提交成功"'), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '批量导入表单数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#批量导入表单数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 批量导入表单数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /vip/h5/form/import')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid(query)')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面唯一id')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('formData(body)')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('array')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [ + t._v('H5页面表单数据集合'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"批量导入成功"'), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '删除表单数据' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#删除表单数据' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 删除表单数据'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('DELETE')]), t._v(' /vip/h5/form/del')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5页面唯一id')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('ID')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('表单专属id')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"删除成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: '模版管理' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#模版管理' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 模版管理'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '获取模版库' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#获取模版库' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 获取模版库'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('GET')]), t._v(' /visible/tpls/free')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"img"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('"http://xxx/uploads/tpl_175adabd8dd.jpg"'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"name"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"合作模版"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"B73349B6"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '保存模版' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#保存模版' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 保存模版'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('POST')]), t._v(' /visible/tpl/save')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('name')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版名称')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('cate')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版分类')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('img')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版封面图')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tpl')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('array')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版数据')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('pageConfig')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('false')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('object')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版全局配置')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"tid"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"B73349B6"')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"保存成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '删除模版' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#删除模版' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 删除模版'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [a('code', [t._v('DELETE')]), t._v(' /visible/tpl/del')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('先决条件:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('ul', [a('li', [t._v('用户已登陆')])]), + t._v(' '), + a('table', [ + a('thead', [ + a('tr', [ + a('th', [t._v('参数名')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('是否必选')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('类型')]), + t._v(' '), + a('th', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('说明')]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('tbody', [ + a('tr', [ + a('td', [t._v('tid')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('true')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'center' } }, [t._v('string')]), + t._v(' '), + a('td', { staticStyle: { 'text-align': 'right' } }, [t._v('H5模版id')]), + ]), + ]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('返回示例')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-json extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-json' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"state"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('200')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"result"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token null keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token property' } }, [t._v('"msg"')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('"删除成功"')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: '文件上传' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#文件上传' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 文件上传'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h2', { attrs: { id: '数据统计' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#数据统计' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 数据统计'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '数据大盘接口' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#数据大盘接口' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 数据大盘接口'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '页面埋点' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#页面埋点' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 页面埋点'), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/23.3c312dd7.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/23.3c312dd7.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0bfb6a25 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/23.3c312dd7.js @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [23], + { + 390: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + e = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('p', [ + t._v('目前'), + a('strong', [t._v('H5-Dooring')]), + t._v('全面支持https部署, 具体方式方案如下.'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '前端工程' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#前端工程' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 前端工程'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v('我们需要在前端工程中的'), + a('code', [t._v('src/pages/document.ejs')]), + t._v('中的'), + a('code', [t._v('head')]), + t._v('中添加如下代码:'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-html extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-html' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token tag' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('meta'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [ + t._v('http-equiv'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-value' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation attr-equals' } }, [ + t._v('='), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('"')]), + t._v('Content-Security-Policy'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('"')]), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-name' } }, [ + t._v('content'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token attr-value' } }, [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation attr-equals' } }, [ + t._v('='), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('"')]), + t._v('upgrade-insecure-requests'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('"')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [t._v('目的是强制将页面中HTTP请求转换为HTTPS.')]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '服务器工程' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#服务器工程' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 服务器工程'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h4', { attrs: { id: '_1-申请ssl证书' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#_1-申请ssl证书' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 1. 申请SSL证书'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h4', { attrs: { id: '_2-生成-server-csr-server-key' } }, [ + a( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'header-anchor', + attrs: { href: '#_2-生成-server-csr-server-key' }, + }, + [t._v('#')], + ), + t._v(' 2. 生成 server.csr+server.key'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h4', { attrs: { id: '_3-通过证书链生成-pem文件' } }, [ + a( + 'a', + { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#_3-通过证书链生成-pem文件' } }, + [t._v('#')], + ), + t._v(' 3. 通过证书链生成.pem文件'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h4', { attrs: { id: '在server中的src-index-js按如下方式修改' } }, [ + a( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'header-anchor', + attrs: { href: '#在server中的src-index-js按如下方式修改' }, + }, + [t._v('#')], + ), + t._v(' 在'), + a('code', [t._v('server')]), + t._v('中的'), + a('code', [t._v('src/index.js')]), + t._v('按如下方式修改'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// 忽略部分无影响代码'), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' https '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'https'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// 你的ssl存放路径, 建议直接放在server目录下'), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' filePath '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' path'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('join')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('__dirname'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'../ssl'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// 启动逻辑'), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('async')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('function')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('start')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// https配置'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' httpsOptions '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n key'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' fs'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [ + t._v('readFileSync'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('path'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('join')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('filePath'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'3536084__doctopia.com.cn.key'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('//ssl文件路径'), + ]), + t._v('\n cert'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' fs'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [ + t._v('readFileSync'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('path'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('join')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('filePath'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'3536084__doctopia.com.cn.pem'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('//ssl文件路径'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n\t\n\t'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// https服务'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' server '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' https'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [ + t._v('createServer'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('httpsOptions'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' app'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('callback')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' io '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('require')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'socket.io'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('server'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n\t\n\t'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// 忽略其他无影响代码'), + ]), + t._v('\n\t\n\t'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// https默认443, 这里我们可以走公共配置'), + ]), + t._v('\n\tserver'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('listen')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('443')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=>')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n\t console'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('log')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-string' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v('服务器地址:'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token interpolation' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('${')], + ), + t._v('config'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('staticPath'), + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('}')], + ), + ]), + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n\t'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('start')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = e.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/24.70cc97c3.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/24.70cc97c3.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4534e769 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/24.70cc97c3.js @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [24], + { + 391: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + e = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('p', [ + a('strong', [t._v('H5-Dooring')]), + t._v('全面支持第三方对象存储服务, 我们以七牛云对象存储为例.'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('h3', { attrs: { id: '前端上传文件到oss' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#前端上传文件到oss' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 前端上传文件到oss'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '首先我们需要在第三方对象储存服务中配置对应的服务和域名. 其次安装对应的sdk, 如七牛云sdk:', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('*')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('as')]), + t._v(' qiniu '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'qiniu-js'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v('其次我们修改'), + a('code', [t._v('h5_plus')]), + t._v('工程的'), + a('code', [t._v('Upload')]), + t._v('组件, 详细地址为'), + a('code', [t._v('src/core/FormComponents/Upload')]), + t._v('.'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [t._v('修改内容如下:')]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' fileName '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' file'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('name\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' suffix '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'自定义文件后缀'"), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' putExtra '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n fname'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' fileName'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n params'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' uid '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('+')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('new')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token class-name' } }, [t._v('Date')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('+')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('uuid')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('16')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('8')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('+')]), + t._v(' suffix\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v( + '// 使用七牛云上传api, 前提是提前在前端拿到对应的ticket, 可以通过请求的方式获取', + ), + ]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' observe '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' qiniu'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('upload')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('file'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' uid'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('this')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('state'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('qnToken'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('ticket'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' putExtra'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\nobserve'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('subscribe')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=>')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('null')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token parameter' } }, [t._v('res')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=>')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [ + t._v('// 拼接路径'), + ]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' url '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-string' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token interpolation' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('${')], + ), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('this')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('state'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('qnToken'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('domain'), + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('}')], + ), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v('/')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token interpolation' } }, [ + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('${')], + ), + t._v('res'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('key'), + a( + 'span', + { + pre: !0, + attrs: { class: 'token interpolation-punctuation punctuation' }, + }, + [t._v('}')], + ), + ]), + a( + 'span', + { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token template-punctuation string' } }, + [t._v('`')], + ), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token comment' } }, [t._v('// 存库')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' fileList '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('[')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' uid'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' name'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' fileName'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' status'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'done'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' url '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(']')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('this')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('setState')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n curImgUrl'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' url'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n fileList\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('this')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('props'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('onChange '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('&&')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('this')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('props'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('onChange')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('fileList'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v('其他oss服务类似, 如果不清楚如何配置, 可以在'), + a( + 'a', + { + attrs: { + href: 'http://h5.dooring.cn/', + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [t._v('H5-Dooring官网'), a('OutboundLink')], + 1, + ), + t._v('中找到我们.'), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = e.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/25.e47f5b3c.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/25.e47f5b3c.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef7d6921 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/25.e47f5b3c.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [25], + { + 398: function(n, e, s) { + 'use strict'; + s.r(e); + var t = s(42), + x = Object(t.a)( + {}, + function() { + var n = this.$createElement, + e = this._self._c || n; + return e('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': this.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + e('div', { staticClass: 'language- extra-class' }, [ + e('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-text' } }, [ + e('code', [ + this._v( + 'src\n├─ assets\n│ ├─ header.png\n│ ├─ form.png\n│ ├─ footer.png\n│ ├─ icon.png\n│ ├─ picture.png\n├─ components\n│ ├─ BackTop\n│ │ └─ index.js\n│ ├─ BasicShop\n│ │ ├─ BasicComponents\n│ │ │ ├─ Card\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Carousel\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Footer\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Form\n│ │ │ │ ├─ BaseForm.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ BasePopoverForm.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ baseForm.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Header\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Icon\n│ │ │ │ ├─ icon.ts\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Image\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ LongText\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Nav\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Notice\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Qrcode\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ RichText\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Text\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ WhiteTpl\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ XButton\n│ │ │ │ ├─ Modal.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ ├─ MediaComponents\n│ │ │ ├─ Audio\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Calendar\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Map\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Video\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.css\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ ├─ ShopComponents\n│ │ │ ├─ CardLabel\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Coupons\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ List\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Tab\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ ZhuanLan\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ ├─ VisualComponents\n│ │ │ ├─ Area\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Chart\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Funnel\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Line\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Pie\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ Radar\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ WordCloud\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ XProgress\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ │ ├─ schema.ts\n│ │ │ └─ template.ts\n│ │ ├─ common.ts\n│ │ └─ schema.ts\n│ ├─ Calibration\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ ErrorBundaries\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ LoadingCp\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ ModalTpl\n│ │ ├─ cate.js\n│ │ ├─ index.js\n│ │ └─ index.less\n│ └─ Zan\n│ ├─ index.less\n│ └─ index.tsx\n├─ core\n│ ├─ FormComponents\n│ │ ├─ CardPicker\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ Color\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ DataList\n│ │ │ ├─ editorModal.tsx\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ FormItems\n│ │ │ ├─ EditorModal.tsx\n│ │ │ ├─ FormItems.tsx\n│ │ │ ├─ formItems.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ InteractionData\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ MutiText\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ Pos\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ Table\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ Upload\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ ├─ XEditor\n│ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ └─ types.ts\n│ ├─ DynamicEngine.tsx\n│ ├─ FormRender.tsx\n│ ├─ ViewRender.tsx\n│ └─ viewRender.less\n├─ layouts\n│ ├─ __tests__\n│ │ └─ index.test.js\n│ ├─ index.less\n│ └─ index.tsx\n├─ pages\n│ ├─ __tests__\n│ │ └─ index.test.js\n│ ├─ editor\n│ │ ├─ components\n│ │ │ ├─ AvatorGroup\n│ │ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ ├─ CanvasControl\n│ │ │ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ │ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ │ │ └─ Header\n│ │ │ ├─ index.js\n│ │ │ └─ index.less\n│ │ ├─ models\n│ │ │ └─ editorModal.js\n│ │ ├─ services\n│ │ │ └─ editorService.js\n│ │ ├─ Container.js\n│ │ ├─ SourceBox.tsx\n│ │ ├─ TargetBox.js\n│ │ ├─ index.js\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ preview.tsx\n│ ├─ help\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ home\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ ide\n│ │ ├─ _draft.tsx\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ login\n│ │ ├─ index.less\n│ │ └─ index.tsx\n│ ├─ document.ejs\n│ └─ mobileTip.js\n├─ utils\n│ ├─ req.ts\n│ └─ tool.ts\n├─ app.tsx\n└─ global.css\n\n', + ), + ]), + ]), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + e.default = x.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/26.bf8cc2c2.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/26.bf8cc2c2.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9a1e0f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/26.bf8cc2c2.js @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [26], + { + 394: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var n = a(42), + r = Object(n.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + a = t._self._c || s; + return a('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + a('h1', { attrs: { id: '撤销-重做' } }, [ + a('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#撤销-重做' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 撤销/重做'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '撤销重做我们主要使用了redux-undo这个库,配合Dva使用,具体使用方法参考如下操作:', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + a('div', { staticClass: 'language-js extra-class' }, [ + a('pre', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'language-js' } }, [ + a('code', [ + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' createLogger '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'redux-logger'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' message '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'antd'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' undoable'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' StateWithHistory '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [ + t._v("'redux-undo'"), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('import')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' Reducer'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' AnyAction '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('from')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token string' } }, [t._v("'redux'")]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('export')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('const')]), + t._v(' dva '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n config'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n onAction'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [ + t._v('createLogger'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('onError')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token parameter' } }, [ + t._v('e'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' Error'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n message'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('error')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('e'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('message'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token number' } }, [t._v('3')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function-variable function' } }, [ + t._v('onReducer'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token parameter' } }, [ + t._v('reducer'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' Reducer'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('any'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' AnyAction'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('>')]), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=>')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('let')]), + t._v(' undoReducer '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [t._v('undoable')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('reducer'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('return')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('function')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token parameter' } }, [ + t._v('state'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' StateWithHistory'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('<')]), + t._v('any'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('>')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' action'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' AnyAction'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('let')]), + t._v(' newState '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token function' } }, [ + t._v('undoReducer'), + ]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('(')]), + t._v('state'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' action'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(')')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('let')]), + t._v(' router '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('=')]), + t._v(' newState'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('present'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('router '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('?')]), + t._v(' newState'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('present'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('router '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' newState'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('present'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('.')]), + t._v('routing'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token keyword' } }, [t._v('return')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('{')]), + t._v(' '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v('...')]), + t._v('newState'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v(' router'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token operator' } }, [t._v(':')]), + t._v(' router '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n '), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(',')]), + t._v('\n'), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v('}')]), + a('span', { pre: !0, attrs: { class: 'token punctuation' } }, [t._v(';')]), + t._v('\n'), + ]), + ]), + ]), + a('p', [ + t._v( + '以上我们就实现了全局配置redux-undo,在撤销重做按钮中我们就可以触发对应的方法来实现撤销重做的功能,其次我们还使用了redux-logger来实现redux的日志输出。', + ), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/27.9151272d.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/27.9151272d.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed84678a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/27.9151272d.js @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [27], + { + 396: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.r(n); + var o = e(42), + r = Object(o.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + n = t.$createElement, + e = t._self._c || n; + return e('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + e('h1', { attrs: { id: '保存json' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#保存json' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 保存json'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v( + '我们配置好H5页面之后,如果希望其他人观看,我们可以保存页面并发送链接。但是如果有多人协作的需求,比如一个H5页面可能由多个人完成,这个时候该怎么实现呢?基于已有的方案,我们可以采用socket实现多人协同编辑,但是成本比较大,所有这里我们提供了保存json的功能。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v( + '我们可以将配置好的页面导出为json,发送给另一个人,这样另一个人通过导入该json文件可以实时看到当前的页面,这里还是依靠我们的页面渲染引擎viewEngine。实现思路也很简单,可以在github[', + ), + e( + 'a', + { + attrs: { + href: 'https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring', + target: '_blank', + rel: 'noopener noreferrer', + }, + }, + [t._v('https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring'), e('OutboundLink')], + 1, + ), + t._v(']上参考体验。'), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + n.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/3.0105453b.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/3.0105453b.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21631f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/3.0105453b.js @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [3], + { + 308: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.d(n, 'd', function() { + return r; + }), + e.d(n, 'a', function() { + return a; + }), + e.d(n, 'i', function() { + return u; + }), + e.d(n, 'f', function() { + return l; + }), + e.d(n, 'g', function() { + return o; + }), + e.d(n, 'h', function() { + return c; + }), + e.d(n, 'b', function() { + return f; + }), + e.d(n, 'e', function() { + return h; + }), + e.d(n, 'k', function() { + return d; + }), + e.d(n, 'l', function() { + return p; + }), + e.d(n, 'c', function() { + return g; + }), + e.d(n, 'j', function() { + return m; + }); + e(23), e(93), e(170), e(96), e(172), e(65), e(43), e(309), e(66), e(310), e(95); + var r = /#.*$/, + i = /\.(md|html)$/, + a = /\/$/, + u = /^[a-z]+:/i; + function s(t) { + return decodeURI(t) + .replace(r, '') + .replace(i, ''); + } + function l(t) { + return u.test(t); + } + function o(t) { + return /^mailto:/.test(t); + } + function c(t) { + return /^tel:/.test(t); + } + function f(t) { + if (l(t)) return t; + var n = t.match(r), + e = n ? n[0] : '', + i = s(t); + return a.test(i) ? t : i + '.html' + e; + } + function h(t, n) { + var e = decodeURIComponent(t.hash), + i = (function(t) { + var n = t.match(r); + if (n) return n[0]; + })(n); + return (!i || e === i) && s(t.path) === s(n); + } + function d(t, n, e) { + if (l(n)) return { type: 'external', path: n }; + e && + (n = (function(t, n, e) { + var r = t.charAt(0); + if ('/' === r) return t; + if ('?' === r || '#' === r) return n + t; + var i = n.split('/'); + (e && i[i.length - 1]) || i.pop(); + for (var a = t.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'), u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { + var s = a[u]; + '..' === s ? i.pop() : '.' !== s && i.push(s); + } + '' !== i[0] && i.unshift(''); + return i.join('/'); + })(n, e)); + for (var r = s(n), i = 0; i < t.length; i++) + if (s(t[i].regularPath) === r) + return Object.assign({}, t[i], { type: 'page', path: f(t[i].path) }); + return ( + console.error('[vuepress] No matching page found for sidebar item "'.concat(n, '"')), {} + ); + } + function p(t, n, e, r) { + var i = e.pages, + a = e.themeConfig, + u = (r && a.locales && a.locales[r]) || a; + if ('auto' === (t.frontmatter.sidebar || u.sidebar || a.sidebar)) return v(t); + var s = u.sidebar || a.sidebar; + if (s) { + var l = (function(t, n) { + if (Array.isArray(n)) return { base: '/', config: n }; + for (var e in n) + if (0 === ((r = t), /(\.html|\/)$/.test(r) ? r : r + '/').indexOf(encodeURI(e))) + return { base: e, config: n[e] }; + var r; + return {}; + })(n, s), + o = l.base, + c = l.config; + return 'auto' === c + ? v(t) + : c + ? c.map(function(t) { + return (function t(n, e, r) { + var i = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1; + if ('string' == typeof n) return d(e, n, r); + if (Array.isArray(n)) return Object.assign(d(e, n[0], r), { title: n[1] }); + var a = n.children || []; + return 0 === a.length && n.path + ? Object.assign(d(e, n.path, r), { title: n.title }) + : { + type: 'group', + path: n.path, + title: n.title, + sidebarDepth: n.sidebarDepth, + initialOpenGroupIndex: n.initialOpenGroupIndex, + children: a.map(function(n) { + return t(n, e, r, i + 1); + }), + collapsable: !1 !== n.collapsable, + }; + })(t, i, o); + }) + : []; + } + return []; + } + function v(t) { + var n = g(t.headers || []); + return [ + { + type: 'group', + collapsable: !1, + title: t.title, + path: null, + children: n.map(function(n) { + return { + type: 'auto', + title: n.title, + basePath: t.path, + path: t.path + '#' + n.slug, + children: n.children || [], + }; + }), + }, + ]; + } + function g(t) { + var n; + return ( + (t = t.map(function(t) { + return Object.assign({}, t); + })).forEach(function(t) { + 2 === t.level ? (n = t) : n && (n.children || (n.children = [])).push(t); + }), + t.filter(function(t) { + return 2 === t.level; + }) + ); + } + function m(t) { + return Object.assign(t, { type: t.items && t.items.length ? 'links' : 'link' }); + } + }, + 309: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + var r = e(167), + i = e(5), + a = e(13), + u = e(22), + s = e(168), + l = e(169); + r('match', 1, function(t, n, e) { + return [ + function(n) { + var e = u(this), + r = null == n ? void 0 : n[t]; + return void 0 !== r ? r.call(n, e) : new RegExp(n)[t](String(e)); + }, + function(t) { + var r = e(n, t, this); + if (r.done) return r.value; + var u = i(t), + o = String(this); + if (!u.global) return l(u, o); + var c = u.unicode; + u.lastIndex = 0; + for (var f, h = [], d = 0; null !== (f = l(u, o)); ) { + var p = String(f[0]); + (h[d] = p), '' === p && (u.lastIndex = s(o, a(u.lastIndex), c)), d++; + } + return 0 === d ? null : h; + }, + ]; + }); + }, + 310: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + var r = e(167), + i = e(171), + a = e(5), + u = e(22), + s = e(97), + l = e(168), + o = e(13), + c = e(169), + f = e(67), + h = e(1), + d = [].push, + p = Math.min, + v = !h(function() { + return !RegExp(4294967295, 'y'); + }); + r( + 'split', + 2, + function(t, n, e) { + var r; + return ( + (r = + 'c' == 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] || + 4 != 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length || + 2 != 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length || + 4 != '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length || + '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 || + ''.split(/.?/).length + ? function(t, e) { + var r = String(u(this)), + a = void 0 === e ? 4294967295 : e >>> 0; + if (0 === a) return []; + if (void 0 === t) return [r]; + if (!i(t)) return n.call(r, t, a); + for ( + var s, + l, + o, + c = [], + h = + (t.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + + (t.multiline ? 'm' : '') + + (t.unicode ? 'u' : '') + + (t.sticky ? 'y' : ''), + p = 0, + v = new RegExp(t.source, h + 'g'); + (s = f.call(v, r)) && + !( + (l = v.lastIndex) > p && + (c.push(r.slice(p, s.index)), + s.length > 1 && s.index < r.length && d.apply(c, s.slice(1)), + (o = s[0].length), + (p = l), + c.length >= a) + ); + + ) + v.lastIndex === s.index && v.lastIndex++; + return ( + p === r.length ? (!o && v.test('')) || c.push('') : c.push(r.slice(p)), + c.length > a ? c.slice(0, a) : c + ); + } + : '0'.split(void 0, 0).length + ? function(t, e) { + return void 0 === t && 0 === e ? [] : n.call(this, t, e); + } + : n), + [ + function(n, e) { + var i = u(this), + a = null == n ? void 0 : n[t]; + return void 0 !== a ? a.call(n, i, e) : r.call(String(i), n, e); + }, + function(t, i) { + var u = e(r, t, this, i, r !== n); + if (u.done) return u.value; + var f = a(t), + h = String(this), + d = s(f, RegExp), + g = f.unicode, + m = + (f.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + + (f.multiline ? 'm' : '') + + (f.unicode ? 'u' : '') + + (v ? 'y' : 'g'), + b = new d(v ? f : '^(?:' + f.source + ')', m), + k = void 0 === i ? 4294967295 : i >>> 0; + if (0 === k) return []; + if (0 === h.length) return null === c(b, h) ? [h] : []; + for (var x = 0, _ = 0, y = []; _ < h.length; ) { + b.lastIndex = v ? _ : 0; + var C, + I = c(b, v ? h : h.slice(_)); + if (null === I || (C = p(o(b.lastIndex + (v ? 0 : _)), h.length)) === x) + _ = l(h, _, g); + else { + if ((y.push(h.slice(x, _)), y.length === k)) return y; + for (var O = 1; O <= I.length - 1; O++) + if ((y.push(I[O]), y.length === k)) return y; + _ = x = C; + } + } + return y.push(h.slice(x)), y; + }, + ] + ); + }, + !v, + ); + }, + 311: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + e(166), e(94), e(313); + var r = e(308), + i = { + name: 'NavLink', + props: { item: { required: !0 } }, + computed: { + link: function() { + return Object(r.b)(this.item.link); + }, + exact: function() { + var t = this; + return this.$site.locales + ? Object.keys(this.$site.locales).some(function(n) { + return n === t.link; + }) + : '/' === this.link; + }, + isNonHttpURI: function() { + return Object(r.g)(this.link) || Object(r.h)(this.link); + }, + isBlankTarget: function() { + return '_blank' === this.target; + }, + isInternal: function() { + return !Object(r.f)(this.link) && !this.isBlankTarget; + }, + target: function() { + return this.isNonHttpURI + ? null + : this.item.target + ? this.item.target + : Object(r.f)(this.link) + ? '_blank' + : ''; + }, + rel: function() { + return this.isNonHttpURI || !1 === this.item.rel + ? null + : this.item.rel + ? this.item.rel + : this.isBlankTarget + ? 'noopener noreferrer' + : null; + }, + }, + methods: { + focusoutAction: function() { + this.$emit('focusout'); + }, + }, + }, + a = e(42), + u = Object(a.a)( + i, + function() { + var t = this, + n = t.$createElement, + e = t._self._c || n; + return t.isInternal + ? e( + 'RouterLink', + { + staticClass: 'nav-link', + attrs: { to: t.link, exact: t.exact }, + nativeOn: { + focusout: function(n) { + return t.focusoutAction(n); + }, + }, + }, + [t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.item.text) + '\n')], + ) + : e( + 'a', + { + staticClass: 'nav-link external', + attrs: { href: t.link, target: t.target, rel: t.rel }, + on: { focusout: t.focusoutAction }, + }, + [ + t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.item.text) + '\n '), + t.isBlankTarget ? e('OutboundLink') : t._e(), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + n.a = u.exports; + }, + 313: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + var r = e(0), + i = e(314); + r( + { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: e(315)('link') }, + { + link: function(t) { + return i(this, 'a', 'href', t); + }, + }, + ); + }, + 314: function(t, n, e) { + var r = e(22), + i = /"/g; + t.exports = function(t, n, e, a) { + var u = String(r(t)), + s = '<' + n; + return ( + '' !== e && (s += ' ' + e + '="' + String(a).replace(i, '"') + '"'), + s + '>' + u + '' + ); + }; + }, + 315: function(t, n, e) { + var r = e(1); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(function() { + var n = ''[t]('"'); + return n !== n.toLowerCase() || n.split('"').length > 3; + }); + }; + }, + 332: function(t, n, e) {}, + 369: function(t, n, e) { + t.exports = e.p + 'assets/img/logo.001d04e6.svg'; + }, + 370: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + e(332); + }, + 379: function(t, n, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.r(n); + var r = { + name: 'Home', + components: { NavLink: e(311).a }, + computed: { + data: function() { + return this.$page.frontmatter; + }, + actionLink: function() { + return { link: this.data.actionLink, text: this.data.actionText }; + }, + }, + }, + i = (e(370), e(42)), + a = Object(i.a)( + r, + function() { + var t = this, + n = t.$createElement, + r = t._self._c || n; + return r( + 'main', + { + staticClass: 'home', + attrs: { 'aria-labelledby': null !== t.data.heroText ? 'main-title' : null }, + }, + [ + r('header', { staticClass: 'hero' }, [ + null !== t.data.heroText + ? r('h1', { attrs: { id: 'main-title' } }, [ + r('img', { attrs: { src: e(369), alt: t.data.heroAlt || 'hero' } }), + r('span', [t._v(t._s(t.data.heroText || t.$title || 'Hello'))]), + ]) + : t._e(), + ]), + t._v(' '), + t.data.features && t.data.features.length + ? r('div', { staticClass: 'features' }, [ + r( + 'div', + { staticClass: 'container' }, + t._l(t.data.features, function(n, e) { + return r('div', { key: e, staticClass: 'feature' }, [ + r('div', { staticClass: 'feature-index' }, [t._v(t._s(e + 1))]), + t._v(' '), + r('h2', [t._v(t._s(n.title))]), + t._v(' '), + r('p', [t._v(t._s(n.details))]), + ]); + }), + 0, + ), + ]) + : t._e(), + t._v(' '), + r('Content', { staticClass: 'theme-default-content custom' }), + t._v(' '), + r('div', { staticClass: 'hero' }, [ + t.data.actionText && t.data.actionLink + ? r( + 'p', + { staticClass: 'action' }, + [ + r('NavLink', { + staticClass: 'action-button', + attrs: { item: t.actionLink }, + }), + ], + 1, + ) + : t._e(), + ]), + t._v(' '), + t.data.footer + ? r('div', { staticClass: 'footer' }, [ + t._v('\n ' + t._s(t.data.footer) + '\n '), + ]) + : t._e(), + ], + 1, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + n.default = a.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/4.7985c0ed.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/4.7985c0ed.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea2d7cb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/4.7985c0ed.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [4], + { + 335: function(t, e, n) {}, + 373: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(335); + }, + 401: function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.r(e); + var i = { + functional: !0, + props: { + type: { type: String, default: 'tip' }, + text: String, + vertical: { type: String, default: 'top' }, + }, + render: function(t, e) { + var n = e.props, + i = e.slots; + return t( + 'span', + { class: ['badge', n.type], style: { verticalAlign: n.vertical } }, + n.text || i().default, + ); + }, + }, + r = (n(373), n(42)), + p = Object(r.a)(i, void 0, void 0, !1, null, '15b7b770', null); + e.default = p.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/5.82171d89.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/5.82171d89.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e683e38d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/5.82171d89.js @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [5], + { + 333: function(e, t, c) {}, + 371: function(e, t, c) { + 'use strict'; + c(333); + }, + 380: function(e, t, c) { + 'use strict'; + c.r(t); + var i = { + name: 'CodeBlock', + props: { title: { type: String, required: !0 }, active: { type: Boolean, default: !1 } }, + }, + n = (c(371), c(42)), + s = Object(n.a)( + i, + function() { + var e = this.$createElement; + return (this._self._c || e)( + 'div', + { + staticClass: 'theme-code-block', + class: { 'theme-code-block__active': this.active }, + }, + [this._t('default')], + 2, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + '6d04095e', + null, + ); + t.default = s.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/6.133c066e.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/6.133c066e.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f332aedf --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/6.133c066e.js @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [6], + { + 334: function(e, t, o) {}, + 372: function(e, t, o) { + 'use strict'; + o(334); + }, + 381: function(e, t, o) { + 'use strict'; + o.r(t); + o(23), o(93), o(65), o(95); + var a = { + name: 'CodeGroup', + data: function() { + return { codeTabs: [], activeCodeTabIndex: -1 }; + }, + watch: { + activeCodeTabIndex: function(e) { + this.codeTabs.forEach(function(e) { + e.elm.classList.remove('theme-code-block__active'); + }), + this.codeTabs[e].elm.classList.add('theme-code-block__active'); + }, + }, + mounted: function() { + var e = this; + (this.codeTabs = (this.$slots.default || []) + .filter(function(e) { + return Boolean(e.componentOptions); + }) + .map(function(t, o) { + return ( + '' === t.componentOptions.propsData.active && (e.activeCodeTabIndex = o), + { title: t.componentOptions.propsData.title, elm: t.elm } + ); + })), + -1 === this.activeCodeTabIndex && + this.codeTabs.length > 0 && + (this.activeCodeTabIndex = 0); + }, + methods: { + changeCodeTab: function(e) { + this.activeCodeTabIndex = e; + }, + }, + }, + c = (o(372), o(42)), + n = Object(c.a)( + a, + function() { + var e = this, + t = e.$createElement, + o = e._self._c || t; + return o( + 'div', + { staticClass: 'theme-code-group' }, + [ + o('div', { staticClass: 'theme-code-group__nav' }, [ + o( + 'ul', + { staticClass: 'theme-code-group__ul' }, + e._l(e.codeTabs, function(t, a) { + return o('li', { key: t.title, staticClass: 'theme-code-group__li' }, [ + o( + 'button', + { + staticClass: 'theme-code-group__nav-tab', + class: { + 'theme-code-group__nav-tab-active': a === e.activeCodeTabIndex, + }, + on: { + click: function(t) { + return e.changeCodeTab(a); + }, + }, + }, + [e._v('\n ' + e._s(t.title) + '\n ')], + ), + ]); + }), + 0, + ), + ]), + e._v(' '), + e._t('default'), + e._v(' '), + e.codeTabs.length < 1 + ? o('pre', { staticClass: 'pre-blank' }, [ + e._v('// Make sure to add code blocks to your code group'), + ]) + : e._e(), + ], + 2, + ); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + '32c2d7ed', + null, + ); + t.default = n.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/7.1ca3fdb8.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/7.1ca3fdb8.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38b5101c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/7.1ca3fdb8.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [7], + { + 362: function(t, s, e) { + t.exports = e.p + 'assets/img/preview-flow.b37c7798.png'; + }, + 363: function(t, s, e) { + t.exports = e.p + 'assets/img/preview-page.3ec86df5.png'; + }, + 393: function(t, s, e) { + 'use strict'; + e.r(s); + var r = e(42), + a = Object(r.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + r = t._self._c || s; + return r('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + r('h1', { attrs: { id: '网页预览' } }, [ + r('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#网页预览' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 网页预览'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + r('p', [t._v('我们看看网页预览的工作流程:')]), + t._v(' '), + r('img', { attrs: { src: e(362), alt: 'foo' } }), + t._v(' '), + r('p', [t._v('前端预览界面:')]), + t._v(' '), + r('img', { attrs: { src: e(363), alt: 'foo' } }), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = a.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/8.83a09fe6.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/8.83a09fe6.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4cb443fc --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/8.83a09fe6.js @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [8], + { + 365: function(t, s, a) { + t.exports = a.p + 'assets/img/template-ft.4f6e0d14.png'; + }, + 366: function(t, s, a) { + t.exports = a.p + 'assets/img/template-bg.244b9ac7.png'; + }, + 397: function(t, s, a) { + 'use strict'; + a.r(s); + var e = a(42), + r = Object(e.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + s = t.$createElement, + e = t._self._c || s; + return e('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + e('h2', { attrs: { id: '模板库实现思路' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#模板库实现思路' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 模板库实现思路'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('p', [ + t._v( + '我们目前开放了模板库功能,一方面我们会定期配置行业模板,另一个方面Dooring还支持用户自己配置模板,可以一键保存到云端供用户使用。我们也可以将模板变成自己的页面共享给其他人。实现方式本质上是保存用户的配置信息,上传到服务器中做存储,在后台提供了管理模板的模块,可以修改,删除模板。如下图所示:', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('h3', { attrs: { id: '模板前台展示' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#模板前台展示' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 模板前台展示:'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('img', { attrs: { src: a(365), alt: 'foo' } }), + t._v(' '), + e('h3', { attrs: { id: '模板后台展示' } }, [ + e('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#模板后台展示' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 模板后台展示:'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + e('img', { attrs: { src: a(366), alt: 'foo' } }), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + s.default = r.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/9.90abe1c9.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/9.90abe1c9.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b3657e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/9.90abe1c9.js @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ + [9], + { + 358: function(t, o, r) { + t.exports = r.p + 'assets/img/logo.001d04e6.svg'; + }, + 382: function(t, o, r) { + 'use strict'; + r.r(o); + var s = r(42), + v = Object(s.a)( + {}, + function() { + var t = this, + o = t.$createElement, + s = t._self._c || o; + return s('ContentSlotsDistributor', { attrs: { 'slot-key': t.$parent.slotKey } }, [ + s('img', { attrs: { src: r(358), alt: 'foo' } }), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v( + 'H5-Dooring 是一款功能强大,高可扩展的 H5 可视化页面配置解决方案,致力于提供一套简单方便、专业可靠、无限可能的 H5 落地页最佳实践。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('h2', { attrs: { id: '功能特点' } }, [ + s('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#功能特点' } }, [t._v('#')]), + t._v(' 功能特点'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v('🎉 '), + s('strong', [t._v('可扩展,')]), + t._v( + ' Dooring 实现了较为完整的业务闭环,并使其模块化,编辑器内部功能接口也全部可以对接不同服务端语言,实现了标准化接口。此外还支持自定义组件,二次开发,设计模板等能力,以满足功能和跨领域的分层需求。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v('📦 '), + s('strong', [t._v('开箱即用,')]), + t._v(' Dooring 内置了'), + s('strong', [t._v('表单渲染器、页面渲染器、动态加载内核')]), + t._v( + '等,仅需一套源码即可上手开发。并且还提供针对 React 的定制插件,内涵丰富的功能,可满足日常 80%的页面制作需求。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v('🚀 '), + s('strong', [t._v('大量自研,')]), + t._v( + ' 包含整个编辑器架构、组件设计、文档、请求库封装,后台管理系统等,满足日常项目的周边需求。', + ), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v('🚄 '), + s('strong', [t._v('与时俱进,')]), + t._v(' 在满足需求的同时,我们也不会停止对新技术的探索。比如更多'), + s('strong', [ + t._v('营销组件、业务功能,后台管理可视化,PC 页面编辑器,数据大屏定制'), + ]), + t._v('等等。'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('h2', { attrs: { id: '为什么选择-dooring' } }, [ + s('a', { staticClass: 'header-anchor', attrs: { href: '#为什么选择-dooring' } }, [ + t._v('#'), + ]), + t._v(' 为什么选择 Dooring'), + ]), + t._v(' '), + s('p', [ + t._v('目前'), + s('strong', [t._v('github')]), + t._v( + '已超过 3000+star,上线 2 个月累计 500+用户使用,解决完善了 100+问题,后续会持续迭代,更新,自研优秀,先进的 lowcode/nocode 解决方案。', + ), + ]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ); + o.default = v.exports; + }, + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/assets/js/app.1cec26f9.js b/doc-dist/assets/js/app.1cec26f9.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c56c67fa --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/assets/js/app.1cec26f9.js @@ -0,0 +1,12506 @@ +(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([[0], []]); +!(function(t) { + function e(e) { + for (var r, a, u = e[0], c = e[1], s = e[2], l = 0, p = []; l < u.length; l++) + (a = u[l]), Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, a) && o[a] && p.push(o[a][0]), (o[a] = 0); + for (r in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, r) && (t[r] = c[r]); + for (f && f(e); p.length; ) p.shift()(); + return i.push.apply(i, s || []), n(); + } + function n() { + for (var t, e = 0; e < i.length; e++) { + for (var n = i[e], r = !0, u = 1; u < n.length; u++) { + var c = n[u]; + 0 !== o[c] && (r = !1); + } + r && (i.splice(e--, 1), (t = a((a.s = n[0])))); + } + return t; + } + var r = {}, + o = { 1: 0 }, + i = []; + function a(e) { + if (r[e]) return r[e].exports; + var n = (r[e] = { i: e, l: !1, exports: {} }); + return t[e].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, a), (n.l = !0), n.exports; + } + (a.e = function(t) { + var e = [], + n = o[t]; + if (0 !== n) + if (n) e.push(n[2]); + else { + var r = new Promise(function(e, r) { + n = o[t] = [e, r]; + }); + e.push((n[2] = r)); + var i, + u = document.createElement('script'); + (u.charset = 'utf-8'), + (u.timeout = 120), + a.nc && u.setAttribute('nonce', a.nc), + (u.src = (function(t) { + return ( + a.p + + 'assets/js/' + + ({}[t] || t) + + '.' + + { + 2: '693230f5', + 3: '0105453b', + 4: '7985c0ed', + 5: '82171d89', + 6: '133c066e', + 7: '1ca3fdb8', + 8: '83a09fe6', + 9: '90abe1c9', + 10: 'b0d462d3', + 11: 'a817ab83', + 12: '7537ddc3', + 13: 'c7b7a778', + 14: 'eff270f4', + 15: '2cabc303', + 16: 'ebc27227', + 17: 'e2c644fa', + 18: '8be51919', + 19: '5b05b8ec', + 20: '3fd45382', + 21: '390bb49b', + 22: 'dd7423cf', + 23: '3c312dd7', + 24: '70cc97c3', + 25: 'e47f5b3c', + 26: 'bf8cc2c2', + 27: '9151272d', + }[t] + + '.js' + ); + })(t)); + var c = new Error(); + i = function(e) { + (u.onerror = u.onload = null), clearTimeout(s); + var n = o[t]; + if (0 !== n) { + if (n) { + var r = e && ('load' === e.type ? 'missing' : e.type), + i = e && e.target && e.target.src; + (c.message = 'Loading chunk ' + t + ' failed.\n(' + r + ': ' + i + ')'), + (c.name = 'ChunkLoadError'), + (c.type = r), + (c.request = i), + n[1](c); + } + o[t] = void 0; + } + }; + var s = setTimeout(function() { + i({ type: 'timeout', target: u }); + }, 12e4); + (u.onerror = u.onload = i), document.head.appendChild(u); + } + return Promise.all(e); + }), + (a.m = t), + (a.c = r), + (a.d = function(t, e, n) { + a.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: n }); + }), + (a.r = function(t) { + 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && + Symbol.toStringTag && + Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), + Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); + }), + (a.t = function(t, e) { + if ((1 & e && (t = a(t)), 8 & e)) return t; + if (4 & e && 'object' == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; + var n = Object.create(null); + if ( + (a.r(n), + Object.defineProperty(n, 'default', { enumerable: !0, value: t }), + 2 & e && 'string' != typeof t) + ) + for (var r in t) + a.d( + n, + r, + function(e) { + return t[e]; + }.bind(null, r), + ); + return n; + }), + (a.n = function(t) { + var e = + t && t.__esModule + ? function() { + return t.default; + } + : function() { + return t; + }; + return a.d(e, 'a', e), e; + }), + (a.o = function(t, e) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e); + }), + (a.p = '/doc/'), + (a.oe = function(t) { + throw (console.error(t), t); + }); + var u = (window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []), + c = u.push.bind(u); + (u.push = e), (u = u.slice()); + for (var s = 0; s < u.length; s++) e(u[s]); + var f = c; + i.push([180, 0]), n(); +})([ + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(24).f, + i = n(11), + a = n(10), + u = n(71), + c = n(113), + s = n(100); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n, + f, + l, + p, + h, + d = t.target, + v = t.global, + y = t.stat; + if ((n = v ? r : y ? r[d] || u(d, {}) : (r[d] || {}).prototype)) + for (f in e) { + if ( + ((p = e[f]), + (l = t.noTargetGet ? (h = o(n, f)) && h.value : n[f]), + !s(v ? f : d + (y ? '.' : '#') + f, t.forced) && void 0 !== l) + ) { + if (typeof p == typeof l) continue; + c(p, l); + } + (t.sham || (l && l.sham)) && i(p, 'sham', !0), a(n, f, p, t); + } + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + try { + return !!t(); + } catch (t) { + return !0; + } + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(69), + i = n(7), + a = n(45), + u = n(73), + c = n(107), + s = o('wks'), + f = r.Symbol, + l = c ? f : (f && f.withoutSetter) || a; + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(s, t) || (u && i(f, t) ? (s[t] = f[t]) : (s[t] = l('Symbol.' + t))), s[t]; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = function(t) { + return t && t.Math == Math && t; + }; + t.exports = + n('object' == typeof globalThis && globalThis) || + n('object' == typeof window && window) || + n('object' == typeof self && self) || + n('object' == typeof global && global) || + (function() { + return this; + })() || + Function('return this')(); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'object' == typeof t ? null !== t : 'function' == typeof t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(4); + t.exports = function(t) { + if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(String(t) + ' is not an object'); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1); + t.exports = !r(function() { + return ( + 7 != + Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { + get: function() { + return 7; + }, + })[1] + ); + }); + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = {}.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return n.call(t, e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(106), + i = n(5), + a = n(44), + u = Object.defineProperty; + e.f = r + ? u + : function(t, e, n) { + if ((i(t), (e = a(e, !0)), i(n), o)) + try { + return u(t, e, n); + } catch (t) {} + if ('get' in n || 'set' in n) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported'); + return 'value' in n && (t[e] = n.value), t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(80), + o = n(10), + i = n(196); + r || o(Object.prototype, 'toString', i, { unsafe: !0 }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(11), + i = n(7), + a = n(71), + u = n(76), + c = n(28), + s = c.get, + f = c.enforce, + l = String(String).split('String'); + (t.exports = function(t, e, n, u) { + var c, + s = !!u && !!u.unsafe, + p = !!u && !!u.enumerable, + h = !!u && !!u.noTargetGet; + 'function' == typeof n && + ('string' != typeof e || i(n, 'name') || o(n, 'name', e), + (c = f(n)).source || (c.source = l.join('string' == typeof e ? e : ''))), + t !== r + ? (s ? !h && t[e] && (p = !0) : delete t[e], p ? (t[e] = n) : o(t, e, n)) + : p + ? (t[e] = n) + : a(e, n); + })(Function.prototype, 'toString', function() { + return ('function' == typeof this && s(this).source) || u(this); + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(8), + i = n(32); + t.exports = r + ? function(t, e, n) { + return o.f(t, e, i(1, n)); + } + : function(t, e, n) { + return (t[e] = n), t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(22); + t.exports = function(t) { + return Object(r(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(47), + o = Math.min; + t.exports = function(t) { + return t > 0 ? o(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Array.isArray; + t.exports = n; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(31), + o = n(22); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(o(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(140), + o = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, + i = r || o || Function('return this')(); + t.exports = i; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(1), + i = n(7), + a = Object.defineProperty, + u = {}, + c = function(t) { + throw t; + }; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + if (i(u, t)) return u[t]; + e || (e = {}); + var n = [][t], + s = !!i(e, 'ACCESSORS') && e.ACCESSORS, + f = i(e, 0) ? e[0] : c, + l = i(e, 1) ? e[1] : void 0; + return (u[t] = + !!n && + !o(function() { + if (s && !r) return !0; + var t = { length: -1 }; + s ? a(t, 1, { enumerable: !0, get: c }) : (t[1] = 1), n.call(t, f, l); + })); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(111), + o = n(3), + i = function(t) { + return 'function' == typeof t ? t : void 0; + }; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return arguments.length < 2 ? i(r[t]) || i(o[t]) : (r[t] && r[t][e]) || (o[t] && o[t][e]); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = !1; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + if ('function' != typeof t) throw TypeError(String(t) + ' is not a function'); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(225), + o = n(228); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = o(t, e); + return r(n) ? n : void 0; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + if (null == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + t); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(29).filter, + i = n(53), + a = n(17), + u = i('filter'), + c = a('filter'); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !u || !c }, + { + filter: function(t) { + return o(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(77), + i = n(32), + a = n(15), + u = n(44), + c = n(7), + s = n(106), + f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + e.f = r + ? f + : function(t, e) { + if (((t = a(t)), (e = u(e, !0)), s)) + try { + return f(t, e); + } catch (t) {} + if (c(t, e)) return i(!o.f.call(t, e), t[e]); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return null != t && 'object' == typeof t; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = {}.toString; + t.exports = function(t) { + return n.call(t).slice(8, -1); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(128).charAt, + o = n(28), + i = n(112), + a = o.set, + u = o.getterFor('String Iterator'); + i( + String, + 'String', + function(t) { + a(this, { type: 'String Iterator', string: String(t), index: 0 }); + }, + function() { + var t, + e = u(this), + n = e.string, + o = e.index; + return o >= n.length + ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } + : ((t = r(n, o)), (e.index += t.length), { value: t, done: !1 }); + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i, + a = n(182), + u = n(3), + c = n(4), + s = n(11), + f = n(7), + l = n(70), + p = n(48), + h = n(34), + d = u.WeakMap; + if (a) { + var v = l.state || (l.state = new d()), + y = v.get, + m = v.has, + g = v.set; + (r = function(t, e) { + return (e.facade = t), g.call(v, t, e), e; + }), + (o = function(t) { + return y.call(v, t) || {}; + }), + (i = function(t) { + return m.call(v, t); + }); + } else { + var b = p('state'); + (h[b] = !0), + (r = function(t, e) { + return (e.facade = t), s(t, b, e), e; + }), + (o = function(t) { + return f(t, b) ? t[b] : {}; + }), + (i = function(t) { + return f(t, b); + }); + } + t.exports = { + set: r, + get: o, + has: i, + enforce: function(t) { + return i(t) ? o(t) : r(t, {}); + }, + getterFor: function(t) { + return function(e) { + var n; + if (!c(e) || (n = o(e)).type !== t) + throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + t + ' required'); + return n; + }; + }, + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(50), + o = n(31), + i = n(12), + a = n(13), + u = n(127), + c = [].push, + s = function(t) { + var e = 1 == t, + n = 2 == t, + s = 3 == t, + f = 4 == t, + l = 6 == t, + p = 7 == t, + h = 5 == t || l; + return function(d, v, y, m) { + for ( + var g, + b, + _ = i(d), + x = o(_), + w = r(v, y, 3), + O = a(x.length), + S = 0, + j = m || u, + A = e ? j(d, O) : n || p ? j(d, 0) : void 0; + O > S; + S++ + ) + if ((h || S in x) && ((b = w((g = x[S]), S, _)), t)) + if (e) A[S] = b; + else if (b) + switch (t) { + case 3: + return !0; + case 5: + return g; + case 6: + return S; + case 2: + c.call(A, g); + } + else + switch (t) { + case 4: + return !1; + case 7: + c.call(A, g); + } + return l ? -1 : s || f ? f : A; + }; + }; + t.exports = { + forEach: s(0), + map: s(1), + filter: s(2), + some: s(3), + every: s(4), + find: s(5), + findIndex: s(6), + filterOut: s(7), + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(39), + o = n(210), + i = n(211), + a = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; + t.exports = function(t) { + return null == t + ? void 0 === t + ? '[object Undefined]' + : '[object Null]' + : a && a in Object(t) + ? o(t) + : i(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1), + o = n(26), + i = ''.split; + t.exports = r(function() { + return !Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); + }) + ? function(t) { + return 'String' == o(t) ? i.call(t, '') : Object(t); + } + : Object; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return { enumerable: !(1 & t), configurable: !(2 & t), writable: !(4 & t), value: e }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o = n(5), + i = n(181), + a = n(75), + u = n(34), + c = n(110), + s = n(72), + f = n(48), + l = f('IE_PROTO'), + p = function() {}, + h = function(t) { + return ''; + }, + d = function() { + try { + r = document.domain && new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); + } catch (t) {} + var t, e; + d = r + ? (function(t) { + t.write(h('')), t.close(); + var e = t.parentWindow.Object; + return (t = null), e; + })(r) + : (((e = s('iframe')).style.display = 'none'), + c.appendChild(e), + (e.src = String('javascript:')), + (t = e.contentWindow.document).open(), + t.write(h('document.F=Object')), + t.close(), + t.F); + for (var n = a.length; n--; ) delete d.prototype[a[n]]; + return d(); + }; + (u[l] = !0), + (t.exports = + Object.create || + function(t, e) { + var n; + return ( + null !== t + ? ((p.prototype = o(t)), (n = new p()), (p.prototype = null), (n[l] = t)) + : (n = d()), + void 0 === e ? n : i(n, e) + ); + }); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = {}; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = {}; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(26); + t.exports = + Array.isArray || + function(t) { + return 'Array' == r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(129), + i = n(105), + a = n(11), + u = n(2), + c = u('iterator'), + s = u('toStringTag'), + f = i.values; + for (var l in o) { + var p = r[l], + h = p && p.prototype; + if (h) { + if (h[c] !== f) + try { + a(h, c, f); + } catch (t) { + h[c] = f; + } + if ((h[s] || a(h, s, l), o[l])) + for (var d in i) + if (h[d] !== i[d]) + try { + a(h, d, i[d]); + } catch (t) { + h[d] = i[d]; + } + } + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(1); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = [][t]; + return ( + !!n && + r(function() { + n.call( + null, + e || + function() { + throw 1; + }, + 1, + ); + }) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(16).Symbol; + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.d(e, 'a', function() { + return i; + }); + n(96); + var r = n(41); + n(56), n(57), n(82), n(137), n(9), n(27), n(37); + var o = n(63); + function i(t) { + return ( + (function(t) { + if (Array.isArray(t)) return Object(r.a)(t); + })(t) || + (function(t) { + if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) return Array.from(t); + })(t) || + Object(o.a)(t) || + (function() { + throw new TypeError( + 'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.', + ); + })() + ); + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + function r(t, e) { + (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); + for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++) r[n] = t[n]; + return r; + } + n.d(e, 'a', function() { + return r; + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + function r(t, e, n, r, o, i, a, u) { + var c, + s = 'function' == typeof t ? t.options : t; + if ( + (e && ((s.render = e), (s.staticRenderFns = n), (s._compiled = !0)), + r && (s.functional = !0), + i && (s._scopeId = 'data-v-' + i), + a + ? ((c = function(t) { + (t = + t || + (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || + (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext)) || + 'undefined' == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || + (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), + o && o.call(this, t), + t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(a); + }), + (s._ssrRegister = c)) + : o && + (c = u + ? function() { + o.call(this, (s.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot); + } + : o), + c) + ) + if (s.functional) { + s._injectStyles = c; + var f = s.render; + s.render = function(t, e) { + return c.call(e), f(t, e); + }; + } else { + var l = s.beforeCreate; + s.beforeCreate = l ? [].concat(l, c) : [c]; + } + return { exports: t, options: s }; + } + n.d(e, 'a', function() { + return r; + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(67); + r({ target: 'RegExp', proto: !0, forced: /./.exec !== o }, { exec: o }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(4); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + if (!r(t)) return t; + var n, o; + if (e && 'function' == typeof (n = t.toString) && !r((o = n.call(t)))) return o; + if ('function' == typeof (n = t.valueOf) && !r((o = n.call(t)))) return o; + if (!e && 'function' == typeof (n = t.toString) && !r((o = n.call(t)))) return o; + throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = 0, + r = Math.random(); + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'Symbol(' + String(void 0 === t ? '' : t) + ')_' + (++n + r).toString(36); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(108), + o = n(75); + t.exports = + Object.keys || + function(t) { + return r(t, o); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Math.ceil, + r = Math.floor; + t.exports = function(t) { + return isNaN((t = +t)) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? r : n)(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(69), + o = n(45), + i = r('keys'); + t.exports = function(t) { + return i[t] || (i[t] = o(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(8).f, + o = n(7), + i = n(2)('toStringTag'); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + t && !o((t = n ? t : t.prototype), i) && r(t, i, { configurable: !0, value: e }); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(20); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + if ((r(t), void 0 === e)) return t; + switch (n) { + case 0: + return function() { + return t.call(e); + }; + case 1: + return function(n) { + return t.call(e, n); + }; + case 2: + return function(n, r) { + return t.call(e, n, r); + }; + case 3: + return function(n, r, o) { + return t.call(e, n, r, o); + }; + } + return function() { + return t.apply(e, arguments); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(26), + o = n(3); + t.exports = 'process' == r(o.process); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i = n(3), + a = n(81), + u = i.process, + c = u && u.versions, + s = c && c.v8; + s + ? (o = (r = s.split('.'))[0] + r[1]) + : a && + (!(r = a.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)) || r[1] >= 74) && + (r = a.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)) && + (o = r[1]), + (t.exports = o && +o); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1), + o = n(2), + i = n(52), + a = o('species'); + t.exports = function(t) { + return ( + i >= 51 || + !r(function() { + var e = []; + return ( + ((e.constructor = {})[a] = function() { + return { foo: 1 }; + }), + 1 !== e[t](Boolean).foo + ); + }) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(4), + i = n(36), + a = n(109), + u = n(13), + c = n(15), + s = n(55), + f = n(2), + l = n(53), + p = n(17), + h = l('slice'), + d = p('slice', { ACCESSORS: !0, 0: 0, 1: 2 }), + v = f('species'), + y = [].slice, + m = Math.max; + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !h || !d }, + { + slice: function(t, e) { + var n, + r, + f, + l = c(this), + p = u(l.length), + h = a(t, p), + d = a(void 0 === e ? p : e, p); + if ( + i(l) && + ('function' != typeof (n = l.constructor) || (n !== Array && !i(n.prototype)) + ? o(n) && null === (n = n[v]) && (n = void 0) + : (n = void 0), + n === Array || void 0 === n) + ) + return y.call(l, h, d); + for (r = new (void 0 === n ? Array : n)(m(d - h, 0)), f = 0; h < d; h++, f++) + h in l && s(r, f, l[h]); + return (r.length = f), r; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(44), + o = n(8), + i = n(32); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var a = r(e); + a in t ? o.f(t, a, i(0, n)) : (t[a] = n); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(3), + i = n(18), + a = n(19), + u = n(6), + c = n(73), + s = n(107), + f = n(1), + l = n(7), + p = n(36), + h = n(4), + d = n(5), + v = n(12), + y = n(15), + m = n(44), + g = n(32), + b = n(33), + _ = n(46), + x = n(68), + w = n(204), + O = n(78), + S = n(24), + j = n(8), + A = n(77), + E = n(11), + k = n(10), + C = n(69), + $ = n(48), + P = n(34), + T = n(45), + L = n(2), + R = n(135), + z = n(136), + D = n(49), + I = n(28), + M = n(29).forEach, + N = $('hidden'), + U = L('toPrimitive'), + F = I.set, + B = I.getterFor('Symbol'), + V = Object.prototype, + H = o.Symbol, + q = i('JSON', 'stringify'), + W = S.f, + G = j.f, + K = w.f, + J = A.f, + X = C('symbols'), + Q = C('op-symbols'), + Y = C('string-to-symbol-registry'), + Z = C('symbol-to-string-registry'), + tt = C('wks'), + et = o.QObject, + nt = !et || !et.prototype || !et.prototype.findChild, + rt = + u && + f(function() { + return ( + 7 != + b( + G({}, 'a', { + get: function() { + return G(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; + }, + }), + ).a + ); + }) + ? function(t, e, n) { + var r = W(V, e); + r && delete V[e], G(t, e, n), r && t !== V && G(V, e, r); + } + : G, + ot = function(t, e) { + var n = (X[t] = b(H.prototype)); + return F(n, { type: 'Symbol', tag: t, description: e }), u || (n.description = e), n; + }, + it = s + ? function(t) { + return 'symbol' == typeof t; + } + : function(t) { + return Object(t) instanceof H; + }, + at = function(t, e, n) { + t === V && at(Q, e, n), d(t); + var r = m(e, !0); + return ( + d(n), + l(X, r) + ? (n.enumerable + ? (l(t, N) && t[N][r] && (t[N][r] = !1), (n = b(n, { enumerable: g(0, !1) }))) + : (l(t, N) || G(t, N, g(1, {})), (t[N][r] = !0)), + rt(t, r, n)) + : G(t, r, n) + ); + }, + ut = function(t, e) { + d(t); + var n = y(e), + r = _(n).concat(lt(n)); + return ( + M(r, function(e) { + (u && !ct.call(n, e)) || at(t, e, n[e]); + }), + t + ); + }, + ct = function(t) { + var e = m(t, !0), + n = J.call(this, e); + return ( + !(this === V && l(X, e) && !l(Q, e)) && + (!(n || !l(this, e) || !l(X, e) || (l(this, N) && this[N][e])) || n) + ); + }, + st = function(t, e) { + var n = y(t), + r = m(e, !0); + if (n !== V || !l(X, r) || l(Q, r)) { + var o = W(n, r); + return !o || !l(X, r) || (l(n, N) && n[N][r]) || (o.enumerable = !0), o; + } + }, + ft = function(t) { + var e = K(y(t)), + n = []; + return ( + M(e, function(t) { + l(X, t) || l(P, t) || n.push(t); + }), + n + ); + }, + lt = function(t) { + var e = t === V, + n = K(e ? Q : y(t)), + r = []; + return ( + M(n, function(t) { + !l(X, t) || (e && !l(V, t)) || r.push(X[t]); + }), + r + ); + }; + (c || + (k( + (H = function() { + if (this instanceof H) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor'); + var t = arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? String(arguments[0]) : void 0, + e = T(t), + n = function(t) { + this === V && n.call(Q, t), + l(this, N) && l(this[N], e) && (this[N][e] = !1), + rt(this, e, g(1, t)); + }; + return u && nt && rt(V, e, { configurable: !0, set: n }), ot(e, t); + }).prototype, + 'toString', + function() { + return B(this).tag; + }, + ), + k(H, 'withoutSetter', function(t) { + return ot(T(t), t); + }), + (A.f = ct), + (j.f = at), + (S.f = st), + (x.f = w.f = ft), + (O.f = lt), + (R.f = function(t) { + return ot(L(t), t); + }), + u && + (G(H.prototype, 'description', { + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + return B(this).description; + }, + }), + a || k(V, 'propertyIsEnumerable', ct, { unsafe: !0 }))), + r({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: !c, sham: !c }, { Symbol: H }), + M(_(tt), function(t) { + z(t); + }), + r( + { target: 'Symbol', stat: !0, forced: !c }, + { + for: function(t) { + var e = String(t); + if (l(Y, e)) return Y[e]; + var n = H(e); + return (Y[e] = n), (Z[n] = e), n; + }, + keyFor: function(t) { + if (!it(t)) throw TypeError(t + ' is not a symbol'); + if (l(Z, t)) return Z[t]; + }, + useSetter: function() { + nt = !0; + }, + useSimple: function() { + nt = !1; + }, + }, + ), + r( + { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !c, sham: !u }, + { + create: function(t, e) { + return void 0 === e ? b(t) : ut(b(t), e); + }, + defineProperty: at, + defineProperties: ut, + getOwnPropertyDescriptor: st, + }, + ), + r( + { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !c }, + { getOwnPropertyNames: ft, getOwnPropertySymbols: lt }, + ), + r( + { + target: 'Object', + stat: !0, + forced: f(function() { + O.f(1); + }), + }, + { + getOwnPropertySymbols: function(t) { + return O.f(v(t)); + }, + }, + ), + q) && + r( + { + target: 'JSON', + stat: !0, + forced: + !c || + f(function() { + var t = H(); + return '[null]' != q([t]) || '{}' != q({ a: t }) || '{}' != q(Object(t)); + }), + }, + { + stringify: function(t, e, n) { + for (var r, o = [t], i = 1; arguments.length > i; ) o.push(arguments[i++]); + if (((r = e), (h(e) || void 0 !== t) && !it(t))) + return ( + p(e) || + (e = function(t, e) { + if (('function' == typeof r && (e = r.call(this, t, e)), !it(e))) return e; + }), + (o[1] = e), + q.apply(null, o) + ); + }, + }, + ); + H.prototype[U] || E(H.prototype, U, H.prototype.valueOf), D(H, 'Symbol'), (P[N] = !0); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(6), + i = n(3), + a = n(7), + u = n(4), + c = n(8).f, + s = n(113), + f = i.Symbol; + if ( + o && + 'function' == typeof f && + (!('description' in f.prototype) || void 0 !== f().description) + ) { + var l = {}, + p = function() { + var t = arguments.length < 1 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? void 0 : String(arguments[0]), + e = this instanceof p ? new f(t) : void 0 === t ? f() : f(t); + return '' === t && (l[e] = !0), e; + }; + s(p, f); + var h = (p.prototype = f.prototype); + h.constructor = p; + var d = h.toString, + v = 'Symbol(test)' == String(f('test')), + y = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/; + c(h, 'description', { + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + var t = u(this) ? this.valueOf() : this, + e = d.call(t); + if (a(l, t)) return ''; + var n = v ? e.slice(7, -1) : e.replace(y, '$1'); + return '' === n ? void 0 : n; + }, + }), + r({ global: !0, forced: !0 }, { Symbol: p }); + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(215), + o = n(216), + i = n(217), + a = n(218), + u = n(219); + function c(t) { + var e = -1, + n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; + for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) { + var r = t[e]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } + } + (c.prototype.clear = r), + (c.prototype.delete = o), + (c.prototype.get = i), + (c.prototype.has = a), + (c.prototype.set = u), + (t.exports = c); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(142); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = t.length; n--; ) if (r(t[n][0], e)) return n; + return -1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(Object, 'create'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(237); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = t.__data__; + return r(e) ? n['string' == typeof e ? 'string' : 'hash'] : n.map; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(91); + t.exports = function(t) { + if ('string' == typeof t || r(t)) return t; + var e = t + ''; + return '0' == e && 1 / t == -1 / 0 ? '-0' : e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.d(e, 'a', function() { + return o; + }); + n(137), n(54), n(138), n(83), n(9), n(98), n(27); + var r = n(41); + function o(t, e) { + if (t) { + if ('string' == typeof t) return Object(r.a)(t, e); + var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); + return ( + 'Object' === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name), + 'Map' === n || 'Set' === n + ? Array.from(t) + : 'Arguments' === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) + ? Object(r.a)(t, e) + : void 0 + ); + } + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, o; + /* NProgress, (c) 2013, 2014 Rico Sta. Cruz - http://ricostacruz.com/nprogress + * @license MIT */ void 0 === + (o = + 'function' == + typeof (r = function() { + var t, + e, + n = { version: '0.2.0' }, + r = (n.settings = { + minimum: 0.08, + easing: 'ease', + positionUsing: '', + speed: 200, + trickle: !0, + trickleRate: 0.02, + trickleSpeed: 800, + showSpinner: !0, + barSelector: '[role="bar"]', + spinnerSelector: '[role="spinner"]', + parent: 'body', + template: + '
', + }); + function o(t, e, n) { + return t < e ? e : t > n ? n : t; + } + function i(t) { + return 100 * (-1 + t); + } + (n.configure = function(t) { + var e, n; + for (e in t) void 0 !== (n = t[e]) && t.hasOwnProperty(e) && (r[e] = n); + return this; + }), + (n.status = null), + (n.set = function(t) { + var e = n.isStarted(); + (t = o(t, r.minimum, 1)), (n.status = 1 === t ? null : t); + var c = n.render(!e), + s = c.querySelector(r.barSelector), + f = r.speed, + l = r.easing; + return ( + c.offsetWidth, + a(function(e) { + '' === r.positionUsing && (r.positionUsing = n.getPositioningCSS()), + u( + s, + (function(t, e, n) { + var o; + return ( + ((o = + 'translate3d' === r.positionUsing + ? { transform: 'translate3d(' + i(t) + '%,0,0)' } + : 'translate' === r.positionUsing + ? { transform: 'translate(' + i(t) + '%,0)' } + : { 'margin-left': i(t) + '%' }).transition = 'all ' + e + 'ms ' + n), + o + ); + })(t, f, l), + ), + 1 === t + ? (u(c, { transition: 'none', opacity: 1 }), + c.offsetWidth, + setTimeout(function() { + u(c, { transition: 'all ' + f + 'ms linear', opacity: 0 }), + setTimeout(function() { + n.remove(), e(); + }, f); + }, f)) + : setTimeout(e, f); + }), + this + ); + }), + (n.isStarted = function() { + return 'number' == typeof n.status; + }), + (n.start = function() { + n.status || n.set(0); + var t = function() { + setTimeout(function() { + n.status && (n.trickle(), t()); + }, r.trickleSpeed); + }; + return r.trickle && t(), this; + }), + (n.done = function(t) { + return t || n.status ? n.inc(0.3 + 0.5 * Math.random()).set(1) : this; + }), + (n.inc = function(t) { + var e = n.status; + return e + ? ('number' != typeof t && (t = (1 - e) * o(Math.random() * e, 0.1, 0.95)), + (e = o(e + t, 0, 0.994)), + n.set(e)) + : n.start(); + }), + (n.trickle = function() { + return n.inc(Math.random() * r.trickleRate); + }), + (t = 0), + (e = 0), + (n.promise = function(r) { + return r && 'resolved' !== r.state() + ? (0 === e && n.start(), + t++, + e++, + r.always(function() { + 0 == --e ? ((t = 0), n.done()) : n.set((t - e) / t); + }), + this) + : this; + }), + (n.render = function(t) { + if (n.isRendered()) return document.getElementById('nprogress'); + s(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy'); + var e = document.createElement('div'); + (e.id = 'nprogress'), (e.innerHTML = r.template); + var o, + a = e.querySelector(r.barSelector), + c = t ? '-100' : i(n.status || 0), + f = document.querySelector(r.parent); + return ( + u(a, { transition: 'all 0 linear', transform: 'translate3d(' + c + '%,0,0)' }), + r.showSpinner || ((o = e.querySelector(r.spinnerSelector)) && p(o)), + f != document.body && s(f, 'nprogress-custom-parent'), + f.appendChild(e), + e + ); + }), + (n.remove = function() { + f(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy'), + f(document.querySelector(r.parent), 'nprogress-custom-parent'); + var t = document.getElementById('nprogress'); + t && p(t); + }), + (n.isRendered = function() { + return !!document.getElementById('nprogress'); + }), + (n.getPositioningCSS = function() { + var t = document.body.style, + e = + 'WebkitTransform' in t + ? 'Webkit' + : 'MozTransform' in t + ? 'Moz' + : 'msTransform' in t + ? 'ms' + : 'OTransform' in t + ? 'O' + : ''; + return e + 'Perspective' in t + ? 'translate3d' + : e + 'Transform' in t + ? 'translate' + : 'margin'; + }); + var a = (function() { + var t = []; + function e() { + var n = t.shift(); + n && n(e); + } + return function(n) { + t.push(n), 1 == t.length && e(); + }; + })(), + u = (function() { + var t = ['Webkit', 'O', 'Moz', 'ms'], + e = {}; + function n(n) { + return ( + (n = n.replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-').replace(/-([\da-z])/gi, function(t, e) { + return e.toUpperCase(); + })), + e[n] || + (e[n] = (function(e) { + var n = document.body.style; + if (e in n) return e; + for (var r, o = t.length, i = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); o--; ) + if ((r = t[o] + i) in n) return r; + return e; + })(n)) + ); + } + function r(t, e, r) { + (e = n(e)), (t.style[e] = r); + } + return function(t, e) { + var n, + o, + i = arguments; + if (2 == i.length) + for (n in e) void 0 !== (o = e[n]) && e.hasOwnProperty(n) && r(t, n, o); + else r(t, i[1], i[2]); + }; + })(); + function c(t, e) { + return ('string' == typeof t ? t : l(t)).indexOf(' ' + e + ' ') >= 0; + } + function s(t, e) { + var n = l(t), + r = n + e; + c(n, e) || (t.className = r.substring(1)); + } + function f(t, e) { + var n, + r = l(t); + c(t, e) && + ((n = r.replace(' ' + e + ' ', ' ')), (t.className = n.substring(1, n.length - 1))); + } + function l(t) { + return (' ' + (t.className || '') + ' ').replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); + } + function p(t) { + t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t); + } + return n; + }) + ? r.call(e, n, e, t) + : r) || (t.exports = o); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(29).map, + i = n(53), + a = n(17), + u = i('map'), + c = a('map'); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !u || !c }, + { + map: function(t) { + return o(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(167), + o = n(5), + i = n(13), + a = n(47), + u = n(22), + c = n(168), + s = n(203), + f = n(169), + l = Math.max, + p = Math.min; + r('replace', 2, function(t, e, n, r) { + var h = r.REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE, + d = r.REPLACE_KEEPS_$0, + v = h ? '$' : '$0'; + return [ + function(n, r) { + var o = u(this), + i = null == n ? void 0 : n[t]; + return void 0 !== i ? i.call(n, o, r) : e.call(String(o), n, r); + }, + function(t, r) { + if ((!h && d) || ('string' == typeof r && -1 === r.indexOf(v))) { + var u = n(e, t, this, r); + if (u.done) return u.value; + } + var y = o(t), + m = String(this), + g = 'function' == typeof r; + g || (r = String(r)); + var b = y.global; + if (b) { + var _ = y.unicode; + y.lastIndex = 0; + } + for (var x = []; ; ) { + var w = f(y, m); + if (null === w) break; + if ((x.push(w), !b)) break; + '' === String(w[0]) && (y.lastIndex = c(m, i(y.lastIndex), _)); + } + for (var O, S = '', j = 0, A = 0; A < x.length; A++) { + w = x[A]; + for ( + var E = String(w[0]), k = l(p(a(w.index), m.length), 0), C = [], $ = 1; + $ < w.length; + $++ + ) + C.push(void 0 === (O = w[$]) ? O : String(O)); + var P = w.groups; + if (g) { + var T = [E].concat(C, k, m); + void 0 !== P && T.push(P); + var L = String(r.apply(void 0, T)); + } else L = s(E, m, k, C, P, r); + k >= j && ((S += m.slice(j, k) + L), (j = k + E.length)); + } + return S + m.slice(j); + }, + ]; + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r, + o, + i = n(104), + a = n(175), + u = RegExp.prototype.exec, + c = String.prototype.replace, + s = u, + f = + ((r = /a/), + (o = /b*/g), + u.call(r, 'a'), + u.call(o, 'a'), + 0 !== r.lastIndex || 0 !== o.lastIndex), + l = a.UNSUPPORTED_Y || a.BROKEN_CARET, + p = void 0 !== /()??/.exec('')[1]; + (f || p || l) && + (s = function(t) { + var e, + n, + r, + o, + a = this, + s = l && a.sticky, + h = i.call(a), + d = a.source, + v = 0, + y = t; + return ( + s && + (-1 === (h = h.replace('y', '')).indexOf('g') && (h += 'g'), + (y = String(t).slice(a.lastIndex)), + a.lastIndex > 0 && + (!a.multiline || (a.multiline && '\n' !== t[a.lastIndex - 1])) && + ((d = '(?: ' + d + ')'), (y = ' ' + y), v++), + (n = new RegExp('^(?:' + d + ')', h))), + p && (n = new RegExp('^' + d + '$(?!\\s)', h)), + f && (e = a.lastIndex), + (r = u.call(s ? n : a, y)), + s + ? r + ? ((r.input = r.input.slice(v)), + (r[0] = r[0].slice(v)), + (r.index = a.lastIndex), + (a.lastIndex += r[0].length)) + : (a.lastIndex = 0) + : f && r && (a.lastIndex = a.global ? r.index + r[0].length : e), + p && + r && + r.length > 1 && + c.call(r[0], n, function() { + for (o = 1; o < arguments.length - 2; o++) void 0 === arguments[o] && (r[o] = void 0); + }), + r + ); + }), + (t.exports = s); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(108), + o = n(75).concat('length', 'prototype'); + e.f = + Object.getOwnPropertyNames || + function(t) { + return r(t, o); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(19), + o = n(70); + (t.exports = function(t, e) { + return o[t] || (o[t] = void 0 !== e ? e : {}); + })('versions', []).push({ + version: '3.8.2', + mode: r ? 'pure' : 'global', + copyright: '© 2021 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)', + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(71), + i = r['__core-js_shared__'] || o('__core-js_shared__', {}); + t.exports = i; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(11); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + try { + o(r, t, e); + } catch (n) { + r[t] = e; + } + return e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(4), + i = r.document, + a = o(i) && o(i.createElement); + t.exports = function(t) { + return a ? i.createElement(t) : {}; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1); + t.exports = + !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && + !r(function() { + return !String(Symbol()); + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(15), + o = n(13), + i = n(109), + a = function(t) { + return function(e, n, a) { + var u, + c = r(e), + s = o(c.length), + f = i(a, s); + if (t && n != n) { + for (; s > f; ) if ((u = c[f++]) != u) return !0; + } else for (; s > f; f++) if ((t || f in c) && c[f] === n) return t || f || 0; + return !t && -1; + }; + }; + t.exports = { includes: a(!0), indexOf: a(!1) }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = [ + 'constructor', + 'hasOwnProperty', + 'isPrototypeOf', + 'propertyIsEnumerable', + 'toLocaleString', + 'toString', + 'valueOf', + ]; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(70), + o = Function.toString; + 'function' != typeof r.inspectSource && + (r.inspectSource = function(t) { + return o.call(t); + }), + (t.exports = r.inspectSource); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, + o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, + i = o && !r.call({ 1: 2 }, 1); + e.f = i + ? function(t) { + var e = o(this, t); + return !!e && e.enumerable; + } + : r; + }, + function(t, e) { + e.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(7), + o = n(12), + i = n(48), + a = n(116), + u = i('IE_PROTO'), + c = Object.prototype; + t.exports = a + ? Object.getPrototypeOf + : function(t) { + return ( + (t = o(t)), + r(t, u) + ? t[u] + : 'function' == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor + ? t.constructor.prototype + : t instanceof Object + ? c + : null + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = {}; + (r[n(2)('toStringTag')] = 'z'), (t.exports = '[object z]' === String(r)); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(18); + t.exports = r('navigator', 'userAgent') || ''; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + n(136)('iterator'); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(8).f, + i = Function.prototype, + a = i.toString, + u = /^\s*function ([^ (]*)/; + r && + !('name' in i) && + o(i, 'name', { + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + try { + return a.call(this).match(u)[1]; + } catch (t) { + return ''; + } + }, + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(209), + o = n(25), + i = Object.prototype, + a = i.hasOwnProperty, + u = i.propertyIsEnumerable, + c = r( + (function() { + return arguments; + })(), + ) + ? r + : function(t) { + return o(t) && a.call(t, 'callee') && !u.call(t, 'callee'); + }; + t.exports = c; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(n(16), 'Map'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = typeof t; + return null != t && ('object' == e || 'function' == e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(229), + o = n(236), + i = n(238), + a = n(239), + u = n(240); + function c(t) { + var e = -1, + n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; + for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) { + var r = t[e]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } + } + (c.prototype.clear = r), + (c.prototype.delete = o), + (c.prototype.get = i), + (c.prototype.has = a), + (c.prototype.set = u), + (t.exports = c); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = -1, + n = Array(t.size); + return ( + t.forEach(function(t) { + n[++e] = t; + }), + n + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'number' == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= 9007199254740991; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(14), + o = n(91), + i = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, + a = /^\w*$/; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + if (r(t)) return !1; + var n = typeof t; + return ( + !('number' != n && 'symbol' != n && 'boolean' != n && null != t && !o(t)) || + a.test(t) || !i.test(t) || (null != e && t in Object(e)) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(30), + o = n(25); + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'symbol' == typeof t || (o(t) && '[object Symbol]' == r(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(131); + r({ target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: [].forEach != o }, { forEach: o }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(12), + i = n(46); + r( + { + target: 'Object', + stat: !0, + forced: n(1)(function() { + i(1); + }), + }, + { + keys: function(t) { + return i(o(t)); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(129), + i = n(131), + a = n(11); + for (var u in o) { + var c = r[u], + s = c && c.prototype; + if (s && s.forEach !== i) + try { + a(s, 'forEach', i); + } catch (t) { + s.forEach = i; + } + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + n(0)({ target: 'Array', stat: !0 }, { isArray: n(36) }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5), + o = n(20), + i = n(2)('species'); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n, + a = r(t).constructor; + return void 0 === a || null == (n = r(a)[i]) ? e : o(n); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(10), + o = n(5), + i = n(1), + a = n(104), + u = RegExp.prototype, + c = u.toString, + s = i(function() { + return '/a/b' != c.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }); + }), + f = 'toString' != c.name; + (s || f) && + r( + RegExp.prototype, + 'toString', + function() { + var t = o(this), + e = String(t.source), + n = t.flags; + return ( + '/' + + e + + '/' + + String(void 0 === n && t instanceof RegExp && !('flags' in u) ? a.call(t) : n) + ); + }, + { unsafe: !0 }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(2), + o = n(33), + i = n(8), + a = r('unscopables'), + u = Array.prototype; + null == u[a] && i.f(u, a, { configurable: !0, value: o(null) }), + (t.exports = function(t) { + u[a][t] = !0; + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1), + o = /#|\.prototype\./, + i = function(t, e) { + var n = u[a(t)]; + return n == s || (n != c && ('function' == typeof e ? r(e) : !!e)); + }, + a = (i.normalize = function(t) { + return String(t) + .replace(o, '.') + .toLowerCase(); + }), + u = (i.data = {}), + c = (i.NATIVE = 'N'), + s = (i.POLYFILL = 'P'); + t.exports = i; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5), + o = n(184); + t.exports = + Object.setPrototypeOf || + ('__proto__' in {} + ? (function() { + var t, + e = !1, + n = {}; + try { + (t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set).call(n, []), + (e = n instanceof Array); + } catch (t) {} + return function(n, i) { + return r(n), o(i), e ? t.call(n, i) : (n.__proto__ = i), n; + }; + })() + : void 0); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(171); + t.exports = function(t) { + if (r(t)) throw TypeError("The method doesn't accept regular expressions"); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(2)('match'); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = /./; + try { + '/./'[t](e); + } catch (n) { + try { + return (e[r] = !1), '/./'[t](e); + } catch (t) {} + } + return !1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(5); + t.exports = function() { + var t = r(this), + e = ''; + return ( + t.global && (e += 'g'), + t.ignoreCase && (e += 'i'), + t.multiline && (e += 'm'), + t.dotAll && (e += 's'), + t.unicode && (e += 'u'), + t.sticky && (e += 'y'), + e + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(15), + o = n(99), + i = n(35), + a = n(28), + u = n(112), + c = a.set, + s = a.getterFor('Array Iterator'); + (t.exports = u( + Array, + 'Array', + function(t, e) { + c(this, { type: 'Array Iterator', target: r(t), index: 0, kind: e }); + }, + function() { + var t = s(this), + e = t.target, + n = t.kind, + r = t.index++; + return !e || r >= e.length + ? ((t.target = void 0), { value: void 0, done: !0 }) + : 'keys' == n + ? { value: r, done: !1 } + : 'values' == n + ? { value: e[r], done: !1 } + : { value: [r, e[r]], done: !1 }; + }, + 'values', + )), + (i.Arguments = i.Array), + o('keys'), + o('values'), + o('entries'); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(1), + i = n(72); + t.exports = + !r && + !o(function() { + return ( + 7 != + Object.defineProperty(i('div'), 'a', { + get: function() { + return 7; + }, + }).a + ); + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(73); + t.exports = r && !Symbol.sham && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(7), + o = n(15), + i = n(74).indexOf, + a = n(34); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n, + u = o(t), + c = 0, + s = []; + for (n in u) !r(a, n) && r(u, n) && s.push(n); + for (; e.length > c; ) r(u, (n = e[c++])) && (~i(s, n) || s.push(n)); + return s; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(47), + o = Math.max, + i = Math.min; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = r(t); + return n < 0 ? o(n + e, 0) : i(n, e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(18); + t.exports = r('document', 'documentElement'); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(183), + i = n(79), + a = n(101), + u = n(49), + c = n(11), + s = n(10), + f = n(2), + l = n(19), + p = n(35), + h = n(115), + d = h.IteratorPrototype, + v = h.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS, + y = f('iterator'), + m = function() { + return this; + }; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, f, h, g, b) { + o(n, e, f); + var _, + x, + w, + O = function(t) { + if (t === h && k) return k; + if (!v && t in A) return A[t]; + switch (t) { + case 'keys': + case 'values': + case 'entries': + return function() { + return new n(this, t); + }; + } + return function() { + return new n(this); + }; + }, + S = e + ' Iterator', + j = !1, + A = t.prototype, + E = A[y] || A['@@iterator'] || (h && A[h]), + k = (!v && E) || O(h), + C = ('Array' == e && A.entries) || E; + if ( + (C && + ((_ = i(C.call(new t()))), + d !== Object.prototype && + _.next && + (l || i(_) === d || (a ? a(_, d) : 'function' != typeof _[y] && c(_, y, m)), + u(_, S, !0, !0), + l && (p[S] = m))), + 'values' == h && + E && + 'values' !== E.name && + ((j = !0), + (k = function() { + return E.call(this); + })), + (l && !b) || A[y] === k || c(A, y, k), + (p[e] = k), + h) + ) + if (((x = { values: O('values'), keys: g ? k : O('keys'), entries: O('entries') }), b)) + for (w in x) (v || j || !(w in A)) && s(A, w, x[w]); + else r({ target: e, proto: !0, forced: v || j }, x); + return x; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(7), + o = n(114), + i = n(24), + a = n(8); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = o(e), u = a.f, c = i.f, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) { + var f = n[s]; + r(t, f) || u(t, f, c(e, f)); + } + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(18), + o = n(68), + i = n(78), + a = n(5); + t.exports = + r('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || + function(t) { + var e = o.f(a(t)), + n = i.f; + return n ? e.concat(n(t)) : e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r, + o, + i, + a = n(79), + u = n(11), + c = n(7), + s = n(2), + f = n(19), + l = s('iterator'), + p = !1; + [].keys && + ('next' in (i = [].keys()) ? (o = a(a(i))) !== Object.prototype && (r = o) : (p = !0)), + null == r && (r = {}), + f || + c(r, l) || + u(r, l, function() { + return this; + }), + (t.exports = { IteratorPrototype: r, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: p }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1); + t.exports = !r(function() { + function t() {} + return (t.prototype.constructor = null), Object.getPrototypeOf(new t()) !== t.prototype; + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3); + t.exports = r.Promise; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(2), + o = n(35), + i = r('iterator'), + a = Array.prototype; + t.exports = function(t) { + return void 0 !== t && (o.Array === t || a[i] === t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(120), + o = n(35), + i = n(2)('iterator'); + t.exports = function(t) { + if (null != t) return t[i] || t['@@iterator'] || o[r(t)]; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(80), + o = n(26), + i = n(2)('toStringTag'), + a = + 'Arguments' == + o( + (function() { + return arguments; + })(), + ); + t.exports = r + ? o + : function(t) { + var e, n, r; + return void 0 === t + ? 'Undefined' + : null === t + ? 'Null' + : 'string' == + typeof (n = (function(t, e) { + try { + return t[e]; + } catch (t) {} + })((e = Object(t)), i)) + ? n + : a + ? o(e) + : 'Object' == (r = o(e)) && 'function' == typeof e.callee + ? 'Arguments' + : r; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = t.return; + if (void 0 !== e) return r(e.call(t)).value; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(2)('iterator'), + o = !1; + try { + var i = 0, + a = { + next: function() { + return { done: !!i++ }; + }, + return: function() { + o = !0; + }, + }; + (a[r] = function() { + return this; + }), + Array.from(a, function() { + throw 2; + }); + } catch (t) {} + t.exports = function(t, e) { + if (!e && !o) return !1; + var n = !1; + try { + var i = {}; + (i[r] = function() { + return { + next: function() { + return { done: (n = !0) }; + }, + }; + }), + t(i); + } catch (t) {} + return n; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i, + a = n(3), + u = n(1), + c = n(50), + s = n(110), + f = n(72), + l = n(124), + p = n(51), + h = a.location, + d = a.setImmediate, + v = a.clearImmediate, + y = a.process, + m = a.MessageChannel, + g = a.Dispatch, + b = 0, + _ = {}, + x = function(t) { + if (_.hasOwnProperty(t)) { + var e = _[t]; + delete _[t], e(); + } + }, + w = function(t) { + return function() { + x(t); + }; + }, + O = function(t) { + x(t.data); + }, + S = function(t) { + a.postMessage(t + '', h.protocol + '//' + h.host); + }; + (d && v) || + ((d = function(t) { + for (var e = [], n = 1; arguments.length > n; ) e.push(arguments[n++]); + return ( + (_[++b] = function() { + ('function' == typeof t ? t : Function(t)).apply(void 0, e); + }), + r(b), + b + ); + }), + (v = function(t) { + delete _[t]; + }), + p + ? (r = function(t) { + y.nextTick(w(t)); + }) + : g && g.now + ? (r = function(t) { + g.now(w(t)); + }) + : m && !l + ? ((i = (o = new m()).port2), (o.port1.onmessage = O), (r = c(i.postMessage, i, 1))) + : a.addEventListener && + 'function' == typeof postMessage && + !a.importScripts && + h && + 'file:' !== h.protocol && + !u(S) + ? ((r = S), a.addEventListener('message', O, !1)) + : (r = + 'onreadystatechange' in f('script') + ? function(t) { + s.appendChild(f('script')).onreadystatechange = function() { + s.removeChild(this), x(t); + }; + } + : function(t) { + setTimeout(w(t), 0); + })), + (t.exports = { set: d, clear: v }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(81); + t.exports = /(iphone|ipod|ipad).*applewebkit/i.test(r); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5), + o = n(4), + i = n(126); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + if ((r(t), o(e) && e.constructor === t)) return e; + var n = i.f(t); + return (0, n.resolve)(e), n.promise; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(20), + o = function(t) { + var e, n; + (this.promise = new t(function(t, r) { + if (void 0 !== e || void 0 !== n) throw TypeError('Bad Promise constructor'); + (e = t), (n = r); + })), + (this.resolve = r(e)), + (this.reject = r(n)); + }; + t.exports.f = function(t) { + return new o(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(4), + o = n(36), + i = n(2)('species'); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n; + return ( + o(t) && + ('function' != typeof (n = t.constructor) || (n !== Array && !o(n.prototype)) + ? r(n) && null === (n = n[i]) && (n = void 0) + : (n = void 0)), + new (void 0 === n ? Array : n)(0 === e ? 0 : e) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(47), + o = n(22), + i = function(t) { + return function(e, n) { + var i, + a, + u = String(o(e)), + c = r(n), + s = u.length; + return c < 0 || c >= s + ? t + ? '' + : void 0 + : (i = u.charCodeAt(c)) < 55296 || + i > 56319 || + c + 1 === s || + (a = u.charCodeAt(c + 1)) < 56320 || + a > 57343 + ? t + ? u.charAt(c) + : i + : t + ? u.slice(c, c + 2) + : a - 56320 + ((i - 55296) << 10) + 65536; + }; + }; + t.exports = { codeAt: i(!1), charAt: i(!0) }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = { + CSSRuleList: 0, + CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, + CSSValueList: 0, + ClientRectList: 0, + DOMRectList: 0, + DOMStringList: 0, + DOMTokenList: 1, + DataTransferItemList: 0, + FileList: 0, + HTMLAllCollection: 0, + HTMLCollection: 0, + HTMLFormElement: 0, + HTMLSelectElement: 0, + MediaList: 0, + MimeTypeArray: 0, + NamedNodeMap: 0, + NodeList: 1, + PaintRequestList: 0, + Plugin: 0, + PluginArray: 0, + SVGLengthList: 0, + SVGNumberList: 0, + SVGPathSegList: 0, + SVGPointList: 0, + SVGStringList: 0, + SVGTransformList: 0, + SourceBufferList: 0, + StyleSheetList: 0, + TextTrackCueList: 0, + TextTrackList: 0, + TouchList: 0, + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = (function(t) { + 'use strict'; + var e = Object.prototype, + n = e.hasOwnProperty, + r = 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, + o = r.iterator || '@@iterator', + i = r.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator', + a = r.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag'; + function u(t, e, n) { + return ( + Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), + t[e] + ); + } + try { + u({}, ''); + } catch (t) { + u = function(t, e, n) { + return (t[e] = n); + }; + } + function c(t, e, n, r) { + var o = e && e.prototype instanceof l ? e : l, + i = Object.create(o.prototype), + a = new O(r || []); + return ( + (i._invoke = (function(t, e, n) { + var r = 'suspendedStart'; + return function(o, i) { + if ('executing' === r) throw new Error('Generator is already running'); + if ('completed' === r) { + if ('throw' === o) throw i; + return j(); + } + for (n.method = o, n.arg = i; ; ) { + var a = n.delegate; + if (a) { + var u = _(a, n); + if (u) { + if (u === f) continue; + return u; + } + } + if ('next' === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg; + else if ('throw' === n.method) { + if ('suspendedStart' === r) throw ((r = 'completed'), n.arg); + n.dispatchException(n.arg); + } else 'return' === n.method && n.abrupt('return', n.arg); + r = 'executing'; + var c = s(t, e, n); + if ('normal' === c.type) { + if (((r = n.done ? 'completed' : 'suspendedYield'), c.arg === f)) continue; + return { value: c.arg, done: n.done }; + } + 'throw' === c.type && ((r = 'completed'), (n.method = 'throw'), (n.arg = c.arg)); + } + }; + })(t, n, a)), + i + ); + } + function s(t, e, n) { + try { + return { type: 'normal', arg: t.call(e, n) }; + } catch (t) { + return { type: 'throw', arg: t }; + } + } + t.wrap = c; + var f = {}; + function l() {} + function p() {} + function h() {} + var d = {}; + d[o] = function() { + return this; + }; + var v = Object.getPrototypeOf, + y = v && v(v(S([]))); + y && y !== e && n.call(y, o) && (d = y); + var m = (h.prototype = l.prototype = Object.create(d)); + function g(t) { + ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function(e) { + u(t, e, function(t) { + return this._invoke(e, t); + }); + }); + } + function b(t, e) { + var r; + this._invoke = function(o, i) { + function a() { + return new e(function(r, a) { + !(function r(o, i, a, u) { + var c = s(t[o], t, i); + if ('throw' !== c.type) { + var f = c.arg, + l = f.value; + return l && 'object' == typeof l && n.call(l, '__await') + ? e.resolve(l.__await).then( + function(t) { + r('next', t, a, u); + }, + function(t) { + r('throw', t, a, u); + }, + ) + : e.resolve(l).then( + function(t) { + (f.value = t), a(f); + }, + function(t) { + return r('throw', t, a, u); + }, + ); + } + u(c.arg); + })(o, i, r, a); + }); + } + return (r = r ? r.then(a, a) : a()); + }; + } + function _(t, e) { + var n = t.iterator[e.method]; + if (void 0 === n) { + if (((e.delegate = null), 'throw' === e.method)) { + if ( + t.iterator.return && + ((e.method = 'return'), (e.arg = void 0), _(t, e), 'throw' === e.method) + ) + return f; + (e.method = 'throw'), + (e.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method")); + } + return f; + } + var r = s(n, t.iterator, e.arg); + if ('throw' === r.type) + return (e.method = 'throw'), (e.arg = r.arg), (e.delegate = null), f; + var o = r.arg; + return o + ? o.done + ? ((e[t.resultName] = o.value), + (e.next = t.nextLoc), + 'return' !== e.method && ((e.method = 'next'), (e.arg = void 0)), + (e.delegate = null), + f) + : o + : ((e.method = 'throw'), + (e.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')), + (e.delegate = null), + f); + } + function x(t) { + var e = { tryLoc: t[0] }; + 1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), + 2 in t && ((e.finallyLoc = t[2]), (e.afterLoc = t[3])), + this.tryEntries.push(e); + } + function w(t) { + var e = t.completion || {}; + (e.type = 'normal'), delete e.arg, (t.completion = e); + } + function O(t) { + (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), t.forEach(x, this), this.reset(!0); + } + function S(t) { + if (t) { + var e = t[o]; + if (e) return e.call(t); + if ('function' == typeof t.next) return t; + if (!isNaN(t.length)) { + var r = -1, + i = function e() { + for (; ++r < t.length; ) + if (n.call(t, r)) return (e.value = t[r]), (e.done = !1), e; + return (e.value = void 0), (e.done = !0), e; + }; + return (i.next = i); + } + } + return { next: j }; + } + function j() { + return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; + } + return ( + (p.prototype = m.constructor = h), + (h.constructor = p), + (p.displayName = u(h, a, 'GeneratorFunction')), + (t.isGeneratorFunction = function(t) { + var e = 'function' == typeof t && t.constructor; + return !!e && (e === p || 'GeneratorFunction' === (e.displayName || e.name)); + }), + (t.mark = function(t) { + return ( + Object.setPrototypeOf + ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, h) + : ((t.__proto__ = h), u(t, a, 'GeneratorFunction')), + (t.prototype = Object.create(m)), + t + ); + }), + (t.awrap = function(t) { + return { __await: t }; + }), + g(b.prototype), + (b.prototype[i] = function() { + return this; + }), + (t.AsyncIterator = b), + (t.async = function(e, n, r, o, i) { + void 0 === i && (i = Promise); + var a = new b(c(e, n, r, o), i); + return t.isGeneratorFunction(n) + ? a + : a.next().then(function(t) { + return t.done ? t.value : a.next(); + }); + }), + g(m), + u(m, a, 'Generator'), + (m[o] = function() { + return this; + }), + (m.toString = function() { + return '[object Generator]'; + }), + (t.keys = function(t) { + var e = []; + for (var n in t) e.push(n); + return ( + e.reverse(), + function n() { + for (; e.length; ) { + var r = e.pop(); + if (r in t) return (n.value = r), (n.done = !1), n; + } + return (n.done = !0), n; + } + ); + }), + (t.values = S), + (O.prototype = { + constructor: O, + reset: function(t) { + if ( + ((this.prev = 0), + (this.next = 0), + (this.sent = this._sent = void 0), + (this.done = !1), + (this.delegate = null), + (this.method = 'next'), + (this.arg = void 0), + this.tryEntries.forEach(w), + !t) + ) + for (var e in this) + 't' === e.charAt(0) && n.call(this, e) && !isNaN(+e.slice(1)) && (this[e] = void 0); + }, + stop: function() { + this.done = !0; + var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion; + if ('throw' === t.type) throw t.arg; + return this.rval; + }, + dispatchException: function(t) { + if (this.done) throw t; + var e = this; + function r(n, r) { + return ( + (a.type = 'throw'), + (a.arg = t), + (e.next = n), + r && ((e.method = 'next'), (e.arg = void 0)), + !!r + ); + } + for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) { + var i = this.tryEntries[o], + a = i.completion; + if ('root' === i.tryLoc) return r('end'); + if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) { + var u = n.call(i, 'catchLoc'), + c = n.call(i, 'finallyLoc'); + if (u && c) { + if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return r(i.catchLoc, !0); + if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return r(i.finallyLoc); + } else if (u) { + if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return r(i.catchLoc, !0); + } else { + if (!c) throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally'); + if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return r(i.finallyLoc); + } + } + } + }, + abrupt: function(t, e) { + for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) { + var o = this.tryEntries[r]; + if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(o, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) { + var i = o; + break; + } + } + i && + ('break' === t || 'continue' === t) && + i.tryLoc <= e && + e <= i.finallyLoc && + (i = null); + var a = i ? i.completion : {}; + return ( + (a.type = t), + (a.arg = e), + i ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = i.finallyLoc), f) : this.complete(a) + ); + }, + complete: function(t, e) { + if ('throw' === t.type) throw t.arg; + return ( + 'break' === t.type || 'continue' === t.type + ? (this.next = t.arg) + : 'return' === t.type + ? ((this.rval = this.arg = t.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end')) + : 'normal' === t.type && e && (this.next = e), + f + ); + }, + finish: function(t) { + for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { + var n = this.tryEntries[e]; + if (n.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(n.completion, n.afterLoc), w(n), f; + } + }, + catch: function(t) { + for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { + var n = this.tryEntries[e]; + if (n.tryLoc === t) { + var r = n.completion; + if ('throw' === r.type) { + var o = r.arg; + w(n); + } + return o; + } + } + throw new Error('illegal catch attempt'); + }, + delegateYield: function(t, e, n) { + return ( + (this.delegate = { iterator: S(t), resultName: e, nextLoc: n }), + 'next' === this.method && (this.arg = void 0), + f + ); + }, + }), + t + ); + })(t.exports); + try { + regeneratorRuntime = r; + } catch (t) { + Function('r', 'regeneratorRuntime = r')(r); + } + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(29).forEach, + o = n(38), + i = n(17), + a = o('forEach'), + u = i('forEach'); + t.exports = + a && u + ? [].forEach + : function(t) { + return r(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(1); + t.exports = !r(function() { + return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})); + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(1), + i = n(12), + a = n(79), + u = n(116); + r( + { + target: 'Object', + stat: !0, + forced: o(function() { + a(1); + }), + sham: !u, + }, + { + getPrototypeOf: function(t) { + return a(i(t)); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + n(0)({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !n(6) }, { create: n(33) }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(2); + e.f = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(111), + o = n(7), + i = n(135), + a = n(8).f; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = r.Symbol || (r.Symbol = {}); + o(e, t) || a(e, t, { value: i.f(t) }); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(205); + r( + { + target: 'Array', + stat: !0, + forced: !n(122)(function(t) { + Array.from(t); + }), + }, + { from: o }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(10), + o = Date.prototype, + i = o.toString, + a = o.getTime; + new Date(NaN) + '' != 'Invalid Date' && + r(o, 'toString', function() { + var t = a.call(this); + return t == t ? i.call(this) : 'Invalid Date'; + }); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = -1, r = e.length, o = t.length; ++n < r; ) t[o + n] = e[n]; + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = 'object' == typeof global && global && global.Object === Object && global; + t.exports = n; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(58), + o = n(220), + i = n(221), + a = n(222), + u = n(223), + c = n(224); + function s(t) { + var e = (this.__data__ = new r(t)); + this.size = e.size; + } + (s.prototype.clear = o), + (s.prototype.delete = i), + (s.prototype.get = a), + (s.prototype.has = u), + (s.prototype.set = c), + (t.exports = s); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return t === e || (t != t && e != e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(30), + o = n(86); + t.exports = function(t) { + if (!o(t)) return !1; + var e = r(t); + return ( + '[object Function]' == e || + '[object GeneratorFunction]' == e || + '[object AsyncFunction]' == e || + '[object Proxy]' == e + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Function.prototype.toString; + t.exports = function(t) { + if (null != t) { + try { + return n.call(t); + } catch (t) {} + try { + return t + ''; + } catch (t) {} + } + return ''; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(241), + o = n(25); + t.exports = function t(e, n, i, a, u) { + return ( + e === n || + (null == e || null == n || (!o(e) && !o(n)) ? e != e && n != n : r(e, n, i, a, t, u)) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(147), + o = n(244), + i = n(148); + t.exports = function(t, e, n, a, u, c) { + var s = 1 & n, + f = t.length, + l = e.length; + if (f != l && !(s && l > f)) return !1; + var p = c.get(t), + h = c.get(e); + if (p && h) return p == e && h == t; + var d = -1, + v = !0, + y = 2 & n ? new r() : void 0; + for (c.set(t, e), c.set(e, t); ++d < f; ) { + var m = t[d], + g = e[d]; + if (a) var b = s ? a(g, m, d, e, t, c) : a(m, g, d, t, e, c); + if (void 0 !== b) { + if (b) continue; + v = !1; + break; + } + if (y) { + if ( + !o(e, function(t, e) { + if (!i(y, e) && (m === t || u(m, t, n, a, c))) return y.push(e); + }) + ) { + v = !1; + break; + } + } else if (m !== g && !u(m, g, n, a, c)) { + v = !1; + break; + } + } + return c.delete(t), c.delete(e), v; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(87), + o = n(242), + i = n(243); + function a(t) { + var e = -1, + n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; + for (this.__data__ = new r(); ++e < n; ) this.add(t[e]); + } + (a.prototype.add = a.prototype.push = o), (a.prototype.has = i), (t.exports = a); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return t.has(e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(254), + o = n(260), + i = n(154); + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(t) ? r(t) : o(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + (function(t) { + var r = n(16), + o = n(256), + i = e && !e.nodeType && e, + a = i && 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, + u = a && a.exports === i ? r.Buffer : void 0, + c = (u ? u.isBuffer : void 0) || o; + t.exports = c; + }.call(this, n(151)(t))); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return ( + t.webpackPolyfill || + ((t.deprecate = function() {}), + (t.paths = []), + t.children || (t.children = []), + Object.defineProperty(t, 'loaded', { + enumerable: !0, + get: function() { + return t.l; + }, + }), + Object.defineProperty(t, 'id', { + enumerable: !0, + get: function() { + return t.i; + }, + }), + (t.webpackPolyfill = 1)), + t + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var r = typeof t; + return ( + !!(e = null == e ? 9007199254740991 : e) && + ('number' == r || ('symbol' != r && n.test(t))) && + t > -1 && + t % 1 == 0 && + t < e + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(257), + o = n(258), + i = n(259), + a = i && i.isTypedArray, + u = a ? o(a) : r; + t.exports = u; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(143), + o = n(89); + t.exports = function(t) { + return null != t && o(t.length) && !r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(n(16), 'Set'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(86); + t.exports = function(t) { + return t == t && !r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return function(n) { + return null != n && n[t] === e && (void 0 !== e || t in Object(n)); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(159), + o = n(62); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = 0, i = (e = r(e, t)).length; null != t && n < i; ) t = t[o(e[n++])]; + return n && n == i ? t : void 0; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(14), + o = n(90), + i = n(270), + a = n(273); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return r(t) ? t : o(t, e) ? [t] : i(a(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + n(0)({ target: 'Object', stat: !0 }, { setPrototypeOf: n(101) }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(18), + i = n(20), + a = n(5), + u = n(4), + c = n(33), + s = n(304), + f = n(1), + l = o('Reflect', 'construct'), + p = f(function() { + function t() {} + return !(l(function() {}, [], t) instanceof t); + }), + h = !f(function() { + l(function() {}); + }), + d = p || h; + r( + { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: d, sham: d }, + { + construct: function(t, e) { + i(t), a(e); + var n = arguments.length < 3 ? t : i(arguments[2]); + if (h && !p) return l(t, e, n); + if (t == n) { + switch (e.length) { + case 0: + return new t(); + case 1: + return new t(e[0]); + case 2: + return new t(e[0], e[1]); + case 3: + return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2]); + case 4: + return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]); + } + var r = [null]; + return r.push.apply(r, e), new (s.apply(t, r))(); + } + var o = n.prototype, + f = c(u(o) ? o : Object.prototype), + d = Function.apply.call(t, f, e); + return u(d) ? d : f; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) {}, + function(t, e, n) {}, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(207), + o = n(212), + i = n(282), + a = n(290), + u = n(299), + c = n(179), + s = i(function(t) { + var e = c(t); + return u(e) && (e = void 0), a(r(t, 1, u, !0), o(e, 2)); + }); + t.exports = s; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = /^\s+|\s+$/g, + r = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, + o = /^0b[01]+$/i, + i = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, + a = parseInt, + u = 'object' == typeof global && global && global.Object === Object && global, + c = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, + s = u || c || Function('return this')(), + f = Object.prototype.toString, + l = Math.max, + p = Math.min, + h = function() { + return s.Date.now(); + }; + function d(t) { + var e = typeof t; + return !!t && ('object' == e || 'function' == e); + } + function v(t) { + if ('number' == typeof t) return t; + if ( + (function(t) { + return ( + 'symbol' == typeof t || + ((function(t) { + return !!t && 'object' == typeof t; + })(t) && + '[object Symbol]' == f.call(t)) + ); + })(t) + ) + return NaN; + if (d(t)) { + var e = 'function' == typeof t.valueOf ? t.valueOf() : t; + t = d(e) ? e + '' : e; + } + if ('string' != typeof t) return 0 === t ? t : +t; + t = t.replace(n, ''); + var u = o.test(t); + return u || i.test(t) ? a(t.slice(2), u ? 2 : 8) : r.test(t) ? NaN : +t; + } + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i, + a, + u, + c, + s = 0, + f = !1, + y = !1, + m = !0; + if ('function' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); + function g(e) { + var n = r, + i = o; + return (r = o = void 0), (s = e), (a = t.apply(i, n)); + } + function b(t) { + return (s = t), (u = setTimeout(x, e)), f ? g(t) : a; + } + function _(t) { + var n = t - c; + return void 0 === c || n >= e || n < 0 || (y && t - s >= i); + } + function x() { + var t = h(); + if (_(t)) return w(t); + u = setTimeout( + x, + (function(t) { + var n = e - (t - c); + return y ? p(n, i - (t - s)) : n; + })(t), + ); + } + function w(t) { + return (u = void 0), m && r ? g(t) : ((r = o = void 0), a); + } + function O() { + var t = h(), + n = _(t); + if (((r = arguments), (o = this), (c = t), n)) { + if (void 0 === u) return b(c); + if (y) return (u = setTimeout(x, e)), g(c); + } + return void 0 === u && (u = setTimeout(x, e)), a; + } + return ( + (e = v(e) || 0), + d(n) && + ((f = !!n.leading), + (i = (y = 'maxWait' in n) ? l(v(n.maxWait) || 0, e) : i), + (m = 'trailing' in n ? !!n.trailing : m)), + (O.cancel = function() { + void 0 !== u && clearTimeout(u), (s = 0), (r = c = o = u = void 0); + }), + (O.flush = function() { + return void 0 === u ? a : w(h()); + }), + O + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(29).some, + i = n(38), + a = n(17), + u = i('some'), + c = a('some'); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !u || !c }, + { + some: function(t) { + return o(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(43); + var r = n(10), + o = n(1), + i = n(2), + a = n(67), + u = n(11), + c = i('species'), + s = !o(function() { + var t = /./; + return ( + (t.exec = function() { + var t = []; + return (t.groups = { a: '7' }), t; + }), + '7' !== ''.replace(t, '$') + ); + }), + f = '$0' === 'a'.replace(/./, '$0'), + l = i('replace'), + p = !!/./[l] && '' === /./[l]('a', '$0'), + h = !o(function() { + var t = /(?:)/, + e = t.exec; + t.exec = function() { + return e.apply(this, arguments); + }; + var n = 'ab'.split(t); + return 2 !== n.length || 'a' !== n[0] || 'b' !== n[1]; + }); + t.exports = function(t, e, n, l) { + var d = i(t), + v = !o(function() { + var e = {}; + return ( + (e[d] = function() { + return 7; + }), + 7 != ''[t](e) + ); + }), + y = + v && + !o(function() { + var e = !1, + n = /a/; + return ( + 'split' === t && + (((n = {}).constructor = {}), + (n.constructor[c] = function() { + return n; + }), + (n.flags = ''), + (n[d] = /./[d])), + (n.exec = function() { + return (e = !0), null; + }), + n[d](''), + !e + ); + }); + if (!v || !y || ('replace' === t && (!s || !f || p)) || ('split' === t && !h)) { + var m = /./[d], + g = n( + d, + ''[t], + function(t, e, n, r, o) { + return e.exec === a + ? v && !o + ? { done: !0, value: m.call(e, n, r) } + : { done: !0, value: t.call(n, e, r) } + : { done: !1 }; + }, + { REPLACE_KEEPS_$0: f, REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE: p }, + ), + b = g[0], + _ = g[1]; + r(String.prototype, t, b), + r( + RegExp.prototype, + d, + 2 == e + ? function(t, e) { + return _.call(t, this, e); + } + : function(t) { + return _.call(t, this); + }, + ); + } + l && u(RegExp.prototype[d], 'sham', !0); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(128).charAt; + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + return e + (n ? r(t, e).length : 1); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(26), + o = n(67); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = t.exec; + if ('function' == typeof n) { + var i = n.call(t, e); + if ('object' != typeof i) + throw TypeError('RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null'); + return i; + } + if ('RegExp' !== r(t)) throw TypeError('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver'); + return o.call(t, e); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(74).indexOf, + i = n(38), + a = n(17), + u = [].indexOf, + c = !!u && 1 / [1].indexOf(1, -0) < 0, + s = i('indexOf'), + f = a('indexOf', { ACCESSORS: !0, 1: 0 }); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: c || !s || !f }, + { + indexOf: function(t) { + return c + ? u.apply(this, arguments) || 0 + : o(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(4), + o = n(26), + i = n(2)('match'); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e; + return r(t) && (void 0 !== (e = t[i]) ? !!e : 'RegExp' == o(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(31), + i = n(15), + a = n(38), + u = [].join, + c = o != Object, + s = a('join', ','); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: c || !s }, + { + join: function(t) { + return u.call(i(this), void 0 === t ? ',' : t); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(18), + o = n(8), + i = n(2), + a = n(6), + u = i('species'); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = r(t), + n = o.f; + a && + e && + !e[u] && + n(e, u, { + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + return this; + }, + }); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(74).includes, + i = n(99); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !n(17)('indexOf', { ACCESSORS: !0, 1: 0 }) }, + { + includes: function(t) { + return o(this, t, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ), + i('includes'); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(1); + function o(t, e) { + return RegExp(t, e); + } + (e.UNSUPPORTED_Y = r(function() { + var t = o('a', 'y'); + return (t.lastIndex = 2), null != t.exec('abcd'); + })), + (e.BROKEN_CARET = r(function() { + var t = o('^r', 'gy'); + return (t.lastIndex = 2), null != t.exec('str'); + })); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(102), + i = n(22); + r( + { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !n(103)('includes') }, + { + includes: function(t) { + return !!~String(i(this)).indexOf(o(t), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(1), + i = n(36), + a = n(4), + u = n(12), + c = n(13), + s = n(55), + f = n(127), + l = n(53), + p = n(2), + h = n(52), + d = p('isConcatSpreadable'), + v = + h >= 51 || + !o(function() { + var t = []; + return (t[d] = !1), t.concat()[0] !== t; + }), + y = l('concat'), + m = function(t) { + if (!a(t)) return !1; + var e = t[d]; + return void 0 !== e ? !!e : i(t); + }; + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !v || !y }, + { + concat: function(t) { + var e, + n, + r, + o, + i, + a = u(this), + l = f(a, 0), + p = 0; + for (e = -1, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++) + if (m((i = -1 === e ? a : arguments[e]))) { + if (p + (o = c(i.length)) > 9007199254740991) + throw TypeError('Maximum allowed index exceeded'); + for (n = 0; n < o; n++, p++) n in i && s(l, p, i[n]); + } else { + if (p >= 9007199254740991) throw TypeError('Maximum allowed index exceeded'); + s(l, p++, i); + } + return (l.length = p), l; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(158); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var o = null == t ? void 0 : r(t, e); + return void 0 === o ? n : o; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length; + return e ? t[e - 1] : void 0; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + t.exports = n(307); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(6), + o = n(8), + i = n(5), + a = n(46); + t.exports = r + ? Object.defineProperties + : function(t, e) { + i(t); + for (var n, r = a(e), u = r.length, c = 0; u > c; ) o.f(t, (n = r[c++]), e[n]); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3), + o = n(76), + i = r.WeakMap; + t.exports = 'function' == typeof i && /native code/.test(o(i)); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(115).IteratorPrototype, + o = n(33), + i = n(32), + a = n(49), + u = n(35), + c = function() { + return this; + }; + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var s = e + ' Iterator'; + return (t.prototype = o(r, { next: i(1, n) })), a(t, s, !1, !0), (u[s] = c), t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(4); + t.exports = function(t) { + if (!r(t) && null !== t) throw TypeError("Can't set " + String(t) + ' as a prototype'); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r, + o, + i, + a, + u = n(0), + c = n(19), + s = n(3), + f = n(18), + l = n(117), + p = n(10), + h = n(186), + d = n(49), + v = n(173), + y = n(4), + m = n(20), + g = n(187), + b = n(76), + _ = n(188), + x = n(122), + w = n(97), + O = n(123).set, + S = n(189), + j = n(125), + A = n(191), + E = n(126), + k = n(192), + C = n(28), + $ = n(100), + P = n(2), + T = n(51), + L = n(52), + R = P('species'), + z = 'Promise', + D = C.get, + I = C.set, + M = C.getterFor(z), + N = l, + U = s.TypeError, + F = s.document, + B = s.process, + V = f('fetch'), + H = E.f, + q = H, + W = !!(F && F.createEvent && s.dispatchEvent), + G = 'function' == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent, + K = $(z, function() { + if (!(b(N) !== String(N))) { + if (66 === L) return !0; + if (!T && !G) return !0; + } + if (c && !N.prototype.finally) return !0; + if (L >= 51 && /native code/.test(N)) return !1; + var t = N.resolve(1), + e = function(t) { + t( + function() {}, + function() {}, + ); + }; + return ((t.constructor = {})[R] = e), !(t.then(function() {}) instanceof e); + }), + J = + K || + !x(function(t) { + N.all(t).catch(function() {}); + }), + X = function(t) { + var e; + return !(!y(t) || 'function' != typeof (e = t.then)) && e; + }, + Q = function(t, e) { + if (!t.notified) { + t.notified = !0; + var n = t.reactions; + S(function() { + for (var r = t.value, o = 1 == t.state, i = 0; n.length > i; ) { + var a, + u, + c, + s = n[i++], + f = o ? s.ok : s.fail, + l = s.resolve, + p = s.reject, + h = s.domain; + try { + f + ? (o || (2 === t.rejection && et(t), (t.rejection = 1)), + !0 === f ? (a = r) : (h && h.enter(), (a = f(r)), h && (h.exit(), (c = !0))), + a === s.promise + ? p(U('Promise-chain cycle')) + : (u = X(a)) + ? u.call(a, l, p) + : l(a)) + : p(r); + } catch (t) { + h && !c && h.exit(), p(t); + } + } + (t.reactions = []), (t.notified = !1), e && !t.rejection && Z(t); + }); + } + }, + Y = function(t, e, n) { + var r, o; + W + ? (((r = F.createEvent('Event')).promise = e), + (r.reason = n), + r.initEvent(t, !1, !0), + s.dispatchEvent(r)) + : (r = { promise: e, reason: n }), + !G && (o = s['on' + t]) + ? o(r) + : 'unhandledrejection' === t && A('Unhandled promise rejection', n); + }, + Z = function(t) { + O.call(s, function() { + var e, + n = t.facade, + r = t.value; + if ( + tt(t) && + ((e = k(function() { + T ? B.emit('unhandledRejection', r, n) : Y('unhandledrejection', n, r); + })), + (t.rejection = T || tt(t) ? 2 : 1), + e.error) + ) + throw e.value; + }); + }, + tt = function(t) { + return 1 !== t.rejection && !t.parent; + }, + et = function(t) { + O.call(s, function() { + var e = t.facade; + T ? B.emit('rejectionHandled', e) : Y('rejectionhandled', e, t.value); + }); + }, + nt = function(t, e, n) { + return function(r) { + t(e, r, n); + }; + }, + rt = function(t, e, n) { + t.done || ((t.done = !0), n && (t = n), (t.value = e), (t.state = 2), Q(t, !0)); + }, + ot = function(t, e, n) { + if (!t.done) { + (t.done = !0), n && (t = n); + try { + if (t.facade === e) throw U("Promise can't be resolved itself"); + var r = X(e); + r + ? S(function() { + var n = { done: !1 }; + try { + r.call(e, nt(ot, n, t), nt(rt, n, t)); + } catch (e) { + rt(n, e, t); + } + }) + : ((t.value = e), (t.state = 1), Q(t, !1)); + } catch (e) { + rt({ done: !1 }, e, t); + } + } + }; + K && + ((N = function(t) { + g(this, N, z), m(t), r.call(this); + var e = D(this); + try { + t(nt(ot, e), nt(rt, e)); + } catch (t) { + rt(e, t); + } + }), + ((r = function(t) { + I(this, { + type: z, + done: !1, + notified: !1, + parent: !1, + reactions: [], + rejection: !1, + state: 0, + value: void 0, + }); + }).prototype = h(N.prototype, { + then: function(t, e) { + var n = M(this), + r = H(w(this, N)); + return ( + (r.ok = 'function' != typeof t || t), + (r.fail = 'function' == typeof e && e), + (r.domain = T ? B.domain : void 0), + (n.parent = !0), + n.reactions.push(r), + 0 != n.state && Q(n, !1), + r.promise + ); + }, + catch: function(t) { + return this.then(void 0, t); + }, + })), + (o = function() { + var t = new r(), + e = D(t); + (this.promise = t), (this.resolve = nt(ot, e)), (this.reject = nt(rt, e)); + }), + (E.f = H = function(t) { + return t === N || t === i ? new o(t) : q(t); + }), + c || + 'function' != typeof l || + ((a = l.prototype.then), + p( + l.prototype, + 'then', + function(t, e) { + var n = this; + return new N(function(t, e) { + a.call(n, t, e); + }).then(t, e); + }, + { unsafe: !0 }, + ), + 'function' == typeof V && + u( + { global: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: !0 }, + { + fetch: function(t) { + return j(N, V.apply(s, arguments)); + }, + }, + ))), + u({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: K }, { Promise: N }), + d(N, z, !1, !0), + v(z), + (i = f(z)), + u( + { target: z, stat: !0, forced: K }, + { + reject: function(t) { + var e = H(this); + return e.reject.call(void 0, t), e.promise; + }, + }, + ), + u( + { target: z, stat: !0, forced: c || K }, + { + resolve: function(t) { + return j(c && this === i ? N : this, t); + }, + }, + ), + u( + { target: z, stat: !0, forced: J }, + { + all: function(t) { + var e = this, + n = H(e), + r = n.resolve, + o = n.reject, + i = k(function() { + var n = m(e.resolve), + i = [], + a = 0, + u = 1; + _(t, function(t) { + var c = a++, + s = !1; + i.push(void 0), + u++, + n.call(e, t).then(function(t) { + s || ((s = !0), (i[c] = t), --u || r(i)); + }, o); + }), + --u || r(i); + }); + return i.error && o(i.value), n.promise; + }, + race: function(t) { + var e = this, + n = H(e), + r = n.reject, + o = k(function() { + var o = m(e.resolve); + _(t, function(t) { + o.call(e, t).then(n.resolve, r); + }); + }); + return o.error && r(o.value), n.promise; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(10); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + for (var o in e) r(t, o, e[o], n); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + if (!(t instanceof e)) throw TypeError('Incorrect ' + (n ? n + ' ' : '') + 'invocation'); + return t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5), + o = n(118), + i = n(13), + a = n(50), + u = n(119), + c = n(121), + s = function(t, e) { + (this.stopped = t), (this.result = e); + }; + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var f, + l, + p, + h, + d, + v, + y, + m = n && n.that, + g = !(!n || !n.AS_ENTRIES), + b = !(!n || !n.IS_ITERATOR), + _ = !(!n || !n.INTERRUPTED), + x = a(e, m, 1 + g + _), + w = function(t) { + return f && c(f), new s(!0, t); + }, + O = function(t) { + return g ? (r(t), _ ? x(t[0], t[1], w) : x(t[0], t[1])) : _ ? x(t, w) : x(t); + }; + if (b) f = t; + else { + if ('function' != typeof (l = u(t))) throw TypeError('Target is not iterable'); + if (o(l)) { + for (p = 0, h = i(t.length); h > p; p++) if ((d = O(t[p])) && d instanceof s) return d; + return new s(!1); + } + f = l.call(t); + } + for (v = f.next; !(y = v.call(f)).done; ) { + try { + d = O(y.value); + } catch (t) { + throw (c(f), t); + } + if ('object' == typeof d && d && d instanceof s) return d; + } + return new s(!1); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i, + a, + u, + c, + s, + f, + l = n(3), + p = n(24).f, + h = n(123).set, + d = n(124), + v = n(190), + y = n(51), + m = l.MutationObserver || l.WebKitMutationObserver, + g = l.document, + b = l.process, + _ = l.Promise, + x = p(l, 'queueMicrotask'), + w = x && x.value; + w || + ((r = function() { + var t, e; + for (y && (t = b.domain) && t.exit(); o; ) { + (e = o.fn), (o = o.next); + try { + e(); + } catch (t) { + throw (o ? a() : (i = void 0), t); + } + } + (i = void 0), t && t.enter(); + }), + d || y || v || !m || !g + ? _ && _.resolve + ? ((s = _.resolve(void 0)), + (f = s.then), + (a = function() { + f.call(s, r); + })) + : (a = y + ? function() { + b.nextTick(r); + } + : function() { + h.call(l, r); + }) + : ((u = !0), + (c = g.createTextNode('')), + new m(r).observe(c, { characterData: !0 }), + (a = function() { + c.data = u = !u; + }))), + (t.exports = + w || + function(t) { + var e = { fn: t, next: void 0 }; + i && (i.next = e), o || ((o = e), a()), (i = e); + }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(81); + t.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(r); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(3); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = r.console; + n && n.error && (1 === arguments.length ? n.error(t) : n.error(t, e)); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + try { + return { error: !1, value: t() }; + } catch (t) { + return { error: !0, value: t }; + } + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(194); + r({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.assign !== o }, { assign: o }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(6), + o = n(1), + i = n(46), + a = n(78), + u = n(77), + c = n(12), + s = n(31), + f = Object.assign, + l = Object.defineProperty; + t.exports = + !f || + o(function() { + if ( + r && + 1 !== + f( + { b: 1 }, + f( + l({}, 'a', { + enumerable: !0, + get: function() { + l(this, 'b', { value: 3, enumerable: !1 }); + }, + }), + { b: 2 }, + ), + ).b + ) + return !0; + var t = {}, + e = {}, + n = Symbol(); + return ( + (t[n] = 7), + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function(t) { + e[t] = t; + }), + 7 != f({}, t)[n] || 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst' != i(f({}, e)).join('') + ); + }) + ? function(t, e) { + for (var n = c(t), o = arguments.length, f = 1, l = a.f, p = u.f; o > f; ) + for ( + var h, d = s(arguments[f++]), v = l ? i(d).concat(l(d)) : i(d), y = v.length, m = 0; + y > m; + + ) + (h = v[m++]), (r && !p.call(d, h)) || (n[h] = d[h]); + return n; + } + : f; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(19), + i = n(117), + a = n(1), + u = n(18), + c = n(97), + s = n(125), + f = n(10); + r( + { + target: 'Promise', + proto: !0, + real: !0, + forced: + !!i && + a(function() { + i.prototype.finally.call({ then: function() {} }, function() {}); + }), + }, + { + finally: function(t) { + var e = c(this, u('Promise')), + n = 'function' == typeof t; + return this.then( + n + ? function(n) { + return s(e, t()).then(function() { + return n; + }); + } + : t, + n + ? function(n) { + return s(e, t()).then(function() { + throw n; + }); + } + : t, + ); + }, + }, + ), + o || + 'function' != typeof i || + i.prototype.finally || + f(i.prototype, 'finally', u('Promise').prototype.finally); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(80), + o = n(120); + t.exports = r + ? {}.toString + : function() { + return '[object ' + o(this) + ']'; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(0), + o = n(198).left, + i = n(38), + a = n(17), + u = n(52), + c = n(51), + s = i('reduce'), + f = a('reduce', { 1: 0 }); + r( + { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !s || !f || (!c && u > 79 && u < 83) }, + { + reduce: function(t) { + return o(this, t, arguments.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0); + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(20), + o = n(12), + i = n(31), + a = n(13), + u = function(t) { + return function(e, n, u, c) { + r(n); + var s = o(e), + f = i(s), + l = a(s.length), + p = t ? l - 1 : 0, + h = t ? -1 : 1; + if (u < 2) + for (;;) { + if (p in f) { + (c = f[p]), (p += h); + break; + } + if (((p += h), t ? p < 0 : l <= p)) + throw TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value'); + } + for (; t ? p >= 0 : l > p; p += h) p in f && (c = n(c, f[p], p, s)); + return c; + }; + }; + t.exports = { left: u(!1), right: u(!0) }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(132), + i = n(1), + a = n(4), + u = n(200).onFreeze, + c = Object.freeze; + r( + { + target: 'Object', + stat: !0, + forced: i(function() { + c(1); + }), + sham: !o, + }, + { + freeze: function(t) { + return c && a(t) ? c(u(t)) : t; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(34), + o = n(4), + i = n(7), + a = n(8).f, + u = n(45), + c = n(132), + s = u('meta'), + f = 0, + l = + Object.isExtensible || + function() { + return !0; + }, + p = function(t) { + a(t, s, { value: { objectID: 'O' + ++f, weakData: {} } }); + }, + h = (t.exports = { + REQUIRED: !1, + fastKey: function(t, e) { + if (!o(t)) return 'symbol' == typeof t ? t : ('string' == typeof t ? 'S' : 'P') + t; + if (!i(t, s)) { + if (!l(t)) return 'F'; + if (!e) return 'E'; + p(t); + } + return t[s].objectID; + }, + getWeakData: function(t, e) { + if (!i(t, s)) { + if (!l(t)) return !0; + if (!e) return !1; + p(t); + } + return t[s].weakData; + }, + onFreeze: function(t) { + return c && h.REQUIRED && l(t) && !i(t, s) && p(t), t; + }, + }); + r[s] = !0; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(6), + i = n(114), + a = n(15), + u = n(24), + c = n(55); + r( + { target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !o }, + { + getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function(t) { + for (var e, n, r = a(t), o = u.f, s = i(r), f = {}, l = 0; s.length > l; ) + void 0 !== (n = o(r, (e = s[l++]))) && c(f, e, n); + return f; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r, + o = n(0), + i = n(24).f, + a = n(13), + u = n(102), + c = n(22), + s = n(103), + f = n(19), + l = ''.startsWith, + p = Math.min, + h = s('startsWith'); + o( + { + target: 'String', + proto: !0, + forced: !!(f || h || ((r = i(String.prototype, 'startsWith')), !r || r.writable)) && !h, + }, + { + startsWith: function(t) { + var e = String(c(this)); + u(t); + var n = a(p(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, e.length)), + r = String(t); + return l ? l.call(e, r, n) : e.slice(n, n + r.length) === r; + }, + }, + ); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(12), + o = Math.floor, + i = ''.replace, + a = /\$([$&'`]|\d\d?|<[^>]*>)/g, + u = /\$([$&'`]|\d\d?)/g; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, c, s, f) { + var l = n + t.length, + p = c.length, + h = u; + return ( + void 0 !== s && ((s = r(s)), (h = a)), + i.call(f, h, function(r, i) { + var a; + switch (i.charAt(0)) { + case '$': + return '$'; + case '&': + return t; + case '`': + return e.slice(0, n); + case "'": + return e.slice(l); + case '<': + a = s[i.slice(1, -1)]; + break; + default: + var u = +i; + if (0 === u) return r; + if (u > p) { + var f = o(u / 10); + return 0 === f + ? r + : f <= p + ? void 0 === c[f - 1] + ? i.charAt(1) + : c[f - 1] + i.charAt(1) + : r; + } + a = c[u - 1]; + } + return void 0 === a ? '' : a; + }) + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(15), + o = n(68).f, + i = {}.toString, + a = + 'object' == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames + ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) + : []; + t.exports.f = function(t) { + return a && '[object Window]' == i.call(t) + ? (function(t) { + try { + return o(t); + } catch (t) { + return a.slice(); + } + })(t) + : o(r(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(50), + o = n(12), + i = n(206), + a = n(118), + u = n(13), + c = n(55), + s = n(119); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e, + n, + f, + l, + p, + h, + d = o(t), + v = 'function' == typeof this ? this : Array, + y = arguments.length, + m = y > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, + g = void 0 !== m, + b = s(d), + _ = 0; + if ((g && (m = r(m, y > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, 2)), null == b || (v == Array && a(b)))) + for (n = new v((e = u(d.length))); e > _; _++) (h = g ? m(d[_], _) : d[_]), c(n, _, h); + else + for (p = (l = b.call(d)).next, n = new v(); !(f = p.call(l)).done; _++) + (h = g ? i(l, m, [f.value, _], !0) : f.value), c(n, _, h); + return (n.length = _), n; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(5), + o = n(121); + t.exports = function(t, e, n, i) { + try { + return i ? e(r(n)[0], n[1]) : e(n); + } catch (e) { + throw (o(t), e); + } + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(139), + o = n(208); + t.exports = function t(e, n, i, a, u) { + var c = -1, + s = e.length; + for (i || (i = o), u || (u = []); ++c < s; ) { + var f = e[c]; + n > 0 && i(f) ? (n > 1 ? t(f, n - 1, i, a, u) : r(u, f)) : a || (u[u.length] = f); + } + return u; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(39), + o = n(84), + i = n(14), + a = r ? r.isConcatSpreadable : void 0; + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(t) || o(t) || !!(a && t && t[a]); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(30), + o = n(25); + t.exports = function(t) { + return o(t) && '[object Arguments]' == r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(39), + o = Object.prototype, + i = o.hasOwnProperty, + a = o.toString, + u = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = i.call(t, u), + n = t[u]; + try { + t[u] = void 0; + var r = !0; + } catch (t) {} + var o = a.call(t); + return r && (e ? (t[u] = n) : delete t[u]), o; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Object.prototype.toString; + t.exports = function(t) { + return n.call(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(213), + o = n(269), + i = n(92), + a = n(14), + u = n(279); + t.exports = function(t) { + return 'function' == typeof t + ? t + : null == t + ? i + : 'object' == typeof t + ? a(t) + ? o(t[0], t[1]) + : r(t) + : u(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(214), + o = n(268), + i = n(157); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = o(t); + return 1 == e.length && e[0][2] + ? i(e[0][0], e[0][1]) + : function(n) { + return n === t || r(n, t, e); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(141), + o = n(145); + t.exports = function(t, e, n, i) { + var a = n.length, + u = a, + c = !i; + if (null == t) return !u; + for (t = Object(t); a--; ) { + var s = n[a]; + if (c && s[2] ? s[1] !== t[s[0]] : !(s[0] in t)) return !1; + } + for (; ++a < u; ) { + var f = (s = n[a])[0], + l = t[f], + p = s[1]; + if (c && s[2]) { + if (void 0 === l && !(f in t)) return !1; + } else { + var h = new r(); + if (i) var d = i(l, p, f, t, e, h); + if (!(void 0 === d ? o(p, l, 3, i, h) : d)) return !1; + } + } + return !0; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function() { + (this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(59), + o = Array.prototype.splice; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.__data__, + n = r(e, t); + return !(n < 0) && (n == e.length - 1 ? e.pop() : o.call(e, n, 1), --this.size, !0); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(59); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.__data__, + n = r(e, t); + return n < 0 ? void 0 : e[n][1]; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(59); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(this.__data__, t) > -1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(59); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = this.__data__, + o = r(n, t); + return o < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([t, e])) : (n[o][1] = e), this; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(58); + t.exports = function() { + (this.__data__ = new r()), (this.size = 0); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.__data__, + n = e.delete(t); + return (this.size = e.size), n; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return this.__data__.get(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return this.__data__.has(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(58), + o = n(85), + i = n(87); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = this.__data__; + if (n instanceof r) { + var a = n.__data__; + if (!o || a.length < 199) return a.push([t, e]), (this.size = ++n.size), this; + n = this.__data__ = new i(a); + } + return n.set(t, e), (this.size = n.size), this; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(143), + o = n(226), + i = n(86), + a = n(144), + u = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, + c = Function.prototype, + s = Object.prototype, + f = c.toString, + l = s.hasOwnProperty, + p = RegExp( + '^' + + f + .call(l) + .replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, '\\$&') + .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + + '$', + ); + t.exports = function(t) { + return !(!i(t) || o(t)) && (r(t) ? p : u).test(a(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o = n(227), + i = (r = /[^.]+$/.exec((o && o.keys && o.keys.IE_PROTO) || '')) ? 'Symbol(src)_1.' + r : ''; + t.exports = function(t) { + return !!i && i in t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(16)['__core-js_shared__']; + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return null == t ? void 0 : t[e]; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(230), + o = n(58), + i = n(85); + t.exports = function() { + (this.size = 0), (this.__data__ = { hash: new r(), map: new (i || o)(), string: new r() }); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(231), + o = n(232), + i = n(233), + a = n(234), + u = n(235); + function c(t) { + var e = -1, + n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; + for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) { + var r = t[e]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } + } + (c.prototype.clear = r), + (c.prototype.delete = o), + (c.prototype.get = i), + (c.prototype.has = a), + (c.prototype.set = u), + (t.exports = c); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(60); + t.exports = function() { + (this.__data__ = r ? r(null) : {}), (this.size = 0); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t]; + return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(60), + o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.__data__; + if (r) { + var n = e[t]; + return '__lodash_hash_undefined__' === n ? void 0 : n; + } + return o.call(e, t) ? e[t] : void 0; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(60), + o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = this.__data__; + return r ? void 0 !== e[t] : o.call(e, t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(60); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = this.__data__; + return ( + (this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1), + (n[t] = r && void 0 === e ? '__lodash_hash_undefined__' : e), + this + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(61); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = r(this, t).delete(t); + return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = typeof t; + return 'string' == e || 'number' == e || 'symbol' == e || 'boolean' == e + ? '__proto__' !== t + : null === t; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(61); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(this, t).get(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(61); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(this, t).has(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(61); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = r(this, t), + o = n.size; + return n.set(t, e), (this.size += n.size == o ? 0 : 1), this; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(141), + o = n(146), + i = n(245), + a = n(248), + u = n(264), + c = n(14), + s = n(150), + f = n(153), + l = '[object Object]', + p = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, h, d, v) { + var y = c(t), + m = c(e), + g = y ? '[object Array]' : u(t), + b = m ? '[object Array]' : u(e), + _ = (g = '[object Arguments]' == g ? l : g) == l, + x = (b = '[object Arguments]' == b ? l : b) == l, + w = g == b; + if (w && s(t)) { + if (!s(e)) return !1; + (y = !0), (_ = !1); + } + if (w && !_) + return v || (v = new r()), y || f(t) ? o(t, e, n, h, d, v) : i(t, e, g, n, h, d, v); + if (!(1 & n)) { + var O = _ && p.call(t, '__wrapped__'), + S = x && p.call(e, '__wrapped__'); + if (O || S) { + var j = O ? t.value() : t, + A = S ? e.value() : e; + return v || (v = new r()), d(j, A, n, h, v); + } + } + return !!w && (v || (v = new r()), a(t, e, n, h, d, v)); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return this.__data__.set(t, '__lodash_hash_undefined__'), this; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return this.__data__.has(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r; ) if (e(t[n], n, t)) return !0; + return !1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(39), + o = n(246), + i = n(142), + a = n(146), + u = n(247), + c = n(88), + s = r ? r.prototype : void 0, + f = s ? s.valueOf : void 0; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, r, s, l, p) { + switch (n) { + case '[object DataView]': + if (t.byteLength != e.byteLength || t.byteOffset != e.byteOffset) return !1; + (t = t.buffer), (e = e.buffer); + case '[object ArrayBuffer]': + return !(t.byteLength != e.byteLength || !l(new o(t), new o(e))); + case '[object Boolean]': + case '[object Date]': + case '[object Number]': + return i(+t, +e); + case '[object Error]': + return t.name == e.name && t.message == e.message; + case '[object RegExp]': + case '[object String]': + return t == e + ''; + case '[object Map]': + var h = u; + case '[object Set]': + var d = 1 & r; + if ((h || (h = c), t.size != e.size && !d)) return !1; + var v = p.get(t); + if (v) return v == e; + (r |= 2), p.set(t, e); + var y = a(h(t), h(e), r, s, l, p); + return p.delete(t), y; + case '[object Symbol]': + if (f) return f.call(t) == f.call(e); + } + return !1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(16).Uint8Array; + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = -1, + n = Array(t.size); + return ( + t.forEach(function(t, r) { + n[++e] = [r, t]; + }), + n + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(249), + o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t, e, n, i, a, u) { + var c = 1 & n, + s = r(t), + f = s.length; + if (f != r(e).length && !c) return !1; + for (var l = f; l--; ) { + var p = s[l]; + if (!(c ? p in e : o.call(e, p))) return !1; + } + var h = u.get(t), + d = u.get(e); + if (h && d) return h == e && d == t; + var v = !0; + u.set(t, e), u.set(e, t); + for (var y = c; ++l < f; ) { + var m = t[(p = s[l])], + g = e[p]; + if (i) var b = c ? i(g, m, p, e, t, u) : i(m, g, p, t, e, u); + if (!(void 0 === b ? m === g || a(m, g, n, i, u) : b)) { + v = !1; + break; + } + y || (y = 'constructor' == p); + } + if (v && !y) { + var _ = t.constructor, + x = e.constructor; + _ == x || + !('constructor' in t) || + !('constructor' in e) || + ('function' == typeof _ && _ instanceof _ && 'function' == typeof x && x instanceof x) || + (v = !1); + } + return u.delete(t), u.delete(e), v; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(250), + o = n(251), + i = n(149); + t.exports = function(t) { + return r(t, i, o); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(139), + o = n(14); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var i = e(t); + return o(t) ? i : r(i, n(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(252), + o = n(253), + i = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, + a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, + u = a + ? function(t) { + return null == t + ? [] + : ((t = Object(t)), + r(a(t), function(e) { + return i.call(t, e); + })); + } + : o; + t.exports = u; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, o = 0, i = []; ++n < r; ) { + var a = t[n]; + e(a, n, t) && (i[o++] = a); + } + return i; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function() { + return []; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(255), + o = n(84), + i = n(14), + a = n(150), + u = n(152), + c = n(153), + s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t, e) { + var n = i(t), + f = !n && o(t), + l = !n && !f && a(t), + p = !n && !f && !l && c(t), + h = n || f || l || p, + d = h ? r(t.length, String) : [], + v = d.length; + for (var y in t) + (!e && !s.call(t, y)) || + (h && + ('length' == y || + (l && ('offset' == y || 'parent' == y)) || + (p && ('buffer' == y || 'byteLength' == y || 'byteOffset' == y)) || + u(y, v))) || + d.push(y); + return d; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = -1, r = Array(t); ++n < t; ) r[n] = e(n); + return r; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function() { + return !1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(30), + o = n(89), + i = n(25), + a = {}; + (a['[object Float32Array]'] = a['[object Float64Array]'] = a['[object Int8Array]'] = a[ + '[object Int16Array]' + ] = a['[object Int32Array]'] = a['[object Uint8Array]'] = a['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = a[ + '[object Uint16Array]' + ] = a['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0), + (a['[object Arguments]'] = a['[object Array]'] = a['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = a[ + '[object Boolean]' + ] = a['[object DataView]'] = a['[object Date]'] = a['[object Error]'] = a[ + '[object Function]' + ] = a['[object Map]'] = a['[object Number]'] = a['[object Object]'] = a[ + '[object RegExp]' + ] = a['[object Set]'] = a['[object String]'] = a['[object WeakMap]'] = !1), + (t.exports = function(t) { + return i(t) && o(t.length) && !!a[r(t)]; + }); + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return function(e) { + return t(e); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + (function(t) { + var r = n(140), + o = e && !e.nodeType && e, + i = o && 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, + a = i && i.exports === o && r.process, + u = (function() { + try { + var t = i && i.require && i.require('util').types; + return t || (a && a.binding && a.binding('util')); + } catch (t) {} + })(); + t.exports = u; + }.call(this, n(151)(t))); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(261), + o = n(262), + i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = function(t) { + if (!r(t)) return o(t); + var e = []; + for (var n in Object(t)) i.call(t, n) && 'constructor' != n && e.push(n); + return e; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Object.prototype; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = t && t.constructor; + return t === (('function' == typeof e && e.prototype) || n); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(263)(Object.keys, Object); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return function(n) { + return t(e(n)); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(265), + o = n(85), + i = n(266), + a = n(155), + u = n(267), + c = n(30), + s = n(144), + f = s(r), + l = s(o), + p = s(i), + h = s(a), + d = s(u), + v = c; + ((r && '[object DataView]' != v(new r(new ArrayBuffer(1)))) || + (o && '[object Map]' != v(new o())) || + (i && '[object Promise]' != v(i.resolve())) || + (a && '[object Set]' != v(new a())) || + (u && '[object WeakMap]' != v(new u()))) && + (v = function(t) { + var e = c(t), + n = '[object Object]' == e ? t.constructor : void 0, + r = n ? s(n) : ''; + if (r) + switch (r) { + case f: + return '[object DataView]'; + case l: + return '[object Map]'; + case p: + return '[object Promise]'; + case h: + return '[object Set]'; + case d: + return '[object WeakMap]'; + } + return e; + }), + (t.exports = v); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(n(16), 'DataView'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(n(16), 'Promise'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21)(n(16), 'WeakMap'); + t.exports = r; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(156), + o = n(149); + t.exports = function(t) { + for (var e = o(t), n = e.length; n--; ) { + var i = e[n], + a = t[i]; + e[n] = [i, a, r(a)]; + } + return e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(145), + o = n(178), + i = n(276), + a = n(90), + u = n(156), + c = n(157), + s = n(62); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return a(t) && u(e) + ? c(s(t), e) + : function(n) { + var a = o(n, t); + return void 0 === a && a === e ? i(n, t) : r(e, a, 3); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(271), + o = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, + i = /\\(\\)?/g, + a = r(function(t) { + var e = []; + return ( + 46 === t.charCodeAt(0) && e.push(''), + t.replace(o, function(t, n, r, o) { + e.push(r ? o.replace(i, '$1') : n || t); + }), + e + ); + }); + t.exports = a; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(272); + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = r(t, function(t) { + return 500 === n.size && n.clear(), t; + }), + n = e.cache; + return e; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(87); + function o(t, e) { + if ('function' != typeof t || (null != e && 'function' != typeof e)) + throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); + var n = function() { + var r = arguments, + o = e ? e.apply(this, r) : r[0], + i = n.cache; + if (i.has(o)) return i.get(o); + var a = t.apply(this, r); + return (n.cache = i.set(o, a) || i), a; + }; + return (n.cache = new (o.Cache || r)()), n; + } + (o.Cache = r), (t.exports = o); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(274); + t.exports = function(t) { + return null == t ? '' : r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(39), + o = n(275), + i = n(14), + a = n(91), + u = r ? r.prototype : void 0, + c = u ? u.toString : void 0; + t.exports = function t(e) { + if ('string' == typeof e) return e; + if (i(e)) return o(e, t) + ''; + if (a(e)) return c ? c.call(e) : ''; + var n = e + ''; + return '0' == n && 1 / e == -1 / 0 ? '-0' : n; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, o = Array(r); ++n < r; ) o[n] = e(t[n], n, t); + return o; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(277), + o = n(278); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return null != t && o(t, e, r); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return null != t && e in Object(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(159), + o = n(84), + i = n(14), + a = n(152), + u = n(89), + c = n(62); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + for (var s = -1, f = (e = r(e, t)).length, l = !1; ++s < f; ) { + var p = c(e[s]); + if (!(l = null != t && n(t, p))) break; + t = t[p]; + } + return l || ++s != f + ? l + : !!(f = null == t ? 0 : t.length) && u(f) && a(p, f) && (i(t) || o(t)); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(280), + o = n(281), + i = n(90), + a = n(62); + t.exports = function(t) { + return i(t) ? r(a(t)) : o(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return function(e) { + return null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(158); + t.exports = function(t) { + return function(e) { + return r(e, t); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(92), + o = n(283), + i = n(285); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return i(o(t, e, r), t + ''); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(284), + o = Math.max; + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + return ( + (e = o(void 0 === e ? t.length - 1 : e, 0)), + function() { + for (var i = arguments, a = -1, u = o(i.length - e, 0), c = Array(u); ++a < u; ) + c[a] = i[e + a]; + a = -1; + for (var s = Array(e + 1); ++a < e; ) s[a] = i[a]; + return (s[e] = n(c)), r(t, this, s); + } + ); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + switch (n.length) { + case 0: + return t.call(e); + case 1: + return t.call(e, n[0]); + case 2: + return t.call(e, n[0], n[1]); + case 3: + return t.call(e, n[0], n[1], n[2]); + } + return t.apply(e, n); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(286), + o = n(289)(r); + t.exports = o; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(287), + o = n(288), + i = n(92), + a = o + ? function(t, e) { + return o(t, 'toString', { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !1, + value: r(e), + writable: !0, + }); + } + : i; + t.exports = a; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return function() { + return t; + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(21), + o = (function() { + try { + var t = r(Object, 'defineProperty'); + return t({}, '', {}), t; + } catch (t) {} + })(); + t.exports = o; + }, + function(t, e) { + var n = Date.now; + t.exports = function(t) { + var e = 0, + r = 0; + return function() { + var o = n(), + i = 16 - (o - r); + if (((r = o), i > 0)) { + if (++e >= 800) return arguments[0]; + } else e = 0; + return t.apply(void 0, arguments); + }; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(147), + o = n(291), + i = n(296), + a = n(148), + u = n(297), + c = n(88); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + var s = -1, + f = o, + l = t.length, + p = !0, + h = [], + d = h; + if (n) (p = !1), (f = i); + else if (l >= 200) { + var v = e ? null : u(t); + if (v) return c(v); + (p = !1), (f = a), (d = new r()); + } else d = e ? [] : h; + t: for (; ++s < l; ) { + var y = t[s], + m = e ? e(y) : y; + if (((y = n || 0 !== y ? y : 0), p && m == m)) { + for (var g = d.length; g--; ) if (d[g] === m) continue t; + e && d.push(m), h.push(y); + } else f(d, m, n) || (d !== h && d.push(m), h.push(y)); + } + return h; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(292); + t.exports = function(t, e) { + return !!(null == t ? 0 : t.length) && r(t, e, 0) > -1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(293), + o = n(294), + i = n(295); + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + return e == e ? i(t, e, n) : r(t, o, n); + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e, n, r) { + for (var o = t.length, i = n + (r ? 1 : -1); r ? i-- : ++i < o; ) if (e(t[i], i, t)) return i; + return -1; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t) { + return t != t; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + for (var r = n - 1, o = t.length; ++r < o; ) if (t[r] === e) return r; + return -1; + }; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function(t, e, n) { + for (var r = -1, o = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++r < o; ) if (n(e, t[r])) return !0; + return !1; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(155), + o = n(298), + i = n(88), + a = + r && 1 / i(new r([, -0]))[1] == 1 / 0 + ? function(t) { + return new r(t); + } + : o; + t.exports = a; + }, + function(t, e) { + t.exports = function() {}; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(154), + o = n(25); + t.exports = function(t) { + return o(t) && r(t); + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) {}, + function(t, e, n) {}, + function(t, e, n) {}, + function(t, e, n) { + var r = n(0), + o = n(6); + r({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !o, sham: !o }, { defineProperty: n(8).f }); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + var r = n(20), + o = n(4), + i = [].slice, + a = {}, + u = function(t, e, n) { + if (!(e in a)) { + for (var r = [], o = 0; o < e; o++) r[o] = 'a[' + o + ']'; + a[e] = Function('C,a', 'return new C(' + r.join(',') + ')'); + } + return a[e](t, n); + }; + t.exports = + Function.bind || + function(t) { + var e = r(this), + n = i.call(arguments, 1), + a = function() { + var r = n.concat(i.call(arguments)); + return this instanceof a ? u(e, r.length, r) : e.apply(t, r); + }; + return o(e.prototype) && (a.prototype = e.prototype), a; + }; + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(162); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n(163); + }, + function(t, e, n) { + 'use strict'; + n.r(e); + n(105), n(185), n(193), n(195), n(23), n(65), n(54), n(9), n(27), n(37), n(130); + function r(t, e, n, r, o, i, a) { + try { + var u = t[i](a), + c = u.value; + } catch (t) { + return void n(t); + } + u.done ? e(c) : Promise.resolve(c).then(r, o); + } + function o(t) { + return function() { + var e = this, + n = arguments; + return new Promise(function(o, i) { + var a = t.apply(e, n); + function u(t) { + r(a, o, i, u, c, 'next', t); + } + function c(t) { + r(a, o, i, u, c, 'throw', t); + } + u(void 0); + }); + }; + } + /*! + * Vue.js v2.6.12 + * (c) 2014-2020 Evan You + * Released under the MIT License. + */ var i = Object.freeze({}); + function a(t) { + return null == t; + } + function u(t) { + return null != t; + } + function c(t) { + return !0 === t; + } + function s(t) { + return ( + 'string' == typeof t || + 'number' == typeof t || + 'symbol' == typeof t || + 'boolean' == typeof t + ); + } + function f(t) { + return null !== t && 'object' == typeof t; + } + var l = Object.prototype.toString; + function p(t) { + return '[object Object]' === l.call(t); + } + function h(t) { + return '[object RegExp]' === l.call(t); + } + function d(t) { + var e = parseFloat(String(t)); + return e >= 0 && Math.floor(e) === e && isFinite(t); + } + function v(t) { + return u(t) && 'function' == typeof t.then && 'function' == typeof t.catch; + } + function y(t) { + return null == t + ? '' + : Array.isArray(t) || (p(t) && t.toString === l) + ? JSON.stringify(t, null, 2) + : String(t); + } + function m(t) { + var e = parseFloat(t); + return isNaN(e) ? t : e; + } + function g(t, e) { + for (var n = Object.create(null), r = t.split(','), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) n[r[o]] = !0; + return e + ? function(t) { + return n[t.toLowerCase()]; + } + : function(t) { + return n[t]; + }; + } + g('slot,component', !0); + var b = g('key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is'); + function _(t, e) { + if (t.length) { + var n = t.indexOf(e); + if (n > -1) return t.splice(n, 1); + } + } + var x = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + function w(t, e) { + return x.call(t, e); + } + function O(t) { + var e = Object.create(null); + return function(n) { + return e[n] || (e[n] = t(n)); + }; + } + var S = /-(\w)/g, + j = O(function(t) { + return t.replace(S, function(t, e) { + return e ? e.toUpperCase() : ''; + }); + }), + A = O(function(t) { + return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1); + }), + E = /\B([A-Z])/g, + k = O(function(t) { + return t.replace(E, '-$1').toLowerCase(); + }); + var C = Function.prototype.bind + ? function(t, e) { + return t.bind(e); + } + : function(t, e) { + function n(n) { + var r = arguments.length; + return r ? (r > 1 ? t.apply(e, arguments) : t.call(e, n)) : t.call(e); + } + return (n._length = t.length), n; + }; + function $(t, e) { + e = e || 0; + for (var n = t.length - e, r = new Array(n); n--; ) r[n] = t[n + e]; + return r; + } + function P(t, e) { + for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n]; + return t; + } + function T(t) { + for (var e = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] && P(e, t[n]); + return e; + } + function L(t, e, n) {} + var R = function(t, e, n) { + return !1; + }, + z = function(t) { + return t; + }; + function D(t, e) { + if (t === e) return !0; + var n = f(t), + r = f(e); + if (!n || !r) return !n && !r && String(t) === String(e); + try { + var o = Array.isArray(t), + i = Array.isArray(e); + if (o && i) + return ( + t.length === e.length && + t.every(function(t, n) { + return D(t, e[n]); + }) + ); + if (t instanceof Date && e instanceof Date) return t.getTime() === e.getTime(); + if (o || i) return !1; + var a = Object.keys(t), + u = Object.keys(e); + return ( + a.length === u.length && + a.every(function(n) { + return D(t[n], e[n]); + }) + ); + } catch (t) { + return !1; + } + } + function I(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (D(t[n], e)) return n; + return -1; + } + function M(t) { + var e = !1; + return function() { + e || ((e = !0), t.apply(this, arguments)); + }; + } + var N = ['component', 'directive', 'filter'], + U = [ + 'beforeCreate', + 'created', + 'beforeMount', + 'mounted', + 'beforeUpdate', + 'updated', + 'beforeDestroy', + 'destroyed', + 'activated', + 'deactivated', + 'errorCaptured', + 'serverPrefetch', + ], + F = { + optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null), + silent: !1, + productionTip: !1, + devtools: !1, + performance: !1, + errorHandler: null, + warnHandler: null, + ignoredElements: [], + keyCodes: Object.create(null), + isReservedTag: R, + isReservedAttr: R, + isUnknownElement: R, + getTagNamespace: L, + parsePlatformTagName: z, + mustUseProp: R, + async: !0, + _lifecycleHooks: U, + }, + B = /a-zA-Z\u00B7\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u203F-\u2040\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD/; + function V(t, e, n, r) { + Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !!r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }); + } + var H = new RegExp('[^' + B.source + '.$_\\d]'); + var q, + W = '__proto__' in {}, + G = 'undefined' != typeof window, + K = 'undefined' != typeof WXEnvironment && !!WXEnvironment.platform, + J = K && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase(), + X = G && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), + Q = X && /msie|trident/.test(X), + Y = X && X.indexOf('msie 9.0') > 0, + Z = X && X.indexOf('edge/') > 0, + tt = (X && X.indexOf('android'), (X && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(X)) || 'ios' === J), + et = (X && /chrome\/\d+/.test(X), X && /phantomjs/.test(X), X && X.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/)), + nt = {}.watch, + rt = !1; + if (G) + try { + var ot = {}; + Object.defineProperty(ot, 'passive', { + get: function() { + rt = !0; + }, + }), + window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, ot); + } catch (t) {} + var it = function() { + return ( + void 0 === q && + (q = + !G && + !K && + 'undefined' != typeof global && + global.process && 'server' === global.process.env.VUE_ENV), + q + ); + }, + at = G && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; + function ut(t) { + return 'function' == typeof t && /native code/.test(t.toString()); + } + var ct, + st = + 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && + ut(Symbol) && + 'undefined' != typeof Reflect && + ut(Reflect.ownKeys); + ct = + 'undefined' != typeof Set && ut(Set) + ? Set + : (function() { + function t() { + this.set = Object.create(null); + } + return ( + (t.prototype.has = function(t) { + return !0 === this.set[t]; + }), + (t.prototype.add = function(t) { + this.set[t] = !0; + }), + (t.prototype.clear = function() { + this.set = Object.create(null); + }), + t + ); + })(); + var ft = L, + lt = 0, + pt = function() { + (this.id = lt++), (this.subs = []); + }; + (pt.prototype.addSub = function(t) { + this.subs.push(t); + }), + (pt.prototype.removeSub = function(t) { + _(this.subs, t); + }), + (pt.prototype.depend = function() { + pt.target && pt.target.addDep(this); + }), + (pt.prototype.notify = function() { + var t = this.subs.slice(); + for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) t[e].update(); + }), + (pt.target = null); + var ht = []; + function dt(t) { + ht.push(t), (pt.target = t); + } + function vt() { + ht.pop(), (pt.target = ht[ht.length - 1]); + } + var yt = function(t, e, n, r, o, i, a, u) { + (this.tag = t), + (this.data = e), + (this.children = n), + (this.text = r), + (this.elm = o), + (this.ns = void 0), + (this.context = i), + (this.fnContext = void 0), + (this.fnOptions = void 0), + (this.fnScopeId = void 0), + (this.key = e && e.key), + (this.componentOptions = a), + (this.componentInstance = void 0), + (this.parent = void 0), + (this.raw = !1), + (this.isStatic = !1), + (this.isRootInsert = !0), + (this.isComment = !1), + (this.isCloned = !1), + (this.isOnce = !1), + (this.asyncFactory = u), + (this.asyncMeta = void 0), + (this.isAsyncPlaceholder = !1); + }, + mt = { child: { configurable: !0 } }; + (mt.child.get = function() { + return this.componentInstance; + }), + Object.defineProperties(yt.prototype, mt); + var gt = function(t) { + void 0 === t && (t = ''); + var e = new yt(); + return (e.text = t), (e.isComment = !0), e; + }; + function bt(t) { + return new yt(void 0, void 0, void 0, String(t)); + } + function _t(t) { + var e = new yt( + t.tag, + t.data, + t.children && t.children.slice(), + t.text, + t.elm, + t.context, + t.componentOptions, + t.asyncFactory, + ); + return ( + (e.ns = t.ns), + (e.isStatic = t.isStatic), + (e.key = t.key), + (e.isComment = t.isComment), + (e.fnContext = t.fnContext), + (e.fnOptions = t.fnOptions), + (e.fnScopeId = t.fnScopeId), + (e.asyncMeta = t.asyncMeta), + (e.isCloned = !0), + e + ); + } + var xt = Array.prototype, + wt = Object.create(xt); + ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice', 'sort', 'reverse'].forEach(function(t) { + var e = xt[t]; + V(wt, t, function() { + for (var n = [], r = arguments.length; r--; ) n[r] = arguments[r]; + var o, + i = e.apply(this, n), + a = this.__ob__; + switch (t) { + case 'push': + case 'unshift': + o = n; + break; + case 'splice': + o = n.slice(2); + } + return o && a.observeArray(o), a.dep.notify(), i; + }); + }); + var Ot = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(wt), + St = !0; + function jt(t) { + St = t; + } + var At = function(t) { + (this.value = t), + (this.dep = new pt()), + (this.vmCount = 0), + V(t, '__ob__', this), + Array.isArray(t) + ? (W + ? (function(t, e) { + t.__proto__ = e; + })(t, wt) + : (function(t, e, n) { + for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) { + var i = n[r]; + V(t, i, e[i]); + } + })(t, wt, Ot), + this.observeArray(t)) + : this.walk(t); + }; + function Et(t, e) { + var n; + if (f(t) && !(t instanceof yt)) + return ( + w(t, '__ob__') && t.__ob__ instanceof At + ? (n = t.__ob__) + : St && + !it() && + (Array.isArray(t) || p(t)) && + Object.isExtensible(t) && + !t._isVue && + (n = new At(t)), + e && n && n.vmCount++, + n + ); + } + function kt(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i = new pt(), + a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e); + if (!a || !1 !== a.configurable) { + var u = a && a.get, + c = a && a.set; + (u && !c) || 2 !== arguments.length || (n = t[e]); + var s = !o && Et(n); + Object.defineProperty(t, e, { + enumerable: !0, + configurable: !0, + get: function() { + var e = u ? u.call(t) : n; + return pt.target && (i.depend(), s && (s.dep.depend(), Array.isArray(e) && Pt(e))), e; + }, + set: function(e) { + var r = u ? u.call(t) : n; + e === r || + (e != e && r != r) || + (u && !c) || + (c ? c.call(t, e) : (n = e), (s = !o && Et(e)), i.notify()); + }, + }); + } + } + function Ct(t, e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(t) && d(e)) return (t.length = Math.max(t.length, e)), t.splice(e, 1, n), n; + if (e in t && !(e in Object.prototype)) return (t[e] = n), n; + var r = t.__ob__; + return t._isVue || (r && r.vmCount) + ? n + : r + ? (kt(r.value, e, n), r.dep.notify(), n) + : ((t[e] = n), n); + } + function $t(t, e) { + if (Array.isArray(t) && d(e)) t.splice(e, 1); + else { + var n = t.__ob__; + t._isVue || (n && n.vmCount) || (w(t, e) && (delete t[e], n && n.dep.notify())); + } + } + function Pt(t) { + for (var e = void 0, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) + (e = t[n]) && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend(), Array.isArray(e) && Pt(e); + } + (At.prototype.walk = function(t) { + for (var e = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) kt(t, e[n]); + }), + (At.prototype.observeArray = function(t) { + for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) Et(t[e]); + }); + var Tt = F.optionMergeStrategies; + function Lt(t, e) { + if (!e) return t; + for (var n, r, o, i = st ? Reflect.ownKeys(e) : Object.keys(e), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) + '__ob__' !== (n = i[a]) && + ((r = t[n]), (o = e[n]), w(t, n) ? r !== o && p(r) && p(o) && Lt(r, o) : Ct(t, n, o)); + return t; + } + function Rt(t, e, n) { + return n + ? function() { + var r = 'function' == typeof e ? e.call(n, n) : e, + o = 'function' == typeof t ? t.call(n, n) : t; + return r ? Lt(r, o) : o; + } + : e + ? t + ? function() { + return Lt( + 'function' == typeof e ? e.call(this, this) : e, + 'function' == typeof t ? t.call(this, this) : t, + ); + } + : e + : t; + } + function zt(t, e) { + var n = e ? (t ? t.concat(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]) : t; + return n + ? (function(t) { + for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) -1 === e.indexOf(t[n]) && e.push(t[n]); + return e; + })(n) + : n; + } + function Dt(t, e, n, r) { + var o = Object.create(t || null); + return e ? P(o, e) : o; + } + (Tt.data = function(t, e, n) { + return n ? Rt(t, e, n) : e && 'function' != typeof e ? t : Rt(t, e); + }), + U.forEach(function(t) { + Tt[t] = zt; + }), + N.forEach(function(t) { + Tt[t + 's'] = Dt; + }), + (Tt.watch = function(t, e, n, r) { + if ((t === nt && (t = void 0), e === nt && (e = void 0), !e)) + return Object.create(t || null); + if (!t) return e; + var o = {}; + for (var i in (P(o, t), e)) { + var a = o[i], + u = e[i]; + a && !Array.isArray(a) && (a = [a]), + (o[i] = a ? a.concat(u) : Array.isArray(u) ? u : [u]); + } + return o; + }), + (Tt.props = Tt.methods = Tt.inject = Tt.computed = function(t, e, n, r) { + if (!t) return e; + var o = Object.create(null); + return P(o, t), e && P(o, e), o; + }), + (Tt.provide = Rt); + var It = function(t, e) { + return void 0 === e ? t : e; + }; + function Mt(t, e, n) { + if ( + ('function' == typeof e && (e = e.options), + (function(t, e) { + var n = t.props; + if (n) { + var r, + o, + i = {}; + if (Array.isArray(n)) + for (r = n.length; r--; ) 'string' == typeof (o = n[r]) && (i[j(o)] = { type: null }); + else if (p(n)) for (var a in n) (o = n[a]), (i[j(a)] = p(o) ? o : { type: o }); + else 0; + t.props = i; + } + })(e), + (function(t, e) { + var n = t.inject; + if (n) { + var r = (t.inject = {}); + if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) r[n[o]] = { from: n[o] }; + else if (p(n)) + for (var i in n) { + var a = n[i]; + r[i] = p(a) ? P({ from: i }, a) : { from: a }; + } + else 0; + } + })(e), + (function(t) { + var e = t.directives; + if (e) + for (var n in e) { + var r = e[n]; + 'function' == typeof r && (e[n] = { bind: r, update: r }); + } + })(e), + !e._base && (e.extends && (t = Mt(t, e.extends, n)), e.mixins)) + ) + for (var r = 0, o = e.mixins.length; r < o; r++) t = Mt(t, e.mixins[r], n); + var i, + a = {}; + for (i in t) u(i); + for (i in e) w(t, i) || u(i); + function u(r) { + var o = Tt[r] || It; + a[r] = o(t[r], e[r], n, r); + } + return a; + } + function Nt(t, e, n, r) { + if ('string' == typeof n) { + var o = t[e]; + if (w(o, n)) return o[n]; + var i = j(n); + if (w(o, i)) return o[i]; + var a = A(i); + return w(o, a) ? o[a] : o[n] || o[i] || o[a]; + } + } + function Ut(t, e, n, r) { + var o = e[t], + i = !w(n, t), + a = n[t], + u = Vt(Boolean, o.type); + if (u > -1) + if (i && !w(o, 'default')) a = !1; + else if ('' === a || a === k(t)) { + var c = Vt(String, o.type); + (c < 0 || u < c) && (a = !0); + } + if (void 0 === a) { + a = (function(t, e, n) { + if (!w(e, 'default')) return; + var r = e.default; + 0; + if ( + t && + t.$options.propsData && + void 0 === t.$options.propsData[n] && + void 0 !== t._props[n] + ) + return t._props[n]; + return 'function' == typeof r && 'Function' !== Ft(e.type) ? r.call(t) : r; + })(r, o, t); + var s = St; + jt(!0), Et(a), jt(s); + } + return a; + } + function Ft(t) { + var e = t && t.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/); + return e ? e[1] : ''; + } + function Bt(t, e) { + return Ft(t) === Ft(e); + } + function Vt(t, e) { + if (!Array.isArray(e)) return Bt(e, t) ? 0 : -1; + for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if (Bt(e[n], t)) return n; + return -1; + } + function Ht(t, e, n) { + dt(); + try { + if (e) + for (var r = e; (r = r.$parent); ) { + var o = r.$options.errorCaptured; + if (o) + for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) + try { + if (!1 === o[i].call(r, t, e, n)) return; + } catch (t) { + Wt(t, r, 'errorCaptured hook'); + } + } + Wt(t, e, n); + } finally { + vt(); + } + } + function qt(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i; + try { + (i = n ? t.apply(e, n) : t.call(e)) && + !i._isVue && + v(i) && + !i._handled && + (i.catch(function(t) { + return Ht(t, r, o + ' (Promise/async)'); + }), + (i._handled = !0)); + } catch (t) { + Ht(t, r, o); + } + return i; + } + function Wt(t, e, n) { + if (F.errorHandler) + try { + return F.errorHandler.call(null, t, e, n); + } catch (e) { + e !== t && Gt(e, null, 'config.errorHandler'); + } + Gt(t, e, n); + } + function Gt(t, e, n) { + if ((!G && !K) || 'undefined' == typeof console) throw t; + console.error(t); + } + var Kt, + Jt = !1, + Xt = [], + Qt = !1; + function Yt() { + Qt = !1; + var t = Xt.slice(0); + Xt.length = 0; + for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e](); + } + if ('undefined' != typeof Promise && ut(Promise)) { + var Zt = Promise.resolve(); + (Kt = function() { + Zt.then(Yt), tt && setTimeout(L); + }), + (Jt = !0); + } else if ( + Q || + 'undefined' == typeof MutationObserver || + (!ut(MutationObserver) && + '[object MutationObserverConstructor]' !== MutationObserver.toString()) + ) + Kt = + 'undefined' != typeof setImmediate && ut(setImmediate) + ? function() { + setImmediate(Yt); + } + : function() { + setTimeout(Yt, 0); + }; + else { + var te = 1, + ee = new MutationObserver(Yt), + ne = document.createTextNode(String(te)); + ee.observe(ne, { characterData: !0 }), + (Kt = function() { + (te = (te + 1) % 2), (ne.data = String(te)); + }), + (Jt = !0); + } + function re(t, e) { + var n; + if ( + (Xt.push(function() { + if (t) + try { + t.call(e); + } catch (t) { + Ht(t, e, 'nextTick'); + } + else n && n(e); + }), + Qt || ((Qt = !0), Kt()), + !t && 'undefined' != typeof Promise) + ) + return new Promise(function(t) { + n = t; + }); + } + var oe = new ct(); + function ie(t) { + !(function t(e, n) { + var r, + o, + i = Array.isArray(e); + if ((!i && !f(e)) || Object.isFrozen(e) || e instanceof yt) return; + if (e.__ob__) { + var a = e.__ob__.dep.id; + if (n.has(a)) return; + n.add(a); + } + if (i) for (r = e.length; r--; ) t(e[r], n); + else for (o = Object.keys(e), r = o.length; r--; ) t(e[o[r]], n); + })(t, oe), + oe.clear(); + } + var ae = O(function(t) { + var e = '&' === t.charAt(0), + n = '~' === (t = e ? t.slice(1) : t).charAt(0), + r = '!' === (t = n ? t.slice(1) : t).charAt(0); + return { name: (t = r ? t.slice(1) : t), once: n, capture: r, passive: e }; + }); + function ue(t, e) { + function n() { + var t = arguments, + r = n.fns; + if (!Array.isArray(r)) return qt(r, null, arguments, e, 'v-on handler'); + for (var o = r.slice(), i = 0; i < o.length; i++) qt(o[i], null, t, e, 'v-on handler'); + } + return (n.fns = t), n; + } + function ce(t, e, n, r, o, i) { + var u, s, f, l; + for (u in t) + (s = t[u]), + (f = e[u]), + (l = ae(u)), + a(s) || + (a(f) + ? (a(s.fns) && (s = t[u] = ue(s, i)), + c(l.once) && (s = t[u] = o(l.name, s, l.capture)), + n(l.name, s, l.capture, l.passive, l.params)) + : s !== f && ((f.fns = s), (t[u] = f))); + for (u in e) a(t[u]) && r((l = ae(u)).name, e[u], l.capture); + } + function se(t, e, n) { + var r; + t instanceof yt && (t = t.data.hook || (t.data.hook = {})); + var o = t[e]; + function i() { + n.apply(this, arguments), _(r.fns, i); + } + a(o) ? (r = ue([i])) : u(o.fns) && c(o.merged) ? (r = o).fns.push(i) : (r = ue([o, i])), + (r.merged = !0), + (t[e] = r); + } + function fe(t, e, n, r, o) { + if (u(e)) { + if (w(e, n)) return (t[n] = e[n]), o || delete e[n], !0; + if (w(e, r)) return (t[n] = e[r]), o || delete e[r], !0; + } + return !1; + } + function le(t) { + return s(t) + ? [bt(t)] + : Array.isArray(t) + ? (function t(e, n) { + var r, + o, + i, + f, + l = []; + for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) + a((o = e[r])) || + 'boolean' == typeof o || + ((i = l.length - 1), + (f = l[i]), + Array.isArray(o) + ? o.length > 0 && + (pe((o = t(o, (n || '') + '_' + r))[0]) && + pe(f) && + ((l[i] = bt(f.text + o[0].text)), o.shift()), + l.push.apply(l, o)) + : s(o) + ? pe(f) + ? (l[i] = bt(f.text + o)) + : '' !== o && l.push(bt(o)) + : pe(o) && pe(f) + ? (l[i] = bt(f.text + o.text)) + : (c(e._isVList) && + u(o.tag) && + a(o.key) && + u(n) && + (o.key = '__vlist' + n + '_' + r + '__'), + l.push(o))); + return l; + })(t) + : void 0; + } + function pe(t) { + return u(t) && u(t.text) && !1 === t.isComment; + } + function he(t, e) { + if (t) { + for ( + var n = Object.create(null), r = st ? Reflect.ownKeys(t) : Object.keys(t), o = 0; + o < r.length; + o++ + ) { + var i = r[o]; + if ('__ob__' !== i) { + for (var a = t[i].from, u = e; u; ) { + if (u._provided && w(u._provided, a)) { + n[i] = u._provided[a]; + break; + } + u = u.$parent; + } + if (!u) + if ('default' in t[i]) { + var c = t[i].default; + n[i] = 'function' == typeof c ? c.call(e) : c; + } else 0; + } + } + return n; + } + } + function de(t, e) { + if (!t || !t.length) return {}; + for (var n = {}, r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) { + var i = t[r], + a = i.data; + if ( + (a && a.attrs && a.attrs.slot && delete a.attrs.slot, + (i.context !== e && i.fnContext !== e) || !a || null == a.slot) + ) + (n.default || (n.default = [])).push(i); + else { + var u = a.slot, + c = n[u] || (n[u] = []); + 'template' === i.tag ? c.push.apply(c, i.children || []) : c.push(i); + } + } + for (var s in n) n[s].every(ve) && delete n[s]; + return n; + } + function ve(t) { + return (t.isComment && !t.asyncFactory) || ' ' === t.text; + } + function ye(t, e, n) { + var r, + o = Object.keys(e).length > 0, + a = t ? !!t.$stable : !o, + u = t && t.$key; + if (t) { + if (t._normalized) return t._normalized; + if (a && n && n !== i && u === n.$key && !o && !n.$hasNormal) return n; + for (var c in ((r = {}), t)) t[c] && '$' !== c[0] && (r[c] = me(e, c, t[c])); + } else r = {}; + for (var s in e) s in r || (r[s] = ge(e, s)); + return ( + t && Object.isExtensible(t) && (t._normalized = r), + V(r, '$stable', a), + V(r, '$key', u), + V(r, '$hasNormal', o), + r + ); + } + function me(t, e, n) { + var r = function() { + var t = arguments.length ? n.apply(null, arguments) : n({}); + return (t = t && 'object' == typeof t && !Array.isArray(t) ? [t] : le(t)) && + (0 === t.length || (1 === t.length && t[0].isComment)) + ? void 0 + : t; + }; + return ( + n.proxy && Object.defineProperty(t, e, { get: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), r + ); + } + function ge(t, e) { + return function() { + return t[e]; + }; + } + function be(t, e) { + var n, r, o, i, a; + if (Array.isArray(t) || 'string' == typeof t) + for (n = new Array(t.length), r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) n[r] = e(t[r], r); + else if ('number' == typeof t) for (n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = e(r + 1, r); + else if (f(t)) + if (st && t[Symbol.iterator]) { + n = []; + for (var c = t[Symbol.iterator](), s = c.next(); !s.done; ) + n.push(e(s.value, n.length)), (s = c.next()); + } else + for (i = Object.keys(t), n = new Array(i.length), r = 0, o = i.length; r < o; r++) + (a = i[r]), (n[r] = e(t[a], a, r)); + return u(n) || (n = []), (n._isVList = !0), n; + } + function _e(t, e, n, r) { + var o, + i = this.$scopedSlots[t]; + i ? ((n = n || {}), r && (n = P(P({}, r), n)), (o = i(n) || e)) : (o = this.$slots[t] || e); + var a = n && n.slot; + return a ? this.$createElement('template', { slot: a }, o) : o; + } + function xe(t) { + return Nt(this.$options, 'filters', t) || z; + } + function we(t, e) { + return Array.isArray(t) ? -1 === t.indexOf(e) : t !== e; + } + function Oe(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i = F.keyCodes[e] || n; + return o && r && !F.keyCodes[e] ? we(o, r) : i ? we(i, t) : r ? k(r) !== e : void 0; + } + function Se(t, e, n, r, o) { + if (n) + if (f(n)) { + var i; + Array.isArray(n) && (n = T(n)); + var a = function(a) { + if ('class' === a || 'style' === a || b(a)) i = t; + else { + var u = t.attrs && t.attrs.type; + i = + r || F.mustUseProp(e, u, a) + ? t.domProps || (t.domProps = {}) + : t.attrs || (t.attrs = {}); + } + var c = j(a), + s = k(a); + c in i || + s in i || + ((i[a] = n[a]), + o && + ((t.on || (t.on = {}))['update:' + a] = function(t) { + n[a] = t; + })); + }; + for (var u in n) a(u); + } else; + return t; + } + function je(t, e) { + var n = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = []), + r = n[t]; + return ( + (r && !e) || + Ee( + (r = n[t] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[t].call(this._renderProxy, null, this)), + '__static__' + t, + !1, + ), + r + ); + } + function Ae(t, e, n) { + return Ee(t, '__once__' + e + (n ? '_' + n : ''), !0), t; + } + function Ee(t, e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(t)) + for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) + t[r] && 'string' != typeof t[r] && ke(t[r], e + '_' + r, n); + else ke(t, e, n); + } + function ke(t, e, n) { + (t.isStatic = !0), (t.key = e), (t.isOnce = n); + } + function Ce(t, e) { + if (e) + if (p(e)) { + var n = (t.on = t.on ? P({}, t.on) : {}); + for (var r in e) { + var o = n[r], + i = e[r]; + n[r] = o ? [].concat(o, i) : i; + } + } else; + return t; + } + function $e(t, e, n, r) { + e = e || { $stable: !n }; + for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { + var i = t[o]; + Array.isArray(i) ? $e(i, e, n) : i && (i.proxy && (i.fn.proxy = !0), (e[i.key] = i.fn)); + } + return r && (e.$key = r), e; + } + function Pe(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2) { + var r = e[n]; + 'string' == typeof r && r && (t[e[n]] = e[n + 1]); + } + return t; + } + function Te(t, e) { + return 'string' == typeof t ? e + t : t; + } + function Le(t) { + (t._o = Ae), + (t._n = m), + (t._s = y), + (t._l = be), + (t._t = _e), + (t._q = D), + (t._i = I), + (t._m = je), + (t._f = xe), + (t._k = Oe), + (t._b = Se), + (t._v = bt), + (t._e = gt), + (t._u = $e), + (t._g = Ce), + (t._d = Pe), + (t._p = Te); + } + function Re(t, e, n, r, o) { + var a, + u = this, + s = o.options; + w(r, '_uid') ? ((a = Object.create(r))._original = r) : ((a = r), (r = r._original)); + var f = c(s._compiled), + l = !f; + (this.data = t), + (this.props = e), + (this.children = n), + (this.parent = r), + (this.listeners = t.on || i), + (this.injections = he(s.inject, r)), + (this.slots = function() { + return u.$slots || ye(t.scopedSlots, (u.$slots = de(n, r))), u.$slots; + }), + Object.defineProperty(this, 'scopedSlots', { + enumerable: !0, + get: function() { + return ye(t.scopedSlots, this.slots()); + }, + }), + f && + ((this.$options = s), + (this.$slots = this.slots()), + (this.$scopedSlots = ye(t.scopedSlots, this.$slots))), + s._scopeId + ? (this._c = function(t, e, n, o) { + var i = Fe(a, t, e, n, o, l); + return i && !Array.isArray(i) && ((i.fnScopeId = s._scopeId), (i.fnContext = r)), i; + }) + : (this._c = function(t, e, n, r) { + return Fe(a, t, e, n, r, l); + }); + } + function ze(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i = _t(t); + return ( + (i.fnContext = n), (i.fnOptions = r), e.slot && ((i.data || (i.data = {})).slot = e.slot), i + ); + } + function De(t, e) { + for (var n in e) t[j(n)] = e[n]; + } + Le(Re.prototype); + var Ie = { + init: function(t, e) { + if (t.componentInstance && !t.componentInstance._isDestroyed && t.data.keepAlive) { + var n = t; + Ie.prepatch(n, n); + } else { + (t.componentInstance = (function(t, e) { + var n = { _isComponent: !0, _parentVnode: t, parent: e }, + r = t.data.inlineTemplate; + u(r) && ((n.render = r.render), (n.staticRenderFns = r.staticRenderFns)); + return new t.componentOptions.Ctor(n); + })(t, Qe)).$mount(e ? t.elm : void 0, e); + } + }, + prepatch: function(t, e) { + var n = e.componentOptions; + !(function(t, e, n, r, o) { + 0; + var a = r.data.scopedSlots, + u = t.$scopedSlots, + c = !!( + (a && !a.$stable) || + (u !== i && !u.$stable) || + (a && t.$scopedSlots.$key !== a.$key) + ), + s = !!(o || t.$options._renderChildren || c); + (t.$options._parentVnode = r), (t.$vnode = r), t._vnode && (t._vnode.parent = r); + if ( + ((t.$options._renderChildren = o), + (t.$attrs = r.data.attrs || i), + (t.$listeners = n || i), + e && t.$options.props) + ) { + jt(!1); + for (var f = t._props, l = t.$options._propKeys || [], p = 0; p < l.length; p++) { + var h = l[p], + d = t.$options.props; + f[h] = Ut(h, d, e, t); + } + jt(!0), (t.$options.propsData = e); + } + n = n || i; + var v = t.$options._parentListeners; + (t.$options._parentListeners = n), + Xe(t, n, v), + s && ((t.$slots = de(o, r.context)), t.$forceUpdate()); + 0; + })((e.componentInstance = t.componentInstance), n.propsData, n.listeners, e, n.children); + }, + insert: function(t) { + var e, + n = t.context, + r = t.componentInstance; + r._isMounted || ((r._isMounted = !0), en(r, 'mounted')), + t.data.keepAlive && (n._isMounted ? (((e = r)._inactive = !1), rn.push(e)) : tn(r, !0)); + }, + destroy: function(t) { + var e = t.componentInstance; + e._isDestroyed || + (t.data.keepAlive + ? (function t(e, n) { + if (n && ((e._directInactive = !0), Ze(e))) return; + if (!e._inactive) { + e._inactive = !0; + for (var r = 0; r < e.$children.length; r++) t(e.$children[r]); + en(e, 'deactivated'); + } + })(e, !0) + : e.$destroy()); + }, + }, + Me = Object.keys(Ie); + function Ne(t, e, n, r, o) { + if (!a(t)) { + var s = n.$options._base; + if ((f(t) && (t = s.extend(t)), 'function' == typeof t)) { + var l; + if ( + a(t.cid) && + void 0 === + (t = (function(t, e) { + if (c(t.error) && u(t.errorComp)) return t.errorComp; + if (u(t.resolved)) return t.resolved; + var n = Ve; + n && u(t.owners) && -1 === t.owners.indexOf(n) && t.owners.push(n); + if (c(t.loading) && u(t.loadingComp)) return t.loadingComp; + if (n && !u(t.owners)) { + var r = (t.owners = [n]), + o = !0, + i = null, + s = null; + n.$on('hook:destroyed', function() { + return _(r, n); + }); + var l = function(t) { + for (var e = 0, n = r.length; e < n; e++) r[e].$forceUpdate(); + t && + ((r.length = 0), + null !== i && (clearTimeout(i), (i = null)), + null !== s && (clearTimeout(s), (s = null))); + }, + p = M(function(n) { + (t.resolved = He(n, e)), o ? (r.length = 0) : l(!0); + }), + h = M(function(e) { + u(t.errorComp) && ((t.error = !0), l(!0)); + }), + d = t(p, h); + return ( + f(d) && + (v(d) + ? a(t.resolved) && d.then(p, h) + : v(d.component) && + (d.component.then(p, h), + u(d.error) && (t.errorComp = He(d.error, e)), + u(d.loading) && + ((t.loadingComp = He(d.loading, e)), + 0 === d.delay + ? (t.loading = !0) + : (i = setTimeout(function() { + (i = null), + a(t.resolved) && a(t.error) && ((t.loading = !0), l(!1)); + }, d.delay || 200))), + u(d.timeout) && + (s = setTimeout(function() { + (s = null), a(t.resolved) && h(null); + }, d.timeout)))), + (o = !1), + t.loading ? t.loadingComp : t.resolved + ); + } + })((l = t), s)) + ) + return (function(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i = gt(); + return ( + (i.asyncFactory = t), + (i.asyncMeta = { data: e, context: n, children: r, tag: o }), + i + ); + })(l, e, n, r, o); + (e = e || {}), + Sn(t), + u(e.model) && + (function(t, e) { + var n = (t.model && t.model.prop) || 'value', + r = (t.model && t.model.event) || 'input'; + (e.attrs || (e.attrs = {}))[n] = e.model.value; + var o = e.on || (e.on = {}), + i = o[r], + a = e.model.callback; + u(i) + ? (Array.isArray(i) ? -1 === i.indexOf(a) : i !== a) && (o[r] = [a].concat(i)) + : (o[r] = a); + })(t.options, e); + var p = (function(t, e, n) { + var r = e.options.props; + if (!a(r)) { + var o = {}, + i = t.attrs, + c = t.props; + if (u(i) || u(c)) + for (var s in r) { + var f = k(s); + fe(o, c, s, f, !0) || fe(o, i, s, f, !1); + } + return o; + } + })(e, t); + if (c(t.options.functional)) + return (function(t, e, n, r, o) { + var a = t.options, + c = {}, + s = a.props; + if (u(s)) for (var f in s) c[f] = Ut(f, s, e || i); + else u(n.attrs) && De(c, n.attrs), u(n.props) && De(c, n.props); + var l = new Re(n, c, o, r, t), + p = a.render.call(null, l._c, l); + if (p instanceof yt) return ze(p, n, l.parent, a, l); + if (Array.isArray(p)) { + for (var h = le(p) || [], d = new Array(h.length), v = 0; v < h.length; v++) + d[v] = ze(h[v], n, l.parent, a, l); + return d; + } + })(t, p, e, n, r); + var h = e.on; + if (((e.on = e.nativeOn), c(t.options.abstract))) { + var d = e.slot; + (e = {}), d && (e.slot = d); + } + !(function(t) { + for (var e = t.hook || (t.hook = {}), n = 0; n < Me.length; n++) { + var r = Me[n], + o = e[r], + i = Ie[r]; + o === i || (o && o._merged) || (e[r] = o ? Ue(i, o) : i); + } + })(e); + var y = t.options.name || o; + return new yt( + 'vue-component-' + t.cid + (y ? '-' + y : ''), + e, + void 0, + void 0, + void 0, + n, + { Ctor: t, propsData: p, listeners: h, tag: o, children: r }, + l, + ); + } + } + } + function Ue(t, e) { + var n = function(n, r) { + t(n, r), e(n, r); + }; + return (n._merged = !0), n; + } + function Fe(t, e, n, r, o, i) { + return ( + (Array.isArray(n) || s(n)) && ((o = r), (r = n), (n = void 0)), + c(i) && (o = 2), + (function(t, e, n, r, o) { + if (u(n) && u(n.__ob__)) return gt(); + u(n) && u(n.is) && (e = n.is); + if (!e) return gt(); + 0; + Array.isArray(r) && + 'function' == typeof r[0] && + (((n = n || {}).scopedSlots = { default: r[0] }), (r.length = 0)); + 2 === o + ? (r = le(r)) + : 1 === o && + (r = (function(t) { + for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) + if (Array.isArray(t[e])) return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t); + return t; + })(r)); + var i, s; + if ('string' == typeof e) { + var l; + (s = (t.$vnode && t.$vnode.ns) || F.getTagNamespace(e)), + (i = F.isReservedTag(e) + ? new yt(F.parsePlatformTagName(e), n, r, void 0, void 0, t) + : (n && n.pre) || !u((l = Nt(t.$options, 'components', e))) + ? new yt(e, n, r, void 0, void 0, t) + : Ne(l, n, t, r, e)); + } else i = Ne(e, n, t, r); + return Array.isArray(i) + ? i + : u(i) + ? (u(s) && + (function t(e, n, r) { + (e.ns = n), 'foreignObject' === e.tag && ((n = void 0), (r = !0)); + if (u(e.children)) + for (var o = 0, i = e.children.length; o < i; o++) { + var s = e.children[o]; + u(s.tag) && (a(s.ns) || (c(r) && 'svg' !== s.tag)) && t(s, n, r); + } + })(i, s), + u(n) && + (function(t) { + f(t.style) && ie(t.style); + f(t.class) && ie(t.class); + })(n), + i) + : gt(); + })(t, e, n, r, o) + ); + } + var Be, + Ve = null; + function He(t, e) { + return ( + (t.__esModule || (st && 'Module' === t[Symbol.toStringTag])) && (t = t.default), + f(t) ? e.extend(t) : t + ); + } + function qe(t) { + return t.isComment && t.asyncFactory; + } + function We(t) { + if (Array.isArray(t)) + for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { + var n = t[e]; + if (u(n) && (u(n.componentOptions) || qe(n))) return n; + } + } + function Ge(t, e) { + Be.$on(t, e); + } + function Ke(t, e) { + Be.$off(t, e); + } + function Je(t, e) { + var n = Be; + return function r() { + var o = e.apply(null, arguments); + null !== o && n.$off(t, r); + }; + } + function Xe(t, e, n) { + (Be = t), ce(e, n || {}, Ge, Ke, Je, t), (Be = void 0); + } + var Qe = null; + function Ye(t) { + var e = Qe; + return ( + (Qe = t), + function() { + Qe = e; + } + ); + } + function Ze(t) { + for (; t && (t = t.$parent); ) if (t._inactive) return !0; + return !1; + } + function tn(t, e) { + if (e) { + if (((t._directInactive = !1), Ze(t))) return; + } else if (t._directInactive) return; + if (t._inactive || null === t._inactive) { + t._inactive = !1; + for (var n = 0; n < t.$children.length; n++) tn(t.$children[n]); + en(t, 'activated'); + } + } + function en(t, e) { + dt(); + var n = t.$options[e], + r = e + ' hook'; + if (n) for (var o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++) qt(n[o], t, null, t, r); + t._hasHookEvent && t.$emit('hook:' + e), vt(); + } + var nn = [], + rn = [], + on = {}, + an = !1, + un = !1, + cn = 0; + var sn = 0, + fn = Date.now; + if (G && !Q) { + var ln = window.performance; + ln && + 'function' == typeof ln.now && + fn() > document.createEvent('Event').timeStamp && + (fn = function() { + return ln.now(); + }); + } + function pn() { + var t, e; + for ( + sn = fn(), + un = !0, + nn.sort(function(t, e) { + return t.id - e.id; + }), + cn = 0; + cn < nn.length; + cn++ + ) + (t = nn[cn]).before && t.before(), (e = t.id), (on[e] = null), t.run(); + var n = rn.slice(), + r = nn.slice(); + (cn = nn.length = rn.length = 0), + (on = {}), + (an = un = !1), + (function(t) { + for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) (t[e]._inactive = !0), tn(t[e], !0); + })(n), + (function(t) { + var e = t.length; + for (; e--; ) { + var n = t[e], + r = n.vm; + r._watcher === n && r._isMounted && !r._isDestroyed && en(r, 'updated'); + } + })(r), + at && F.devtools && at.emit('flush'); + } + var hn = 0, + dn = function(t, e, n, r, o) { + (this.vm = t), + o && (t._watcher = this), + t._watchers.push(this), + r + ? ((this.deep = !!r.deep), + (this.user = !!r.user), + (this.lazy = !!r.lazy), + (this.sync = !!r.sync), + (this.before = r.before)) + : (this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = !1), + (this.cb = n), + (this.id = ++hn), + (this.active = !0), + (this.dirty = this.lazy), + (this.deps = []), + (this.newDeps = []), + (this.depIds = new ct()), + (this.newDepIds = new ct()), + (this.expression = ''), + 'function' == typeof e + ? (this.getter = e) + : ((this.getter = (function(t) { + if (!H.test(t)) { + var e = t.split('.'); + return function(t) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + if (!t) return; + t = t[e[n]]; + } + return t; + }; + } + })(e)), + this.getter || (this.getter = L)), + (this.value = this.lazy ? void 0 : this.get()); + }; + (dn.prototype.get = function() { + var t; + dt(this); + var e = this.vm; + try { + t = this.getter.call(e, e); + } catch (t) { + if (!this.user) throw t; + Ht(t, e, 'getter for watcher "' + this.expression + '"'); + } finally { + this.deep && ie(t), vt(), this.cleanupDeps(); + } + return t; + }), + (dn.prototype.addDep = function(t) { + var e = t.id; + this.newDepIds.has(e) || + (this.newDepIds.add(e), this.newDeps.push(t), this.depIds.has(e) || t.addSub(this)); + }), + (dn.prototype.cleanupDeps = function() { + for (var t = this.deps.length; t--; ) { + var e = this.deps[t]; + this.newDepIds.has(e.id) || e.removeSub(this); + } + var n = this.depIds; + (this.depIds = this.newDepIds), + (this.newDepIds = n), + this.newDepIds.clear(), + (n = this.deps), + (this.deps = this.newDeps), + (this.newDeps = n), + (this.newDeps.length = 0); + }), + (dn.prototype.update = function() { + this.lazy + ? (this.dirty = !0) + : this.sync + ? this.run() + : (function(t) { + var e = t.id; + if (null == on[e]) { + if (((on[e] = !0), un)) { + for (var n = nn.length - 1; n > cn && nn[n].id > t.id; ) n--; + nn.splice(n + 1, 0, t); + } else nn.push(t); + an || ((an = !0), re(pn)); + } + })(this); + }), + (dn.prototype.run = function() { + if (this.active) { + var t = this.get(); + if (t !== this.value || f(t) || this.deep) { + var e = this.value; + if (((this.value = t), this.user)) + try { + this.cb.call(this.vm, t, e); + } catch (t) { + Ht(t, this.vm, 'callback for watcher "' + this.expression + '"'); + } + else this.cb.call(this.vm, t, e); + } + } + }), + (dn.prototype.evaluate = function() { + (this.value = this.get()), (this.dirty = !1); + }), + (dn.prototype.depend = function() { + for (var t = this.deps.length; t--; ) this.deps[t].depend(); + }), + (dn.prototype.teardown = function() { + if (this.active) { + this.vm._isBeingDestroyed || _(this.vm._watchers, this); + for (var t = this.deps.length; t--; ) this.deps[t].removeSub(this); + this.active = !1; + } + }); + var vn = { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: L, set: L }; + function yn(t, e, n) { + (vn.get = function() { + return this[e][n]; + }), + (vn.set = function(t) { + this[e][n] = t; + }), + Object.defineProperty(t, n, vn); + } + function mn(t) { + t._watchers = []; + var e = t.$options; + e.props && + (function(t, e) { + var n = t.$options.propsData || {}, + r = (t._props = {}), + o = (t.$options._propKeys = []); + t.$parent && jt(!1); + var i = function(i) { + o.push(i); + var a = Ut(i, e, n, t); + kt(r, i, a), i in t || yn(t, '_props', i); + }; + for (var a in e) i(a); + jt(!0); + })(t, e.props), + e.methods && + (function(t, e) { + t.$options.props; + for (var n in e) t[n] = 'function' != typeof e[n] ? L : C(e[n], t); + })(t, e.methods), + e.data + ? (function(t) { + var e = t.$options.data; + p( + (e = t._data = + 'function' == typeof e + ? (function(t, e) { + dt(); + try { + return t.call(e, e); + } catch (t) { + return Ht(t, e, 'data()'), {}; + } finally { + vt(); + } + })(e, t) + : e || {}), + ) || (e = {}); + var n = Object.keys(e), + r = t.$options.props, + o = (t.$options.methods, n.length); + for (; o--; ) { + var i = n[o]; + 0, + (r && w(r, i)) || + ((a = void 0), + 36 !== (a = (i + '').charCodeAt(0)) && 95 !== a && yn(t, '_data', i)); + } + var a; + Et(e, !0); + })(t) + : Et((t._data = {}), !0), + e.computed && + (function(t, e) { + var n = (t._computedWatchers = Object.create(null)), + r = it(); + for (var o in e) { + var i = e[o], + a = 'function' == typeof i ? i : i.get; + 0, r || (n[o] = new dn(t, a || L, L, gn)), o in t || bn(t, o, i); + } + })(t, e.computed), + e.watch && + e.watch !== nt && + (function(t, e) { + for (var n in e) { + var r = e[n]; + if (Array.isArray(r)) for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) wn(t, n, r[o]); + else wn(t, n, r); + } + })(t, e.watch); + } + var gn = { lazy: !0 }; + function bn(t, e, n) { + var r = !it(); + 'function' == typeof n + ? ((vn.get = r ? _n(e) : xn(n)), (vn.set = L)) + : ((vn.get = n.get ? (r && !1 !== n.cache ? _n(e) : xn(n.get)) : L), (vn.set = n.set || L)), + Object.defineProperty(t, e, vn); + } + function _n(t) { + return function() { + var e = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[t]; + if (e) return e.dirty && e.evaluate(), pt.target && e.depend(), e.value; + }; + } + function xn(t) { + return function() { + return t.call(this, this); + }; + } + function wn(t, e, n, r) { + return ( + p(n) && ((r = n), (n = n.handler)), 'string' == typeof n && (n = t[n]), t.$watch(e, n, r) + ); + } + var On = 0; + function Sn(t) { + var e = t.options; + if (t.super) { + var n = Sn(t.super); + if (n !== t.superOptions) { + t.superOptions = n; + var r = (function(t) { + var e, + n = t.options, + r = t.sealedOptions; + for (var o in n) n[o] !== r[o] && (e || (e = {}), (e[o] = n[o])); + return e; + })(t); + r && P(t.extendOptions, r), + (e = t.options = Mt(n, t.extendOptions)).name && (e.components[e.name] = t); + } + } + return e; + } + function jn(t) { + this._init(t); + } + function An(t) { + t.cid = 0; + var e = 1; + t.extend = function(t) { + t = t || {}; + var n = this, + r = n.cid, + o = t._Ctor || (t._Ctor = {}); + if (o[r]) return o[r]; + var i = t.name || n.options.name; + var a = function(t) { + this._init(t); + }; + return ( + ((a.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = a), + (a.cid = e++), + (a.options = Mt(n.options, t)), + (a.super = n), + a.options.props && + (function(t) { + var e = t.options.props; + for (var n in e) yn(t.prototype, '_props', n); + })(a), + a.options.computed && + (function(t) { + var e = t.options.computed; + for (var n in e) bn(t.prototype, n, e[n]); + })(a), + (a.extend = n.extend), + (a.mixin = n.mixin), + (a.use = n.use), + N.forEach(function(t) { + a[t] = n[t]; + }), + i && (a.options.components[i] = a), + (a.superOptions = n.options), + (a.extendOptions = t), + (a.sealedOptions = P({}, a.options)), + (o[r] = a), + a + ); + }; + } + function En(t) { + return t && (t.Ctor.options.name || t.tag); + } + function kn(t, e) { + return Array.isArray(t) + ? t.indexOf(e) > -1 + : 'string' == typeof t + ? t.split(',').indexOf(e) > -1 + : !!h(t) && t.test(e); + } + function Cn(t, e) { + var n = t.cache, + r = t.keys, + o = t._vnode; + for (var i in n) { + var a = n[i]; + if (a) { + var u = En(a.componentOptions); + u && !e(u) && $n(n, i, r, o); + } + } + } + function $n(t, e, n, r) { + var o = t[e]; + !o || (r && o.tag === r.tag) || o.componentInstance.$destroy(), (t[e] = null), _(n, e); + } + (jn.prototype._init = function(t) { + var e = this; + (e._uid = On++), + (e._isVue = !0), + t && t._isComponent + ? (function(t, e) { + var n = (t.$options = Object.create(t.constructor.options)), + r = e._parentVnode; + (n.parent = e.parent), (n._parentVnode = r); + var o = r.componentOptions; + (n.propsData = o.propsData), + (n._parentListeners = o.listeners), + (n._renderChildren = o.children), + (n._componentTag = o.tag), + e.render && ((n.render = e.render), (n.staticRenderFns = e.staticRenderFns)); + })(e, t) + : (e.$options = Mt(Sn(e.constructor), t || {}, e)), + (e._renderProxy = e), + (e._self = e), + (function(t) { + var e = t.$options, + n = e.parent; + if (n && !e.abstract) { + for (; n.$options.abstract && n.$parent; ) n = n.$parent; + n.$children.push(t); + } + (t.$parent = n), + (t.$root = n ? n.$root : t), + (t.$children = []), + (t.$refs = {}), + (t._watcher = null), + (t._inactive = null), + (t._directInactive = !1), + (t._isMounted = !1), + (t._isDestroyed = !1), + (t._isBeingDestroyed = !1); + })(e), + (function(t) { + (t._events = Object.create(null)), (t._hasHookEvent = !1); + var e = t.$options._parentListeners; + e && Xe(t, e); + })(e), + (function(t) { + (t._vnode = null), (t._staticTrees = null); + var e = t.$options, + n = (t.$vnode = e._parentVnode), + r = n && n.context; + (t.$slots = de(e._renderChildren, r)), + (t.$scopedSlots = i), + (t._c = function(e, n, r, o) { + return Fe(t, e, n, r, o, !1); + }), + (t.$createElement = function(e, n, r, o) { + return Fe(t, e, n, r, o, !0); + }); + var o = n && n.data; + kt(t, '$attrs', (o && o.attrs) || i, null, !0), + kt(t, '$listeners', e._parentListeners || i, null, !0); + })(e), + en(e, 'beforeCreate'), + (function(t) { + var e = he(t.$options.inject, t); + e && + (jt(!1), + Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n) { + kt(t, n, e[n]); + }), + jt(!0)); + })(e), + mn(e), + (function(t) { + var e = t.$options.provide; + e && (t._provided = 'function' == typeof e ? e.call(t) : e); + })(e), + en(e, 'created'), + e.$options.el && e.$mount(e.$options.el); + }), + (function(t) { + var e = { + get: function() { + return this._data; + }, + }, + n = { + get: function() { + return this._props; + }, + }; + Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, '$data', e), + Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, '$props', n), + (t.prototype.$set = Ct), + (t.prototype.$delete = $t), + (t.prototype.$watch = function(t, e, n) { + if (p(e)) return wn(this, t, e, n); + (n = n || {}).user = !0; + var r = new dn(this, t, e, n); + if (n.immediate) + try { + e.call(this, r.value); + } catch (t) { + Ht(t, this, 'callback for immediate watcher "' + r.expression + '"'); + } + return function() { + r.teardown(); + }; + }); + })(jn), + (function(t) { + var e = /^hook:/; + (t.prototype.$on = function(t, n) { + var r = this; + if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var o = 0, i = t.length; o < i; o++) r.$on(t[o], n); + else (r._events[t] || (r._events[t] = [])).push(n), e.test(t) && (r._hasHookEvent = !0); + return r; + }), + (t.prototype.$once = function(t, e) { + var n = this; + function r() { + n.$off(t, r), e.apply(n, arguments); + } + return (r.fn = e), n.$on(t, r), n; + }), + (t.prototype.$off = function(t, e) { + var n = this; + if (!arguments.length) return (n._events = Object.create(null)), n; + if (Array.isArray(t)) { + for (var r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) n.$off(t[r], e); + return n; + } + var i, + a = n._events[t]; + if (!a) return n; + if (!e) return (n._events[t] = null), n; + for (var u = a.length; u--; ) + if ((i = a[u]) === e || i.fn === e) { + a.splice(u, 1); + break; + } + return n; + }), + (t.prototype.$emit = function(t) { + var e = this, + n = e._events[t]; + if (n) { + n = n.length > 1 ? $(n) : n; + for ( + var r = $(arguments, 1), o = 'event handler for "' + t + '"', i = 0, a = n.length; + i < a; + i++ + ) + qt(n[i], e, r, e, o); + } + return e; + }); + })(jn), + (function(t) { + (t.prototype._update = function(t, e) { + var n = this, + r = n.$el, + o = n._vnode, + i = Ye(n); + (n._vnode = t), + (n.$el = o ? n.__patch__(o, t) : n.__patch__(n.$el, t, e, !1)), + i(), + r && (r.__vue__ = null), + n.$el && (n.$el.__vue__ = n), + n.$vnode && n.$parent && n.$vnode === n.$parent._vnode && (n.$parent.$el = n.$el); + }), + (t.prototype.$forceUpdate = function() { + this._watcher && this._watcher.update(); + }), + (t.prototype.$destroy = function() { + var t = this; + if (!t._isBeingDestroyed) { + en(t, 'beforeDestroy'), (t._isBeingDestroyed = !0); + var e = t.$parent; + !e || e._isBeingDestroyed || t.$options.abstract || _(e.$children, t), + t._watcher && t._watcher.teardown(); + for (var n = t._watchers.length; n--; ) t._watchers[n].teardown(); + t._data.__ob__ && t._data.__ob__.vmCount--, + (t._isDestroyed = !0), + t.__patch__(t._vnode, null), + en(t, 'destroyed'), + t.$off(), + t.$el && (t.$el.__vue__ = null), + t.$vnode && (t.$vnode.parent = null); + } + }); + })(jn), + (function(t) { + Le(t.prototype), + (t.prototype.$nextTick = function(t) { + return re(t, this); + }), + (t.prototype._render = function() { + var t, + e = this, + n = e.$options, + r = n.render, + o = n._parentVnode; + o && (e.$scopedSlots = ye(o.data.scopedSlots, e.$slots, e.$scopedSlots)), + (e.$vnode = o); + try { + (Ve = e), (t = r.call(e._renderProxy, e.$createElement)); + } catch (n) { + Ht(n, e, 'render'), (t = e._vnode); + } finally { + Ve = null; + } + return ( + Array.isArray(t) && 1 === t.length && (t = t[0]), + t instanceof yt || (t = gt()), + (t.parent = o), + t + ); + }); + })(jn); + var Pn = [String, RegExp, Array], + Tn = { + KeepAlive: { + name: 'keep-alive', + abstract: !0, + props: { include: Pn, exclude: Pn, max: [String, Number] }, + created: function() { + (this.cache = Object.create(null)), (this.keys = []); + }, + destroyed: function() { + for (var t in this.cache) $n(this.cache, t, this.keys); + }, + mounted: function() { + var t = this; + this.$watch('include', function(e) { + Cn(t, function(t) { + return kn(e, t); + }); + }), + this.$watch('exclude', function(e) { + Cn(t, function(t) { + return !kn(e, t); + }); + }); + }, + render: function() { + var t = this.$slots.default, + e = We(t), + n = e && e.componentOptions; + if (n) { + var r = En(n), + o = this.include, + i = this.exclude; + if ((o && (!r || !kn(o, r))) || (i && r && kn(i, r))) return e; + var a = this.cache, + u = this.keys, + c = null == e.key ? n.Ctor.cid + (n.tag ? '::' + n.tag : '') : e.key; + a[c] + ? ((e.componentInstance = a[c].componentInstance), _(u, c), u.push(c)) + : ((a[c] = e), + u.push(c), + this.max && u.length > parseInt(this.max) && $n(a, u[0], u, this._vnode)), + (e.data.keepAlive = !0); + } + return e || (t && t[0]); + }, + }, + }; + !(function(t) { + var e = { + get: function() { + return F; + }, + }; + Object.defineProperty(t, 'config', e), + (t.util = { warn: ft, extend: P, mergeOptions: Mt, defineReactive: kt }), + (t.set = Ct), + (t.delete = $t), + (t.nextTick = re), + (t.observable = function(t) { + return Et(t), t; + }), + (t.options = Object.create(null)), + N.forEach(function(e) { + t.options[e + 's'] = Object.create(null); + }), + (t.options._base = t), + P(t.options.components, Tn), + (function(t) { + t.use = function(t) { + var e = this._installedPlugins || (this._installedPlugins = []); + if (e.indexOf(t) > -1) return this; + var n = $(arguments, 1); + return ( + n.unshift(this), + 'function' == typeof t.install + ? t.install.apply(t, n) + : 'function' == typeof t && t.apply(null, n), + e.push(t), + this + ); + }; + })(t), + (function(t) { + t.mixin = function(t) { + return (this.options = Mt(this.options, t)), this; + }; + })(t), + An(t), + (function(t) { + N.forEach(function(e) { + t[e] = function(t, n) { + return n + ? ('component' === e && + p(n) && + ((n.name = n.name || t), (n = this.options._base.extend(n))), + 'directive' === e && 'function' == typeof n && (n = { bind: n, update: n }), + (this.options[e + 's'][t] = n), + n) + : this.options[e + 's'][t]; + }; + }); + })(t); + })(jn), + Object.defineProperty(jn.prototype, '$isServer', { get: it }), + Object.defineProperty(jn.prototype, '$ssrContext', { + get: function() { + return this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext; + }, + }), + Object.defineProperty(jn, 'FunctionalRenderContext', { value: Re }), + (jn.version = '2.6.12'); + var Ln = g('style,class'), + Rn = g('input,textarea,option,select,progress'), + zn = g('contenteditable,draggable,spellcheck'), + Dn = g('events,caret,typing,plaintext-only'), + In = g( + 'allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare,default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled,enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple,muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,translate,truespeed,typemustmatch,visible', + ), + Mn = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', + Nn = function(t) { + return ':' === t.charAt(5) && 'xlink' === t.slice(0, 5); + }, + Un = function(t) { + return Nn(t) ? t.slice(6, t.length) : ''; + }, + Fn = function(t) { + return null == t || !1 === t; + }; + function Bn(t) { + for (var e = t.data, n = t, r = t; u(r.componentInstance); ) + (r = r.componentInstance._vnode) && r.data && (e = Vn(r.data, e)); + for (; u((n = n.parent)); ) n && n.data && (e = Vn(e, n.data)); + return (function(t, e) { + if (u(t) || u(e)) return Hn(t, qn(e)); + return ''; + })(e.staticClass, e.class); + } + function Vn(t, e) { + return { + staticClass: Hn(t.staticClass, e.staticClass), + class: u(t.class) ? [t.class, e.class] : e.class, + }; + } + function Hn(t, e) { + return t ? (e ? t + ' ' + e : t) : e || ''; + } + function qn(t) { + return Array.isArray(t) + ? (function(t) { + for (var e, n = '', r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) + u((e = qn(t[r]))) && '' !== e && (n && (n += ' '), (n += e)); + return n; + })(t) + : f(t) + ? (function(t) { + var e = ''; + for (var n in t) t[n] && (e && (e += ' '), (e += n)); + return e; + })(t) + : 'string' == typeof t + ? t + : ''; + } + var Wn = { svg: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', math: 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' }, + Gn = g( + 'html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hgroup,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,menuitem,summary,content,element,shadow,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot', + ), + Kn = g( + 'svg,animate,circle,clippath,cursor,defs,desc,ellipse,filter,font-face,foreignObject,g,glyph,image,line,marker,mask,missing-glyph,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,rect,switch,symbol,text,textpath,tspan,use,view', + !0, + ), + Jn = function(t) { + return Gn(t) || Kn(t); + }; + var Xn = Object.create(null); + var Qn = g('text,number,password,search,email,tel,url'); + var Yn = Object.freeze({ + createElement: function(t, e) { + var n = document.createElement(t); + return ( + 'select' !== t || + (e.data && + e.data.attrs && + void 0 !== e.data.attrs.multiple && + n.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple')), + n + ); + }, + createElementNS: function(t, e) { + return document.createElementNS(Wn[t], e); + }, + createTextNode: function(t) { + return document.createTextNode(t); + }, + createComment: function(t) { + return document.createComment(t); + }, + insertBefore: function(t, e, n) { + t.insertBefore(e, n); + }, + removeChild: function(t, e) { + t.removeChild(e); + }, + appendChild: function(t, e) { + t.appendChild(e); + }, + parentNode: function(t) { + return t.parentNode; + }, + nextSibling: function(t) { + return t.nextSibling; + }, + tagName: function(t) { + return t.tagName; + }, + setTextContent: function(t, e) { + t.textContent = e; + }, + setStyleScope: function(t, e) { + t.setAttribute(e, ''); + }, + }), + Zn = { + create: function(t, e) { + tr(e); + }, + update: function(t, e) { + t.data.ref !== e.data.ref && (tr(t, !0), tr(e)); + }, + destroy: function(t) { + tr(t, !0); + }, + }; + function tr(t, e) { + var n = t.data.ref; + if (u(n)) { + var r = t.context, + o = t.componentInstance || t.elm, + i = r.$refs; + e + ? Array.isArray(i[n]) + ? _(i[n], o) + : i[n] === o && (i[n] = void 0) + : t.data.refInFor + ? Array.isArray(i[n]) + ? i[n].indexOf(o) < 0 && i[n].push(o) + : (i[n] = [o]) + : (i[n] = o); + } + } + var er = new yt('', {}, []), + nr = ['create', 'activate', 'update', 'remove', 'destroy']; + function rr(t, e) { + return ( + t.key === e.key && + ((t.tag === e.tag && + t.isComment === e.isComment && + u(t.data) === u(e.data) && + (function(t, e) { + if ('input' !== t.tag) return !0; + var n, + r = u((n = t.data)) && u((n = n.attrs)) && n.type, + o = u((n = e.data)) && u((n = n.attrs)) && n.type; + return r === o || (Qn(r) && Qn(o)); + })(t, e)) || + (c(t.isAsyncPlaceholder) && t.asyncFactory === e.asyncFactory && a(e.asyncFactory.error))) + ); + } + function or(t, e, n) { + var r, + o, + i = {}; + for (r = e; r <= n; ++r) u((o = t[r].key)) && (i[o] = r); + return i; + } + var ir = { + create: ar, + update: ar, + destroy: function(t) { + ar(t, er); + }, + }; + function ar(t, e) { + (t.data.directives || e.data.directives) && + (function(t, e) { + var n, + r, + o, + i = t === er, + a = e === er, + u = cr(t.data.directives, t.context), + c = cr(e.data.directives, e.context), + s = [], + f = []; + for (n in c) + (r = u[n]), + (o = c[n]), + r + ? ((o.oldValue = r.value), + (o.oldArg = r.arg), + fr(o, 'update', e, t), + o.def && o.def.componentUpdated && f.push(o)) + : (fr(o, 'bind', e, t), o.def && o.def.inserted && s.push(o)); + if (s.length) { + var l = function() { + for (var n = 0; n < s.length; n++) fr(s[n], 'inserted', e, t); + }; + i ? se(e, 'insert', l) : l(); + } + f.length && + se(e, 'postpatch', function() { + for (var n = 0; n < f.length; n++) fr(f[n], 'componentUpdated', e, t); + }); + if (!i) for (n in u) c[n] || fr(u[n], 'unbind', t, t, a); + })(t, e); + } + var ur = Object.create(null); + function cr(t, e) { + var n, + r, + o = Object.create(null); + if (!t) return o; + for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++) + (r = t[n]).modifiers || (r.modifiers = ur), + (o[sr(r)] = r), + (r.def = Nt(e.$options, 'directives', r.name)); + return o; + } + function sr(t) { + return t.rawName || t.name + '.' + Object.keys(t.modifiers || {}).join('.'); + } + function fr(t, e, n, r, o) { + var i = t.def && t.def[e]; + if (i) + try { + i(n.elm, t, n, r, o); + } catch (r) { + Ht(r, n.context, 'directive ' + t.name + ' ' + e + ' hook'); + } + } + var lr = [Zn, ir]; + function pr(t, e) { + var n = e.componentOptions; + if (!((u(n) && !1 === n.Ctor.options.inheritAttrs) || (a(t.data.attrs) && a(e.data.attrs)))) { + var r, + o, + i = e.elm, + c = t.data.attrs || {}, + s = e.data.attrs || {}; + for (r in (u(s.__ob__) && (s = e.data.attrs = P({}, s)), s)) + (o = s[r]), c[r] !== o && hr(i, r, o); + for (r in ((Q || Z) && s.value !== c.value && hr(i, 'value', s.value), c)) + a(s[r]) && (Nn(r) ? i.removeAttributeNS(Mn, Un(r)) : zn(r) || i.removeAttribute(r)); + } + } + function hr(t, e, n) { + t.tagName.indexOf('-') > -1 + ? dr(t, e, n) + : In(e) + ? Fn(n) + ? t.removeAttribute(e) + : ((n = 'allowfullscreen' === e && 'EMBED' === t.tagName ? 'true' : e), + t.setAttribute(e, n)) + : zn(e) + ? t.setAttribute( + e, + (function(t, e) { + return Fn(e) || 'false' === e + ? 'false' + : 'contenteditable' === t && Dn(e) + ? e + : 'true'; + })(e, n), + ) + : Nn(e) + ? Fn(n) + ? t.removeAttributeNS(Mn, Un(e)) + : t.setAttributeNS(Mn, e, n) + : dr(t, e, n); + } + function dr(t, e, n) { + if (Fn(n)) t.removeAttribute(e); + else { + if (Q && !Y && 'TEXTAREA' === t.tagName && 'placeholder' === e && '' !== n && !t.__ieph) { + var r = function(e) { + e.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.removeEventListener('input', r); + }; + t.addEventListener('input', r), (t.__ieph = !0); + } + t.setAttribute(e, n); + } + } + var vr = { create: pr, update: pr }; + function yr(t, e) { + var n = e.elm, + r = e.data, + o = t.data; + if (!(a(r.staticClass) && a(r.class) && (a(o) || (a(o.staticClass) && a(o.class))))) { + var i = Bn(e), + c = n._transitionClasses; + u(c) && (i = Hn(i, qn(c))), + i !== n._prevClass && (n.setAttribute('class', i), (n._prevClass = i)); + } + } + var mr, + gr = { create: yr, update: yr }; + function br(t, e, n) { + var r = mr; + return function o() { + var i = e.apply(null, arguments); + null !== i && wr(t, o, n, r); + }; + } + var _r = Jt && !(et && Number(et[1]) <= 53); + function xr(t, e, n, r) { + if (_r) { + var o = sn, + i = e; + e = i._wrapper = function(t) { + if ( + t.target === t.currentTarget || + t.timeStamp >= o || + t.timeStamp <= 0 || + t.target.ownerDocument !== document + ) + return i.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } + mr.addEventListener(t, e, rt ? { capture: n, passive: r } : n); + } + function wr(t, e, n, r) { + (r || mr).removeEventListener(t, e._wrapper || e, n); + } + function Or(t, e) { + if (!a(t.data.on) || !a(e.data.on)) { + var n = e.data.on || {}, + r = t.data.on || {}; + (mr = e.elm), + (function(t) { + if (u(t.__r)) { + var e = Q ? 'change' : 'input'; + (t[e] = [].concat(t.__r, t[e] || [])), delete t.__r; + } + u(t.__c) && ((t.change = [].concat(t.__c, t.change || [])), delete t.__c); + })(n), + ce(n, r, xr, wr, br, e.context), + (mr = void 0); + } + } + var Sr, + jr = { create: Or, update: Or }; + function Ar(t, e) { + if (!a(t.data.domProps) || !a(e.data.domProps)) { + var n, + r, + o = e.elm, + i = t.data.domProps || {}, + c = e.data.domProps || {}; + for (n in (u(c.__ob__) && (c = e.data.domProps = P({}, c)), i)) n in c || (o[n] = ''); + for (n in c) { + if (((r = c[n]), 'textContent' === n || 'innerHTML' === n)) { + if ((e.children && (e.children.length = 0), r === i[n])) continue; + 1 === o.childNodes.length && o.removeChild(o.childNodes[0]); + } + if ('value' === n && 'PROGRESS' !== o.tagName) { + o._value = r; + var s = a(r) ? '' : String(r); + Er(o, s) && (o.value = s); + } else if ('innerHTML' === n && Kn(o.tagName) && a(o.innerHTML)) { + (Sr = Sr || document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = '' + r + ''; + for (var f = Sr.firstChild; o.firstChild; ) o.removeChild(o.firstChild); + for (; f.firstChild; ) o.appendChild(f.firstChild); + } else if (r !== i[n]) + try { + o[n] = r; + } catch (t) {} + } + } + } + function Er(t, e) { + return ( + !t.composing && + ('OPTION' === t.tagName || + (function(t, e) { + var n = !0; + try { + n = document.activeElement !== t; + } catch (t) {} + return n && t.value !== e; + })(t, e) || + (function(t, e) { + var n = t.value, + r = t._vModifiers; + if (u(r)) { + if (r.number) return m(n) !== m(e); + if (r.trim) return n.trim() !== e.trim(); + } + return n !== e; + })(t, e)) + ); + } + var kr = { create: Ar, update: Ar }, + Cr = O(function(t) { + var e = {}, + n = /:(.+)/; + return ( + t.split(/;(?![^(]*\))/g).forEach(function(t) { + if (t) { + var r = t.split(n); + r.length > 1 && (e[r[0].trim()] = r[1].trim()); + } + }), + e + ); + }); + function $r(t) { + var e = Pr(t.style); + return t.staticStyle ? P(t.staticStyle, e) : e; + } + function Pr(t) { + return Array.isArray(t) ? T(t) : 'string' == typeof t ? Cr(t) : t; + } + var Tr, + Lr = /^--/, + Rr = /\s*!important$/, + zr = function(t, e, n) { + if (Lr.test(e)) t.style.setProperty(e, n); + else if (Rr.test(n)) t.style.setProperty(k(e), n.replace(Rr, ''), 'important'); + else { + var r = Ir(e); + if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++) t.style[r] = n[o]; + else t.style[r] = n; + } + }, + Dr = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms'], + Ir = O(function(t) { + if (((Tr = Tr || document.createElement('div').style), 'filter' !== (t = j(t)) && t in Tr)) + return t; + for (var e = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = 0; n < Dr.length; n++) { + var r = Dr[n] + e; + if (r in Tr) return r; + } + }); + function Mr(t, e) { + var n = e.data, + r = t.data; + if (!(a(n.staticStyle) && a(n.style) && a(r.staticStyle) && a(r.style))) { + var o, + i, + c = e.elm, + s = r.staticStyle, + f = r.normalizedStyle || r.style || {}, + l = s || f, + p = Pr(e.data.style) || {}; + e.data.normalizedStyle = u(p.__ob__) ? P({}, p) : p; + var h = (function(t, e) { + var n, + r = {}; + if (e) + for (var o = t; o.componentInstance; ) + (o = o.componentInstance._vnode) && o.data && (n = $r(o.data)) && P(r, n); + (n = $r(t.data)) && P(r, n); + for (var i = t; (i = i.parent); ) i.data && (n = $r(i.data)) && P(r, n); + return r; + })(e, !0); + for (i in l) a(h[i]) && zr(c, i, ''); + for (i in h) (o = h[i]) !== l[i] && zr(c, i, null == o ? '' : o); + } + } + var Nr = { create: Mr, update: Mr }, + Ur = /\s+/; + function Fr(t, e) { + if (e && (e = e.trim())) + if (t.classList) + e.indexOf(' ') > -1 + ? e.split(Ur).forEach(function(e) { + return t.classList.add(e); + }) + : t.classList.add(e); + else { + var n = ' ' + (t.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' '; + n.indexOf(' ' + e + ' ') < 0 && t.setAttribute('class', (n + e).trim()); + } + } + function Br(t, e) { + if (e && (e = e.trim())) + if (t.classList) + e.indexOf(' ') > -1 + ? e.split(Ur).forEach(function(e) { + return t.classList.remove(e); + }) + : t.classList.remove(e), + t.classList.length || t.removeAttribute('class'); + else { + for ( + var n = ' ' + (t.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' ', r = ' ' + e + ' '; + n.indexOf(r) >= 0; + + ) + n = n.replace(r, ' '); + (n = n.trim()) ? t.setAttribute('class', n) : t.removeAttribute('class'); + } + } + function Vr(t) { + if (t) { + if ('object' == typeof t) { + var e = {}; + return !1 !== t.css && P(e, Hr(t.name || 'v')), P(e, t), e; + } + return 'string' == typeof t ? Hr(t) : void 0; + } + } + var Hr = O(function(t) { + return { + enterClass: t + '-enter', + enterToClass: t + '-enter-to', + enterActiveClass: t + '-enter-active', + leaveClass: t + '-leave', + leaveToClass: t + '-leave-to', + leaveActiveClass: t + '-leave-active', + }; + }), + qr = G && !Y, + Wr = 'transition', + Gr = 'transitionend', + Kr = 'animation', + Jr = 'animationend'; + qr && + (void 0 === window.ontransitionend && + void 0 !== window.onwebkittransitionend && + ((Wr = 'WebkitTransition'), (Gr = 'webkitTransitionEnd')), + void 0 === window.onanimationend && + void 0 !== window.onwebkitanimationend && + ((Kr = 'WebkitAnimation'), (Jr = 'webkitAnimationEnd'))); + var Xr = G + ? window.requestAnimationFrame + ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) + : setTimeout + : function(t) { + return t(); + }; + function Qr(t) { + Xr(function() { + Xr(t); + }); + } + function Yr(t, e) { + var n = t._transitionClasses || (t._transitionClasses = []); + n.indexOf(e) < 0 && (n.push(e), Fr(t, e)); + } + function Zr(t, e) { + t._transitionClasses && _(t._transitionClasses, e), Br(t, e); + } + function to(t, e, n) { + var r = no(t, e), + o = r.type, + i = r.timeout, + a = r.propCount; + if (!o) return n(); + var u = 'transition' === o ? Gr : Jr, + c = 0, + s = function() { + t.removeEventListener(u, f), n(); + }, + f = function(e) { + e.target === t && ++c >= a && s(); + }; + setTimeout(function() { + c < a && s(); + }, i + 1), + t.addEventListener(u, f); + } + var eo = /\b(transform|all)(,|$)/; + function no(t, e) { + var n, + r = window.getComputedStyle(t), + o = (r[Wr + 'Delay'] || '').split(', '), + i = (r[Wr + 'Duration'] || '').split(', '), + a = ro(o, i), + u = (r[Kr + 'Delay'] || '').split(', '), + c = (r[Kr + 'Duration'] || '').split(', '), + s = ro(u, c), + f = 0, + l = 0; + return ( + 'transition' === e + ? a > 0 && ((n = 'transition'), (f = a), (l = i.length)) + : 'animation' === e + ? s > 0 && ((n = 'animation'), (f = s), (l = c.length)) + : (l = (n = (f = Math.max(a, s)) > 0 ? (a > s ? 'transition' : 'animation') : null) + ? 'transition' === n + ? i.length + : c.length + : 0), + { + type: n, + timeout: f, + propCount: l, + hasTransform: 'transition' === n && eo.test(r[Wr + 'Property']), + } + ); + } + function ro(t, e) { + for (; t.length < e.length; ) t = t.concat(t); + return Math.max.apply( + null, + e.map(function(e, n) { + return oo(e) + oo(t[n]); + }), + ); + } + function oo(t) { + return 1e3 * Number(t.slice(0, -1).replace(',', '.')); + } + function io(t, e) { + var n = t.elm; + u(n._leaveCb) && ((n._leaveCb.cancelled = !0), n._leaveCb()); + var r = Vr(t.data.transition); + if (!a(r) && !u(n._enterCb) && 1 === n.nodeType) { + for ( + var o = r.css, + i = r.type, + c = r.enterClass, + s = r.enterToClass, + l = r.enterActiveClass, + p = r.appearClass, + h = r.appearToClass, + d = r.appearActiveClass, + v = r.beforeEnter, + y = r.enter, + g = r.afterEnter, + b = r.enterCancelled, + _ = r.beforeAppear, + x = r.appear, + w = r.afterAppear, + O = r.appearCancelled, + S = r.duration, + j = Qe, + A = Qe.$vnode; + A && A.parent; + + ) + (j = A.context), (A = A.parent); + var E = !j._isMounted || !t.isRootInsert; + if (!E || x || '' === x) { + var k = E && p ? p : c, + C = E && d ? d : l, + $ = E && h ? h : s, + P = (E && _) || v, + T = E && 'function' == typeof x ? x : y, + L = (E && w) || g, + R = (E && O) || b, + z = m(f(S) ? S.enter : S); + 0; + var D = !1 !== o && !Y, + I = co(T), + N = (n._enterCb = M(function() { + D && (Zr(n, $), Zr(n, C)), + N.cancelled ? (D && Zr(n, k), R && R(n)) : L && L(n), + (n._enterCb = null); + })); + t.data.show || + se(t, 'insert', function() { + var e = n.parentNode, + r = e && e._pending && e._pending[t.key]; + r && r.tag === t.tag && r.elm._leaveCb && r.elm._leaveCb(), T && T(n, N); + }), + P && P(n), + D && + (Yr(n, k), + Yr(n, C), + Qr(function() { + Zr(n, k), N.cancelled || (Yr(n, $), I || (uo(z) ? setTimeout(N, z) : to(n, i, N))); + })), + t.data.show && (e && e(), T && T(n, N)), + D || I || N(); + } + } + } + function ao(t, e) { + var n = t.elm; + u(n._enterCb) && ((n._enterCb.cancelled = !0), n._enterCb()); + var r = Vr(t.data.transition); + if (a(r) || 1 !== n.nodeType) return e(); + if (!u(n._leaveCb)) { + var o = r.css, + i = r.type, + c = r.leaveClass, + s = r.leaveToClass, + l = r.leaveActiveClass, + p = r.beforeLeave, + h = r.leave, + d = r.afterLeave, + v = r.leaveCancelled, + y = r.delayLeave, + g = r.duration, + b = !1 !== o && !Y, + _ = co(h), + x = m(f(g) ? g.leave : g); + 0; + var w = (n._leaveCb = M(function() { + n.parentNode && n.parentNode._pending && (n.parentNode._pending[t.key] = null), + b && (Zr(n, s), Zr(n, l)), + w.cancelled ? (b && Zr(n, c), v && v(n)) : (e(), d && d(n)), + (n._leaveCb = null); + })); + y ? y(O) : O(); + } + function O() { + w.cancelled || + (!t.data.show && + n.parentNode && + ((n.parentNode._pending || (n.parentNode._pending = {}))[t.key] = t), + p && p(n), + b && + (Yr(n, c), + Yr(n, l), + Qr(function() { + Zr(n, c), w.cancelled || (Yr(n, s), _ || (uo(x) ? setTimeout(w, x) : to(n, i, w))); + })), + h && h(n, w), + b || _ || w()); + } + } + function uo(t) { + return 'number' == typeof t && !isNaN(t); + } + function co(t) { + if (a(t)) return !1; + var e = t.fns; + return u(e) ? co(Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e) : (t._length || t.length) > 1; + } + function so(t, e) { + !0 !== e.data.show && io(e); + } + var fo = (function(t) { + var e, + n, + r = {}, + o = t.modules, + i = t.nodeOps; + for (e = 0; e < nr.length; ++e) + for (r[nr[e]] = [], n = 0; n < o.length; ++n) u(o[n][nr[e]]) && r[nr[e]].push(o[n][nr[e]]); + function f(t) { + var e = i.parentNode(t); + u(e) && i.removeChild(e, t); + } + function l(t, e, n, o, a, s, f) { + if ( + (u(t.elm) && u(s) && (t = s[f] = _t(t)), + (t.isRootInsert = !a), + !(function(t, e, n, o) { + var i = t.data; + if (u(i)) { + var a = u(t.componentInstance) && i.keepAlive; + if ((u((i = i.hook)) && u((i = i.init)) && i(t, !1), u(t.componentInstance))) + return ( + p(t, e), + h(n, t.elm, o), + c(a) && + (function(t, e, n, o) { + var i, + a = t; + for (; a.componentInstance; ) + if ( + ((a = a.componentInstance._vnode), + u((i = a.data)) && u((i = i.transition))) + ) { + for (i = 0; i < r.activate.length; ++i) r.activate[i](er, a); + e.push(a); + break; + } + h(n, t.elm, o); + })(t, e, n, o), + !0 + ); + } + })(t, e, n, o)) + ) { + var l = t.data, + v = t.children, + g = t.tag; + u(g) + ? ((t.elm = t.ns ? i.createElementNS(t.ns, g) : i.createElement(g, t)), + m(t), + d(t, v, e), + u(l) && y(t, e), + h(n, t.elm, o)) + : c(t.isComment) + ? ((t.elm = i.createComment(t.text)), h(n, t.elm, o)) + : ((t.elm = i.createTextNode(t.text)), h(n, t.elm, o)); + } + } + function p(t, e) { + u(t.data.pendingInsert) && + (e.push.apply(e, t.data.pendingInsert), (t.data.pendingInsert = null)), + (t.elm = t.componentInstance.$el), + v(t) ? (y(t, e), m(t)) : (tr(t), e.push(t)); + } + function h(t, e, n) { + u(t) && (u(n) ? i.parentNode(n) === t && i.insertBefore(t, e, n) : i.appendChild(t, e)); + } + function d(t, e, n) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) { + 0; + for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) l(e[r], n, t.elm, null, !0, e, r); + } else s(t.text) && i.appendChild(t.elm, i.createTextNode(String(t.text))); + } + function v(t) { + for (; t.componentInstance; ) t = t.componentInstance._vnode; + return u(t.tag); + } + function y(t, n) { + for (var o = 0; o < r.create.length; ++o) r.create[o](er, t); + u((e = t.data.hook)) && (u(e.create) && e.create(er, t), u(e.insert) && n.push(t)); + } + function m(t) { + var e; + if (u((e = t.fnScopeId))) i.setStyleScope(t.elm, e); + else + for (var n = t; n; ) + u((e = n.context)) && u((e = e.$options._scopeId)) && i.setStyleScope(t.elm, e), + (n = n.parent); + u((e = Qe)) && + e !== t.context && + e !== t.fnContext && + u((e = e.$options._scopeId)) && + i.setStyleScope(t.elm, e); + } + function b(t, e, n, r, o, i) { + for (; r <= o; ++r) l(n[r], i, t, e, !1, n, r); + } + function _(t) { + var e, + n, + o = t.data; + if (u(o)) + for (u((e = o.hook)) && u((e = e.destroy)) && e(t), e = 0; e < r.destroy.length; ++e) + r.destroy[e](t); + if (u((e = t.children))) for (n = 0; n < t.children.length; ++n) _(t.children[n]); + } + function x(t, e, n) { + for (; e <= n; ++e) { + var r = t[e]; + u(r) && (u(r.tag) ? (w(r), _(r)) : f(r.elm)); + } + } + function w(t, e) { + if (u(e) || u(t.data)) { + var n, + o = r.remove.length + 1; + for ( + u(e) + ? (e.listeners += o) + : (e = (function(t, e) { + function n() { + 0 == --n.listeners && f(t); + } + return (n.listeners = e), n; + })(t.elm, o)), + u((n = t.componentInstance)) && u((n = n._vnode)) && u(n.data) && w(n, e), + n = 0; + n < r.remove.length; + ++n + ) + r.remove[n](t, e); + u((n = t.data.hook)) && u((n = n.remove)) ? n(t, e) : e(); + } else f(t.elm); + } + function O(t, e, n, r) { + for (var o = n; o < r; o++) { + var i = e[o]; + if (u(i) && rr(t, i)) return o; + } + } + function S(t, e, n, o, s, f) { + if (t !== e) { + u(e.elm) && u(o) && (e = o[s] = _t(e)); + var p = (e.elm = t.elm); + if (c(t.isAsyncPlaceholder)) + u(e.asyncFactory.resolved) ? E(t.elm, e, n) : (e.isAsyncPlaceholder = !0); + else if ( + c(e.isStatic) && + c(t.isStatic) && + e.key === t.key && + (c(e.isCloned) || c(e.isOnce)) + ) + e.componentInstance = t.componentInstance; + else { + var h, + d = e.data; + u(d) && u((h = d.hook)) && u((h = h.prepatch)) && h(t, e); + var y = t.children, + m = e.children; + if (u(d) && v(e)) { + for (h = 0; h < r.update.length; ++h) r.update[h](t, e); + u((h = d.hook)) && u((h = h.update)) && h(t, e); + } + a(e.text) + ? u(y) && u(m) + ? y !== m && + (function(t, e, n, r, o) { + var c, + s, + f, + p = 0, + h = 0, + d = e.length - 1, + v = e[0], + y = e[d], + m = n.length - 1, + g = n[0], + _ = n[m], + w = !o; + for (0; p <= d && h <= m; ) + a(v) + ? (v = e[++p]) + : a(y) + ? (y = e[--d]) + : rr(v, g) + ? (S(v, g, r, n, h), (v = e[++p]), (g = n[++h])) + : rr(y, _) + ? (S(y, _, r, n, m), (y = e[--d]), (_ = n[--m])) + : rr(v, _) + ? (S(v, _, r, n, m), + w && i.insertBefore(t, v.elm, i.nextSibling(y.elm)), + (v = e[++p]), + (_ = n[--m])) + : rr(y, g) + ? (S(y, g, r, n, h), + w && i.insertBefore(t, y.elm, v.elm), + (y = e[--d]), + (g = n[++h])) + : (a(c) && (c = or(e, p, d)), + a((s = u(g.key) ? c[g.key] : O(g, e, p, d))) + ? l(g, r, t, v.elm, !1, n, h) + : rr((f = e[s]), g) + ? (S(f, g, r, n, h), + (e[s] = void 0), + w && i.insertBefore(t, f.elm, v.elm)) + : l(g, r, t, v.elm, !1, n, h), + (g = n[++h])); + p > d + ? b(t, a(n[m + 1]) ? null : n[m + 1].elm, n, h, m, r) + : h > m && x(e, p, d); + })(p, y, m, n, f) + : u(m) + ? (u(t.text) && i.setTextContent(p, ''), b(p, null, m, 0, m.length - 1, n)) + : u(y) + ? x(y, 0, y.length - 1) + : u(t.text) && i.setTextContent(p, '') + : t.text !== e.text && i.setTextContent(p, e.text), + u(d) && u((h = d.hook)) && u((h = h.postpatch)) && h(t, e); + } + } + } + function j(t, e, n) { + if (c(n) && u(t.parent)) t.parent.data.pendingInsert = e; + else for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) e[r].data.hook.insert(e[r]); + } + var A = g('attrs,class,staticClass,staticStyle,key'); + function E(t, e, n, r) { + var o, + i = e.tag, + a = e.data, + s = e.children; + if (((r = r || (a && a.pre)), (e.elm = t), c(e.isComment) && u(e.asyncFactory))) + return (e.isAsyncPlaceholder = !0), !0; + if (u(a) && (u((o = a.hook)) && u((o = o.init)) && o(e, !0), u((o = e.componentInstance)))) + return p(e, n), !0; + if (u(i)) { + if (u(s)) + if (t.hasChildNodes()) + if (u((o = a)) && u((o = o.domProps)) && u((o = o.innerHTML))) { + if (o !== t.innerHTML) return !1; + } else { + for (var f = !0, l = t.firstChild, h = 0; h < s.length; h++) { + if (!l || !E(l, s[h], n, r)) { + f = !1; + break; + } + l = l.nextSibling; + } + if (!f || l) return !1; + } + else d(e, s, n); + if (u(a)) { + var v = !1; + for (var m in a) + if (!A(m)) { + (v = !0), y(e, n); + break; + } + !v && a.class && ie(a.class); + } + } else t.data !== e.text && (t.data = e.text); + return !0; + } + return function(t, e, n, o) { + if (!a(e)) { + var s, + f = !1, + p = []; + if (a(t)) (f = !0), l(e, p); + else { + var h = u(t.nodeType); + if (!h && rr(t, e)) S(t, e, p, null, null, o); + else { + if (h) { + if ( + (1 === t.nodeType && + t.hasAttribute('data-server-rendered') && + (t.removeAttribute('data-server-rendered'), (n = !0)), + c(n) && E(t, e, p)) + ) + return j(e, p, !0), t; + (s = t), (t = new yt(i.tagName(s).toLowerCase(), {}, [], void 0, s)); + } + var d = t.elm, + y = i.parentNode(d); + if ((l(e, p, d._leaveCb ? null : y, i.nextSibling(d)), u(e.parent))) + for (var m = e.parent, g = v(e); m; ) { + for (var b = 0; b < r.destroy.length; ++b) r.destroy[b](m); + if (((m.elm = e.elm), g)) { + for (var w = 0; w < r.create.length; ++w) r.create[w](er, m); + var O = m.data.hook.insert; + if (O.merged) for (var A = 1; A < O.fns.length; A++) O.fns[A](); + } else tr(m); + m = m.parent; + } + u(y) ? x([t], 0, 0) : u(t.tag) && _(t); + } + } + return j(e, p, f), e.elm; + } + u(t) && _(t); + }; + })({ + nodeOps: Yn, + modules: [ + vr, + gr, + jr, + kr, + Nr, + G + ? { + create: so, + activate: so, + remove: function(t, e) { + !0 !== t.data.show ? ao(t, e) : e(); + }, + } + : {}, + ].concat(lr), + }); + Y && + document.addEventListener('selectionchange', function() { + var t = document.activeElement; + t && t.vmodel && bo(t, 'input'); + }); + var lo = { + inserted: function(t, e, n, r) { + 'select' === n.tag + ? (r.elm && !r.elm._vOptions + ? se(n, 'postpatch', function() { + lo.componentUpdated(t, e, n); + }) + : po(t, e, n.context), + (t._vOptions = [].map.call(t.options, yo))) + : ('textarea' === n.tag || Qn(t.type)) && + ((t._vModifiers = e.modifiers), + e.modifiers.lazy || + (t.addEventListener('compositionstart', mo), + t.addEventListener('compositionend', go), + t.addEventListener('change', go), + Y && (t.vmodel = !0))); + }, + componentUpdated: function(t, e, n) { + if ('select' === n.tag) { + po(t, e, n.context); + var r = t._vOptions, + o = (t._vOptions = [].map.call(t.options, yo)); + if ( + o.some(function(t, e) { + return !D(t, r[e]); + }) + ) + (t.multiple + ? e.value.some(function(t) { + return vo(t, o); + }) + : e.value !== e.oldValue && vo(e.value, o)) && bo(t, 'change'); + } + }, + }; + function po(t, e, n) { + ho(t, e, n), + (Q || Z) && + setTimeout(function() { + ho(t, e, n); + }, 0); + } + function ho(t, e, n) { + var r = e.value, + o = t.multiple; + if (!o || Array.isArray(r)) { + for (var i, a, u = 0, c = t.options.length; u < c; u++) + if (((a = t.options[u]), o)) (i = I(r, yo(a)) > -1), a.selected !== i && (a.selected = i); + else if (D(yo(a), r)) return void (t.selectedIndex !== u && (t.selectedIndex = u)); + o || (t.selectedIndex = -1); + } + } + function vo(t, e) { + return e.every(function(e) { + return !D(e, t); + }); + } + function yo(t) { + return '_value' in t ? t._value : t.value; + } + function mo(t) { + t.target.composing = !0; + } + function go(t) { + t.target.composing && ((t.target.composing = !1), bo(t.target, 'input')); + } + function bo(t, e) { + var n = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); + n.initEvent(e, !0, !0), t.dispatchEvent(n); + } + function _o(t) { + return !t.componentInstance || (t.data && t.data.transition) + ? t + : _o(t.componentInstance._vnode); + } + var xo = { + model: lo, + show: { + bind: function(t, e, n) { + var r = e.value, + o = (n = _o(n)).data && n.data.transition, + i = (t.__vOriginalDisplay = 'none' === t.style.display ? '' : t.style.display); + r && o + ? ((n.data.show = !0), + io(n, function() { + t.style.display = i; + })) + : (t.style.display = r ? i : 'none'); + }, + update: function(t, e, n) { + var r = e.value; + !r != !e.oldValue && + ((n = _o(n)).data && n.data.transition + ? ((n.data.show = !0), + r + ? io(n, function() { + t.style.display = t.__vOriginalDisplay; + }) + : ao(n, function() { + t.style.display = 'none'; + })) + : (t.style.display = r ? t.__vOriginalDisplay : 'none')); + }, + unbind: function(t, e, n, r, o) { + o || (t.style.display = t.__vOriginalDisplay); + }, + }, + }, + wo = { + name: String, + appear: Boolean, + css: Boolean, + mode: String, + type: String, + enterClass: String, + leaveClass: String, + enterToClass: String, + leaveToClass: String, + enterActiveClass: String, + leaveActiveClass: String, + appearClass: String, + appearActiveClass: String, + appearToClass: String, + duration: [Number, String, Object], + }; + function Oo(t) { + var e = t && t.componentOptions; + return e && e.Ctor.options.abstract ? Oo(We(e.children)) : t; + } + function So(t) { + var e = {}, + n = t.$options; + for (var r in n.propsData) e[r] = t[r]; + var o = n._parentListeners; + for (var i in o) e[j(i)] = o[i]; + return e; + } + function jo(t, e) { + if (/\d-keep-alive$/.test(e.tag)) + return t('keep-alive', { props: e.componentOptions.propsData }); + } + var Ao = function(t) { + return t.tag || qe(t); + }, + Eo = function(t) { + return 'show' === t.name; + }, + ko = { + name: 'transition', + props: wo, + abstract: !0, + render: function(t) { + var e = this, + n = this.$slots.default; + if (n && (n = n.filter(Ao)).length) { + 0; + var r = this.mode; + 0; + var o = n[0]; + if ( + (function(t) { + for (; (t = t.parent); ) if (t.data.transition) return !0; + })(this.$vnode) + ) + return o; + var i = Oo(o); + if (!i) return o; + if (this._leaving) return jo(t, o); + var a = '__transition-' + this._uid + '-'; + i.key = + null == i.key + ? i.isComment + ? a + 'comment' + : a + i.tag + : s(i.key) + ? 0 === String(i.key).indexOf(a) + ? i.key + : a + i.key + : i.key; + var u = ((i.data || (i.data = {})).transition = So(this)), + c = this._vnode, + f = Oo(c); + if ( + (i.data.directives && i.data.directives.some(Eo) && (i.data.show = !0), + f && + f.data && + !(function(t, e) { + return e.key === t.key && e.tag === t.tag; + })(i, f) && + !qe(f) && + (!f.componentInstance || !f.componentInstance._vnode.isComment)) + ) { + var l = (f.data.transition = P({}, u)); + if ('out-in' === r) + return ( + (this._leaving = !0), + se(l, 'afterLeave', function() { + (e._leaving = !1), e.$forceUpdate(); + }), + jo(t, o) + ); + if ('in-out' === r) { + if (qe(i)) return c; + var p, + h = function() { + p(); + }; + se(u, 'afterEnter', h), + se(u, 'enterCancelled', h), + se(l, 'delayLeave', function(t) { + p = t; + }); + } + } + return o; + } + }, + }, + Co = P({ tag: String, moveClass: String }, wo); + function $o(t) { + t.elm._moveCb && t.elm._moveCb(), t.elm._enterCb && t.elm._enterCb(); + } + function Po(t) { + t.data.newPos = t.elm.getBoundingClientRect(); + } + function To(t) { + var e = t.data.pos, + n = t.data.newPos, + r = e.left - n.left, + o = e.top - n.top; + if (r || o) { + t.data.moved = !0; + var i = t.elm.style; + (i.transform = i.WebkitTransform = 'translate(' + r + 'px,' + o + 'px)'), + (i.transitionDuration = '0s'); + } + } + delete Co.mode; + var Lo = { + Transition: ko, + TransitionGroup: { + props: Co, + beforeMount: function() { + var t = this, + e = this._update; + this._update = function(n, r) { + var o = Ye(t); + t.__patch__(t._vnode, t.kept, !1, !0), (t._vnode = t.kept), o(), e.call(t, n, r); + }; + }, + render: function(t) { + for ( + var e = this.tag || this.$vnode.data.tag || 'span', + n = Object.create(null), + r = (this.prevChildren = this.children), + o = this.$slots.default || [], + i = (this.children = []), + a = So(this), + u = 0; + u < o.length; + u++ + ) { + var c = o[u]; + if (c.tag) + if (null != c.key && 0 !== String(c.key).indexOf('__vlist')) + i.push(c), (n[c.key] = c), ((c.data || (c.data = {})).transition = a); + else; + } + if (r) { + for (var s = [], f = [], l = 0; l < r.length; l++) { + var p = r[l]; + (p.data.transition = a), + (p.data.pos = p.elm.getBoundingClientRect()), + n[p.key] ? s.push(p) : f.push(p); + } + (this.kept = t(e, null, s)), (this.removed = f); + } + return t(e, null, i); + }, + updated: function() { + var t = this.prevChildren, + e = this.moveClass || (this.name || 'v') + '-move'; + t.length && + this.hasMove(t[0].elm, e) && + (t.forEach($o), + t.forEach(Po), + t.forEach(To), + (this._reflow = document.body.offsetHeight), + t.forEach(function(t) { + if (t.data.moved) { + var n = t.elm, + r = n.style; + Yr(n, e), + (r.transform = r.WebkitTransform = r.transitionDuration = ''), + n.addEventListener( + Gr, + (n._moveCb = function t(r) { + (r && r.target !== n) || + (r && !/transform$/.test(r.propertyName)) || + (n.removeEventListener(Gr, t), (n._moveCb = null), Zr(n, e)); + }), + ); + } + })); + }, + methods: { + hasMove: function(t, e) { + if (!qr) return !1; + if (this._hasMove) return this._hasMove; + var n = t.cloneNode(); + t._transitionClasses && + t._transitionClasses.forEach(function(t) { + Br(n, t); + }), + Fr(n, e), + (n.style.display = 'none'), + this.$el.appendChild(n); + var r = no(n); + return this.$el.removeChild(n), (this._hasMove = r.hasTransform); + }, + }, + }, + }; + (jn.config.mustUseProp = function(t, e, n) { + return ( + ('value' === n && Rn(t) && 'button' !== e) || + ('selected' === n && 'option' === t) || + ('checked' === n && 'input' === t) || + ('muted' === n && 'video' === t) + ); + }), + (jn.config.isReservedTag = Jn), + (jn.config.isReservedAttr = Ln), + (jn.config.getTagNamespace = function(t) { + return Kn(t) ? 'svg' : 'math' === t ? 'math' : void 0; + }), + (jn.config.isUnknownElement = function(t) { + if (!G) return !0; + if (Jn(t)) return !1; + if (((t = t.toLowerCase()), null != Xn[t])) return Xn[t]; + var e = document.createElement(t); + return t.indexOf('-') > -1 + ? (Xn[t] = + e.constructor === window.HTMLUnknownElement || e.constructor === window.HTMLElement) + : (Xn[t] = /HTMLUnknownElement/.test(e.toString())); + }), + P(jn.options.directives, xo), + P(jn.options.components, Lo), + (jn.prototype.__patch__ = G ? fo : L), + (jn.prototype.$mount = function(t, e) { + return (function(t, e, n) { + var r; + return ( + (t.$el = e), + t.$options.render || (t.$options.render = gt), + en(t, 'beforeMount'), + (r = function() { + t._update(t._render(), n); + }), + new dn( + t, + r, + L, + { + before: function() { + t._isMounted && !t._isDestroyed && en(t, 'beforeUpdate'); + }, + }, + !0, + ), + (n = !1), + null == t.$vnode && ((t._isMounted = !0), en(t, 'mounted')), + t + ); + })( + this, + (t = + t && G + ? (function(t) { + if ('string' == typeof t) { + var e = document.querySelector(t); + return e || document.createElement('div'); + } + return t; + })(t) + : void 0), + e, + ); + }), + G && + setTimeout(function() { + F.devtools && at && at.emit('init', jn); + }, 0); + var Ro = jn; + /*! + * vue-router v3.4.9 + * (c) 2020 Evan You + * @license MIT + */ function zo(t, e) { + for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n]; + return t; + } + var Do = /[!'()*]/g, + Io = function(t) { + return '%' + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); + }, + Mo = /%2C/g, + No = function(t) { + return encodeURIComponent(t) + .replace(Do, Io) + .replace(Mo, ','); + }; + function Uo(t) { + try { + return decodeURIComponent(t); + } catch (t) { + 0; + } + return t; + } + var Fo = function(t) { + return null == t || 'object' == typeof t ? t : String(t); + }; + function Bo(t) { + var e = {}; + return (t = t.trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/, '')) + ? (t.split('&').forEach(function(t) { + var n = t.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('='), + r = Uo(n.shift()), + o = n.length > 0 ? Uo(n.join('=')) : null; + void 0 === e[r] ? (e[r] = o) : Array.isArray(e[r]) ? e[r].push(o) : (e[r] = [e[r], o]); + }), + e) + : e; + } + function Vo(t) { + var e = t + ? Object.keys(t) + .map(function(e) { + var n = t[e]; + if (void 0 === n) return ''; + if (null === n) return No(e); + if (Array.isArray(n)) { + var r = []; + return ( + n.forEach(function(t) { + void 0 !== t && (null === t ? r.push(No(e)) : r.push(No(e) + '=' + No(t))); + }), + r.join('&') + ); + } + return No(e) + '=' + No(n); + }) + .filter(function(t) { + return t.length > 0; + }) + .join('&') + : null; + return e ? '?' + e : ''; + } + var Ho = /\/?$/; + function qo(t, e, n, r) { + var o = r && r.options.stringifyQuery, + i = e.query || {}; + try { + i = Wo(i); + } catch (t) {} + var a = { + name: e.name || (t && t.name), + meta: (t && t.meta) || {}, + path: e.path || '/', + hash: e.hash || '', + query: i, + params: e.params || {}, + fullPath: Jo(e, o), + matched: t ? Ko(t) : [], + }; + return n && (a.redirectedFrom = Jo(n, o)), Object.freeze(a); + } + function Wo(t) { + if (Array.isArray(t)) return t.map(Wo); + if (t && 'object' == typeof t) { + var e = {}; + for (var n in t) e[n] = Wo(t[n]); + return e; + } + return t; + } + var Go = qo(null, { path: '/' }); + function Ko(t) { + for (var e = []; t; ) e.unshift(t), (t = t.parent); + return e; + } + function Jo(t, e) { + var n = t.path, + r = t.query; + void 0 === r && (r = {}); + var o = t.hash; + return void 0 === o && (o = ''), (n || '/') + (e || Vo)(r) + o; + } + function Xo(t, e) { + return e === Go + ? t === e + : !!e && + (t.path && e.path + ? t.path.replace(Ho, '') === e.path.replace(Ho, '') && + t.hash === e.hash && + Qo(t.query, e.query) + : !(!t.name || !e.name) && + t.name === e.name && + t.hash === e.hash && + Qo(t.query, e.query) && + Qo(t.params, e.params)); + } + function Qo(t, e) { + if ((void 0 === t && (t = {}), void 0 === e && (e = {}), !t || !e)) return t === e; + var n = Object.keys(t).sort(), + r = Object.keys(e).sort(); + return ( + n.length === r.length && + n.every(function(n, o) { + var i = t[n]; + if (r[o] !== n) return !1; + var a = e[n]; + return null == i || null == a + ? i === a + : 'object' == typeof i && 'object' == typeof a + ? Qo(i, a) + : String(i) === String(a); + }) + ); + } + function Yo(t) { + for (var e = 0; e < t.matched.length; e++) { + var n = t.matched[e]; + for (var r in n.instances) { + var o = n.instances[r], + i = n.enteredCbs[r]; + if (o && i) { + delete n.enteredCbs[r]; + for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) o._isBeingDestroyed || i[a](o); + } + } + } + } + var Zo = { + name: 'RouterView', + functional: !0, + props: { name: { type: String, default: 'default' } }, + render: function(t, e) { + var n = e.props, + r = e.children, + o = e.parent, + i = e.data; + i.routerView = !0; + for ( + var a = o.$createElement, + u = n.name, + c = o.$route, + s = o._routerViewCache || (o._routerViewCache = {}), + f = 0, + l = !1; + o && o._routerRoot !== o; + + ) { + var p = o.$vnode ? o.$vnode.data : {}; + p.routerView && f++, + p.keepAlive && o._directInactive && o._inactive && (l = !0), + (o = o.$parent); + } + if (((i.routerViewDepth = f), l)) { + var h = s[u], + d = h && h.component; + return d ? (h.configProps && ti(d, i, h.route, h.configProps), a(d, i, r)) : a(); + } + var v = c.matched[f], + y = v && v.components[u]; + if (!v || !y) return (s[u] = null), a(); + (s[u] = { component: y }), + (i.registerRouteInstance = function(t, e) { + var n = v.instances[u]; + ((e && n !== t) || (!e && n === t)) && (v.instances[u] = e); + }), + ((i.hook || (i.hook = {})).prepatch = function(t, e) { + v.instances[u] = e.componentInstance; + }), + (i.hook.init = function(t) { + t.data.keepAlive && + t.componentInstance && + t.componentInstance !== v.instances[u] && + (v.instances[u] = t.componentInstance), + Yo(c); + }); + var m = v.props && v.props[u]; + return m && (zo(s[u], { route: c, configProps: m }), ti(y, i, c, m)), a(y, i, r); + }, + }; + function ti(t, e, n, r) { + var o = (e.props = (function(t, e) { + switch (typeof e) { + case 'undefined': + return; + case 'object': + return e; + case 'function': + return e(t); + case 'boolean': + return e ? t.params : void 0; + default: + 0; + } + })(n, r)); + if (o) { + o = e.props = zo({}, o); + var i = (e.attrs = e.attrs || {}); + for (var a in o) (t.props && a in t.props) || ((i[a] = o[a]), delete o[a]); + } + } + function ei(t, e, n) { + var r = t.charAt(0); + if ('/' === r) return t; + if ('?' === r || '#' === r) return e + t; + var o = e.split('/'); + (n && o[o.length - 1]) || o.pop(); + for (var i = t.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { + var u = i[a]; + '..' === u ? o.pop() : '.' !== u && o.push(u); + } + return '' !== o[0] && o.unshift(''), o.join('/'); + } + function ni(t) { + return t.replace(/\/\//g, '/'); + } + var ri = + Array.isArray || + function(t) { + return '[object Array]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(t); + }, + oi = gi, + ii = fi, + ai = function(t, e) { + return pi(fi(t, e), e); + }, + ui = pi, + ci = mi, + si = new RegExp( + [ + '(\\\\.)', + '([\\/.])?(?:(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()])+)\\))?|\\(((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()])+)\\))([+*?])?|(\\*))', + ].join('|'), + 'g', + ); + function fi(t, e) { + for ( + var n, r = [], o = 0, i = 0, a = '', u = (e && e.delimiter) || '/'; + null != (n = si.exec(t)); + + ) { + var c = n[0], + s = n[1], + f = n.index; + if (((a += t.slice(i, f)), (i = f + c.length), s)) a += s[1]; + else { + var l = t[i], + p = n[2], + h = n[3], + d = n[4], + v = n[5], + y = n[6], + m = n[7]; + a && (r.push(a), (a = '')); + var g = null != p && null != l && l !== p, + b = '+' === y || '*' === y, + _ = '?' === y || '*' === y, + x = n[2] || u, + w = d || v; + r.push({ + name: h || o++, + prefix: p || '', + delimiter: x, + optional: _, + repeat: b, + partial: g, + asterisk: !!m, + pattern: w ? di(w) : m ? '.*' : '[^' + hi(x) + ']+?', + }); + } + } + return i < t.length && (a += t.substr(i)), a && r.push(a), r; + } + function li(t) { + return encodeURI(t).replace(/[\/?#]/g, function(t) { + return ( + '%' + + t + .charCodeAt(0) + .toString(16) + .toUpperCase() + ); + }); + } + function pi(t, e) { + for (var n = new Array(t.length), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) + 'object' == typeof t[r] && (n[r] = new RegExp('^(?:' + t[r].pattern + ')$', yi(e))); + return function(e, r) { + for ( + var o = '', i = e || {}, a = (r || {}).pretty ? li : encodeURIComponent, u = 0; + u < t.length; + u++ + ) { + var c = t[u]; + if ('string' != typeof c) { + var s, + f = i[c.name]; + if (null == f) { + if (c.optional) { + c.partial && (o += c.prefix); + continue; + } + throw new TypeError('Expected "' + c.name + '" to be defined'); + } + if (ri(f)) { + if (!c.repeat) + throw new TypeError( + 'Expected "' + + c.name + + '" to not repeat, but received `' + + JSON.stringify(f) + + '`', + ); + if (0 === f.length) { + if (c.optional) continue; + throw new TypeError('Expected "' + c.name + '" to not be empty'); + } + for (var l = 0; l < f.length; l++) { + if (((s = a(f[l])), !n[u].test(s))) + throw new TypeError( + 'Expected all "' + + c.name + + '" to match "' + + c.pattern + + '", but received `' + + JSON.stringify(s) + + '`', + ); + o += (0 === l ? c.prefix : c.delimiter) + s; + } + } else { + if ( + ((s = c.asterisk + ? encodeURI(f).replace(/[?#]/g, function(t) { + return ( + '%' + + t + .charCodeAt(0) + .toString(16) + .toUpperCase() + ); + }) + : a(f)), + !n[u].test(s)) + ) + throw new TypeError( + 'Expected "' + + c.name + + '" to match "' + + c.pattern + + '", but received "' + + s + + '"', + ); + o += c.prefix + s; + } + } else o += c; + } + return o; + }; + } + function hi(t) { + return t.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); + } + function di(t) { + return t.replace(/([=!:$\/()])/g, '\\$1'); + } + function vi(t, e) { + return (t.keys = e), t; + } + function yi(t) { + return t && t.sensitive ? '' : 'i'; + } + function mi(t, e, n) { + ri(e) || ((n = e || n), (e = [])); + for (var r = (n = n || {}).strict, o = !1 !== n.end, i = '', a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { + var u = t[a]; + if ('string' == typeof u) i += hi(u); + else { + var c = hi(u.prefix), + s = '(?:' + u.pattern + ')'; + e.push(u), + u.repeat && (s += '(?:' + c + s + ')*'), + (i += s = u.optional + ? u.partial + ? c + '(' + s + ')?' + : '(?:' + c + '(' + s + '))?' + : c + '(' + s + ')'); + } + } + var f = hi(n.delimiter || '/'), + l = i.slice(-f.length) === f; + return ( + r || (i = (l ? i.slice(0, -f.length) : i) + '(?:' + f + '(?=$))?'), + (i += o ? '$' : r && l ? '' : '(?=' + f + '|$)'), + vi(new RegExp('^' + i, yi(n)), e) + ); + } + function gi(t, e, n) { + return ( + ri(e) || ((n = e || n), (e = [])), + (n = n || {}), + t instanceof RegExp + ? (function(t, e) { + var n = t.source.match(/\((?!\?)/g); + if (n) + for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) + e.push({ + name: r, + prefix: null, + delimiter: null, + optional: !1, + repeat: !1, + partial: !1, + asterisk: !1, + pattern: null, + }); + return vi(t, e); + })(t, e) + : ri(t) + ? (function(t, e, n) { + for (var r = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) r.push(gi(t[o], e, n).source); + return vi(new RegExp('(?:' + r.join('|') + ')', yi(n)), e); + })(t, e, n) + : (function(t, e, n) { + return mi(fi(t, n), e, n); + })(t, e, n) + ); + } + (oi.parse = ii), (oi.compile = ai), (oi.tokensToFunction = ui), (oi.tokensToRegExp = ci); + var bi = Object.create(null); + function _i(t, e, n) { + e = e || {}; + try { + var r = bi[t] || (bi[t] = oi.compile(t)); + return 'string' == typeof e.pathMatch && (e[0] = e.pathMatch), r(e, { pretty: !0 }); + } catch (t) { + return ''; + } finally { + delete e[0]; + } + } + function xi(t, e, n, r) { + var o = 'string' == typeof t ? { path: t } : t; + if (o._normalized) return o; + if (o.name) { + var i = (o = zo({}, t)).params; + return i && 'object' == typeof i && (o.params = zo({}, i)), o; + } + if (!o.path && o.params && e) { + (o = zo({}, o))._normalized = !0; + var a = zo(zo({}, e.params), o.params); + if (e.name) (o.name = e.name), (o.params = a); + else if (e.matched.length) { + var u = e.matched[e.matched.length - 1].path; + o.path = _i(u, a, e.path); + } else 0; + return o; + } + var c = (function(t) { + var e = '', + n = '', + r = t.indexOf('#'); + r >= 0 && ((e = t.slice(r)), (t = t.slice(0, r))); + var o = t.indexOf('?'); + return ( + o >= 0 && ((n = t.slice(o + 1)), (t = t.slice(0, o))), { path: t, query: n, hash: e } + ); + })(o.path || ''), + s = (e && e.path) || '/', + f = c.path ? ei(c.path, s, n || o.append) : s, + l = (function(t, e, n) { + void 0 === e && (e = {}); + var r, + o = n || Bo; + try { + r = o(t || ''); + } catch (t) { + r = {}; + } + for (var i in e) { + var a = e[i]; + r[i] = Array.isArray(a) ? a.map(Fo) : Fo(a); + } + return r; + })(c.query, o.query, r && r.options.parseQuery), + p = o.hash || c.hash; + return ( + p && '#' !== p.charAt(0) && (p = '#' + p), { _normalized: !0, path: f, query: l, hash: p } + ); + } + var wi, + Oi = function() {}, + Si = { + name: 'RouterLink', + props: { + to: { type: [String, Object], required: !0 }, + tag: { type: String, default: 'a' }, + exact: Boolean, + append: Boolean, + replace: Boolean, + activeClass: String, + exactActiveClass: String, + ariaCurrentValue: { type: String, default: 'page' }, + event: { type: [String, Array], default: 'click' }, + }, + render: function(t) { + var e = this, + n = this.$router, + r = this.$route, + o = n.resolve(this.to, r, this.append), + i = o.location, + a = o.route, + u = o.href, + c = {}, + s = n.options.linkActiveClass, + f = n.options.linkExactActiveClass, + l = null == s ? 'router-link-active' : s, + p = null == f ? 'router-link-exact-active' : f, + h = null == this.activeClass ? l : this.activeClass, + d = null == this.exactActiveClass ? p : this.exactActiveClass, + v = a.redirectedFrom ? qo(null, xi(a.redirectedFrom), null, n) : a; + (c[d] = Xo(r, v)), + (c[h] = this.exact + ? c[d] + : (function(t, e) { + return ( + 0 === t.path.replace(Ho, '/').indexOf(e.path.replace(Ho, '/')) && + (!e.hash || t.hash === e.hash) && + (function(t, e) { + for (var n in e) if (!(n in t)) return !1; + return !0; + })(t.query, e.query) + ); + })(r, v)); + var y = c[d] ? this.ariaCurrentValue : null, + m = function(t) { + ji(t) && (e.replace ? n.replace(i, Oi) : n.push(i, Oi)); + }, + g = { click: ji }; + Array.isArray(this.event) + ? this.event.forEach(function(t) { + g[t] = m; + }) + : (g[this.event] = m); + var b = { class: c }, + _ = + !this.$scopedSlots.$hasNormal && + this.$scopedSlots.default && + this.$scopedSlots.default({ + href: u, + route: a, + navigate: m, + isActive: c[h], + isExactActive: c[d], + }); + if (_) { + if (1 === _.length) return _[0]; + if (_.length > 1 || !_.length) return 0 === _.length ? t() : t('span', {}, _); + } + if ('a' === this.tag) (b.on = g), (b.attrs = { href: u, 'aria-current': y }); + else { + var x = (function t(e) { + var n; + if (e) + for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { + if ('a' === (n = e[r]).tag) return n; + if (n.children && (n = t(n.children))) return n; + } + })(this.$slots.default); + if (x) { + x.isStatic = !1; + var w = (x.data = zo({}, x.data)); + for (var O in ((w.on = w.on || {}), w.on)) { + var S = w.on[O]; + O in g && (w.on[O] = Array.isArray(S) ? S : [S]); + } + for (var j in g) j in w.on ? w.on[j].push(g[j]) : (w.on[j] = m); + var A = (x.data.attrs = zo({}, x.data.attrs)); + (A.href = u), (A['aria-current'] = y); + } else b.on = g; + } + return t(this.tag, b, this.$slots.default); + }, + }; + function ji(t) { + if ( + !( + t.metaKey || + t.altKey || + t.ctrlKey || + t.shiftKey || + t.defaultPrevented || + (void 0 !== t.button && 0 !== t.button) + ) + ) { + if (t.currentTarget && t.currentTarget.getAttribute) { + var e = t.currentTarget.getAttribute('target'); + if (/\b_blank\b/i.test(e)) return; + } + return t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), !0; + } + } + var Ai = 'undefined' != typeof window; + function Ei(t, e, n, r) { + var o = e || [], + i = n || Object.create(null), + a = r || Object.create(null); + t.forEach(function(t) { + !(function t(e, n, r, o, i, a) { + var u = o.path, + c = o.name; + 0; + var s = o.pathToRegexpOptions || {}, + f = (function(t, e, n) { + n || (t = t.replace(/\/$/, '')); + if ('/' === t[0]) return t; + if (null == e) return t; + return ni(e.path + '/' + t); + })(u, i, s.strict); + 'boolean' == typeof o.caseSensitive && (s.sensitive = o.caseSensitive); + var l = { + path: f, + regex: ki(f, s), + components: o.components || { default: o.component }, + instances: {}, + enteredCbs: {}, + name: c, + parent: i, + matchAs: a, + redirect: o.redirect, + beforeEnter: o.beforeEnter, + meta: o.meta || {}, + props: null == o.props ? {} : o.components ? o.props : { default: o.props }, + }; + o.children && + o.children.forEach(function(o) { + var i = a ? ni(a + '/' + o.path) : void 0; + t(e, n, r, o, l, i); + }); + n[l.path] || (e.push(l.path), (n[l.path] = l)); + if (void 0 !== o.alias) + for (var p = Array.isArray(o.alias) ? o.alias : [o.alias], h = 0; h < p.length; ++h) { + 0; + var d = { path: p[h], children: o.children }; + t(e, n, r, d, i, l.path || '/'); + } + c && (r[c] || (r[c] = l)); + })(o, i, a, t); + }); + for (var u = 0, c = o.length; u < c; u++) + '*' === o[u] && (o.push(o.splice(u, 1)[0]), c--, u--); + return { pathList: o, pathMap: i, nameMap: a }; + } + function ki(t, e) { + return oi(t, [], e); + } + function Ci(t, e) { + var n = Ei(t), + r = n.pathList, + o = n.pathMap, + i = n.nameMap; + function a(t, n, a) { + var u = xi(t, n, !1, e), + s = u.name; + if (s) { + var f = i[s]; + if (!f) return c(null, u); + var l = f.regex.keys + .filter(function(t) { + return !t.optional; + }) + .map(function(t) { + return t.name; + }); + if (('object' != typeof u.params && (u.params = {}), n && 'object' == typeof n.params)) + for (var p in n.params) + !(p in u.params) && l.indexOf(p) > -1 && (u.params[p] = n.params[p]); + return (u.path = _i(f.path, u.params)), c(f, u, a); + } + if (u.path) { + u.params = {}; + for (var h = 0; h < r.length; h++) { + var d = r[h], + v = o[d]; + if ($i(v.regex, u.path, u.params)) return c(v, u, a); + } + } + return c(null, u); + } + function u(t, n) { + var r = t.redirect, + o = 'function' == typeof r ? r(qo(t, n, null, e)) : r; + if (('string' == typeof o && (o = { path: o }), !o || 'object' != typeof o)) + return c(null, n); + var u = o, + s = u.name, + f = u.path, + l = n.query, + p = n.hash, + h = n.params; + if ( + ((l = u.hasOwnProperty('query') ? u.query : l), + (p = u.hasOwnProperty('hash') ? u.hash : p), + (h = u.hasOwnProperty('params') ? u.params : h), + s) + ) { + i[s]; + return a({ _normalized: !0, name: s, query: l, hash: p, params: h }, void 0, n); + } + if (f) { + var d = (function(t, e) { + return ei(t, e.parent ? e.parent.path : '/', !0); + })(f, t); + return a({ _normalized: !0, path: _i(d, h), query: l, hash: p }, void 0, n); + } + return c(null, n); + } + function c(t, n, r) { + return t && t.redirect + ? u(t, r || n) + : t && t.matchAs + ? (function(t, e, n) { + var r = a({ _normalized: !0, path: _i(n, e.params) }); + if (r) { + var o = r.matched, + i = o[o.length - 1]; + return (e.params = r.params), c(i, e); + } + return c(null, e); + })(0, n, t.matchAs) + : qo(t, n, r, e); + } + return { + match: a, + addRoutes: function(t) { + Ei(t, r, o, i); + }, + }; + } + function $i(t, e, n) { + var r = e.match(t); + if (!r) return !1; + if (!n) return !0; + for (var o = 1, i = r.length; o < i; ++o) { + var a = t.keys[o - 1]; + a && (n[a.name || 'pathMatch'] = 'string' == typeof r[o] ? Uo(r[o]) : r[o]); + } + return !0; + } + var Pi = Ai && window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance : Date; + function Ti() { + return Pi.now().toFixed(3); + } + var Li = Ti(); + function Ri() { + return Li; + } + function zi(t) { + return (Li = t); + } + var Di = Object.create(null); + function Ii() { + 'scrollRestoration' in window.history && (window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'); + var t = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host, + e = window.location.href.replace(t, ''), + n = zo({}, window.history.state); + return ( + (n.key = Ri()), + window.history.replaceState(n, '', e), + window.addEventListener('popstate', Ui), + function() { + window.removeEventListener('popstate', Ui); + } + ); + } + function Mi(t, e, n, r) { + if (t.app) { + var o = t.options.scrollBehavior; + o && + t.app.$nextTick(function() { + var i = (function() { + var t = Ri(); + if (t) return Di[t]; + })(), + a = o.call(t, e, n, r ? i : null); + a && + ('function' == typeof a.then + ? a + .then(function(t) { + qi(t, i); + }) + .catch(function(t) { + 0; + }) + : qi(a, i)); + }); + } + } + function Ni() { + var t = Ri(); + t && (Di[t] = { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset }); + } + function Ui(t) { + Ni(), t.state && t.state.key && zi(t.state.key); + } + function Fi(t) { + return Vi(t.x) || Vi(t.y); + } + function Bi(t) { + return { x: Vi(t.x) ? t.x : window.pageXOffset, y: Vi(t.y) ? t.y : window.pageYOffset }; + } + function Vi(t) { + return 'number' == typeof t; + } + var Hi = /^#\d/; + function qi(t, e) { + var n, + r = 'object' == typeof t; + if (r && 'string' == typeof t.selector) { + var o = Hi.test(t.selector) + ? document.getElementById(t.selector.slice(1)) + : document.querySelector(t.selector); + if (o) { + var i = t.offset && 'object' == typeof t.offset ? t.offset : {}; + e = (function(t, e) { + var n = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(), + r = t.getBoundingClientRect(); + return { x: r.left - n.left - e.x, y: r.top - n.top - e.y }; + })(o, (i = { x: Vi((n = i).x) ? n.x : 0, y: Vi(n.y) ? n.y : 0 })); + } else Fi(t) && (e = Bi(t)); + } else r && Fi(t) && (e = Bi(t)); + e && + ('scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style + ? window.scrollTo({ left: e.x, top: e.y, behavior: t.behavior }) + : window.scrollTo(e.x, e.y)); + } + var Wi, + Gi = + Ai && + ((-1 === (Wi = window.navigator.userAgent).indexOf('Android 2.') && + -1 === Wi.indexOf('Android 4.0')) || + -1 === Wi.indexOf('Mobile Safari') || + -1 !== Wi.indexOf('Chrome') || + -1 !== Wi.indexOf('Windows Phone')) && + window.history && + 'function' == typeof window.history.pushState; + function Ki(t, e) { + Ni(); + var n = window.history; + try { + if (e) { + var r = zo({}, n.state); + (r.key = Ri()), n.replaceState(r, '', t); + } else n.pushState({ key: zi(Ti()) }, '', t); + } catch (n) { + window.location[e ? 'replace' : 'assign'](t); + } + } + function Ji(t) { + Ki(t, !0); + } + function Xi(t, e, n) { + var r = function(o) { + o >= t.length + ? n() + : t[o] + ? e(t[o], function() { + r(o + 1); + }) + : r(o + 1); + }; + r(0); + } + var Qi = { redirected: 2, aborted: 4, cancelled: 8, duplicated: 16 }; + function Yi(t, e) { + return ta( + t, + e, + Qi.redirected, + 'Redirected when going from "' + + t.fullPath + + '" to "' + + (function(t) { + if ('string' == typeof t) return t; + if ('path' in t) return t.path; + var e = {}; + return ( + ea.forEach(function(n) { + n in t && (e[n] = t[n]); + }), + JSON.stringify(e, null, 2) + ); + })(e) + + '" via a navigation guard.', + ); + } + function Zi(t, e) { + return ta( + t, + e, + Qi.cancelled, + 'Navigation cancelled from "' + + t.fullPath + + '" to "' + + e.fullPath + + '" with a new navigation.', + ); + } + function ta(t, e, n, r) { + var o = new Error(r); + return (o._isRouter = !0), (o.from = t), (o.to = e), (o.type = n), o; + } + var ea = ['params', 'query', 'hash']; + function na(t) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(t).indexOf('Error') > -1; + } + function ra(t, e) { + return na(t) && t._isRouter && (null == e || t.type === e); + } + function oa(t) { + return function(e, n, r) { + var o = !1, + i = 0, + a = null; + ia(t, function(t, e, n, u) { + if ('function' == typeof t && void 0 === t.cid) { + (o = !0), i++; + var c, + s = ca(function(e) { + var o; + ((o = e).__esModule || (ua && 'Module' === o[Symbol.toStringTag])) && + (e = e.default), + (t.resolved = 'function' == typeof e ? e : wi.extend(e)), + (n.components[u] = e), + --i <= 0 && r(); + }), + f = ca(function(t) { + var e = 'Failed to resolve async component ' + u + ': ' + t; + a || ((a = na(t) ? t : new Error(e)), r(a)); + }); + try { + c = t(s, f); + } catch (t) { + f(t); + } + if (c) + if ('function' == typeof c.then) c.then(s, f); + else { + var l = c.component; + l && 'function' == typeof l.then && l.then(s, f); + } + } + }), + o || r(); + }; + } + function ia(t, e) { + return aa( + t.map(function(t) { + return Object.keys(t.components).map(function(n) { + return e(t.components[n], t.instances[n], t, n); + }); + }), + ); + } + function aa(t) { + return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t); + } + var ua = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.toStringTag; + function ca(t) { + var e = !1; + return function() { + for (var n = [], r = arguments.length; r--; ) n[r] = arguments[r]; + if (!e) return (e = !0), t.apply(this, n); + }; + } + var sa = function(t, e) { + (this.router = t), + (this.base = (function(t) { + if (!t) + if (Ai) { + var e = document.querySelector('base'); + t = (t = (e && e.getAttribute('href')) || '/').replace(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/, ''); + } else t = '/'; + '/' !== t.charAt(0) && (t = '/' + t); + return t.replace(/\/$/, ''); + })(e)), + (this.current = Go), + (this.pending = null), + (this.ready = !1), + (this.readyCbs = []), + (this.readyErrorCbs = []), + (this.errorCbs = []), + (this.listeners = []); + }; + function fa(t, e, n, r) { + var o = ia(t, function(t, r, o, i) { + var a = (function(t, e) { + 'function' != typeof t && (t = wi.extend(t)); + return t.options[e]; + })(t, e); + if (a) + return Array.isArray(a) + ? a.map(function(t) { + return n(t, r, o, i); + }) + : n(a, r, o, i); + }); + return aa(r ? o.reverse() : o); + } + function la(t, e) { + if (e) + return function() { + return t.apply(e, arguments); + }; + } + (sa.prototype.listen = function(t) { + this.cb = t; + }), + (sa.prototype.onReady = function(t, e) { + this.ready ? t() : (this.readyCbs.push(t), e && this.readyErrorCbs.push(e)); + }), + (sa.prototype.onError = function(t) { + this.errorCbs.push(t); + }), + (sa.prototype.transitionTo = function(t, e, n) { + var r, + o = this; + try { + r = this.router.match(t, this.current); + } catch (t) { + throw (this.errorCbs.forEach(function(e) { + e(t); + }), + t); + } + var i = this.current; + this.confirmTransition( + r, + function() { + o.updateRoute(r), + e && e(r), + o.ensureURL(), + o.router.afterHooks.forEach(function(t) { + t && t(r, i); + }), + o.ready || + ((o.ready = !0), + o.readyCbs.forEach(function(t) { + t(r); + })); + }, + function(t) { + n && n(t), + t && + !o.ready && + ((ra(t, Qi.redirected) && i === Go) || + ((o.ready = !0), + o.readyErrorCbs.forEach(function(e) { + e(t); + }))); + }, + ); + }), + (sa.prototype.confirmTransition = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this, + o = this.current; + this.pending = t; + var i, + a, + u = function(t) { + !ra(t) && + na(t) && + (r.errorCbs.length + ? r.errorCbs.forEach(function(e) { + e(t); + }) + : console.error(t)), + n && n(t); + }, + c = t.matched.length - 1, + s = o.matched.length - 1; + if (Xo(t, o) && c === s && t.matched[c] === o.matched[s]) + return ( + this.ensureURL(), + u( + (((a = ta( + (i = o), + t, + Qi.duplicated, + 'Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "' + i.fullPath + '".', + )).name = 'NavigationDuplicated'), + a), + ) + ); + var f = (function(t, e) { + var n, + r = Math.max(t.length, e.length); + for (n = 0; n < r && t[n] === e[n]; n++); + return { updated: e.slice(0, n), activated: e.slice(n), deactivated: t.slice(n) }; + })(this.current.matched, t.matched), + l = f.updated, + p = f.deactivated, + h = f.activated, + d = [].concat( + (function(t) { + return fa(t, 'beforeRouteLeave', la, !0); + })(p), + this.router.beforeHooks, + (function(t) { + return fa(t, 'beforeRouteUpdate', la); + })(l), + h.map(function(t) { + return t.beforeEnter; + }), + oa(h), + ), + v = function(e, n) { + if (r.pending !== t) return u(Zi(o, t)); + try { + e(t, o, function(e) { + !1 === e + ? (r.ensureURL(!0), + u( + (function(t, e) { + return ta( + t, + e, + Qi.aborted, + 'Navigation aborted from "' + + t.fullPath + + '" to "' + + e.fullPath + + '" via a navigation guard.', + ); + })(o, t), + )) + : na(e) + ? (r.ensureURL(!0), u(e)) + : 'string' == typeof e || + ('object' == typeof e && + ('string' == typeof e.path || 'string' == typeof e.name)) + ? (u(Yi(o, t)), 'object' == typeof e && e.replace ? r.replace(e) : r.push(e)) + : n(e); + }); + } catch (t) { + u(t); + } + }; + Xi(d, v, function() { + Xi( + (function(t) { + return fa(t, 'beforeRouteEnter', function(t, e, n, r) { + return (function(t, e, n) { + return function(r, o, i) { + return t(r, o, function(t) { + 'function' == typeof t && + (e.enteredCbs[n] || (e.enteredCbs[n] = []), e.enteredCbs[n].push(t)), + i(t); + }); + }; + })(t, n, r); + }); + })(h).concat(r.router.resolveHooks), + v, + function() { + if (r.pending !== t) return u(Zi(o, t)); + (r.pending = null), + e(t), + r.router.app && + r.router.app.$nextTick(function() { + Yo(t); + }); + }, + ); + }); + }), + (sa.prototype.updateRoute = function(t) { + (this.current = t), this.cb && this.cb(t); + }), + (sa.prototype.setupListeners = function() {}), + (sa.prototype.teardown = function() { + this.listeners.forEach(function(t) { + t(); + }), + (this.listeners = []), + (this.current = Go), + (this.pending = null); + }); + var pa = (function(t) { + function e(e, n) { + t.call(this, e, n), (this._startLocation = ha(this.base)); + } + return ( + t && (e.__proto__ = t), + (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)), + (e.prototype.constructor = e), + (e.prototype.setupListeners = function() { + var t = this; + if (!(this.listeners.length > 0)) { + var e = this.router, + n = e.options.scrollBehavior, + r = Gi && n; + r && this.listeners.push(Ii()); + var o = function() { + var n = t.current, + o = ha(t.base); + (t.current === Go && o === t._startLocation) || + t.transitionTo(o, function(t) { + r && Mi(e, t, n, !0); + }); + }; + window.addEventListener('popstate', o), + this.listeners.push(function() { + window.removeEventListener('popstate', o); + }); + } + }), + (e.prototype.go = function(t) { + window.history.go(t); + }), + (e.prototype.push = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this, + o = this.current; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + Ki(ni(r.base + t.fullPath)), Mi(r.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.replace = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this, + o = this.current; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + Ji(ni(r.base + t.fullPath)), Mi(r.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.ensureURL = function(t) { + if (ha(this.base) !== this.current.fullPath) { + var e = ni(this.base + this.current.fullPath); + t ? Ki(e) : Ji(e); + } + }), + (e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function() { + return ha(this.base); + }), + e + ); + })(sa); + function ha(t) { + var e = window.location.pathname; + return ( + t && 0 === e.toLowerCase().indexOf(t.toLowerCase()) && (e = e.slice(t.length)), + (e || '/') + window.location.search + window.location.hash + ); + } + var da = (function(t) { + function e(e, n, r) { + t.call(this, e, n), + (r && + (function(t) { + var e = ha(t); + if (!/^\/#/.test(e)) return window.location.replace(ni(t + '/#' + e)), !0; + })(this.base)) || + va(); + } + return ( + t && (e.__proto__ = t), + (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)), + (e.prototype.constructor = e), + (e.prototype.setupListeners = function() { + var t = this; + if (!(this.listeners.length > 0)) { + var e = this.router.options.scrollBehavior, + n = Gi && e; + n && this.listeners.push(Ii()); + var r = function() { + var e = t.current; + va() && + t.transitionTo(ya(), function(r) { + n && Mi(t.router, r, e, !0), Gi || ba(r.fullPath); + }); + }, + o = Gi ? 'popstate' : 'hashchange'; + window.addEventListener(o, r), + this.listeners.push(function() { + window.removeEventListener(o, r); + }); + } + }), + (e.prototype.push = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this, + o = this.current; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + ga(t.fullPath), Mi(r.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.replace = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this, + o = this.current; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + ba(t.fullPath), Mi(r.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.go = function(t) { + window.history.go(t); + }), + (e.prototype.ensureURL = function(t) { + var e = this.current.fullPath; + ya() !== e && (t ? ga(e) : ba(e)); + }), + (e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function() { + return ya(); + }), + e + ); + })(sa); + function va() { + var t = ya(); + return '/' === t.charAt(0) || (ba('/' + t), !1); + } + function ya() { + var t = window.location.href, + e = t.indexOf('#'); + return e < 0 ? '' : (t = t.slice(e + 1)); + } + function ma(t) { + var e = window.location.href, + n = e.indexOf('#'); + return (n >= 0 ? e.slice(0, n) : e) + '#' + t; + } + function ga(t) { + Gi ? Ki(ma(t)) : (window.location.hash = t); + } + function ba(t) { + Gi ? Ji(ma(t)) : window.location.replace(ma(t)); + } + var _a = (function(t) { + function e(e, n) { + t.call(this, e, n), (this.stack = []), (this.index = -1); + } + return ( + t && (e.__proto__ = t), + (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)), + (e.prototype.constructor = e), + (e.prototype.push = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + (r.stack = r.stack.slice(0, r.index + 1).concat(t)), r.index++, e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.replace = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this; + this.transitionTo( + t, + function(t) { + (r.stack = r.stack.slice(0, r.index).concat(t)), e && e(t); + }, + n, + ); + }), + (e.prototype.go = function(t) { + var e = this, + n = this.index + t; + if (!(n < 0 || n >= this.stack.length)) { + var r = this.stack[n]; + this.confirmTransition( + r, + function() { + var t = e.current; + (e.index = n), + e.updateRoute(r), + e.router.afterHooks.forEach(function(e) { + e && e(r, t); + }); + }, + function(t) { + ra(t, Qi.duplicated) && (e.index = n); + }, + ); + } + }), + (e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function() { + var t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + return t ? t.fullPath : '/'; + }), + (e.prototype.ensureURL = function() {}), + e + ); + })(sa), + xa = function(t) { + void 0 === t && (t = {}), + (this.app = null), + (this.apps = []), + (this.options = t), + (this.beforeHooks = []), + (this.resolveHooks = []), + (this.afterHooks = []), + (this.matcher = Ci(t.routes || [], this)); + var e = t.mode || 'hash'; + switch ( + ((this.fallback = 'history' === e && !Gi && !1 !== t.fallback), + this.fallback && (e = 'hash'), + Ai || (e = 'abstract'), + (this.mode = e), + e) + ) { + case 'history': + this.history = new pa(this, t.base); + break; + case 'hash': + this.history = new da(this, t.base, this.fallback); + break; + case 'abstract': + this.history = new _a(this, t.base); + break; + default: + 0; + } + }, + wa = { currentRoute: { configurable: !0 } }; + function Oa(t, e) { + return ( + t.push(e), + function() { + var n = t.indexOf(e); + n > -1 && t.splice(n, 1); + } + ); + } + (xa.prototype.match = function(t, e, n) { + return this.matcher.match(t, e, n); + }), + (wa.currentRoute.get = function() { + return this.history && this.history.current; + }), + (xa.prototype.init = function(t) { + var e = this; + if ( + (this.apps.push(t), + t.$once('hook:destroyed', function() { + var n = e.apps.indexOf(t); + n > -1 && e.apps.splice(n, 1), + e.app === t && (e.app = e.apps[0] || null), + e.app || e.history.teardown(); + }), + !this.app) + ) { + this.app = t; + var n = this.history; + if (n instanceof pa || n instanceof da) { + var r = function(t) { + n.setupListeners(), + (function(t) { + var r = n.current, + o = e.options.scrollBehavior; + Gi && o && 'fullPath' in t && Mi(e, t, r, !1); + })(t); + }; + n.transitionTo(n.getCurrentLocation(), r, r); + } + n.listen(function(t) { + e.apps.forEach(function(e) { + e._route = t; + }); + }); + } + }), + (xa.prototype.beforeEach = function(t) { + return Oa(this.beforeHooks, t); + }), + (xa.prototype.beforeResolve = function(t) { + return Oa(this.resolveHooks, t); + }), + (xa.prototype.afterEach = function(t) { + return Oa(this.afterHooks, t); + }), + (xa.prototype.onReady = function(t, e) { + this.history.onReady(t, e); + }), + (xa.prototype.onError = function(t) { + this.history.onError(t); + }), + (xa.prototype.push = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this; + if (!e && !n && 'undefined' != typeof Promise) + return new Promise(function(e, n) { + r.history.push(t, e, n); + }); + this.history.push(t, e, n); + }), + (xa.prototype.replace = function(t, e, n) { + var r = this; + if (!e && !n && 'undefined' != typeof Promise) + return new Promise(function(e, n) { + r.history.replace(t, e, n); + }); + this.history.replace(t, e, n); + }), + (xa.prototype.go = function(t) { + this.history.go(t); + }), + (xa.prototype.back = function() { + this.go(-1); + }), + (xa.prototype.forward = function() { + this.go(1); + }), + (xa.prototype.getMatchedComponents = function(t) { + var e = t ? (t.matched ? t : this.resolve(t).route) : this.currentRoute; + return e + ? [].concat.apply( + [], + e.matched.map(function(t) { + return Object.keys(t.components).map(function(e) { + return t.components[e]; + }); + }), + ) + : []; + }), + (xa.prototype.resolve = function(t, e, n) { + var r = xi(t, (e = e || this.history.current), n, this), + o = this.match(r, e), + i = o.redirectedFrom || o.fullPath; + return { + location: r, + route: o, + href: (function(t, e, n) { + var r = 'hash' === n ? '#' + e : e; + return t ? ni(t + '/' + r) : r; + })(this.history.base, i, this.mode), + normalizedTo: r, + resolved: o, + }; + }), + (xa.prototype.addRoutes = function(t) { + this.matcher.addRoutes(t), + this.history.current !== Go && + this.history.transitionTo(this.history.getCurrentLocation()); + }), + Object.defineProperties(xa.prototype, wa), + (xa.install = function t(e) { + if (!t.installed || wi !== e) { + (t.installed = !0), (wi = e); + var n = function(t) { + return void 0 !== t; + }, + r = function(t, e) { + var r = t.$options._parentVnode; + n(r) && n((r = r.data)) && n((r = r.registerRouteInstance)) && r(t, e); + }; + e.mixin({ + beforeCreate: function() { + n(this.$options.router) + ? ((this._routerRoot = this), + (this._router = this.$options.router), + this._router.init(this), + e.util.defineReactive(this, '_route', this._router.history.current)) + : (this._routerRoot = (this.$parent && this.$parent._routerRoot) || this), + r(this, this); + }, + destroyed: function() { + r(this); + }, + }), + Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, '$router', { + get: function() { + return this._routerRoot._router; + }, + }), + Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, '$route', { + get: function() { + return this._routerRoot._route; + }, + }), + e.component('RouterView', Zo), + e.component('RouterLink', Si); + var o = e.config.optionMergeStrategies; + o.beforeRouteEnter = o.beforeRouteLeave = o.beforeRouteUpdate = o.created; + } + }), + (xa.version = '3.4.9'), + (xa.isNavigationFailure = ra), + (xa.NavigationFailureType = Qi), + Ai && window.Vue && window.Vue.use(xa); + var Sa = xa; + n(93), n(197), n(199), n(201), n(133), n(94), n(202), n(95); + function ja(t) { + t.locales && + Object.keys(t.locales).forEach(function(e) { + t.locales[e].path = e; + }), + Object.freeze(t); + } + n(174), n(134), n(43), n(176), n(66), n(56), n(57), n(82); + function Aa(t) { + return (Aa = + 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator + ? function(t) { + return typeof t; + } + : function(t) { + return t && + 'function' == typeof Symbol && + t.constructor === Symbol && + t !== Symbol.prototype + ? 'symbol' + : typeof t; + })(t); + } + var Ea = n(40), + ka = { + NotFound: function() { + return n.e(17).then(n.bind(null, 377)); + }, + Layout: function() { + return Promise.all([n.e(0), n.e(2), n.e(16)]).then(n.bind(null, 378)); + }, + }, + Ca = { + 'v-77cb6b9f': function() { + return n.e(9).then(n.bind(null, 382)); + }, + 'v-27f2dbac': function() { + return n.e(19).then(n.bind(null, 383)); + }, + 'v-11d3734f': function() { + return n.e(18).then(n.bind(null, 384)); + }, + 'v-50357228': function() { + return n.e(20).then(n.bind(null, 385)); + }, + 'v-2c7961a6': function() { + return n.e(21).then(n.bind(null, 386)); + }, + 'v-358de850': function() { + return n.e(10).then(n.bind(null, 387)); + }, + 'v-6be2680e': function() { + return n.e(22).then(n.bind(null, 388)); + }, + 'v-1c499b2c': function() { + return n.e(11).then(n.bind(null, 389)); + }, + 'v-3e53f828': function() { + return n.e(23).then(n.bind(null, 390)); + }, + 'v-25c71eb8': function() { + return n.e(24).then(n.bind(null, 391)); + }, + 'v-1995786c': function() { + return n.e(12).then(n.bind(null, 392)); + }, + 'v-f3d01ce0': function() { + return n.e(7).then(n.bind(null, 393)); + }, + 'v-76fd0d8c': function() { + return n.e(26).then(n.bind(null, 394)); + }, + 'v-31643a8c': function() { + return n.e(13).then(n.bind(null, 395)); + }, + 'v-0be2f96c': function() { + return n.e(27).then(n.bind(null, 396)); + }, + 'v-a9b10980': function() { + return n.e(8).then(n.bind(null, 397)); + }, + 'v-4574ee28': function() { + return n.e(25).then(n.bind(null, 398)); + }, + 'v-c2ed5468': function() { + return n.e(14).then(n.bind(null, 399)); + }, + 'v-3f5a1068': function() { + return n.e(15).then(n.bind(null, 400)); + }, + }; + function $a(t) { + var e = Object.create(null); + return function(n) { + return e[n] || (e[n] = t(n)); + }; + } + var Pa = /-(\w)/g, + Ta = $a(function(t) { + return t.replace(Pa, function(t, e) { + return e ? e.toUpperCase() : ''; + }); + }), + La = /\B([A-Z])/g, + Ra = $a(function(t) { + return t.replace(La, '-$1').toLowerCase(); + }), + za = $a(function(t) { + return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1); + }); + function Da(t, e) { + if (e) return t(e) ? t(e) : e.includes('-') ? t(za(Ta(e))) : t(za(e)) || t(Ra(e)); + } + var Ia = Object.assign({}, ka, Ca), + Ma = function(t) { + return Ia[t]; + }, + Na = function(t) { + return Ca[t]; + }, + Ua = function(t) { + return ka[t]; + }, + Fa = function(t) { + return Ro.component(t); + }; + function Ba(t) { + return Da(Na, t); + } + function Va(t) { + return Da(Ua, t); + } + function Ha(t) { + return Da(Ma, t); + } + function qa(t) { + return Da(Fa, t); + } + function Wa() { + for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) e[n] = arguments[n]; + return Promise.all( + e + .filter(function(t) { + return t; + }) + .map( + (function() { + var t = o( + regeneratorRuntime.mark(function t(e) { + var n; + return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(t) { + for (;;) + switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { + case 0: + if (qa(e) || !Ha(e)) { + t.next = 5; + break; + } + return (t.next = 3), Ha(e)(); + case 3: + (n = t.sent), Ro.component(e, n.default); + case 5: + case 'end': + return t.stop(); + } + }, t); + }), + ); + return function(e) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + })(), + ), + ); + } + function Ga(t, e) { + 'undefined' != typeof window && window.__VUEPRESS__ && (window.__VUEPRESS__[t] = e); + } + n(177), n(172), n(96); + var Ka = n(63); + function Ja(t, e) { + return ( + (function(t) { + if (Array.isArray(t)) return t; + })(t) || + (function(t, e) { + if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) { + var n = [], + r = !0, + o = !1, + i = void 0; + try { + for ( + var a, u = t[Symbol.iterator](); + !(r = (a = u.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !e || n.length !== e); + r = !0 + ); + } catch (t) { + (o = !0), (i = t); + } finally { + try { + r || null == u.return || u.return(); + } finally { + if (o) throw i; + } + } + return n; + } + })(t, e) || + Object(Ka.a)(t, e) || + (function() { + throw new TypeError( + 'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.', + ); + })() + ); + } + var Xa = n(164), + Qa = n.n(Xa), + Ya = { + created: function() { + if ( + ((this.siteMeta = this.$site.headTags + .filter(function(t) { + return 'meta' === Ja(t, 1)[0]; + }) + .map(function(t) { + var e = Ja(t, 2); + e[0]; + return e[1]; + })), + this.$ssrContext) + ) { + var t = this.getMergedMetaTags(); + (this.$ssrContext.title = this.$title), + (this.$ssrContext.lang = this.$lang), + (this.$ssrContext.pageMeta = (e = t) + ? e + .map(function(t) { + var e = '' + ); + }) + .join('\n ') + : ''), + (this.$ssrContext.canonicalLink = tu(this.$canonicalUrl)); + } + var e; + }, + mounted: function() { + (this.currentMetaTags = Object(Ea.a)(document.querySelectorAll('meta'))), + this.updateMeta(), + this.updateCanonicalLink(); + }, + methods: { + updateMeta: function() { + (document.title = this.$title), (document.documentElement.lang = this.$lang); + var t = this.getMergedMetaTags(); + this.currentMetaTags = eu(t, this.currentMetaTags); + }, + getMergedMetaTags: function() { + var t = this.$page.frontmatter.meta || []; + return Qa()( + [{ name: 'description', content: this.$description }], + t, + this.siteMeta, + nu, + ); + }, + updateCanonicalLink: function() { + Za(), + this.$canonicalUrl && + document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', tu(this.$canonicalUrl)); + }, + }, + watch: { + $page: function() { + this.updateMeta(), this.updateCanonicalLink(); + }, + }, + beforeDestroy: function() { + eu(null, this.currentMetaTags), Za(); + }, + }; + function Za() { + var t = document.querySelector("link[rel='canonical']"); + t && t.remove(); + } + function tu() { + var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ''; + return t ? '') : ''; + } + function eu(t, e) { + if ( + (e && + Object(Ea.a)(e) + .filter(function(t) { + return t.parentNode === document.head; + }) + .forEach(function(t) { + return document.head.removeChild(t); + }), + t) + ) + return t.map(function(t) { + var e = document.createElement('meta'); + return ( + Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) { + e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); + }), + document.head.appendChild(e), + e + ); + }); + } + function nu(t) { + for (var e = 0, n = ['name', 'property', 'itemprop']; e < n.length; e++) { + var r = n[e]; + if (t.hasOwnProperty(r)) return t[r] + r; + } + return JSON.stringify(t); + } + n(166); + var ru = n(165), + ou = { + mounted: function() { + window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll); + }, + methods: { + onScroll: n.n(ru)()(function() { + this.setActiveHash(); + }, 300), + setActiveHash: function() { + for ( + var t = this, + e = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar-link')), + n = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.header-anchor')).filter(function(t) { + return e.some(function(e) { + return e.hash === t.hash; + }); + }), + r = Math.max( + window.pageYOffset, + document.documentElement.scrollTop, + document.body.scrollTop, + ), + o = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.scrollHeight), + i = window.innerHeight + r, + a = 0; + a < n.length; + a++ + ) { + var u = n[a], + c = n[a + 1], + s = + (0 === a && 0 === r) || + (r >= u.parentElement.offsetTop + 10 && + (!c || r < c.parentElement.offsetTop - 10)), + f = decodeURIComponent(this.$route.hash); + if (s && f !== decodeURIComponent(u.hash)) { + var l = u; + if (i === o) + for (var p = a + 1; p < n.length; p++) + if (f === decodeURIComponent(n[p].hash)) return; + return ( + this.$vuepress.$set('disableScrollBehavior', !0), + void this.$router.replace(decodeURIComponent(l.hash), function() { + t.$nextTick(function() { + t.$vuepress.$set('disableScrollBehavior', !1); + }); + }) + ); + } + } + }, + }, + beforeDestroy: function() { + window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll); + }, + }, + iu = (n(83), n(64)), + au = n.n(iu), + uu = [ + Ya, + ou, + { + mounted: function() { + var t = this; + au.a.configure({ showSpinner: !1 }), + this.$router.beforeEach(function(t, e, n) { + t.path === e.path || Ro.component(t.name) || au.a.start(), n(); + }), + this.$router.afterEach(function() { + au.a.done(), (t.isSidebarOpen = !1); + }); + }, + }, + ], + cu = { + name: 'GlobalLayout', + computed: { + layout: function() { + var t = this.getLayout(); + return Ga('layout', t), Ro.component(t); + }, + }, + methods: { + getLayout: function() { + if (this.$page.path) { + var t = this.$page.frontmatter.layout; + return t && + (this.$vuepress.getLayoutAsyncComponent(t) || this.$vuepress.getVueComponent(t)) + ? t + : 'Layout'; + } + return 'NotFound'; + }, + }, + }, + su = n(42), + fu = Object(su.a)( + cu, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement; + return (this._self._c || t)(this.layout, { tag: 'component' }); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports; + !(function(t, e, n) { + var r; + switch (e) { + case 'components': + t[e] || (t[e] = {}), Object.assign(t[e], n); + break; + case 'mixins': + t[e] || (t[e] = []), (r = t[e]).push.apply(r, Object(Ea.a)(n)); + break; + default: + throw new Error('Unknown option name.'); + } + })(fu, 'mixins', uu); + var lu = [ + { + name: 'v-77cb6b9f', + path: '/zh/guide/', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-77cb6b9f').then(n); + }, + }, + { path: '/zh/guide/index.html', redirect: '/zh/guide/' }, + { + name: 'v-27f2dbac', + path: '/zh/guide/building.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-27f2dbac').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-11d3734f', + path: '/', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-11d3734f').then(n); + }, + }, + { path: '/index.html', redirect: '/' }, + { + name: 'v-50357228', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-50357228').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-2c7961a6', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-2c7961a6').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-358de850', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-358de850').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-6be2680e', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-6be2680e').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-1c499b2c', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-1c499b2c').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-3e53f828', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-3e53f828').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-25c71eb8', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-25c71eb8').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-1995786c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-1995786c').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-f3d01ce0', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-f3d01ce0').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-76fd0d8c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-76fd0d8c').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-31643a8c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-31643a8c').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-0be2f96c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-0be2f96c').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-a9b10980', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-a9b10980').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-4574ee28', + path: '/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-4574ee28').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-c2ed5468', + path: '/zh/guide/introduced.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-c2ed5468').then(n); + }, + }, + { + name: 'v-3f5a1068', + path: '/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html', + component: fu, + beforeEnter: function(t, e, n) { + Wa('Layout', 'v-3f5a1068').then(n); + }, + }, + { path: '*', component: fu }, + ], + pu = { + title: 'h5-dooring', + description: '', + base: '/doc/', + headTags: [], + pages: [ + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/README.md', + key: 'v-77cb6b9f', + path: '/zh/guide/', + headers: [ + { level: 2, title: '功能特点', slug: '功能特点' }, + { level: 2, title: '为什么选择 Dooring', slug: '为什么选择-dooring' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '3/22/2021, 10:16:35 AM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/building.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/building.md', + key: 'v-27f2dbac', + path: '/zh/guide/building.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 11:22:04 PM', + }, + { + title: 'Home', + frontmatter: { + content: 'Home', + home: !0, + heroText: '一款所见即所得的H5编辑器', + features: [ + { + title: '简洁方便', + details: '任何人只需傻瓜式拖拽或进行简单编辑即可生成精美的H5页面', + }, + { + title: '插拔式体验', + details: '产品以GPL协议开源, 授权后可植入任何系统,并支持二次开发', + }, + { + title: '持续迭代,无限可能', + details: '目前正在持续迭代中,后续可根据需求开发功能更强大的可视化系统', + }, + ], + actionText: '快速上手 →', + actionLink: '/zh/guide/', + footer: 'GPL Licensed | Copyright © 2020-present H5-Dooring', + }, + regularPath: '/', + relativePath: 'README.md', + key: 'v-11d3734f', + path: '/', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 11:22:04 PM', + }, + { + title: 'DSL设计', + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.md', + key: 'v-50357228', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.md', + key: 'v-2c7961a6', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html', + headers: [ + { level: 2, title: '组件设计', slug: '组件设计' }, + { level: 2, title: 'template设计', slug: 'template设计' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.md', + key: 'v-358de850', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html', + headers: [{ level: 2, title: 'umi3提供的dynamic', slug: 'umi3提供的dynamic' }], + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/deployDev/api.md', + key: 'v-6be2680e', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html', + headers: [ + { level: 2, title: '用户相关', slug: '用户相关' }, + { level: 3, title: '登录', slug: '登录' }, + { level: 3, title: '注销登录', slug: '注销登录' }, + { level: 3, title: '权限控制', slug: '权限控制' }, + { level: 3, title: '用户列表', slug: '用户列表' }, + { level: 3, title: '添加用户', slug: '添加用户' }, + { level: 3, title: '修改用户信息', slug: '修改用户信息' }, + { level: 3, title: '删除用户', slug: '删除用户' }, + { level: 2, title: 'H5页面管理', slug: 'h5页面管理' }, + { level: 3, title: '获取H5数据', slug: '获取h5数据' }, + { level: 3, title: '保存H5数据', slug: '保存h5数据' }, + { level: 3, title: '删除H5数据', slug: '删除h5数据' }, + { level: 2, title: 'H5表单数据管理', slug: 'h5表单数据管理' }, + { level: 3, title: '保存表单数据', slug: '保存表单数据' }, + { level: 3, title: '批量导入表单数据', slug: '批量导入表单数据' }, + { level: 3, title: '删除表单数据', slug: '删除表单数据' }, + { level: 2, title: '模版管理', slug: '模版管理' }, + { level: 3, title: '获取模版库', slug: '获取模版库' }, + { level: 3, title: '保存模版', slug: '保存模版' }, + { level: 3, title: '删除模版', slug: '删除模版' }, + { level: 2, title: '文件上传', slug: '文件上传' }, + { level: 2, title: '数据统计', slug: '数据统计' }, + { level: 3, title: '数据大盘接口', slug: '数据大盘接口' }, + { level: 3, title: '页面埋点', slug: '页面埋点' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '2/15/2021, 12:27:31 AM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.md', + key: 'v-1c499b2c', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html', + headers: [{ level: 3, title: '部署架构图', slug: '部署架构图' }], + lastUpdated: '1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/deployDev/https.md', + key: 'v-3e53f828', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html', + headers: [ + { level: 3, title: '前端工程', slug: '前端工程' }, + { level: 3, title: '服务器工程', slug: '服务器工程' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/deployDev/oss.md', + key: 'v-25c71eb8', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html', + headers: [{ level: 3, title: '前端上传文件到oss', slug: '前端上传文件到oss' }], + lastUpdated: '1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.md', + key: 'v-1995786c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.md', + key: 'v-f3d01ce0', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.md', + key: 'v-76fd0d8c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.md', + key: 'v-31643a8c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.md', + key: 'v-0be2f96c', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.md', + key: 'v-a9b10980', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html', + headers: [ + { level: 2, title: '模板库实现思路', slug: '模板库实现思路' }, + { level: 3, title: '模板前台展示:', slug: '模板前台展示' }, + { level: 3, title: '模板后台展示:', slug: '模板后台展示' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/directoryStructure.md', + key: 'v-4574ee28', + path: '/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM', + }, + { + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/introduced.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/introduced.md', + key: 'v-c2ed5468', + path: '/zh/guide/introduced.html', + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM', + }, + { + title: '快速上手', + frontmatter: {}, + regularPath: '/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html', + relativePath: 'zh/guide/startedQuickly.md', + key: 'v-3f5a1068', + path: '/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html', + headers: [ + { level: 2, title: '环境准备', slug: '环境准备' }, + { level: 2, title: '源码工程', slug: '源码工程' }, + { level: 2, title: '本地运行', slug: '本地运行' }, + ], + lastUpdated: '1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM', + }, + ], + themeConfig: { + search: !1, + searchMaxSuggestions: 10, + lastUpdated: 'Last Updated', + nav: [ + { text: '首页', link: '/' }, + { text: '文档', link: '/zh/guide/' }, + { text: '体验', link: 'http://h5.dooring.cn' }, + { text: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring' }, + ], + sidebar: [ + { title: '基本介绍', path: '/zh/guide/', collapsable: !1, sidebarDepth: 1 }, + { + title: 'doring如何工作', + path: '/zh/guide/introduced', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '快速上手', + path: '/zh/guide/startedQuickly', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '目录结构', + path: '/zh/guide/directoryStructure', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '组件开发', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + type: 'group', + children: [ + { + name: 'componentStructure', + title: '组件结构', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 2, + }, + { + name: 'DSLAnalysis', + title: 'DSL设计', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 2, + }, + { + name: 'dynamicLoading', + title: '动态加载', + path: '/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + ], + }, + { + title: '功能实现', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + type: 'group', + children: [ + { + title: '模板库', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '保存json', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '网页预览', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '真机预览', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '撤销/重做', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '截图功能', + path: '/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + ], + }, + { + title: '私有化部署和二次开发', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + type: 'group', + children: [ + { + title: '私有化部署', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '支持https', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/https', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: '接入第三方oss', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/oss', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + { + title: 'API接口文档', + path: '/zh/guide/deployDev/api', + collapsable: !1, + sidebarDepth: 1, + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + }; + n(300), n(301); + Ro.component('Home', function() { + return Promise.all([n.e(0), n.e(3)]).then(n.bind(null, 379)); + }), + Ro.component('CodeBlock', function() { + return Promise.all([n.e(0), n.e(5)]).then(n.bind(null, 380)); + }), + Ro.component('CodeGroup', function() { + return Promise.all([n.e(0), n.e(6)]).then(n.bind(null, 381)); + }), + Ro.component('Badge', function() { + return Promise.all([n.e(0), n.e(4)]).then(n.bind(null, 401)); + }); + n(302); + var hu = [ + function(t) { + var e = t.Vue; + t.options, t.router, t.siteData, t.isServer; + e.config.ignoredElements = []; + }, + {}, + function(t) { + t.Vue.mixin({ + computed: { + $dataBlock: function() { + return this.$options.__data__block__; + }, + }, + }); + }, + {}, + {}, + ], + du = []; + n(170); + function vu(t, e) { + if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); + } + n(303); + function yu(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var r = e[n]; + (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), + (r.configurable = !0), + 'value' in r && (r.writable = !0), + Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r); + } + } + function mu(t, e, n) { + return e && yu(t.prototype, e), n && yu(t, n), t; + } + n(160); + function gu(t, e) { + return (gu = + Object.setPrototypeOf || + function(t, e) { + return (t.__proto__ = e), t; + })(t, e); + } + n(161); + function bu(t) { + return (bu = Object.setPrototypeOf + ? Object.getPrototypeOf + : function(t) { + return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t); + })(t); + } + n(138), n(98); + function _u(t, e) { + return !e || ('object' !== Aa(e) && 'function' != typeof e) + ? (function(t) { + if (void 0 === t) + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + return t; + })(t) + : e; + } + function xu(t) { + var e = (function() { + if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; + if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; + try { + return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function() {})), !0; + } catch (t) { + return !1; + } + })(); + return function() { + var n, + r = bu(t); + if (e) { + var o = bu(this).constructor; + n = Reflect.construct(r, arguments, o); + } else n = r.apply(this, arguments); + return _u(this, n); + }; + } + var wu = (function(t) { + !(function(t, e) { + if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e) + throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function'); + (t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { + constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, + })), + e && gu(t, e); + })(n, t); + var e = xu(n); + function n() { + return vu(this, n), e.apply(this, arguments); + } + return n; + })( + (function() { + function t() { + vu(this, t), (this.store = new Ro({ data: { state: {} } })); + } + return ( + mu(t, [ + { + key: '$get', + value: function(t) { + return this.store.state[t]; + }, + }, + { + key: '$set', + value: function(t, e) { + Ro.set(this.store.state, t, e); + }, + }, + { + key: '$emit', + value: function() { + var t; + (t = this.store).$emit.apply(t, arguments); + }, + }, + { + key: '$on', + value: function() { + var t; + (t = this.store).$on.apply(t, arguments); + }, + }, + ]), + t + ); + })(), + ); + Object.assign(wu.prototype, { + getPageAsyncComponent: Ba, + getLayoutAsyncComponent: Va, + getAsyncComponent: Ha, + getVueComponent: qa, + }); + var Ou = { + install: function(t) { + var e = new wu(); + (t.$vuepress = e), (t.prototype.$vuepress = e); + }, + }; + function Su(t) { + t.beforeEach(function(e, n, r) { + if (ju(t, e.path)) r(); + else if (/(\/|\.html)$/.test(e.path)) + if (/\/$/.test(e.path)) { + var o = e.path.replace(/\/$/, '') + '.html'; + ju(t, o) ? r(o) : r(); + } else r(); + else { + var i = e.path + '/', + a = e.path + '.html'; + ju(t, a) ? r(a) : ju(t, i) ? r(i) : r(); + } + }); + } + function ju(t, e) { + return ( + t.options.routes.filter(function(t) { + return t.path.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase(); + }).length > 0 + ); + } + var Au = { + props: { pageKey: String, slotKey: { type: String, default: 'default' } }, + render: function(t) { + var e = this.pageKey || this.$parent.$page.key; + return ( + Ga('pageKey', e), + Ro.component(e) || Ro.component(e, Ba(e)), + Ro.component(e) ? t(e) : t('') + ); + }, + }, + Eu = { + functional: !0, + props: { slotKey: String, required: !0 }, + render: function(t, e) { + var n = e.props, + r = e.slots; + return t('div', { class: ['content__'.concat(n.slotKey)] }, r()[n.slotKey]); + }, + }, + ku = { + computed: { + openInNewWindowTitle: function() { + return this.$themeLocaleConfig.openNewWindowText || '(opens new window)'; + }, + }, + }, + Cu = + (n(305), + n(306), + Object(su.a)( + ku, + function() { + var t = this.$createElement, + e = this._self._c || t; + return e('span', [ + e( + 'svg', + { + staticClass: 'icon outbound', + attrs: { + xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', + 'aria-hidden': 'true', + focusable: 'false', + x: '0px', + y: '0px', + viewBox: '0 0 100 100', + width: '15', + height: '15', + }, + }, + [ + e('path', { + attrs: { + fill: 'currentColor', + d: + 'M18.8,85.1h56l0,0c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4v-32h-8v28h-48v-48h28v-8h-32l0,0c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v56C14.8,83.3,16.6,85.1,18.8,85.1z', + }, + }), + this._v(' '), + e('polygon', { + attrs: { + fill: 'currentColor', + points: + '45.7,48.7 51.3,54.3 77.2,28.5 77.2,37.2 85.2,37.2 85.2,14.9 62.8,14.9 62.8,22.9 71.5,22.9', + }, + }), + ], + ), + this._v(' '), + e('span', { staticClass: 'sr-only' }, [this._v(this._s(this.openInNewWindowTitle))]), + ]); + }, + [], + !1, + null, + null, + null, + ).exports); + function $u() { + return ($u = o( + regeneratorRuntime.mark(function t(e) { + var n, r, o, i; + return regeneratorRuntime.wrap( + function(t) { + for (;;) + switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { + case 0: + return ( + (n = + 'undefined' != typeof window && window.__VUEPRESS_ROUTER_BASE__ + ? window.__VUEPRESS_ROUTER_BASE__ + : pu.routerBase || pu.base), + Su( + (r = new Sa({ + base: n, + mode: 'history', + fallback: !1, + routes: lu, + scrollBehavior: function(t, e, n) { + return ( + n || + (t.hash + ? !Ro.$vuepress.$get('disableScrollBehavior') && { + selector: decodeURIComponent(t.hash), + } + : { x: 0, y: 0 }) + ); + }, + })), + ), + (o = {}), + (t.prev = 4), + (t.next = 7), + Promise.all( + hu + .filter(function(t) { + return 'function' == typeof t; + }) + .map(function(t) { + return t({ Vue: Ro, options: o, router: r, siteData: pu, isServer: e }); + }), + ) + ); + case 7: + t.next = 12; + break; + case 9: + (t.prev = 9), (t.t0 = t.catch(4)), console.error(t.t0); + case 12: + return ( + (i = new Ro( + Object.assign(o, { + router: r, + render: function(t) { + return t('div', { attrs: { id: 'app' } }, [ + t('RouterView', { ref: 'layout' }), + t( + 'div', + { class: 'global-ui' }, + du.map(function(e) { + return t(e); + }), + ), + ]); + }, + }), + )), + t.abrupt('return', { app: i, router: r }) + ); + case 14: + case 'end': + return t.stop(); + } + }, + t, + null, + [[4, 9]], + ); + }), + )).apply(this, arguments); + } + (Ro.config.productionTip = !1), + Ro.use(Sa), + Ro.use(Ou), + Ro.mixin( + (function(t, e) { + var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : Ro; + ja(e), n.$vuepress.$set('siteData', e); + var r = t(n.$vuepress.$get('siteData')), + o = new r(), + i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Object.getPrototypeOf(o)), + a = {}; + return ( + Object.keys(i).reduce(function(t, e) { + return e.startsWith('$') && (t[e] = i[e].get), t; + }, a), + { computed: a } + ); + })(function(t) { + return (function() { + function e() { + vu(this, e); + } + return ( + mu(e, [ + { + key: 'setPage', + value: function(t) { + this.__page = t; + }, + }, + { + key: '$site', + get: function() { + return t; + }, + }, + { + key: '$themeConfig', + get: function() { + return this.$site.themeConfig; + }, + }, + { + key: '$frontmatter', + get: function() { + return this.$page.frontmatter; + }, + }, + { + key: '$localeConfig', + get: function() { + var t, + e, + n = this.$site.locales, + r = void 0 === n ? {} : n; + for (var o in r) + '/' === o ? (e = r[o]) : 0 === this.$page.path.indexOf(o) && (t = r[o]); + return t || e || {}; + }, + }, + { + key: '$siteTitle', + get: function() { + return this.$localeConfig.title || this.$site.title || ''; + }, + }, + { + key: '$canonicalUrl', + get: function() { + var t = this.$page.frontmatter.canonicalUrl; + return 'string' == typeof t && t; + }, + }, + { + key: '$title', + get: function() { + var t = this.$page, + e = this.$page.frontmatter.metaTitle; + if ('string' == typeof e) return e; + var n = this.$siteTitle, + r = t.frontmatter.home ? null : t.frontmatter.title || t.title; + return n ? (r ? r + ' | ' + n : n) : r || 'VuePress'; + }, + }, + { + key: '$description', + get: function() { + var t = (function(t) { + if (t) { + var e = t.filter(function(t) { + return 'description' === t.name; + })[0]; + if (e) return e.content; + } + })(this.$page.frontmatter.meta); + return ( + t || + this.$page.frontmatter.description || + this.$localeConfig.description || + this.$site.description || + '' + ); + }, + }, + { + key: '$lang', + get: function() { + return this.$page.frontmatter.lang || this.$localeConfig.lang || 'en-US'; + }, + }, + { + key: '$localePath', + get: function() { + return this.$localeConfig.path || '/'; + }, + }, + { + key: '$themeLocaleConfig', + get: function() { + return (this.$site.themeConfig.locales || {})[this.$localePath] || {}; + }, + }, + { + key: '$page', + get: function() { + return this.__page + ? this.__page + : (function(t, e) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var r = t[n]; + if (r.path.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase()) return r; + } + return { path: '', frontmatter: {} }; + })(this.$site.pages, this.$route.path); + }, + }, + ]), + e + ); + })(); + }, pu), + ), + Ro.component('Content', Au), + Ro.component('ContentSlotsDistributor', Eu), + Ro.component('OutboundLink', Cu), + Ro.component('ClientOnly', { + functional: !0, + render: function(t, e) { + var n = e.parent, + r = e.children; + if (n._isMounted) return r; + n.$once('hook:mounted', function() { + n.$forceUpdate(); + }); + }, + }), + Ro.component('Layout', Va('Layout')), + Ro.component('NotFound', Va('NotFound')), + (Ro.prototype.$withBase = function(t) { + var e = this.$site.base; + return '/' === t.charAt(0) ? e + t.slice(1) : t; + }), + (window.__VUEPRESS__ = { version: '1.8.0', hash: '98900b0' }), + (function(t) { + return $u.apply(this, arguments); + })(!1).then(function(t) { + var e = t.app; + t.router.onReady(function() { + e.$mount('#app'); + }); + }); + }, +]); diff --git a/doc-dist/favcion.png b/doc-dist/favcion.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d017d9ed Binary files /dev/null and b/doc-dist/favcion.png differ diff --git a/doc-dist/index.html b/doc-dist/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b19290a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +







产品以GPL协议开源, 授权后可植入任何系统,并支持二次开发




+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/building.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/building.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e34b00ae --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/building.html @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +


Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 11:22:04 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb1dd1cf --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/DSLAnalysis.html @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + + DSL设计 | h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# DSL设计


1.editData 可编辑的属性类型DSL

2.config 可编辑组件的默认属性

const Header: IHeaderSchema = {
+  editData: [
+    {
+      key: 'bgColor',
+      name: '背景色',
+      type: 'Color',
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'height',
+      name: '高度',
+      type: 'Number',
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'logo',
+      name: 'logo',
+      type: 'Upload',
+      isCrop: true,
+      cropRate: 1000 / 618,
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'logoText',
+      name: 'logo文字',
+      type: 'Text',
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'color',
+      name: '文字颜色',
+      type: 'Color',
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'fontSize',
+      name: '文字大小',
+      type: 'Number',
+    }
+  ],
+  config: {
+    bgColor: 'rgba(245,245,245,1)',
+    logo: [
+      {
+        uid: '001',
+        name: 'image.png',
+        status: 'done',
+        url: `${serverUrl}/uploads/3_1740be8a482.png`,
+      },
+    ],
+    logoText: '页头Header',
+    fontSize: 20,
+    color: 'rgba(47,84,235,1)',
+    height: 50
+  },



Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5aaed860 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/componentStructure.html @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 组件结构


1、component 组件主体

2、schema 组件的DSL,结构协议层

3、template 定义了组件的类型、外观、从属关系,后期考虑纳入schema


# 组件设计


interface HeaderPropTypes extends IHeaderConfig {
+  isTpl: boolean;
+const Header = memo((props: HeaderPropTypes) => {
+  const { bgColor, logo, logoText, fontSize, color } = props;
+  return props.isTpl ? (
+    <div>
+      < img style={{width: '100%'}} src={logos} alt="" />
+    </div>
+  ) : (
+    <header className={styles.header} style={{ backgroundColor: bgColor }}>
+      <div className={styles.logo}>
+        < img src={logo && logo[0].url} alt={logoText} />
+      </div>
+      <div className={styles.title} style={{ fontSize, color }}>
+        {logoText}
+      </div>
+    </header>
+  );


# template设计

const template = {
+  type: 'Header',
+  h: 28,
+  displayName: '页头组件'
+export default template;


Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b213da58 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/componentDev/dynamicLoading.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 组件动态加载


# umi3提供的dynamic



具体代码可以参考Dooring的Github地址:https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring (opens new window)

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4fbe7cb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/api.html @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

H5-Dooring后端部分主要使用 Nodejs 开发, 为了满足更多定制化需求和服务的可移植性, 特意编写了API接口文档, +方便大家使用不同的后端语言实现服务接入.

  • 注意: 接口统一前缀为/api/v0

# 用户相关

# 登录


  • POST /vip/check
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
n true string 用户名
co true string 密码


+    "result": { 
+        "n": "test", 
+        "od": [], 
+        "h5": [
+            {
+                "t": "23242ED",
+                "n": "测试页面"
+            }
+        ], 
+        "rp": "AAAAA", 
+        "maxage": 300000 
+    }

# 注销登录


  • POST /vip/checkout


+    "result": null, 
+    "msg": "退出成功"

# 权限控制

不同用户级别所访问的页面权限不同, 这块可结合服务端已有代码设计属于自己的权限字段, 地址为server/src/router

# 用户列表


  • GET /vip/all


  • 已登录
  • 为超级管理员


+    {
+        "id": "", 
+        "n": "test", 
+        "co": "123456", 
+        "od": [], 
+        "h5": [
+            {
+                "t": "23242ED",
+                "n": "测试页面"
+            }
+        ], 
+        "wx": "Mr_xuxiaoxi", 
+        "rp": "AAAAA"
+    }

# 添加用户


  • POST /vip/add


  • 用户已登陆
  • 为超级管理员
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
nickname true string 用户名
wx true string 微信号
co true string 密码

注: co是由笔者写的加密算法实现, 不需要手动填写, 详情见dooirng后台管理/用户管理页面.


+    "id": "3422EF",
+    "n": "test",
+    "wx": "Mr_xuxiaoxi",
+    "co": "123456",
+    "od": [],
+    "h5": [],
+    "tpl": [],
+    "rp": "AAAAA",
+    "h5Num": 10,
+    "tplNum": 3

# 修改用户信息


  • POST /vip/edit


  • 用户已登陆
  • 为超级管理员
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
id false string 用户ID
nickname false string 用户名
co false string 登录码
wx false string 微信号


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "修改成功",

# 删除用户


  • DELETE /vip/del


  • 用户已登陆
  • 为超级管理员
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
id true string 用户ID
wx true string 微信号
n true string 用户名


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "删除成功",

# H5页面管理

# 获取H5数据

  • GET /visible/h5/get


  • 用户已登陆
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid true string H5唯一id


+    "pageConfig": {
+    },
+    "tpl": [
+        {
+            "id": "879742",
+            "item": {
+                "type": "Carousel",
+                "config": {
+                    "direction": "left",
+                    "swipeable": false,
+                    "autoPlay": false,
+                    "imgList": [
+                        {
+                            "id": "1",
+                            "title": "趣谈小课1",
+                            "desc": "致力于打造优质小课程",
+                            "link": "xxxxx",
+                            "imgUrl": [
+                                {
+                                    "uid": "001",
+                                    "name": "image.png",
+                                    "status": "done",
+                                    "url": "http://io.nainor.com/uploads/1_1740bd7c3dc.png"
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "id": "2",
+                            "title": "趣谈小课1",
+                            "desc": "致力于打造优质小课程",
+                            "link": "xxxxx",
+                            "imgUrl": [
+                                {
+                                    "uid": "001",
+                                    "name": "image.png",
+                                    "status": "done",
+                                    "url": "http://io.nainor.com/uploads/2_1740bd8d525.png"
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "tplImg": "http://io.nainor.com/uploads/carousal_17442e1420f.png"
+                },
+                "h": 82,
+                "editableEl": [
+                    {
+                        "key": "direction",
+                        "name": "方向",
+                        "type": "Radio",
+                        "range": [
+                            {
+                                "key": "down",
+                                "text": "从上到下"
+                            },
+                            {
+                                "key": "left",
+                                "text": "从左到右"
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "key": "swipeable",
+                        "name": "是否可拖拽",
+                        "type": "Switch"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "key": "autoPlay",
+                        "name": "是否自动播放",
+                        "type": "Switch"
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "key": "imgList",
+                        "name": "图片列表",
+                        "type": "DataList"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "category": "base"
+            },
+            "point": {
+                "i": "x-0",
+                "x": 0,
+                "y": 13,
+                "w": 24,
+                "h": 82,
+                "isBounded": true
+            },
+            "status": "inToCanvas"
+        },
+        {
+            "id": "481194",
+            "item": {
+                "type": "Form",
+                "config": {
+                    "title": "表单定制组件",
+                    "fontSize": 18,
+                    "titColor": "rgba(60,60,60,1)",
+                    "titWeight": "400",
+                    "bgColor": "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
+                    "btnColor": "rgba(20,54,226,100)",
+                    "btnTextColor": "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
+                    "api": "",
+                    "formControls": [
+                        {
+                            "id": "1",
+                            "type": "Text",
+                            "label": "姓名",
+                            "placeholder": "请输入姓名"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "id": "2",
+                            "type": "Number",
+                            "label": "年龄",
+                            "placeholder": " 请输入年龄"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "id": "4",
+                            "type": "MySelect",
+                            "label": "爱好",
+                            "options": [
+                                {
+                                    "label": "选项一",
+                                    "value": "1"
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "label": "选项二",
+                                    "value": "2"
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "label": "选项三",
+                                    "value": "3"
+                                }
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "h": 172,
+                "category": "base"
+            },
+            "point": {
+                "i": "x-1",
+                "x": 0,
+                "y": 98,
+                "w": 24,
+                "h": 172,
+                "isBounded": true
+            },
+            "status": "inToCanvas"
+        }
+    ]

# 保存H5数据

  • POST /visible/h5/save


  • 用户已登陆
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
pageConfig false object H5页面配置数据
tpl true object H5页面组件配置数据
tid true string H5页面唯一id


+    "pageConfig": {
+        "bgColor":"rgba(151,25,25,1)",
+        "title":"医院宣传页"
+    },
+    "tpl": [],
+    "tid": "EF123D3"


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": {
+        "tid": "EF123D3"
+    },
+    "msg": "保存成功"

# 删除H5数据

  • DELETE /visible/h5/del


  • 用户已登陆
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid true string H5页面唯一id


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": [
+        {
+            "tid": "EF123D3",
+            "name": "test页面"
+        },
+        {
+            "tid": "EF123D6",
+            "name": "test2页面"
+        }
+    ],
+    "msg": "删除成功"

# H5表单数据管理

# 保存表单数据

  • POST /vip/h5/form/post
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid(query) true string H5页面唯一id
formData(body) true array H5页面表单数据


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "表单提交成功"

# 批量导入表单数据

  • POST /vip/h5/form/import
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid(query) true string H5页面唯一id
formData(body) true array H5页面表单数据集合


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "批量导入成功"

# 删除表单数据

  • DELETE /vip/h5/form/del
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid true string H5页面唯一id
ID true string 表单专属id


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "删除成功"

# 模版管理

# 获取模版库

  • GET /visible/tpls/free


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": [
+        {
+            "img": "http://xxx/uploads/tpl_175adabd8dd.jpg",
+            "name": "合作模版",
+            "tid": "B73349B6"
+        }
+    ]

# 保存模版

  • POST /visible/tpl/save


  • 用户已登陆
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
name true string H5模版名称
cate true string H5模版分类
img false string H5模版封面图
tpl true array H5模版数据
pageConfig false object H5模版全局配置


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": {
+        "tid": "B73349B6"
+    },
+    "msg": "保存成功"

# 删除模版

  • DELETE /visible/tpl/del


  • 用户已登陆
参数名 是否必选 类型 说明
tid true string H5模版id


+    "state": 200,
+    "result": null,
+    "msg": "删除成功"

# 文件上传

# 数据统计

# 数据大盘接口

# 页面埋点

Last Updated: 2/15/2021, 12:27:31 AM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf37471a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

私有化部署需要获取4个核心项目包, 包括

  • H5编辑器(h5_plus)
  • H5基座(h5)
  • Dooring管理后台(Dooring-Admin)
  • 服务端项目(Server)

获取以上四个核心源码工程需要满足商业授权协议, 具体可联系徐小夕 (opens new window)

# 部署架构图



  1. 下载4个源码工程, 安装依赖(npm install 或 yarn)
  2. 打包3个前端工程至server的static目录下
  3. server下本地运行 yarn startnpm start 启动服务端进行本地测试
  4. 打包服务端代码, yarn build 生成 dist 目录, 建议使用 pm2nodejs服务的负载均衡, 运行 pm2 start dist/index.js启动生产环境代码

也可以将以上步骤集成到gitlab等CI, CD服务中, 进行自动化打包发布, 或者采用docker进行容器化部署.

Last Updated: 1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da13ddd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/https.html @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

目前H5-Dooring全面支持https部署, 具体方式方案如下.

# 前端工程


<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">


# 服务器工程

# 1. 申请SSL证书

# 2. 生成 server.csr+server.key

# 3. 通过证书链生成.pem文件


// 忽略部分无影响代码
+import https from 'https';
+// 你的ssl存放路径, 建议直接放在server目录下
+const filePath = path.join(__dirname, '../ssl')
+// 启动逻辑
+async function start() {
+    // https配置
+    const httpsOptions = {
+        key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(filePath, '3536084__doctopia.com.cn.key')),  //ssl文件路径
+        cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(filePath, '3536084__doctopia.com.cn.pem'))  //ssl文件路径
+    };
+	// https服务
+    const server = https.createServer(httpsOptions, app.callback());
+    const io = require('socket.io')(server);
+	// 忽略其他无影响代码
+	// https默认443, 这里我们可以走公共配置
+	server.listen(443, () => {
+	    console.log(`服务器地址:${config.staticPath}`)
+	});
Last Updated: 1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a8eb5b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/deployDev/oss.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

H5-Dooring全面支持第三方对象存储服务, 我们以七牛云对象存储为例.

# 前端上传文件到oss

首先我们需要在第三方对象储存服务中配置对应的服务和域名. 其次安装对应的sdk, 如七牛云sdk:

import * as qiniu from 'qiniu-js';

其次我们修改h5_plus工程的Upload组件, 详细地址为src/core/FormComponents/Upload.


const fileName = file.name
+const suffix = '自定义文件后缀'
+const putExtra = {
+    fname: fileName,
+    params: {}
+const uid = +new Date() + uuid(16, 8) + suffix
+// 使用七牛云上传api, 前提是提前在前端拿到对应的ticket, 可以通过请求的方式获取
+const observe = qiniu.upload(file, uid, this.state.qnToken.ticket, putExtra, {})
+observe.subscribe(() => {}, null, (res) => {
+    // 拼接路径
+    const url = `${this.state.qnToken.domain}/${res.key}`;
+    // 存库
+    const fileList = [{ uid, name: fileName, status: 'done', url }];
+    this.setState({
+        curImgUrl: url,
+        fileList
+    })
+    this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(fileList)

其他oss服务类似, 如果不清楚如何配置, 可以在H5-Dooring官网 (opens new window)中找到我们.

Last Updated: 1/31/2021, 1:25:02 AM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70a43d83 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/directoryStructure.html @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +
+├─ assets
+│  ├─ header.png
+│  ├─ form.png
+│  ├─ footer.png
+│  ├─ icon.png
+│  ├─ picture.png
+├─ components
+│  ├─ BackTop
+│  │  └─ index.js
+│  ├─ BasicShop
+│  │  ├─ BasicComponents
+│  │  │  ├─ Card
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Carousel
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Footer
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Form
+│  │  │  │  ├─ BaseForm.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ BasePopoverForm.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ baseForm.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Header
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Icon
+│  │  │  │  ├─ icon.ts
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Image
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ LongText
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Nav
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Notice
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Qrcode
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ RichText
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Text
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ WhiteTpl
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ XButton
+│  │  │  │  ├─ Modal.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  ├─ MediaComponents
+│  │  │  ├─ Audio
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Calendar
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Map
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Video
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.css
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  ├─ ShopComponents
+│  │  │  ├─ CardLabel
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Coupons
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ List
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Tab
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ ZhuanLan
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  ├─ VisualComponents
+│  │  │  ├─ Area
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Chart
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Funnel
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Line
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Pie
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ Radar
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ WordCloud
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ XProgress
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  │  ├─ schema.ts
+│  │  │  └─ template.ts
+│  │  ├─ common.ts
+│  │  └─ schema.ts
+│  ├─ Calibration
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ ErrorBundaries
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ LoadingCp
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ ModalTpl
+│  │  ├─ cate.js
+│  │  ├─ index.js
+│  │  └─ index.less
+│  └─ Zan
+│     ├─ index.less
+│     └─ index.tsx
+├─ core
+│  ├─ FormComponents
+│  │  ├─ CardPicker
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ Color
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ DataList
+│  │  │  ├─ editorModal.tsx
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ FormItems
+│  │  │  ├─ EditorModal.tsx
+│  │  │  ├─ FormItems.tsx
+│  │  │  ├─ formItems.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ InteractionData
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ MutiText
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ Pos
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ Table
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ Upload
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  ├─ XEditor
+│  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  └─ types.ts
+│  ├─ DynamicEngine.tsx
+│  ├─ FormRender.tsx
+│  ├─ ViewRender.tsx
+│  └─ viewRender.less
+├─ layouts
+│  ├─ __tests__
+│  │  └─ index.test.js
+│  ├─ index.less
+│  └─ index.tsx
+├─ pages
+│  ├─ __tests__
+│  │  └─ index.test.js
+│  ├─ editor
+│  │  ├─ components
+│  │  │  ├─ AvatorGroup
+│  │  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  ├─ CanvasControl
+│  │  │  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  │  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  │  │  └─ Header
+│  │  │     ├─ index.js
+│  │  │     └─ index.less
+│  │  ├─ models
+│  │  │  └─ editorModal.js
+│  │  ├─ services
+│  │  │  └─ editorService.js
+│  │  ├─ Container.js
+│  │  ├─ SourceBox.tsx
+│  │  ├─ TargetBox.js
+│  │  ├─ index.js
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ preview.tsx
+│  ├─ help
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ home
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ ide
+│  │  ├─ _draft.tsx
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ login
+│  │  ├─ index.less
+│  │  └─ index.tsx
+│  ├─ document.ejs
+│  └─ mobileTip.js
+├─ utils
+│  ├─ req.ts
+│  └─ tool.ts
+├─ app.tsx
+└─ global.css
Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b369fd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/machinePreview.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 真机预览




Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd21c86f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/pagePreview.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 网页预览




Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66852a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/revocation.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 撤销/重做


import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger';
+import { message } from 'antd';
+import undoable, { StateWithHistory } from 'redux-undo';
+import { Reducer, AnyAction } from 'redux';
+export const dva = {
+  config: {
+    onAction: createLogger(),
+    onError(e: Error) {
+      message.error(e.message, 3);
+    },
+    onReducer: (reducer: Reducer<any, AnyAction>) => {
+      let undoReducer = undoable(reducer);
+      return function(state: StateWithHistory<any>, action: AnyAction) {
+        let newState = undoReducer(state, action);
+        let router = newState.present.router ? newState.present.router : newState.present.routing;
+        return { ...newState, router: router };
+      };
+    },
+  },


Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c532faf --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/saveJson.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 保存json


我们可以将配置好的页面导出为json,发送给另一个人,这样另一个人通过导入该json文件可以实时看到当前的页面,这里还是依靠我们的页面渲染引擎viewEngine。实现思路也很简单,可以在github[https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring (opens new window)]上参考体验。

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d8bf9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/screenshot.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 截图功能


Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a9f6b8a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/functionRealization/templateLibrary.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 模板库实现思路


# 模板前台展示:


# 模板后台展示:

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 9:57:34 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/index.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd9322a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

H5-Dooring 是一款功能强大,高可扩展的 H5 可视化页面配置解决方案,致力于提供一套简单方便、专业可靠、无限可能的 H5 落地页最佳实践。

# 功能特点

🎉 可扩展, Dooring 实现了较为完整的业务闭环,并使其模块化,编辑器内部功能接口也全部可以对接不同服务端语言,实现了标准化接口。此外还支持自定义组件,二次开发,设计模板等能力,以满足功能和跨领域的分层需求。

📦 开箱即用, Dooring 内置了表单渲染器、页面渲染器、动态加载内核等,仅需一套源码即可上手开发。并且还提供针对 React 的定制插件,内涵丰富的功能,可满足日常 80%的页面制作需求。

🚀 大量自研, 包含整个编辑器架构、组件设计、文档、请求库封装,后台管理系统等,满足日常项目的周边需求。

🚄 与时俱进, 在满足需求的同时,我们也不会停止对新技术的探索。比如更多营销组件、业务功能,后台管理可视化,PC 页面编辑器,数据大屏定制等等。

# 为什么选择 Dooring

目前github已超过 3000+star,上线 2 个月累计 500+用户使用,解决完善了 100+问题,后续会持续迭代,更新,自研优秀,先进的 lowcode/nocode 解决方案。

Last Updated: 3/22/2021, 10:16:35 AM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/introduced.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/introduced.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..235f235e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/introduced.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +


Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc-dist/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html b/doc-dist/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7ad68b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc-dist/zh/guide/startedQuickly.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + + 快速上手 | h5-dooring + + + + + + + + +

# 快速上手

# 环境准备

首先得有 node,并确保 node 版本是 10.13 或以上,(mac/win 下推荐使用 n 来管理 node 版本)

$ node-v

注:推荐使用 yarn 管理 npm 依赖

# 源码工程

h5_plus(编辑器项目) admin(管理后台) Server(服务端项目)

本地拿到源码工程之后先安装对应依赖,在对应工程目录里执行 yarn 命令,等待依赖安装完成。

# 本地运行

1.首先本地启动 server,在 src 目录的 index.js 中修改跨域白名单,改为本地的 ip+端口,如http://

2.其次本地启动 h5_plus,启动完毕在浏览器打开对应的启动地址即可查看,如下:

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 7:12:02 PM
+ + + diff --git a/doc/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.md b/doc/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.md index d768233b..5b9248b1 100644 --- a/doc/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.md +++ b/doc/zh/guide/deployDev/deploy.md @@ -25,3 +25,23 @@ 4. 打包服务端代码, `yarn build` 生成 `dist` 目录, 建议使用 `pm2` 做`nodejs`服务的负载均衡, 运行 `pm2 start dist/index.js`启动生产环境代码 也可以将以上步骤集成到gitlab等CI, CD服务中, 进行自动化打包发布, 或者采用`docker`进行容器化部署. + +### 步骤3.4详细流程 + +#### 1. 安装项目环境 + +服务器需提前安装node和pm2, 将本项目上传至服务器指定的目录(如/www/activity), 进入项目目录, 执行: +``` +npm install +``` + +#### 2. 修改项目域名 + +进入`./src/config/index.js`, 修改`staticPath`变量为当前服务器域名/ip, 如`http://xxx.com`或`http://xxx.com:8080`(如非80端口) + +#### 3. 编译项目 + +执行`npm run build`编译项目, 生成`dist`目录 + +#### 4. 运行项目 +在项目根目录执行 `pm2 start dist/index.js`启动项目