All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.8.1 (2022-11-12)
1.8.0 (2022-10-20)
- createBillByDingTalkRobot (c914910)
- createBillByDingTalkRobot (9bf2f77)
- remove ** (5eda0e8)
- version (4c9196e)
1.8.0 (2022-10-21)
- createBillByDingTalkRobot (11ff191)
- my money-info (2848b23)
- 1.1.0 get more info from db (c32784c)
- 将钉钉推送消息的接口单独抽离成一个校验服务 (c702f31)
- 企业内部机器人 complete (aa002c9)
- 添加理财信息已完成 (5409f0a)
- add 8 hours to UTC (fe35b30)
- add gupiao (2d56b82)
- add juejinhot (ef4f4a5)
- add money (9dfdfd4)
- add money to use jijin and gupiao (5e2e9e0)
- add web to add moneyInfo (d4cdcef)
- add zhihu hot top 10 (cc15183)
- afternoon and evening reports (1cb6ba8)
- atRobot ing (52d0b20)
- baidutj、jizhangla reply (ab2340d)
- change web axios get to post (5ef12eb)
- color text (efa90ef)
- get gupiao info from tencent (8d6be14)
- getMorningReport (87790de)
- jizhangla text color (e9df892)
- jizhangla、baidutj to self group (4efde6f)
- markdown at user and onlyyou group (3d49a94)
- memory size (fde3cee)
- moneyInfo with user (b06c72e)
- node request gbk to utf-8 (0f1b064)
- optimize showVersion on mobile (32670ed)
- optimize text and appInfo (d50ddc7)
- remove some async when promise (6b0c6b9)
- reply record (8ab2494)
- search when change (cd71ff3)
- show loading when request (790ea77)
- solve fc (5595644)
- start at robot (9c56a13)
- timed-task (02cb2d6)
- timed-task (707cddb)
- timed-task (73de860)
- use dingtalk sendMessage (8517c4c)
- user preview stock by web (665e428)
- V1.7.0 (4d6122f)
- web can used by mobile (d4bfea3)
- web dialog username of moneyInfo (d76b2cf)
- web only on pc (f2fa817)
- yarn lock remove private (7ae5022)