The intended use of this repository is to calculate the aerodynamic parameters of a reentry vehicle with a given geometry, assuming Newtonian flow. To do this, the geometry must first be specified in the input file.
To run a simulation batch, run some version of the following command from the main project directory:
bash -i input.flap -d runs -p pitch -s -5.0 -e 5.0 -n 21
- Write bash scripts for each geometry case
- Write documentation for github repo
- Generate SWERVE plots/write matplotlib scripts
- Connect MC-NEW output to pytrajlib input
- Test hypersonic flow convergence w/ empirical data/Newtonian approx
- Look for analytic/empirical CAV moments
- Look into whether MC-NEW can handle reaction mass control
- Compare SWERVE moments from zero roll to 45 deg roll
- Generate stability plots that show how time constant changes with different geometry parameters (flap thickness, length, radii, etc.)
- Generate response plots from trajectory variations
- Generate accuracy numbers w/ Earth-GRAM wind/density errors
- Attempt to structure non-axisymmetric geometries
- Configure wedge geometry?
- Generate roll time-constants for wedge
- Formulate 6-DOF guidance law?