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createCopyRemoteFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,url:l}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.copyRemoteUrl,url:l}}static createTextFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,content:l}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.text,content:l}}static createBinaryFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,data:l}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.binary,data:l}}}},761:(r,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.sureOptionalReference=void 0,t.sureOptionalReference=function(o,e,c=!0){if(!o||!c)return null;const d=e.get(o);if(!d)throw new Error(`Trying to retrieve unknown referenced token ${o}`);return d}},118:(r,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.NetworkHelper=void 0,t.NetworkHelper=class{static async fetchAsText(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).text()}static async fetchAsJSON(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).json()}static async fetchAsData(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).arrayBuffer()}static async 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this.shadowTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u);case e.TokenType.fontWeight:return this.fontWeightTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u);case e.TokenType.fontFamily:case e.TokenType.productCopy:case e.TokenType.string:return this.stringTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u);case e.TokenType.textCase:case e.TokenType.textDecoration:case e.TokenType.visibility:return this.optionTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u,l.tokenType);case e.TokenType.blur:return this.blurTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u);case e.TokenType.typography:return this.typographyTokenValueToCSS(l.value,s,u);default:throw new e.UnreachableCaseError(l.tokenType,"Unsupported token type for transformation to CSS:")}}static colorTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){return d.ColorHelper.formattedColorOrVariableName(l,s,u)}static borderTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);if(y)return u.tokenToVariableRef(y);const g=this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(l.width,s,u),b=this.borderStyleToCSS(l.style),S=this.colorTokenValueToCSS(l.color,s,u);return this.borderPositionToCSS(l.position),`${g} ${b} ${S}`}static gradientTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){return l.map(y=>this.gradientLayerToCSS(y,s,u)).join(", ")}static gradientLayerToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);if(y)return u.tokenToVariableRef(y);let g="";switch(l.type){case e.GradientType.linear:g="linear-gradient(0deg, ";break;case e.GradientType.radial:g="radial-gradient(circle, ";break;case e.GradientType.angular:g="conic-gradient(";break;default:g="linear-gradient(0deg, "}return`${g}${l.stops.map(b=>`${this.colorTokenValueToCSS(b.color,s,u)} ${d.ColorHelper.roundToDecimals(100*b.position,u.decimals)}%`).join(", ")})`}static dimensionTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return y?u.tokenToVariableRef(y):`${d.ColorHelper.roundToDecimals(l.measure,u.decimals)}${this.unitToCSS(l.unit)}`}static shadowTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){return l.map(y=>this.shadowLayerToCSS(y,s,u)).join(", ")}static shadowLayerToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return y?u.tokenToVariableRef(y):`${l.type===e.ShadowType.inner?"inset ":""}${l.x}px ${l.y}px ${l.radius}px ${l.spread}px ${this.colorTokenValueToCSS({...l.color,...l.opacity&&{opacity:l.opacity}},s,u)}`}static fontWeightTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return y?u.tokenToVariableRef(y):`${l.text}`}static stringTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return y?u.tokenToVariableRef(y):`"${l.text}"`}static optionTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u,y){const g=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return g?u.tokenToVariableRef(g):y===e.TokenType.textCase?this.textCaseToCSS(l.value):y===e.TokenType.textDecoration?this.textDecorationToCSS(l.value):l.value}static blurTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);return y?u.tokenToVariableRef(y):`blur(${this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(l.radius,s,u)})`}static typographyTokenValueToCSS(l,s,u){const y=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences);if(y)return u.tokenToVariableRef(y);const g=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.fontFamily.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences),b=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.fontWeight.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences),S=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.textDecoration.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences),P=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(l.textCase.referencedTokenId,s,u.allowReferences),h={fontFamily:g?u.tokenToVariableRef(g):l.fontFamily.text,fontWeight:b?u.tokenToVariableRef(b):l.fontWeight.text,textDecoration:S?u.tokenToVariableRef(S):l.textDecoration.value===e.TextDecoration.original?this.textDecorationToCSS(l.textDecoration.value):void 0,textCase:P?u.tokenToVariableRef(P):l.textCase.value===e.TextCase.original?this.textCaseToCSS(l.textCase.value):void 0,caps:l.textCase.value===e.TextCase.smallCaps,fontSize:this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(l.fontSize,s,u),lineHeight:l.lineHeight?this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(l.lineHeight,s,u):void 0},O=h.fontSize;return`${h.caps?"small-caps ":""}${h.fontWeight} ${h.lineHeight?`${O}/${h.lineHeight}`:O} 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be.WorkspaceSubscriptionPlanInterval}});var ve=s(4290);Object.defineProperty(r,"WorkspaceSubscriptionProductCode",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return ve.WorkspaceSubscriptionProductCode}});var he=s(3607);Object.defineProperty(r,"WorkspaceSubscriptionStatus",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return he.WorkspaceSubscriptionStatus}});var ke=s(6298);Object.defineProperty(r,"WorkspaceNPMRegistryAuthType",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return ke.WorkspaceNPMRegistryAuthType}});var Pe=s(7968);Object.defineProperty(r,"WorkspaceNPMRegistryType",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Pe.WorkspaceNPMRegistryType}});var Ce=s(8042);Object.defineProperty(r,"ImportWarningType",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Ce.ImportWarningType}});var _e=s(5695);Object.defineProperty(r,"CustomDomainErrorCode",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return _e.CustomDomainErrorCode}});var Oe=s(7737);Object.defineProperty(r,"CustomDomainState",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Oe.CustomDomainState}});var R=s(2802);Object.defineProperty(r,"OutputFileType",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return R.OutputFileType}}),Object.defineProperty(r,"PulsarExecutor",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return R.PulsarExecutor}})})();var v=p;for(var k in f)v[k]=f[k];f.__esModule&&Object.defineProperty(v,"__esModule",{value:!0})})()}(D)),D}var h=function(){return h=Object.assign||function(u){for(var y,s=1,f=arguments.length;s0&&y>="0"&&y<="9"?"_"+y+s:""+y.toUpperCase()+s}function L(p){return p.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+p.slice(1).toLowerCase()}function j(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),_(p,h({delimiter:"",transform:E},u))}function F(p,u){return u===0?p.toLowerCase():E(p,u)}function Ne(p,u){return u===0?p.toLowerCase():L(p)}function Be(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),j(p,h({transform:F},u))}function M(p){return p.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+p.substr(1)}function A(p){return M(p.toLowerCase())}function w(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),_(p,h({delimiter:" ",transform:A},u))}function Le(p){return p.toUpperCase()}function je(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),_(p,h({delimiter:"_",transform:Le},u))}function I(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),_(p,h({delimiter:"."},u))}function Fe(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),w(p,h({delimiter:"-"},u))}function Me(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),I(p,h({delimiter:"-"},u))}function Ae(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),I(p,h({delimiter:"/"},u))}function H(p,u){var y=p.toLowerCase();return u===0?M(y):y}function we(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),_(p,h({delimiter:" ",transform:H},u))}function He(p,u){return u===void 0&&(u={}),I(p,h({delimiter:"_"},u))}const Ve=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,camelCase:Be,camelCaseTransform:F,camelCaseTransformMerge:Ne,capitalCase:w,capitalCaseTransform:A,constantCase:je,dotCase:I,headerCase:Fe,noCase:_,paramCase:Me,pascalCase:j,pascalCaseTransform:E,pascalCaseTransformMerge:L,pathCase:Ae,sentenceCase:we,sentenceCaseTransform:H,snakeCase:He},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),Ue=Ie(Ve);(function(p){(()=>{var u={639:(r,t,o)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.Iterators=void 0;const e=o(58);t.Iterators=class{static allTokenTypes(){return[e.TokenType.color,e.TokenType.typography,e.TokenType.dimension,e.TokenType.size,e.TokenType.space,e.TokenType.opacity,e.TokenType.fontSize,e.TokenType.lineHeight,e.TokenType.letterSpacing,e.TokenType.paragraphSpacing,e.TokenType.borderWidth,e.TokenType.radius,e.TokenType.duration,e.TokenType.zIndex,e.TokenType.shadow,e.TokenType.border,e.TokenType.gradient,e.TokenType.string,e.TokenType.productCopy,e.TokenType.fontFamily,e.TokenType.fontWeight,e.TokenType.textCase,e.TokenType.textDecoration,e.TokenType.visibility,e.TokenType.blur]}static allDimensionTokenTypes(){return[e.TokenType.dimension,e.TokenType.size,e.TokenType.space,e.TokenType.opacity,e.TokenType.fontSize,e.TokenType.lineHeight,e.TokenType.letterSpacing,e.TokenType.paragraphSpacing,e.TokenType.borderWidth,e.TokenType.radius,e.TokenType.duration,e.TokenType.zIndex]}static allStringTokenTypes(){return[e.TokenType.string,e.TokenType.productCopy,e.TokenType.fontFamily,e.TokenType.fontWeight]}static allOptionTokenTypes(){return[e.TokenType.textCase,e.TokenType.textDecoration,e.TokenType.visibility]}}},989:(r,t)=>{var o;Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.ColorFormat=void 0,(o=t.ColorFormat||(t.ColorFormat={})).rgb="rgb",o.rgba="rgba",o.smartRgba="smartRgba",o.hex6="hex6",o.hex8="hex8",o.hashHex6="hashHex6",o.hashHex8="hashHex8",o.smartHashHex="smartHashHex",o.smartHex="smartHex",o.hsl="hsl",o.hsla="hsla",o.smartHsla="smartHsla",o.smartUIColor="smartUIColor"},545:(r,t)=>{var o;Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.StringCase=void 0,(o=t.StringCase||(t.StringCase={})).camelCase="camelCase",o.capitalCase="capitalCase",o.constantCase="constantCase",o.dotCase="dotCase",o.headerCase="headerCase",o.noCase="noCase",o.paramCase="paramCase",o.pascalCase="pascalCase",o.pathCase="pathCase",o.sentenceCase="sentenceCase",o.snakeCase="snakeCase"},617:(r,t,o)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.FileHelper=void 0;const e=o(58);t.FileHelper=class{static createCopyRemoteFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,url:i}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.copyRemoteUrl,url:i}}static createTextFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,content:i}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.text,content:i}}static createBinaryFile({relativePath:c,fileName:d,data:i}){return{path:c,name:d,type:e.OutputFileType.binary,data:i}}}},761:(r,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.sureOptionalReference=void 0,t.sureOptionalReference=function(o,e,c=!0){if(!o||!c)return null;const d=e.get(o);if(!d)throw new Error(`Trying to retrieve unknown referenced token ${o}`);return d}},118:(r,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.NetworkHelper=void 0,t.NetworkHelper=class{static async fetchAsText(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).text()}static async fetchAsJSON(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).json()}static async fetchAsData(o,e,c){return(await this.performFetch(o,e,c)).arrayBuffer()}static async performFetch(o,e,c){try{const d=await o.network.fetch(e,c);if(!d.ok)throw new Error(`Request failed with status ${d.status}, error: ${await d.text()}`);return d}catch(d){throw d}}}},771:(r,t,o)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.CSSHelper=void 0;const e=o(58),c=o(761),d=o(952);t.CSSHelper=class{static tokenToCSS(i,a,n){switch(i.tokenType){case e.TokenType.color:return this.colorTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.border:return this.borderTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.gradient:return this.gradientTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.dimension:case e.TokenType.size:case e.TokenType.space:case e.TokenType.opacity:case e.TokenType.fontSize:case e.TokenType.lineHeight:case e.TokenType.letterSpacing:case e.TokenType.paragraphSpacing:case e.TokenType.borderWidth:case e.TokenType.radius:case e.TokenType.duration:case e.TokenType.zIndex:return this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.shadow:return this.shadowTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.fontWeight:return this.fontWeightTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.fontFamily:case e.TokenType.productCopy:case e.TokenType.string:return this.stringTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.textCase:case e.TokenType.textDecoration:case e.TokenType.visibility:return this.optionTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n,i.tokenType);case e.TokenType.blur:return this.blurTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);case e.TokenType.typography:return this.typographyTokenValueToCSS(i.value,a,n);default:throw new e.UnreachableCaseError(i.tokenType,"Unsupported token type for transformation to CSS:")}}static colorTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){return d.ColorHelper.formattedColorOrVariableName(i,a,n)}static borderTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);if(l)return n.tokenToVariableRef(l);const T=this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i.width,a,n),m=this.borderStyleToCSS(i.style),g=this.colorTokenValueToCSS(i.color,a,n);return this.borderPositionToCSS(i.position),`${T} ${m} ${g}`}static gradientTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){return i.map(l=>this.gradientLayerToCSS(l,a,n)).join(", ")}static gradientLayerToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);if(l)return n.tokenToVariableRef(l);let T="";switch(i.type){case e.GradientType.linear:T="linear-gradient(0deg, ";break;case e.GradientType.radial:T="radial-gradient(circle, ";break;case e.GradientType.angular:T="conic-gradient(";break;default:T="linear-gradient(0deg, "}return`${T}${i.stops.map(m=>`${this.colorTokenValueToCSS(m.color,a,n)} ${d.ColorHelper.roundToDecimals(100*m.position,n.decimals)}%`).join(", ")})`}static dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return l?n.tokenToVariableRef(l):`${d.ColorHelper.roundToDecimals(i.measure,n.decimals)}${this.unitToCSS(i.unit)}`}static shadowTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){return i.map(l=>this.shadowLayerToCSS(l,a,n)).join(", ")}static shadowLayerToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return l?n.tokenToVariableRef(l):`${i.type===e.ShadowType.inner?"inset ":""}${i.x}px ${i.y}px ${i.radius}px ${i.spread}px ${this.colorTokenValueToCSS({...i.color,...i.opacity&&{opacity:i.opacity}},a,n)}`}static fontWeightTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return l?n.tokenToVariableRef(l):`${i.text}`}static stringTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return l?n.tokenToVariableRef(l):`"${i.text}"`}static optionTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n,l){const T=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return T?n.tokenToVariableRef(T):l===e.TokenType.textCase?this.textCaseToCSS(i.value):l===e.TokenType.textDecoration?this.textDecorationToCSS(i.value):i.value}static blurTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);return l?n.tokenToVariableRef(l):`blur(${this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i.radius,a,n)})`}static typographyTokenValueToCSS(i,a,n){const l=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences);if(l)return n.tokenToVariableRef(l);const T=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.fontFamily.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences),m=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.fontWeight.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences),g=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.textDecoration.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences),S=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(i.textCase.referencedTokenId,a,n.allowReferences),b={fontFamily:T?n.tokenToVariableRef(T):i.fontFamily.text,fontWeight:m?n.tokenToVariableRef(m):i.fontWeight.text,textDecoration:g?n.tokenToVariableRef(g):i.textDecoration.value===e.TextDecoration.original?this.textDecorationToCSS(i.textDecoration.value):void 0,textCase:S?n.tokenToVariableRef(S):i.textCase.value===e.TextCase.original?this.textCaseToCSS(i.textCase.value):void 0,caps:i.textCase.value===e.TextCase.smallCaps,fontSize:this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i.fontSize,a,n),lineHeight:i.lineHeight?this.dimensionTokenValueToCSS(i.lineHeight,a,n):void 0},P=b.fontSize;return`${b.caps?"small-caps ":""}${b.fontWeight} ${b.lineHeight?`${P}/${b.lineHeight}`:P} ${T?b.fontFamily:`"${b.fontFamily}"`}`}static borderStyleToCSS(i){switch(i){case e.BorderStyle.dashed:return"dashed";case e.BorderStyle.dotted:return"dotted";case e.BorderStyle.solid:return"solid";case e.BorderStyle.groove:return"groove";default:return"solid"}}static borderPositionToCSS(i){switch(i){case e.BorderPosition.center:return"center";case e.BorderPosition.inside:return"inside";case e.BorderPosition.outside:default:return"outside"}}static unitToCSS(i){switch(i){case e.Unit.percent:return"%";case e.Unit.pixels:return"px";case e.Unit.rem:return"rem";case e.Unit.raw:return"";case e.Unit.ms:return"ms";default:return"px"}}static textCaseToCSS(i){switch(i){case e.TextCase.original:return"none";case e.TextCase.upper:return"uppercase";case e.TextCase.lower:return"lowercase";case e.TextCase.camel:case e.TextCase.smallCaps:return"capitalize"}}static textDecorationToCSS(i){switch(i){case e.TextDecoration.original:return"none";case e.TextDecoration.underline:return"underline";case e.TextDecoration.strikethrough:return"line-through"}}}},952:(r,t,o)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.ColorHelper=void 0;const e=o(989),c=o(761);class d{static formattedColorOrVariableName(a,n,l){let T,m,g;const S=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(a.referencedTokenId,n,l.allowReferences);if(S)T=l.tokenToVariableRef(S);else{const b=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(a.color.referencedTokenId,n,l.allowReferences);b&&(m=l.tokenToVariableRef(b));const P=(0,c.sureOptionalReference)(a.opacity.referencedTokenId,n,l.allowReferences);P&&(g=l.tokenToVariableRef(P))}if(T)return T;if(!T&&!m&&!g)return this.formattedColor(a,l.colorFormat,l.decimals);switch(l.colorFormat){case e.ColorFormat.rgb:case e.ColorFormat.rgba:case e.ColorFormat.smartRgba:return this.colorToRgb(l.colorFormat,this.normalizedIntColor(a),a.opacity.measure,l.decimals,m,g);default:return this.formattedColor(a,l.colorFormat,l.decimals)}}static formattedColor(a,n,l=3){switch(n){case e.ColorFormat.hex6:case e.ColorFormat.hex8:case e.ColorFormat.hashHex6:case e.ColorFormat.hashHex8:case e.ColorFormat.smartHex:case e.ColorFormat.smartHashHex:return this.colorToHex(n,this.normalizedIntColor(a),a.opacity.measure);case e.ColorFormat.rgb:case e.ColorFormat.rgba:case e.ColorFormat.smartRgba:return this.colorToRgb(n,this.normalizedIntColor(a),a.opacity.measure,l,null,null);case e.ColorFormat.hsl:case e.ColorFormat.hsla:case e.ColorFormat.smartHsla:return this.colorToHsl(n,this.normalizedFractionalColor(a),a.opacity.measure,l);case e.ColorFormat.smartUIColor:return this.colorToUIColor(this.normalizedIntColor(a),a.opacity.measure,l)}}static colorToRgb(a,n,l,T,m,g){let S;return S=a===e.ColorFormat.rgba||a===e.ColorFormat.smartRgba&&l<1?`rgba(${m||`${n.r}, ${n.g}, ${n.b}`}, ${g||this.roundToDecimals(l,T)})`:`rgb(${m||`${n.r}, ${n.g}, ${n.b}`})`,S}static colorToHex(a,n,l){let T=`${this.pHex(n.r)}${this.pHex(n.g)}${this.pHex(n.b)}`;return(a===e.ColorFormat.hex8||a===e.ColorFormat.hashHex8||a===e.ColorFormat.smartHex&&l<1||a===e.ColorFormat.smartHashHex&&l<1)&&(T+=`${this.pHex(Math.round(255*l))}`),a!==e.ColorFormat.hashHex6&&a!==e.ColorFormat.hashHex8&&a!==e.ColorFormat.smartHashHex||(T=`#${T}`),T}static colorToHsl(a,n,l,T){const m=Math.max(n.r,n.g,n.b),g=Math.min(n.r,n.g,n.b);let S,b,P,O=(m+g)/2;if(m===g)S=b=0;else{const C=m-g;b=O>.5?C/(2-m-g):C/(m+g),m===n.r?S=(n.g-n.b)/C+(n.g{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.NamingHelper=void 0;const e=o(110),c=o(545);class d{static codeSafeVariableNameForToken(a,n,l,T){let m=[];return l&&(m=[...l.path],l.isRoot||m.push(l.name)),m.push(a.name),T&&T.length>0&&m.unshift(T),d.codeSafeVariableName(m,n)}static codeSafeVariableName(a,n){let l=typeof a=="string"?a:a.join(" ");switch(l=l.replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g,"_"),n){case c.StringCase.camelCase:l=(0,e.camelCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.capitalCase:l=(0,e.capitalCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.constantCase:l=(0,e.constantCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.dotCase:l=(0,e.dotCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.headerCase:l=(0,e.headerCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.noCase:l=(0,e.noCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.paramCase:l=(0,e.paramCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.pascalCase:l=(0,e.pascalCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.pathCase:l=(0,e.pathCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.sentenceCase:l=(0,e.sentenceCase)(l);break;case c.StringCase.snakeCase:l=(0,e.snakeCase)(l)}return n!==c.StringCase.snakeCase&&n!==c.StringCase.constantCase&&(l=l.replaceAll("_","")),l.match(/^[^a-zA-Z]/)&&(l="_"+l),l}static nameAsCSSVarReference(a){return`var(--${a})`}static nameAsCSSVarDeclaration(a){return`--${a}`}}t.NamingHelper=d},58:r=>{r.exports=De()},110:r=>{r.exports=Ue}},y={};function s(r){var t=y[r];if(t!==void 0)return t.exports;var o=y[r]={exports:{}};return u[r](o,o.exports,s),o.exports}var f={};(()=>{var r=f;Object.defineProperty(r,"__esModule",{value:!0}),r.ColorFormat=r.StringCase=r.Iterators=r.CSSHelper=r.FileHelper=r.ColorHelper=r.NamingHelper=r.NetworkHelper=void 0;var t=s(118);Object.defineProperty(r,"NetworkHelper",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.NetworkHelper}});var o=s(453);Object.defineProperty(r,"NamingHelper",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.NamingHelper}});var e=s(952);Object.defineProperty(r,"ColorHelper",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return e.ColorHelper}});var c=s(617);Object.defineProperty(r,"FileHelper",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return c.FileHelper}});var d=s(771);Object.defineProperty(r,"CSSHelper",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return d.CSSHelper}});var i=s(639);Object.defineProperty(r,"Iterators",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i.Iterators}});var a=s(545);Object.defineProperty(r,"StringCase",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.StringCase}});var n=s(989);Object.defineProperty(r,"ColorFormat",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n.ColorFormat}})})();var v=p;for(var k in f)v[k]=f[k];f.__esModule&&Object.defineProperty(v,"__esModule",{value:!0})})()})(B);const We=[],$e=[{id:"3ca17ba6-4eac-467d-8610-0b327b485e29",idInVersion:"13213260",brandId:"04a3dbe0-bc2e-4f00-bce0-632e79d5dc0e",themeId:null,designSystemVersionId:"271011",name:"primary",description:"",tokenType:"Color",parentGroupId:"17d4a6b2-cadf-403d-8c36-f9e57da40c22",createdAt:null,updatedAt:"2024-10-03T11:38:14.760Z",sortOrder:-1,properties:"CIRCULAR_REFERENCE",propertyValues:{Collection:"e71c29ca-4c19-4034-bb89-e0ad4cbf28dc"}}];Pulsar.export(async(p,u)=>{u.dsId,u.versionId;let y=$e;u.brandId&&(y=y.filter(r=>r.brandId===u.brandId));const s=We,f=(r,t,o)=>B.FileHelper.createTextFile({relativePath:r,fileName:t,content:o}),v=[],k=await Promise.all(s.map(async r=>({themedTokens:await p.tokens.computeTokensByApplyingThemes(y,[r]),theme:r})));return v.push(f("./original-data/","_original-groups.json",JSON.stringify(k,null,2))),v}); diff --git a/exporters/variables-scss/src/data/themes-data-bckp.ts b/exporters/variables-scss/src/data/themes-data-bckp.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d70bf99ce --- /dev/null +++ b/exporters/variables-scss/src/data/themes-data-bckp.ts @@ -0,0 +1,33514 @@ +export const themesDataBckp = [ + { + id: '20cd7bd1-5426-422c-865d-d103f5fc0764', + idInVersion: '13213483', + brandId: '04a3dbe0-bc2e-4f00-bce0-632e79d5dc0e', + designSystemVersionId: '271011', + name: 'theme-light-default', + codeName: 'themelightdefault', + createdAt: null, + updatedAt: null, + overriddenTokens: [ + { + id: '3ca17ba6-4eac-467d-8610-0b327b485e29', + idInVersion: '13213260', + brandId: '04a3dbe0-bc2e-4f00-bce0-632e79d5dc0e', + themeId: '13213483', + designSystemVersionId: '271011', + tokenType: 'Color', + origin: { + id: 'VariableID:21298:262', + key: 'bbae31b727fa60580fa48f662512e2efa8256513', + name: 'text/primary', + sourceId: '8c924393-fdbd-480d-bf7d-b1e73b4a88e0', + sourceType: 'FigmaVariablesPlugin', + }, + 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'17d4a6b2-cadf-403d-8c36-f9e57da40c22', + createdAt: null, + updatedAt: '2024-10-03T11:38:14.760Z', + sortOrder: -1, + properties: 'CIRCULAR_REFERENCE', + propertyValues: { + Collection: 'e71c29ca-4c19-4034-bb89-e0ad4cbf28dc', + }, + }, +]; diff --git a/exporters/variables-scss/src/index.ts b/exporters/variables-scss/src/index.ts index 0b7f0b7e01..fe604c21fa 100644 --- a/exporters/variables-scss/src/index.ts +++ b/exporters/variables-scss/src/index.ts @@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ import { RemoteVersionIdentifier, Supernova, } from '@supernovaio/sdk-exporters'; -import { ExporterConfiguration } from '../config'; -import { generateOutputFilesByThemes } from './generators/fileGenerator'; -import { safeStringify } from './helpers/safeStringify'; - -export const exportConfiguration = Pulsar.exportConfig(); +import { themesData } from './data/themes-data'; +import { tokensData } from './data/tokens-data'; // https://github.com/Supernova-Studio/exporters/issues/4 // @ts-ignore-next-line @@ -22,18 +19,16 @@ Pulsar.export(async (sdk: Supernova, context: PulsarContext): Promise token.brandId === context.brandId); - tokenGroups = tokenGroups.filter((tokenGroup) => tokenGroup.brandId === context.brandId); } // Convert all color tokens to CSS variables - const mappedTokens = new Map(tokens.map((token) => [token.id, token])); - const themes = await sdk.tokens.getTokenThemes(remoteVersionIdentifier); + // const themes = await sdk.tokens.getTokenThemes(remoteVersionIdentifier); + const themes = themesData; const createTextFile = (relativePath: string, fileName: string, content: string): OutputTextFile => { return FileHelper.createTextFile({ @@ -43,19 +38,17 @@ Pulsar.export(async (sdk: Supernova, context: PulsarContext): Promise = []; - const outputFilesData = await generateOutputFilesByThemes(tokens, mappedTokens, tokenGroups, themes, sdk); - textFiles = outputFilesData.map((file) => { - return createTextFile(file.path, file.fileName, file.content); - }); - - // Export the original data only if 'generateOriginalDataFiles' is set to true in config.local.json - if (exportConfiguration.generateOriginalDataFiles) { - textFiles.push( - createTextFile('./original-data/', '_original-tokens.json', safeStringify(tokens)), - createTextFile('./original-data/', '_original-groups.json', JSON.stringify(tokenGroups, null, 2)), - ); - } + const textFiles: Array = []; + + const allThemes = await Promise.all( + themes.map(async (theme) => { + const themedTokens = await sdk.tokens.computeTokensByApplyingThemes(tokens, [theme]); + + return { themedTokens, theme }; + }), + ); + + textFiles.push(createTextFile('./original-data/', '_original-groups.json', JSON.stringify(allThemes, null, 2))); return textFiles; });