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Spherical Indexing for relational Databases

SID is a set of tools aimed at implementing a powerful indexing system for astronomical catalogues and other data with spherical coordinates, stored into MySQL / MariaDB databases. SID is able to use both HTM and HEALPix pixelization schemas and it allows very fast query execution even on billion-row tables. The library is mostly derived from DIF, with the main difference being its fully UDFs structure. This means that it is not necessary to install a dedicated storage engine (like in DIF) and consequently it is not requested to use the MySQL source code to compile SID. You only need to have the MySQL header files installed together with mysql_config. See e.g. the MySQL documentation.

Written to be used on Linux and Mac OS.


The current version is still a beta release, so please report any problem to the authors. Package extended documentation is TODO. However, because several functions are shared with DIF, you can have a look to the document here.


  1. MySQL / MariaDB development files
  2. cmake
  3. C/C++ compiler

Compile and install

To compile and install the library:

mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..
sudo make install

On Mac OS, if you have compilation errors, try to use the appropriate path for the GNU c++ (the default /usr/bin/c++ is an alias for clang++), e.g.:

mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/c++ ..

sudo make install

UDFs installation

Import UDFs into MySQL (in the directory sql):

shell> cd ../sql
shell> mysql -u root -p

mysql> source sidinstall.sql

List of functions

Generic User Defined Functions

UDF Parameters
HTMLookup (d, RA, Dec)
HTMidByName (ID_Name)
HTMnameById (ID)
HTMBary (d, ID)
HTMBaryC (d, RA, Dec)
HTMBaryDist (d, ID, RA, Dec)
HTMNeighb (d, ID)
HTMsNeighb (d1, ID_d2, d2)
HTMNeighbC (d, RA, Dec)
HEALPLookup (s, k, RA, Dec)
HEALPBary (s, k, ID)
HEALPBaryC (s, k, RA, Dec)
HEALPBaryDist (s, k, ID, RA, Dec)
HEALPNeighb (s, k, ID)
HEALPNeighbC (s, k, RA, Dec)
HEALPBound (s, k, ID, step)
HEALPBoundC (s, k, RA, Dec, step)
Sphedist (RA1 ,Dec1, RA2, Dec2)

SID specific User Defined Functions

UDF Parameters
SIDCount (p, full)
SIDGetID (p, i, full)
SIDClear ()
SIDCircleHTM (RA, Dec, r)
SIDRectHTM (RA, Dec, s1, s2)
SIDRectvHTM (RA1, Dec1, ...)
SIDCircleHEALP (RA, Dec)
SIDRectHEALP (var)
SIDRectvHEALP (RA1, Dec1, RA2, Dec2)

Note that SID specific UDFs are not meant to be used directly in SQL commands, but rather within stored procedures like those you can find in sid-demo.sql (see below).

Test installation

Test some SID functions: sphedist, HEALPLookup, HTMLookup, etc. Note that several functions are shared with DIF and are documented here. Input sky coordinates units are degrees.

Spherical distance of two points, e.g. at coordinates (0,0) (1,1) - output is in arcmin:

mysql> select sphedist(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) as d_arcmin;

HEALPix pixel max size (in arcmin), from center to corner at a given order:

mysql> select HealPMaxS(8);

Lookup ID of a sky point (20,30) for HTM and HEALPix (nested scheme) depth / order (here depth=6 and order=8):

mysql> select HTMLookup(6, 20,30);

mysql> select HEALPLookup(1,8, 20,30);

HEALPix barycenter (center) coordinates for a given scheme, order and pixel ID:

mysql> select HEALPBary(1,8, 500);
       48.1640625, 6.429418462523309

IDs of the HEALPix pixels touching a given pixel ID (neighbors):

mysql> select HEALPNeighb(0,8, 1000) as nids_ring;
       1091, 999, 912, 829, 913, 1001, 1092, 1187

mysql> select HEALPNeighb(1,8, 1000) as nids_nest;
       957, 959, 1002, 1003, 1001, 995, 994, 951

IDs of the HTM trixels touching a given pixel ID (neighbors):

mysql> select HTMNeighb(6, 32768);
       32769, 32770, 32771, 47104, 47106, 47107, 49152, 63488, 63489, 63491

See the documentation (TODO) and the test directory for more examples.

Demo procedures

Import into MySQL the pre-defined SID demo procedures (in the directory sql):

mysql> source sid-demo.sql

Main provided procedures are:

Name Input Parameters
CreateCircle_HTM (depth, ra, de, radius)
CreateCircle_HEALP (order, ra, de, radius)
CreateRect_HTM (depth, ra, de, side_ra, side_dec)
CreateRect_HEALP (order, ra, de, side_ra, side_dec)
SelectCircleHTM (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexDepth, raField, deField, ra, de, radius, extra_clause)
SelectCircleHEALP (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexOrder, raField, deField, ra, de, radius, extra_clause)
SelectRectHTM (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexDepth, raField, deField, ra, de, r1, r2, extra_clause)
SelectRectHEALP (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexOrder, raField, deField, ra, de, r1, r2, extra_clause)
SelectRectvHTM (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexDepth, raField, deField, ra1, de1, ra2, de2, extra_clause)
SelectRectvHEALP (dest, fieldList, mainTable, indexField, indexOrder, raField, deField, ra1, de1, ra2, de2, extra_clause)

Note that stored procedures are bounded to the database where you define them. In our case the database is SID.

For some use cases see the test directory.

A test catalogue

Download the reduced version of the ASCC 2.5 star catalogue in a working directory, say sid_data. From a terminal:

shell> mkdir ~/sid_data
shell> cd ~/sid_data
shell> wget
shell> gunzip ascc25_initial.sql.gz

Load the data into a database of your choice, e.g. Catalogs:

mysql> create database Catalogs;
mysql> use Catalogs;
mysql> source ~/sid_data/ascc25_initial.sql
mysql> describe ascc25_initial;
| Field         | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| RAmas         | int(10) unsigned      | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| DECmas        | int(11)               | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| EP00000c      | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| RAPMdmas      | smallint(6)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| DECPMdmas     | smallint(6)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| Bmm           | mediumint(9)          | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| Vmm           | mediumint(9)          | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| FLAGvar       | tinyint(1)            | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| MASTERhpx6    | smallint(5) unsigned  | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| runningnumber | int(10) unsigned      | NO   |     | 0       |       |

A reduced version of the Tycho-2 catalogue is also available here, but any set of data with spherical coordinates can be used.

See use cases in the test directory.