A pytroll developers workshop took place at the Céntre Météorologie Spatiale in Lannion, Brittany, France, from 11-15 of September 2017. 15 participants from several national Meteorological Institutes in Europe, incldung Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, and France, worked concentrated during one week improving and enhancing the Pytroll software.
Fine tuning for operational duties:
- GOES-16 → NinJo projection
- Satpy Ninjotiff
Enhanced visualizations (smoothing, overplotting in transparence, …) of some NWCSAF v2016 CMIC products (short presentation by Lorenza)
fogpy - a FLS (Fog/Low stratus) detection algorithm with PyTroll (Short presentation by mastho)
Mad a new draft Pytroll web main page at pytroll.github.io. Discussing migration of the old one at pytroll.org
Reading MTG FCI data (CharLS compression): Presentation
Georeferencing hrit, preparing for the change of earth model
Maia reader in satpy
Discussed Solar correction on the snow age - but not feasible!
Aggdraw works with Python 3
Pytroll file utils (Trollmoves)
- Move_it server/mirror/client setup
- Move_it server/mirror/client more robust ? (plugin to heartbeat handler ?)
- SFTP transfer
- https://github.com/pytroll/pyninjotiff
- Pyninojotiff: a command line interface (good for non-programmers). E.g. to convert a geo-tiff (or raster) image to a ninjotiff format (ninjo tags could be defined on command line or in a configuration file).
- How can pyninjotiff be used with satpy?
- Make pyresample use dask (optionally)
- Migration from mpop to satpy
- How to convert custom composites
- What are the differences in usage
- Port satpy readers to xarray
- Migrate atmospheric correction to trollflow-sat or satpy ?
- Work on cf-writer
- Migration from mpop to satpy
- Fix two deprecation warning from Numpy
- Handle Terra global dumps
- Atmospheric correction - accounting for limb cooling DWD parametric method implemented in pyspectral and satpy
- Use GIT-LFS for LUTs and RSR data
- Rayleigh LUT tables and RSR data on zenodo.org
- Numpy 1.13-1.12 and masked array bug reported on numpy github
A pytroll developers workshop was held at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) in Saint Petersburg, Russia, between March 27th and 31st, 2017. We were around 20 participants from various National Meteorological Institutes, universities and companies.
A pytroll developers workshop was held at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) in Helsinki between November 28th and December 2nd, 2016. We were 14 developers from various National Meteorological Institutes and companies around Europe.
A pytroll developers workshop was held at the Head Quarters of Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) in Offenbach between June 13 and 17, 2016. With the paticipation of 18 developers from the national Met Services of Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany, as well as EUMETSAT it was the largest to date.
Pytroll workshop Locarno 2015
After a two day open workshop we were 7 pytrollers from Finland, Iceland and Sweden staying till the end of week working together on some pressing issues. See below for a summary of achievements. If you would like to contribute actively with the pytroll development, please let us know at the mailing list ([email protected]) or chat with us directly on the pytroll slack: https://pytrollslackin.herokuapp.com/. We plan to have two pytroll weeks (usually 4-5 days of dedicated programming) each year. Usually we will identifiy a few specific topics that we think needs special attention.
- Extending the user community: Several new users have become more familiar with Pytroll and started contributing.
- Testing: A number of bugs and user inconveniences were identified, and some have been solved already.
- Enhancements to Pyresample:
- Now Pyresample allows to attach a weight to the gaussian reprojection method. This is convenient when e.g. gridding several swath products into a level 2.5/3 product (Climate applications).
- MIPP enhancements and user documentation: MIPP allows XRIT decompression on the fly, and MIPP documentation slightly improved.
- Three new projects initiated:
- Pydecorate to add logos, text, color bars and stuff to images
- Trollimage - an enhancement of the image.py module in mpop including some color enhancements. Will deprecate image.py in mpop
- Trollduction - A modular batch production framework for Pytroll
- netCDF reader for SSM/I
- Trollcast testing, for data exchange between SMHI and FMI - resolution is pending (time outs)
- Designing and developing the FMI Pytroll based polar production system. Probably resulting in a general concept that can be useful to other users
- Looking at how to enable web based batch production monitoring with Pytroll. Could e.g. be used for an easy and quick access to Pytroll products for in-house R&D
- Initiated an overhaul and check of the EUMETSAT recipe RGBs in Pytroll and how they compare and deviate with the official ones. Done in collaboration with the Romanian Met Service.
- Colorizing Pytroll images (using the new trollimage component) - "sandwich" product. Color enhanced imagery is commonly used in forecast offices, e.g. IR imagery with cold temperatures enhanced using a color palette.
Watch all the presentations on youtube!
- Pytroll history
- Rationale and motives
- Pyresample
- Mpop
- Mipp
- Pyorbital
- Python-bufr
- Pycoast
- Geotiepoints
- Posttroll
- Trollcast
- Pyspectral
- Other pytroll projects
- Tools
The first open Pytroll workshop was held in Norrköping, Sweden, end of November, 2012. Nine programmers or satellite experts from Holland, Finland, Romania and EUMETSAT joined up with the pytroll teams at DMI and SMHI, to get more acquainted with the pytroll tools and how it can be used in their local environments for satellite data production.
Hard work at the 2012 workshop in Norrköping, Sweden: