-- Working ---
- Functional . Crypto Stock extension (like Apples stock widget)
- Touch Graph displaying current btc price andh last 24h
- Notification system
- Background fetch setup
-- Future --
- Follow Clean Arhictecture convention
- Displays percent changes in price
- Fetch and Display more Crypto Currencies
- Notifies if price changes over 5 %
--- Misssing ---
//1. Model (Implemented)
//2. Make API request -> Store in dict<> (Implemented)
//3. Update request and Compare with Cached Prev. Price
//4. Display price is going down or up in percentage
//5. Notfiy settings for user, 4 levels , + adding sound.
// token/id for specific user ?
// Caching -> comparing
// Background Fetch/Task
---> Instructions <---
(Bitcoin Version) -> All logic -> Viewcontroller -> Using CryptoCurrencyKit Framework for fetchign price and use LineChartView
-> Idea is to follow with other cryptocurrency using specific API data -> With independendt Clean Architecture