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File metadata and controls

405 lines (303 loc) · 15.3 KB


For an overview of all available linters, go here.

Table of contents:

Table of Contents


Clj-kondo can be configured in five ways, by providing:

  • home dir config in ~/.config/clj-kondo/config.edn (respects XDG_CONFIG_HOME)
  • project config: a config.edn file in the .clj-kondo directory (see project setup)
  • :config-paths in project config.edn: a list of directories that provide additional config
  • command line --config file or EDN arguments
  • namespace local config using :clj-kondo/config metadata in the namespace form

The configurations are merged in the following order, where a later config overrides an earlier config:

  • home dir config
  • :config-paths in project config
  • project config
  • command line config
  • namespace local config

The ^:replace metadata hint can be used to replace parts or all of the configuration instead of merging with previous ones. The home dir config is implicitly part of :config-paths. To opt out of merging with home dir config use :config-paths ^:replace [] in your project config.

Note that namespace local config must always be quoted: {:clj-kondo/config '{:linters ...}} and quotes should not appear inside the config.

Look at the default configuration for all available options.

Unrecognized macros

Clj-kondo only expands a selected set of macros from clojure.core and some popular community libraries. For unrecognized macros you can use these configurations:


This section covers general configuration options. For an overview of all available linters, go here.

Disable a linter

$ echo '(select-keys [:a])' | clj-kondo --lint -
<stdin>:1:1: error: wrong number of args (1) passed to clojure.core/select-keys
linting took 10ms, errors: 1, warnings: 0

$ echo '(select-keys [:a])' | clj-kondo --lint - --config '{:linters {:invalid-arity {:level :off}}}'
linting took 10ms, errors: 0, warnings: 0

Enable optional linters

Some linters are not enabled by default. Right now these linters are:

  • :missing-docstring: warn when public var doesn't have a docstring.
  • :unsorted-required-namespaces: warn when namespaces in :require are not sorted.
  • :refer: warn when there is any usage of :refer in your namespace requires.
  • :single-key-in: warn when using assoc-in, update-in or get-in with single key.
  • :shadowed-var: warn when a binding shadows a var.
  • :docstring-no-summary: warn when first line of docstring is not a complete sentence.
  • :docstring-leading-trailing-whitespace: warn when docstring has leading or trailing whitespace.
  • :used-underscored-binding: warn when a underscored (ie marked as unused) binding is used.

You can enable these linters by setting the :level:

{:linters {:missing-docstring {:level :warning}}}

Disable all linters but one

You can accomplish this by using ^:replace metadata, which will override instead of merge with other configurations:

$ clj-kondo --lint corpus --config '^:replace {:linters {:redundant-let {:level :info}}}'
corpus/redundant_let.clj:4:3: info: redundant let
corpus/redundant_let.clj:8:3: info: redundant let
corpus/redundant_let.clj:12:3: info: redundant let

Ignore warnings in an expression

To ignore all warnings in an expression, place a hint before it. It uses reader comments, so they won't end up in your runtime.

(inc 1 2 3)

To ignore warnings from just one or a few linters:

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:invalid-arity]}
(inc 1 2 3)

To ignore warnings for only one language in a reader conditional:

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore #?(:clj [:unused-binding] :cljs [])}
(defn foo [x]
  #?(:cljs x)) ;; x is only used in cljs, but unused is ignored for clj, so no warning

Lint a custom macro like a built-in macro

In the following code the my-defn macro is defined, but clj-kondo doesn't know how to interpret it:

(ns foo)

(defmacro my-defn [name args & body]
  `(defn ~name ~args
     (do (println "hello!")

(my-defn foo [x])

Hence (foo 1 2 3) will not lead to an invalid arity error. However, the syntax of my-defn is a subset of clojure.core/defn, so for detecting arity errors we might have just linted it like that. That is what the following configuration accomplishes:

{:lint-as {foo/my-defn clojure.core/defn}}

When you have custom def or defn-like macros and you can't find a supported macro that is like it, you can use:

{:lint-as {foo/my-defn clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all}}

Override config in comment forms

{:config-in-comment {:linters {:unresolved-namespace {:level :off}}}}

Ignore the contents of comment forms

If you prefer not to lint the contents of (comment ...) forms, use this configuration:

{:skip-comments true}

Disable auto-load-configs

By default configurations in .clj-kondo/*/*/config.edn are used. You can disable this with:

:auto-load-configs false`

Available linters





Print results in JSON format

$ clj-kondo --lint corpus --config '{:output {:format :json}}' | jq '.findings[0]'
  "type": "invalid-arity",
  "filename": "corpus/nested_namespaced_maps.clj",
  "row": 9,
  "col": 1,
  "level": "error",
  "message": "wrong number of args (2) passed to nested-namespaced-maps/test-fn"

Printing in EDN format is also supported.

Print results with a custom format

$ clj-kondo --lint corpus --config '{:output {:pattern "::{{level}} file={{filename}},line={{row}},col={{col}}::{{message}}"}}'
::warning file=corpus/compojure/core.clj,line=2,col=19::Unsorted namespace: foo

The custom pattern supports these template values:

Template Variable Notes
{{filename}} File name
{{row}} Row where linter violation starts
{{col}} Column where linter violation starts
{{level}} Lowercase level of linter warning, one of info,warn,error
{{LEVEL}} Uppercase variant of {{level}}
{{message}} Linter message

Include and exclude files from the output

$ clj-kondo --lint "$(clj -Spath)" --config '{:output {:include-files ["^clojure/test"]}}'
clojure/test.clj:496:6: warning: redundant let
clojure/test/tap.clj:86:5: warning: redundant do
linting took 3289ms, errors: 0, warnings: 2

$ clj-kondo --lint "$(clj -Spath)" --config '{:output {:include-files ["^clojure/test"] :exclude-files ["tap"]}}'
clojure/test.clj:496:6: warning: redundant let
linting took 3226ms, errors: 0, warnings: 1

Show progress bar while linting

$ clj-kondo --lint "$(clj -Spath)" --config '{:output {:progress true}}'
cljs/tools/reader.cljs:527:9: warning: redundant do
(rest of the output omitted)

Output canonical file paths

The config '{:output {:canonical-paths true}}' will output canonical file paths (absolute file paths without ..). This also shows the full path of a jar file when you lint a classpath.

$ clj-kondo --lint corpus --config '{:output {:canonical-paths true}}'
/Users/borkdude/dev/clj-kondo/corpus/cljc/datascript.cljc:8:1: error: datascript.db/seqable? is called with 2 args but expects 1
(rest of the output omitted)

Example configurations

These are some example configurations used in real projects. Feel free to create a PR with yours too.

Also see the config project.

Exporting and importing configuration


A library will often have clj-kondo config that is useful to its users. This config might include such things as custom hooks and :lint-as rules for the library's public API.

You specify a clj-kondo config export for your library in a config.edn file under the following directory structure:


This directory structure must be on your library's classpath. For a jar file, this means including it off the root of within the jar.

When a user includes your library as a dependency for their project, clj-kondo, when asked, will automatically import your library's clj-kondo export config to the user's project .clj-kondo directory. The user will then activate your config at their discretion. See importing for details.

Remember that your exported clj-kondo config is to help users of your library lint against your library. An exported config will, in most cases, be different from your local .clj-kondo/config.edn. The local config will typically also contain personal preferences and internal lint rules.

Sample Exports

The clj-kondo team has provided config exports for some popular libraries in the clj-kondo/config repo. Let's take a look at its clj-kondo exports:

❯ tree -F resources
└── clj-kondo.exports/
    └── clj-kondo/
        ├── claypoole/
        │   ├── clj_kondo/
        │   │   └── claypoole.clj
        │   └── config.edn
        ├── fulcro/
        │   └── config.edn
        ├── mockery/
        │   ├── clj_kondo/
        │   │   └── mockery/
        │   │       ├── with_mock.clj
        │   │       └── with_mocks.clj
        │   └── config.edn
        ├── rum/
        │   ├── clj_kondo/
        │   │   └── rum.clj
        │   └── config.edn
        └── slingshot/
            ├── clj_kondo/
            │   └── slingshot/
            │       └── try_plus.clj
            └── config.edn

The clj-kondo/config repo:

  • Includes a config.edn for each library. This defines the clj-kondo export config.
  • Includes custom hooks for some libraries under clj_kondo.
  • Includes "resources" in its deps.edn :paths so that the exports will be included on the classpath when the repo is included as a :git/url dependency.
  • Uses clj-kondo as the org name to not conflict with configurations that the owners of these libraries might themselves choose to export. For example, if the claypoole library itself wanted to export config, it would use its proper org-name instead of clj-kondo:
    └── com.climate
        └── claypoole


When invoked with the appropriate arguments, clj-kondo will inform you of any inactive imported clj-kondo configs from your project dependencies and instruct you how to activate them. As an example, let's add clj-kondo/config that has some clj-kondo exports as a dependency to demonstrate:

  1. Include clj-kondo/config in your deps.edn:

    {:deps {clj-kondo/config {:git/url ""
                              :sha "e2e156c53c6c228fee7242629b41013f3e55051d"}}}
  2. Ensure a .clj-kondo directory exists.

  3. And then invoke clj-kondo like so:

    $ clj-kondo --copy-configs --dependencies --lint "$(clojure -Spath)"
    Imported config to .clj-kondo/clj-kondo/claypoole. To activate, add "clj-kondo/claypoole" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.
    Imported config to .clj-kondo/clj-kondo/mockery. To activate, add "clj-kondo/mockery" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.
    Imported config to .clj-kondo/clj-kondo/rum. To activate, add "clj-kondo/rum" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.
    Imported config to .clj-kondo/clj-kondo/slingshot. To activate, add "clj-kondo/slingshot" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.
  4. To activate the claypoole clj-kondo config from the example above, you would edit your project's .clj-kondo/config.edn :config-paths as instructed:

    {:config-paths ["clj-kondo/claypoole"]}

    Note: Windows users should also use the forward slash as the directory separator character in :config-paths to ensure their configs also work on Linux and macOS.

Typically, you'll want to check imported configs into version control with your project.

Clj-kondo configurations are only automatically imported when all of these requirements are met:

  • There is a .clj-kondo directory in your project. This directory is where clj-kondo will copy import configs.
  • The --dependencies flag is present. This tells clj-kondo to not output findings because you are only linting dependencies to populate the cache.
  • The --copy-configs flag is present. This tells clj-kondo to import clj-kondo configs from dependencies while linting.


Some configuration keys have been renamed over time. The default configuration is always up-to-date and we strive to maintain backwards compatibility. However, for completeness, you can find a list of the renamed keys here.

  • :if -> :missing-else-branch