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Getting Started with this Repo

1. Get the source code

  • Either clone the repository to your workspace and create your own repo with the code in GitHub.
  • An easier way is to just fork the project, so you have the repository under your username on GitHub itself.

2. Create Azure DevOps account

We use Azure DevOps for running our build(CI), retraining trigger and release (CD) pipelines. If you don't already have Azure DevOps account, create one by following the instructions here

If you already have Azure DevOps account, create a new project.

3. Create Service Principal to Login to Azure

To create service principal, register an application entity in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and grant it the Contributor or Owner role of the subscription or the resource group where the web service belongs to. See how to create service principal and assign permissions to manage Azure resource. Please make note of the following values after creating a service principal, we will need them in subsequent steps

  • Application (client) ID
  • Directory (tenant) ID
  • Application Secret

Note: You must have sufficient permissions to register an application with your Azure AD tenant, and assign the application to a role in your Azure subscription. Contact your subscription administrator if you don't have the permissions. Normally a subscription admin can create a Service principal and can provide you the details.

4. Create a Variable Group

We make use of variable group inside Azure DevOps to store variables and their values that we want to make available across multiple pipelines. You can either store the values directly in Azure DevOps or connect to an Azure Key Vault in your subscription. Please refer to the documentation here to learn more about how to create a variable group and link it to your pipeline.

Please name your variable group devopsforai-aml-vg as we are using this name within our build yaml file.

The variable group should contain the following variables:

Variable Name Suggested Value
BASE_NAME [unique base name]
LOCATION centralus
MODEL_NAME sklearn_regression_model.pkl

Mark SP_APP_SECRET variable as a secret one.

Note: The BASE_NAME parameter is used throughout the solution for naming Azure resources. When the solution is used in a shared subscription, there can be naming collisions with resources that require unique names like azure blob storage and registry DNS naming. Make sure to give a unique value to the BASE_NAME variable (e.g. MyUniqueML), so that the created resources will have unique names (e.g. MyUniqueML-AML-RG, MyUniqueML-AML-WS, etc.). The length of the BASE_NAME value should not exceed 10 characters.

Make sure to select the Allow access to all pipelines checkbox in the variable group configuration.

Up until now you should have:

  • Forked (or cloned) the repo
  • Created a devops account or use an existing one
  • Got service principal details and subscription id
  • A variable group with all configuration values

5. Create resources

The easiest way to create all required resources (Resource Group, ML Workspace, Container Registry, Storage Account, etc.) is to leverage an "Infrastructure as Code" pipeline coming in this repository. This IaC pipeline takes care of all required resources basing on these ARM templates. The pipeline requires an Azure Resource Manager service connection:

create service connection

Give the connection name AzureResourceConnection as it is referred by the pipeline definition.

In your DevOps project create a build pipeline from your forked GitHub repository:

build connnect step

Refer to an Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file:

configure step

Having done that, run the pipeline:

iac run

Check out created resources in the Azure Portal:

created resources

Alternatively, you can also use a cleaning pipeline that removes resources created for this project or you can just delete a resource group in the Azure Portal.

6. Set up Build Pipeline

In your Azure DevOps project create and run a new build pipeline refereing to azdo-ci-build-train.yml pipeline in your forked GitHub repository:

configure ci build pipeline

Name the pipeline ci-build. Once the pipline is finished, explore the execution logs:

ci build logs

and checkout a published training pipeline in the mlops-AML-WS workspace in Azure Portal:

training pipeline

Great, you now have the build pipeline setup, you can either manually trigger it or it gets automatically triggered everytime there is a change in the master branch. The pipeline performs linting, unit testing, builds and publishes an ML Training Pipeline in an ML Workspace

7. Train the Model

The next step is to invoke the training pipeline created in the previous step. It can be done with a Release Pipeline:

invoke training pipeline

An artifact of this pipeline will be the result of the build pipeline ci-buid:

artifact invoke pipeline

Configure a pipeline to see values from the previously defined variable group devopsforai-aml-vg:

retrain pipeline vg

Add an empty stage with name Invoke Training Pipeline and make sure that the Agent Specification is ubuntu-16.04:

agent specification

Add a command line step Run Training Pipeline with the following script:

docker run  -v $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_ci-build/mlops-pipelines/ml_service/pipelines:/pipelines \

This release pipeline should be automatically triggered (continuous deployment) whenever a new ML training pipeline is published by the AzDo builder pipeline. It can also be triggered manually or configured to run on a scheduled basis. Create a new release to trigger the pipeline manually:

create release

Once the release pipeline is completed, check out in the ML Workspace that the training pipeline is running:

running training pipeline

The training pipeline will train, evaluate and register a new model. Wait until it is fininshed and make sure there is a new model in the ML Workspace:

trained model

Good! Now we have a trained model.

8. Deploy the Model

The final step is to deploy the model across environments with a release pipeline. There will be a QA environment running on Azure Container Instances and a Prod environment running on Azure Kubernetes Service.

deploy model

This pipeline leverages the Azure Machine Learning extension that should be installed in your organization from the marketplace.

The pipeline consumes two artifacts: the result of the Build Pipeline as it contains configuration files and the model trained and registered by the ML training pipeline.

Configuration of a code _ci-build artifact is similar to what we did in the previous chapter.

In order to configure a model artifact there should be a service connection to mlops-AML-WS workspace:

Note: Creating service connection using Azure Machine Learning extension requires 'Owner' or 'User Access Administrator' permissions on the Workspace.

workspace connection

Add an artifact to the pipeline and select AzureML Model Artifact source type. Select the Service Endpoint and Model Names from the drop down lists:

model artifact

Create a stage QA (ACI) and add a single task to the job Azure ML Model Deploy:

deploy aci

Specify task parameters as it is shown in the table below:

Parameter Value
Display Name Azure ML Model Deploy
Azure ML Workspace mlops-AML-WS
Inference config Path $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_ci-build/mlops-pipelines/code/scoring/inference_config.yml
Model Deployment Target Azure Container Instance
Deployment Name mlopspython-aci
Deployment Configuration file $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_ci-build/mlops-pipelines/code/scoring/deployment_config_aci.yml
Overwrite existing deployment X

In a similar way create a stage Prod (AKS and add a single task to the job Azure ML Model Deploy:

deploy aks

Specify task parameters as it is shown in the table below:

Parameter Value
Display Name Azure ML Model Deploy
Azure ML Workspace mlops-AML-WS
Inference config Path $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_ci-build/mlops-pipelines/code/scoring/inference_config.yml
Model Deployment Target Azure Kubernetes Service
Select AKS Cluster for Deployment YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_K8S_CLUSTER
Deployment Name mlopspython-aks
Deployment Configuration file $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_ci-build/mlops-pipelines/code/scoring/deployment_config_aks.yml
Overwrite existing deployment X

Note: Creating of a Kubernetes cluster on AKS is out of scope of this tutorial, so you should take care of it on your own.

Deploy trained model to Azure Web App for containers

Note: This is an optional step and can be used only if you are deploying your scoring service on Azure Web Apps.

Create Image Script can be used to create a scoring image from the release pipeline. Image created by this script will be registered under Azure Container Registry(ACR) instance that belongs to Azure Machine Learning Service. Any dependencies that scoring file depends on can also be packaged with the container with Image config. To learn more on how to create a container with AML SDK click here.

Below is release pipeline with two tasks one to create an image using the above script and second is the deploy the image to Web App for containers

Using bash script task to invoke Create Image Script release_createimage

Specify task parameters as it is shown in the table below:

Parameter Value
Azure subscription Subscription used to deploy Web App
App name Web App for Containers name
Image name Specify the fully qualified container image name. For example, ''


Save the pipeline and create a release to trigger it manually. Once the pipeline execution is finished, check out deployments in the mlops-AML-WS workspace.

Congratulations! You have three pipelines set up end to end:

  • Build pipeline: triggered on code change to master branch on GitHub, performs linting, unit testing and publishing a training pipeline
  • Release Trigger pipeline: runs a published training pipeline to train, evaluate and register a model
  • Release Deployment pipeline: deploys a model to QA (ACI) and Prod (AKS) environments