JamScare is an IoT-based application designed to monitor and track heart conditions using a physical IoT device. This application aims to help individuals with heart conditions stay aware of their heart health through real-time monitoring and notifications.
- Via Panel: A panel installed at the user's home with lights indicating the user's condition (Green = Good, Yellow = Caution, Red = Danger). In case of a red light, a siren will sound to alert everyone at home.
- Via Application: Notifications about the user's condition accessible to family members through the app.
Panic Button: Special notifications in the app in case of emergency, providing information about the severity of the condition and the user's last known location.
Data Recording: Stores and displays the user's heart rate history in a graphical format, allowing tracking of heart rate changes over time.
- Haza Nasrullah Kuswantoro - CFO, Android Developer
- Dviki Wahyudi - Project Manager
- Ryo Hariyono Angwyn - CMO, UI/UX Designer
- Fahrell Sandy Zhariif Widiatmoko - CTO, IoT Engineer
This project is developed by Grounded Rnd.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
Make sure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your machine. You can download them from Flutter's official website.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/your-username/jamscare.git
- Navigate to the project directory
cd jamscare
- Install dependencies
flutter pub get
- Connect your device or start an emulator.
- Run the app
flutter run
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact us at:
- Haza Nasrullah Kuswantoro: [email protected]
- Dviki Wahyudi: [email protected]
- Ryo Hariyono Angwyn: [email protected]
- Fahrell Sandy Zhariif Widiatmoko: [email protected]