diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 378567e..50e8706 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,16 +1,113 @@
-# Cobalt
-Unofficial cobalt command line client made in go.
-Uses [gobalt library](https://github.com/princessmortix/gobalt) for communication between your machine <-> cobalt servers.
+[![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/princessmortix/cobalt?display_name=tag&style=for-the-badge&color=success)](#downloading)
+[![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/cobalt_discord-join-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=discord)](https://discord.gg/pQPt8HBUPu)
+[![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/supported-services-0077b6?style=for-the-badge&logo=data%3Aimage%2Fsvg%2Bxml%3Bbase64%2CPHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCA2NDAgNTEyIj48IS0tIUZvbnQgQXdlc29tZSBGcmVlIDYuNS4xIGJ5IEBmb250YXdlc29tZSAtIGh0dHBzOi8vZm9udGF3ZXNvbWUuY29tIExpY2Vuc2UgLSBodHRwczovL2ZvbnRhd2Vzb21lLmNvbS9saWNlbnNlL2ZyZWUgQ29weXJpZ2h0IDIwMjQgRm9udGljb25zLCBJbmMuLS0%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%3D%3D&logoColor=0077b6)](https://github.com/wukko/cobalt?tab=readme-ov-file#supported-services)
+![GitHub License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/princessmortix/cobalt?style=for-the-badge&logo=unlicense)
+Unofficial [cobalt](https://cobalt.tools) command line client made in go. cobalt-cli uses [gobalt library](https://github.com/princessmortix/gobalt) for communication between your machine <-> cobalt servers.
+- [Features](#features)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [Download](#downloading)
+ - [Compiling](#compiling)
+## Features
+- Get directly link from the service cdn (if possible);
+- More than 15 services supported;
+- JSON output using the flag `-j` or `--json`;
+- Option to check status of cobalt servers;
+- Use custom cobalt instances (see https://instances.hyper.lol);
+- Get dubbed youtube audio.
+## Usage
+usage: cobalt [-h|--help] [-u|--url ""] [-c|--video-codec
+ (av1|vp9|h264)] [-q|--video-quality
+ (144|240|360|480|720|1080|1440|2160)] [-f|--audio-format
+ (opus|ogg|wav|mp3|best)] [-p|--filename-pattern
+ (basic|pretty|nerdy|classic)] [-a|--no-video] [-w|--no-watermark]
+ [-t|--full-tiktok-audio] [-v|--no-audio] [-d|--dubbed-audio]
+ [-m|--metadata] [-g|--gif] [-j|--json] [-s|--status] [-i|--api
+ ""] [-l|--language ""]
+ save what you love directly from command-line, no bullshit
+ involved.
+ -h --help Print help information
+ -u --url The url to download using cobalt
+ -c --video-codec Video codec to be used. Applies only to youtube
+ downloads. AV1: 8K/HDR, lower support | VP9: 4K/HDR,
+ best quality | H264: 1080p, works everywhere.
+ Default: h264
+ -q --video-quality Quality of the video. Default: 1080
+ -f --audio-format Audio format/codec to be used. Using the default the
+ audio won't be re-encoded. Default: best
+ -p --filename-pattern File name pattern. Classic:
+ youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_1920x1080_h264.mp4 | audio:
+ youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_audio.mp3 // Basic: Video Title
+ (1080p, h264).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio
+ Author.mp3 // Pretty: Video Title (1080p, h264,
+ youtube).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio Author
+ (soundcloud).mp3 // Nerdy: Video Title (1080p, h264,
+ youtube, yPYZpwSpKmA).mp4 | audio: Audio Title -
+ Audio Author (soundcloud, 1242868615).mp3. Default:
+ pretty
+ -a --no-video Extract audio only. Default: false
+ -w --no-watermark Remove TikTok watermark from TikTok videos. Default:
+ false
+ -t --full-tiktok-audio Enables download of original sound used in a tiktok
+ video. Default: false
+ -v --no-audio Downloads only the video, without audio, when
+ possible. Default: false
+ -d --dubbed-audio Downloads youtube audio dubbed, if present. Change
+ the language using -l . Default:
+ false
+ -m --metadata Disables file metadata. Default: false
+ -g --gif Disables conversion of twitter gifs to a .gif file.
+ Default: true
+ -j --json Output to stdin as json. Default: false
+ -s --status Will only check status of the select cobalt server,
+ print and exit. All other options will be ignored,
+ except -j. Default: false
+ -i --api Change the cobalt api endpoint to be used. See
+ others instances in https://instances.hyper.lol.
+ Default: https://co.wuk.sh
+ -l --language Downloads dubbed youtube audio according to the
+ language set following the ISO 639-1 format. Only
+ takes effect if -d was passed as an argument.
+ Default: en
## Downloading
Planned to be added everywhere possible, but this isn't done yet.
-For now, use releases to download for your platform.
+For now, use [releases to download](https://github.com/princessmortix/cobalt/releases/latest) for your platform.
+I've manually compiled for: Windows (amd64), Linux (arm and amd64), MacOS (Apple silicion and Intel).
-## Compiling
+### Compiling
Make sure you have the lastest go compiler. [Download it here](https://go.dev/dl).
Easy as:
1. Clone this repository.
2. On the root of this repository, run `go mod tidy`. This will download this project dependencies.
-3. To run the application, use `go run .`. To compile, run `go build`.
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+3. To run the application, use `go run .`. To compile, run `go build`.
+To add additional Windows metadata, you'll need:
+- [go-winres](https://github.com/tc-hib/go-winres), follow the install instructions there
+Then run `go-winres make` on the root of this repository, it will create two .syso files.
+After that, building with `go build` will automatically embed these files on the Windows executable.
+# About & Thanks
+- [cobalt](https://github.com/wukko/cobalt) made by [wukko](https://github.com/wukko), super cool guy;
+- [argparse](https://github.com/akamensky/argparse), for handling args
+- Icon made by [me](https://princessmortix.link);
+- You, for using my application!
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