import AutoField from 'uniforms-unstyled/AutoField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field renderer.
// If ommited, then default algorithm is used. Check README for the whole
// logic.
// All additional props are passed to a computed field component.
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import AutoFields from 'uniforms-unstyled/AutoFields'; // Choose your theme package.
// AutoField component.
// By default, it will be your theme AutoField, but you can use your
// custom component.
// Wrapping element.
// It's clear, isn't it?
// List of fields to render.
// By default, all fields are rendered.
fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}
// List of fields to omit.
// By default, it's empty.
omitFields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import BaseField from 'uniforms/BaseField';
// You can't really render a BaseField because it doesn't have a render method.
// It's a base class of all packaged fields, so that all props below are available
// to all fields.
// Field disabled state.
// It's passed directly to the field, but it propagates same as the label.
// Field label.
// This prop has three modes. If you pass a string, then it will be used
// as a label. If you pass a null, then it won't have a label, but nested
// fields will have default labels. If you pass a non-null falsy value, it
// won't have a label and nested fields won't have labels too.
// Field name.
// Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will
// throw an error.
// Field placeholder.
// If set to true, then a label will be used. Otherwise, it's handled like
// a label (including propagation).
// Field value.
// Every field accepts its specific value type only.
value={/* accepted value */}
// You can pass any prop but remember that passing onChange will "detach"
// the field from the form in some way - it won't change your form state.
// Also, passing any already provided prop - like id - will override the
// default one.
import BoolField from 'uniforms-unstyled/BoolField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field appearance. Set to "toggle" to appear as a Material Toggle or to
// "checkbox" (or leave it undefined) to use a Checkbox appearance.
// Available in:
// material
appearance="toggle" // Renders a material-ui Toggle
appearance="checkbox" // Renders a material-ui Checkbox
// Field feedback state.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap4
// Field layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Help text.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
help="Need help?"
// Help block className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
helpClassName="a b c"
// Checkbox inline state.
// In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode,
// it's treated as a field label.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Left label.
// In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox.
// This label is rendered above the field.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// Field and sourroundings wrap className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
wrapClassName="a b c"
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import DateField from 'uniforms-unstyled/DateField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field feedback state.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap4
// Field layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Help text.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
help="Need help?"
// Help block className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
helpClassName="a b c"
// Input icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right
// side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input left icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the
// left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input icon props.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to
// the icon element.
// Available in:
// semantic
iconProps={{onClick () {}}}
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on the field block. This
// is used on the direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Props for the InputLabel
// Available in:
// material-ui
labelProps={{ shrink: true, disableAnimation: true }}
// Maximum value.
// Date object.
max={new Date(2100, 1, 1)}
// Minimal value.
// Date object.
min={new Date(2000, 1, 1)}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// material
// Field and sourroundings wrap className.
// In SemanticUI theme, this class name is used on ui input wrapper,
// so you can pass classes like small, huge, inverted, transparent etc.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
wrapClassName="a b c"
// Display time picker in ampm (12hr) format or 24hr format.
// Available in:
// material
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import ErrorField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ErrorField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Custom content.
// By default, it will render a block with the error message (if any), but
// you can customize the content.
children={/* ... */}
// Target field.
// This field error should be used.
import ErrorsField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ErrorsField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Custom content.
// By default, it will render a block with the error messages (if any),
// but you can customize the content.
children={/* ... */}
import HiddenField from 'uniforms-unstyled/HiddenField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field name.
// Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will
// throw an error.
// Field value.
// This field has completely different semantics. When a value is set,
// then it's updating a current model instead of being passed to the field.
value={/* ... */}
import ListAddField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ListAddField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Icon.
// By default, glyphicon is used.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
addIcon={<MyAddIcon />}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
import ListDelField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ListDelField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Icon.
// By default, glyphicon is used.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
import ListField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ListField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Icon.
// It's passed to the ListAddField.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
addIcon={<MyAddIcon />}
// Initial items count.
// At least this amount of fields will be rendered at the beginning.
// ListItemField props.
// These props are passed to the ListItemField.
itemProps={{/* ... /*}}
// Icon.
// It's passed to the ListDelField.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import ListItemField from 'uniforms-unstyled/ListItemField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Icon.
// It's passed to the ListDelField.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
import LongTextField from 'uniforms-unstyled/LongTextField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Help text.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
help="Need help?"
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Help block className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
helpClassName="a b c"
// Input icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right
// side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input left icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the
// left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input icon props.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to
// the icon element.
// Available in:
// semantic
iconProps={{onClick () {}}}
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than a HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// material
// Field and sourroundings wrap className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
wrapClassName="a b c"
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import NestField from 'uniforms-unstyled/NestField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Array of rendered fields.
// If no custom content provided, only those fields are rendered. By
// default, all of nested fields are rendered.
fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB', ...]}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// Add / remove "grouped" class from the field.
// In Semantic, fields can be grouped using this class. By default,
// this class is added to the NestField.
// Available in:
// semantic
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import NumField from 'uniforms-unstyled/NumField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Decimal mode.
// This will change value step from 1 to 0.01.
// Field layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Help text.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
help="Need help?"
// Help block className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
helpClassName="a b c"
// Input icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right
// side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input left icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the
// left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input icon props.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to
// the icon element.
// Available in:
// semantic
iconProps={{onClick () {}}}
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than a HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Maximum value.
// Minimum value.
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// material
// semantic
// Input step.
// Field and sourroundings wrap className.
// In SemanticUI theme, this class name is used on ui input wrapper,
// so you can pass variations like small, huge, inverted, transparent etc.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
wrapClassName="a b c"
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import RadioField from 'uniforms-unstyled/RadioField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Array of allowed values.
// By default, those are extracted from your schema.
allowedValues={[value1, value2, ...]}
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Checkbox inline state.
// In bootstrap themes, label is rendered as a text, but in inline mode,
// it's treated as a field label.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// Label transform.
// Allows to transform the each value into a human-readable label
transform={value => label}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import SelectField from 'uniforms-unstyled/SelectField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Array of allowed values.
// By default, those are extracted from your schema.
allowedValues={[value1, value2, ...]}
// Turn on checkbox/radio mode.
// It's always true in mutltiple (i.e. fieldType === Array) mode.
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Checkbox inline state.
// In bootstrap themes, label is rendered as a text, but in inline mode,
// it's treated as a field label.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than a HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Props for the InputLabel
// Available in:
// material-ui
labelProps={{ shrink: true, disableAnimation: true }}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// Label transform.
// Allows to transform the each value into a human-readable label
transform={value => label}
// Options.
// Set of values that will be shown in the select.
// It is optional and using `options` will override `transform` and `allowedValues`.
// It can be either an object or an array (or a function, that returns it).
options={[{label: 'Hi', value: value1}, [{label: 'Hello', value: value1}, ...]}
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import SubmitField from 'uniforms-unstyled/SubmitField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than a HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
import TextField from 'uniforms-unstyled/TextField'; // Choose your theme package.
// Field layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Field layout
// The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.
// Available in:
// antd
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
// Field layout
// The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol
// Available in:
// antd
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
// Help text.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
help="Need help?"
// Help block className.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
helpClassName="a b c"
// Input icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right
// side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input left icon.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the
// left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.
// Available in:
// semantic
// Input icon props.
// Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to
// the icon element.
// Available in:
// semantic
iconProps={{onClick () {}}}
// Input wrapper class name.
// In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is
// used on direct field wrapper.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
inputClassName="a b c"
// Input ref.
// Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll
// receive a field component rather than a HTML input. If you need an input ref,
// use this prop instead.
inputRef={ref => {}}
// Field inline error.
// *Some description would be great, huh?*
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// material
// semantic
// Input type.
// HTML compatible input type like password. Default is text.
// Field and sourroundings wrap className.
// In SemanticUI theme, this class name is used on ui input wrapper,
// so you can pass variations like small, huge, inverted, transparent etc.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
wrapClassName="a b c"
Note: All BaseField
props are also accepted.
import AutoForm from 'uniforms/AutoForm'; // Or from the theme package.
// Like onChange but for the whole model.
// Triggered just after onChange but with the next model instead of
// (key, value) pair.
onChangeModel={model => console.log(model)}
Note: All ValidatedQuickForm
props are also accepted and all methods are available.
import BaseForm from 'uniforms/BaseForm'; // Or from the theme package.
// Autosave delay.
// Set 0 for an instant autosave.
// Enable autosave.
// Every change triggers onSubmit.
// Disable form.
// Disables all fields and submit button.
// Validation error.
// Current validation state. It should be either compatible with your
// schema or an Error object.
error={new Error('Nope.')}
// Form layout.
// Bootstrap grid layout style. Number is an equivalent of {sm: n}. Object
// is a {mode: size} object. Complete string is simply passed through.
// Available in:
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
grid={3} // 'col-3-sm' on label, 'col-9-sm' on input
grid="4" // 'col-4-sm' on label, 'col-8-sm' on input
grid={{md: 5}} // 'col-5-md' on label, 'col-7-md' on input
grid="col-6-xl" // 'col-6-xl' on label, 'col-6-xl' on input
// Default label prop for all fields.
// By default it's true - set it to false to disable labels for the whole
// form.
// Form model.
// An object with {field: value} structure. It doesn't matter, if it has a
// prototype or not, but keep in mind that in onSubmit or in onChangeModel
// you'll receive a plain object. If you treat form as an input, then
// this is a value.
model={{fieldA: 1}}
// Model transform.
// Function transforming one model into another. It's used in few
// situations (modes) described below. Do not mutate a given model!
modelTransform={(mode, model) => {
// This model will be passed to the fields.
if (mode === 'form') {/* ... */}
// This model will be submitted.
if (mode === 'submit') {/* ... */}
// This model will be validated.
if (mode === 'validate') {/* ... */}
// Otherwise, return unaltered model.
return model;
// Field change action.
// It receive two arguments: key and value, where key is a dot separated
// path to the changed field and value is a requested value.
onChange={(key, value) => console.log(key, value)}
// Submit failure action.
// If onSubmit returns a Promise, then this will be attached to its
// .catch chain.
onSubmitFailure={() => alert('Promise rejected!')}
// Submit success action.
// If onSubmit returns a Promise, then this will be attached to its
// .then chain.
onSubmitSuccess={() => alert('Promise resolved!')}
// Submit action.
// When the form is submitted manually or by a HTML5 event, then it's
// called with the current model.
onSubmit={model => db.saveThatReturnsPromiseOrNothing(model)}
// Default placeholder prop for all fields.
// By default it's false - set it to true to enable placeholders for the
// whole form.
// Form schema.
// BaseForm doesn't really care about it. It's used for form generation in
// QuickForm and validation in ValidatedForm.
// Default showInlineError prop for all fields.
// By default it's false - set it to true to enable inline errors for the
// whole form.
// Available in:
// antd
// bootstrap3
// bootstrap4
// semantic
// Form methods.
ref={form => {
// Reset form.
// It will reset changed state, model state in AutoForm, validation
// state in ValidatedForm and rerender.
// Trigger form change.
// It's a programatic equivalent of a change event.
form.change(key, value);
// Submit form.
// It's a programatic equivalent of a submit event. Returns a promise,
// which will either resolve with submitted form or reject with
// validation error in ValidatedForm. You can also use onSubmitFailure
// and onSubmitSuccess instead of doing form.submit().then().
import QuickForm from 'uniforms/QuickForm'; // Or from the theme package.
// Custom AutoField.
// It should be anything that will pass through React.createElement.
// Custom ErrorsField.
// It should be anything that will pass through React.createElement.
// Custom SubmitField.
// It should be anything that will pass through React.createElement.
Note: All BaseForm
props are also accepted and all methods are available.
import ValidatedForm from 'uniforms/ValidatedForm'; // Or from the theme package.
// Additional asynchronous validation.
// Schema validation has to be sync, so this is the only way to achieve
// async validation.
onValidate={(model, error, callback) => {
// You can either ignore validation error...
if (omitValidation(model)) {
return callback(null);
// ...or any additional validation if an error is already there...
if (error) {
return callback();
// ...or feed it with another error.
MyAPI.validate(model, error => callback(error || null));
// Validation mode.
// By default, the form will start to validate from the time of the first
// submit and then revalidate on every change. It's 'onChangeAfterSubmit'.
// There are also 'onChange' and 'onSubmit' modes, but those are quite
// self-explanatory.
// Validator options.
// It's passed to getValidator of your schema bridge. It really depends on
// your schema.
validator={{clean: true}}
// Form methods.
ref={form => {
// Validate form with the current model.
// Returns a Promise, which rejects with an validation error or
// resolves without any value. Note, that it resolves/rejects AFTER
// the component is rerendered.
// Validate form with key set to value.
// You can use it to check, if a given value will pass the
// validation or not. Returns validation Promise, as described above.
form.validate(key, value);
// Validate form with the given model.
// Rather internal function. Returns validation Promise, as described
// above.
Note: All BaseForm
props are also accepted and all methods are available.
Note: All QuickForm
props are also accepted and all methods are available.
Note: All ValidatedForm
props are also accepted and all methods are available.
import changedKeys from 'uniforms/changedKeys';
// Returns an array of changed keys between valueA and valueB, where root is the
// root key.
const arrayOfChangedKeys = changedKeys(root, valueA, valueB);
Note: For more examples, see changedKeys
import connectField from 'uniforms/connectField';
const ComponentXField = connectField(ComponentX, {
// Props mapper
// Useful for integration with third-party components. For example, you
// can rename specific props instead of doing mapping by hand in the
// component.
mapProps = props => props,
// Base field class
// It's reserved for the future - right now there's no useful usecase.
baseField = BaseField,
// <input> helper
// In React, <input> can't have undefined or null value and any onChange
// at once - this option passes 'undefined' as en empty string.
ensureValue = true,
// Initial value check
// If truthy, then after the first render defaultValue is set as value if
// no value is provided (undefined).
initialValue = true,
// Additional parent prop
// If truthy, additional parent prop is provided (if any). Useful for
// nested or complex fields.
includeParent = false,
// Field name chain visibility
// If truthy, then every nested field name will be prefixed with parent
// name.
includeInChain = true
import filterDOMProps from 'uniforms/filterDOMProps';
// If you create your custom field, then it's a safe way to get rid of all
// uniforms-related props.
const nonUniformsProps = filterDOMProps(props);
// If you want to filter additional props, then you have to register it.
filterDOMProps.register(propA, propB, propC, ...);
// Array of already registered props.
filterDOMProps.registered; // ['propA', 'propB', ...]
import injectName from 'uniforms/injectName';
// It's rather an internal helper, but it's still exported. Injects name to all
// already rendered fields.
const componentWithInjectedName = injectName(name, component);
import joinName from 'uniforms/joinName';
// Use it to safely join partial field names. If you create a custom field with
// subfields, then it's better to use this helper.
const joinedNameString = joinName(nameA, nameB, nameC, ...);
// If you want to have a "raw" version of a name, then pass null as the first
// param.
const joinedNameArray = joinName(null, nameA, nameB, nameC, ...);
import nothing from 'uniforms/nothing';
// In [email protected] you can't return null from functional component, but in
// React@15 you should use null - nothing is a "safe null". Basically it's a
// <noscript /> in @0.14 and null in @15.
const emptyJSX = () => nothing;
import randomIds from 'uniforms/randomIds';
// It's rather an internal helper, but it's still exported. Use it, if you want
// to have some random but deterministic strings.
const predictableRandomIdGenerator = randomIds(prefix);
const predictableRandomIdA = safeRandomIdGenerator();
const predictableRandomIdB = safeRandomIdGenerator();
const predictableRandomIdC = safeRandomIdGenerator();
// ...
import Bridge from 'uniforms/Bridge';
// This is a kind of abstract class. It should be extended to create custom
// bridges. It implements all of the required methods and throws an error with
// meaningful "method not implemented" error.
class CustomBridge extends Bridge {
// Check, if this bridge is compatibile with given schema.
static check (schema) { /* ... */ }
// Field's scoped error.
getError (name, error) { /* ... */ }
// Field's scoped error message.
getErrorMessage (name, error) { /* ... */ }
// All error messages from error.
getErrorMessages (error) { /* ... */ }
// Field's definition (`field` prop).
getField (name) { /* ... */ }
// Field's initial value.
getInitialValue (name) { /* ... */ }
// Field's props.
getProps (name) { /* ... */ }
// Field's subfields (or first-level fields).
getSubfields (name) { /* ... */ }
// Field's type (ex. Number, String).
getType (name) { /* ... */ }
// Function with one argument - model - which throws errors when model is
// invalid.
getValidator (options) { /* ... */ }
import GraphQLBridge from 'uniforms/GraphQLBridge';
import {buildASTSchema} from 'graphql';
import {parse} from 'graphql';
const schema = `
type Author {
id: String!
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Post {
id: Int!
author: Author!
title: String
votes: Int
# This is required by buildASTSchema
type Query { anything: ID }
const schemaType = buildASTSchema(parse(schema)).getType('Post');
const schemaData = {
id: {
allowedValues: [1, 2, 3]
title: {
options: [
{label: 1, value: 'a'},
{label: 2, value: 'b'}
const schemaValidator = model => {
const details = [];
if (! {
details.push({name: 'id', message: 'ID is required!'});
// ...
if (details.length) {
throw {details};
const bridge = new GraphQLBridge(schemaType, schemaValidator, schemaData);
import SimpleSchemaBridge from 'uniforms/SimpleSchemaBridge';
// SimpleSchema bridge.
const bridge = new SimpleSchemaBridge(simpleSchemaInstance);
import SimpleSchema2Bridge from 'uniforms/SimpleSchema2Bridge';
// SimpleSchema@2 bridge.
const bridge = new SimpleSchema2Bridge(simpleSchema2Instance);
import createSchemaBridge from 'uniforms/createSchemaBridge';
// It's rather an internal helper, but it's still exported. Use it, if you want
// to manually create a schema bridge or to test your bridge. It will throw on
// an unrecognised schema.
const bridge = createSchemaBridge(schemaOrBridge);