The audience is assumed to be familiar: What is an Attested TLS channel
It has the following properties:
- Demonstrates attested TLS feature
- between two enclaves
- between an enclave application and a non enclave application
- Use of mbedTLS within enclaves for TLS
- Enclave APIs used:
- oe_generate_attestation_certificate
- oe_free_attestation_certificate
- oe_verify_attestation_certificate
Note: Currently this sample only works on SGX-FLC systems. The underlying SGX library support for end-to-end remote attestation is required but available only on SGX-FLC system. There is no plan to back port those libraries to either SGX1 system or software emulator.
In first part of this sample, there are two enclave applications in this sample: one for hosting an TLS client inside an enclave and the other one for an TLS server.
In the 2nd part of this sample, there is one regular application functioning as a non-enclave TLS client and an enclave application instantiating an enclave which hosts an TLS server.
Note: Both of them can run on the same machine or separate machines.
- Host part (tls_server_host)
- Instantiate an enclave before transitioning the control into the enclave via an ecall.
- Encalve (tls_server_enclave.signed)
- Calls oe_generate_attestation_certificate to genreate an certificate
- Use Mbedtls API to configure an TLS server after configuring above certificate as the server's certificate
- Launch a TLS server and wait for client connection request
- Read client payalod and reply with server payload
- How to launch a server instance
../server/host/tls_server_host ../server/enc/tls_server_enc.signed -port:12341
- Host part (tls_client_host)
- Instantiate an enclave before transitioning the control into the enclave via an ecall.
- Encalve (tls_client_enclave.signed)
- Calls oe_generate_attestation_certificate to genreate an certificate
- Use Mbedtls API to configure an TLS server after configuring above certificate as the server's certificate
- Launch a TLS server and wait for client connection request
- Read client payalod and reply with server payload
- How to launch a client instance
../client/host/tls_client_host ../client/enc/tls_client_enclave.signed -server:localhost -port:12341
- When used in this scenario, this non-enclave client is assumed to be a trusted party holding secrets and only shares it with the server after the server is validated
- Connect to server port via socket
- Use OpenSSL API to configure a TLS client
- Call oe_verify_attestation_certificate to validate server's certificate
- Send client payload and wait for server's payload
../client/tls_non_enc_client -server:localhost -port:12341
Note that there are two different build systems supported, one using GNU Make and
, the other using CMake.
You can go build from the sample's root directory or go to tls_between_enclaves or tls_between_non_enclave_enclave subdirectory to build each sub-sample
Note: This sample uses an OE SDK customized version of mbedtls library for TLS channel connection. It has MBEDTLS_NET_C component enabled, which has a dependecy on the newly added socket support in 0.6.0 OE SDK release (for more details see Using the Open Enclave I/O subsystem for details). So in order to build successfully, you would need to link with liboehostsock and libhostresolver libraries to satisfy the dependency.
cd attested_tls
make run
This uses the CMake package provided by the Open Enclave SDK.
cd attested_tls
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make run