Runs Kraken1 on a sample.
- Kraken1
- Database formatted for Kraken1
Runs Kraken1 on a sample. It looks for raw sequence reads (fastq) as input. If not found, runs on genome assemblies under runDir/SneakerNet/assemblies/sampleName/something.fasta.
No table output. Creates files under runDir/SneakerNet/kraken/sampleName:
- - a summary of counts per taxon with the following fields. More information here:
- Percentage of reads covered by the clade rooted at this taxon
- Number of reads covered by the clade rooted at this taxon
- Number of reads assigned directly to this taxon
- A rank code, indicating (U)nclassified, (D)omain, (K)ingdom, (P)hylum, (C)lass, (O)rder, (F)amily, (G)enus, or (S)pecies. All other ranks are simply '-'.
- NCBI taxonomy ID
- indented scientific name
- - the same as above, but all hits < 1% are removed
- kraken.taxonomy - a tab-delimited file
- first column is the number of reads
- second column, and all subsequent columns are the taxonomy starting with root and going down as far as possible, e.g., scientific name.
- report.html - graphical output in Krona format