Shouyang Liu (刘守阳) (current email: [email protected]), Bruno Andrieu ([email protected]), Pierre Martre ([email protected]), Fred Baret ([email protected])
D3P provides the tools to conduct in silico phenotyping experiment over typical sensors, including RGB/Multispectral camera and LiDAR.
a. Install OpenAlea environment
OpenAlea is a 3D plant modeling platform that includes modules to analyse, visualize and model the functioning and growth of plant architecture. To install OpenAlea, please ensure Conda has been installed. Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that can run in Windows, Linux, Mac. Please use the Python 2.7 based installation (Conda Download).
Create an environment named openalea: Launch a console
conda create -n openalea -c openalea openalea.plantgl openalea.lpy boost=1.66
Activate the openalea environment:
[source] activate openalea
source should be written only on linux and macos. Install the different packages
conda install notebook=5.4 matplotlib pandas nbformat git
conda install -c openalea openalea.mtg alinea.caribu openalea.plantscan3d openalea.visualea
conda install -c openalea -c conda-forge pvlib-python alinea.astk
conda install pyprosail
b. Install Phenotyping package
c. Install POV-Ray
POV-Ray is a free and open-source ray tracing program which generates images from a text-based scene description (POV-Ray Download). For 3D model meshes in other formats (*.obj, *DXF etc.), PoseRay can convert to POV-Ray scenes (PoseRay download). However, as OpenAlea supports to export POV-Ray scenes directly, installing PoseRay is necessary only if using 3D mmeshes generated by external softwares.
a. Manipulate view configuration to mimic sensor movement
b. Change Light condition
If you use material here, please consider to cite the following paper:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Thanks a lot for help from: Chistophe pardal ([email protected]), Fredieric Boudon ([email protected]), Christian Fournier ([email protected])