LiteScript compiler is written in LiteScript. Since we can generate js-code or c-code from the LiteScript sources, here's a comparision of LiteScript compiler, self-compiling when using the generated-js-code vs using generated-c-code.
This is also a step-by-step explanation of how each version of the compiler can compile itself.
we start with LiteScript compiler v0.8 sources. Let's call this input0
We use the previous, executable version of the compiler to compile this source.
We feed input0 (v0.8 sources) to v0.7 compiler
Since v0.7 compiler is js-code, this compilation phase runs under node.js
using v0.7-to-js to generate (js code) v0.8 lite-to-js compiler
node /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/util/liteVersion -use v0.7/lite-to-js js_lite -v 3 -D PROD_JS -o ../../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
compiler options: {"outDir":"/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js","verboseLevel":3,"warningLevel":1,"debugEnabled":false,"skip":false,"generateSourceMap":true,"single":false,"browser":false,"comments":1,"perf":0,"defines":["PROD_JS"],"includeDirs":[],"mainModuleName":"js_lite"}
compile: js_lite
out: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
compiler path: ../generated-js/v0.7/lite-to-js
LiteScript compiler version 0.7.9 - Build Date: 20140722
Out Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
preprocessor #defined [ 'PROD_JS', 'ENV_NODE', 'TARGET_JS' ]
0 errors, 0 warnings.
[Finished in 9.4s]
The v0.7 (js) took 9.4 seconds in compilig v.08 sources to-js
The output of this phase is (js)output1, a js-executable version of v0.8 compiler
Now that we have a executable version of the v0.8 compiler, we check if the v0.8 compiler is able to compile itself
We feed input0 (v0.8 sources) to (js)output1 (v0.8 js-code compiler)
using v0.8-to-js to generate (js code) v0.8 lite-to-js compiler
node /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/util/liteVersion -use v0.8/lite-to-js js_lite -perf 1 -v 1 -D PROD_JS -o ../../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
compiler options: {"outDir":"/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js","verboseLevel":1,"warningLevel":1,"debugEnabled":false,"skip":false,"generateSourceMap":true,"single":false,"browser":false,"comments":1,"perf":1,"defines":["PROD_JS"],"includeDirs":[],"mainModuleName":"js_lite"}
cwd: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
compile: js_lite
out: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
compiler path: ../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
LiteScript compiler version 0.8.5 - Build Date: Sat Aug 16 2014 05:59:39 GMT-0300 (ART)
Project Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
Main Module: js_lite
Out Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
preprocessor #defined [ 'PROD_JS', 'ENV_JS', 'ENV_NODE', 'TARGET_JS' ]
Compiling js_lite
Producing js
Generated .js files (22) at /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
0 errors, 0 warnings.
Total Compile Project: 11383ms
[Finished in 11.5s]
The v0.8(js-code-compiler) took 11.5 seconds to compile itself
The output of this phase, (js)output1-B is a js-executable version of v0.8 compiler by itself and should be equal to (js)output1, i.e.: the code making the compilation.
if (js)output1-B == (js)output1, then the v0.8(js-code) compiler can compile itself
To be able to generate C-code we need first to obtain the 'compile-to-c' variant of the 0.8 compiler.
We feed input0 (v0.8 sources) to (js)output1 (v0.8 js-code compiler) with the instruction to import the "produce_c" module (#define PROD_C)
using litec v0.8-to-c to generate (js code) v0.8 lite-to-c compiler
node /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/util/liteVersion -use v0.8/lite-to-js js_lite -perf 1 -v 1 -D PROD_C -o ../../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
compiler options: {"outDir":"/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c","verboseLevel":1,"warningLevel":1,"debugEnabled":false,"skip":false,"generateSourceMap":true,"single":false,"browser":false,"comments":1,"perf":1,"defines":["PROD_C"],"includeDirs":[],"mainModuleName":"js_lite"}
cwd: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
compile: js_lite
out: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
compiler path: ../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-js
LiteScript compiler version 0.8.5 - Build Date: Sat Aug 16 2014 05:59:53 GMT-0300 (ART)
Project Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
Main Module: js_lite
Out Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
preprocessor #defined [ 'PROD_C', 'ENV_JS', 'ENV_NODE', 'TARGET_JS' ]
Compiling js_lite
Producing js
Generated .js files (21) at /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
0 errors, 0 warnings.
Total Compile Project: 12928ms
generated OK (js code) lite-to-c v0.8
at ../../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
COPY ALSO: interfaces
[Finished in 13s]
The v0.8(js-code-compiler) took 13 seconds in compilig it's own "compile-to-c" version (js code)
We'll call the output of this phase (js)output2(-to-c): a js-executable version of v0.8 compile-to-c compiler
now we can generate C-code for the v0.8 LiteScript Compiler
We feed input0 (v0.8 sources) to (js)output2(-to-c)
using v0.8-to-c to generate (c code) v0.8 lite-to-js compiler
node /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/util/liteVersion -use v0.8/lite-to-c c_lite -v 1 -D PROD_JS -o ../../litec/litec-to-js/generated-c
compiler options: {"outDir":"/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js/generated-c","verboseLevel":1,"warningLevel":1,"debugEnabled":false,"skip":false,"generateSourceMap":true,"single":false,"browser":false,"comments":1,"perf":0,"defines":["PROD_JS"],"includeDirs":[],"mainModuleName":"c_lite"}
cwd: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
compile: c_lite
out: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js/generated-c
compiler path: ../generated-js/v0.8/lite-to-c
LiteScript compiler version 0.8.5 - Build Date: Sat Aug 16 2014 06:11:10 GMT-0300 (ART)
Project Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
Main Module: c_lite
Out Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js/generated-c
preprocessor #defined [ 'PROD_JS', 'ENV_JS', 'ENV_NODE', 'TARGET_C' ]
Compiling c_lite
Producing c
Generated .c files (21) at /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js/generated-c
0 errors, 0 warnings.
generated OK (c code) lite-to-js v0.8
at ../../litec/litec-to-js/generated-c
[Finished in 14s]
The (js)v0.8(-to-c) compiler took 14 seconds to compile a C-code version of itself
We'll call the output of this phase (c)output3(-to-js): a c-code version of v0.8 compile-to-js compiler
Now that we have the C-code, we use gcc (Netbeans IDE) to compile to a native-exe
"/usr/bin/make" -f nbproject/ QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js'
"/usr/bin/make" -f nbproject/ dist/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/litec-to-js
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js'
mkdir -p build/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/_ext/761097586
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/litec/litec-to-js'
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 15s)
GCC took 15s to compile (c)output3(-to-js) into a native executable
we call this native-exe litec, [Lite]Script [C]ompiler
Now that we have a native executable version of the v0.8 compiler, we check if this version is able to compile itself
We feed input0 (v0.8 sources) to litec (v0.8 native-exe compiler)
LiteScript compile-to-js v0.8.5 Sat Aug 16 2014 06:21:50 GMT-0300 (ART) (standalone executable)
Project Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/source/v0.8
Main Module: js_lite
Out Dir: /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/out/by-c-v08/js/lite-to-js-compiler
preprocessor #defined PROD_JS, FROM_C, ENV_C, TARGET_JS
Compiling js_lite
Producing js
Generated .js files (22) at /home/ltato/LiteScript/devel/out/by-c-v08/js/lite-to-js-compiler
0 errors, 0 warnings.
Total Compile Project 1600 ms
RUN FINISHED; exit value 0; real time: 1s; user: 240ms; system: 1s
The v0.8(native-exe) took 1.6 seconds to compile itself
The output of this phase is (js)output1-B: a js-executable version of v0.8 compiler by itself and should be equal to (js)output1
if (js)output1-B == (js)output1, then the v0.8(native-exe) compiler can compile itself to js.
Now here's the important performance comparision, the js-version of the v0.8 compiler, took 11.5 seconds to generate (js)output1-B, and the native-exe took 1.6 seconds to do the same.
Here we have a 7x performance difference. The native-exe runs 7 times faster than the js-version of the same source LiteScript code.