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LiteScript Grammar

The LiteScript Grammar is based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) with extensions.

Grammar Meta-Syntax

Each Grammar class, contains a 'grammar definition' as reference. The meta-syntax for the grammar definitions is an extended form of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs)

The differences with classic PEG are:

  • instead of Symbol <- definition, we use Symbol: definition (colon instead of arrow)
  • we use [Symbol] for optional symbols instead of Symbol? (brackets also groups symbols, the entire group is optional)
  • symbols upper/lower case has meaning
  • we add (Symbol,) for comma separated List of as a powerful syntax option

Meta-Syntax Examples:

function : all-lowercase means the literal word: "function"
":" : literal symbols are quoted
ReturnStatement : CamelCase is reserved for composed, non-terminal symbol

IDENTIFIER,OPER : all-uppercase denotes a entire class of symbols
NEWLINE,EOF : or special unprintable characters

[to] : Optional symbols are enclosed in brackets
(var|let) : The vertical bar represents ordered alternatives

(Oper Operand) : Parentheses groups symbols
(Oper Operand)* : Asterisk after a group ()* means the group can repeat (meaning one or more)
[Oper Operand]* : Asterisk after a optional group []* means zero or more of the group.

[Expression,] : means: "optional comma separated list of Expressions".
Body: (Statement;) : means "Body is a semicolon-separated list of statements".

Full Meta-Syntax Example:

PrintStatement: print [Expression,]

It reads: composed symbol PrintStatement is conformed by the word print followed by an optional comma-separated list of Expression

###More on comma-separated lists

Let's analyze the example: PrintStatement: print [Expression,]

[Expression,] means optional comma "Separated List" of Expressions. Since the comma is inside a [ ] group, it means the entire list is optional.

Another example:

VariableDecl: IDENTIFIER ["=" Expression]

VarStatement: var (VariableDecl,)

It reads: composed symbol VarStatement is conformed by the word var followed by a comma-separated list of VariableDecl (at least one)

The construction (VariableDecl,) means: comma "Separated List" of VariableDecl

Since the comma is inside a ( ) group, it means at least one VariableDecl is required.

###"Free form": separated lists are flexible

Separated lists can be presented in "free-form" mode. In "free-form", the list is indented, and commas(or semicolons) are optional.


For the grammar: FunctionCall: IDENTIFIER '(' [Expression,] ')'

This is a valid text: console.log(1,2,3,"Foo")

and the following is also a valid text: /*



Grammar Implementation

The LiteScript Grammar is defined as classes, one class for each rule.

The .parse() method of each class will try the grammar rule on the token stream and:

  • If all tokens match, it will populate the node consuming the tokens. (success)
  • On a token mismatch, it will raise a 'parse failed' exception.

When a 'parse failed' exception is raised, other classes/rules can be tried. If no class parses ok, a compiler error is emitted and compilation is aborted.

if the exception is before the class has determined this was the right rule, it is a soft-error and other rules can be tried on the token stream.

if the exception is after the class has determined this was the right rule (if the AST node was 'locked'), it is a hard-error and compilation is aborted.

The ASTBase module defines the base class for all grammar classes along with utility methods to parse required tokens and parse optional ones.


import ASTBase, logger, UniqueID

shim import Map, PMREX

Reserved Words

Words that are reserved in LiteScript and cannot be used as variable or function names (There are no restrictions to object property names)

    // "compile-to-c" reserved words

Operators precedence

The order of symbols here determines operators precedence

var operatorsPrecedence = [ 
  '++','--', 'unary -', 'unary +', 'bitnot' ,'bitand', 'bitor', 'bitxor'
  ,'new','type of','instance of','has property'

LiteScript Grammar - AST Classes

This file is code and documentation, you'll find a class for each syntax construction the compiler accepts.

export class PrintStatement extends ASTBase

PrintStatement: 'print' [Expression,]

This handles print followed by an optional comma separated list of expressions

    args: array of Expression 

  method parse()
    .req 'print'

At this point we lock because it is definitely a print statement. Failure to parse the expression from this point is a syntax error.


After the word 'print' we require an optional comma-separated list of 'Expression'

    .args = this.optSeparatedList(Expression,",")

export class VariableDecl extends ASTBase

VariableDecl: IDENTIFIER [':' TypeDeclaration] ['=' assignedValue-Expression]

(variable name, optional type anotation and optionally assign a value)

Note: If no value is assigned, = undefined is assumed

VariableDecls are used in var statement, in function parameter declaration and in class properties declaration

var a : string = 'some text'
function x ( a : string = 'some text', b, c=0)

    assignedValue: Expression
    aliasVarRef: VariableRef //for .interface. files

  declare name affinity varDecl, paramDecl

  method parse()

    // accept '...' to denote a variadic function 
    if .lexer.token.value is '...' and .parent instance of FunctionParameters
        .name = .req('...')

    .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')

    if .parent instance of VarStatement
        and .name in RESERVED_WORDS 
            .sayErr '"#{.name}" is a reserved word'

optional type annotation & optional assigned value

    var parseFreeForm

    if .opt(':') 
        .type = .req(TypeDeclaration)
        if .opt('required'), .required = true

    if .opt('=') 

        if .lexer.token.type is 'NEWLINE' #dangling assignment "="[NEWLINE]

        //Note: TypeDeclaration if parses "Map", stores type as a VarRef->Map and also sets .isMap=true
        else if .lexer.token.value is 'map' #literal map creation "x = map"[NEWLINE]name:value[NEWLINE]name=value...
            .req 'map'
            .isMap = true

        else // just assignment on the same line
            if .lexer.interfaceMode //assignment in interfaces => declare var alias. as in: `var $=jQuery`
                .aliasVarRef = .req(VariableRef)
                .assignedValue = .req(Expression)
    if parseFreeForm #dangling assignment, parse a free-form object literal as assigned value
        .assignedValue   = .req(FreeObjectLiteral)

if was declared with type Map, (freeform or not) initialization literal is also map. e.g: var myMap: map string to any = {}. Because of type:Map, the expression {} gets compiled as new Map().fromObject({})

    if .isMap and .assignedValue
        .assignedValue.isMap = true

##FreeObjectLiteral and Free-Form Separated List

In free-form mode, each item stands on its own line, and separators (comma/semicolon) are optional, and can appear after or before the NEWLINE.

For example, given the previous example: VarStatement: (IDENTIFIER ["=" Expression] ,), all the following constructions are equivalent and valid in LiteScript:

Examples: /*

//standard js
var a = {prop1:30 prop2: { prop2_1:19, prop2_2:71} arr:["Jan","Feb","Mar"]}

//LiteScript: mixed freeForm and comma separated
var a =
    prop1: 30
      prop2_1: 19, prop2_2: 71
    arr: [ "Jan",
          "Feb", "Mar"]

//LiteScript: in freeForm, commas are optional
var a = 
    prop1: 30
      prop2_1: 19,
      prop2_2: 71,
    arr: [


##More about comma separated lists

The examples above only show Object and List Expressions, but you can use free-form mode (multiple lines with the same indent), everywhere a comma separated list of items apply.

The previous examples were for:

  • Literal Object expression
    because a Literal Object expression is:
    "{" + a comma separated list of Item:Value pairs + "}"


  • Literal Array expression
    because a Literal Array expression is
    "[" + a comma separated list of expressions + "]"

But the free-form option also applies for:

  • Function parameters declaration
    because Function parameters declaration is:
    "(" + a comma separated list of paramter names + ")"

  • Arguments, for any function call
    because function call arguments are:
    "(" + a comma separated list of expressions + ")"

  • Variables declaration
    because variables declaration is:
    'var' + a comma separated list of: IDENTIFIER ["=" Expression]

Examples: /*



LiteScript available variations:

print title,subtitle,



var a=10, b=20, c=30,

function complexFn( 10, 4, 'sample'
   'see 1', 
   null ){
  ...function body...



function complexFn(
  10       # determines something important to this function
  4        # do not pass nulll to this
  'sample' # this is original data
  'see 1'  # note param
  2+2      # useful tip
  null     # reserved for extensions ;)
  ...function body...


export helper class VarDeclList extends ASTBase

VarDeclList is a common ancestor for: FunctionParameters, PropertiesDeclaration and VarStatement

all three have in common: a list of VariableDecl: IDENTIFIER ["=" Expression]

    list: array of VariableDecl 

  method parseList
    .list = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,",")

  method getNames returns array of string
    var result=[]
    for each varDecl in .list
    return result

export class VarStatement extends VarDeclList

VarStatement: (var|let) (VariableDecl,)+

var followed by a comma separated list of VariableDecl (one or more)

  method parse()
    .req 'var','let'

export class FunctionParameters extends VarDeclList

FunctionParameters: ["("] [VariableDecl,] [")"]

like js, by default all functions are variadic, you can omit parenthesis and arguments declarations and the function will be considered variadic receiving "arguments[]". BUT if you explictly include "()" it means "this function takes no arguments" (like in C++)

    variadic:boolean = true // like in js, by default all fns are variadic

  method parse()


    if .lexer.token.value is "returns" 
        or .lexer.token.type in ["NEWLINE","EOF","SPACE_BRACKET"] 
            return // assume no specific parameters definitions

if we define a list of specific parameters, fuction is no longer variadic

    .variadic = false

    if .opt("(") into var starterParen // list of parameters ()-enclosed
        .list = .optSeparatedList(VariableDecl,",",")")

we also allow parameters declarations with parenthesis ommited

        .list = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,",") //require at least one

check if we've parsed "..." ellipsis in the parameters list. ellipsis are valid as "last parameter", and restores the "variadic" flag

    for each inx,item in .list
        if is '...'
            if inx<.list.length-1 
                .sayErr "variadic indicator: '...' is valid only as last parameter"
              .list.pop //remove "..."
              .variadic = true

export class PropertiesDeclaration extends VarDeclList

PropertiesDeclaration: [namespace] properties (VariableDecl,)

The properties keyword is used inside classes to define properties of the class instances.

  declare name affinity propDecl
  method parse()
    .req 'properties'

export class WithStatement extends ASTBase

WithStatement: with VariableRef Body

The WithStatement simplifies calling several methods of the same object: Example:

with frontDoor
    varRef, body

  method parse()
    .req 'with'
    .name = UniqueID.getVarName('with')  #unique 'with' storage var name
    .varRef = .req(VariableRef)
    .body = .req(Body)

export class TryCatch extends ASTBase

TryCatch: 'try' Body ExceptionBlock

Defines a try block for trapping exceptions and handling them.

  properties body,exceptionBlock

  method parse()
    .req 'try'
    .body = .req(Body)

    .exceptionBlock = .req(ExceptionBlock)

    if .exceptionBlock.indent isnt .indent
        .sayErr "try: misaligned try-catch indent"
        .exceptionBlock.sayErr "catch: misaligned try-catch indent"

export class ExceptionBlock extends ASTBase

ExceptionBlock: (exception|catch) IDENTIFIER Body [finally Body]

Defines a catch block for trapping exceptions and handling them. try should precede this construction for 'catch' keyword. try{ will be auto-inserted for the 'Exception' keyword.


  method parse()
    .keyword = .req('catch','exception','Exception')
    .keyword = .keyword.toLowerCase()

in order to correctly count frames to unwind on "return" from inside a try-catch catch"'s parent MUST BE ONLY "try"

    if .keyword is 'catch' and .parent.constructor isnt TryCatch
        .throwError "internal error, expected 'try' as 'catch' previous block"

get catch variable - Note: catch variables in js are block-scoped

    .catchVar = .req('IDENTIFIER')

get body

    .body = .req(Body)

get optional "finally" block

    if .opt('finally'), .finallyBody = .req(Body)

validate grammar: try=>catch / function=>exception

    if .keyword is 'exception' 

        if .parent.constructor isnt Statement 
          or .parent.parent isnt instance of Body
          or .parent.parent.parent isnt instance of FunctionDeclaration
              .sayErr '"Exception" block should be the part of function/method/constructor body - use "catch" to match a "try" block'

here, it is a "exception" block in a FunctionDeclaration. Mark the function as having an ExceptionBlock in order to insert "try{" at function start and also handle C-exceptions unwinding

        var theFunctionDeclaration = .parent.parent.parent
        theFunctionDeclaration.hasExceptionBlock = true

export class ThrowStatement extends ASTBase

ThrowStatement: (throw|raise|fail with) Expression

This handles throw and its synonyms followed by an expression

  properties specifier, expr

  method parse()
    .specifier = .req('throw', 'raise', 'fail')

At this point we lock because it is definitely a throw statement

    if .specifier is 'fail', .req 'with'
    .expr = .req(Expression) #trow expression

export class ReturnStatement extends ASTBase

ReturnStatement: return Expression

  properties expr:Expression

  method parse()
    .req 'return'
    .expr = .opt(Expression)

export class IfStatement extends ASTBase

IfStatement: (if|when) Expression (then|',') SingleLineBody [ElseIfStatement|ElseStatement]* IfStatement: (if|when) Expression Body [ElseIfStatement|ElseStatement]*

Parses if statments and any attached else or chained else if

    conditional: Expression

  method parse()

    .req 'if','when'
    .conditional = .req(Expression)

after , or then, a statement on the same line is required if we're processing all single-line if's, ',|then' are required

choose same body class as parent: either SingleLineBody or Body (multiline indented)

    if .opt(',','then')
        .body = .req(SingleLineBody)

    else # an indented block
        .body = .req(Body)
    end if

control: "if"-"else" are related by having the same indent

    if .lexer.token.value is 'else'

        if .lexer.index isnt 0 
            .throwError 'expected "else" to start on a new line'

        if .lexer.indent < .indent
            #token is 'else' **BUT IS LESS-INDENTED**. It is not the "else" to this "if"

        if .lexer.indent > .indent
            .throwError "'else' statement is over-indented"

    end if

Now get optional [ElseIfStatement|ElseStatement]

    .elseStatement = .opt(ElseIfStatement, ElseStatement)

export class ElseIfStatement extends ASTBase

ElseIfStatement: (else|otherwise) if Expression Body

This class handles chained else-if statements


  method parse()
    .req 'else'
    .req 'if'

return the consumed 'if', to parse as a normal IfStatement

    .nextIf = .req(IfStatement)

export class ElseStatement extends ASTBase

ElseStatement: else (Statement | Body)

This class handles closing "else" statements

  properties body
  method parse()
    .req 'else'
    .body = .req(Body)


LiteScript provides the standard js and C while loop, a until loop and a do... loop while|until


DoLoop: do [pre-WhileUntilExpression] [":"] Body loop DoLoop: do [":"] Body loop [post-WhileUntilExpression]

do-loop can have a optional pre-condition or a optional post-condition

Case 1) do-loop without any condition

a do-loop without any condition is an infinite loop (usually with a break statement inside)


var x=1
  print x
  if x is 10, break
Case 2) do-loop with pre-condition

A do-loop with pre-condition, is the same as a while|until loop


var x=1
do while x<10
  print x
Case 3) do-loop with post-condition

A do-loop with post-condition, execute the block, at least once, and after each iteration, checks the post-condition, and loops while the expression is true or until the expression is true


var x=1
  print x
loop while x < 10


public class DoLoop extends ASTBase

  method parse()
    .req 'do'
    if .opt('nothing')
      .throwParseFailed('is do nothing')
    .opt ":"

Get optional pre-condition

    .preWhileUntilExpression = .opt(WhileUntilExpression)
    .body = .opt(Body)
    .req "loop"

Get optional post-condition

    .postWhileUntilExpression = .opt(WhileUntilExpression)
    if .preWhileUntilExpression and .postWhileUntilExpression
      .sayErr "Loop: cannot have a pre-condition a and post-condition at the same time"

export class WhileUntilLoop extends DoLoop

WhileUntilLoop: pre-WhileUntilExpression Body

Execute the block while the condition is true or until the condition is true. WhileUntilLoop are a simpler form of loop. The while form, is the same as in C and js. WhileUntilLoop derives from DoLoop, to use its .produce() method.

  method parse()
    .preWhileUntilExpression = .req(WhileUntilExpression)
    .body = .opt(Body)

export helper class WhileUntilExpression extends ASTBase

common symbol for loops conditions. Is the word 'while' or 'until' followed by a boolean-Expression

WhileUntilExpression: ('while'|'until') boolean-Expression

  properties expr:Expression

  method parse()
    .name = .req('while','until')
    .expr = .req(Expression)

export class LoopControlStatement extends ASTBase

LoopControlStatement: (break|continue) [loop]

This handles the break and continue keywords. 'continue' jumps to the start of the loop (as C & Js: 'continue')

  properties control

  method parse()
    .control = .req('break','continue')
    .opt 'loop'

export class DoNothingStatement extends ASTBase

DoNothingStatement: do nothing

  method parse()
    .req 'do'
    .req 'nothing'

For Statement

export class ForStatement extends ASTBase

ForStatement: (ForEachProperty|ForEachInArray|ForIndexNumeric)

There are 3 variants of ForStatement in LiteScript

    variant: ASTBase

  method parse()
    declare valid .createScope

We start with commonn for keyword

    .req 'for'

we now require one of the variants

    .variant = .req(ForEachProperty,ForEachInArray,ForIndexNumeric)

##Variant 1) for each [own] property ###Loop over object property names

Grammar: ForEachProperty: for each [own] property name-VariableDecl ["," value-VariableDecl] in object-VariableRef [where Expression]

where name-VariableDecl is a variable declared on the spot to store each property name, and object-VariableRef is the object having the properties

export class ForEachProperty extends ASTBase

    keyIndexVar:VariableDecl, valueVar:VariableDecl

  method parse()

optional "own"

    if .opt("own") into .ownKey

next we require: 'property', and lock.


Get main variable name (to store property value)

    .valueVar = .req(VariableDecl)

if comma present, it was propName-index (to store property names)

    if .opt(",")
      .keyIndexVar = .valueVar
      .valueVar = .req(VariableDecl)

Then we require in, and the iterable-Expression (a object)

    .req 'in'
    .iterable = .req(Expression)

optional where expression (filter)

    .where = .opt(ForWhereFilter)

Now, get the loop body

    .body = .req(Body)

##Variant 2) for each in

loop over Arrays

Grammar: ForEachInArray: for each [index-VariableDecl,]item-VariableDecl in array-VariableRef [where Expression]


  • index-VariableDecl is a variable declared on the spot to store each item index (from 0 to array.length)
  • item-VariableDecl is a variable declared on the spot to store each array item (array[index]) and array-VariableRef is the array to iterate over

export class ForEachInArray extends ASTBase

    intIndexVar:VariableDecl, keyIndexVar:VariableDecl, valueVar:VariableDecl 

  method parse()

first, require 'each'

    .req 'each'

Get value variable name. Keep it simple: index and value are always variables declared on the spot

    .valueVar = .req(VariableDecl)

a comma means: previous var was 'nameIndex', so register previous as index and get value var

    if .opt(',')
      .keyIndexVar = .valueVar
      .valueVar = .req(VariableDecl)

another comma means: full 3 vars: for each intIndex,nameIndex,value in iterable. Previous two where intIndex & nameIndex

    if .opt(',')
      .intIndexVar = .keyIndexVar
      .keyIndexVar = .valueVar
      .valueVar = .req(VariableDecl)

we now require in and the iterable: Object|Map|Array... any class having a iterableNext(iter) method

    .req 'in'
    .isMap = .opt('map')
    .iterable = .req(Expression)

optional where expression

    .where = .opt(ForWhereFilter)

and then, loop body

    .body = .req(Body)

##Variant 3) for index=...

to do numeric loops

This for variant is just a verbose expressions of the standard C (and js) for(;;) loop

Grammar: ForIndexNumeric: for index-VariableDecl [","] (while|until|to|down to) end-Expression ["," increment-SingleLineBody]

where index-VariableDecl is a numeric variable declared on the spot to store loop index, start-Expression is the start value for the index (ussually 0) end-Expression is:

  • the end value (to)
  • the condition to keep looping (while)
  • the condition to end looping (until)
    and increment-SingleLineBody is the statement(s) used to advance the loop index. If omitted the default is index++

export class ForIndexNumeric extends ASTBase

    conditionPrefix, endExpression
    increment: SingleLineBody

we require: a variableDecl, with optional assignment

  method parse()
    .keyIndexVar = .req(VariableDecl)

next comma is optional, then get 'while|until|to' and condition

    .opt ','
    .conditionPrefix = .req('while','until','to','down')
    if .conditionPrefix is 'down', .req 'to'
    .endExpression = .req(Expression)

another optional comma, and increment-Statement(s)

    if .opt(',')
      .increment = .req(SingleLineBody)
      .lexer.returnToken //return closing NEWLINE, for the indented body

Now, get the loop body

    .body = .req(Body)

public helper class ForWhereFilter extends ASTBase

ForWhereFilter: [NEWLINE] where Expression

This is a helper symbol denoting optional filter for the ForLoop variants. is: optional NEWLINE, then 'where' then filter-Expression


  method parse
    var optNewLine = .opt('NEWLINE')

    if .opt('where')
      .filterExpression = .req(Expression)

      if optNewLine, .lexer.returnToken # return NEWLINE
      .throwParseFailed "expected '[NEWLINE] where'"

public class DeleteStatement extends ASTBase

DeleteStatement: delete VariableRef


  method parse
    .varRef = .req(VariableRef)

export class AssignmentStatement extends ASTBase

AssignmentStatement: VariableRef ASSIGN Expression
ASSIGN: ("="|"+="|"-="|"*="|"/=")

  properties lvalue:VariableRef, rvalue:Expression

  method parse()
    declare valid .parent.preParsedVarRef

    if .parent instanceof Statement and .parent.preParsedVarRef
      .lvalue  = .parent.preParsedVarRef # get already parsed VariableRef 
      .lvalue  = .req(VariableRef)

require an assignment symbol: ("="|"+="|"-="|"*="|"/=")

    .name = .req('ASSIGN')

    if .lexer.token.value is 'map' #dangling assignment - Literal map
      .req 'map'
      .rvalue  = .req(FreeObjectLiteral) #assume Object Expression in freeForm mode
      .rvalue.type = 'Map'
      .rvalue.isMap = true

    else if .lexer.token.type is 'NEWLINE' #dangling assignment
      .rvalue  = .req(FreeObjectLiteral) #assume Object Expression in freeForm mode

      .rvalue  = .req(Expression)

export class VariableRef extends ASTBase

VariableRef: ('--'|'++') IDENTIFIER [Accessors] ('--'|'++')

VariableRef is a Variable Reference

a VariableRef can include chained 'Accessors', which do:

  • access a property of the object : .-> PropertyAccess and [...]->IndexAccess

  • assume the variable is a function and perform a function call : (...)->FunctionAccess

    declare name affinity varRef
    method parse()
      .preIncDec = .opt('--','++')
      .executes = false

assume 'this.x' on '.x', or if we're in a WithStatement, the 'with' .name

get var name

    if .opt('.','SPACE_DOT') # note: DOT has SPACES in front when .property used as parameter

        #'.name' -> ''

        if .getParent(WithStatement) into var withStatement 
            .name =
            .name = 'this' #default replacement for '.x'

        var member: string
        #we must allow 'not' and 'has' as method names, (jQuery uses "not", Map uses "has").
        #They're classsified as "Opers", but they're valid identifiers in this context
        if .lexer.token.value in ['not','has']
            member = .lexer.nextToken() //get not|has as identifier
            member = .req('IDENTIFIER')

        .addAccessor new PropertyAccess(this,member)


        .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')


Now we check for accessors:

Note: .paserAccessors() will:

  • set .hasSideEffects=true if a function accessor is parsed

  • set .executes=true if the last accessor is a function accessor


Replace lexical super by #{SuperClass name}.prototype

    if .name is 'super'

        var classDecl = .getParent(ClassDeclaration)
        if no classDecl
          .throwError "use of 'super' outside a class method"

        if classDecl.varRefSuper
            #replace name='super' by name = #{SuperClass name}
            .name = classDecl.varRefSuper.toString()
            .name ='Object' # no superclass means 'Object' is super class

    end if super

Hack: after 'into var', allow :type

    if .getParent(Statement).intoVars and .opt(":")
        .type = .req(TypeDeclaration)

check for post-fix increment/decrement

    .postIncDec = .opt('--','++')

If this variable ref has ++ or --, IT IS CONSIDERED a "call to execution" in itself, a "imperative statement", because it has side effects. (i++ has a "imperative" part, It means: "give me the value of i, and then increment it!")

    if .preIncDec or .postIncDec 
      .executes = true
      .hasSideEffects = true

Note: In LiteScript, any VariableRef standing on its own line, it's considered a function call. A VariableRef on its own line means "execute this!", so, when translating to js, it'll be translated as a function call, and () will be added. If the VariableRef is marked as 'executes' then it's assumed it is alread a functioncall, so () will NOT be added.


LiteScript   | Translated js  | Notes
start        | start();       | "start", on its own, is considered a function call
start(10,20) | start(10,20);  | Normal function call
start 10,20  | start(10,20);  | function call w/o parentheses   |;  |, on its own, is considered a function call
i++          | i++;           | i++ is marked "executes", it is a statement in itself

Keep track of 'require' calls, to import modules (recursive) Note: commented 2014-6-11 // if .name is 'require' // .getParent(Module).requireCallNodes.push this

helper method toString()

This method is only valid to be used in error reporting. function accessors will be output as "(...)", and index accessors as [...]

    var result = "#{.preIncDec or ''}#{.name}"
    if .accessors
      for each ac in .accessors
        result = "#{result}#{ac.toString()}"
    return "#{result}#{.postIncDec or ''}"


Accessors: (PropertyAccess|FunctionAccess|IndexAccess)

Accessors: PropertyAccess: '.' IDENTIFIER IndexAccess: '[' Expression ']' FunctionAccess: '(' [Expression,]* ')'

Accessors can appear after a VariableRef (most common case) but also after a String constant, a Regex Constant, a ObjectLiteral and a ArrayLiteral


  • myObj.item.fn(call) <-- 3 accesors, two PropertyAccess and a FunctionAccess
  • myObj[5](param).part <-- 3 accesors, IndexAccess, FunctionAccess and PropertyAccess
  • [1,2,3,4].indexOf(3) <-- 2 accesors, PropertyAccess and FunctionAccess


. -> PropertyAccess: Search the property in the object and in his pototype chain. It resolves to the property value

[...] -> IndexAccess: Same as PropertyAccess

(...) -> FunctionAccess: The object is assumed to be a function, and the code executed. It resolves to the function return value.


We provide a class Accessor to be super class for the three accessors types.

export class Accessor extends ASTBase

  method parse
    fail with 'abstract'
  method toString
    fail with 'abstract'

export class PropertyAccess extends Accessor

. -> PropertyAccess: get the property named "n"

PropertyAccess: '.' IDENTIFIER PropertyAccess: '.' ObjectLiteral : short-form for .newFromObject({a:1,b:2})

  method parse()
    if .lexer.token.value is '{' // ObjectLiteral, short-form for  `.initFromObject({a:1,b:2})`
        .name='newFromObject' // fixed property access "initFromObject" (call-to)

    #we must allow 'not' and 'has' as method names, (jQuery uses "not", Map uses "has").
    #They're classsified as "Opers", but they're valid identifiers in this context
    else if .lexer.token.value in ['not','has']
        .name = .lexer.token.value //get "not"|"has" as identifier
        .lexer.nextToken() //advance
        .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')

  method toString()
    return '.#{.name}'

export class IndexAccess extends Accessor

[n]-> IndexAccess: get the property named "n" / then nth index of the array It resolves to the property value

IndexAccess: '[' Expression ']'

  method parse()
    .req "["
    .name = .req( Expression )
    .req "]" #closer ]

  method toString()
    return '[...]'

export class FunctionArgument extends ASTBase

FunctionArgument: [param-IDENTIFIER=]Expression


  method parse()


    if .opt('IDENTIFIER') into .name
        if .lexer.token.value is '=' 
            .req '='
            .name = undefined

    .expression =.req(Expression)

export class FunctionAccess extends Accessor

(...) -> FunctionAccess: The object is assumed to be a function, and the code executed. It resolves to the function return value.

FunctionAccess: '(' [FunctionArgument,]* ')'

    args:array of FunctionArgument

  method parse()
    .req "("
    .args = .optSeparatedList( FunctionArgument, ",", ")" ) #comma-separated list of FunctionArgument, closed by ")"

  method toString()
    return '(...)'

Functions appended to ASTBase, to help parse accessors on any node

Append to class ASTBase

    accessors: Accessor array      
    executes, hasSideEffects
helper method parseAccessors

We store the accessors in the property: .accessors if the accessors array exists, it will have at least one item.

Loop parsing accessors

      var ac:Accessor


          case .lexer.token.value
            when '.': //property acceess

                ac = new PropertyAccess(this)

            when "(": //function access

                ac = new FunctionAccess(this)

            when "[": //index access

                ac = new IndexAccess(this)

                break //no more accessors

          end case

          //add parsed accessor
          .addAccessor ac 

      loop #continue parsing accesors

helper method addAccessor(item)
        #create accessors list, if there was none
        if no .accessors, .accessors = []

        #polymorphic params: string defaults to PropertyAccess
        if type of item is 'string', item = new PropertyAccess(this, item)

        .accessors.push item

if the very last accesor is "(", it means the entire expression is a function call, it's a call to "execute code", so it's a imperative statement on it's own. if any accessor is a function call, this statement is assumed to have side-effects

        .executes = item instance of FunctionAccess
        if .executes, .hasSideEffects = true


Operand: (

4 + 3 -> Operand Oper Operand
-4 -> UnaryOper Operand

A Operand is the data on which the operator operates. It's the left and right part of a binary operator. It's the data affected (righ) by a UnaryOper.

To make parsing faster, associate a token type/value, with exact AST class to call parse() on.


      'STRING': StringLiteral
      'NUMBER': NumberLiteral
      'REGEX': RegExpLiteral
      'SPACE_BRACKET':ArrayLiteral # one or more spaces + "[" 


      'function': FunctionDeclaration
      '->': FunctionDeclaration
      'yield': YieldExpression

public class Operand extends ASTBase

fast-parse: if it's a NUMBER: it is NumberLiteral, if it's a STRING: it is StringLiteral (also for REGEX) or, upon next token, cherry pick which AST nodes to try, '(':ParenExpression,'[':ArrayLiteral,'{':ObjectLiteral,'function': FunctionDeclaration

  method parse()
    .name = .parseDirect(.lexer.token.type, OPERAND_DIRECT_TYPE) 
      or .parseDirect(.lexer.token.value, OPERAND_DIRECT_TOKEN)

if it was a Literal, ParenExpression or FunctionDeclaration besides base value, this operands can have accessors. For example: "string".length , myObj.fn(10) NOTE: ONLY IF ON THE SAME LINE. After a callback function declaration, there can be a '.' starting another statement and w/o "on the same line" restriction it will consider such dot as function object property access.

    if .name 
        if .lexer.sourceLineNum is .sourceLineNum

else, (if not Literal, ParenExpression or FunctionDeclaration) it must be a variable ref

        .name = .req(VariableRef)

    end if

end Operand


Oper: ('~'|'&'|'^'|'|'|'>>'|'<<'
        |instance of|instanceof
        |is|'==='|isnt|is not|'!=='
        |[not] in
        |(has|hasnt) property
        |? true-Expression : false-Expression)`

An Oper sits between two Operands ("Oper" is a "Binary Operator", different from UnaryOperators which optionally precede a Operand)

If an Oper is found after an Operand, a second Operand is expected.

Operators can include:

  • arithmetic operations "*"|"/"|"+"|"-"
  • boolean operations "and"|"or"
  • in collection check. (js: indexOx()>=0)
  • instance class checks (js: instanceof)
  • short-if ternary expressions ? :
  • bit operations (|&)
  • has property object property check (js: 'propName in object')

public class Oper extends ASTBase

    left:Operand, right:Operand
    pushed, precedence

Get token, require an OPER. Note: 'ternary expression with else'. x? a else b should be valid alias for x?a:b

  method parse()
    declare valid .getPrecedence
    declare valid .parent.ternaryCount
    if .parent.ternaryCount and .opt('else')
        .name=':' # if there's a open ternaryCount, 'else' is converted to ":"
        .name = .req('OPER')


A) validate double-word opers

A.1) validate instance of

    if .name is 'instance'
        .name = "instance of"

A.2) validate has|hasnt property

    else if .name is 'has'
        .negated = .opt('not')? true:false # set the 'negated' flag
        .name = "has property"

    else if .name is 'hasnt'
        .negated = true # set the 'negated' flag
        .name = "has property"

A.3) also, check if we got a not token. In this case we require the next token to be in|like not in|like is the only valid (not-unary) Oper starting with not

    else if .name is 'not'
        .negated = true # set the 'negated' flag
        .name = .req('in','like') # require 'not in'|'not like'

A.4) handle 'into [var] x', assignment-Expression

    if .name is 'into' and .opt('var')
        .intoVar = '*r' //.right operand is "into" var
        .getParent(Statement).intoVars = true #mark owner statement

A.4) mark 'or' operations, since for c-generation a temp var is required

    else if .name is 'or'
        if is 'c'
            .intoVar = UniqueID.getVarName('__or')

B) Synonyms

else, check for isnt, which we treat as !==, negated is

    else if .name is 'isnt'
      .negated = true # set the 'negated' flag
      .name = 'is' # treat as 'Negated is'

else check for instanceof, (old habits die hard)

    else if .name is 'instanceof'
      .name = 'instance of'

    end if

C) Variants on 'is/isnt...'

    if .name is 'is' # note: 'isnt' was converted to 'is {negated:true}' above

C.1) is not
Check for is not, which we treat as isnt rather than is ( not.

        if .opt('not') # --> is not/has not...
            if .negated, .throwError '"isnt not" is invalid'
            .negated = true # set the 'negated' flag

        end if

C.2) accept 'is/isnt instance of' and 'is/isnt instanceof'

        if .opt('instance')
            .name = 'instance of'

        else if .opt('instanceof')
            .name = 'instance of'

        end if

Get operator precedence index


  end Oper parse

###getPrecedence: Helper method to get Precedence Index (lower number means higher precedende)

  helper method getPrecedence()

    .precedence = operatorsPrecedence.indexOf(.name)
    if .precedence is -1 
        .sayErr "OPER '#{.name}' not found in the operator precedence list"

###Boolean Negation: not

####Notes for the javascript programmer

In LiteScript, the boolean negation not, has LOWER PRECEDENCE than the arithmetic and logical operators.

In LiteScript: if not a + 2 is 5 means if not (a+2 is 5)

In javascript: if ( ! a + 2 === 5 ) means if ( (!a)+2 === 5 )

so remember not to mentally translate not to js !


UnaryOper: ('-'|'+'|new|type of|typeof|not|no|bitnot)

A Unary Oper is an operator acting on a single operand. Unary Oper extends Oper, so both are instance of Oper


not boolean negation if not ( a is 3 or b is 4) 2. - numeric unary minus -(4+3) 2. + numeric unary plus +4 (can be ignored) 3. new instantiation x = new classes[2]() 4. type of type name access type of x is 'string' 5. no 'falsey' check if no options then options={} 6. ~ bit-unary-negation a = ~xC0 + 5

var unaryOperators = ['new','-','no','not','type','typeof','bitnot','+']

public class UnaryOper extends Oper

require a unaryOperator

  method parse()
      .name = .reqOneOf(unaryOperators)

Check for type of - we allow "type" as var name, but recognize "type of" as UnaryOper

      if .name is 'type'
          if .opt('of')
            .name = 'type of'
            .throwParseFailed 'expected "of" after "type"'

Lock, we have a unary oper


Rename - and + to 'unary -' and 'unary +', 'typeof' to 'type of'

      if .name is '-'
          .name = 'unary -'

      else if .name is '+'
          .name = 'unary +'

      else if .name is 'typeof'
          .name = 'type of'

      end if

calculate precedence - Oper.getPrecedence()


  end parse 


Expression: [UnaryOper] Operand [Oper [UnaryOper] Operand]*

The expression class parses intially a flat array of nodes. After the expression is parsed, a Expression Tree is created based on operator precedence.

public class Expression extends ASTBase
      operandCount, root 

  method parse()
    declare valid .growExpressionTree
    declare valid

    var arr = []
    .operandCount = 0 
    .ternaryCount = 0


Get optional unary operator (performance) check token first

        if .lexer.token.value in unaryOperators
            var unaryOper = .opt(UnaryOper)
            if unaryOper
                arr.push unaryOper

Get operand

        arr.push .req(Operand) 

(performance) Fast exit for common tokens: = , ] ) -> end of expression.

        if .lexer.token.type is 'ASSIGN' or .lexer.token.value in ',)]' 

optional newline before Oper to allow a expressions to continue on the next line. We look ahead, and if the first token in the next line is OPER we consume the NEWLINE, allowing multiline expressions. The exception is ArrayLiteral, because in free-form mode the next item in the array on the next line, can start with a unary operator

        if .lexer.token.type is 'NEWLINE' and not (.parent instanceof ArrayLiteral)
          .opt 'NEWLINE' #consume newline
          if .lexer.token.type isnt 'OPER' # the first token in the next line isnt OPER (+,and,or,...)
              .lexer.returnToken() # return NEWLINE
              break #end Expression

Try to parse next token as an operator

        var oper = .opt(Oper)
        if no oper then break # no more operators, end of expression

keep count on ternaryOpers

        if is '?'

        else if is ':'
            if no .ternaryCount //":" without '?'. It can be 'case' expression ending ":"
                break //end of expression

        end if

If it was an operator, store, and continue because we expect another operand. (operators sits between two operands)


allow dangling expression. If the line ends with OPER, we consume the NEWLINE and continue parsing the expression on the next line

        .opt 'NEWLINE' #consume optional newline after Oper


Control: complete all ternary operators

    if .ternaryCount, .throwError 'missing (":"|else) on ternary operator (a? b else c)'

Fix 'new' calls. Check parameters for 'new' unary operator, for consistency, add '()' if not present, so a = new MyClass turns into a = new MyClass()

    for each index,item in arr
      declare item:UnaryOper         
      if item instanceof UnaryOper and is 'new'
        var operand = arr[index+1]
        if instanceof VariableRef
            var varRef =
            if no varRef.executes, varRef.addAccessor new FunctionAccess(this)

Now we create a tree from .arr[], based on operator precedence


  end method Expression.parse()

Grow The Expression Tree

Growing the expression AST

By default, for every expression, the parser creates a flat array of UnaryOper, Operands and Operators.

Expression: [UnaryOper] Operand [Oper [UnaryOper] Operand]*

For example, not 1 + 2 * 3 is 5, turns into:

.arr = ['not','1','+','2','*','3','is','5']

In this method we create the tree, by pushing down operands, according to operator precedence.

The process is repeated until there is only one operator left in the root node (the one with lower precedence)

For example, not 1 + 2 * 3 is 5, turns into:

     /  \
   +     5
  / \   
 1   *  
    / \ 
    2  3

3 in a and not 4 in b

     /  \
   in    not
  / \     |
 3   a    in
         /  \
        4   b

3 in a and 4 not in b

     /  \
   in   not-in
  / \    / \
 3   a  4   b


  / \
 -   2
  / \
 4   3


while there is more than one operator in the root node...

  method growExpressionTree(arr:ASTBase array)

    do while arr.length > 1

find the one with highest precedence (lower number) to push down (on equal precedende, we use the leftmost)

      var pos=-1
      var minPrecedenceInx = 100
      for each inx,item in arr

          //debug "item at #{inx} #{}, Oper? #{item instanceof Oper}. precedence:",item.precedence

          if item instanceof Oper
              declare item:Oper
              if not item.pushed and item.precedence < minPrecedenceInx
                  pos = inx
                  minPrecedenceInx = item.precedence

      end for
      if pos<0, .throwError("can't find highest precedence operator")

Un-flatten: Push down the operands a level down

      var oper = arr[pos]

      oper.pushed = true

      if oper instanceof UnaryOper

          if pos is arr.length
              .throwError("can't get RIGHT operand for unary operator '#{oper}'") 

          # if it's a unary operator, take the only (right) operand, and push-it down the tree
          oper.right = arr.splice(pos+1,1)[0]


          if pos is arr.length
            .throwError("can't get RIGHT operand for binary operator '#{oper}'")
          if pos is 0
            .throwError("can't get LEFT operand for binary operator '#{oper}'")

          # if it's a binary operator, take the left and right operand, and push them down the tree
          oper.right = arr.splice(pos+1,1)[0]
          oper.left = arr.splice(pos-1,1)[0]

      end if

    loop #until there's only one operator

Store the root operator

    .root = arr[0]

  end method


This class groups: NumberLiteral, StringLiteral, RegExpLiteral, ArrayLiteral and ObjectLiteral

public class Literal extends ASTBase

  method getValue()
    return .name

  method toString()
    return .name


NumberLiteral: NUMBER

A numeric token constant. Can be anything the lexer supports, including scientific notation , integers, floating point, or hex.

public class NumberLiteral extends Literal

    .type = 'Number'

  method parse()
    .name = .req('NUMBER')


StringLiteral: STRING

A string constant token. Can be anything the lexer supports, including single or double-quoted strings. The token include the enclosing quotes

public class StringLiteral extends Literal

    .type = 'String'

  method parse()
    .name = .req('STRING')

  method getValue()
    return .name.slice(1,-1) #remove quotes


RegExpLiteral: REGEX

A regular expression token constant. Can be anything the lexer supports.

public class RegExpLiteral extends Literal

    .type = 'RegExp'

  method parse()
    .name = .req('REGEX')


ArrayLiteral: '[' (Expression,)* ']'

An array definition, such as a = [1,2,3] or

a = [
public class ArrayLiteral extends Literal

    items: array of Expression

    .type = 'Array'

  method parse()
    .req '[','SPACE_BRACKET'
    .items = .optSeparatedList(Expression,',',']') # closer "]" required


ObjectLiteral: '{' NameValuePair* '}'

Defines an object with a list of key value pairs. This is a JavaScript-style definition. For LiteC (the Litescript-to-C compiler), a ObjectLiteral crates a Map string to any on the fly.

x = {a:1,b:2,c:{d:1}}

public class ObjectLiteral extends Literal

    items: NameValuePair array
    produceType: string

  method parse()
    .req '{'
    .items = .optSeparatedList(NameValuePair,',','}') # closer "}" required

####helper Functions

  #recursive duet 1 (see NameValuePair)
  helper method forEach(callback) 
      for each nameValue in .items


NameValuePair: (IDENTIFIER|StringLiteral|NumberLiteral) ':' Expression

A single definition in a ObjectLiteral a property-name: value pair.

public class NameValuePair extends ASTBase

      value: Expression

  method parse()

    .name = .req('IDENTIFIER',StringLiteral,NumberLiteral)

    .req ':'

if it's a "dangling assignment", we assume FreeObjectLiteral

    if .lexer.token.type is 'NEWLINE'
      .value = .req(FreeObjectLiteral)

      if .lexer.interfaceMode
          .type = .req(TypeDeclaration)
          .value = .req(Expression)

recursive duet 2 (see ObjectLiteral)

  helper method forEach(callback:Function) 

      if instanceof ObjectLiteral
        declare callback # recurse

  end helper recursive functions


Defines an object with a list of key value pairs. Each pair can be in it's own line. A indent denotes a new level deep. FreeObjectLiterals are triggered by a "dangling assignment"

Examples: /*

var x =            // <- dangling assignment
      a: 1 
      b:           // <- dangling assignment

var x =
 months: ["J","F",
  "N","D" ]

var y =
 getValue: function(i)
   return y.trimester[i]


public class FreeObjectLiteral extends ObjectLiteral

get items: optional comma separated, closes on de-indent, at least one required

  method parse()

    .items = .reqSeparatedList(NameValuePair,',') 


ParenExpression: '(' Expression ')'

An expression enclosed by parentheses, like (a + b).

public class ParenExpression extends ASTBase

  properties expr:Expression

  method parse()
    .req '('
    .expr = .req(Expression)
    .opt 'NEWLINE'
    .req ')'


FunctionDeclaration: 'function [IDENTIFIER] ["(" [VariableDecl,]* ")"] [returns type-VariableRef] Body

Functions: parametrized pieces of callable code.

public class FunctionDeclaration extends ASTBase

    paramsDeclarations: FunctionParameters
    definePropItems: DefinePropertyItem array
    hasExceptionBlock: boolean

  method parse()

    .specifier = .req('function','method','->')

    if .specifier isnt 'method' and .parent.parent instance of ClassDeclaration
        .throwError "unexpected 'function' in 'class/namespace' body. You should use 'method'"

'->' are anonymous functions

    if .specifier is '->'
        .name = ""
        .name = .opt('IDENTIFIER') 
        if .name in ['__init','new'], .sayErr '"#{.name}" is a reserved function name'

get parameter members, and function body


  #end parse
helper method parseParametersAndBody()

This method is shared by functions, methods and constructors. () after function are optional. It parses: ['(' [VariableDecl,] ')'] [returns VariableRef] '['DefinePropertyItem']'

get parameters declarations

    .paramsDeclarations = .opt(FunctionParameters)

now parse body

    if .opt('=') #one line function. Body is a Expression
        .body = .req(Expression)

    else # full body function

        if .opt('returns'), .type = .req(TypeDeclaration)  #function return type

        if .opt('[','SPACE_BRACKET') # property attributes (non-enumerable, writable, etc - Object.defineProperty)
            .definePropItems = .optSeparatedList(DefinePropertyItem,',',']')

        #indented function body
        .body = .req(Body)

    end if

public class DefinePropertyItem extends ASTBase

This Symbol handles property attributes, the same used at js's Object.DefineProperty()

  declare name affinity definePropItem


  method parse()
    .negated = .opt('not')
    .name = .req('enumerable','configurable','writable')


MethodDeclaration: 'method [name] ["(" [VariableDecl,] ")"] [returns type-VariableRef] ["["DefinePropertyItem,"]"] Body

A method is a function defined in the prototype of a class. A method has an implicit var this pointing to the specific instance the method is called on.

MethodDeclaration derives from FunctionDeclaration, so both are instance of FunctionDeclaration

method concat(a:string, b:string) return string
method remove(element) [not enumerable, not writable, configurable]

public class MethodDeclaration extends FunctionDeclaration

  method parse()

    .specifier = .req('method')

require method name. Note: jQuery uses 'not' and 'has' as method names, so here we take any token, and then check if it's a valid identifier

    //.name = .req('IDENTIFIER') 
    var name = .lexer.token.value 

    if no PMREX.whileRanges(name,"0-9") and name is PMREX.whileRanges(name,"a-zA-Z0-9$_") 
        do nothing //if do no start with a number and it's composed by "a-zA-Z0-9$_", is valid
        .throwError 'invalid method name: "#{name}"'

    .name = name

now parse parameters and body (as with any function)



ClassDeclaration: class IDENTIFIER [[","] (extends|inherits from)] Body

Defines a new class with an optional parent class. properties and methods go inside the block.

public class ClassDeclaration extends ASTBase


  declare name affinity classDecl

  method parse()
    .req 'class'
    .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')

Control: class names should be Capitalized, except: jQuery

    if not .lexer.interfaceMode and not String.isCapitalized(.name)
        .lexer.sayErr "class names should be Capitalized: class #{.name}"

Now parse optional ,(extend|proto is|inherits from) setting the super class

    if .opt('extends','inherits','proto') 
      .varRefSuper = .req(VariableRef)

Now get the class body

    .body = .req(Body)
        PropertiesDeclaration, ConstructorDeclaration 
        MethodDeclaration, DeclareStatement, DoNothingStatement


ConstructorDeclaration : 'constructor [new className-IDENTIFIER] ["(" [VariableDecl,]* ")"] [returns type-VariableRef] Body

A constructor is the main function of the class. In js is the function-class body (js: function Class(...){... ) The constructor method is called upon creation of the object, by the new operator. The return value is the value returned by new operator, that is: the new instance of the class.

ConstructorDeclaration derives from MethodDeclaration, so it is also a instance of FunctionDeclaration

public class ConstructorDeclaration extends MethodDeclaration

  method parse()

    .specifier = .req('constructor')

    .name = '__init'

    if .opt('new') # optional: constructor new Person(name:string)
      # to ease reading, and to find also the constructor when searching for "new Person"
      var className = .req('IDENTIFIER')
      var classDeclaration = .getParent(ClassDeclaration)
      if no classDeclaration, . sayErr "constructor found outside Class Declaration"
      if classDeclaration and isnt className
          .sayErr "Class Name mismatch #{className}/#{}"

now get parameters and body (as with any function)


Check we're in a class, set class property:constructorDeclaration

    var bodyParent =  .parent.parent.parent // =>Statement=>Body=>Body's parent
    if bodyParent.constructor isnt ClassDeclaration
        .sayErr "constructor outside class. Container is: #{bodyParent}"
    declare bodyParent:ClassDeclaration
    if bodyParent.constructorDeclaration
        .sayErr "this class already has a constructor"
    bodyParent.constructorDeclaration = this

  #end parse


AppendToDeclaration: append to (class|object) VariableRef Body

Adds methods and properties to an existent object, e.g., Class.prototype

public class AppendToDeclaration extends ClassDeclaration

  method parse()

    .req 'append','Append'
    .req 'to'

    var appendToWhat:string = .req('class','Class','namespace','Namespace')
    .toNamespace = appendToWhat.endsWith('space')

    .varRef = .req(VariableRef)

    if .toNamespace, .name=.varRef.toString()

Now get the append-to body

    .body = .req(Body)



NamespaceDeclaration: namespace IDENTIFIER Body

Declares a namespace. for js: creates a object with methods and properties for LiteC, just declare a namespace. All classes created inside will have the namespace prepended with "_"

public class NamespaceDeclaration extends ClassDeclaration // NamespaceDeclaration is instance of ClassDeclaration
  method parse()

    .req 'namespace','Namespace'


Now get the namespace body

    .body = .req(Body)



DebuggerStatement: debugger

When a debugger is attached, break at this point.

public class DebuggerStatement extends ASTBase
  method parse()
    .name = .req("debugger")


compiler is a generic entry point to alter LiteScript compiler from source code. It allows conditional complilation, setting compiler options, and execute macros to generate code on the fly. Future: allow the programmer to hook transformations on the compiler process itself.
CompilerStatement: (compiler|compile) (set|if|debugger|option) Body
set-CompilerStatement: compiler set (VariableDecl,)
conditional-CompilerStatement: 'compile if IDENTIFIER Body

public class CompilerStatement extends ASTBase

    kind, conditional:string
    list, body

  method parse()
    .req 'compiler','compile'

    .kind = .req('set','if','debugger','options')

compiler set

get list of declared names, add to root node 'Compiler Vars'

    if .kind is 'set'
        .list = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,',')

compiler if conditional compilation

/* else if .kind is 'if'

      .conditional = .req('IDENTIFIER')

      if .compilerVar(.conditional)
          .body = .req(Body)
        //skip block
        loop until .lexer.indent <= .indent


other compile options

    else if .kind is 'debugger' #debug-pause the compiler itself, to debug compiling process

      .sayErr 'invalid compiler command'

Import Statement

ImportStatement: import (ImportStatementItem,)

Example: import fs, path -> js:var fs=require('fs'),path=require('path')

Example: import Args, wait from 'wait.for' -> js:var http=require('./Args'),wait=require('./wait.for')

public class ImportStatement extends ASTBase

    list: ImportStatementItem array

  method parse()

    if .lexer.options.browser, .throwError "'import' statement invalid in browser-mode. Do you mean 'global declare'?"

    .list = .reqSeparatedList(ImportStatementItem,",")

keep track of import/require calls

    var parentModule = .getParent(Module)
    for each item in .list
        parentModule.requireCallNodes.push item

export class ImportStatementItem extends ASTBase

ImportStatementItem: IDENTIFIER [from STRING]


  method parse()
    .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')
    if .opt('from')
        .importParameter = .req(StringLiteral)
    else if .opt('=')
        .importParameter = .req(StringLiteral)
    end if


Declare allows you to define a variable and/or its type for the type-checker (at compile-time)

#####Declare variable:type DeclareStatement: declare VariableRef:type-VariableRef

Declare a variable type on the fly, from declaration point onward

Example: declare name:string, parent:Grammar.Statement #on the fly, from declaration point onward

#####Global Declare global declare (ImportStatementItem+) Browser-mode: Import a file to declare a global pre-existent complex objects Example: global declare jQuery,Document,Window

#####Declare [global] var DeclareStatement: declare [global] var (VariableDecl,)+

Allows you to declare a preexistent [global] variable Example: declare global var window:object

#####Declare global type for VariableRef

Allows you to set the type on a existing variable globally for the entire compilation.

Example: declare global type for LocalData.user: Models.userData #set type globally for the entire compilation

#####Declare name affinity DeclareStatement: name affinity (IDENTIFIER,)+

To be used inside a class declaration, declare var names that will default to Class as type


  Class VariableDecl
      name: string, sourceLine, column
      declare name affinity varDecl

Given the above declaration, any var named (or ending in) "varDecl" or "VariableDecl" will assume :VariableDecl as type. (Class name is automatically included in 'name affinity')

Example: var varDecl, parentVariableDecl, childVarDecl, variableDecl

all three vars will assume :VariableDecl as type.

#####Declare valid DeclareStatement: declare valid IDENTIFIER("."(IDENTIFIER|"()"|"[]"))* [:type-VariableRef]

To declare, on the fly, known-valid property chains for local variables. Example: declare valid declare valid node.parent.parent.text:string declare valid node.parent.items[].name:string

#####Declare on DeclareStatement: declare on IDENTIFIER (VariableDecl,)+

To declare valid members on scope vars. Allows you to declare the valid properties for a local variable or parameter Example: /* function startServer(options) declare on options name:string, useHeaders:boolean, port:number */

export class DeclareStatement extends ASTBase

    varRef: VariableRef
    names: VariableDecl array
    list: ImportStatementItem array
    globVar: boolean

  method parse()

    .req 'declare'

if it was 'global declare', treat as import statement

    if .hasAdjective('global')
          .list = .reqSeparatedList(ImportStatementItem,",")
          //keep track of `import/require` calls
          var parentModule = .getParent(Module)
          for each item in .list
              parentModule.requireCallNodes.push item
    end if

get specifier 'on|valid|name|all'

    .specifier = .opt('on','valid','name','global','var')
    if .lexer.token.value is ':' #it was used as a var name
    else if no .specifier
        .specifier='on-the-fly' #no specifier => assume on-the-fly type assignment
    end if

    #handle ' var..' & ' type for..'
    if .specifier is 'global' #declare global (var|type for)... 
        .specifier = .req('var','type') #require 'var|type'
        if .specifier is 'var'
              .globVar = true
        else # .specifier is 'type' require 'for'
    end if

    case .specifier

      when  'on-the-fly','type':
        #declare VarRef:Type
        .varRef = .req(VariableRef)
        .req(':') //type expected
        .type = .req(TypeDeclaration)

      when 'valid':
        .varRef = .req(VariableRef)
        if no .varRef.accessors, .sayErr "declare valid: expected accesor chain. Example: 'declare valid name.member.member'"
        if .opt(':') 
            .type = .req(TypeDeclaration) //optional type

      when 'name':
        .specifier = .req('affinity')
        .names = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,',')
        for each varDecl in .names
           if (varDecl.type and varDecl.type isnt 'any') or varDecl.assignedValue
              .sayErr "declare name affinity: expected 'name,name,...'"

      when 'var':
        .names = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,',')
        for each varDecl in .names
           if varDecl.assignedValue
              .sayErr "declare var. Cannot assign value in file."

      when 'on':
        .name = .req('IDENTIFIER')
        .names = .reqSeparatedList(VariableDecl,',')

    //end cases


  end method parse


DefaultAssignment: default AssignmentStatement

It is a common pattern in javascript to use a object parameters (named "options") to pass misc options to functions.

Litescript provide a 'default' construct as syntax sugar for this common pattern

The 'default' construct is formed as an ObjectLiteral assignment, but only the 'undfined' properties of the object will be assigned.

Example: /*

function theApi(object,options,callback)

  default options =
    logger: console.log
    encoding: 'utf-8'
    throwErrors: true
      enabled: false
      level: 2
  end default

  ...function body...

end function

/ is equivalent to js's: /

function theApi(object,options,callback) {

    if (!options) options = {};
    if (options.logger===undefined) options.logger = console.log;
    if (options.encoding===undefined) options.encoding = 'utf-8';
    if (options.throwErrors===undefined) options.throwErrors=true;
    if (!options.debug) options.debug = {};
    if (options.debug.enabled===undefined) options.debug.enabled=false;
    if (options.debug.level===undefined) options.debug.level=2;

    ...function body...


public class DefaultAssignment extends ASTBase

    assignment: AssignmentStatement

  method parse()

    .req 'default'

    .assignment = .req(AssignmentStatement)

End Statement

EndStatement: end (IDENTIFIER)* NEWLINE

end is an optional end-block marker to ease code reading. It marks the end of code blocks, and can include extra tokens referencing the construction closed. (in the future) This references will be cross-checked, to help redude subtle bugs by checking that the block ending here is the intended one.

If it's not used, the indentation determines where blocks end ()

Example: end if , end loop, end for each item

Usage Examples:

if a is 3 and b is 5
  print "a is 3"
  print "b is 5"
end if

loop while a < 10
end loop


public class EndStatement extends ASTBase

    references:string array

  method parse()

    .req 'end'


    var block:ASTBase
    if .parent.parent is instanceof Body or .parent.parent is instanceof Module
        block = .parent.parent
    if no block
        .lexer.throwErr "'end' statement found outside a block"
    var expectedIndent = block.indent or 4
    if .indent isnt expectedIndent
        .lexer.throwErr "'end' statement misaligned indent: #{.indent}. Expected #{expectedIndent} to close block started at line #{block.sourceLineNum}"

The words after end are just 'loose references' to the block intended to be closed We pick all the references up to EOL (or EOF)

    while not .opt('NEWLINE','EOF')

Get optional identifier reference We save end references, to match on block indentation, for Example: end for indentation must match a for statement on the same indent

        if .lexer.token.type is 'IDENTIFIER'


    #end loop


YieldExpression: yield until asyncFnCall-VariableRef YieldExpression: yield parallel map array-Expression asyncFnCall-VariableRef

yield until expression calls a 'standard node.js async function' and yield execution to the caller function until the async completes (callback).

A 'standard node.js async function' is an async function with the last parameter = callback(err,data)

The yield-wait is implemented by exisiting lib 'nicegen'.

Example: contents = yield until fs.readFile 'myFile.txt','utf8'

public class YieldExpression extends ASTBase


  method parse()

    .req 'yield'
    .specifier = .req('until','parallel')

    if .specifier is 'until'

        .fnCall = .req(FunctionCall)


        .req 'map'
        .arrExpression = .req(Expression)
        .fnCall = .req(FunctionCall)


FunctionCall: VariableRef ["("] (FunctionArgument,) [")"]

public class FunctionCall extends ASTBase
  declare name affinity fnCall

      varRef: VariableRef

  method parse(options)
    declare valid .parent.preParsedVarRef

Check for VariableRef. - can include (...) FunctionAccess

    if .parent.preParsedVarRef #VariableRef already parsed
      .varRef = .parent.preParsedVarRef #use it
      .varRef = .req(VariableRef)

if the last accessor is function call, this is already a FunctionCall

    //debug "#{.varRef.toString()} #{.varRef.executes?'executes':'DO NOT executes'}"

    if .varRef.executes
        return #already a function call

    if .lexer.token.type is 'EOF'
        return // no more tokens 

alllow a indented block to be parsed as fn call arguments

    if .opt('NEWLINE') // if end of line, check next line
        var nextLineIndent = .lexer.indent //save indent
        .lexer.returnToken() //return NEWLINE
        // check if next line is indented (with respect to Statement (parent))
        if nextLineIndent <= .parent.indent // next line is not indented 
              // assume this is just a fn call w/o parameters

else, get parameters, add to varRef as FunctionAccess accessor,

    var functionAccess = new FunctionAccess(.varRef)
    functionAccess.args = functionAccess.reqSeparatedList(FunctionArgument,",")
    if .lexer.token.value is '->' #add last parameter: callback function (comma before -> is optional)
        functionAccess.args.push .req(FunctionArgument)

    .varRef.addAccessor functionAccess


CaseStatement: case [VariableRef] [instance of] NEWLINE (when (Expression,) Body)* [else Body]

Similar syntax to ANSI-SQL 'CASE', and ruby's 'case' but it is a "statement" not a expression

Examples: /*

case b 
  when 2,4,6:
    print 'even' 
  when 1,3,5:
    print 'odd'
    print 'idk' 

// case instance of
case b instance of

  when VarStatement:
    print 'variables #{b.list}' 

  when AppendToDeclaration:
    print 'it is append to #{b.varRef}'

  when NamespaceDeclaration:
    print 'namespace #{}'

  when ClassDeclaration:
    print 'a class, extends #{b.varRefSuper}'

    print 'unexpected class' 


// case when TRUE
var result
    when a is 3 or b < 10:
        result = 'option 1'
    when b >= 10 or a<0 or c is 5:
        result= 'option 2'
        result = 'other' 


public class CaseStatement extends ASTBase

    varRef: VariableRef
    isInstanceof: boolean
    cases: array of WhenSection 
    elseBody: Body

  method parse()
    .req 'case'

    .varRef = .opt(VariableRef)

    .isInstanceof = .opt('instance','instanceof') //case foo instance of
    if .isInstanceof is 'instance', .opt('of')


    while .opt(WhenSection) into var whenSection
        .cases.push whenSection

    if .cases.length is 0, .sayErr 'no "when" sections found for "case" construction'

    if .opt('else')
        .elseBody = .req(Body)

public helper class WhenSection extends ASTBase

Helper class to parse each case

        expressions: Expression array

we allow a list of comma separated expressions to compare to and a body

    method parse()

        .req 'when'
        .expressions = .reqSeparatedList(Expression, ",",":")
        if .lexer.token.type is 'NEWLINE'
            .body = .req(Body) //indented body block
            .body = .req(SingleLineBody)

public helper class TypeDeclaration extends ASTBase


  method parse

parse type declaration:

function [(VariableDecl,)] type-IDENTIFIER [array] [array of] type-IDENTIFIER map type-IDENTIFIER to type-IDENTIFIER

    if .opt('function','Function') #function as type 
        .mainType= new VariableRef(this, 'Function')
        if .lexer.token.value is '(', .parseAccessors

check for 'array', e.g.: var list : array of String

    if .opt('array','Array')
        .mainType = 'Array'
        if .opt('of')
            .itemType = .req(VariableRef) #reference to an existing class
            //auto-capitalize core classes
            declare .itemType:VariableRef
   = autoCapitalizeCoreClasses(
        end if

Check for 'map', e.g.: var list : map string to Statement

    .mainType = .req(VariableRef) #reference to an existing class
    //auto-capitalize core classes
    declare .mainType:VariableRef = autoCapitalizeCoreClasses(
    if is 'Map'
        .parent.isMap = true
        .extraInfo = 'map [type] to [type]' //extra info to show on parse fail
        .keyType = .req(VariableRef) #type for KEYS: reference to an existing class
        //auto-capitalize core classes
        declare .keyType:VariableRef = autoCapitalizeCoreClasses(
        .itemType = .req(VariableRef) #type for values: reference to an existing class
        #auto-capitalize core classes
        declare .itemType:VariableRef = autoCapitalizeCoreClasses(
        #check for 'type array', e.g.: `var list : string array`
        if .opt('Array','array')
            .itemType = .mainType #assign read mainType as sub-mainType
            .mainType = 'Array' #real type

  method toString
    return .mainType


A Statement is an imperative statment (command) or a control construct.

The Statement node is a generic container for all previously defined statements.

The generic Statement is used to define Body: (Statement;), that is, Body is a list of semicolon (or NEWLINE) separated Statements.


Statement: [Adjective]* (ClassDeclaration|FunctionDeclaration

Statement: ( AssignmentStatement | fnCall-VariableRef [ ["("] (Expression,) [")"] ] )
public class Statement extends ASTBase

    adjectives: string array = []
    specific: ASTBase //specific statement, e.g.: :VarDeclaration, :PropertiesDeclaration, :FunctionDeclaration


  method parse()

    var key

    #debug show line and tokens
    logger.debug ""

First, fast-parse the statement by using a table. We look up the token (keyword) in StatementsDirect table, and parse the specific AST node

    key = .lexer.token.value
    .specific = .parseDirect(key, StatementsDirect)

    if no .specific

If it was not found, try optional adjectives (zero or more). Adjectives are: (export|default|public|generator|shim|helper).

        while .opt('public','export','only','nice','generator','shim','helper','global') into var adj
            if adj is 'public', adj='export' #'public' is alias for 'export'
            .adjectives.push adj

Now re-try fast-parse

        key = .lexer.token.value
        .specific = .parseDirect(key, StatementsDirect)

Last possibilities are: FunctionCall or AssignmentStatement both start with a VariableRef:

(performance) require & pre-parse the VariableRef. Then we require a AssignmentStatement or FunctionCall

        if no .specific

            key = 'varref'
            .preParsedVarRef = .req(VariableRef)
            .specific = .req(AssignmentStatement,FunctionCall)
            .preParsedVarRef = undefined #clear

    end if - statement parse tries

If we reached here, we have parsed a valid statement. remember where the full statment ends (multiline statements)

    .lastSourceLineNum = .lexer.last.sourceLineNum 
    if .lastSourceLineNum<.sourceLineNum, .lastSourceLineNum = .sourceLineNum

store keyword of specific statement

    key = key.toLowerCase()
    .keyword = key

Check valid combinations adjective-statement

    for each adjective in .adjectives

          var valid:string array = validCombinations.get(adjective) or ['-*none*-']
          if key not in valid, .throwError "'#{adjective}' can only apply to #{valid.join('|')} not to '#{key}'"
    end for

Check valid adjectives combinations

    if .hasAdjective('global export'), .sayErr "cannot combine 'global' with 'public|export' choose one"

Module level var: valid combinations adjective-statement

var validCombinations = map
      export: ['class','namespace','function','var'] 
      only: ['class','namespace'] 
      generator: ['function','method'] 
      nice: ['function','method'] 
      shim: ['function','method','import'] 
      helper:  ['function','method','class','namespace']
      global: ['declare','class','namespace','function','var']

Append to class ASTBase

helper method hasAdjective(names:string) returns boolean

To check if a statement has one or more adjectives. We assume .parent is Grammar.Statement

    var stat:Statement = this.constructor is Statement? this else .getParent(Statement)
    if no stat, .throwError "[#{}].hasAdjective('#{names}'): can't find a parent Statement"

    var allToSearch = names.split(" ")
    for each name in allToSearch
        if no name in stat.adjectives, return false

    return true //if all requested are adjectives


Body: (Statement;)

Body is a semicolon-separated list of statements (At least one)

Body is used for "Module" body, "class" body, "function" body, etc. Anywhere a list of semicolon separated statements apply.

Body parser expects a [NEWLINE] and then a indented list of statements

public class Body extends ASTBase

    statements: Statement array

  method parse()

    .endSourceLineNum = .sourceLineNum //default value - store to generate accurate SourceMaps (js)

    if .lexer.interfaceMode
        if .parent isnt instance of ClassDeclaration
            return //"no 'Bodys' expected on file except for: class, append to and namespace

    if .lexer.token.type isnt 'NEWLINE'
        .lexer.sayErr "found #{.lexer.token} but expected NEWLINE and indented body"

We use the generic ASTBase.reqSeparatedList to get a list of Statement symbols, semicolon separated or in freeForm mode: one statement per line, closed when indent changes.

    .statements = .reqSeparatedList(Statement,";")

    # store "endSourceLineNum". 
    .endSourceLineNum = .lexer.sourceLineNum
    # Note: is the line num of the FOLLOWING statement, the one that is NOT part of this body

  method validate

this method check all the body statements againts a valid-list (arguments)

    var validArray = arguments.toArray()

    for each stm in .statements 
        where stm.specific.constructor not in [EndStatement,CompilerStatement] //always Valid

            if stm.specific.constructor not in validArray
                stm.sayErr "a [#{}] is not valid in the body of a [#{}]"

Single Line Body

This construction is used when only one statement is expected, and on the same line. It is used by IfStatement: if conditon-Expression (','|then) *SingleLineBody* It is also used for the increment statemenf in for-while loops:for x=0, while x<10 [,SingleLineBody]

normally: ReturnStatement, ThrowStatement, PrintStatement, AssignmentStatement

public class SingleLineBody extends Body
  method parse()

    .statements = .reqSeparatedList(Statement,";",'NEWLINE')


The Module represents a complete source file.

public class Module extends ASTBase

    //numbers determining initialization order
    dependencyTreeLevel = 0
    dependencyTreeLevelOrder = 0

  method parse()

We start by locking. There is no other construction to try, if Module.parse() fails we abort compilation.


Get Module body: Statements, separated by NEWLINE|';' closer:'EOF'

      .body = new Body(this)

      .body.statements = .optFreeFormList(Statement,';','EOF')

  #end Module parse

Table-based (fast) Statement parsing

This a extension to PEGs. To make the compiler faster and easier to debug, we define an object with name-value pairs: "keyword" : AST node class

We look here for fast-statement parsing, selecting the right AST node to call parse() on based on token.value. (instead of parsing by ordered trial & error)

This table makes a direct parsing of almost all statements, thanks to a core definition of LiteScript: Anything standing alone in it's own line, its an imperative statement (it does something, it produces effects).

var StatementsDirect = map
  'class': ClassDeclaration
  'Class': ClassDeclaration
  'append': AppendToDeclaration
  'Append': AppendToDeclaration
  'function': FunctionDeclaration
  'constructor': ConstructorDeclaration
  'properties': PropertiesDeclaration
  'namespace': NamespaceDeclaration
  'method': MethodDeclaration
  'var': VarStatement
  'let': VarStatement
  'default': DefaultAssignment
  'if': IfStatement
  'when': IfStatement
  'case': CaseStatement
export helper function autoCapitalizeCoreClasses(name:string) returns String
  #auto-capitalize core classes when used as type annotations
  if name in ['string','array','number','object','function','boolean','map']
    return "#{name.slice(0,1).toUpperCase()}#{name.slice(1)}"
  return name

append to class ASTBase

        isMap: boolean