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454 lines (313 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

454 lines (313 loc) · 19.2 KB

1.5.37 (February 12, 2020)


  • Master plot got new 'initialized' property (jQuery Promise) which provides the way to use the plot after it is fully initialized.
  • Updated dependencies: grunt, grunt-contrib-concat, grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-contrib-jasmine, grunt-contrib-uglify, grunt-ts

1.5.36 (January 30, 2020)

New features:

  • Added Boundary line plot. It represents infinite horizontal or vertical lines that are not presented in a legend. A boundary line name is displayed alongside on the canvas.
  • Added iddAutoFitMode ko.binding that allows to set a visible region for a master chart. Switches between three modes: 1. fit-to-view is enabled for a master plot ("enable" value, is set by default); 2. fit-to-view is disabled for a master plot ("disable" value); 3. fit-to-view is enabled, but constraints are applied. Notation: "bounds(x_left, x_right, y_low, y_high)". Values can be numbers or special 'auto' string.

1.5.35 (December 19, 2019)

New features:

  • added iddIgnoredByFitToViewX/iddIgnoredByFitToViewY knockout bindings so that a plot can be not respected by fit to view along one of the axes.
  • Added dash lines support. Choose from dash patterns: "dot", "dash", "dash dot", "long dash", "long dash dot", "long dash dot dot"; or define a set of number pairs: [ dash_length1, space1, dash_length2, space2, ... ]. Knockout binding - iddLineDash.

1.5.34 (July 30, 2019)


  • Proper path to the main file. Features:
  • adding idd.webpack.d.ts types to package.json

1.5.33 (July 30, 2019)

New features:

  • idd.webpack.js is now used as an main file in NPM package.

1.5.32 (July 18, 2019)

New features:

  • Adding idd.webpack.d.ts to the distribution.

1.5.31 (July 17, 2019)

New features:

  • new bundle idd.webpack.js file distributed with release. It uses dependency names that match npm packages. It is also references CSS dependency directly without "css!" requireJS extension.

1.5.30 (March 15, 2019)


  • Regression of legend behavior of legend in Figure and Chart (e.g. not specifying all of the Legend constructor parameters)

New features:

  • Ability to force the display of all labels on the axis (even if the overlay) for the labelled axis

1.5.29 (March 8, 2019)


  • Axis initialization using custom data readers in subplots

1.5.28 (March 7, 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Subplots alignment fix
  • Legend exception fix

1.5.27 (March 1, 2019)

New features:

  • Visibility of plots with a same name can be managed via legend in subplot
  • Margin between subplots and margin between subplots and an external legend can be set
  • Axes sync is enabled in subplots

Bug fixes:

  • Tilted label axis bug fix. #161
  • Label axis positioning bug fix. #164
  • Palette editor z-index bug fix.

1.5.26 (February 20, 2019)

New features:

  • Subplots can have a common title

1.5.25 (February 19, 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed #174: SVG export of subplots in Edge and FF
  • Legend clipping

1.5.24 (February 19, 2019)

New features:

Bug fix:

  • Tooltip delay is fixed
  • Legend is hidden in the Figure by default, but visible in the Chart by default

1.5.23 (February 14, 2019)

Resolved issues:

  • 175: Vertical labels are not exported to SVG for chart export


  • moved padding, suppress-tooltip-coords, ignored-by-fit-to-view Plot settings to the data-idd-style attribute value

New features:

  • added tooltipDelay property to the data-idd-style. User can now set duration of a delay(sec) before the tooltip appearance

1.5.22 (February 11, 2019)

Bug fixes

  • rgba color format parsing support
  • Area and polyline plots now properly exports SVG with transparency. Fixes #172

1.5.21 (February 5, 2019)

New features:

  • added basic subplots functionality.
  • Subplots can be exported as one SVG.

1.5.20 (January 15, 2019)

New features:

  • added support for data-idd-scientific-notation attribute on numeric axes. With this feature enabled ticks are represented in a form: m × 10ⁿ, where 1≤m≤9 for numbers(modulo): ≥10³ that divisible exactly by 10³, or <10⁻³

1.5.19 (December 27, 2018)

New features:

  • Tooltip now shows the labels of label axis (in case of label axis depicts intervals)
  • Plot coordinates info can be suppressed in tooltip with data-idd-suppress-tooltip-coords

1.5.18 (December 21, 2018)

  • base64 data source is now supported for specifying the data declaratively
  • Label axis data can be specified declaratively in the DOM before IDD plot initialization

1.5.17 (December 13, 2018)

New features:

  • fixed bar chart: guarding barWidth value to be treated as number.

1.5.16 (December 13, 2018)

New features:

  • "data-idd-visible-region" plot attribute can now define the visible are in data coordinates in format "xmin xmax ymin ymax". Specifying the attribute disables fit to view
  • "data-idd-padding" plot attribute can now override the padding (in pixels) added to the data region during calculation of visible region in case of active "fit to view" mode.

1.5.15 (December 10, 2018)

New features:

  • fixed vertical alignment of vertical axis title. See samples/Titles.html
  • added a new sample of figure with axes, grid and navigation
  • added support for the figure's data-idd-navigation-enabled and data-idd-legend-enabled attributes.

1.5.14 (August 16, 2018)

Bug fixes:

  • fixed multiple event subscription to the zoom event.

1.5.13 (August 9, 2018)

Bug fixes:

  • ChartViewer.update() call now redraws the content.

1.5.12 (June 14, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • iddXAxisSettings, iddYAxisSettings added.

1.5.11 (May 31, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • bounding box for Bars is now calculated in plot coordinates.

1.5.10 (May 29, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • iddBarWidth binding for markers works with plot coordinates now.

1.5.9 (May 21, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • plot.order can now be assigned either externally (e.g. via binding) or by relevant legend item reordering (in Chart Viewer).

1.5.8 (May 18, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • iddXlog, iddYlog do not brake axes navigation any more.

1.5.7 (May 15, 2018)

New features:

  • added custom KO binding: iddPlotOrder - integer value that controls the plot order
  • added sample page KO.Order.html for the iddPlotOrder binding
  • added custom KO bindings: iddXlog, iddYlog. They boolean value of them controls the log transform of corresponding axis
  • added custom KO bindings: iddIgnoredByFitToView. if set to true, the plot is excluded from FitToView visible region calculation.

1.5.6 (May 11, 2018)

New features:

  • plot now has isIgnoredByFitToView property. Setting it to true prevents the plot to be accounted during FitToView visible region recalculation
  • new sample page: order property of the plot is changed by slider.

1.5.5 (May 10, 2018)

Bug fixed:

  • IE 11 related: Number.IsFinite usage avoided
  • Setting aspect value for plot right after initialization does not produce exceptions in Edge

1.5.4 (April 24, 2018)

New features:

  • Chart allows to change its axis type using Chart.changeXAxis() or Chart.changeYAxis() methods. See sample ChangeChartAxis.html.

1.5.3 (April 24, 2018)

Bower away!

New features:

  • Chart legend becomes opaque on mouse hover and transparent otherwise.
  • Legend in Chart Viewer has tooltip if the name is too long.
  • Area plot has tooltip.
  • Legend has the red sign if plot can not be displayed.
  • New property opacity and new binding iddOpacity to set area opacity.
  • Navigation now exposes widthScale property as an API to build zoom controls

Bug fixes:

  • First pulled probe is now visible while putting on the chart.
  • Axis related IDs are now unique in case of several IDD instances at the page
  • The function fitToView() now doesn't consider not visible plots for fitting to view.
  • Scrolling now works correctly after log scale transform.
  • Probe information for polyline disappears after zoom/scale/datatransform changes.
  • Correct dependency on FileSaver.

1.5.1 (March 24, 2017)

New features:

  • Deployment of idd as an npm package.
  • Heatmap supports log10-based color palette.
  • Palette editor InteractiveDataDisplay.ColorPaletteEditor.
  • InteractiveDataDisplay.ColorPaletteViewer can show palette as logarithmic.
  • IDD Knockout Js extended:
    • New binding iddAxisSettings allows creating a labelled axis, change tick font size etc.
    • New binding iddPlotTitles to provide titles for each of a plot properties.
    • New binding iddEditorColorPalette to assign a color palette to the color palette editor instance.
  • Labelled axis:
    • Labels can be angled, see sample ChangeBottomAxisLabelsAngle.html.
    • Too long axis labels can become angled.
    • Line breaks are preserved and multiline labels show tooltips.
  • Box-and-whiskers plot (a kind of markers plot) allows to specify line thickness.
  • Plot has new property padding which allows to specify padding which is added to the bounding box of the plot in fit-to-view.
  • Bar plot allows to specify orientation, either horizontal or vertical.
  • New event Plot.frameRendered which occurs when master plot rendered a frame.
  • The event Plot.appearanceChanged now fires asynchronously and thus multiple events of this kind can be accumulated into a single event and corresponding legend update occurs just once. This significantly reduces load caused by legend update in case of intensive data update.
  • New property Axis.FontSize to set tick labels font size for particular axis instance.
  • Logarithmic axis can be exported to SVG.
  • Plot instances expose an integer ID through property Plot.instanceId which is assigned automatically during construction of the plot and is unique during the window lifetime. This simplifies debugging of plots.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug with pan and zoom using touch events.
  • Labelled axis now escapes label text so it can contain <, > etc.
  • KnockoutJs for Markers now allows passing an array of string colors as value for the parameter color.
  • Fixed Plot.fireChildrenChanged: now it raises event for the plot whose children are changed, not for a master plot.
  • Fixed bug with legend update on target plot change.
  • Fixed processing of the attribute data-idd-datasource.
  • Fixed export of labelled axis to svg.

1.5.0 (December 28, 2016)

Breaking changes:

  • IDD now requires jquery.mousewheel.js.


  • Previously function add from InteractiveDataDisplay.DOMPlot (see idd.base.js) failed if element had type jQuery Object.
  • Previously function getInnerText(x) from idd.axis.js failed if x was undefined.
  • bower.json was incorrect.
  • Fixed bug in mouse wheel behavior.

1.4.3 (October 19, 2016)


  • UMD version of IDD now properly requires svg.js using alias svg and FileSaver.js using alias filesaver. Previous version doesn't allow to export SVG when loaded as UMD/CommonJs module.

1.4.2 (October 13, 2016)

New features:

  • Label plot draws text labels andor the heatmap plot when using idd_knockout.js. See samples/Dynamic Gradient Heatmap with Knockout.html.
  • Knockout bindings for label plot.

1.4.1 (August 8, 2016)

New features:

  • Export to SVG: chart, area, markers, polyline with uncertainty can be exported to SVG; legend also can be exported to SVG except uncertain marker shapes.
  • New marker shape "bars".
  • Navigation panel is updated, it allows to download the plot as SVG file (uses FileSaver.js).

1.4.0 (July 21, 2016)

Breaking changes:

  • Removed separate chartViewer.js (.css, .d.ts). Idd.js now includes chartViewer.js (same for umd version). Changed namespace ChartViewer to InteractiveDataDisplay.
  • ChartViewer's "band" plot is now "area" as it is in idd. Corresponding changes are in names: AreaDefinition, Plot.area().

New features:

  • IDD release includes idd.ko.js which is a superset for idd.js with basic support for Knockout. See coming examples in the Wiki.
  • Support of knockout bindings register for arbitrary plots.
  • The sizePalette property of markers definition now can be either object InteractiveDataDisplay.SizePalette (as before) or an object of following structure: { sizeRange: {min:Number, max:Number}, valueRange?: {min:Number, max:Number}}.


  • Previously markers failed if colorPalette was a string defining an absolute palette.
  • Box-and-whisker markers failed if y.median or x had NaN.


  • Box-and-whisker markers are now represented by a single shape "boxwhisker" and the actual marker type (either box-and-whisker, box or just whisker) depends on the drawn data. See the samples.

allows SVG exporting.

  • Export to SVG text labels from left, right, top and bottom around Plot (include axis titles and title of plot).
  • Export heatmap to SVG.
  • Knockout bindings for the heatmap plot when using idd_knockout.js. See samples/Dynamic Gradient Heatmap with Knockout.html.
  • Knockout bindings for label plot.

1.4.1 (August 8, 2016)

New features:

  • Export to SVG: chart, area, markers, polyline with uncertainty can be exported to SVG; legend also can be exported to SVG except uncertain marker shapes.
  • New marker shape "bars".
  • Navigation panel is updated, it allows to download the plot as SVG file (uses FileSaver.js).

1.4.0 (July 21, 2016)

Breaking changes:

  • Removed separate chartViewer.js (.css, .d.ts). Idd.js now includes chartViewer.js (same for umd version). Changed namespace ChartViewer to InteractiveDataDisplay.
  • ChartViewer's "band" plot is now "area" as it is in idd. Corresponding changes are in names: AreaDefinition, Plot.area().

New features:

  • IDD release includes idd.ko.js which is a superset for idd.js with basic support for Knockout. See coming examples in the Wiki.
  • Support of knockout bindings register for arbitrary plots.
  • The sizePalette property of markers definition now can be either object InteractiveDataDisplay.SizePalette (as before) or an object of following structure: { sizeRange: {min:Number, max:Number}, valueRange?: {min:Number, max:Number}}.


  • Previously markers failed if colorPalette was a string defining an absolute palette.
  • Box-and-whisker markers failed if y.median or x had NaN.


  • Box-and-whisker markers are now represented by a single shape "boxwhisker" and the actual marker type (either box-and-whisker, box or just whisker) depends on the drawn data. See the samples.

1.3.0 (May 27, 2016)

New features:

  • Export to SVG: figure, numeric axis and polyline can be exported to SVG. Uses SVG.js. See method Plot.exportToSvg() and the sample Vector export.
  • Nice real numbers formatting in tooltips, probes and legend.
  • Tooltips and probes share same content. The content is refactored for the markers and heatmaps.


  • Legend doesn't stop propagation of mouse and touch events by default so it can be made draggable if needed.

Breaking changes in API:

  • Polyline plot:
    • y can be uncertain, the plot renders bands for the quantiles (see samples/Uncertain polyline.html);
    • function or trajectory mode determines whether input points will be ordered or not.
  • Heatmap plot:
    • Argument of draw now contains property values instead of f. Values may be uncertain.
    • Introduces new property of draw data, interval which allows to highlight region containing uncertain data interseting with the interval.

1.2.1 (April 26, 2016)

  • Updated UI:
    • ChartViewer legend is now on the right and is hidden by default
    • Navigation panel is updated, in particular, it allows showing and hiding the legend
    • Increased axes titles font size and added margin for the vertical axis title
  • Fixes bug which prevented reordering of plots having same name

1.2.0 (April 19, 2016)

  • Marker plot is significantly refactored.
    • The shape API has changed so that it allows much more flexibility in creating new shapes. The previously created shapes may not work with the new marker plot.
    • Shapes are completely moved away from the markers plot itself.
    • The shape lookup & registration algorithm changed. Existing code using markers with custom shapes may not work with new marker plot.
    • Plot life cycle optimized so that rendering performance has increased.
    • Documentation added (docs/
  • Introduces Navigation Panel (type InteractiveDataDisplay.NavigationPanel), see sample NavigationPanel.html
  • IDD Legend is re-designed; it can appear as compact or large. Large legend allows to reorder plots. Any legend allows to show/hide individual plots.
  • Default markers shapes include uncertain data visualization, incl. petals, bull-eyes and box plots. See details here.
  • New sample with animated transition between drawn data (Animated markers update.html)

1.1.4 (February 17, 2016)

1.1.3 (February 16, 2016)

Bug fix:

  • The plot definition's data series is allowed to be both an array and a native array.

1.1.2 (February 15, 2016)

  • ChartViewer contains two *.d.ts files - one when used through Globals, another when using as UMD.
  • ChartViewer allows to reorder plots using drag-and-drop.
  • ChartViewer accurately handles incorrect plot definitions.

1.1.0 (January 28, 2016)


  • Introducing ChartViewer - a TypeScript UI control to define, show and explore interactive charts.

1.0.5 (January 21, 2016)


  • IDD plots observe changes of the DOM and add/remove child plots when DOM elements are added or removed.
  • InteractiveDataDisplay.updateLayouts function for responsive layouts support.

1.0.4 (January 13, 2016)


  • Introducing new Area plot type.


  • Bower installs idd.js, not minified version.

1.0.3 (November 25, 2015)


  • IDD supports titles of individual data series


  • Legend changes when plot name is changed.
  • Adding dependencies to the package manifest file

1.0.2 (October 14, 2015)


  • Removing unnecessary reference to rx.jquery module
  • Fixing case for scripts folder in sample page

1.0.1 (September 23, 2015)


  • Heatmap background renderer code is embedded into main script removing need for idd.heatmapworker.js and idd.transforms.js.


Initial source drop.