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The Code of Music (magicbook)



Code of Music is an interactive book that teaches the fundamentals of music theory through code that is available in website or PDF format. It uses magicbook and takes inspiration and architecture from Rune Madsen's Programming Design Systems book.

🛠️ Setup

  1. Install nvm and Yarn
  2. nvm install; nvm use; to install and activate the correct Node version (defined in .nvmrc).
  3. Install Prince on your computer (brew install prince for Macs). In theory we shouldn't have to do this but there is an error while installing Prince as part of the magicbook installation.
  4. yarn install to install the node modules

💻 Development

  1. Run yarn dev – this will build the magicbook files and watch for changes
  2. In a new tab run yarn serve – this will start a live-server at localhost:5000 and auto refresh when the magic build finishes
  3. Open http://localhost:5000/

Important Files

The Plugins folder contains magicbook plugins for creating custom tags

The main JS files are:

  • P5SketchManager.js loads first and initializes the class for rendering the P5 Sketches
  • app.js is the Webpack entry point so we can import node modules. It contains logic for setting up the CodeMirror code editors and executing the sketch rendering process.
  • main.js contains mostly UI code like scroll and click handlers -- It also creates the global volume control.

📦 Build

📖 Writing in Notion

The book content comes from a Notion document. A Book page should contain a Pages database.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 2 51 41 PM

The Pages database should have the following structure. Each Page under the Name header contains the full content for that chapter.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 2 50 06 PM

P5 Sketches

To load a p5 sketch, use the Notion embed object for the deployed sketch, eg /embed Any sketch on our production domain will be automatically converted into a p5 tag that looks like this (other embeds will be turned into iframes):

{% p5 examples/<folder_containing_example> %}

This will turn into a canvas on the page that renders the sketch.

Interactive Sketches (with code editor)

To load an interactive sketch with a code editor, use the following syntax, where directory is the folder inside examples/interactive containing the sketch. This folder should contain an index.html and a sketch.js (see this example for the boilerplate). line_start and line_end determine which section of sketch.js will be rendered in the code editor.

{% interactivesketch <directory> <line_start> <line_end> %}

The code editor components use CodeMirror. Code for parsing the code editors in in App.js.

Inline Buttons

Inline buttons can be used to add interactivity to text content. Set the global function that they call when clicked. Usage:

{% inlinebutton <function_call> [<button_text>] %}


{% inlinebutton sketch2toggleTimeGrid() [Show Time Grid] %}

Here is an example of defining the global function that this button will call.

📥 Importing from Notion


Locally, you will need an integration token and have access to the project's Notion source. Run NOTION_TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE> yarn import-notion-docs. This will run the notion importer script which pulls the latest data and populates the notion-docs folder. ⚠️ NOTE: This overwrites the folder's existing contents!

Using GitHub Actions

To create a PR with the latest data from Notion, run the Import Notion Docs and create PR action by clicking the "Run Workflow" button. This workflow simply runs the above script and creates a PR with the changes.

Note that Github Actions cannot trigger other Github actions directly. That means that this workflow will not automatically trigger the Deploy Preview action. Right now there are a couple workaraounds.

  1. Close and re-open the PR. This will trigger the firebase-hosting-pull-request action and post a link to the preview URL.
  2. Use the Notion2Github and Preview Deploy action. this will deploy to Staging, but not leave a comment on the PR

🎵 Interactive P5 Examples

  • yarn serve:examples serves the static examples folder.
  • If you are running the web server, you can also just view the individual examples at http://localhost:5000/assets/examples/<example_path>

The interactive p5 sketches live in the examples folder. Each example directory should have an index.html which allows the sketch to be viewed independently, a sketch.js file which registers a P5 sketch in instance mode, and placeholder.png which is used in the PDF build.

Here is an example sketch. Note that in the index.html we need to define window.registerP5Sketch. We also have to include the external libraries that the sketch needs from the assets folder.

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script src="../../assets/libs/Tone-14.7.77.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../../assets/libs/p5-1.4.0.min.js"></script>
    <link href="../../assets/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
      // Load instance-mode sketch
      window.registerP5Sketch = (sketch) => {
        new p5(sketch);
    <script src="sketch.js"></script>

In the sketch.js file we call registerP5Sketch with our instance mode sketch. Note that we retrieve a global EXAMPLES_ASSETS_URL or default to the local assets.

// sketch.js
window.registerP5Sketch((p) => {
  const assetsUrl = window.EXAMPLES_ASSETS_URL || '../../assets';
  const synth = new Tone.Synth().toDestination();
  const buttonStyle = `

  p.setup = () => {
    playBtn = p.createButton('');;
    playBtn.mouseReleased(() => {
      synth.triggerAttackRelease('A3', 1);
    p.createCanvas(200, 200);

  p.draw = () => {
    const color = (p.sin(p.frameCount / 10) + 0.5) * 255;

During the build the entire examples folder is moved to build/assets/examples.

How the P5 Sketches Render

  1. The P5 plugin defines a tag that we can use in the source documentation and renders the related sketch on the page. The tag's usage is: {% p5 examples/<folder_containing_example> %}. Note that it contains logic for rendering the placeholder.png in the PDF build.

  2. In P5SketchManager.js we define a class to manage the P5 sketches. This file is loaded in the <head>, so before the content loads. It exposes the global registerP5Sketch function.

  3. As the content renders, the P5 sketch scripts each call window.registerP5Sketch which adds them to the list of sketches to be loaded.

  4. In app.js we call P5SketchManager.renderP5Sketches() which converts the functions into actual P5 Sketches using the P5 class. It renders them in the "slots" created by the P5 plugin.

  5. Code in main.js pauses/unpauses the sketches depending on whether they are visible as the user scrolls.

🤳 AR for pdfs

The webpage for serving AR content is on -


  1. All the code for the AR rendering lives in src/javascripts/xr.js in the codebase.
  2. It uses threejs to create the XR environment.
  3. Different interactives are loaded based on the image that that phone sees.

How interactives are rendered in AR

  1. The AR scene has 2 components - DOM and a plane geometry.
  2. The DOM is used for interactions with the environmnet(buttons, sliders etc). Native buttons and sliders are being used as - as of now threejs does not support threejs geometries to be interactive elements in AR.
  3. Based on the image marker that the phone sees, a p5 interactive from examples/interactive/**/**/sketch.js is loaded
  4. As these interactives are created in instance mode, the canvas element loaded by invoking a sketch is loaded on to the plane geometry as a texture on the geometry. Even when the p5 canvas is loaded as a texture, it functions as a normal p5 sketch with the setup() and draw() functions working as they normally would which allows all the sketch animations to work.
  5. This was done in order to be able to use the p5 code written for the web version to be resued for the AR for pdfs.

The functions in xr.js

  1. activateXR :
  • sets up the threejs scene and initializes the xr environment.
  • It also sets the default window.registerP5Sketch = overrideregisterP5Sketch.
  • This is done so that instead of getting registed to the p5 magicbook plugin the sketch can now be used by threejs as a texture instead.
  1. onXRFrame:
  • Called on each frame
  • gets camera positions
  • checks for detected marker and its position on each frame.
  1. loadARAssets(pathOfSketch)
  • On image detection : Appends the path of the sketch.js file to the head of the document so the sketch can get invoked in instance mode.
  1. overrideregisterP5Sketch(p5Instance)
  • Adds the loaded sketch as a texture to a threejs geometry
  1. overrideP5functions(p5Instance,p5Canvas)
  • Overrides some default p5 functions like - createButton, createSlider etc

Modifications in p5 sketch

  1. Instead of p.createCanvas(p.windowWidth, sketchHeight); modify it to let p5Obj = window.overrideP5functions(p,p.createCanvas(window.innerWidth, 400) this returns an object from which the canvas can be extracted like c = p5Obj.p5Canvas.
  2. All p5 DOM functions like createImage, createButton, createSlider etc do not work when the sketch is used as a canvas texture. Which is why the overrideP5functions is used which overrides the p5functions to use the standard js way of creation buttons and sliders. The overriding is done so that there is a generic function that would handle all these things in the AR environment and the p5 code can be witten in pretty much the standard way.
  3. One other change that is required in the p5 sketch is addClass and removeClass functions need to be modified to .elm.classList.add and .elm.classList.remove

See. examples/interactive/melody/melody-3/sketch.js for reference


  1. Modify other interactives the way it is done in examples/interactive/melody/melody-3/sketch.js
  2. Handle all other DOM functions in overrideP5functions(). As of now it handles only createButton and createSlider
  3. Stylise the Buttons, sliders and any other interactive element.

🚀 Deploy

For every commit to the master branch, the firebase-hosting-merge action builds and deploys the site to Firebase Hosting at

Staging and Deploy Previews

Pull requests will trigger the firebase-hosting-pull-request action, which deploys a unique, temporary preview site to Firebase Hosting. The link to the site will be posted as a comment from the Github Bot once the deploy is complete.