- Move code to github
- Add support for VMD's measure cluster command
- Add support for CHARMM's clustering output
- Add support for cluster output from Gromacs utility g_cluster
- Fix colors when doing multiple imports
- Fix display of the 'outl' cluster
- Added support for cluster output from R
- 'Join 1 member' clusters works interactively (not just on import)
- Upgraded number of colors to the vmd maximum
- Namespace changed from CLUSTER to clustering. There was a clash with another plugin new in VMD 1.8.3
- Solved bug with colors when using more than 17 clusters
- Finished option to join cluster of 1 member together in cluster "outliers" (outl)
- Selection of molecule recovered
- Parsing of Xcluster .clg file simplified
- Added button to change atom selection
- Added support for Xcluster:
- Added new listbox with levels of clustering
- Added another dimension to cluster
- Added Options frame with:
- Atom selection for the representations
- Starting to add option to join cluster of 1 member together, although is not activated yet
- Minimized number of representations. Now each representation holds one cluster instead of one conformation
- Initial version