This is a web mapping application that displays owl observations in Bavaria. I am building it in honor of my mother who is a big fan of birding, and especially owls.
Go to the Owls of Bavaria live website
Go to the Owls of Bavaria GitHub repository
- APIs used: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, iNaturalist REST API
- Libraries & Languages used: React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
The website features a map of Bavaria with owl observations that can be opened by clicking on the markers. The left side of the website shows a breakdown of the owl species observed with additional information and counts of each species. Filtering by owl species will initiate a Feature Effect that highlights the included owl markers and greys out those of excluded species.
I also created a mobile view of the website which rearranges the layout to make it a bit more mobile-friendly.
The data and images for the owl observations are taken from iNaturalist which is "an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature" and "a crowdsourced species identification system and an organism occurrence recording tool". I would encourage people who are interested in nature, whether that is owls, insects, plants, or more, to sign up for iNaturalist and start contributing observations.