diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9d2661e..3d2371f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -45,3 +45,23 @@ Text in parentheses is comments. Letters are variables: stand for anything.
Try to use only the connective you define in its definition.
diff --git a/chapter1/functional-lecture01.md b/chapter1/functional-lecture01.md
index 154d623..71700f9 100644
--- a/chapter1/functional-lecture01.md
+++ b/chapter1/functional-lecture01.md
@@ -173,8 +173,9 @@ about **polymorphism.*** Type definitions we have seen above are *global*: they
its own set of operators. For example, +, *, / work for intigers, while +.,
*., /. work for floating point numbers. **Exception:** comparisons <,
=, etc. work for all values other than functions.
- ## 4 Exercises
+## 4 Exercises
Exercises from *Think OCaml. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist* by
Nicholas Monje and Allen Downey.
diff --git a/chapter2/functional-lecture02-deriv1.md b/chapter2/functional-lecture02-deriv1.md
index 8aee54c..4517c6d 100644
--- a/chapter2/functional-lecture02-deriv1.md
+++ b/chapter2/functional-lecture02-deriv1.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Lecture 2: Algebra, Fig. 1
+# Lecture 2: Algebra
Type inference example derivation
diff --git a/dune b/dune
index d033d40..0dcc01b 100644
--- a/dune
+++ b/dune
@@ -23,15 +23,25 @@
(echo "# Curious OCaml\n")
(cat chapter1/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter2/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter3/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter4/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter5/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter6/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter7/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter8/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter9/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter10/README.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter11/README.md)))))
@@ -72,34 +82,54 @@
(cat chapter1/functional-lecture01.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter2/functional-lecture02.md)
- (echo "## Chapter 2: Derivation example\n")
+ (echo "\n\n## Chapter 2: Derivation example\n")
(cat chapter2/functional-lecture02-deriv1.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter2/lecture02-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter3/functional-lecture03.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter3/lecture03-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter4/functional-lecture04.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter4/lecture04-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter5/functional-lecture05.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter5/lecture05-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter6/functional-lecture06.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter6/lecture06-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter7/functional-lecture07.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter7/lecture07-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter8/functional-lecture08.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter8/lecture08-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter9/functional-lecture09.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter9/lecture09-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter10/functional-lecture10.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter10/lecture10-exercises.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter11/functional-lecture11.md)
+ (echo "\n\n")
(cat chapter11/lecture11-exercises.md)
- (echo "# Exam: Exercises for review\n")
+ (echo "\n\n# Exam: Exercises for review\n")
(echo "## Exam set 0\n")
(cat exam/Exam1.md)
- (echo "## Exam set 1\n")
+ (echo "\n\n## Exam set 1\n")
(cat exam/exam-Feb2013-set1.md)
- (echo "## Exam set 2\n")
+ (echo "\n\n## Exam set 2\n")
(cat exam/exam-Feb2013-set2.md)
- (echo "## Exam set 3\n")
+ (echo "\n\n## Exam set 3\n")
(cat exam/exam-Feb2013-set3.md)))))
diff --git a/old_lectures_as_book.md b/old_lectures_as_book.md
index 1ce161c..d9b266f 100644
--- a/old_lectures_as_book.md
+++ b/old_lectures_as_book.md
@@ -187,8 +187,9 @@ about **polymorphism.*** Type definitions we have seen above are *global*: they
its own set of operators. For example, +, *, / work for intigers, while +.,
*., /. work for floating point numbers. **Exception:** comparisons <,
=, etc. work for all values other than functions.
- ## 4 Exercises
+## 4 Exercises
Exercises from *Think OCaml. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist* by
Nicholas Monje and Allen Downey.
@@ -253,6 +254,8 @@ Nicholas Monje and Allen Downey.
If you need help, see
# Lecture 2: Algebra
Algebraic Data Types and some curious analogies
@@ -761,8 +764,10 @@ predicate does not hold for any node.
*This homework is due for the class **after** the Computation class, i.e. for
(before) the Functions class.*
## Chapter 2: Derivation example
-# Lecture 2: Algebra, Fig. 1
+# Lecture 2: Algebra
Type inference example derivation
@@ -850,6 +855,8 @@ $$ \frac{\frac{\begin{array}{ll}
{\texttt{int}}} $$
Exercise 1.
Due to Yaron Minsky.
@@ -973,6 +980,8 @@ the $b^a$ notation is actually used to denote functions in set theory.
Further reading:
# Lecture 3: Computation
‘‘Using, Understanding and Unraveling the OCaml Language'' Didier Rémy,
@@ -1249,6 +1258,8 @@ returns a list of values in the nodes of the tree.
simplification, and wrap it using a general `fixpoint` function that
performs an operation until a *fixed point* is reached: given $f$ and
$x$, it computes $f^n (x)$ such that $f^n (x) = f^{n + 1} (x)$.
Functional Programming
@@ -1290,6 +1301,8 @@ quicksort.
element, sorts the parts, and puts them together.*
# Lecture 4: Functions.
Programming in untyped $\lambda$-calculus.
@@ -2080,6 +2093,8 @@ of a solution to the last exercise.
done; !s
1. let repeatuntil p f s = let s = ref (f s) in while not (p !s) do s :=
f !s done; !s
Functional Programming
@@ -2139,6 +2154,8 @@ of a solution to this exercise.
done; !s
1. let repeatuntil p f s = let s = ref (f s) in while not (p !s) do s :=
f !s done; !s
# Lecture 5: Polymorphism & ADTs
Parametric types. Abstract Data Types.
@@ -2744,6 +2761,8 @@ else if x>y then balance (color,a,y,ins b) else s in
`ins` so that it never tests the color of nodes not on the search path.
1. \* Implement maps (i.e. write a module for the map signature) based on AVL
trees. See `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree`.
Functional Programming
Type Inference
@@ -2896,6 +2915,8 @@ another one using a map into the unit type.
1. *One of the remaining tests on grandchildren is also unnecessary.
Rewrite* `*ins*` *so that it never tests the color of nodes not on the
search path.*
# Lecture 6: Folding and Backtracking
Mapping and folding.Backtracking using lists. Constraint solving.
@@ -3815,6 +3836,8 @@ findboard (initstate honey cellstoeat)
sketchy. Questions?
* We will not discuss a complete implementation example, but you can exploit
ideas from the algorithm in your homework.
* Recall how we generated all subsequences of a list. Find (i.e. generate)
1. permutations of a list;
@@ -3855,6 +3878,8 @@ findboard (initstate honey cellstoeat)
It does not need to always return correct solutions but it should correctly
solve the initial levels from the game.
# Lecture 7: Laziness
Lazy evaluation. Stream processing.
@@ -4413,6 +4438,8 @@ Call-by-needIf the function argument is evaluated, that value is stored for
docpos >-> grends 60 >-> iterate (printedoc printint
printpos)let = prettyprint 20 testdoclet = prettyprint 30 testdoclet =
prettyprint 60 testdoc
Functional Programming
Streams and lazy evaluation
@@ -4574,6 +4601,8 @@ class="verbatim">g.
# Lecture 8: Monads
List comprehensions. Basic monads; transformers. Probabilistic
@@ -5929,6 +5958,8 @@ assert false let killthreads () = Queue.clear jobsRemove pending work.end)
# let test = Cooperative.killthreads (); let thread1 = TT.loop "A" 5 in let thread2 = TT.loop "B" 4 in Cooperative.access thread1; Cooperative.access thread2;;-- A(5)-- B(4)-- A(4)-- B(3)-- A(3)-- B(2)-- A(2)-- B(1)-- A(1)-- B(0)-- A(0)val test : unit = ()
Exercise 1.
Puzzle via Oleg Kiselyov.
@@ -6112,6 +6143,8 @@ Implement the coarse-grained concurrency model.
* One possibility is to introduce `suspend` of type unit monad, introduce a
“dummy” monadic value `Suspend` (besides `Return` and `Sleep`), and define
`bind suspend b` to do what `bind (return ()) b` would formerly do.
# Lecture 9: Compiler
Compilation. Runtime. Optimization. Parsing.
@@ -7796,6 +7829,8 @@ let next ii w cp = let cw,ps = find w ii in let l = Array.length ps in if l =
* Time: 2.4s – minimal speedup in our simple test case.
Exercise 1.
(Exercise 6.1 from *“Modern Compiler Implementation in ML”* by Andrew W.
@@ -7895,6 +7930,8 @@ Write an XML parser tailored to the `shakespeare.xml` corpus provided with the
phrase search example. Modify the phrase search engine to provide detailed
information for each found location, e.g. which play and who speaks the
# Lecture 10: FRP
Zippers. Functional Reactive Programming. GUIs.
@@ -8807,6 +8844,8 @@ to a new number.let calce, cancelcalc = eventflow calcNotifies display update.
(button#coerce)) ) buttons; F.notifye calce (fun now ->
result#setlabel (stringoffloat now)); window#show (); GMain.Main.main ()
* ![](Lec10calc_gtk.png)
Functional Programming
Zippers, Reactivity, GUIs
@@ -8866,6 +8905,8 @@ None -> () | Some y -> emit y)val local : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,
*Implement an example that uses this compositionality-increasing capability.*
The Expression Problem
The Expression Problem
@@ -9311,6 +9352,8 @@ open0.5emPluginBase.ParseMlet0.5emdigitofchar0.5emd0.5em=0.5emintofchar0.5emd0.5
* File `Plugin2.ml`:
open0.5emPluginBase.ParseMlet0.5emmultiplication0.5emlang0.5em=0.5em0.5emperformMultiplication rule: $S \rightarrow (S \ast S)$.0.5em0.5em0.5em0.5emliteral0.5em"(";0.5emn10.5em<--0.5emlang;0.5emliteral0.5em"*";0.5emn20.5em<--0.5emlang;0.5emliteral0.5em")";0.5em0.5em0.5em0.5emreturn0.5em(n10.5em*0.5emn2)let0.5em()0.5em= PluginBase.(grammarrules0.5em:=0.5emmultiplication0.5em::0.5em!grammarrules)
Functional ProgrammingŁukasz Stafiniak
The Expression Problem
@@ -9396,6 +9439,8 @@ built on top of *even lazy lists*? To additionally illustrate your answer:
odd lazy lists.*
# Exam: Exercises for review
## Exam set 0
Exercise 1.
@@ -9466,6 +9511,8 @@ Exercise 7.
Provide an algebraic specification and an implementation for
first-in-first-out queues (lecture 5 exercise 9).
## Exam set 1
Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
@@ -9594,6 +9641,8 @@ the Huffman code table for the frequency table `fs`.*
**Exercise 15:** (Black.) Implement the Gaussian Elimination algorithm for
solving linear equations and inverting square invertible matrices.
## Exam set 2
Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
@@ -9684,6 +9733,8 @@ suggestions (in some sense of "best", e.g. occurring in most of documents
containing the given words).
## Exam set 3
Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
diff --git a/site/old_lectures_as_book.html b/site/old_lectures_as_book.html
index 769daf9..19491e1 100644
--- a/site/old_lectures_as_book.html
+++ b/site/old_lectures_as_book.html
@@ -271,6 +271,11 @@
Curious OCaml
+4 Exercises
+Lecture 2:
6 Homework
+Chapter 2: Derivation
+2: Algebra
+Lecture 3: Computation
+Lecture 5: Polymorphism &
11 Homework
+Lecture 6: Folding and
8 Constraint-based puzzles
+Lecture 7:
+Lecture 8:
+Lecture 9:
- 1 OCaml
@@ -608,6 +644,10 @@ Curious OCaml
id="toc-smart-way-information-retrieval-g.v.-cormack-et-al.">7.1 Smart
way: Information Retrieval G.V. Cormack et al.
+Lecture 10:
+Lecture 2: Algebra
Algebraic Data Types and some curious analogies
1 A Glimpse at Type Inference
For a refresher, let’s try to use the rules we introduced last time
@@ -1457,8 +1499,9 @@
6 Homework
actually return a btree_deriv option
, with
in case the predicate does not hold for any node.
This homework is due for the class after the
-Computation class, i.e. for (before) the Functions class. ##
-Chapter 2: Derivation example # Lecture 2: Algebra, Fig. 1
+Computation class, i.e. for (before) the Functions class.
+Chapter 2: Derivation example
+Lecture 2: Algebra
Type inference example derivation
\frac{[?]}{{\texttt{fun x -> ((+) x)
1}} : [?]}
@@ -1648,8 +1691,8 @@ 6 Homework
Further reading: http://bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbro.blogspot.com/2012/10/algebraic-type-systems-combinatorial.html
-# Lecture 3: Computation
+Lecture 3: Computation
‘‘Using, Understanding and Unraveling the OCaml Language’’ Didier
Rémy, chapter 1
‘‘The OCaml system’’ manual, the tutorial part, chapter 1
@@ -1945,10 +1988,10 @@ 6 Homework
fixed point is reached: given f and x, it
computes f^n (x) such that f^n (x) = f^{n + 1} (x). Functional
+class="math inline">f^n (x) = f^{n + 1} (x).
+Functional Programming
Exercise 1: By
“traverse a tree” below we mean: write a function that takes a tree and
@@ -2763,8 +2806,9 @@
10 In-class Work and Homework
done; !s
let repeatuntil p f s = let s = ref (f s) in while not (p !s) do s
-:= f !s done; !s Functional Programming
+:= f !s done; !s
+Functional Programming
Exercise 1: Define (implement) and test on a couple
of examples functions corresponding to / computing:
@@ -2829,8 +2873,10 @@ 10 In-class Work and Homework
done; !s
let repeatuntil p f s = let s = ref (f s) in while not (p !s) do s
-:= f !s done; !s # Lecture 5: Polymorphism & ADTs
+:= f !s done; !s
+Lecture 5: Polymorphism &
Parametric types. Abstract Data Types.
Example: maps using red-black trees.
If you see any error on the slides, let me know!
@@ -3527,9 +3573,9 @@ 11 Homework
* Implement maps (i.e. write a module for the map signature)
based on AVL trees. See
. Functional
+Functional Programming
Type Inference
Abstract Data Types
Exercise 1: Derive the equations and solve them to
@@ -3711,10 +3757,11 @@
11 Homework
to *balance*
One of the remaining tests on grandchildren is also unnecessary.
Rewrite *ins*
so that it never tests the color of
-nodes not on the search path. # Lecture 6: Folding and
+nodes not on the search path.
+Lecture 6: Folding and
Mapping and folding.Backtracking using lists. Constraint solving.
Martin Odersky ‘‘Functional Programming Fundamentals’’ Lectures 2, 5
and 6
@@ -4735,10 +4782,11 @@ 7.5 Optimizations for Honey
findboard (initstate honey cellstoeat)
8 Constraint-based puzzles
-- Puzzles can be presented by providing the general form of solutions,
-and additional requirements that the solutions must meet.
-- For many puzzles, the general form of solutions for a given problem
-can be decomposed into a fixed number of variables.
Puzzles can be presented by providing the general form of
+solutions, and additional requirements that the solutions must
+For many puzzles, the general form of solutions for a given
+problem can be decomposed into a fixed number of variables.
- A domain of a variable is a set of possible values the variable can
have in any solution.
@@ -4753,9 +4801,9 @@ 8 Constraint-based puzzles
– which cell-variable is connected with which – is part of the
-There is a general and often efficient scheme of solving
+There is a general and often efficient scheme of solving
constraint-based problems. Finite Domain Constraint
-Programming algorithm:
+Programming algorithm:
- With each variable, associate a set of values, initially equal to
the domain of the variable. The singleton containing the association is
@@ -4776,29 +4824,29 @@
8 Constraint-based puzzles
- The final solutions are built from partial solutions by assigning to
a variable the single possible value associated with it.
-This general algorithm can be simplified. For example, in step
+This general algorithm can be simplified. For example, in step
(2.c), instead of splitting into two equal-sized parts, we can partition
into a singleton and remainder, or partition “all the way” into several
-The above definition of finite domain constraint solving
-algorithm is sketchy. Questions?
-We will not discuss a complete implementation example, but you can
-exploit ideas from the algorithm in your homework.
-Recall how we generated all subsequences of a list. Find
-(i.e. generate) all:
+The above definition of finite domain constraint solving
+algorithm is sketchy. Questions?
+We will not discuss a complete implementation example, but you
+can exploit ideas from the algorithm in your homework.
+Recall how we generated all subsequences of a list. Find
+(i.e. generate) all:
- permutations of a list;
- ways of choosing without repetition from a list;
- combinations of K distinct objects chosen from the N elements of a
-Using folding for the expression
data type, compute the
-degree of the corresponding polynomial. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_a_polynomial.
-Implement simplification of expressions using mapping for the
data type.
-Express in terms of fold_left
+Using folding for the expression
data type, compute
+the degree of the corresponding polynomial. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_a_polynomial.
+Implement simplification of expressions using mapping for the
data type.
+Express in terms of fold_left
- indexed : ’a list -> (int * ’a) list, which pairs elements with
their indices in the list;
@@ -4822,24 +4870,24 @@ 8 Constraint-based puzzles
in the provided code takes quadratic time –
optimize it.
-Write functions compose
and perform
-take a list of functions and return their composition, i.e. a function
-compose [f1; …; fn] = x ↦ f1 (… (fn x)…)
-perform [f1; …; fn] = x ↦ fn (… (f1 x)…)
-Write a solver for the Tents Puzzle http://www.mathsisfun.com/games/tents-puzzle.html.
-* Robot Squad. We are given a map of terrain with
-empty spaces and walls, and lidar readings for multiple robots, 8
+Write functions compose
and perform
+that take a list of functions and return their composition, i.e. a
+function compose [f1; …; fn] = x ↦ f1 (… (fn x)…)
+perform [f1; …; fn] = x ↦ fn (… (f1 x)…)
+Write a solver for the Tents Puzzle http://www.mathsisfun.com/games/tents-puzzle.html.
+* Robot Squad. We are given a map of terrain
+with empty spaces and walls, and lidar readings for multiple robots, 8
readings of the distance to wall or another robot, for each robot.
Robots are equipped with compasses, the lidar readings are in directions
E, NE, N, NW, W, SW, S, SE. Determine the possible positions of
-* Write a solver for the Plinx Puzzle
+* Write a solver for the Plinx Puzzle http://www.mathsisfun.com/games/plinx-puzzle.html.
It does not need to always return correct solutions but it should
-correctly solve the initial levels from the game. # Lecture 7:
+correctly solve the initial levels from the game.
+Lecture 7: Laziness
Lazy evaluation. Stream processing.
M. Douglas McIlroy ‘‘Power Series, Power Serious’’
Oleg Kiselyov, Simon Peyton-Jones, Amr Sabry ‘‘Lazy v. Yield:
@@ -5492,8 +5540,9 @@ 8.2 Example: pretty-printing
(printedoc printint printpos)let = gen testdoc >-> docpos
>-> grends 60 >-> iterate (printedoc printint printpos)let =
prettyprint 20 testdoclet = prettyprint 30 testdoclet = prettyprint 60
-testdoc Functional Programming
+Functional Programming
Streams and lazy evaluation
Exercise 1: My first impulse was to define lazy list
functions as here:
@@ -5698,8 +5747,8 @@ 8.2 Example: pretty-printing
-# Lecture 8: Monads
+Lecture 8: Monads
List comprehensions. Basic monads; transformers. Probabilistic
Programming.Lightweight cooperative threads.
Some examples from Tomasz Wierzbicki. Jeff Newbern ‘‘All About
@@ -7480,8 +7529,9 @@ 11 Lightweight cooperative
monad, introduce a “dummy” monadic value Suspend
and Sleep
), and define
bind suspend b
to do what bind (return ()) b
-would formerly do. # Lecture 9: Compiler
+would formerly do.
+Lecture 9: Compiler
Compilation. Runtime. Optimization. Parsing.
Andrew W. Appel ‘‘Modern Compiler Implementation in ML’‘E.
Chailloux, P. Manoury, B. Pagano ‘‘Developing Applications with
@@ -10171,7 +10221,8 @@ 7.1.5 Imperative, galloping
Write an XML parser tailored to the shakespeare.xml
corpus provided with the phrase search example. Modify the phrase search
engine to provide detailed information for each found location,
-e.g. which play and who speaks the phrase. # Lecture 10: FRP
+e.g. which play and who speaks the phrase.
+Lecture 10: FRP
Zippers. Functional Reactive Programming. GUIs.
*‘‘Zipper’‘* in Haskell Wikibook and ‘‘The Zipper’’
by Gerard Huet ‘‘How froc
works’’ by Jacob Donham
@@ -11326,8 +11377,9 @@
7.3 GTk+: LablGTk
class="math inline">\simexpand:’BOTH (button#coerce)) ) buttons;
F.notifye calce (fun now -> result#setlabel (stringoffloat now));
window#show (); GMain.Main.main ()
- Functional Programming
+Functional Programming
Zippers, Reactivity, GUIs
Exercise 1: Introduce operators -, / into the context rewriting “pull out
@@ -12067,8 +12119,8 @@
7.3 GTk+: LablGTk
rule: S \rightarrow (S \ast
-Functional ProgrammingŁukasz Stafiniak
+Functional ProgrammingŁukasz Stafiniak
The Expression Problem
Exercise 1: Implement
the string_of_
functions or methods, covering all data
@@ -12198,8 +12250,9 @@
Exam set 0
3 lines, fits on one line.
Exercise 7.
Provide an algebraic specification and an implementation for
-first-in-first-out queues (lecture 5 exercise 9). ## Exam set 1
-Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
+first-in-first-out queues (lecture 5 exercise 9).
+Exam set 1
+Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
Exam set 1
Exercise 1: (Blue.) What is the type of the
subexpression y
as part of the expression below assuming
@@ -12332,8 +12385,9 @@
Exam set 0
the Huffman code table for the frequency table fs
Exercise 15: (Black.) Implement the Gaussian
Elimination algorithm for solving linear equations and inverting square
-invertible matrices. ## Exam set 2 Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th
+invertible matrices.
+Exam set 2
+Functional ProgrammingFebruary 5th 2013
Exam set 2
Exercise 1: (Blue.) What is the type of the
subexpression f
as part of the expression below assuming