- Add compatibility for net-ssh v4.2 (patch from haccht)
- Add PTYOptions option (patch from Ben Miller)
- Add option to change prompt after initialization
- Cleanup requires for gemspec
- Apply fix to race condition during initialization from lumean
- Fixed 'Timeout' and 'Waittime' options
- Fork to net-ssh-telnet2
- 4 bugfixes from Brian Candler
- Bug in original Net::Telnet EOL translation (http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-core/16599) duplicate the fix.
- Remove rubygems require.
- Handle EOF more gracefully.
- Allow FailEOF to propagate through cmd() to waitfor().
- 1 major enhancement
- Birthday!
- Initial revision by Brian Candler based on Net::Telnet.
- Test release.