This collector consumes a RabbitMQ queue for messages that contain a list of spans.
Its only dependencies besides Zipkin core are the slf4j-api
and the RabbitMQ Java Client.
The following configuration can be set for the RabbitMQ Collector.
Property | Environment Variable | Description |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.concurrency |
Number of concurrent consumers. Defaults to 1 |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.connection-timeout |
Milliseconds to wait establishing a connection. Defaults to 60000 (1 minute) |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.queue |
Queue from which to collect span messages. Defaults to zipkin |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.uri |
RabbitMQ URI spec-compliant URI, ex. amqp://user:pass@host:10000/vhost |
If the URI is set, the following properties will be ignored.
Property | Environment Variable | Description |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.addresses |
Comma-separated list of RabbitMQ addresses, ex. localhost:5672,localhost:5673 |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.password |
Password to use when connecting to RabbitMQ. Defaults to guest |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.username |
Username to use when connecting to RabbitMQ. Defaults to guest |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.virtual-host |
RabbitMQ virtual host to use. Defaults to / |
zipkin.collector.rabbitmq.use-ssl |
Set to true to use SSL when connecting to RabbitMQ |
The configured queue will be idempotently declared as a durable queue.
This collector uses one connection to RabbitMQ, with the configured concurrency
number of threads
each using one channel to consume messages.
Consumption is done with autoAck
on, so messages that fail to process successfully are not retried.
The message's body should be the bytes of an encoded list of spans.
A list of Spans in JSON. The first character must be '[' (decimal 91).
performs the correct JSON encoding.
The following assumes you are running an instance of RabbitMQ locally on the default port (5672). You can download and install RabbitMQ following instructions available here. With the RabbitMQ Management CLI you can easily publish one-off spans to RabbitMQ to be collected by this collector.
- Start RabbitMQ server
- Start Zipkin server
$ RABBIT_ADDRESSES=localhost java -jar zipkin.jar
- Save an array of spans to a file like
[{"traceId":"9032b04972e475c5","id":"9032b04972e475c5","kind":"SERVER","name":"get","timestamp":1505990621526000,"duration":612898,"localEndpoint":{"serviceName":"brave-webmvc-example","ipv4":""},"remoteEndpoint":{"serviceName":"","ipv4":"","port":60149},"tags":{"error":"500 Internal Server Error","http.path":"/a"}}]
- Publish them using the CLI
$ rabbitmqadmin publish exchange=amq.default routing_key=zipkin < sample-spans.json