common packages:
pip install wfdb, pywavelets, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, tensorboard
tensorflow packages:
pytorch packages:
for tensorflow:
python main_tf.py
for pytorch:
python main_torch.py
With ecg_model.h5 or ecg_model.pt in the directory, the commands above will load the model and evaluate it.
If you want to train the model, please remove the model file and run the commands.
visualize the log in tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=./logs/<log_dir_name>
main_tf.py: code implemented by TensorFlow2
main_torch.py: code implemented by PyTorch
utils.py: util functions about data processing and plotting
Be careful! The input of the convolution (1d) layer in tensorflow and pytorch are different.
In tensorflow it is [batch_size, length, channel], while in pytorch is [batch_size, channel, length].
The denoised ECG data shape in numpy format is [batch_size, length].
Therefore, the input of the convolution layer in tensorflow needs to be reshaped to [batch_size, length, channel], while that in pytorch needs to be reshaped to [batch_size, channel, length], where channel equals 1.
Data shape in this version of code may vary with my blogs.
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If you could tip me a cup of coke, I would be very grateful!