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lyang edited this page Mar 18, 2013 · 6 revisions

Customize Validations

BraintreeRails provided a set of default validations. Those default validations should cover the majority of the use cases.

However, if you do have special needs, its quite easy to customize the validations to your needs.

Builtin Validations

All builtin validations are listed in each models validator classes. For example, BraintreeRails::Address validations are in an array in the constant BraintreeRails::AddressValidator::Validations

# [
#   [:customer_id, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 36}, :on => :create],
#   [:first_name, :last_name, :company, :street_address, :extended_address, :locality, :region, :length => {:maximum => 255}],
#   [:country_code_numeric, :allow_blank => true, :inclusion => { :in => {|country| country[3]} }],
#   [:street_address, :presence => true, :if => { Configuration.require_street_address }],
#   [:postal_code, :presence => true, :format => { :with => /\A[- a-z0-9]+\z/i}, :if => { Configuration.require_postal_code }]
# ]

Each of the validation in the list will be added to its model class.

Adding Additional Validations

In order to add additional validations, you need to first add your validations to that list and re-setup the validations.

For example, if you only take US & Canada credit card, you can do

# Adding validations
BraintreeRails::AddressValidator::Validations << [:country_code_numeric, :inclusion => {:in => ['124', '840']}]
# Re-setup

Remove default validations

Similarly to add validations, you can remove validations that doesn't fit your needs. For example:

# Removing the last validation
# Re-setup

Change default validations

You can change default validations by removing the default one then add a new one and re-setup

Complex validations

If you have complex validation logic, you have two options:

  1. Extract the logic into a validator and add it to the validation lists. You can take the BraintreeRails::Luhn10Validator used in BraintreeRails::CreditCardValidator for example.

[:number, :numericality => { :only_integer => true }, :length => {:minimum => 12, :maximum => 19}, 'braintree_rails/luhn_10' => true, :if => { Configuration.mode == Configuration::Mode::S2S }] 2. Open the model class and add your custom validation methodruby module BraintreeRails class CreditCard validate :some_complex_validation_logic def some_complex_validation_logic end end end ```

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