beego admin
Based beego, jQuery EasyUI, bootstrap a background management system
VERSION = "0.1.1"
##Get installation
Execute the following command, you can find beego/admin
under your GOPATH/src
$ go get
##First use
###Creating Applications
First, the use of bee tools to create an application, reference
$ bee new hello
After successfully created, you can get a man named hello
application, now you can use it. Just find the new program hello/routers/router.go
this document
import (
"hello/controllers" // self-service package
"" // beego package
"" // admin package
##Introducing admin code, and then use it in init
func init() {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
The database is currently only supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, sqlite3, follow-up will add more database support.
Database configuration information required to complete, the program will automatically create database MySQL database link information according to the configuration
db_host = localhost
db_port = 3306
db_user = root
db_pass = root
db_name = admin
db_type = mysql
PostgreSQL database link information
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = postgres
db_pass = postgres
db_name = admin
db_type = postgres
sqlite3 database link information
###db_path refers to the database stored path, the default is the project's root directory
db_path = ./
db_name = admin
db_type = sqlite3
The configuration of the above information into your database information.
There are some information you need to configure the privilege system
sessionon = true
rbac_role_table = role
rbac_node_table = node
rbac_group_table = group
rbac_user_table = user
#admin username. This user login without authentication
rbac_admin_user = admin
#Default no authentication module
not_auth_package = public,static
#Default authentication type 0 1 no authentication login authentication 2 real certification
user_auth_type = 1
#Default login gateway
rbac_auth_gateway = /public/login
#Default Template
The above configuration information need to be added to app.conf
###Copy static files
Finally also we need to js, css, image, tpl these files are copied over.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/hello
$ cp -R ../ ./
$ cp -R ../ ./
###Compile the project
After all do. It can be compiled into the hello directory
$ go build
First start you need to create a database, initialize the database tables.
$ ./hello -syncdb
Well, now you can access through the browser address http://localhost:8080/
The default password is admin username starting