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A bike or mortorcycle computer based on ESP32


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A motorcycle computer based on ESP32



A small homemade motorcycle computer based on ESP32 controller to show some usefull information. The project has been done thinking on the modularity, so new features can be added (or removed).

ESP32 bike computer
ESP32 bike computer mounted on a Yamaha Tracer 9


  • Android phone connection using mitchwongho application (see acknowledgements):
    • Shows the phone battery level.
    • Shows message alerts (Whatssapp, Telegram, SMS...).
  • Tire pressure level, temperature and low battery alert from TPMS BLE sensors.
  • Date, time and altitude from GPS.
  • Weather prediction from OpenWeatherMap.
  • Speed limit and street name from Microsoft Maps.
  • Sends GPS latitude and longitude to a web server.
  • Shows the location from the web server on a map.

Other features not implemented

Some features have been removed from this version because there are not longer needed:

Part list

  • Wemos ESP32-S3 mini
    It could work with other ESP32 boards but I have chose this for the small size. Be sure to choose one with two cores, don't use a ESP32-C3 or ESP32-S2. I have use ESP32 mini D1 boards on other proyects, but the power IC included on some cheap boards doesn't provide enought power to keep wifi and bluetooth at the same time.

    ESP32-S3 mini

  • GPS board Neo6M
    Don't forget to choose an apropiate antenna. It should work too with other smaller board like ATGM336H.


    One round 240x240 1,28" based on GC9A01 chip, and other square 240x280 1,69" based on ST7789 chip. These are cheap, fits on the case and they can be seen pretty clear under the sun light.

    GC9A01 1,28" round LCD ST7789 1,69" square LCD

  • DJI Action2 case
    It is waterproof, both LCD's fits inside and you can remove one of the buttons to pass the cable through it. It has a standard gopro clip for holding it wherever you want. Choose the bracket that fits you better.

    DJI Action2 case GoPro Holder

  • BLE 4.0 TPMS
    Bluetooth BLE 4.0 TPMS to control the tire pressure for Android / IOS application. Do not use BLE 5.0 model, is not supported by ESP32 at this moment.


  • 4G Wifi USB dongle
    USB Wifi - 4G router configured to create a hotspot for Internet connection. Must be connected to a USB connection on the bike.

    USB 4G wifi router

  • Other stuff

    • 2 * 8 pin 5cm dupond cables for LCDs.
    • 2 * 3x7cm PCB prototype breadboards.
    • USB male connector
    • Black USB-C cable.
    • Iron soldering kit.
    • Small silica gel bag for the LCD case. (Optional).
    • Silicone thermal gun for sealing the junctions. (Optional).

How to build one

  1. Set a public web server to receive the information from the GPS and draw the route on a map. If you do not want or need this function you can forget this step and comment the following line on "src/gprs.cpp" -> useGPRS():
// sendLocation();


  • Download the files from webpage folder.
  • Edit the sql scheme file, set your passwords and create a MariaDB database with the scheme and data to store the information.
  • Edit the php files with your database server information.
  • Save both php files on a folder served by the web server.
  1. Get your OpenWeatherMap and Bing Maps API keys. You have to sign up on both services but the free tier should be enought.

  2. Get all components and stuff listed below. They could be obtained from "all purpose" web pages like Aliexpress or Amazon.

  3. Set your VCode + Platformio environment with the project from esp32-bike-computer-main folder. This step is too long to describe here and there is a lot of information on internet about how to do it 😉

    • Create a "include/secrets.h" file and fill it with your data. E.g:
    #define TPMSMAC_FRONT "be:be:ca:fe:be:be"   //TPMS Front MAC Address
    #define TPMSMAC_REAR "ca:fe:be:be:ca:fe"    //TPMS Rear MAC Address
    #define HTTP_SERVER ""
    #define HTTP_PATH "/bikefiles"   // Should begin with "/" and end without it
    #define WEATHER_APIKEY "yourOpenweathermapsAPIKey"
    #define WEATHER_CITYID "3104324"    // Zaragoza,ES Look for your location:
    #define MAPS_APIKEY "yourBingMapsAPIKey"
    #define WEB_PASS "user_id0_pass_set_on_the_database"
    #define WIFI_SSID01 "SSID01_NAME"       // Configured on USB 4G Dongle
    #define WIFI_PASS01 "SSID01_PASSWORD"   // Configured on USB 4G Dongle
    #define WIFI_SSID02 "SSID02_NAME"       // Alternative. Eg: Phone hotspot
    #define WIFI_PASS02 "SSID02_PASSWORD"   // Alternative. Eg: Phone hotspot
    • Take a look on "include/my_def.h" and change some values if necessary:
    #define BT_DEVICE_NAME "Jarvis"     // BLE device name
    static unsigned char tpmsBatteyLow = 5;  // TPMS Battery low level
    static unsigned char tpmsLevelX = XX;    // TPMS Pressure levels
    #define TFT_TIMEMESSAGE 7000    // Phone alert message show time (7 sec)
    static TimeChangeRule CEST = {"CEST", Last, Sun, Mar, 2, 120};     // Central European Summer Time
    static TimeChangeRule CET = {"CET ", Last, Sun, Oct, 3, 60};       // Central European Standard Time
    • Compile and upload it to the ESP32.
    • Upload the "data" folder files to ESP32 SPIFFS.
  4. Build the PCB following the schemes/main_v1.fzz. Only the outer pins need to be solder.

Schemes and connections

There are some Fritzing schemes located on the schemes folder. They are designed for soldering on a quick breadboard.

Breadboard Scheme

Breadboard Front with plastic support

Breadboard back

The connectors placement on the board are:

  • Neo6M GPS: W10-T10
  • ESP32 up: K10-F10
  • Square LCD: "A" side external pins
  • Round LCD: L9-L3

Improvements list

  • Kickstand alert
    Using and ELM327 to communicate with the ECU, but I am not able to find the correct OBD PID. There are some projects to help with it, like:

  • Turn by turn indications
    I am not able to find or build an application to send the indications by BLE. Maybe could find an aproach using Msoft Maps?...

  • Telegram communication
    To receive bike location and ¿maybe? set configuration

  • Web server for configuration
    To change some values (API keys, passwords...) and save it to the EEPROM.

  • Parking sensor. Because... Why not? Done. Take a look at


Many thanks to the programmers that works and maintain the libraries used on this project, expecially @mitchwongho for his great application:

And thank you VANEP and UniquePete for your Fritzing desigs:


I'm not a professional programmer neither an electronics expert, I'm just making this for fun and learn.

I want to share this to the community just in case someone else find it funny or usefull for his/her own project, I havent got other pretensions, so please:

  1. I'm pretty sure the code is not perfectly written and does not follow the standars or etiquette, it just works for me. I will be more than pleasured to hear improvements and learn.
  2. I have not tested so much this thing and sometimes it does have minor failures (GPS fail to get data, WIFI fails to connect to server...). I am happy with it but if you don't, please, don't waste your money.
  3. Use at your own risk. I'm not responsible for any damages, direct or indirect. Remember: "It works for me" is the only test I have done.
  4. I would be glad to read your comments, questions, doubts, jokes, etc. and will try to answer all of them, but I have made this on my spare time that is not so much, so don't expect a quick response. My apologies in advance.