This document describes the format of the image manipulation specifications that are used by the image-modify, custom-segmentation, and landmark-tool tools.
The specifications are provided as a list of JSON objects.
The following specifications would
- apply a dilation with radius 1 to the image data
- equalize the histogram
- apply a median filter with radius 1
"action" : "morphology",
"options" : {
"type" : "dilation",
"radius" : 1
"action" : "histogram",
"options" : {
"type" : "equalize"
"action" : "filter",
"options" : {
"type" : "median",
"radius" : 1
We see that the specification objects consist of an action and an options field. One action might offer different types of operations: The wanted type is set in the type field of the options data.
In this section, we present the supported actions and also discuss their options. We use the name of the action as the heading of the associated subsection.
The action crops the image to a specified region of interest. It offers currently only one operation.
Supported options:
- minX
- minY
- minZ
- maxX
- maxY
- maxZ
The indices (minX, minY, minZ) and (maxX, maxY, maxZ) determine the corner points of the box that is used as region of interest.
Action for visualizing edges. In the following, we discuss the supported types of operation.
This operation visualizes detected zero crossings of the laplacian as white voxels in the image. Everything else is shown in black.
Here, we visualize the magnitude of the image gradient in each voxel.
The last operation type shows the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue of the structure tensor in each voxel. The radius of the box that is used for computing the structure tensor has to be set in the radius field of the options data.
This action provides the basic operations of mathematical morphology, the top-hat transforms, and the morphological gradient that can be applied to the image. All operations use a cube as structuring element.
Shared options for all operations of this action:
- radius: radius of the underlying structuring element
Supported types of operations:
- dilation
- erosion
- opening
- closing
- white top hat
- black top hat
- gradient
Please have a look at the above links for background information on these operations.
Action for applying filters to the image. Supported types:
This operation applies a median filter to the image by using a box as the window for computing the median at each voxel. The radius of this box has to be set in the radius field of the options data.
This filter type applies a Gaussian smoothing to the image. The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel has to be set in the sigma field of the options data.
Applies an anisotropic diffusion filter to the image. The underyling implementation uses an explicit scheme. Needed options:
- timeSteps: time steps to take for the evolution
- stepSize: time step size that affects the stability of the scheme ( use, for example, 0.124 )
- contrastLambda: parameter that determines which edges are preserved
- integrationRho: standard deviation of Gaussian kernel used for computing the structure tensor
- presmoothSigma: standard deviation of Gaussian kernel used for presmoothing the image
Interpolates a slice at a given position and adds it to the image. The slice is inserted between the slices that participated in the interpolation process. The position is set in the position of the options data.
Supported types:
- xy
- xz
- yz
Offers methods for modifying the histogram of the image. Currently only one operation is supported:
This method equalizes the histogram.
This action consists of several thresholding approaches that segment an image into a foreground region ( shown in white ) and a background region ( shown in black ). Supported types:
Basic thresholding that uses the value in the field threshold of the options data to segment the image: Everything below the threshold is classified as background, the remaining voxels as foreground.
This operation uses Otsu's method to segment the image.
Applies Otsu's method multiple times. After each iteration, the voxel colors in the foreground region are replaced with the mean in that area. The number of iterations is set with iterations in the options.
Chooses the smallest threshold such that all provided landmarks are inside the foreground region. Landmarks are provided as a list of image coordinates in the landmarks field of options:
"action" : "segment",
"options" : {
"type" : "with landmarks",
"landmarks" : [
{ "x" : 0, "y" : 2, "z" : 3 },
{ "x" : 2, "y" : 20, "z" : 10 },
{ "x" : 77, "y" : 81, "z" : 40 }
For convenience, you can use the landmark-tool to distribute the landmarks and export the corresponding specifications to a JSON file.
Several operations that modify the voxel colors.
Lineraly scales the values to have the provided minimum and maximum. The new minimum is set in minNew in the options, the new maximum in maxNew.
Linearly scales the values to the interval [0, 1]
This operation corresponds to the contrast-stretch command of image magick. The percentage of brightest pixels that are set to white is provided in upper of the options. The percentage of darkest pixels that are set to black is provided in lower of the options.
Adds a value to all voxel colors. Optionally, corner points of a bounding box can be provided. In this case, only voxels inside that box are modified. The value to be added is given in value of the options. The corner points are provided by minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, and maxZ.