//SMBexec execution //This detection analytic uses a regular expression to identify commands from the Impacket smbexec script, which allows a semi-interactive shell used through SMB. The regular expression identifies the name of a file share used to store output from the commands for interaction. // Regex needs testing with current impacket logs //Source: https://redcanary.com/threat-detection-report/threats/impacket/ DeviceProcessEvents | where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "services.exe" and FileName =~ "cmd.exe" and ProcessCommandLine matches regex @"(?i)cmd.exe\s+\/Q\s+\/c\s+echo\s+cd\s+>\s+\\\\\\[a-zA-Z]{1,}\$\\__output\s*2\s*>\s*&\s*1\s*>\s+.*\s+&"
//WMIexec execution //This detection analytic uses a regular expression to identify commands from the Impacket wmiexec script, which allows a semi-interactive shell used via WMI. This analytic shows output being redirected to the localhost ADMIN$ share. The regular expression identifies an output file named as a Unix timestamp (similar to 1642629756.323274) generated through the script. // Regex needs testing with current impacket logs //Source: https://redcanary.com/threat-detection-report/threats/impacket/ DeviceProcessEvents | where InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ "wmiprvse" and InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "cmd.exe" and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all ("cmd.exe","/Q","/c",@"\\\ADMIN\$\__","2>&1") and ProcessCommandLine matches regex @"[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{1,10}"