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Automatic XMPP/Chat Setup

Since Noosfero 1.2, the XMPP/Chat can be installed via noosfero-chat Debian package. So you don't need to follow the manual instructions here if you already have it installed on your system.

But if you are going to install the noosfero-chat package on a system that already has noosfero older 1.2 installed then you need to check if apache's configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/noosfero has this line below:

 Include /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/apache/xmpp.conf

Manual XMPP/Chat Setup

The samples of config file to configure a XMPP/BOSH server with ejabberd, postgresql and apache2 can be found at util/chat directory.

This setup supposes that you are using Noosfero installed via Debian package in a production environment.


This is a step-by-step guide to get a XMPP service working, in a Debian system.

1. Install the required packages

# apt-get install ejabberd odbc-postgresql librestclient-ruby pidgin-data ruby1.8-dev
# gem install SystemTimer

2. Ejabberd configuration

# cp /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/ejabberd.cfg /etc/ejabberd/

Edit the /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg file and set your domain on the first 2 lines.

3. Configuring Postgresql

Give permission to noosfero user create new roles, login as postgres user and execute:

$ psql
postgres=# GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE noosfero TO noosfero;

Change the postgresql authentication method to md5 instead of ident, add the following line to the file /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf:

Noosfero user

local noosfero noosfero md5

(add this line before the following line)

"local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

local all all ident

Restart postgresql server:

# service postgresql restart

Login as noosfero user, and execute:

$ psql -U noosfero -W noosfero < /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/postgresql/ejabberd.sql

(see database password in the /etc/noosfero/database.yml file)

This will create a new schema inside the noosfero database, called ejabberd.

Note that there should be at least one domain with is_default = true in domains table, otherwise people won't be able to see their friends online.

4. ODBC configuration

Create the following files:

# cp /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/odbc.ini /etc/
# cp /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/odbcinst.ini /etc/

Edit the odbc.ini file and set the password for the database user, see the file /etc/noosfero/database.yml to get the password.

Adjust premissions:

# chmod 640 /etc/odbc.ini
# chown ejabberd /etc/odbc.ini

4.1 testing all:

# isql 'PostgreSQLEjabberdNoosfero'

If the configuration was done right, the message "Connected!" will be displayed.

5. Enabling kernel polling and SMP in /etc/default/ejabberd


6. Increase the file descriptors limit for user ejabberd

6.1. Uncomment this line in file /etc/pam.d/su:

session required

6.2. Add this lines to file /etc/security/limits.conf:

ejabberd       hard    nofile  65536
ejabberd       soft    nofile  65536

Now, test the configuration:

# cat /proc/<EJABBERD_BEAM_PROCESS_PID>/limits

7. Apache Configuration

Apache server must be configurated as follow:


RewriteEngine On
Include /usr/share/noosfero/util/chat/apache/xmpp.conf


<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
   StartServers          8
   MinSpareThreads       25
   MaxSpareThreads       75
   ThreadLimit           128
   ThreadsPerChild       128
   MaxClients            2048
   MaxRequestsPerChild   0

Note: module proxy_http must be enabled:

# a2enmod proxy_http

Restart services:

# service ejabberd restart
# service noosfero restart
# service apache2 restart

8. Test Apache Configuration

Open in your browser the address:

http://<yout domain>/http-bind

You should see a page with a message like that:

ejabberd mod_http_bind An implementation of XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0206) This web page is only informative. To use HTTP-Bind you need a Jabber/XMPP client that supports it.

9. Test chat session

Run ./script/noosfero-test-chat-session. If you have luck, should see something like that:


Ruby-BOSH - SEND Z3Vlc3RAdmFncmFudC1kZWJpYW4tc3F1ZWV6ZS52YWdyYW50dXAuY29tAGd1ZXN0ADEzZTFhYWVlYjRhYjZlMTA0MmRkNWI1YWY0MzM4MjA1OGJiOWZmNzk= Ruby-BOSH - SEND Ruby-BOSH - SEND bosh_9631 Ruby-BOSH - SEND => ["[email protected]", "24cdfc43646a2af1059a7060b677c2e11b26f34f", 60270]