Plugin to display image in the markdown file through:
- windows explorer
- image viewer in wsl
- feh (linux image viewer)
- tmux vertical split
- in wezterm or kitty
This can be used in windows wsl and linux system. Option 1, 2, and 3 will open a image viewer window to show the image, while 4 will create the split view in tmux.
It can show the image with markdown link and wiki link:
- markdown link: open the image with the relative path
- wiki link: Only work with obsidian.nvim plugin. Open the image in the folder
set in theobsidian.nvim
NOTE: currently does not support relative link option in wiki link
Demo for linux using feh and kitty-tmux
name = "imageview",
config = function()
Add keymap to capture and show the image with link under the cursor.
Using Lua:
local imageview = require("imageview")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>i", imageview.get_node_at_cursor, {})
Default use the explorer
option. This can be modified on the setup by:
opts = {
open_type = "explorer",
-- option:
-- 1. "explorer": by Windows picture
-- 2. "wezterm-tmux"
-- 3. "kitty-tmux"
-- 4. "wsl": use `open` command
-- 5. "feh": use `feh -. filepath` to open the image (only available on linux)