This package hosts the monorepo style guide, which includes configs for popular linting, formatting and maintenance tools.
The following configs are available, and are designed to be used together.
Some of our ESLint configs require peer dependencies. We'll note those alongside the available configs in the ESLint section.
Prettier is a peer-dependency of this package, and should be installed at the root of your project.
To use the shared Prettier config, set the following in package.json
"prettier": "@acme/style-guide/prettier"
Alternatively you can create a Prettier config file (i.e. .prettierrc.js
) and export the config:
export { default } from '@acme/style-guide/prettier';
This is done by default in the monorepo root
ESLint is a peer-dependency of this package, and should be installed at the root of your project. If you use a monorepo, install eslint only in the workspace root.
The following configs are available:
Note that you can scope configs, so that configs only target specific files.
For more information, see: Scoped configuration with overrides
You'll need to use require.resolve
to provide ESLint with absolute paths,
due to an issue around ESLint config resolution (see
Defining the ESlint config in the package.json will not work.
Example .eslintrc.js
config for a Vite React app:
module.exports = {
extends: [require.resolve('@acme/style-guide/eslint/react')],
TypeScript linting is configured to run on all files with a *.{ts,tsx,mts,cts}
extension. This requires a valid
to be present. By default, the linter will look for the config at the same level as the resolved
ESlint config. If you are working in a monorepo, make sure that every app / package has its own .eslintrc.js
file so that the ESlint resolves to the correct tsconfig.json
For more information, see:
It's common practice for React apps to have shared components like Button
which wrap native elements. You can pass this information along to jsx-a11y
via the components
The below list is not exhaustive.
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: [require.resolve('@acme/style-guide/eslint/react')],
settings: {
'jsx-a11y': {
components: {
Article: 'article',
Button: 'button',
Image: 'img',
Input: 'input',
Link: 'a',
Video: 'video',
ESLint configs can be scoped to include/exclude specific paths. This ensures that rules don't "leak" into places where those rules don't apply.
In this example, Playwright rules are only being applied to files matching the provided pattern:
module.exports = {
extends: [require.resolve('@acme/style-guide/eslint/react')],
overrides: [
files: ['**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[jt]s?(x)'],
extends: [require.resolve('@acme/style-guide/eslint/playwright')],
When using overrides, file extensions must be included or ESLint will
only include .js
module.exports = {
overrides: [
{ files: [`directory/**/*.[jt]s?(x)`], rules: { 'my-rule': 'off' } },
Working with multiple ESLint configs works out of the box in WebStorm. If you want to use VSCode you will need additional configuration. Once you've installed the ESLint extension you'll need to inform it where it can find the configs. Use the following configuration:
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
{ "pattern": "apps/*/" },
{ "pattern": "packages/*/" },
{ "pattern": "tooling/*/" }
You can either store this configuration in your personal config or create a .vscode/settings.json
file in the root
of your project. This way the settings can be shared with others.
You can configure your project to use lint-staged to lint and format files before commiting them.
The following configs are available:
- run both ESLint and Prettier on the staged files@acme/style-guide/lint-staged/eslint
- run only ESLint on the staged files@acme/style-guide/lint-staged/prettier
- run only Prettier on the staged files
After installing the package and configuring git hooks, create a config file (.lintstagedrc.cjs
) in the root of your
repository and include the chosen config:
// Use the default configuration
module.exports = require('@acme/style-guide/lint-staged')();
// Exclude some files from lint-staged
module.exports = require('@acme/style-guide/lint-staged')({
// Files are matched using micromatch
ignoredFiles: ['**/example.config.ts'],
Default ignore list includes **/vite.config.ts
and **/vitest.config.ts
When working in a monorepo make sure that every package and app has its own .lintstagedrc.cjs
config file.
For a given staged file, the closest configuration file will always be used. This is required to make sure that the
files will be linted with the correct ESLint config, as the lint command is ran from the same directory as the
resolved lint-staged config file. To learn more check out "How to use lint-staged in a multi-package monorepo?"