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Temporalog fuses Datalog and CTL. The semantics of the language rely on the so called extended Kripke structures which is yet to be published...

It compiles down to stratified Datalog. More specifically, it compiles down to Vanillalog which compiles to Exalog.

For the semantically inclined: the temporal language is multimodal meaning we have a family of operators. The accessibility relation is part of the modal frame itself. Syntactic restrictions are used to tame the whole language going bonkers. See the language overview for examples of these. Hybrid logic operators are used to reify the state as a term and also to directly modify it with the value of a term.


Temporalog is implemented in Haskell and uses Stack to handle dependencies. Stack installation instructions are available here.

Then clone this repositroy and within the repository, run stack build.

To use the temporalog binary prepend it with stack exec.

For example,

stack exec -- temporalog


To run a program use the run command.

stack exec -- temporalog run -f FILE

You can also see intermediate stages of compilation with the pp command. For a full list of intermediate stages, use it without any arguments.

stack exec -- temporalog pp

For example if you want to see the pure Datalog output you can use the following

stack exec -- temporalog pp --exalog -f FILE

Language overview

We look at the basic syntactic features of the language. There are also some examples. The ones most instructive (read: somewhat commented and not entirely random) are version-control.tlog and jump-bind.tlog.

This overview is a draft. When something doesn't make sense or isn't working as advertised, I'd appreciate if you open an issue, so I can improve the documentation. Thanks!

Basic declarations

Temporalog is a typed Datalog implementation with obligatory declarations. The three basic types are text, int, and bool.

For example, we can declare an ancestor predicate of arity two with both parameters having a text type as follows:

.pred ancestor(text,text).

Temporal predicates are declared via @ after the declaration specifying which binary predicate should be used as the accessibility relation. For example, a temporal predicate day with single text parameter using clock binary predicate as its time predicate is declared using

.pred day(text) @ clock.

Basic Datalog

Terms are either constants, variables, or wildcards. The text constants are double quoted, integer constants are just integers, and boolean constants are true or false. Variables are alphanumeric combinations of characters plus ' that start with an uppercase letters. Wildcards are alphanumeric characters plus ' that starts with _.

For example, a predicate p that has parameters text, int, and bool is p("apple", -42, false) or it can be p(_wild,Var42',true).

We use , for conjunction within the body, ; for disjunction, and ! for negation. Nesting of operators are allowed. The precedence from tightest binding to the

Clauses are of the form head :- body.; queries are of the form ?- body; and facts are of the form head..

Anything following % is a comment (except within a text constant).

The archetypical logic program computing ancestors can be realised as follows:

advisor("Andrew Rice", "Mistral Contrastin").
advisor("Dominic Orchard", "Mistral Contrastin").
advisor("Andy Hopper", "Andrew Rice").
advisor("David Wheeler", "Andy Hopper").
advisor("Alan Mycroft", "Dominic Orchard").

ancestor(X,Y) :- advisor(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Z) :- advisor(X,Y), ancestor(Y,Z).

?- ancestor(X, "Mistral Contrastin").
?- ancestor(_X, "Mistral Contrastin").
?- ancestor("Mistral Contrastin", "Mistral Contrastin").
?- ancestor("David Wheeler", "Andrew Rice").

Temporal constructs

The temporal operators are those of CTL. The temporal operators are EX, AX, EF, AF, EG, AG, EU, and AU. The meanings of the operators are standard.

E/AX p: p holds in some/all next states E/AF p: it is possible to reach a point p holds in some/all paths E/AG p: p continuously holds in some/all paths E/A[p U q]: p holds in some/all paths until q holds

Here, a path is a (possibly infinite) trace of states (times).

Hybrid operators

Modal operators provide an abstraction for time, but occasionally it is useful to be able to observe time as well as to set it. This is where hybrid temporal logic comes into play. Temporalog provides two operators to this end. The jump operator, @, sets the time and the bind operator, |, observes it.

For example, if you want to have a temporal weekend predicate you can specify it as

.pred day(text,text).

.pred weekend() @ day.
weekend() @ "Saturday".
weekend() @ "Sunday".

.preed weekday() @ day.
weekday() :- ! weekend().

We can also use the jump operator in clause and queries bodies. For example, ?- (EF weekend()) @ "Monday" asks if the weekend is reachable from Monday. I sure hope, it is. However, ?- EF (weekend() @ "Monday") asks if we can reach a state Monday is a weekend. We wish, but to no avail...

The bind operator is useful when you want to interface the current time which is implicit. If you are interested in weekdays that has six letters or less in their names for example, you can write the following query.

?- | Day (weekday(), length(Day,N), leq(N,6)).

(At this point of the project length and leq are hypotheticals. Sorry!)


Multiple time predicates can be associated with the same predicate. They are space separated within the declaration. For example,

.pred timestamp() @ version clock.

If we actually define timestamp, we stumble upon an ambiguity.

timestamp() @ "CAFEBABE" @ "10:42 AM".

It is not clear which time we are trying to set. We don't pay any attention to the ordering of time predicates in the declaration, so we need to disambiguiate. The syntax for explicitly mentioning the time predicate after a temporal or hybrid operator is <time_predicate> after the the relevant operator.

timestamp() @ <version> "CAFEBABE" @ <clock> "10:42 AM".

However, we can do a bit better. As soon as we set the inner time to be evaluated at "CAFEBABE" the only sensible time predicate for the outer one is clock by process of evaluation, so we can write the following instead.

timestamp() @ <version> "CAFEBABE" @ "10:42 AM".

In general, we allow these annotations to be left implicit whenever possible. When we can't, the compiler complains about it.

Nullary predicates with multiple time predicates (such as timestamp) are good for relating otherwise independent notions of time. However, when multiple notions of time are repeatedly used together in clauses or queries, use of timestamp becomes repetitive. If then such a nullary predicate should always connect two notions of time in all queries and clauses, we can declare it to be a join which in effect makes the compiler to insert the predicate in simultaneous uses of the time predicates. The following is an example join declaration:

.join timestamp.

Then if we have p with time predicate version and q with time predicate clock, instead of writing ?- timestamp(), p(), q()., we can just write ?- p(), q()..

The temporal operators are multimodal as well. If p has time predicates t and r, we can query ?- AG <t> p and ?- AG <r> p. This is similar to partial differentiation. We treat one notion of time as constant and use the CTL operator semantics on the other accessibility relation.