== (2013-06-08) ==
- Issue#104 - New release format to reflect new development work ** We now use ( as version label, where second number is the Quartz's major version.
- Issue#105 - Prepare myschedule-3.0.0 for new development branch of work ** Re-org repository with the follwing named branches (they should be maintained as stable branches) ** default - latest changes ** myschedule-3.x - Vaddin UI + Quartz 2 stable branch ** myschedule-2.x - JQuery UI + Quartz 2 stable branch ** myschedule-1.x - JQuery UI + Quartz 1 stable branch
- Issue#109 - Add new
manager class for web layer management ** Sub Task: Clean up old MVC request processing classes ** Sub Task: Updated util:Props
** Sub Task: AddedMySchedule
** Sub Task: AddedSchedulerSettingsStore
- Issue#9 - Use Vaadin UI instead of jQuery/Table ** Sub Task: Design UI top toolbar with navigational buttons ** Sub Task: Design UI new scheduler config screen ** Sub Task: Design UI dashboard/scheduler table screen ** Sub Task: Design UI job/trigger table screen ** Sub Task: Design UI script console screen
- Issue#110 - Improve and refactor a
that used in various places - Issue#111 - Upgrade Quartz to 2.1.7
- Issue#112 - Use single project packaging distribution zip ** Added bin/myschedule-ui.sh to startup a embedded web server! ** Added war/myschedule.war distribution format. ** Added lib/myschedule-quartz-extra.jar distribution format.
- Issue#108 - Create editable templates on UI
- Issue#117 - Added interrupt button to running jobs.
- Issue#113 - Migrate 2.x UI features to 3.0
= Stable Releases =
Before myschedule-2.x, the release version format are organized as follow:
- myschedule-2.x (war) is for quartz-2.x
- myschedule-quartz-extra-2.x (jar) for quartz-2.x
- myschedule-1.x (war) is for quartz-1.8.x
- myschedule-quartz-extra-1.x (jar) for quartz-1.8.x
== myschedule-2.4.4.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.4.4.jar 08/21/2012 ==
Upgraded to latest Quartz release and some minor bug fixes.
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=91
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=92
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=93
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=94
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=95
== myschedule-2.4.3.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.4.3.jar 06/02/2012 ==
Some bug fixes and enhancements to the webapp.
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=64
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=68
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=75
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=78
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=79
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=80
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=81
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=82
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=83
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=84
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=85
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=86
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=87
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=88
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=89
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=90
== myschedule-2.4.2.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.4.2.jar 03/20/2012 ==
Minor bug fix and improvement.
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=72
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=73
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=74
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=76
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=77
== myschedule-2.4.1.war 01/28/2012 ==
Minor bug fix and improvement.
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=70
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=71
== myschedule-2.4.0.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.4.0.jar | 12/28/2011 ==
Added JdbcSchedulerHistoryPlugin that will record job history in DB.
Added Cron Tool expression validation on web page.
Added AppConfig configurable by a Properties file.
Upgraded to quartz-2.1.1 and optional groovy-1.8.4.
Deployed a online demo onto Heroku platform.
Fixed trigger display page.
== myschedule-1.6.0.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-1.6.0.jar | 11/04/2011 ==
- Backport of all 2.3.0 features for Quartz-1.8.x.
= Old Releases = == myschedule-2.3.2.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.3.2.jar | 11/18/2011 ==
- Fixed few more bugs.
- [http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/list?can=1&q=label%3AFixedRelease-2.3.2 Resolved Issues]
== myschedule-2.3.1.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.3.1.jar | 11/17/2011 ==
- Bug fixes and clean up of JSP views.
- Added more tests coverage.
- [http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/list?can=1&q=Release%3D2.3.1+&colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&cells=tiles Resolved Issues]
== myschedule-2.3.0.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.3.0.jar | 11/04/2011 ==
Many new features and bug fixes for managing Quartz-2.x
== myschedule-2.2.0.war and myschedule-quartz-extra-2.2.0.jar | 10/18/2011 ==
- Works with Quartz-2.x
- Extracted few reusable quartz components into its own library.
- A cleaner SchedulerTemplate class
- A reusable ScriptingJob that works with javax.scripting.ScriptEngine.
- Provided a new ScriptingSchedulerPlugin that let you run script upon scheduler init, start and shutdown.
- Added a OsCommandJob that let you execute external command more safely.
- Added SchedulerMain command line tool.
- Added full integration tests suite for all classes!
- Generated online JavadocApi.
- [http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/list?can=1&q=label%3ARelease-2.2.0&colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&cells=tiles Fixed Issues]
== myschedule-2.1.2 | 09/24/2011 ==
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=8
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=16
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=17
== myschedule-2.1.1 | 09/24/2011 ==
== myschedule-2.1.0 | 09/23/2011 ==
- Upgraded to quartz-2.1.0
- Upgraded to groovy-1.8.2 (this version fixed JBoss deployment issue!)
- Reworked backed services ** Reworked AbastractService and ServiceContainer services. ** New SchedulerConfig entity with configId, replacing direct use of scheduler name for UI requests. ** New FileSchedulerConfigDao, SchedulerServiceRepo, SessionSchedulerServiceFinder implementations. ** Added new methods to SchedulerTemplate for easy programming. ** Updated views with latest backend changes.
- Removed Service's Pause/Resume feature to avoid confusion. Just use Quartz Start/InStandyMode/Shutdown instead.
- Added Pause/Resume All Triggers action to Scheduler Setting page.
- Added TriggerState status display to Trigger Detail page.
- Added new config samples for Create New Scheduler.
- Resolved the following Issues: ** http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=1 ** http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=3 ** http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=4
== myschedule-2.0.0 | 7/24/2011 ==
- Upgraded to quartz-2.0.2
- Refactored service classes to fix quartz 2.0 API breakage.
- Updated view to fix quartz 2.0 API breakage.
- Replaced commons-dbcp to c3p0 database conn pooling library.
- Create "myschedule-1.x" hg branch for older quartz-1.8 work.
- Use "default" hg for myschedule-2.x work.
- Groovy Script now has auto import of following packages:
import org.quartz.*, import org.quartz.job.*, import myschedule.job.*, import myschedule.job.sample.*
- Added many utilities methods in SchedulerTemplate for easy scripting.
== myschedule-1.5.2 | 09/24/2011 ==
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=16
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=17
== myschedule-1.5.1 | 09/24/2011 ==
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=6
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=8
- http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/issues/detail?id=15
== myschedule-1.5.0 | 9/17/2011 ==
- Backport all the latest work from 2.x into 1.x branch.
== myschedule-1.4.3 | 7/23/2011 ==
- Fixed NPE bug when starting up without config file directory created.
== myschedule-1.4.2 | 7/23/2011 ==
- Fixed calendar datetime bg highlight displayed even when calendar is not set.
- Added SchedulerTemplate class and refactored services to use it.
- Added "schedulerTemplate" groovy variable to Scripting.
== myschedule-1.4.1 | 7/10/2011 ==
- Fixed "Run It Now" to use a non-volatile trigger.
- Added JMX enabled config sample.
- Refactored the SchedulerService lifecycle's methods and match more to Scheduler interface instead.
- Enhanced dashboard view with shutdown/initialize actions.
- Enhanced scheduler settings view with pause/resume/standby/start submenu.
- Disabled dashboard scheduler name link after shutdown.
- Fixed bug in SchedulerController#modify-action when schedulerName has changed.
- Fixed bug in job/list fail on first startup.
- Added groovy form action exception msg in the form display.
- Added xml load action exception msg in the form display.
- Added listeners page under Settings menu.
- Added "Calendar" view to Job list.
- Added calendar to calculation list of next trigger times.
== myschedule-1.4.0 | 7/4/2011 ==
- Add modify action for config props in scheduler menu.
- Add warning on non-started scheduler on job list page.
- Add delete confirmation dialog
== myschedule-1.3.3 | 7/2/2011 ==
- Bug Fix: Currently Executing Jobs page error (invalid fields on jsp)
- Added "Run It Now" action on job list.
- Added createGroovyScriptCronJob method to SchedulerService.
== myschedule-1.3.2 | 7/1/2011 ==
- Bug fix: delete scheduler page error.
- Bug fix: webapp startup error when scheduler failed to load (RMI client without server.)
- Enhanced scheduler settings controller with start/pause/resume/shutdown.
- Enhanced dashboard and job list view.
- Added currently-executing-job list page.
== myschedule-1.3.1 | 7/1/2011 ==
- Enhanced dashboard scheduler creation form with quick AJAX pull config samples.
- Scheduler config properties are now persistent and survive webapp restart.
- Added smart landing home page to redirect based on schedulers settings.
- Removed default InMemory scheduler creation. User need to create their own scheduler upon first startup now.
- Optimized sample configs settings for easier setup.
- Enhanced usage of autoStart and waitForJobsToComplete settings.
- Refactored many back-end classes to better support SchedulerService management.
== myschedule-1.3.0 | 6/28/2011 ==
- Support Multiple Schedulers!
- Removed @javax.annotation.Resource and use setter method on controllers.
- Turn controller to have HttpSession param available.
- New menu nagivation with dashboard link.
- Improved table data display.
== myschedule-1.2.0 | 6/22/2011 ==
- Enhanced UI look with jQueryUI theme and
. - Add sorting columns to job list
- Re-add job name back into job list.
- Switch maven jetty to tomcat plugin
== myschedule-1.1.3 | 6/17/2011 ==
- Removed Oracle JDBC driver as default package.
- Add sys prop to prevent auto startup and detect remote scheduler.
- Improve Job list (triggers names only, then drill down to job details.)
- Improve Job list (show more standard trigger info in columns.)
- Improve Job list (separate job without trigger listing.)
== myschedule-1.1.2 | 6/10/2011 ==
- Improved Web UI using CSS and jQuery.
- Improved menu navigation and messaging display.
- Refactored web controllers to better provide the web UI requests.
- Changed the scripting to be more generic instead just to load jobs.
- Added action for delete job and triggers.
- Added action for unschedule job/trigger.
- Added job detail and trigger detail UI web page.
- Added example and help page in the UI.
== myschedule-1.0.0 | 06/5/2011 ==
- Setup Maven project for war packaging build.
- Provide dashboard web UI to manage quartz-1.8.x scheduler.
- Provide scheduler summary and status.
- Provide scheduler control to start/pause scheduler.
- Provide Job listing and their triggers.
- Provide each job's next fire times list.
- Load job-scheduling-data xml file through web UI.
- Use Groovy scripting to load jobs through web UI.