[4.9.0] - 2024-12-05
35_natveg revised age-class initialization of secondary forest
38_factor_costs updated use of USDA cost shares
config changed default input data to use 2017USD
config default for c60_bioenergy_subsidy
changed from 369 to 246 USD17MER per ton
config SHAPE scenarios start year of dietary shift changed to 2025
config updated input data to rev4.114
core number of age-classes doubled from 150 to 300 years for better match of growth curves with potential natural vegetation.
extra/disaggregation Peatland now considered in disaggregation of land pools
inputdata changed GDP base year from 2005USD to 2017USD
module_documentation all references to USD05 changed to USD17
modules update of scaling factors in several modules
scripts NPI/NDC policies synced to the year 2025 - update of additional data to additional_data_rev4.59.tgz
scripts REMIND coupling reads data in US$2017, not US$2005
scripts renamed disaggregation_mrdownscale.R -> mrdownscale_LUH2.R
32_forestry added option s32_npi_ndc_reversal
35_natveg added option s35_npi_ndc_reversal
56_ghg_policy added new interface pcm_carbon_stock to avoid use of vm_carbon_stock.l in equations
58_peatland added option for exogenous peatland rewetting
62_material added switch to turn off future material demand for bioplastic
config added SSP1-POP-GDP SSP2-POP-GDP and SSP5-POP-GDP
modules[29-35] added initial values for ov_bv for better starting point
scripts add mrdownscale script (0.5deg downscaling using LandUseInit as reference)
13_tau removed interface fm_pastr_tau_hist
31_past removed grasslands_apr22
10_land Simplified land transition matrix for improved feasibility
11_costs changed equation to fix bug in total water cost calculation
28_ageclass bugfix input data unit and code clean-up. Renamed feb21
realization to oct24
29_cropland treecover age-class growth was not working properly because ac_sub was erroneously not fixed
44_biodiversity bugfix biorealm_biome.cs3 in input data (shares did not add-up to 1)
56_ghg_policy Fader for GHG emission pricing policy
70_livestock bugfix scaling.gms file in wrong folder
config additional data increased to additional_data_rev4.58.tgz
which fixes missing gdp2017 conversions in f20_processing_unitcosts
config settings in default.cfg for some switches in 73_timber
did not work correctly
scripts script/output/extra/resubmit.R
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