- write automation script to automate the below scenarios
Feature: Registration Module
Scenario Outine: John goes to the site and does registration
Given John on home page after opening open site
And Jogn click Signup/Login button to go Login in page
And John clicks register and goes registration page
When John decides to registration with email
And John enters and to exact values
Then Successfully registered
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Feature: Login Module
Scenario: John opens the site and Login
Given John on homepage after opening open site
And John clicks SIGNUP/lOGIN button from the Nav bar
When John enters "email" and "password" to input fields
Then John successfully Login
Scenario: Search with valid credentials
- Please include any third party test reporting tools(Ex. Extent Report, Allure report) in your automation project.
- Please use Excel/csv file as external test data provider and your automation script have the ability to read and write data from excel/csv for above scenario(Ex. Billing/shipping address and all the quoted value in scenario step can be read from excel as test data)
You can feel free to choose the framework with page object modal design pattern, that suits you best, along with the Java or other programming language as you preferred.