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scambra edited this page Dec 1, 2011 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the Devise Wiki!

The Devise Wiki has lots of additional information about Devise including many "how-to" articles and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

You can view all of the available wiki pages here:

How To's

There are many "how-to" articles that have been contributed by the community. Here's a small sample:

You can view all of the available "how-to" articles here:

Please feel free to add your own!

Reporting bugs and contributing to Devise

If you discover a problem with Devise, we would like to know about it. However, we ask that you please review these guidelines before submitting a bug report: Bug reports

If you found a security bug, do NOT use the GitHub Issue tracker. Send private GitHub message or email to the maintainers listed in the bottom of the README.

We hope that you will consider contributing to Devise. Please read this short overview for some information about how to get started: Contributing

Example Applications and Extensions

There are a few example applications available on GitHub that demonstrate various features of Devise with different versions of Rails. You can view them here: Example Applications

Our community has created a number of extensions that add functionality above and beyond what is included with Devise. You can view a list of available extensions and add your own here: Extensions


You may be interested in one of the many translations that are available on our wiki: I18n


Devise comes with OmniAuth support out of the box since version 1.2.rc. You can read more about it here:

OmniAuth: Overview


You can view all of the available wiki pages here:

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