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All the current themes can be found in the themes/
directory. "See list here..":http://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/tree/master/themes/
Here is a collection of screenshots of themes that have been contributed to Oh My Zsh. There are many missing from this page, if you have a moment, feel free to help us complete the list.
(in alphabetical order)
robbyrussell the (default) that Robby uses !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-qcke3kuenp61cwcnwqcd724pr7.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @robbyrussell@.
afowler !http://i.imgur.com/LEAtp.png!
To use: set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @afowler@.
alanpeabody !http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3952084/alanpeabody_zsh_theme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @alanpeabody@.
arrow !http://i.imgur.com/SerOb.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @arrow@.
aussiegeek !http://i.imgur.com/WAZOk.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @aussiegeek@.
bira !http://i.imgur.com/GZqXu.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @bira@.
blinks !http://i.imgur.com/vFnc8.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @blinks@, and set up "Solarized":http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized.
candy !http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/4951/ohmyzshcandy.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @candy@.
clean !http://i.imgur.com/cgBRE.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @clean@.
cloud !http://f.cl.ly/items/14f5807e8871122d9fe0/cloud.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @cloud@.
crunch !https://img.skitch.com/20111010-ep1hhf185gku7k13tmdxxw6d6d.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @crunch@.
cypher !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-r19yxykxhdxkkqqp6687w5pgf4.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @cypher@.
dallas !http://images.dallasreedy.com/oh-my-zsh_dallas-theme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dallas@.
darkblood !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-811f9n5j1gxb2bjk5bh5f32ds3.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @darkblood@.
daveverwer !http://i.imgur.com/gfaEy.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @daveverwer@.
dieter !http://dieter.plaetinck.be/files/oh-my-zsh-theme-dieter.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dieter@ and get this small fix if you don't have it yet. (Fix was pulled into robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh on 2011-01-08.)
dogenpunk !http://i.imgur.com/3E3gU.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dogenpunk@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dpoggi@.
dpree !https://img.skitch.com/20110704-8uab1m4p52cqeq8pjh2m4uant8.png(dpree.zsh-theme)!
Font: Andale Mono 12pt
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dpree@.
eastwood !http://i49.tinypic.com/2je2rb.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @eastwood@.
evan - a skinny, topless prompt !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-nems77ig6wkayf7w3daysd7jif.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @evan@.
flazz - has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled) !http://i.imgur.com/5hg16.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @flazz@.
fishy - the fish shell prompt with git support !http://ompldr.org/vOHN0Ng!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @fishy@.
frisk !http://i.imgur.com/q02ng.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @frisk@.
funky - it's funky... !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-rgwwappxjmt49dx6ngwuk1xsqd.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @funky@.
gallifrey !http://img.skitch.com/20091113-qqtd3j8xinysujg5ugrsbr7x1y.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gallifrey@.
gallois !http://i.imgur.com/GTZX4.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gallois@.
garyblessington !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-b5psxcshiq9f3iqgremchrwxxr.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @garyblessington@.
gentoo !http://i51.tinypic.com/2preioo.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gentoo@.
geoffgarside !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-k27xd6iqn99qe4h5c6fm4i1yws.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @geoffgarside@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kphoen@.
imajes !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-kq8qwqpsqdyh7jyeyuxmyptkma.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @imajes@.
jnrowe !http://jnrowe.github.com/_static/jnrowe-2009-12-30.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jnrowe@. This theme requires at least v4.3.6 of @zsh@.
jreese !http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7859496/Screenshots/2010-04-08-oh-my-zsh.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jreese@.
jtriley !http://i.imgur.com/bw9G6.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jtriley@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @juanghurtado@.
kardan !https://files.me.com/daniel_karlsson/jeb8lj!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kardan@.
kennethreitz !http://i.imgur.com/Cv3Ba.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kennethreitz@.
kolo !http://i.imgur.com/bPZhd.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kolo@.
lambda !http://f.cl.ly/items/0X3x2A0V0B2F3A0D2H0n/Screen%20shot%202011-01-14%20at%209.22.41%20PM.png!
linuxonly !http://i.imgur.com/H3zfT.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @linuxonly@. (As the name states, this only works on linux.)
lukerandall !http://i.imgur.com/hRByS.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @lukerandall@.
macovsky !http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/9679/screenshot20110305at183.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @macovsky@.
maran !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-e49wy5f8961gstbiagqre279e1.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @maran@.
miloshadzic !http://i.imgur.com/9fcZg.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @miloshadzic@.
minimal !http://i.imgur.com/EAdeT.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @minimal@.
mrtazz !http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4101/4910363151_f8170b691d.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @mrtazz@.
muse !http://i.imgur.com/6Si4w.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @muse@.
nanotech !http://nanotech.nanotechcorp.net/downloads/nanotech.zsh-theme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nanotech@.
nebirhos !http://i.imgur.com/CzMMw.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nebirhos@.
nicoulaj !http://i.imgur.com/ypGBP.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nicoulaj@.
norm !http://i.imgur.com/XjpUR.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @norm@.
philips !http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4124/5065882407_11d06f4e45.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @philips@.
pygmalion !http://i.imgur.com/E3KKx.png
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @pygmalion@.
rachel !http://img.skitch.com/20110114-bga7p8qihdu481mmfagsb1as6q.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rachel@.
risto !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-n2w6w1cdxyc87e227dgdkymr15.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @risto@.
rixius !http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6673910/zshTheme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rixius@.
simple !http://i.imgur.com/TfRRe.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @simple@.
smt !http://i.imgur.com/0HQmc.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @smt@.
sorin !http://i.imgur.com/aipDQ.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sorin@.
sporty_256 !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3024/4556482563_5b0de521be_o.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sporty_256@.
steeef !http://i.imgur.com/Brkm0.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @steeef@.
sunaku - exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, @pwd@ always !http://ompldr.org/vOHcwZg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sunaku@.
sunrise - Lightweight prompt with exit status and @git status@ consistent mode line !http://dl.dropbox.com/u/420934/Permanent/sunrise.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sunrise@.
superjarin - git status, git branch, and RVM, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Screenshot uses 14 pt Inconsolata (antialiased). !http://i.imgur.com/5P4D6.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @superjarin@.
suvash - username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset !http://suvashshares.s3.amazonaws.com/oh-my-zsh/suvash-zsh-theme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @suvash@.
terminalparty - There is a party every day. !http://f.cl.ly/items/0z3I4612443J1x2p2v0A/Screen%20Shot%202011-08-01%20at%2013.50.07.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @terminalparty@
theunraveler - Minimal, informative when it needs to be. !http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5232448/zsh.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @theunraveler@
tjkirch - Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes. !http://i.imgur.com/muCve.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @tjkirch@
tonotdo !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-1mm8nuyik55iych3mpn1qjm4a7.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @tonotdo@.
trapd00r !http://i.japh.se/trapd00r_zsh_theme.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @trapd00r@
wedisagree !http://i.imgur.com/0qE2m.png!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wedisagree@ Instructions to further customise the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
wezm !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-nsk66d4jks2tsn1n766i4f84gh.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wezm@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wuffers@.
xiong-chiamiov !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-axm1b99qpxdyey6pu4h28tj27.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @xiong-chiamiov@.
xiong-chiamiov-plus !http://img.skitch.com/20091228-jt31is2wx2tamh1a9cwwk8r4p.jpg!
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @xiong-chiamiov-plus@.
rkj-repos !http://i.imgur.com/Vc2gL.png! !http://i.imgur.com/vWJuk.png! To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rkj-repos@.
zhann !http://i.imgur.com/f6shl.png! To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @zhann@.
h2. How to Submit Your Theme
We're hoping to collect a bunch of zsh prompt themes from people. Please send us yours!
Fork the project, add your theme, and send a pull request to Robby Russell. We'll evaluate it and merge if there are no problems.